The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Horning, FebrHary , 1930
Local News Briefs
Receives Appointment Mrs.
Mary L. Fulkerson, county school
superintendent, has been honored
by appointment to the Oregon
Commission on the Enrichment of
Adult J-Jfe, according to word re
ceived by her from E. Ruth Pyrtle,
president of the national educa
tion association of Washington,
D. C. C. 'A. Howard, state super
intendent,' is presiden t of the
commission; R. R. Turner, presi
dent of the.O. S. T. A., is vice
president; and E. F. Carlton of
Portland, secretary of the O. S.
T. A., la secretary of the Oregon
Big Legion Auxiliary benefit
dance. Crystal Gardens, Feb. 14.
Good music, old time dancing.
Model Ranch Going TJp D.
Neal Littler of the Victor Marden
Financial Agency of Portland was
in the city Saturday, coming to
the'eounty to further organization
of the 120-acre model dairy ranch
which a group is establishing at
Broad acres. He says that they ex
pect in the coming year to have
150 thoroughbred Guernseys on
the ranch. Present arrangements
call for shipping milk and cream
from it to Loa Angeles. Littler
will be here until the middle of
neit week;
Board and room In modern
home, close to state house, $32.50
per month. Phone 2098-11 after
Sunday noon. ,
Visit From Alsea Miss Ilo
Merrill, and .Miss Edith Mickey,
teachers at Alsea, are spending
tne week end in Salem. The grade
and high school buildings there
burned to the ground early In Jan
uary, and since that time school
classes have been conducted In the
I. O. O. F. hall, two church build
ings, a grange hall and one prl
Tate dwelling. The board was to
meet yesterday afternoon to make
plans to rebuild. ,
Metzger Here for Time Louis
H. Metsger, special representative
of the Apple vendor Sales com
pany of Seattle, and organizer of
farmers unions and granges in
the Pacific northwest for the last
10 years, has arrived in Salem
from Santa Rosa, Califs and will
t pend the next four or five months
doing organization work in thia
section. He Is stopping at the
Senator Hotel for the present.
VTe wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to the
many friends who extended us
such heartfelt sympathy upon the
loss of Mr. Tower. Especially do
we thsnk the Salem Elks. Mrs
If S Tniror anA famtltr
Speeding Charged Verle King
of Silverton and Allen C. Jones,
Salem route 5, were arrested by
Officer George Edwards Saturday
i:i connection with his campaign
against speeders. He also Issued
warnings to two transient motor
1st. One of the-had the excuse he
didn't know he was in town, al
though he was many blocks from
the city limits.
Install Xew Service The post
office Is advertising for bids for
a mail passenger service between
the postoffice and Oregon Electric
depot, bids to be closed February
20. The proposal must be made
- ct yearly rate for all service
required. Heretofore the railway
has been handling this service,
tut now the postoffice proposes
to take It over.
Red Tulips for Valentine. Ad
ams, florist, 453 Court. -
Observe Arbor Day Although
Arbor day is not until next . Fri
day and Incidentally falls on Val
entine's day, the five boya and
s-ftl' 4UT elubs it ML Anael ob-
. n -fnA ttiA tru nlanttnfr Hair FH-
day at, a program held In.the mu-
ic room at St. Mary's' school.
The older girls in the club groups
were hostesses to other members
en this occasion. "
' -'..
Sergeant Williams ni Sergeant
F. Williamt, marine recruiting of 7
f icer in charge of the office here.
Is ill and his place la being, filled
by Sergeant M. Sherman of Port;
land.: Sherman formerly held the
local, cnarge. "
She will remember, so don't
you forget Valentine's Day. Feb.
14. Olson, florist, Cpurt and High.
New Teacher Named Mrs.
-Vera Scott Has resigned as teach
er at the Victor Point school and
Miss Ruth Darr has:been selected
in her place, according to word re
ceived by the county school super
intendent. Death Reported Dan F. Doher
ty, who conducted a plumbing
shop in the Hollywood district np
to a year ago, djed Saturday In
San Francisco, according to word
received by friends here.
Mr. Carter In McMJnnville
Mrs. Odessa Carter of the Cooper
ative Realty and Sales company
will return Monday from a fonr or
five day business trip to McMinn
ville. Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt de
livery. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel ;o. -Chester
Miller Tails Chester
- -Miller, a member of the school
board at Parrish Gap, was among
the Saturday visitors at the office
of the county school superintend
ent. nrlrh mi Sick Llsfr John.n-
rifh. clerk in the general delivery
toMrtmi)t at the nostoftice. was
off work yesterday on account of
Bicycle Stolen A bicycle be
longing to Marlon Robinson, 111
Chemeketa, was stolen Saturday,
according to information given the
Bethany , Teacher Here Noma
' C. McClure, primary teacner i
Bethany school itttnisxonnij, uu
business here yesieraay..
Eyeglass Insurance and thor
ough examination included;.
; 110 N. Commercial St.
Many Teacher A tarrn
number of applicants for teach
ing positions in Marion county has
already visited the county school
superintendent seeking positions
tor next year, reports Mrs. Mary
ruuerson, superintendent. So
many applicants have come al
ready asking for teachers' names
and lista of schools that the super
intendent's sirpply of county di
rectories is completely exhausted.
However, the clerk of every
school district in the county has
been provided with, one copy of
the annual directory.
"Pink Pajamas" given at Haves-
Ttlle school, Feb. 13 h. Admis
sion 35c and 15c.
Chemekctans Leave A last
minute change in snow conditions
at Mt. Hood enabled the Chemek-
tans to make their trip to Govern
ment Camp on Mt. Hood Saturday
as originally scheduled, after an
nouncement had been made Fri
day that It was postponed. Forty
eight persons were in the party
leaving Saturday afternoon, and
several others will follow today.
Skl-ing and tobogganing will be
the diversions today, numerous
courses being available in the
Government Camp vicinity. The
party will return tonight. .
Say It with flowers on Valen
tine's Day. Adams, florist. 453
Advances in Rank Oran L..
"Dick" Pelk. son of J. R. Polk.
route 3, is making rapid advances
in the navy Binee his recent en
listment at San Diego. In less
than three - months according to
letters received by his father,
young Polk has been advanced to
a third class petty officer. He
has also taken the examination
for machinist's mate, his. letters
state. Salem Heights folk are glad
to- hear that "Dick" is making
good In the navy.
Cut flowers and potted plants
for Valentine's Day. Adams, flor
ist, 453 Court.
Boys Want "Dutch Treats" If
high school boys follow the lead
of the Clarion, student newspaper,
they will inaugurate the "Dutch
treat" system of entertaining
their dates. The Clarion is respon
sible for the statement that high
school boys spend approximately
$504 apiece on their girl friends
during the three years in high
school. But the wise ones predict
the girls will have a say before the
question Is settled.
Sale continued New spring
wash dresses and frocks. Priced
extremely low at 89c and 1.49.
Elliott's Dollar Store.
Appointed Agent W. L. -Mc-Cafferty
has been appointed dis
trict agent for the Bankers Life
company In Salem. His headquar
ters will be at 310 First National
Banc building. He Has been a
resident of Salem for three years,
but was formerly a representa
tive of the same company In South
Dakota and Montana.
Much Diphtheria Reported-
Eleven cases of diphtheria were
reported in Marion county during
January, according to the report
of Vernon A. Douglas, county
physician. Contacts to the number
of 184 were followed up during
the month.
Elinor M. Bundy. experienced
operator, specializes in marcelling
and cutting. The Cottage Beauty
Shop, 1605 K. Capitol. Phone 2829
Stops En route Home Carroll
Morgan, first class seaman on
the U. S. S. Colorado, Is visiting
his sister in Salem this week end
while enroute to his . home . In
Florence. He is on a 30-day leave
while' the Colorado Is at the
Bremerton navy yards. -
Regret Expressed Many ex
pressions of regret are being ex
tended . to Mrs. Lewis Dunn fol
lowing the death of her father, W,
P. Dole, at PortervUle, Cal. He
was a former Salem resident.
Cash buy: Small home, to state
house 7 blocks, ouick saie i3uv
Located 330 S. 16th. Another
lara-er at 2140 S. Churcn, now
131 7 5 Parinrs raid, uecae
Hendricks, 189 N. High street.
ReaJtv Board to Meet The
Salem. realty board will hold its
regular monthly session at tne
Marion hotel Monday night, be
ginning with a amner meet
6:15 o'clock. Karl Becke Is presi
dent of the board.
fe-hool Teacher Calls W. R.
Pnwera of Gates, where he is
teacher of the advanced grades in
the school there, was sv Saturday
caller at the office or tne county
school superintendent.
Decker From Scotta Mills L.
E. Decker, wno lives ai ecu no
Millswas in the city Saturday.
a'.m Man Hero P. C.
miton of Aumsville was a Satur
day business caller here.
We Rent
Used Furniture
all 2103, rsed Furniture
151 N. High
Willamette Valley Transfer. Co.
Salem Division Office Front and Trade - Tel. 1400
Portland Office Terminal BHg.
Two Trips Daily from Portland to Salem
All southern Wy Polata connection to. Ashland
Daily Service Express service at Freight rates
r Also Local Hauling
Ylrftin Coopers Here Mr. and
Mrs. Harry "Wilson and Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Cooper, all of BeH
Inghajn, Washington, era visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooper,
route 4, Salem. Mrs. Wilson aad
Daniel Cooper are sister and
brother of the Salem man. The
Washington folk motored here
Friday and expect lo return Best
Responsible Renters: Wo will
build your homo to salt. Ready
to occupy. Low Interest. Ton pay
on reasonable terms and save a
good part of your rent. Becke A
Hendricks, 189 N. High street,
Gets Lynx Bonnty Two lynx
pelts were brought Into the coun
ty clerk s office Saturday - by
Harry Hiday. Salem, for which
he collected two dollars bounty.
Hlday's two wildcats brought the
total number of lynx -bounties
paid this year to six, It was re
ported by the bounty department
Kelly To Speak Judge Perey
R. Kelly of the circuit court here
is announced as the speaker at
the Kiwanis club luncheon Tues
day. His subject will be "Abraham
Lila Wheeler, beauty specialist.
Is now located at Lila's Beaute
Shop, 385 N. High St. Phone
Clyde Hill In City Clyde Hill.
proprietor of a billiard parlor at
Mill City, spent Saturday in the
For guaranteed repair work.
Fitzgerald Sherwln Motor Co.
Harding From Brooks-7-Wayne
Harding, who Is principal of the
school at Brocks, was . among the
callers in the city yesterday.
Addle Harra, 63, died at the
residence, 631 N. Winter Satur
day February 8. Survived by one
son. 'Garnet W., of Salem; ber
mother, Mrs. M. J. Hinton. Sister
of Mrs. Nannie Jackson, H. F.
Durham, Mrs. M. C. Brooks, Mrs.
W. Hollis Mills, W. E. Hinton, all
of Salem; Mrs. Victoria Roy,
Taft, California; II. J. Finton,
Phoenix, Arizona. Funeral serv
ices Monday, February 10 from
Rigdon's chapel with Interment
in City View cemetery.
Died In this city February 8,
Miss Matilda Benecke, ,53. Sur
vived by three sisters, Mrs. T.
Winter, Mrs. J. Renken, Mrs. E.
L. Meltzel, and one brother Will
iam Benecke all of Portland
Private funeral services Sunday
at 1 o'clock from the Terwllliger
Funeral home. Interment I. O. O
F. cemetery.
Mrs. Lillie Belle Irwin. 69, died
Feb. 7 in the Waverleigh Sana
torium In Portland. Widow of the
late William James Irwin. Sister
of Mrs. Nellie F. Tates of Ruxton,
Maryland; William H. Spence of
Medical Lake, Wash; Archie
Spence of Camas, Wash.; William
Spence cf Milton, Ore. Funeral
services Monday at 11 a. m. from
the Rigdon mortuary Rev. W. C,
Kantner officiating. Interment
MountCrest Abbey mausoleum.
Mrs. Sarah Matilda Watts, age
70, died Thursday at the resi
dence five miles south of town.
Survived by the following chil
dren: Mrs. W. E. McClew of Eu
gene; Mrs. A. F. Marcus of Salem,
Mrs. J. D. Barnville of El Paso,
Texas; Thomas B. Watts of Till
mook and Ernest B. Watts of
Portland: also several grand
children. Sister of Thomas Smart
and Mrs. Harriet Smart of Cali
fornia; Mrs. Lois Watts of Cor
vallis: Henry A. Smart of Salem;
Mrs. Isaac H. Moore of Tilla
mook; William A. Smart of Re-
gina, Canada; and John E. Smart
of Arizona. Funeral services Sun
day at 2 o'clock at the Clough-
Taylor chapel. Interment I.' O. O.
F. cemetery.
Joseph Albert Montgomery age
73, died February 5 at the resi
dence 234 Ellsworth at Albany
Survived by widow, Mrs. Lulu G
Montgomery and three daugh
ters: Mrs. Dora Roberts of Al
bany, Mrs. Lillie Stewart of Am
Ity, and Mrs. Emma Becker of Al
bany; and one grandson, Joseph
Stewart. Funeral services Monday
afternSn at 1:30 o'clock at the
Rigdon chapel Rev. Estfon of Al
bany officiating. Interment City
View cemetery.
Westercard ;
Mrs. Elizabeth Westergard died
in this city February 7. Survived
by widower, Martin Westergard
and one son. Donald. .. Funeral
services Monday at. 2:30 o'clock
at the Clough-Taylor chapel. Resi
dent of Portland. ,'
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 Tel. 12M
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Jut tea minutes front the
heart of towm
Hew Ueniber The Salem
chamber of commerce bulletin
announces Irish Cash Stores, 294
North Commercial street, as a
new member. Clarence 8. Ham-
mett Is the local manager. James
8. Nicholson, director of the civic
department of the chamber, has
announced his committee as fol
lows: William J. LUieoulst. Wal
ter 8. Nelson and Fred A. Erixon.
Bishop Goes South C. P.
Bishop left last night to spend a
week or 10 days on a combined
business and pleasure trip In Cali
fornia, He will spend most of his
time at Eureka and Saa Fran
cisco. Card of Thanks I wish to
thank my many friends and rela
tives, also the Elks lodge, for
their kindness and sympathy In
my recent bereavement. Mrs.
Rose Gwlnn.
Employment Light Out of 86
men and 31 women seeking work
at the local employment office in
the last week, 39 men and six
women were successful in finding
Mrs. Scott Calls Hero Mrs.
Genevieve Scott, who teaches In
the primary grades at the Gates
school, was among the Salem vis-
tors yesterday.
Joneo Fined Hoy Jones, ar
rested Friday on a charge of
drunkenness, was released from
the city Jail Saturday on payment
of a 10 tine.
Want used furniture. Tel. Ell.
Falls to Stop Ray L. Farmer,
990 Chemeketa, was arrested by
a local traffic officer Saturday on
a charge of falling to stop at a
tbrougth street intersection.
File Basinees Name iThe busi
ness name' Of United, mdfrern has
oeen adopted by A. IT. xaflar, ac
cording to a certificate filed with
the county clerk here.
License Issued A marriage li
cense was Issued in Portland Sat
urday to Clair Vernon Huff and
Ruth Candance Sanders, both of
Salem. Each gave age as legal.
Not Growers Meet The Salem
Nut Growers cooperative will hold
a meeting at the chamber of com
merce rooms next Tuesday after
noon. Dollar dinner every night 5:45
fn 5t at ti Vfarlnn hntl
Oberers In Portland L. E. Ob-
erer, of the Grabenhorst realty of
flees, and Mrs. Oberer are spend
ing the week end In Portland.
Returns to Bend Mrs. Augusta
Foley, who has been spending the
last month with a sister here; left
yesterday for her home In Bend
Clinic at Mill City Dr. Edward
Lee Russell, school physician, will
conduct a clinic at the Mill City
school Monday.
Weisner on Business Daryl
Weisner, farmer of the Silverton
district, was attending to business
matters here yesterday.
Special Turkey Dinner Today
The Spa.
Gray Belle . J&l
60c Special Dinner.
,75c Gray Belle Dinner.
$1.00 Turkey, Steak or
Chicken Dinner De Luxe.
For Dinner This Evening
Special Sunday dinner $1.00 at
the Marlon Hotel today.
Hotel Argo Dining Room : '
Turkey dinner today, 60c.
Chicken Dinner
Valley Cafe, 156 H So. Com'L -
If you fail to receive your
Statesman by 6:30 a. m., phone
500 and a copy will be sent to
you. - VJ .
Where To
To Adults Calling at Our Store
Autographed Photo
Hear Him With a Phiko
TTfflnME cdif inn
A 7'Tube Screen'
In the beautiful nets Console
Only with Philco Balanced-Unit
Radio can yon reproduce such
charming voice as that of Manriee
Chevalier starofTheLoveParadc".
This new Philco Console with the
wonderful new Philco 7Tohe Screen
Grid chassis is the greatest buy in all
radio history, we confidently believe.
Power, distance, pure tone, sharp
selectivity more radio for less
money than ever offered before.
Tefcpftone for rata deutomttntion TODAY
ffm obligation . . . Easy payments .
n ni
The Oregon state highway
commission has filed an applica
tion with the state engineer here
for permission to appropriate wa
ter from Powder Springs and
Bear Gulch spring; for highway
maintenance and a publle foun
tain in Jackson county.
Other applications filed with
the stat engineer follow:
Walter Mann they, North Bend,
water from unnamed creek for
domestic and operation of ram In
Multnomah county.
Ira G. Padrick, North Bend,
water from unnamed creek for
domestic and fish ponds In Coos
R. St. James, Portland, water
from Crystal Springs for fish
ponds in Multnomah county.
M. M. Porter. Philomath,, water
from Greety and Moss Creeks for
irrigation of 70 acres and devel
opment of water power in Benton
School district No. 137. VIda,
water from a spring, tributary to
Gate Creek, for school purposes
in Lane county.
Fred R. Fortner,- Wasco, water
from Grass Valley creek, for irri
gation of 34 acres in Sherman
G. E. Aikins, Riddle, water
from Cow Creek for irrigation of
25 acres in Douglas county.
; C. D. Brunn, Portland, water
from unnamed tributary to
Mary's Rfver for irrigation of 160
Jack Spence, McMinnviUe, wa
ter from unnamed spring for do
mestic purposes in Yamhill coun
ty. .Eugene -and - Sarah, 1 .Hopkins,
Talent, water. 1 'ifbm' Anderson
Creek for Irrigation of 11' acres
In Jackson county.
Willamette's second intersec
tional debate Is scheduled tor
Tuesday evening when the local
debaters meet a three man team
from Wheaton college, Wheaton,
Illinois, at the Chemawa Indian
school. The contest will be held"
at Chemawa because of the ap
pearance of Bishop Titus Lowe in
the Willamette chapel that night.
A Willamette team defeated
Wheaton at Wheaton In 1923.
The Wheaton debaters are on
a tour of the west which In Ore
gon Includes Reed college of
Portland, Willamette university,
Oregon Normal at Monmouth, and
Oregon State college, at Corval
lis. The members of the team are
Stephen Paine of Grand Rapids,
Michigan; Allan Zaun, of Milwau
kee, Wisconsin; and Clarence Sor
enson, of Bollus, Nebraska.
The same team which debated
the University of Hawaii here last
Monday is to represent Willam
ette. The Pi Kappa Alpha Ques
tion, "Resolved, that the nations
should adopt a plan of complete
disarmament," will be used.
Bankers of Oregon are urged
to attend the Pacific Northwest
Bank Management conference- to
be held in Portland March 5 and
6, in letters sent out today by A.
A. Schramm, state superintendent
of banks.
. "Reading of the program,"
reads Mrs. Schramm's letter,
For Expert
Truck and Tractor
Motor Reconditioning
G. A. Raymond Machine
425 Chun. St. Phoae 8
Grid AlUElectrie
W I MS M m
t md ran
Balanced- Unit Radio
"convinces you that It Is aa edu
cational activity or short coarse
put on by the bankers themselves
in the Interest of better banking.
The meaning of the phrase "bet
ter banking" includes a study of
our present day problems, a defi
nite effort to increase bank earn
ings and, of greater Importance,
the avoiding or reduction of loss
es. It Is an exceptional oppor
tunity made possible through
your own bankers association.
"It is my sincere conviction,
based upon my experience in this
department, that there is a real
need for such a conference. The
bank can, in my Judgment, well
afford to jay the expenses of all
officials and directors who attend.
I am especially anxious that as
many directors as possible attend
because each director is person
ally responsible for the manage
ment of the institution with which
he is connected. -
"I have been Informed that the
comptroller of the currency has
directed the chief national bank
examiner of the 12th federal re
serve district to send a letter to
all national banks requesting
them to attend. Since this state
has been favored through the se
lection of the meeting place, it is
our duty to make the Oregen at
tendance 100 per cent."
Governor Xorblad fcaturdav is
sued papers for the return to Ore?
gon ef Charles Fickltn, alias Jack
son, and Herbert Botschon, alias
Watson, who are under arrest in
Indictments were returned in
Portland recently charging the
men with assault and robberv
while armed with a dangerous
weapon. Affidavits filed with
Governor Norblad Indicated that
the men held un Lillian Alstock.
daughter of the proprietor of the
store, ana appropriated more
than 111,000 worth of lewelrv.
Portland police officers were to
leave tonignt for St. Louis in
quest of the prisoners.
Apartment House
Tradetf for Farm
One of the largest property
transactions reported in Salem In
recent days has just been hand
led by the J. F. Ulrica realty
company, with George F. Peed
exchanging his apartment house
at 280 North 18th street for the
108 acre ranch near Amity own
ed by John E. Luce. Total consid
eration involved is $16,000.
Luce and his wife will take
charge of the apartment house
here next week, and Peed will
move to the farm.
The House of Hearts
Over 600 to select from
Fafjily Thiuus
Several men proposed to nfe be
fore you did!
Well, wby didn t you marry tne
first fool that came along;?
Well, didn't If
Good, well-selected food,
rperly cooked and proper
served at a ' reasonable
price are onr rhief attrnc
tioas. DINNER 50e
Ncv Angola
222 ft N. Coml
St. Louis, mo., charged wun .rob
bing' the Afetock leweh-y stqw la
Portland aeveral month a WroJ I i
For old and young Clever, Comic, and Artistic,
And for the Valentine Party 1
We have everything needed to make it a distinguished
Bridge Score Pads
Party Favors
a A
HUBBARD. Ore.. Feb. S (Spe
cial) Honoring Chief Jenkins of
the Portland police force the
many of those who had attended
the police school at the Wlllam
ette university law school took
dinner together at Hubbard Min
eral springs hotel Friday night,
Dr. P. O. Riley and Hy Everding
being responsible for gathering
the company together. The chief
and his wife were presented with
a beautiful four-layer cake. Fol
lowing the dinner Leta's orches
tra furnished music for dancing.
The guests besides the chief
and his wife were Lt. and Mrs; W.
C. Epps, Mr. and Mrs. SIg G.
Knowles, Dr. T. J. Sheridan. Hy
Everding, Martha Randall, Capt.
R. L. Crane, Capt. Harry Niles,
Mrs. Gene Johnson, Mrs. F. C.
Eisman -of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Ferrey, Dr. and Mrs. R. R.
Hewitt, W. C. Levens, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Alexander, of Salem,
Dr. and Mrs. Riley of Hubbard,
Luke S. May of Seattle, W. B. Mc
Murtry of Belllngham.
Mr. May and Chief Jenkins
made brief talks after the dinner.
Circuit Court
Grand Jury true bills returned
Saturday show indictments
against Lloyd Anderson,' forgery;
Ethel Anderson, forgery; Ethel
Allen', larceny; Harry Wllqult,
possession of a still; and Harley
Feller, non-support. Not true bills
were returned In favor of A. C.
Iverson, assault; and Wan Wil
son, larceny of wood.
The following cases have been
set for the February term: Feb
ruary 10, Harris vs. Southern Pa
cific company; February 13, Will
vs. Rogers; February 14, Town
send vs. Sherman Clay; Febru
ary 15, Robertson vs. Worder;
Taylor vs. Davidson; Foster vs.
Positive Relief for Head
ache Neuralgia. Backache. Excel
lent in pains of Rheumatism
and sciatica.
Put up by
Emil A. Schaefer
Reg. Pharmacist
Price 25 Cents
Only at
Tbe Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem.
133 X. Commercial
Pbone 197
Penslar Agency
A. M. Clough
205 S. Church
Telephone 120
m rm
m mm
Commercial Book Store
A. A. Goeffroy, 163 N. Com'l
Stortx; Werner vs. McDonald.
Edwin S. Wolfer vs. Hubbard
Mineral Snrlnrs f?OTtiillnt tn .
establish a prior lien.
Valley Motor Co. vs. S. P. Jones -
Motion for order of default
made by plaintiff.
W. A. Kotthoff vs. Portland
Seed Co. Demurrer to amended
answer to plaintiff's amended
complaint filed. 1
T. C. James vs. Roy H. Rice '
and other garnishees An order
permitting until February 15 for i
garnishees to file answers has
been granted by the court.
Roy Livingston vs. Bonesteele
Motor Co. Motion to strike cer- "
tain parts of complaint filed by
Mergenthaler Linotype Co. vs.
Charles Clark Motion for hrder
of default and Judgment filed by
Bankers Life Co. - vs. Ethel
IT. 1 T TT
ith Breneman, one of defendants,
to plaintiff's bill of Interpleader ,
has been filed.
A. J. Ferter vs. John Meyer ,
Case dismissed, having been set
tled out of court.
Elmer Rice vs. G. J. Berger
Action to collect $400 alleged to
be due on a motorcycle.
Everett A. DeVinney vs. S. M.
Earle An order has been enter
ed dismissing the case as to Earle .
Tbe state tax commission will
open a branch office In tbe Ore
gon building in Portland next
Monday, for tbe convenience of
persons and corporations desir
ing; to pay tbeir intangibles aad;
excise taxes there.
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