The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    -:- Events of Interest in Social - Musical - Club Circies -:-
State Dinner
N'E of the outstanding affair
of the year lor (be Business
lad Professional women of
Oregon was the state dinner giv
en at the Marion hotel Saturday
. kight. Covers were placed for
J 75 and this guut list represent
ed people from all oyer the state.
The large banquet room of the
. Marion was beautifully arranged
-with great cherry balloons float
, ing over each table. Red cherry
favors and hand tinted place cards
representing the state capitol
building marked the guests
The program given between
courses proved to be an Inspiring
one. The address of Dean U. O.
Dnbacn of the Oregon State col
lege was exceptionally well re
This dinner marked the first
appearance of the clnb orchestra
under the direction of Ida Math
s and it met with warm en
tbusiasr .
The program was as follows:
Selection, elub orchestra; collect.
jftMyra Shank; Jay Oregon, club;
address of welcome, Julia K.
Webster; solo, Raehel Bayne, ac
companied by Iva Claire. Love,
- Rmli Bedford; address. Dean U.
. G. Dubach; duet, Iva Clair Love,
khib uearord.
Miss Cecelia Beyler of Astoria,
state president of the organisa
tion, presided and kept the pro
gram moving smoothly, and
lurougn ner cnarmmg manner
developed a feeling; of splendid
fellowship in the large gathering.
An executive board meeting
proceeded the banquet. Miss Bey-
ier presided at this meeting and
Mrs. Christina N. Linke of Mc-
Mhiavilie acted as secretary.
nans Introduced by Margaret
. Fleming of Portland, chairman of
the forward committee to send
the state presidents of each state
organization to the national con
vention in Richmond, Virginia,
were endorsed.
A resolution was passed to hold
in obeyance the contribution of
funds to the national, building
fund until the final plan Is pre
sented at tne national convention
In 1931.
In order to have Miss Marlon
McCIencb. national president. Is
attendance the state convention
dates were changed to May 16,
17. and 18.
Executive board members were
present from Eugene. Oregon
City. Gresham, McMInaville,
Portland, Astoria, HUlaboro Med
ford. Klamath Falls, Albany and
Local Woman to
Sing in California
) One of the Interesting events of
the future will be the. McDoweU
program for February which Is
being given under the direction
of Jean Miller Rahn at the resi
dence atudio f Prof, and Mra.'T.
8. Roberts. February 17. This pro
. gram is that beautiful arrange
ment of ''In a Persian Garden."
the words of the famous and
loved philosophical poem the
"Rubalyat of Omar Khayam."
There is much solo work for all
four quartet Parts and then there
re some lovely quartet numbers.
The personnel of the quartet Is
Jean Miller Rahn, contralto;
( Ethel Marie Gaw. coloratura
sopmno; Forrest W. Gaw, bari
tone; tnd William Wright, tenor.
This quartet has wonderful
balance, a thing not found easily
In quartet work and each of the
VJices are well adapted to the
, work to be interpreted In this ar-
v rangement.
.. Mrs. Rahn. prst president of
the McDowell club, and who has
arranged many excellent pro
grams is particularly enthusias
tic about the work that is being
done on this program. The work
of L'oth Mrs, - Rahn and Mr.
Wright is appreciatively known
, In Salem. 7!r. and Mrs. Gaw have
appeared once in concert here
and received a very enthusiastic
f- Mrs. Gaw has only recently
through the work which she did
In her first recital here, accepted
an invitation to appear on a re
eiial program as a guest artist In
Long Beach. California, where
- at will appear under a program
being given by the Coast Musi-
. dans, an organization which
makes a point of Introducing tal
ent to folk of the Pacific coast.
Prof. Gaw is head vf Willam
ette university school of music
; and Mr. Wright is director of the
. Presbyterian choir, and Is also
studying in advanced rolce work.
r i .. -
-Teachers' Club
Meets for Discussion
- Tuesday evening1 the "monthly
meeting of the Modem Teachers'
rlub was held la the Hayesvllle
achool house. .
; Interesting reports on the DaW
ton plan, were given by Marts
Klhs and Clyde Hoffer f Middle j
Grove. Mrs. Mabel Martim gave a
report on the committee which
-met with Supt. Fulkerson recent
ly. This c-ommitte la working oa 1
a revision or tne course or stnay
' In arithmetic. ,
; At the close of the ? business
.'session a delicious luncheon wee
served by Clyde Hofferand Earl
- Albertson. The -following mem
bers were present at this meet
ing.? Adelaide Erskine, - Mabel
.Martin, Lavina Robbins, Flora
Herviriek. Alma Stasffer. Beryl
- porter. Hazel Marshall, Nell HU-
f iker Marie- Klhs, Clyde Hotter,
end Mr. and Mrs. Earf AlbertsoB.
Mrs. Clyde Hoffer was special
guest of the evening. V
' - "v "
V Mr. and Mrs. Garien Simpson
tre leavtar within the next few
..'days f dr LewistonTldaho; wnere
-: they will make there borne.- Mrs.
; Simpson was Miss Caroline Lam-
-.brlth. , Social affairs' Are being
planned for Mrs.- gimpeos before
.her departure..
itl't'jt'- f
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mv.,. f I
Mrs. R. R. Hewitt
Is Luncheon
MRS. R. R. HEWITT enter
tained visiting members of
the Willamette university
police school faculty at her home
Saturday for a 12 o'clock lunch
Covers were piaced for Luke
S. Mar. of Seattle, and Chief L.
V. Jenkins, Captain Harry Kiles.
Lt. William C. F. Epps. Captain
Crane, all of Portland, and Dean
Roy Hewitt of the Willamette
university law school.
This was the second affair giv
en for visiting members of the
police school. Friday noon local
women connected with the school
entertained in compliment to the
visiting -women here attending
the school.
The local women who enter
tained were Mrs. R. R. Hewitt,
Mrs. i Martin Ferrey. Mrs. W. 8.
Levens. each being the wife of
one of the police school faculty.
and Mrs. Raymond Bassett. Mrs.
Elsie Eisman, each attending the
school, and Mrs. F. M. Erickson,
wife of the dean of the univer
sity. Guests for this luncheon were
Miss Martha Randall. Mrs. Lola
Baldwin, Mrs. H. W. Beau-
belle, Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Max
well, all of Portland, and Mrs.
King of Bend. Miss Olive Dahl,
dean of women of Willamette
university and Mrs. J: O. Turner
were special guests.
Miss Randall gave a brief talk
concerning her work in Portland
and Mrs. Beaubelle. accompanied
by Mrs. Turner, sang a group of
lovely solos.
Mrs. Tarpley Will
Speak on Japan
wnat -romises to ba one of tne
interesting lectures of the year
for the Salem Arts league will be
he illustrated lecture which Mrs.
H. Tarpley will give ca the
subject of Japanese prints at the
city library Tuesday evening at 8
o clock.
The meeting Is open to the
public. Mrs. Tarpley has trav
eled a great deal and is an artist
in her own name and lt is to be
rightfully expected that she will
have some most interesting things
to tell of the little treated subject
of Japanese prints. These prints
are one of the most interesting
phases of art and treat the life
of a people whom we do not un
derstand as we do our continental
neighbors, therefore there w'H be
even more or interest in what
Mrs. Tarpley will have to say.
To tupplement this lecture on
prints, Carol DibAle will give an
interpretive reading concerning
Japanese poetry. The poetry of
the Japanese is very closely con
nected with their art.
A business meeting will be held
at 7:30 o'clock before the open
meeting at I o'clock.
... - . x
our pretty heart boxes for your
gift. Over 600 to select from
Musical- Kindergarten
under the direction-of ;
Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings 9 to 11:30
Congregational Church Rooms, Center and Liberty
. Open for new pupils Monday, Feb. 18th ' "
Car aeririce if 4eabrd. Rumo 2392J for fsother details. .
i "s - ' N f l
Organization meeting of
Delphian society at city li
brary, 2:30 o'clock.
No meeting of study class
es of Salem Woman's club
this afternoon.
Rebekah contest dinner at
I. O. O. F. hall, 6:30 o'clock.
Salem Hospital auxiliary,
10 o'clock, Tuesday morning,
chamber of commerce.
Arts League "open bouse"
meeting, Salem public li
brary; business meeting
7:30 o'clock; lecture by Mrs.
Beta Chi Mothers club.
2:30 o'clock. Chapter house.
Wednesday ,
Woman's Foreign Mission-
ary society of First Metao-
dist church. 2:30 o'clock,
church parlors.
Woman's Home Mission
ary society, Mrs. New, 1327,
Marion street, 2:30 o'clock.
Thursday club home of
Mrs. C. A. 8paulding.
Mrs. L. W. Gleason, host
ess to Friday bridge club,
for Valentine party.
Daughters of Veterans, 8
o'clock. Woman's clubhouse.
Annual ' "Open House" at
Lausanne hall.
W.C.T.U. Plans
For Convention
An interesting program was
given at the meeting of the Salem
W. C. T. U. meeting held Tuesday,
Mrs. F. J. Tooze lead the devo
tional service followed by an ad
dress by Mrs. H. W. Buck, who
has been a national worker In the
W. C. T. U. and after an inter
esting sketch of the life of Fran
cis Willard, she gave results of
prohibition showing that tuouzh
it has been imperfectly enforced,
results have been very marked.
Plans were made for the com
ing county institute to be held in
Salem, February 20. At this time
Mrs. Ada Jolly, the state presi
dent will be in attendance, also-l
Miss Helen Byres, a national sec
retary will be here and speak be
fore several groups.
Mrs. W. J. MInkiewitx was host
ess for luncheon for the Camp
Fire Guardians at her borne Satur
day. Miss Berdell Bio per assisted
her. Covers were p!aeed for Mrs.
Luther Stout, Mrs. Floyd Spear,
Mrs. Echo Balderee, Mrs. Lester
Hufstader, Mrs. Mae Gingrich,
Miss Georgia Mills. Miss Edith
Mills. Miss Edith Clement. Miss
Marie Daries, and Mrs. W. J. MIn
kiewitx. These meetings will be held
regularly from now the second
Saturday of each mon" .
Today We Present. . .
Sirs. E. B. Millard, newly chosen mother advisor for the
Order of Rainbow for Girls; Miss Eleanor Wright, newly in
stalled worthy advisor; Mrs. Susan Varty, Salem president
of tht Business and Professional club which acted as hostess
for state club dinner Saturday night.
" . Mrs. Jeaji Miller Rahn, who as directing the arrange
ment for presenting the lovely quartet number "in a Per
sian Garden" which will bt sung Febntary 17 in the resi
dence studio of Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts.
I T -4 ?
V.-y-: -5 V '
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MRS. E. B.
Friday evening the boys of the
Jason Lee basket ball team were
entertained at the Gordon Black
home on North Summer street.
At a late supper the table appoint
ments were Valentine motifs with
red tapers. Clever favors marked
Places for Ray Miller, Donald
Watson, DaWayne Duncan, Sher
man Chapin, Clare Miller, Don
ald Dauris, Glrens Gates, Hayes
This is the first
of a series of
style helps which
wt are going to
offer weekly. We
trust you will en-i
joy and make use
of them. '
H. Marie Butler
rj-4.. x 3mm r fc f -,
Society Editor
yt- -t
ijiay ' -
. A f J. J "
C.'.OV.T. .V.'
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Beall. Stanley Wilkinson, William
Hesseman. Mrs. Black was assist
ed at serving by Miss Erelyn Cun
nings Miss Dorothy Sawyer, Miss
Barbara Barbara and Miss Esther
Mrs. Garien Simpson baa as her
guest her uncle, H. O. Hass of San
ov tun wow
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Parties Planned
By Woman's
MRS. V. E. KUHN, reporting
for the finance committee of
the Salem Woman's xlub at
the regular meeting of the club
Saturday at the clubhouse, an
nounced that a number of com
munity bridge and Kensington
benefits were being planned by
the committee to raise funds to
take care of the overhead for the
state convention of Confederated
Woman's clubs which will meet
in Salem In May.
Mrs. George Alden reporting for
the scholarship loan tea held re
cently by the club at the home of
Mrs. E. C. Cross gave the amount
raised as 130.32, which amount
will be applied te the club's schol
arship loan fund.
Mrs. Thomas Burrows, and Mrs.
E. W. Acklin were voted into the
club membership at this meeting.
Following the business session
the session was given over to the
program. In accordance with the
custom of the elub, Mrs. J. A.
Jelderks. representing the litera
ture section, read several poems
from the book of Etheel Romig
Fuller, "White Peaks and Green."
William Wright sang a group of
solos accompanied by Prof. Frank
Mrs. Jessie D. McComb, of Port
land, chairman of the state de
Brilliant New
Skirt are gracefully long
with the Bew modified
flare. Waist lines are al
most normal. SLeevs treat
meats art new and Inter
V 2
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partment of American Homes,
spoke briefly concerning the pur
pose of the American homes de
partment and what it had accom
plished in the six years of its or
ganization. She also told of the
annual American Home institute
that will be held in Portland,
March 7, and invited the Salem
chapter to attend. Mrs. McComb
then, introduced Miss Louise Cott
reli, executive secretary of the
Oregon state child welfare com
mission and an appointee of Pres
ident Hoover to membership of
the White House conferencee on
child welfaree problems.
Miss Cottrell explained the
work of the commission in Ore
gon. She told how assistance was
given in cases of institutions,
adoptions, and of children apply
ing for state aid.
The meeting closed with a
memorial given in memory of Mrs.
J. O. Goltra, who had been a
member of the Woman's club.
Thursday Club to Meet
With Mrs. Spaulding
Mrs. Charles Spaulding, Mrs.
F. A. Elliott and Mrs. Richard
Cartwright will be Joint hostess
for the Thursday club at the
home of Mrs. Spaulding Thursday
The meeting place was to have
been at the home of Mrs. Russell
Catlin and Mrs. Frank Spears but
because of illness there it was
necessary to make this change.
Styles . ... . . Exceptional Values
Spring Dresses
Leading Dress Fashions
Offered at a Saving
bmart New Dresses in tht
very latest sflhouette effects.
Many are replicas of much
higher priced dresses.
' r v"icRCrul'cc0FMERrrf ",Tr52
Formal Dinner
Is Pretty
ONE of the largest affairs in
Willamette university circles
was the formal initiation din
ner given by members of the lo
cal Daleth Teth Gimel chapter at
the Argola Saturday night.
Valentine ideas from decora
tions to favors and programs was
the decotative note carried out.
Brief speeches were made by of
ficers and faculty women. Miss
Isabel Childs aeted as toastmis
tress. Miss Dorothy Whipple, so
cial secretary, was in charge of
the arrangements for the dinner.
Faculty members present were
Dean Olive M. Dahl, Mrs. Cecil
Monk, Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Mrs.
Ceo. Alden.
Members present were:
Vol Barker CU!r Well
Mirjrie NeUoa Cecil Adami
Violet Beeeher
Gussie Nile
Marian Mrraag
Elaie Allra
Roberta ArchibaU
LeU Hal
Therrsa Xaaney '
-Jaaeehja Olini
Beulah Graham
Catherine Barker
Helen Xev
Edwrna BroadUs.!
Ceeife Ste?!e
IaVada .'awe'l
Florence Deikf-r
Harriet Arnold
Klisabeta HatLin.
Pi rah Dark
Breada Savsjje
Frencn Jar-ktcn
Theodora GuiUfsen Rtith Hnrnea
Mareia Fuestaian Miriam Annitaze
Xoii Eecjamii
llarr.a Pore'.!
Dorothy AVhippT
Margaret Hogg
Drii Cor bin
Tub! ChVAt
Lydia Childs
Grara Rhoadet
Dorii Clark
IrAia Sawyer
Elizabeth W. thr r. '.!
Kluabpth Bi!ipj
Olive Feathers
Marffaret Pentfr
Mararery Jfai.nHh
Margaret AV h i j .0
Hannsh Ha'elion
Kathcrine Iln'.din
Helen Haghet
Marraret Schreioer Mylie Lawyer
Xaofta Fleet
Rope Mam ford
Marian Berkley
Margaret Shoemaker
June Harle
Pearl Crait
Dtrothjr Hnulia'oa
LaVerne Hewitt
Roberta Tannic
Edna Vannira
Father Girod
Virginia Slusser
Leah Fanning
a N. S. Club Has
A social session of the O. N. s.
club was held Tuesday evening at
the home o Mrs. Jean Vaughn
Beuttler on North Fourteenth
street, with Miss Mable Temple
as assistant hostess. Pussy wil
lows and flowers, combined with
a profusion of hearts provided the
motive for Valentine entertain
ment. Clever guessing games and
an archery contest, were features
of the evening. Valentine favors
were provided for each guest from
a very large heart-shaped post
office on the mantel.
Present were Laura B. Eaton,
Dorjthy Taylor. Gertrujrie Shar
key. Lois A. Reed. Sylvia E.
Kraps. Grace Payton. Carlotta
Crowley Ermine B. Fawk. Mable
Temple, Sue Emmons. Solve!?
Paulson. Myrtle J. Beaver, Flor
ence Kron. Elva Nissen, Ma lie
Davies. Signe Paulson. Gene
Beuttler and Mrs. Beuttler.
Miss Edna Garfield is expected to
return to Salem soon, after sev
eral weeks spent in Los Angeles.
California, ghe haa been the guest
of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Tiegs. Dr.
Tiegs is dean of men at the Uni
versity of Southern California.
FUt crept, ehiffoQ, prtnt.
rpc. georgette. lin
, twit touches at neck and
yt OodetsV flares.
7na aMaiJ tht arw
- f- ' I .