The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    !iue !J.uciUxibA'A'ixoiAlC bakn Oregon, bjaiuayktorniag; V ternary vria-J-
allev District Communities for Statesman Readers
-r.., -.--. ...... . . - .- , .... .. - .. j .. , S
WOODBURN, Feb. 8. Miss
Hose Richards was the guest ol
Idr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis of Eu
gene, formerly Mlsa Juanlta
Hicks, tor a part ot last week.
Mrs. Otto Miller underwent a
minor operation at St. Vincent's
hospital in Portland last Tues
day. She is. well on the road to
recovery but will bare to remain
In the hospital (or two more
Mrs. Edyttae Toiler Wethered,
who spoke at the meeting of the
Woman's clab Wednesday was
the house guest of Mrs. C. C.
Geer Wednesday anl Thursday.
Mr J. M Tvla nf IT 11 ffona
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R M.- Hicks, the first part of this
Miss Lorna Chapelle, who has
heen staying with her aunt in Salem,-
Tialted at the home, of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Chapelle, this week.
Miss .Lottie Dlmick and Mrs.
C. C. Geer Monday. Miss Dimick
Dreher of Hubbard, called on Mrs.
lias been teaching in the Hono
lulu . schools for the past fire
years and Is back in the states
on a year's furlough.1
Mrs. Warner A. Wilson of
Portland has arlrved to care for
her mother, Mrs. D. II. Bomhoff,
who has been quite ill. Mrs. Bom
hoff has been taken care of by
her daughter, Mrs. W. Huddleston
who returned to Portland after a
three weeks' stay here. Last Sat
urday Mrs. R. Ererding. Mrs. F.
r. Gitner and Miss Helen Hud
dleston called on Mrs. Bomhoff.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Glatt an
nounce the birth o( a 7H pound
baby girl at St. Vincent's hospital
Tuesday. This Is the first child
Injchje family but the fifth grand
child of Mr. and Mrs. John Glatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine G. Mc
Cord, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Espy and
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hunt visit
ed their children, Elizabeth Mc
Cord, Cecil Espy and Winton
Hunt on the campus at the Uni
versity of Oregon Sunday.
Mrs. Jennie Austin was home
for a few" days from Salem where
he is taking care of her sister,
Mrs. A. B. Huddleston, who is
Quite 111. She returned to Salem,
where she will remain for an in
definite time.
Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Johnson
celebrated their sixtieth wedding
anniversary Thursday and Sunday
11 their relatives from here and
Vancouver, Washington, gathered
at a family dinner to congratulate
this fine old couple.
Rev. Fr. John Rubis sang High
Mass Monday morning In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckhout who
celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary that day. The couple
were presented with a beautiful
.wedding- cake and highly enter
tained by a splendid program.
A group of relatives called on
Frank Coy and enjoyed a chicken
dinner with him last Sunday. Cov
ers' were laid for Mr. McCoy and
con Milton at home, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Bowles of Oregon City, Donal
Hardcastle of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
Cyrus Coy of Portland, Mr. and
, JMrs. Harris Nelson and Mrs. May
xne Cochran of Woodburn.
. DAT.T-AS. Feb. 8-Rev. O. D.
Peterson and family will leave
Dallas Tuesday for Lewistown.
Idaho, where he has accepted the
paints try ot the Christian church
In that dty.. Mr. and Mrs. Peter
con have been very active In civ
ic affairs in Dallas and will be
Kissed in many ways.
Mrs. A. H. Veatch of Portland
has been In Dallas during the.
east week with her daughter Mrs.
xtonald Hayes who has been ill
with the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Richardson
left for Eugene Thursday noon to
Attend sessions of the editorial
association of which Mr. Richard
son is president.
Mrs. Simon Grindbehn spent
Wednesday in Portland, and vis
ited her sister Miss Alice Grant,
teacher In the Portland schools.
C. L. Crider spent from Wed
nesday to Friday in Toledo, look
ing after matters in connection
with his store at that place.
Mrs. C. N. Bilyeu attended a
luncheon given by the city feder
ation In Portland, Saturday. She
'was accompanied by Mrs. Earl
Fulgham who visited her sister
Miss June Eller.
Members of the American. Le
gion and auxiliary are very busy
preparing for their minstral show
to be given at the Majestic thea
ter, evenings of February 12 and
Del and Lloyd Plaster were
called to Canby on Wednesday by
the serious illness of their fath
Members of the Polk county
farmers warehouse association
will hold their annual meeting at
he armory, Wednesday noon,
February 12. when a basket din
rter will be served to those pres
ent. Officers will be elected.
Members ot the Christian
church will also have a basket
dinner, In the social room, follow
ing service Sunday morning, in
honor or Kev. x-eierson last sun
ta with them.
. -O
HUBBARD. Feb. lVt. V.
Fuller; publicity director for the
forestry department, gave an Il
lustrated lecture on -Forest Pres
ervation" showing Oregon scene
ry, forest and animal reserves at
school bouse Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. Fuller was assisted by
!A. Tj. McCartey of the law en
forcement .department of the
atate forestry field. ,
Frances Thomas, engineer of
Vale. Is 'a visitor at Hubbard. Mr.
Theftnas formerly uvea acre. .
if i Klsie Jungnickel, grand-
daughter of Mrs. Ellen Hatcher.
.1.1 ti few davs with her fath
er ? William Jungnlckel, at Hills
l ' xtr Jnnrniekel Is at ft hos-
Dital suffering- with blood pot-
son in BIS Sana. ,, . .
u.i Miinnt was called to
TOaAnesdaT hy the Ul-
.ess of Mr. Ma one who was . tak-
where hels under the care ofan
eye and ear specialist. Mr. Malone
recently accepted a position In
the mills at Coquille.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Pickens of
Independence were guests at the
R. C. Painter home Wednesday
evening. Mr. Pickens and Mr.
Painter attended the fight at the
city hall.
Miss Verna Ott and Mrs. Ber
that Atnsworth and Boyd Ains
worth left for WatsonviHe, Cal.,
Friday. They made the trip by au
to. They will be guests at t h e
home of Mrs. Ainsworth's parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Troudt.
Max Smolnisky, student of the
Hubbard high school, sprained
his wrist while cranking a deliv
ery truck Thursday evening.
Max is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Smolnisky, proprietors of
the Hubbard service store.
Roy Miller and Frank Thomp
son left Friday for a fish in r trip
to Neskowin.
The cold weather stopped the
work at Hubbard of the gas in
stalling erew of the Gas and Coke
company of Portland but they are
at work again' and expect to have
the work completed soon.
MACLEAY Feb. 8. Maxyne
Dalrymple and Anne .Engbrecht
visited Mr. F. McGee Friday eve
ning. Anne Engbrecht was the guest
of Maxyne Dalrymple Sunday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eng
brecht Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Schwesinger and
family of Salem and Mr. and Mrs.
Dave M. Hackett. Mrs. Carl Brack
and Mr. and Mrs. John Lebold
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. La
rond V. Hackett Sunday Utter-
noon. ,
Orvin Friesley motored to Lin-
clon Monday, where he bought.two
very fine pigs.
Edna Hensel was the guest or
her sister. Mrs. Ed Brandt who
lives near Four Corners over the
week end. -
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Lam
bert and son, Lawrence Lowell,
were guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lambert of Pratum.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Toocker and
Mrs. F. McGee and son, Billy, also
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wadzewado mo
tored to Portland Sunday to visit
with Mrs. Anhock.
John Engbrecht is recovering
fro man attack of appendicitis. He
is in the St. Vincent's hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Boline and chil
dren Elsie. Elinor, Pete and Bet
ty attended the community meet
ing at Bethel Saturday evening.
Mrs. Bahnsen and daughter Hil
da were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Boling Tuesday night.
V L. Masten made a business
trip to town Tuesday.
Among those absent from the
Aumsvllle high school on account
of illness last week were Lester
Perry and John Masser.
Owing to the baa roaas me
Aumsvllle high school bus has
had to change its route.
Mr. Savage was the guest ot
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hensel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brandt and
daughter Gladys Irene were the
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Clair Strawn was the guest
of Mrs. Larond V. Hackett Thurs
day afternoon.
The news of Harrison Thomp
son's death came as a great shock
to his many friends of McCleay.
He was a member of McCleay
grange for many years.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miner were
guests of the J. F. C. Tekenbergs
one day this week.
The continued cold weainer nas
made the farmers work sixteen
hours a day in order to get the
work caught up.
The snow has saved the iaie
sown grain, therefore a blessing
in disguise.
The report Is that Mrs. ueorge
Bera who has been ill for some
time Is much worse again and is
now in the Salem General nos-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin
were dinner guests at the Marvin
A. Wells home one day this week
Alice Patton has been 111 for
several days with a severe cold
Rockpoint school gave a very
interesting program Saturday.
There were three very good plays
also some very good singing. Mr,
and Mrs. Haley of Salem gave
some clever acts. A number of
Macleay and Rickey people at
Mr. and Mrs. John Tekenberg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry E. Martin visited
the Woodburn grange Saturday.
Mrs. Bartell and Mrs. A. Spell
brink were guests at the home of
Mrs. August Lents Wednesday.
ZENA. Feb. 8 La Verne Hol
land, Evelyn Charpilooz, Dorothy
Frederick, Alice crawiora. khib
Shepard. June Worthington and
Svbil Charnllooz.
Mrs. M. Hoidreoge oi aiem is
recovering from an Illness of al
most a week. Mr. and Mrs. Hol-
dridae are house guests at me
home of their son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
P. Merrick of Zena.
Reverend W. Earl coenran.
nas tor of the Calvary Baptist
church of Salem was a omner
gnest Thursday at "Maple
Mound" home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wavne D. Henry. '
Ralnh Cox. 11 years old was
enrolled as a pupil in tne uxtn
trade at the Zena K&ool ejus
week. The boy Is A new arrival
In the neighborhood and resides
at "Eaale Crest" n the sen
Frank Crawford. Ralph Scot
and Wayne Henry were subpoe
naed Wednesday tor Jury duty In
the case of State of Oregon versus
Henry Kochler. The case was
tried before Justice ot the Peace
Elmer Cook, in the city ball at
West Salem.
Orchardlsts here are busy this
month nrnninr cherry and prune
trees. The sap Is coming up in
the trees now. Buds are bursting
on berry vines also. The heavy
frost Wednesday night did no ma
Waldo Hills
WALDO HILLS, Feb. 8. Wal
do Rue experienced a peculiar- ac
cident Monday morning which,
fortunately, did not 4rove very
serious for the young lad. He
has been doing the chores at the
A. A. Geer farm since Mr. Geer
has been ill and on arriving there
Monday he found a horse had
gotten its leg between two large
stones which, with others, had
been thrown in to form a bridge.
In trying to help the horse, Wal
do dislodged another stone
which pinned his own leg fast.
Prompt work, with a crow bar
in the hands of the two young
Geer girls. Vesper and Reba,
brought relief to Waldo. His leg
is very sore however.
Little Harold Dickman. two
year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Dickman, is very ill with
Practice has begun for the
play, "On Ione's Trail." This
play Is being given by the young
er set of the Waldo Hills Com
munity club. The. date set Is
February 28. The east Is: Win
nie Riches, Thelma King, Julia
Currie, Mrs. Dave Ramseyer,
Mrs. Frank Bowers, Ted Riches,
Bob Riches, Max Scriber. Waldo
Rue, Roger Comstock. Directors
ar& Lois Riches and Ted Riches.
Orlando Rue, who has been ill
and out of high school since No
vember, began Monday. - But on
the advice of his physician he
dropped out after the first half
day to rest at least 'a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edson Comstock
made a business trip to Broad-
acres Tuesday.
Mildred Egan accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Miles Ottoway and
daughter, Beryl of Silverton, to
Portland last Friday. While
there she visited her brother, Ar
dis, who is in St. Vincent hospital
recovering from a major opera
tion. She reports him gaining
very rapidly.
Mrs. A. A. Geer, who is in Sil
verton caring for Tom Soderburg
on South Water street, spent a
few hours at her home here Sun-
ay. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Geer of
Silverton brought hei out.
Mrs. John Goodkenecht, who
has been very ill at her home
with flu, was able to sit up a
while Thursday.
Mrs. A. A. Geer returned to
her home Thursday noon after
0 days absence as trained nurse
on a case in Silverton. Mr. Geer
is . not getting along as well as
he might. He has been suff er
ne from sciatic rheumatism and
is confined to his bed.
RICKEY. Feb. 8 An exten
sion of a little over a mile on
the mail route 6 will bring the
mail to the doors of 12 families in
this community who formerly had
their mail delivered to the corner
near the A E. La Branche gas sta
tion. "The extension will run from
the A. E. La Branche gas station
to the F. Durbin farm then
through the Leo Chllds tract back
to the penitentiary road.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith and
daughter Gale, Mrs. Addle Smith
of Scotts Mills and Mr. Edland
Engal and daughter Aloho of
Monitor were Sunday guests of
Mr. an1 Mrs Oliver Ronffher.
Darold Blanchard has purchas
ed a new Ford roadster.
Kathleen Fitxpatrick and Mar
garet Magee, both students in the
art class at the Salem high school
are making the. posters to adver
tise the minstrel to, be given hy
the community club February 14
Mr. w. H. Humphreys, Mr. Wm
Sheridan. Mr. T. Fitxpatrick, Mr.
L. Randall, the committee In
charge of the program tor the
March meeting of the community
club and the president, Mrs. M.
M. Magee, held abnslness meet
ing at the Fitxpatrick home Wed
nesday afternoon.
W. H. Humphreys is putting a
new fence around his farm.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker of
Mill City were guests of D. A
Harris Tuesday evening.
Mrs. John Bodenhelmer (Jessie
Gesner) of Shaw called on friends
in the neighborhood one day last
Wm. Sheridan Is having a prl
vate telephone line from Salem
Put up.
A. A. Hager Is removing the
road fence from the east side of
his farm.
Brush College i
Mr. and Mrs. John Barnwell and
family, who recently arrived here
from Kansas are esiding in Brush
College on the large berry and
fruit ranch owned by Mr. and Mrs,
V. L. Gibson. John Barnwell Is
employed on the ranch.
Mrs. U. J. Lehman is recuper
ating from a severe illness at her
home at Brush College.
The new officers of the .Brush
College grange met Thursday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McCarter to learn their
ritualistic work.
Mrs. James Mitchell of Tamer
is a honse guest this mnth at the
home of ber niece and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. John Schindler of
Brush College.
TURNER, Feb. 8 Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Walters and four small
children have come to Turner to
make their home. Mr. Walters
bought the grocery store which
C A. Tatum took over a few
weeks ago from Lee Barber. -'-
Mr. and Mrs, Walters are re
cently from California, having
been In Salem a month while
looking up a location. -'
A general religious survey has
been taken this week of Turner
and surrounding neighborhoods
Don't throw yew watch away!
Watch Repairing
' Or Money Back
The Jewel Box
171 N. Liberty . -Opposite
J. C. Penney Co.
made under the direction of Ivan
Hadley, superintendent of the
Methodist Episcopal 8 a n d a y
Clair Pearson who with his
parents recently moved from Sa-
em to the farm of Bennet Pear
son, south of Turner, has Joined
the freshman class at Turner
All Is In readiness for a big
community meeting Monday night
February 10.
Mrs. I. Putman who has been
sick tor some time Is convales
The high school glee club has
been reorganized with 31 mem
bers signed up- for work with
Mrs. Jean Pearcy, director.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber
entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Hud-
kins of Salem over Sunday.
Mrs. S. L. Hulen. has been
quite sick at her home in Turner,
with inflammatory rheumatism.
Miss Irma Barber has been
caring for her.
LIBERTY, Feb. 8 Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Cooley of Myrtle Point
are spending several days at the
home ot Mrs. Cooley's mother,
Mrs. A. F. Marcus.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pierre and
two children have gone to Olym-
pia. Washington.
Members of Mrs. Holder s sun-
day school class met at her borne
Wednesday after school ror the
purpose of organizing the class.
Fourteen girls were present.
Light refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. O. I Dencer at
tended a meeting ot the AUagree
club at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Shelton on Wednesday eve
ning. W. H. Dorman who makes his
home with his father and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Dorman made a
visit to his daughter's at Falls
Mrs. W. A. McClew of Eugene
is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. F.
Mrs. Rolla Wilson and two
son s Meredith and uonaia oi
Drain are spending several days
at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
Kate Holder.
The community extends Us
sympathy to Mrs. A. F. Marcus
and family on the death of her
mother, Mrs. Sarah Watt who
has been ill at the home of her
daughter for several weeks. This
is the third death in the immedi
ate family of Mrs. Marcus, her
father and husband having pass
ed away within the last few
J. H. Dasch was in Corvallis
Friday attending a course on
canning given at the Oregon State
college. Mr. Dasch is employed by
the Hunt Brothers Canning com
pany of Salem.
Harold Judd and Isaac Schmidt
motored to Toledo the first of the
week returning by way of Taft.
They report the weather very
O -O
Central Howell
The next community club meet
ing will be on the 14th. The pro
gram committee Is planning a
program consisting mostly of lo
cal talent.
Miss Bryant, school nurse, gave
the toxin-antitoxin to those who
wished to have It Tuesday. This
was the third and last time for
many of them.
Those who will have electricity
In their homes this week for the
first time are W. Nafzeiger, A. E.
Knenxl, Mr. Guthrie, Thos. Lavre,
Mrs. A. Binegar, Will Roth and
F. E. Way.
St Paul
8T. PAUL, Feb. 8 Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bernard are the
proud parents of an eleven pound
baby boy born Thursday, Febru
ary the sixth.
The ladies sewing club, met at
the home of Mrs. K. C. Davidson,
Thursday. There were 20 mem
bers present. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs.
J. G. McKillipp, Tuesday," Febru
ary the eleventh.
An old time dance was held In
the Knights of Columbus hall on
the evening of February the sev
enth. From eight to nine o'clock
the St. Paul band played and the
remainder of the evening JIggs'
old time orchestra from Wood-
burn played.
doctors idea
still helping
conquer constipation
DR. CALDWELL made a star
tling diseoxery shortly after
he graduated from medical school
back in 1875. He found great
immhers "especially older men
and women- uf7ering front con
stipation, who were taking; harsh
laxatives and purgatiTea. So ho
concluded that many thins peo
ple take for constipatioB. do mora
harm than good, and physiciana
of today are of tie same opinion.
This thought made Dr. Caldwell
conduct a search, and out of it
came the prescription which
Bade him . famous. Oner end
over ho wrote it, .when ho
found people bOic-us, headachy,
ort-of -sorts, weak or feverish;
with coated tongue, had breath,
AMITY. Feb. 8 Lloyd Coch
ran was taken very 111 last week.
Frank Height Is driving the
school bus during his illness.
Joe Grable, O. EL Roth and J.
R. Snod grass attended the Elk's
lodge meeting at McMlnnville last 1
E. T. Baker of Salem transact
ed business In Amity last Mon
Victor Nixon is driving a brand
new Ford sedan.
Dwight Wyatt Is the proud
owner of a new Chevrolet coach.
Eldon Lattimer, who has been
visiting his parents, has returned
to Corvallis where he Is employ
Will Riehter and daughter,
Gladys, called on his wife at the
hospital near Salem last Sunday.
Chas. Crouch of Ashland was
an Amity business visitor on
Miss Gladys Hall of Salem spent
the week-end in this city at the
home of Mrs. Alvln Rierson. Miss
Hall Is a former Amity resident.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Jim Booth
have been on the sick list for the
past few weeks.
Miss Lulu Tallman, a gradu
ate of Amity high school is work
ing In Salem.
George Voughan was a Salem
business visitor on Monday.
J. R. Cronk, who has been 111
for several weeks. Is reported as
Mr. and Mrs. George Patty left
Friday for Delake where Mr.
Patty plans to work on his prop
erty there.
Delmer Campbell, a graduate
of Amity high school, was in town
Friday visiting friends and rela
tives, O- 1 " ' 1 o
No"rt Santiam
Mrs. D. W. Cobb and son Garl
of Willamina visited the C. L.
Young home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Higglns of
Portland spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
W. C. James of Albany spent
Tuesday with his mother Mrs. L.
M. James.
Mrs. Emma HInkle has return
ed home from an extended visit
with her daughter at Independ
ence. Mrs. J. M. Miller who has been
quite ill is reported as being able
to be up. Their daughter Pearl,
who is employed in Portland,
spent the week-end at home.
Mrs. Leland Keithley and Mary
Lou are spending the week - in
Mill City.
Floyd Speer of Salem was a
dinner guest at the Howard home
Word has been received here
of the death of Bertha Clark ot
San Diego, Calif., youngest daugh
ter of Rev. and Mrs. U. G. Clark
The Clarks were former residents
of this place.
The 4-H cooking club ot North
Santiam met at the school house
Friday afternoon for their regu
lar meeting. They have completed
group four of their work, which
was quick breads. They selected
their song which Is a clever par
ody on the song "A Four Leaf
Clover." After the meeting
short social time was enjoyed by
o o
KINGWOOD, Feb. 8. Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Yantia spent several
days of last week at Corvallis.
where they were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Rawlings. Mrs.
Rawlings is a daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Yantia. When they re
turned home, their granddaugh
ter, little Miss Katberlne Raw
lings, came with them for i
week's visit. She will return
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite
and daughter, Catherine, were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Shepherd ot Zena, Sunday.
Mona and Loren VosbUrgh. who
have been quite 111 for two weeks,
are again able to attend classes
at Salem high school. Mike Wal
despiel has also been sick but Is
making a rapid recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gehlar of
West Salem, were Wednesday
evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Rollin Beaver and Mrs. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ber
tion was so thorough even in the
most obstinate cases, and yet so
gentle with women, and children.
The product yon get from your
drag store, today, when yon ask
for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
is pot up exactly fat accordance
with this prescription. It has be
come the world'! -most popular
laxative. It is a pleasant tasting
mixture of fresh herbs, and other
pure ingredients; it is a real cor
rective for constipation fox men,
women and children.
A Doctor Familj Laxative
W Wfe
nard were entertained Sunday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. McCarty in South Sa
lem. Mrs. McCarty Is Mr. Ber
nard's daughter.
Mrs. Avery Applewhite substi
tuted for Miss June Pbillpot of
Salem high in the physics and
science department, several days
of last week.
Ernest Flack and family have
moved Into the - house formerly
owned and occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. M. P. Brown. The Flacks
are from Salem where Mr. Flack
was for many years an employee
In the office of the Portland Elec
tric Power company.
Mr. and Mrs. Bittner drove to
New berg Friday where they at
tended the funeral ot Mrs. Bitt-
ner's brother-in-law, Henry
SILVERTON, Feb. 8 Three
carloads of Junior Girl Reserves
went to Salem Wednesday eve
ning to enjoy a swim and a sup
per at the club rooms of the Y.
W. C. A. Mrs. E. R. Ekman. Mrs.
Stewart and Mrs. Glenn Mc
Donald took the girls over.
Melvln Webb is now with the
Federal Reserve Bank In San
Francisco and is attending night
school where he is taking bank
ing coarse. Melvln was graduated
from the Silverton high school
last June. He Is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Webb of Silverton.
A. H. Ness, son of Mr, and Mrs.
S. A. Ness of Silverton and a na
turepathic physician, has been
selected as head physician of the
Linn-Anna Health home at Al
bany. He has entered up his new
Two places of business have
been greatly Improved on South
WateY street. The oW, th Hubbs
Planing Mill, has been thorough
ly renovated, repapered and
painted in the offices and display
room. New display racks have
been added. The glass has been
moved down stairs where an el
ectric glass grinding machine for
beveling has been installed.
The other place of business is
the J. E. Hosmer offices. These
have been redecorated and rear
ranged in a very attractive man
ner. Mrs. T. E. Preston will have
charge of the office work both
for Mr. Hosmer, who is an attor
ney and real estate agent, and for
Mr. Preston who deals in radios.
Orchard Heights
Mrs. H. Snites and Mrs. J. din
ger, who are old friends of the
L. Grice family, were their guests
from Sunday until Monday. The
home of the visitors is at Reed
Mrs. William Bouffler Is suf
fering from a cracked rib. The
accident was the result of stumb
ling over a chair rocker which
caused a bad fall
The J. R. Chapman family
were guests for dinner Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Chapman's
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Lynch of Kingwood.
Errin Simmons will be em
ployed the coming year on Robert
Adams' fruit farm where he will
do tractor and other orchard
L. Grice and his daughter-In
lav, Mrs. Ammon Grice. drove to
Dallas Tuesday where they spent
me oay as the guests of Mrs.
James Mills, a friend who for
merly lived in Salem.
J " O
JEFFERSON. Feb. S A. sew
lng club has been organised in
division 1 sewing by their teacher,
Miss Elda Reese making the sec
ond sewing club In the grade
school. Those Joining the club are
You will find the new modi
fied silhouette portraying new
and cJiarming effects for street
and afternoon wear. :
Quality Merchandise
Doris Roland, Geraldine ' Jones,
Rath Gardener. Frances Weddle.
Erma Weddle. Ellen Looney. Ka-
theiine Foster and Adelia Steph
enson. Mrs. Olen .Nebergal and sons.
Donald and Jack ot Albany spent
Thursday evening with Mrs. Neb-
ergal's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Miller ot Jefferson.
H. E. Jones,. postmaster at Jef
ferson -was a business visitor in
Salem Friday. .
The Associated Purity Store No.
22 of Jefferson wil close their
business here and Is 'dosing out
their stock of groceries and feed.
Mrs. Charles Randolph and sis
ter Rose . Trebes left Thursday
morning for Wolf Creek and will
spend a few days visiting their
father J. K. Trebes.
MrsV. D. Looney has been
confined to her home the past
week with an attack of shingles.
Salem Heights
Miss Maxlne Sautter, who has been
attending University of Oregon at
Eugene, has just undergone an
operation for appendicitis in that
city. Her mother was called there
Thursday morning and reports
that she is recovering. Mr. Saut
ter and family will drive to Eu
gene Sunday morning and Mrs.
Sautter will probably return with
The play. "A Family Affair,-
enjoyed a good attendance both
Thursday and Friday evenings and
the club wishes to thank all who
iln and Mrs. P. F. Stolsheise
were entertained at dinner at Mrs.
Belle Wampler's Sunday.
Mrs. Grace Farrington and Mrs.
Hasel Raburn, of Newport, are
visiting old friends here.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Cooper is mending after a
severe cold.
The J. W. Douglas family are
recovering from the flu-a-cold;
prevalent around here.
Mrs. F. D, Thielson was a visit
or In Portland this week.
Mrs. Pennington, formerly of
Salem Heights, is slowly recover
ing from a serious operation for a
carbuncle three months ago.
O -O
SHAW, Feb. 8 Lyle Wells,
small son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Wells, who has been seriously ill
with a throat infection now has
the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Livingstone
of Portland are visiting here this
week with Mrs. Livingstone's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mas
ser and family.
Mrs. E. F. Amort and small
grand-daughter Patricia Burghart
have been ill with the flu the past
Anthony. John, and Theresa
Masser, who have been quite ill
with flu are able to be up and
around but are still confined to
the house.
Mrs. Michael Lawlnger who has
been in HI health for some time
was taken to a Salem hospital for
treatment Sunday and is report
eed In serious condition at this
Joe Sherman is ill at his home.
The program given at the Shaw
public school Saturday evening
was well attended. Three one act
comedies were presented by local
STAYTON, Feb. 8 C. H. Ry
der, who lives on the West Stay
ton road, has sold his place at
Mill City, to Frank Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bell and
Miss Rosella were in Portland the
first of the week.
The MultnOmah Dramatic club
Is giving four one act plays at
Spring s
There's a definite
newness and indi
vidifal smartness
about these frocks
that wins their way
to your heart.
They will cap
ture the fancy of
those who demand
something refresh
ingly new.
Popular Prices
the high school auditorium on ;
Saturday evening, February 8th.
The plays are given for the bene
fit of the Women's Community
club, and are said to be very good.
These players planned to come to.
Stayton early in January, and on
account of the weather did not
come then. Plan to attend, you
will enjoy It and also help the
"Haskel Huntley and family
have moved into the Thomas
house adjoining their place. '
Wbeaton Huntley and wife have "
moved onto the Farrington place.
P. Ruef and family have moved
in with Del Harrington. All had
been living In Stayton the past
G. C. Euhlberg, of Portland, a
brother-in-law of Charles Gehlen
and Mrs. George H. Bell visited
them here this week. Mr. Euhl
berg and his family were at one
time residents of Stayton.
KEIZER, Feb. 8. There will
be an all day meeting of the Kei
zer ladles' aid at the home of
Mrs. J. A. Gardner, Thursday, v
February IS.
The Keizer community club
will hold Its regplar meeting Fri
day evening at the school house.
A special program Is being ar
Mrs. Ruth Balr and children,
Lucille and Joan came over from
Bay City, Oregon, to spend some
time at the Geo. N. Thompson
home., Mrs. Balr has been In ill
health and will consult a physician
in Salem.
What DoYou See?
You will see only
What comes within the
range of your vision.
If you eyesight is de- .
f ective that range may
: reduced to such a
dangerous limit that,
convey no message to
you. All because you
cannot see it quick
Defective eyesight is
responsible for many
ills of humanity. Many
accidents that result in
death could be avoided
if the eyes were per
forming their proper
People have learned,
and are learning, that
it is dangerous to gam
ble with their eyesight.
You cannot afford to
take a chance. Why
should you?
Your eyesight is one
of the greatest bless
ings God has bestowed
upon you. A gift you
cannot replace. You
should neglect no
iirarninrr ArltisVk nahira
II gives to you. The dan
ger signals which she
flashes but go at once
to a competent Opto
metrist A safe driver should
consider it part of his
efficiency to have his
eyes examined by a
competent Optomet
rist. It is to the intelligence of
the public, the press and the
educators that we nust look
for the elimination of fifty
per cent of all motor acci
The moment you feel the
slightest distress in 'your
eyes, or notice a dimming of
your vision-you are being
warned - that something is
wrong and that your eyes are
being used under improper
You should give) vour even
the benefit of the best eve-
sight service science and skill
can offer. That's ODtometrie'
Service, as practiced by the
competent! Optometrist.
Cat Ont Sign Mall Today
Enclose stomped and addreosed
The Eye Sight Service Bo
reaa of Salem, core of The Ore
gon Statesman, Salem, Oregoav
please send me, withont cost
or obligation on my part, "copy
of the new Booklet deserfbtec
Sight Conservation. - t
city .........:.;..;..
terial damage. -
no appetite or energy. Ita