tseaTsg a tie . poo- m- '''--y m -,AKU?1 charge) , CUssliled A4ertlt!eg, far lis. Classified Adrertiai&g, par ttu flaw S3 Wa Classified $ Atvsrttaiag,- wcr Em sseath.!; daily. Mi twatar - -per: iacr i , , , , $100, Coot far fUs Bin jtMmtad tan tQ 4:3$ the evening before pubila nation fort elaeeifJcatlo. Copy r aeived after tbta- tim will be ran ander tho heading Zoo Lata t ciassuy.. s . .:- F03 CALE HEAL TESTATE 224 Nov HI SU KAPboa X24i, A reliable Salem realtor selling city and farm property of all kinds. Spc- cuuik in excnaage M au tunas i property anywhere, r . ; . . ? - TCB RATJ! KmiIt tcw S m. eta. I : - .,- -' KMIVIfALL FllUf - . - - IKJULTRT tered bouse, linoleum in beta and alt I 3$ ACRES 14 mile trom Salem, I amount at -aay time. 8aiem Fooltrr cban, shades, sent a, tw - and I about all to cnttlraUon, fin straw I Co-899 a, High St. Phone 249. Night lawn, yavatg paw-pnco 9.100.00. I bony uaa, practically saw i rooai.ii.a. $30.09 down; lii.94 per mo. at $ (hosts, large -barn, two large chicken I ?rr,wy,yTtw'T ail 10. zeth st, augnt oonsioor signs 1 hootwa. u gravel roaa nty - mi 1 ra "i " v"r A ""3 ear. Key at 79 a New XOtft street. . I from oavexnent. 4 cow, one heUev. 1 w wane, .mo. . - HELP WANTTWIALE .wasted-carpenter i tuild V XtEQIAKITS BARGAINS -I room a. fnU WimmL flreclae. furnace, breakfast book, garage. Mod- em. Unfinished atUo. , - - -'.,. ltt aeraa In W.' Salem. Almost new 4 roesa boas. Good blac-oil Nice I fruit trees. aetBO berries. Good water. t ine -new. w Braves roaa. - Thro alee, well located lots to W, A bargain. SALESMEN WANTED , GUARANTEED PRODUCT ; -EQUALS OAS 3c GALLON. Ne sake. Good commission to agents Tree par ticulara and proof. J. H. fykes, TV araro, ureson. -SALESMAN (120.99 - woeklT TeaanHns; million dollar factory. Sell its, arnianea, roouac est ereeuc to . m . t.. .. x-. I-... L Factory prices sare 49. Wa Good fctaeral countrr 'store and oil station for sale. Good reason tor sa- ' Three room boas with bath, ta West Salem. Will take, good car as tiro, payment. Sara cash buyer for bom In north east part of city, rne aaoot ateoo. , iyer. ns write your Koney Money to loan.; Quick Service deliver, and collect. Money-back guar juitML No lnTestment. Bcaaon on. Write for BIO FREE outfit. The Mad- 1 119 N. High Street ison Faint Co, Dept. , Clereland, RlfTII L RETMASnr. Realtor rnone ih. . . a . . -t STtS' m,r"i0ra oa to exchange or a geing farm of XO to so Bfros villi fair im- pioTisnontsv Talna of -about 10,ftwv 0 : will assume reasonawe anunmt. Spreads on with knife like butter. Waterproof, pliable and wears like leather. Write for big meney tasking R-EaoRSTO ''-Proposition. jept. jjos atoinea, iowa-. '7-,"-.iJOHN W. ORR s 40-St per cent profit" ' scHlHg Aaoeriea'sf greatest' Una printing nee eositles. - 1090 styles erery business uses. Thousands free cots. XOwest prices, guar, qualities. Exp. annec Main, aidUae.,IeUiia free. Box 49 S, Ctnciimap. ' 1 '.Na .J New Bilgh Bldg. i We desire- a salaaaiaa to .represent tie In selling the New International school- and libraries. Whole or part ft n ood looaUoa with a delight Ttsne. ieaas zurniBnea. uoaa, Meaa SPECIAL HOUSE BARGAINS Splendid stew K room elrtctly modern house with lance unfinished half story, does to schools, paved street gild ft-snap at )TM. . i Two rlcrht aood 4r room house ta fair location sad the terms are easy Tour choice for 914(0 on easy tonus. A rery nice room Douse . nortn. Co.. 7S4 Pacific Bldg, Ban jniirornia. ; FOR S ALE Silsceflancons SALEM Scavenger aerric call 147. FOR SALE All kinds of wood. - - v A, . TUCKER '. ALFALFA hay L. Townsend.' 19 miles N. of Salem. Mission Bottom, Call 71F32. ful lawn abunjlanc of shrubs and flowara. . .-. v A splendid older type house, very well .built close in on Court street, with delightful large lot worth ftSOt and will consider a small well lm- nrnvd UTNiro close. McGtLCHRIST PENNINGTON 199-10 U. & Bank Bldg. Phone 144. FOR SALE By owner, home In South' Salem. Income possibilities. Phone 1T4ZJ. FOil SAtlPAn WTOTBY F05; SALTjq CAT8 - - FOR SALE ' ' -f ROOM modern house Urn lot. saroral kinds of fruit, walnuts, dou ble gar, tine tocauon, cheap con owner 1733. .tun a lees' I Columbia. Terms If desired. r ' 1 urt enM tuna vr idl tir It North Ugb Street - huiay small machinery, $3601 cash, ma tei ma -ott .balaaoa. zt ACKE9 aajotnmg can oe leases. , .110 Karta Commercial I aauaryaad Feoruary settings, so. take tot or ugnter car. 2190 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon FOR SALS Ford Model A coupe. i fin condition, Terms tf desired. -429 N. 14th Street. ' AYANTBD-VSED 40AE3 ' IWaolasal Qaetatlsss) Craabarrtaa.' box .. . Asslea, Vaaala i . i iBeiee BeasMes i , Jeaatssa FOR SALE New 4 room modern bouse. Call 3374 If. CWwcsv 399. Dowa for a ales t room bonga- ow, sasi xroni, targ otww rnilt Price ttllo. -t fit, Down, balance monthly. I room. onngatow, ' nasomenw - iotiimwi oak floor in Urtng rooes, garage uul mtIm. Prie1tSH. . 19. Down, a beautiful Engl tab typo noma, a rooms ana noon, oaev ment, furaaee. -flrepUee. -1 Ins Uwn and alirubbery. Cloe to has and school. PUco 9379. lit, down,-1, room home, bassnoat. garage, . oam price t4sev. ; . f 309. Down, new 4 room English type mum modern in every way, enn to school and on bus line. Price tttoo. fits Down, S,room fully modern home 1 awm-i ua new ww ye unnuii muiw insr Interest. - 94500. Bay a fine T R. homo In fine restaenuai aiaxricu i nis noon is very close in price cut from ft, (Of for quick sale. flSOO down. rcmcED SALE ; FINS DA1RT FARM lift ACRtsa goodiaad, 44 acres tu- ewc- Order anaea now. ever? wees Beginning Jan. 133 3. Lees Hatchery. w 9)a .by chicks I 3T. Phonl iGriaiea Oeldea CA SH Sue Ford ale. Tellew Kewtoss Ehroy Nash; Balsa Co. boya and tkatedWl and t9 acres of tin I TJ T ! saWUVUI Wasasi J sv-bb saw y "v JT a forcsd sal ana ie ancw nrai DeUeieas. extra fasey Spitseasenrsrtt tsaey . IS. T .AS 5 1.50 JLti J.t3 ' J.T .7S -3.T5 - toselL 144 acres. $17.44.00. Ta lir".Tri" rnpvoreilMmts cannot redaeea, I TTTu j i r . - - - s r - TT - - -inr. - -T iLillTrr. - iSi r52.V I "OB SALE I aos. Brona turkey ZiZTJJZrZL r.rSIi I aWrtsra for breeding, win trad two rrr. Z, WlZm iZl , i rrz" r. i goowera tor- otner steea. pajrmentdowa, long urn on ba-t" f., BEACH RANCH ,8Sr5?g i. f. 1 U . Turner.. Oregon 194 Pootb Qnwwerelal Ptreet Piemedirr. 34. 10-es. akgs. . Ceaa's FUtsd. oass ATS Tit. Salem's leadms Aooneer 1 ?. r- 1 -T an Farnrtur Dealer , , . i vreew, - s Beeldeaoe. aad Store 341 M. 8ummer St, . Pnooe Ml- . WANTED It 11SF14. GOt. A, X STEVENSON Meneer,. t4 years eapertene i Wiilamett valley, for dates raageinentc phone or writ, , In the AOtEAGE WANTED HAVE you aeeeage for saleT Hare yew acreage for trade t X baTo many callg for both. R A. FORKNTR Rranlnn llalX. 11599 Private jaoney to Joan In-1 leg tt & Bank Bldg. Phon 1ST. smim. FINE Goernanr cow. 7 Tears, fresh February 30. Gentle in every respect. Oregon Bldg. WANTICD -Barred rock egga Any quantity up to 300 hens. zifo ft. tth. Phone sito. aaoatg r--: pig. I Frevewexw, Chrvallis. - Oreeon. ISO', 134'S, 150 JTO'a tor 914 a 333'e 384'g I Cecoeaats, ssek .AtS -AT - rAOO .6.09 .0.5O, -70 r4.00 -A 00 4.00 MKI.VTN JOHNSON 320 V. a Bank Bldg. , .... Pbono fS? 34300. witt buy 40 good aerea south of Independence an plowed ready t seea wutr pnimtngs, xais i a snap. tlOO xMr'acr burs a af the nest 380 acre farms to Oregon, or will dtrtde. This is the choicest wheat aad clorer land ta the Wiilamett. valley. xec ns snow you. nui laae a gooa nous and some cash. J. F. ULRICH C0MPANT ABBrloan Fidelity Bldg. Pbono 1334 CHICKEN RANCHES I ACRES, A mil frpm Salem on trea rnso. a roam niasterea nunga,- ooabt garage, poultry nouas. FOR SALBrWOOD DRT Cr and ak wood,-coal and -vam R. IX mrton National . Batter lea BiCl CLE REPAIRING LI1TD K. RAMSDEN Columbia I BJcTcjessjjdjjjneJrhje -Wsgataelas (Wholesale QaeUtieaa) Bratsela Sproati, lb. Caaliflewer. Calif. Celery. Calif., erate . lies. .30 .1.85 .7.50 .1.75 .1.7$ .03 OilBOrii ACTORS rnel all. -Galr lie fnr nl t r m We barn, leetri lights ia all buUA-1 arirs yo4 measure, good quality and famllv . fruit and younat . cherry 1 rood service. . . rchard. school bua by plaoe. f 1700-1 LARGER TRANSFER m STORAGE 709 down, balance t auU I ' - Telepbon $131 , is aiitea. eMMiesii 4ineeoaemaiits.aimu i wewemwwi' m mmmmmmmi urn amu ui ulpped poultry ranch, electricity. I QUARANXB HO D n I WsqsT coal. I MASSEUR and magnetlq treatments Letraee trv. ass. - sail iiosbsjs I DRS. SCOVUSA. practora. - X-ltay pang twg..... . falmer 9ura. an4 N. (2 at. Spinach, local, crate ... .. . . Paraaioa lb. Rnubaru, id. BseekaO vegetables, per aoa, saacsee Cstreat , -.40 Beets '.. 00 Tarctos .., , $0 Fiith1! tt Fartley i 80 Oniosl 60 Garlic, lb. ... ,15 -.75 California Tomatoes, tag Oaioas. Takisia, 6 lobe . 3eaj esieaa, w. toUe uVpaved road.. Will eo8lder 1 Tel. 33 . Salesa Fwval C 751 Trade. eaaam restoenee as part payment. Bargain 10 acre chicken " farm, stock and equipment, golcf business, flllO. F. U WOO 341 Stat Street SOCOLOF8KT SON JTrst. National Bank Bldg.. 34 ACRE TRACT THE best wood 1b the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Tard, Prompt delivery. Phone 3133. WE have 19 wood on hand ell the ! time. Prompt delivery. 349 a 12th. I or aq aHmenta No mpr NrHig Calif oraia. Imperial Valley A15-5.0O Sacra laento . , 4.00 CLEANING SERVICE IK AfrtmH an e erwvt I room Sain. g-alow, barn and chicken hotrao, on Cobb Mitchell Co phono 113. good road wttn running water, au stocked and eoulpaed. One horse, t to manage a 300 acre proposition, can associate nunseiz witn a synaicate baying each a propoeition, providing n can taa a rtnancwii interest la it. Last year crop over $30,000., a. a BOHRNSTErrr .- . Real -Estate -Loans -; Ynsurarto 147 -N. Com!. "St; . . Batem. Oregon nmttirTCTTt wipbt m-Tmn.v i Turks; clear lots on fjascaoe . IlTiA . J r 1 1 MM w X-l t XT IkUI . . .. . . T ...... . Almost new $ room English typo grtv. heaout ul view, snap, I7casn house en Urge east front lot. splen- f tof1L v . did view of city and mts. A real buy v JiS'Zfft at $4500. or will accept good car or 2 JJXal J?"L? eicnn tm, viii or exchans for dear N. Salem house. . wu uu u. a. w v. . ...v n i wu . . . DnDTiiTn m4,m bImbo the most exacting buyer. I 7ne lwo. nom. now property i A V A A ADUU MvnniHsi! . iissnsaoava I r . . . . , " new and used. Adders and typewriters SKKairs. eiho -antn. sze state street rnoos mi FIRST class dry old fir slab. aeolBuslcka eowa. S50 white tec-horn hens, also I end crowtn ana oia tir cora wooa. A man who understands fruit and I furniture. Owner going east, all goes I Screened bog -fool and prompt dellv- FRED E. WILLS. INC. 330 South Church Ctevmbers, aothoui Cakbara. lb. Rkabarb, hot house Pea. Calif. ao-ib. box n w il ma .iee,..j .. Vtn I urwi dTCIWCri. ID. tT4c'i43'NrCom'r aaassa Uicnvs svewsssj ss PiasUst, la. X.10 to 1.S5 04H-03H Csntur St. Valeteria, 3137. nut rrowing and who ha the abaity for fatoO. Half cash. No trade, COSTUMES Sea W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial Street . Phon 317 DRT 14-ln. old Or. 4 ft. fir. oak and ash. Cord measure. C U. Harbaugh, 333 Highland ava. pnone 1990. - it in. old nr. 9- cord. tr 24FS2 Four Corners Garagei Honest wood at honest priceA Phono 3400. Meyser iruei t;a . FOR costumes call Salem Co- 33ft I N. 5th. Tel. 104TJ. I Takima. per cwt. 2."f5 to S.75 85 AS -Aft O 3.50 1 50 02"4 Danish Sqvaah Seethera Tama. 50-lB. box Artichokes, dozes dl:i Tfiiie 0 - 8tatkMas ajad Wavrlngtlul SOW, Portlaad, 48I.C mctertf ISO ken. KGO. Oakland, S79.I meters; tit kcyt. - . KOMO, Seattle, 309.1 metersT ft keys. .. KEX, Portland. tH.l meters, v lis kcrs.. " Borrowlnjt Mortey' will be thm ' smbject of ft talk by Orr E. Mob gotta, vice chairman ot the board at directors et the- Bank ot Italy to" bo dolrrer over ta radio to- -day, KGW, Portland. KOMO, SatUe, and KGO, Oakland, b tween 1: JO and 2 o'clock. From 2:16 to 2:SI over KGO. Oakland. KOMO.. Seattle. .Gorf W. Wickertham. rormerlftttor nej general, and now chair maa of the national commission o law enforcement, will speak on -. "The American Flt, symbol rt: - cood will." This is one of a ser ies: by noted public men spon sored by the United States rta$ auodation. A nniqn pxotTram will be 1$ dered tonight at 7:30 and may b heard over KGW, Portland, Bad other NBC sUtlonA IV 111 he) broadcast between 1:S and :2t o'clock. The microphone wilt bo) placed In the shadows of the tfug turrets on board the U. &. S. Pen sacolft In Brooklyn nary yard, aad the program will b broad cast trom tb deck of a fighting -vessel for the first time. Graham McNamee will be announcer.-, A -variety program of vaudeville and radio artists will be heard. The) feature will be a radio adaptation; of the play "Hit the Deck". - .OAT and vetch hay. R. 1, Brooks, Oregon. M. C. Smith. LOST ud FOUND for rent. Typewriter Exchange, jourt street. - HAT for sale. Phone 413. . exchange for good acreage. Houses .to rent for f 15-9 2025 per month. - CLOVER, vetch and oat hay. Ernest Roth. R. 7, Salem. $29. FOR S4LE Bated straw, f 7.0$ per ton at farm. Phon 44F23. - -,- - - $79.75 NEW REGJNA . Electric cleaner, with, all attach ment never- unpacked for $95.90. Phone 2041 J or call at T7I K Ml'hurch. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos, to ex , change on Radios, phonographs, or fur I alrare. H. U Stiff Furniture Company. . WANTED Baby scales. To rent or - buy. Balance type. No spring scales -anted. Phon 1805J. ; ' ' . -WANTED Convalescent or elderly lady to quiet bom of practical nurse. S97 Bo. ltth. - r - 5 EXCEPTIONAL OFFERING Owner In business in distant state writes -us to sell his Salem property at once. One. a fine residence In good location;- the other a duplex bringing E good income. $900$ for both, oi wiu sen separate. 1500 down, oai. to suit. bkk Mrs. Kins witn LEO N. CHILDS CO- Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 $1350. $ room bungalow, large lot. line i run trees, gooa garage. 8100 down. f 2100. 4 room bungalow, basement, vwywwiMw H. P. GRANT 1$$ N. Com.. . Phon 2492-U. EXCHANGE Real Estate I ACRES improved, -eiear Salem for property in or near Mill City. GOOD 7 room bouse, choice loca tion for smaller place north. . NEW 5 room modern for acreage south of town. - SEE J. LINCOLN ELLIS 4S7 center 330 State Street Phone 1737 MISCELLANEOUS I i - FREE CONCRETE BLOCKS - " lr 2500 sq."-ft.-of 0 inch old concrete j to b removed frorar ptemtses of w furnace, oak floor in living room. toilet ana. oatn. siuv aown. $2100. 5 room bungalow in fine con dition, large lot, fruit trees and ' grapes." siou down, f 2250. 4 room English type house with noony iirepiace, garage, oaa tioora, 1100 down. . ,' T room English type house, modern in every way. 9200. down. f $750. room bungalow, modern to every, way, attic stairway, f 250 down. - $4290. t- room bungalow, modern to every way-Will take two good lots -close to Grant school as first pay- taent -'; ' $4200. .2 room English type house, modern in every way. Will trade for 4 room house. ate office bldg. Inquire of Job of-1 f S00O. Private money to loan on good saiem some at A. I. UAK& 329 V. B. Bank. Bldg. u A. tracts ta Kingwood at attrao- 1 tive price a " f A- email house, electrie lights., wat . or. beatutful lawn and trees. A place that is unique lVa m- of State aad Commercial. fSOOO would trade for modem $ R. borne to Satemv . H A 4 R. - naodern. bom on paved highway. X mi. oi eaiem. now tog lik it at $ 78 0. R. A.'- FORKNER a-veini-s 2353J. 320 TJ. 8. Bank Bidg. Phone 4ST. HOUSE bargains. . Xarre garage bouse, ' with extra garage, plumbing flee. Ross B. Hammond Co. FOR RENT ROOMS ; FOR BNTDelrabl sleeping froosns. Heat and bet water. Garage if wanted. Phone 1390J. ': j- t l Liinaru-uumiuwifWnr,'.innivifirA"i I THREE r four furnuhed rooms. ight. water, phono. 9ia.ee, sia-ps. close to. Ml Miu. . WARM room dose ln.jhoneS85W '5 FOR RENT APARTSlENTSj t3s) astasSsssaaeta-sssSbs Apartments $14 and flT. Damon nCroceiT. $49 N. Com'L SUBURBAN HOME FOR EX CHANGE: Twelve acre bom all . to bearing fruit, with good sev en room house, electricity, sear good school only four miles out. Price $8590. Will take good city residence aa part payment and give -good terms on tb , balance. This property Is clear of debt. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street 830 ACRES south of Salem, 50 acres good clean land., mostly creek .bottom. About 30 or 35 acres hill land that is good oat land but hat some- fern. All the rest is pasture and timber, about one million feet -of -aa timber.- Two houses and three barns, small family orchard. Partly fenced but bat quite a bit of range land adjoining. 2$ ACRES close in. full set build ings to trade for larger place. . i 40 ACRES on Silvertoa saved read. good buildings, all under plow, part planted to strawberries. GOOD I room bouse, close to Mar ket St. td trade for acreage. MODERN S room house on State street $360041000 cash; balance terms. - ! - See G RISER with ANDERSON A RUPERT 149 South High Street 39 ACRE SNAP 83500. Sale or trade 8S A- 25 A. cult- bal. timber and good pasture. larg ere a, running water au year. 4 R bouse, elec, light, bam, . hen house, no hill land, all practically lev el but good drainage. Some bottom lan A one -of the best little dairy farms in the valley. On good gravel road, not far from paved rd- only miles from Salem, trade equity for house or acreage. To see It SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON is a. 4 miles north on the pave-1 No Misrenresentation raent 1$ A. beaver dam soil, poor i buildings, running water. .2.75 to 3.00 reeds (Retell Quota ttom) Calf ateal 25 lbs. . 1.33 HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 441 North I Scratch, ton 50.00 CaCmclANS" One 1 front at. Tel. No. t. FLO rIsts ' FLOWERS FOR ALL occasfc Olaen'a Court A High 8U Tel. 801. Com, whole, "toa I tvraekea sad grooaa Hill run, tea , I Bran, toa .44.00 .40.00 84.00 34.00 EgK muh 6666 Witn sulk . 64660... 54.00 58.00 CUT Flowers, weddtag bouquets I funeral wreaths, decoratlona C. F. I yfraa FOUND KeyA Owner may bare Breithaupt floriet 113 Stat 8tret Msdiumi oe oj pajrine lur au. i 'Jfli LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors LOST Brown bull dog. Answers to name of 1 'Tough le." Notify Mr H. C Hanson. Phone 110F3I. Reward. FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars With No Regrets There is no danger in your dealings with us. Honesty is our creed. INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 189 N. Higa Tel. 141 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCT I 111 Masonic Bldg. Phono No. 913.1 West Coast Life Insarane Co "Insured Savings.' 305 First National Bank Building Tel. 970. H. J. Harder. Diet. Mgr. WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insurance Te!. 907. lis p. a. Ban bw Stats Roosters, Heavies Mediums Egga (Bnyinf Price) Poultry (Baying lria) Old 12-10 .07 Botterfat Bntterfat (Bnyinj Prices) 20-23 17-20 Wholesale Butter Prints Cartons -38 -SO .40 Prints . Cartons Butter (Retail Quotation-.) .48 .44 Might be bandied en crop payment proposition I or lease to responsible party. 40 A. T miles from Salem, alt In cultivation, strawberries, locanberriea. orchard, 1-4 mile off pavement, no en cumbrance, to trade for .dairy ranch so to ISO a. wiu go to $18,000. GOOD 199 A. farm, federal loan, to traaa tor residence in s&iem, ' H..C. SHIELDS Oregon - Building Phone 1784. Ton can buy cars here with com plete safety and satisfaction. 1930 Hudson Sedan, new car. never been run . 1350.00 1930 Ttm Hudson Coach, like new isia.ee LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WXIDERLAUNDRT Telephone St t3 a High 1928 Whlooet t Conv. coune. like new In every respect S4S.00 I TeUnSwwie is 1927 Chev. Imperial sedan, a Telephone 105 CAPITAL' CTTT LAUNDRT "rb Lenndry of Par Materials" lias woeawar dandy car A-l 425:00 MATTRESSES" , . . j, I T.TwnNnS en houeeaL lota. r: ste Motors, Inc. XV A XiTTTTV f9l?ar 3?0r A Tt? locK. pncea tram ssw.vv-u WANaialJ IttSAIj IiaiAllSand your own terms within upen nignts ana Bunaays. 1927 Pontiao Coach, extra good. ean't haf it foe the mnnav 12S.AA 1924 Ford pick-up. A dandy MATTRESSES RENOVATED by ttt car for light hauling A-l 135.90 Capital City ddlns Co- 3034 North Mast other late models in our I Capitol. Called for and delivered. AU stocky-priced from J40.0O-up trades I work guarantee Grain sad Hay (Baying Pries) Wheat, western red 1.01s Soft white, bu. i.t Oats, rrsy, ba. 50 White, bu. ' i Barley, ton 82.00 Hit, Retain Price - Oats snd veteh 18.00 to Z4.00 Clover 18-00 to 24.00 Alfalfa 23.00 te 80.00 Dressed Meats (Baying Pries) TsaL top It Hosra too -Tel 10 Iftdiua (Joera Lamb's wool Wool and Mohair 30 -17 Jts MUSIC STORES large catckea bouse, stock aad equip ment. 34 acres plow land, balaac fruit and casta re.. Win consider trade for five room bouse. This is a going proposition, uom in tor psrucuiara. trad two acres and coed house to Falls City for acreage near Salem race .iizoo.vo. On five room and ana three room boose, pries 84000 t trad for 10 1 acre with chicken equipment within is mues ox saiem, - . So A V. Whit with J. JT. ULRICH COMPANT street WANTED X your bouse tor sale? X have buy ers for houses. Just now X need a i ! R modern home; also a 4 R. mod ern bom. R A. FORKNER Evenings 2343J. 820 TT. 8. Bank Bldq: Phone 49f. Business Opportunities MANAGER af local auto nalntJn concern needs partner to help handle ing the Desirable', 3 room well heated apt. I lights, pawed street, two lot ta I American Fidelity Bldg. Phon 131 A Phon 1342M. fin residence district. $1400. KKSS clean 4 room furnished apt private bath. 1047 So. Com'L FURNI8HEP apt. X33$ State. T l WE have two nicely furnished apart- ' eM mh one three ream, and J Bvm " . . . . . . . FIVE room stocc house, oak Doors, corner lot North. Salem, both, streets 1 one WILL TRADE One 4 room house l aba - r i'mim Tiniiee fa elwev paved, price- $340. Just aboot what I house with T or $ room te rlghtlo- tha mmoing wotua cost sjm me i cnaoa. xnts room nous rents '1 'A the other two, with are-sing room -1 lluBASSAD01l Ax'Pbon 1$7L . . juuijinrri "? - FOR RENT Beautifully furaiahed -rm - Mrtnnt. oalv seven biecka from Miller store. 875 N. Lib- , rty, phon $14$-J. ' Si Nice front apartment, large jroomaJ : $ nartially furnlabed. Call -2iJ-J. i a . worth $1400. If s a bargain. B. aa svvw 341 Bute Stjreet . - FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 acres, t n hum. ml in - arram uuio. a R. bouse, large sued, rocs, roaa, i wwvMMe ,Miaeaai for S30.00 per month and has rented for that for very near three years, an I the five room Jmnm ia our nassan home, it would rent for $35.00. If In terest eo, aoarsss eoma box 3377, Statesman. the Inside work. Very little immediate capita nscesesry. sea Ta sruer. ait ecat sxreex, aa)awMaaaaa)i a eaejejAA ' SERVICE STATION Two puaso eervice station an auih- ped ready to go, good location.' Prioe of station land and equipment $(009u half cash or will leas for rear or term of years. oes u. j. jacKson wna J. F. ULRICH CO. 124 North Commercial Ptieet HUDSON-ESSEX-PACKARD Corner Chemeketa A High Phone 1000 Valley Motor Co. - Buy With Safety - Over 800 satisfied customers pur chased used cars from us last year be cause our prices were lower remem ber we secure used cars for leaa and at their real value we also handle them in large quantities. WATCH FOR OUR DAILY CURB SPECIALS dur- montn or reoruary tneir FOR RENT New mane. Stiff Furniture Company. H. L General Markets GEO. CL WILL PlanosL Phono- grapha, sewing machines, sheet muafe and nlana studies. Renalrtaat Dhoon. greens ana sewing raamtneo e eaate street. Salem NOTICE OF SALE OF REAlt PROPERTY BY GUARDLAN : 1N THE COUNTY COURT. OF1 THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. , la the Matter of the Guardianship x of : GERGINA SCOTT, An Incompetent Person, , No. 7383. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned as Guardian of the estate of Georgina Scott, aa Incompetent Person, by virtue of. an order duly issued out of the County Court ot the State ot Ore gon, for the County ot Marlon oi February 10, 1930. will sell at private sale at the Ladd A Bush Bank, in the City ot Salem, In. Marlon County, Oregon, on or aft er March 12. 1930, all. of the. right, title, . Interest and estate which said ward has in and to - Lot 2 in Block 2 oZ Frlckeys " . Addition to the City of Sa lem, Marlon County, Oregon. Said property will be sold on the following terms: At least $250.00in cash at the time ot sale and the -balance of the amount bidden to be paid la cash upon the confirmation Of the sale by said County Court.' Said sale will be made subject to the confirmation ot said Court Dated this 11th day ot Febru ary, 1930. LADD & BUSH TRUST COMPANY , ' ' By JOS. H. ALBERT. Trust Officer. As Guardian of the Estate of said Ward; JAS. 0. HELTZEL, .! Attorney for Gurdian, Salem, Oregon. HAT TrvTnr ivn rv.. su. l o t A TM I Hay baying 'prices: eaatera Oregea I Date ot .First Publication: Feb- PALNTING values will surprise you. Compare these prices : 1923 Touring 1924 Touring 1925 Touring 1 1924 Touring 1927 Touring 1923 Coupe . 1933 Coupe 1934 coupe 1925 Coupe 1924 Coupe .8 45.00 - 45.00 . 90.4 - 125.00 . 145.00 . 45.00 . 55.00 90.00 135.00 190.00 Kalaomlno $3. to $$. per room, also interior painting reasonable price. I Tel. 1703 J. faye TDompapn. : fAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ' Adams for house decorating, pa per hanging, tinting, eux Reliable workman tiaethv. 830.50321: do valley. BlOtJ 10.60: alfalfa. 818010: clever. $14;! eat hay, $18; straw, $T8 toa; selling I prices 93 -mors. POkTLAFD GZATJT ' POBTLAHD, Ors. Feb. 10 (AP) Waekt futures: . Open High Close Kay . 118W 118 118 rutry 11. 130: Date of Last Publication: March. 11, 1S30. Fll, 18, 25, M4, 11 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OP ADMINISTRATOR WITH THH WILL ANNEXED. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap- PLUMB1NG PUIMBnrn and ceawral lopatr work. Graber Pros, 144 So. Liberty T-t 850 PRINTING FOR RENT- Court AptA Phone ' Large boa 33 t room' 874 J. apt. dot- to school, $1190.40. Also $ room house, in good repair, dose in. easily made into 3 apts. A anas, at $1600.00. $100 A to loaa out. - w. McLaren 188 North Commercial Street GOOD BUYS FOR TRADE 4 good lots In South Salem, will ex change them for first oavment on a moderately priced horn In Salem. See j my agents. - : SEARS ft TUCKER IN South Com'L Street GOOD TRADE Beautiful it Acre Farm ON FARMS ANT CTTT REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES, BERT . FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. IYI SFrarmi1RTtV. lanta. nam. 78.00 I nhleta ttrasrratna hooks or an kind 125.00 I Af nrlnrine- mil at the Btateaman ltza Tuaor eeoan ttucasteu - - I Prlntin Pepai feat. , 81 lza r oroor sedan - iob.vv i elal Tel too. UZO Tudor seoan . , , - isv.ov 192$ Fordor Sedan, as Is 1 19Z4 Tudor sedan Best terms obtainable. Oar ... : .... .wh I l"u '.'."..'rr.,.. I tasurane Opartraeat offers yea s- I2i acres no. smat ot nwuwwu, i . otoi sn. ncu inun sun, . aui cuio inert ad vie aad aereav ra as uaA f ex '- y ' ' . .TV ' l about 40 seres fmest et aouom tana,ivatea tana, witn gooa wen aad spring i" HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (lac ' UMJUBO . ai. .7Zl T, 1 oaaanoe ssencua eoii, mnnma wt - iwbwi,' uwa viagia uuuie, rooraa, ITSi. 1427 bete of 4wildingA i ground floor, garage. 844 MIU street. " I FOB RENT Furnished; apt. with I "" . ier without Beat. -aww. family rchard, I bath. ee light, barn, garage, poultry house, oa saved road fust a miles east trom court nous, arte aawo 'wm ' - TOUR choice of 1st or 2nd floor Tfurniabed apt.. at $15.99 or $21.5 per . tuantb 24$ So. 17th. ! v eweaeawaaaaa I a "BtVM Snrniehed anartment. mod- era and very etos in. AAulta. Phon j $1990. t $3490 t 4IA imM S nl htm fialam I .V m -uJ ku i Sal.i fcilr. .' 'A .' . ctunvat. im osi a wew wun i wvo. . tvnac nave your uoa t xau to water pipe - into noose, -i iwm i see una. to see it dec . . . hoeae. good Darn, chicken- boose, fam-1 . LOUIS BECHTEL or :-.. n Ll- : na farm anaeMnarv. I r . ' flinnnnn TMriVt SAW , , $lt$00.o. WHi take city property I til State . Street . Room op t saawe.r. Wa have several Model ' A Ford I Coupes, Fordor Sedans and trucks. Cirr AND FARM loans at lewotl .... ... . valley motor to. Center and Liberty Stteots Salom, Oregon Phone 1995 gSasassrWOaesaaeaeeaee,, Now Is The Time Prices are advancing on good used cars. Buy now ana save money. RADIO FOR All stan try xarpose, for ry puree daxd sues of Radio Tubea Urn. Sep. tie "s i .fl .rti.tajt vr the Conntv Conrt of t kard' whit' 8125 : soft . white. I the State of Oregon, for the Coua- vestera white, $1.15 m hard winter, I ty of Marlon, as Administrator aortbsra sprisg, weatera rod. $1.18. I witv tv. wlll annexed ot the - i-. w ik. n w us. sare i love vi tiucuuo n.. a.,., .w No. t esstera yellow, shipment $37.50. 1 ceased, and that she has duly Millrua-stsndary 930.50. FB0DU0S POBTLAND, Ore Fsb. 80 (AP) Milk raw milk (4 per cent), $2.80 3.40 ctrt. teUrored Portlaad, lets 1 per cent. Bntterfat, atetlea, See; -t ret k, $4o; SalivamA' la Portland SSe. ' ' - Poultry (baying prices) alive, heavy I 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar baas ever toa. kens. 9 te endae St. the. lha. lie: Pekla ducks. 4 lbs. aad ever. SSe: jselered daeka. isaxoe; tamya, qualified as such Administrator with the will annexed: all per. sons having claims against tb estate ot said decedent are here by notified to present the same,- daly verified, to me, at my office. 4n,al4i.4i33eiiA 10,1 County. Oregon, within . six ll Qiu; orugi. evsr s j meoths from the date of this ne- EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. S88 Court I Ke. tV088e; No. 3 $5c; sails, 20e; ISt. Tel 438 306 bW REPAIRING Private Aioney to Loan Alvin B. Stewart. umbrellB. eatlerv and key store sharpening and light ! repe.lrtwsr.lal uourt, Teu zbtsj. 1935. Tf OR llENTOUSi-3, asaOBatsstxstSataa I FOR RENT Heasss tWnlahed aad .Bofaraltbod. . . ; $41 Stat Street .ijj. " aa trsE nflai from Dallas. 4$ acres ta cultivation, I room bouse, bara 30 by 40, 13 acresprnaet and ether iruit. weu ana spnng. 84000.40 to loan Insaraaoa. MEL YIN JOHNSON , $2$ U. S. Mart Bank Bldg. Phone. 837 FINE five room enodern home, aear- FARaf TvOANS PMBiiy - Of tPOMr I 4e r,iim RaAan ?J?!?a TiJ.tZZtSu.fiZ. tJ Nash Standard Six Sedan Loans W ar loaning Pvndeottol la-1 lt8I Naah Spec. Coupe warmms uutmw WHtmm assal eslitv btosbV- I alas iw a?t aAA mm s bualnee. property at J"? 'irh " h-KZflSttJ!?" U you are in the market for a good JF0R SALia-sARUS f f SOLVE with Pioneer afeiBgdea. Carlton 170 W. 1 Front. Tel. 4 IT. ' , ASZoViro i A-p,nM.n.r,ft -V payment cash and - -- -- B nt.ii . . I. in -I .. i..i Tl la.- Mertn eaiefxv nas mewsi yog suet Suburhaa bom. - . room uw - . ... ja i mraara. noa arexnico ami a mmmw w ?h' " . - nr. "-if - r -STri K.r suburban home a.eV-gjs. - Waa mT 1arfxl I l.ntlf MIM 8 tjss.9 WgMtsqB vev euiliw jr-e7 aaaleb Owl. . a a ! . wuj- r--rVf I man esb. terms on balance. Price I mm auc-ieu. SACRIFICE SALE ON FARM -$850. Buys a good 48 acre farm wed located, seven room house with basement, good drilled well, bara, garage, chicken house, eight acres in bearing prune, tw acres -v . bearing cherries, eome young fil berts, n In cultivation. A REAL BUY. $3500. cash; balance three years at 4 Int. - . 'LAND BABflAra $2840. Buys 03 acre located one mile west or uervaia, au plow land, no . CTTT AND TRACT LOANS" Reasonable Rates No Delay TATE SAVINGS AND aJOAM ASSOCIATION, TOS-I First National BaakEldg. nan 41 ttted car you owe tt to yourself to Investigate our stock. F.W. Pettyjohn Co. 1 385 N. Commercial Phono 1344 STOVES na lataaoa. . Potetoes-gemt, ha i, graaa, S.4 per ewt. 4 ' ZXVXSTOCX ' . PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 10 (AP) Caitle aad ealvsa. Fairly active, s tea ay te t5e higher for steers aad she stack; receipts cattle 1550, calves 300. fitaara. 11O0-1S0O lbs- Sll.0O4vll.50: fMViiAn; rood ion 7.50 10.00. Cow, geed 0.000.00; eeceasoa te aae diass O.sOtrS.ftO; lew casters A50I24.50. tice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this Z8th aay of January, x3u. RONALD C. GLOVER, . Administrator with the will aa . aexed t the estate of Emeliae K. Davis, deceased. " i J18-F4-11-18-H ROOFING J aietfsoo ll-0117r aiaai TO a rnrfn renrfal 7.50(39.56. Hstferi, Cook with Rockgas NOTICE OF FINAL v .. . I 8ETILEMEST Notice' is hereby given that the undersigned. Ralph P. Rlggs, Ex ecutor of the Last Will aad Too-' Boiu (reeriisfs cxeiaded) $.oo w $0; ume&t Ot J. L. Rlggs, deceased, Saita t mI1i.1os rl!? has filed In the County Court ot c-a f 1.m. viaifrV j i Marlon County. Oregon, bis Fiaal geed to choice 11.50118.60; saedinta AcCOUUt With Said estate, and the 9.5aaiLsti aii to ooauaoa tw-fo Honorable J. C. Slesmnnd. Jade- se see i . . . is,Ssrsis-St-ghw.a I kinds f woven, wire tnaos, faoey aad TeyiUe emranwiT. TI1NI . I - a a UVAO MaVjK on furniture, snrav salaries toJneacto piato. boo baskets aad hoesavtagaa hooka, fialem Foac aad tHav W rorka the 17th day ot February, its, at the hour of 10 : 00 o'clock Isi tie Before eloalna a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT ' monnDiTTAU i&$8!&Fs' CASH TOR First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1208 S . wa-aaas yi. OVOjaBaegjasBABga FEDERAL farm loanA F. L. Wood, Phon tm. I I aXSDU.OB. -if TOWicusT 'r.H.r.'iaai -See BilCHTBU a inuv- Blkh Bldg. $29 Stat Street eww ' 4l estate jinA tm I 'rm,',m 5- letters yoa ar sar of gooa is use i ,J1ZL, ""J! . fiMaiaav eorner aeeneeaaeaeaji I fOal ELNT First das garage. Close to, K Stotesmasw ' t f .;r '.'""vlttir FOR RENT V- SO ACRES, fin home, 1-3 crop pay J hz, Tnodal tou waat this place. Be my . aw a trFrm - FOR 8Alal"tJAli LaAaa, 8 Rocsi Salsm Jicsxs Gocd ideation to trade for aefcasc. Address 1$. oar EUUsmaa, PaclfW thway water,- trnit. IWr bldg. lot? both eta. teved, ter ecbeol ana bos LSae. aCAw, .bahaac , $3A per mo. bomtpl J11 ltth eel A RAL BUY AND THE PRICK IS RIGHT. SOUTH SALEM HOME . . - ' 1 5$M.' Goo Btooera fivo roota home Wlia Basement, iuimv-v, lot, garage, Fatnaount- HUi soo- ' :" tionv only - $70A dowa,- balaaee -Tenable Ml4 per tn7LKT US fcUOWTin BAPnATX. ; ; U304w Alt" - rooT fwdera none Aiwu, v- v. v. v. . -, .."full Maneal ,boaement, furaace. - fir-piae, naros badraama larg : ar-iZonl - aa - down, toe ! 3 per mo. ot . 'THI3 -HOfE Pr K'OR.- TOU 3mklSXiUXm POSSa.!- HONpRicErj to ksu: ' $3$S$. Practically new modera six . iuhb aoma'viui-uma iw wm nrenlaoa. furnace, fun - eneat out oa paved road, all in bearing rchard, three room bouse, etee trlcity available, would mak eplesviUd enickeei ranch, can be handled for only 4? 50. dowa. ACT NOW. THIS BUY WILL . NOT WAIT FOR TOU. REAL ESTATE ft FIRE INSURANCE ,. UrtAls t-i hORSx ms CO. i . t , 334 A. liberty Street '-i. - - Xhon $15. Realtora mfle I 3(1 State Street. 155 A. farm with 50 A. fine Satttnm laad,- 9$ .A.- ta, cultivation, creek tarough plac. ew 7 rm. plastered nouse, good bara and chicken bouse lor tot tten, etee, tais summer. This Is priced right at $15A00 and will take farm her f 20 to 40 acre suitable for cbaghea btstneat oa aa xtensiv . : 24$ lrrlgatea. taraa, rm. bouse, wa etee. system, larre new barn, ai n, iiuaan I w caa -- a ...-i .,, eienae. (m I w wi-t ww -r uavKua, ,1 even e attic, pa vea. st b bus Lne, $504 ChlooA $44,6. 113 trad oa tncosao property up ta 459,600. Prefer apart te. - -;- - : WINN 13 PETTYJOHN, Realtor -17$ South Xfegb Street : eww TWO GOOD LOTS IN SMALL FARMS - AHVyrt farm -e a a. paved road, 6 rm. bwue, good bara. " i : - - - i. n 1 1 . i nam . svtna hub, 5ilrlLre 15 1 ?utbld, good well, tolephone serv fk, peveA at ntoo I le an electr-al lig!. available. S xlT feet. et rror't. 1 rtlip-i 1 a, mixed orchard. . bal. culUvated. I 1 iOW ACTUAL CV-sT. HKS1TATE, see this hoa toaay. Only 1 35,- dowa ' sxlaac $6. per month. . ,-, FOR , P L- ESTATE V FXRB . ' REALTORS 131 South Liberty Street acres mixed orchard.. b&l cultivated, Price $5000. tart term - t aiHes out la FrwuuJ i.xl.V jait to cultivation. beX to stumps but can be riiy cleared, old. t- iw-4tood wau. IT ice very iw et re.. LEO N. CHILDS CO. Realtor 32$ Stat Street'. Phono 1IH "LOANS T men Bad women steadfly nt ployed - ' ON TOUR PLAIN If OTB -tLewest - rates easiest payment Loan also made on Indorsed notes, furniture, piano aad ota- -tc-PAt : tTtiTIoaco. earL fc ' fit Oregon Bldg. . i Vcen Coor, earner Stat ft HIgib -Gfic hears lb m. to $4$ p. sa Tel. 938. ' IVicensed by state. . - ened frame. IS ft. body, also over- iaa ntuvroiat ltt ton with seml-trall- - er atUchmenL also IS f body. H 3328 Chevrolet ton una. urea. lengthened for IS ft body. -1923 Chevrolet ltt ton with ltt pa, gravel ooay. ra .. .- -toit rvwia-a iu ton long wheel base. szxs tires, auais in rear. w speed transmission, also, 4 bydraullo brakes. TAILORS reel. Ttaanr Waieht. .S0CE1I.0I pieur iX esaoeth t 5oa ttim. and the County Court Room 0.5A siMghter pis io.oo 10.TA Fee-1 g ta Conrt Hons la Salem. Or- . XX H. KOSHER Tailor for i 474 txwjrt Bt TRANSFERS CJFTTAL Oty Trasffr OA 221 rtiu ctTTesA uS&g. warding aad storag oar apacaaUy. Get er rates' Reo Sales and Service! WATCH repairing 337-347 North High Street GUARANTEED WATCH ItEPAIR- i iiaaajiMaejaMaajMMi (aammiaaeaia, lyMfi annnav kark. THSl JEWklL Call at 530 Chemeketotexxe m KLtbstty. Eaiem. St and Look Over the Yseft ToHyPae aWrtit Ju tt P1" hearing oh- .,l!af2s L .iLLTuir? f ecttoms to the Final Account cf Sheep aad loathe. Talkiaf eei I sii alxacutor and for the settls ateWyr receipts S350. laelaaiag 1883 J meBt 0, ga!d estate. arg, - . - . ... a..:';l - Dit nu n ttrsrci iaMsa. reea te caeie isurs:v; i a, iuuu, - atediaat 14:501L50: sH waitAeefa-1 Exectttor vOf the Last Will atea t.50eiOAO.- Tearnag, vMtaeea.1 Teatameat of J. IV Rlrrs. Da, ram e an r w.. ne . ee . eaeiee i . , . - a oo Stso! ito-150 ns- tAoet.ot:! aUweigats, can sad eeatoea A0w3m t R. IV. CONNER, Attormey for said Executor. - J-14-X1-X8-F-4-U CWTOAOO alSUTJf- CmCACO. Fab. 10 (AP ) Aaaoaaee- steat of stack greater deeveao f -the JCONRT LOANF!t Oft AUTOJ tontract Best Stock of OiCeM Used Cars Ever Dis played In Salem JEAX. ESTATO DinECTOeAY Halted States wheat viafbls aamry thaa WAW TotXtl' tnowwt eaaergT-ia rlt-V rv MoOregCllA Aaoaoftt rm rjbert. at. sua thai is 111 -' - aiaisna, ajsm MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. hotnes ana xarma, aiest lay. - 319 J H. BELL U. 8. Bank Bldg. - $25,404 private taoney to eliy er cntry s - ty. - - AoLOFfcr son Wear e ta this fanfldlnaT ha pat through our reconditioning ahop ana su wciw r . " '" is!hev. Counes from 8400 t $454.$t I - i . U.U. aUaLBt 18-Chev. Sedans, from $498 to 535.00 1 334 3V Hlgtt Bt, ZS-cnev. tjomcnes, trom ease tw i.n '34-Cttev. Coaches from $335 to 275.00 '29-Chev. Coupe, run mi. 29-Chev. Landau Sedan 454.44 I '29-Chev. Standard osdaa . . ttt.oo 29-Ford Sot. Roadster sa.ee TslYSSt Tel. S34A WE als have a good aseortment f Fords and almost anything ta tb ltoe leg trucka, tfOlCER - Dl FOSTBfiat StEALTI CO. 374K Sat Bt '-;,V( --.:.TbV $43 Tf. fl CHA"-3SST ". 11$ ft, Uatty 14..,-. .-. - - - - I-a. IZ 49$ 37. ttts- , -Tea. JUA NOTICE OF FINAL wse looked Ur helped a7-aei4e I SCTLEMXNT " - ta7jTt wVkTth. sTarT 4 Notice Is hereby gmttst the tie oteck at wbeU to sigai arered U tQtdeisiined has filed . IB tt be lAio.ooe Vssaei i eseeas ef the county Court of the State of Or. rtiaTlti 1 7uSt2$ barto: . tot tb County ot Marloa. bis pirttimt TiMtasMe e7VrVntL7. daly Ttrifiod Final Account as arA-a I..Ua. eayA.- O-J.--. Oar-SI Or. OMHase.4aaa. a.d IVa - aarft 4b 0J9 rf af0aW t$&& to eag 1 closed iirai, 4. to Xtte per bushel ebeve J ByatS, deceased, and that tAU Batrart f.aira. tars aieeea -t so I coon LA8 Iliea TUesaay, is f.S aaaaaaaJ ui aaa 11 a a, 14, aa.vi . ' . . . a a a -a .. . -w any ai- seuraaxy, ew, i-K'avjrw ' . hour t tea o'clock A. M. of sail PORTLAjro. Ore- Feb. ' 30 t API 1 dav. as tba time, and th County at'Se?x-Vtvi it SteVrJ. ss Court Room la the County Conrt VTW r fiWS frS Hou. la SAlem. Marion County. rtrs ii- r, casar&s so, trasa er uregon, as is pwv w McICay I Chevrolet Co. t$$4 iw ?&ir&vtz XT 1 y- fi t,.,a aMiiwv fxxr 1 na 3. oa VXKaaMMi 1109 aitA tffCW. Tt kvaimast 414 ! -OseaXf?. t in A fa Bli C.r..- p....,' - ; - ... JaJJ t 11 1. ar. ' ; w.-a 1 1- a. a . 1 I SIS KIWW SlIWI laic IMH w maa, . wame a arniaj , t " - --- - Iii 'Ih.i. sm t.l Oresoa L.ix " ) to aty HaU. - l4l Stat Tsk T34 ikl Aim KiX hkl.i aai. lae. said Final Account and all otjao itlons thereto. , Dated Bt Salem, Oregon, i&is 14th day of January, 1$S. I; '--'v ----- RONALD C. GLOVEH, Executor of tie Last TTlU r ! . Testament ana instate ct i t "A. Erf deceased. ; , 313 Gray Building