Tfcg OGCN TATCIAM Sdra, PrtSKyScs&xy Kaniiag; Fcbnary 9, 1930 PAGE FIFTEEN 1 3 I t II 1 1 ( L ti 1 Vr 1 1 i A - CXsnABTfTXD AD YKSTXSXW ; 4 jCmui awu, W flit 1 1 1 t$ ft Ha BfaihiM ami UUBI : CTsnslfiad Adrartistsg. pa Jim. Cmsitfiad AdvtrtUtag, to to a tis ClMfMM ifimllisas v liMt , , , , IN ao Or. tnenth, daily asd sndar pa Ila Ti lift ' Copy for this pag Accepted ra tU 4:84 th ovenlng before pubtt- ntM tor cMinaiuoi . vaer rs- served after thl time win a run To fast to emmtfy. HELP WANTEDE1ALE . SOMETHINOWEW! . Reliable with ability (or posi tions oo twannisattoa staff. Corr- madtnet school o similar MNil dtrsirabla. Must b abU fir best reference. Address Dept. 21, Junior Air rrvJe of A merle. Inc.. 75 East Wocker IJrlvs. Chktcik IU. FEDERAL DISTRIBUTORS GET BIO MONEY! No rspftai or Tperf wo Mwded. Write FEDERAL PC RE FOOD CO-. 231 Aretwr. Chicago. MAN wanted, well acqmnmted. reli iM, nertretle. No Investment. Ko ex-j-rience Just your tim. Bis rn irvgs. F. outfit- BEARD PAINT CO.. Iw-pt. it, auaaaa city, ate. MANUFACTCREK WANTS DIS TRIBUTOB FOR 3 CO -anile 42.4 -Pocket radio. 'Sells rtseif with mu sic. Pay 140. Box tit. Akron. O. POSITIONS on ocean lmer from Pacific. A Atlantic coasts. Ooed per : ecr-ri-uce unnocenanry. ISetf -address . rt envelope brings list. . Box Hit-A, Mount Vernon, N. I. UEN 94 PER. DAY An old established manufacturing ntx-em will add thrao neat appearm" non. between za and as to their or Kanixation. ' Expel luue net (Mi i n ttai as ability to work and follow in structions. We will teach you and fhow you, also pay you ti per day lor time spent training It you -qualify, CALX. TUESDAY 11 A. M. SHARP fi 147 North Commercial HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN WANTED FOR TRAVEL ING POSITION : OtK-n February 17th, not married entirely unincumbered, between 23 and 40. Good education essential. Sal ry, bonus and transportation. Give .-ige, ; education, experience. F. II oMPTON A CO.. 1V- N. Dearborn, Chicago. MARY ROSE REPRESENTATIVE famous dresses ; hosiery ; lingerie ; hort hours, no experience f r e e equipment; $33 weekly. RODASI CO., 39 1 Rodasl mag., Cincinnati, tt ADDRESSING envelopes t home. spare time. Earn substantial pay wkly : exp. unnec. Dignified employ tuent for honest, aincere persons. EM PLOYMENT MGR., Bos 5, East Ti f en go, 1XD. SITUATIONS WANTED GUARANTEED PRODUCT EQUALS GAS 3c GALLON. No fake. twd commission to agents. Free par ticttlars and proof. J. H. Sykes, Ti Kn rd, Oregon. SALESMAN $124.4 weekly rep resenting million dollar factory. Sell paints varnishes, roofing on credit to hom'-s, factories, etc. ro experience nedd. Factory prices save 4')r. We !rtjver, and collect. Money-back guar antee. No Investment. Season on. Write for BIG FREE outfit. The Mad ison Paint Co., Dept. E-5, Cleveland. Ohio. iRENTS: Shoe soles for ten cents. Spreads on with knife like butter. Waterproof, pliable and wears like leather. Write for big money making proposition and no cost sample, UNI VERSAL LABORATORIES, INC., Xept. 511, Des Moines. lows'. : 40-55 per cent profits selling America's greatest line printing nec essities. 1000 styles every business uses. Thousands free cuts. Lowest rices, guar, qualities. Exp. unnec Iain, sideline. Details free. Box 4, Cincinnati. We -desire a salesman to represent ris in selling the New International Encyclopedia to selected individuals, chools and libraries. Whole or part time. Leads furnished. Dodd. Mead A Co., 734 Pacific Bidg., San Francisco, California.' ' ' jnPl"M,""M,'M""M FOR S ALE Slisceflaneons . SALEM Scavenger servtce call 117. FOR SALE All kinds of wood. A. TUCKER 1919J. 4tojnaawaywnnswann ALFALFA hay L. Townsend. 14 miles N. of Salem. Mission Bottom. Call 71F82. - - - - sVansnssBwasos,w,sa1nBwssAsnsmi OAT and vetch hay. M. C. Smith. R. 1, Brooks, Oregon. PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, new and used. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Exchange, 421 -Court street. My small stock on hand ($175.00) end exclusive territory for an excel lent article big profit For sale cheap or will exchange for electric washer or radio or furniture. Health does not permit handling. Write Box 604, Statesman. HAT for sale- Phone 415. CLOVER, vetch and oat nay. Ernest Roth. R. 7, Salem. $20. FOR SALE-Baled straw, $7.44 per ton at farm. Phone 4ir:z. 179 75 NEW REG1NA Electric cleaner, wtth all attach ment never unpacked for $65.00, Phone 2041J or call at 775 N. church. - WANTEliMisceilaneons WANTED Used planes, la ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur wtrtr" H. L Stiff lroltureCoj!!panv. MISCELLANEOUS FREE CONCRETE BLOCKS snn on ft. of 14 Inch old concret to be removed from premises of new state office wag. inquire 01 w flee. Ross B. Hammond Co. FOR RENT ROOMS m n fWim-W - .... FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooms. Heat and hot water. Garage If wanted. Phone 1344 J. TWTunis or four furnished room, llaht- water, phone, $15.44, $14.44, close In. 541 Mill. WARM room dose In. phone 5H5W. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Apartments $14 and $17, Grocery, 899 N. Com L Damon Desirable $ room well heated apt. Phone 1S82M. 2 WELL furnished - apartmenti. 2211 HaseL Phone H39W. NICE clean 4 room furnished apt private bath. 1447 So. Com I. anssnanawasn ej n - FURNISHED apt 133 SUto. ' nr. i , aWlv famished a Daft n.,nM for rent; one threw room, and the other two, with dressing room -a. . AMBASSADOR APTft. Phono fe mn w ENT -Beautifully furnished three room apartment, -only seven block from Ulllefa stor.. 87$ N. Lib erty, pnon zi-. sh front apartment largo jrooma, partially furnlahed. Call I84.W. m tivwr irrs -1 8 room apt Court Apts, Phone 3BT4J. KTOunu " , , Mmn- -V6W RENTf . or Without neat. . r 5L -: " "rTTTT i mm and tksir YOX w.,5,.i Zi tlt$4 net furalshed apt . FOR IXENT HOUSES --- - ii-i-irii-u-ii-inriiinft)-uxaju FOR RITNT Hotiaaa fualsiiad fraAbd i wood tit Ststo Street i1" '1'innrui njtnr ,nrin-arci 'tAAixrtruTxft room furnbthaii hatias fop rent. SC4 N. Cbtirch. Gas, (a rage. UODSXOT bouML Good condition. Phone llisJ. B room flnelv furnished bmise. doss la, tfcO.a. & room furnlahod. fine,, for ItS.oo. For renthir houses see J. LIN COLN ELLIS. 4 ft? Center. FOR RENT Suburban home- a room modern house, double garaire. i acres of good land, part In fruit. Pries S33 per "LEO V. iCHXLDS CO., Roaltors ; sis wtato saroet pimmm 1717. - FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSE HOrSES TO AUi PARTS OF THE CrTY Via np to sB. to see them SES LOUIS BECHTEXi . GEORGE THQMASOV S41 Stat Street Room 4. I ROOM firnlSirJ hmiH.. and bsswotnt. 131 N. Winter St. 4 ROOM buajcalow. breakfaat - nook. garage. Also 6 room house, batn, pantry, garage. Phono Ifu7-J. riVK room house on Hich atrsea. Dfiposiie nisn scnooi. e non eveaincs. FOR RENT First class enrace. Close in. Statesman, Wanted to' bent "WANTED to rent a ood S room modern house north of Mill Creek, on uottage, winter. Hummer or Churcn streets by the year. Dandy five acres with cows, horses. chickens, pig and equipment for sale or exchange lor clear i". Salem house. Pine two A. home, view property to exchange for good acreage. Houses to rent for 11 3-.$ 20-$ 2 5 per month. H. ISO N. Com. GRANT Phone 242-C FOR SALE REAL ESTATE S. M. EARLE 224 -No. High St- rhone 2242. . t ' - . . A reliaVle Salem realtor, selling city aWtf X-irm property -of all kinds. Spe cialist ia exchange of all hinds; f property tanjrcrhere. 8 Room Salem' liome Good Location to trade for acreage. Address 13, care Statesman. FINE 10 acre trace near Salem, modern bungalow, fruit, good income $44. Take residence for part - Two good bungalows for acreage. Nice 5-4 adre suburban home on Pacific highway near Salem, lights, water, fruit, fair bldgs., $2000, easy terms. See our list before buying or ex changing your property. PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Gray Building RE I MA NX'S BARGAINS 5 rooms, full basement, fireplace, furnace, breakfast nook, garage. Mod ern. Unfinished attic. It, acres in W. Salem. Almost new 4 room bouse. Good black soil. Nice fruit trees, some berries. Good water. Fine view. On gravel road. Three nice, well located lots In W. Salem. A bargain. Good general country store and oil station for sal. Good reason for sell ing. Three room house with bath, in West Salem. Will take good car as first payment. Have cash buyer for home in north east part of city. Price about $1000. Let us write your insurance. ' Money Money to loan. Quick Service RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor 214 N. High Street Phone 86a. 1 1-4 A. fine view Ktagwood Heixhts. city water to place, dec, fine trees. $1404. 2 1-4 A. at Mt. Angel. 7 rm. nouse. elec wster system, 3 large chicken houses, $:840, will trade for Salem home. O A., I til. pjijisir't ta, huubt, t (.ii, elec presswre water s-stem. 15 large cherry trees, variety fruit, berries and . . . . hn4h nuts, fine shade trees, iamuy inrn. nuts, berries. 5 rm. plastered house. near Salem. $1500 and will exchange for Mill City property. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street MODERN HOME 84704.4 5 -Room and nook, downstairs, . two more to be furnished upstairs, iun basement furnace, fireplace, strictly modern. Good garage, pavement paid. Owner will take a good first mortgage up to $2000.00 on other property as first payment ana l years to pay balance. SHE SEARS A TUCKER For homes. 184 S. Com'L St A client offers two Income proper ties in Salem. imDroveda lreaxe on Garden Road in exchange for a going farm of 34 to acres with lair im provements, value of about 10,000.- ; wui assume reasonaoie amount. This Is a fine proposition. . Call nt.ornce or JOHN W. ORR - No. 123 New Bligh Bldg. SPECIAL HOUSE BARGAIN Splendid new 5 room strictly .modern house with large unfinished half story, close to schools, paved street and a snan at 83750. Two right good 4 room bouses In fair location and. the terms are easy Your cnotc for i4w on easy terms. A very nice 5 room house north east In good location with a delight ful lawn abunaane 01 snruos ana flower. A splendid older type nouse, very well built dose In on Court street with delightful large lot worth $6500 and will oonsider a small well lm- Lproved acreage close. . nifini:HKinr tm rem inuiy.i T04-14 V. a Bank Bldg. Phone 140, FOR SALS By owner- home in South Salem. Income possibilities. Phone 174 J J. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY Almost new fi room English type hnuu on larsr east front lot splen did view of city and rots. A real buy at $454. ar will accept good car or vacant lot UP to bib. tim wui please the moot exacting buyer. see sirs, runs wnn I.Kn K. CHILDS CO- Realtors 824 State 8treet Phone 1727 EXCEPTIONAL OFFERING Owner In business in distant state write t to sail hi Salem propet ty at once. One. a tine residence in good location, .xn ocner a onpiex Brmsruier gooa in coma. lor pouv wiu en separate. 4504 down, Dai. to suit SEE Mrs, Kins wnn UiO N. CHILDS CO., Roaltors 824 Stat Street Phone 1T27 $1854. f room bungalow. Urge lot. lino xroic - tin a, wu fuM $144 down. '- . $2190. 4 room bungalow, 4 basement - furnace, oak floor In livmA room, ' toilet and bath. S144 down. $2100. S room bungalow in fin con dition, larg lot. fruit tree and $22$t. 4 room English type house with j. nook, fireplace, garage,, oak floor. $100 down. $3254. S room English type,, house, modem 4a vary way. $20. down. 82754. room bOTgalow, inodora to every way, attio ataftrway. dose to Grans school aa first pay ment - ---.-A.. V. 14204. T room English tyY tonm, T modern In every way, WUI trad for 4 room house. $5109. Private money to loan on good BaAba--aTiBn.-ai.--r - A- L. DARK 22$ Ui S. Bank. Blag. Phtme ITT. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOTTSK kamhu. ' LsrM (arans I nvuOT, - iis exua sjnnge, piumuinn; and lights, paved street, two lots la fine residence district, 140. FIVE room stucco bouse, oak floors, corner lot North Salem, both atrosta paved, price $3444. Just about' what the buiming would cost and the lot m worth 11440. It a 'bargain. 1 www tfl State Street V FOR SALE Nearly new S rm. ptaa- tered house, linolenm In hath and kit chen, shade, screens, - garage and lawn. Pavins; nald or ice. 42100.44. 812 No. Z4tb 8C Might consider light car. Jvey at isa 10. ztn street. FINE five room modern home, near- I Iy new. well located and has every- thing that can be desired. FHoa -; J zoe.vv, reasons tv payment casn ana mo Ti i ilia on DBjance. - SEVEN room modern home, well lo- I cated In North Oaken, has basement I furnace, good garng gad aflnev lacs.-. tion. Not only. Offered in order to set-1 t estata tor a thousand dollars lees I than its real value. Reasonable pay ment cash, terms on balance. Price j 4354.44. Call at office JOHN W. ORR 123 New Blifh Bids. ROOM HOUSE 32454.44' LARGE lot. fine location, close to high school and graded school ; this la a good buy and you wfl.1 say wben you see it Any raaaooahl pay - ment down. Bal. easy. - IMSE SiUKS TUCKER 184 South Commercial . I wwii'iivTWivvwvw i HOhOS BARGAIN 4!4. Attractive 4 room horn wim I east between but and Crater streets, electric range, fireplace, corner income property with good tan lot, both at, paved, near school 1 ant Vahie $14,444-. Will take modern ana nui are, f hw wwh I $34. per mo. Located 1325 N. I lsth St. A REAL BUY AND THE 1 fKlCK IS 1UUHT. SOUTH SALEM HOME $3000. Good modern five room home with basement, furnace, corner lot. garage. Fairmount Hill sec tion, only $744. down, balance payable $33.80 per mo. LET US SHOW THIS BARGAIN. ' NEW HOME $3300. Attractive 4 room- modern home READY TO. OCCUPY, has full cement' basement, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, two bedrooms, large attic, paved st, ,near school and bus line, $500 down, balance $35 per mo. SEE THIS HOME- BEFORE YOU B I' Y. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. PRICED TO SELL $3850. Practically new modern six room home with three bedrooms. fireplace, furnace, lull cement basement, sraraae. oak floors. nook, paved at, nice fbrner lot 50x137 feet, east front PRICED I BELOW ACTUAL COST, DON'T HESITATE, see this home today. Only $3a0. down; balance $i. per month. FOR REAL ESTATE A FIRE INSURANCE SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street . FOR SALE OR TRADE 14 acres. 5 in nrunes. bal. in grain land. 4 TV hnno, Vi r.. ahfcH iwV maA- close to school, $1400.00. Also S room house in good repair, close in. easily made into 3 apts. A snap at $3500.00. $1000. to loan out. w. Mclaren 180 North Commercial Street "For business and residential prop- rty near University of Oregon, write Leo Deffenbacher, Realtor, 819 East Uth ave., Eugene, Oregon. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED. NICE ROOM MODERN country home. S miles from Salem, with 14 acres mostly in all kinds of bearing fruit including SO FULL. BEARING ROY AL ANN cherry trees, making this nut villi tx liu i jlj nuLiiuui i miliar, but also a good investment PROP ERTY CLEAR Owner not- situated to handle the farm, so will take a good modern Salem residence for part and good terms on balance. GOOD 7 ROOM MODERN EAST FRONT Salem residence with garage, good close-in location offered for quick sale at SACRIFICE PRICE. sxzau. szw casn.. best ot term en balance. I also have several good stock and grain farms to exchange for Salem property. When you are looking for good Salem city and farm properties for sale and exchange. SEE WELLS TALLMAN, 411 Oregon Building. FOR SALE 8 ROOM modern house large lot several kind of fruit walnuts, dow- Me garage, fine location, cheap call JWner 3,"- FOR SALE New 4 room modern house. Call 2274 N. Church. 5 room modern bungalow, double garage, south Salem, to exchange for Portland homo OC nam Value, price $4500. SOCOLOFSKY A SON First National Bank Spring- time Is here and robins are chiming in the woods back or this new, ultra modern .suburban horn with native shrubs, natural rockeries en everything to make lire worm living. Ask to be shown. A. C. BOHKNSTEiJT Real Estate Loan Insurance 147 No. Com'L St Salem. Oregon TO SHREWD BUYERS 83600 Modern 5 room house on State street beautiful shrubbery pavement paid. $1000 cash. Balance 8v per month. $2900 Modern 5 room English type liouse. full basement fireplace, pipe furnace, corner lot $544 cash. Bal ance terms. 329-.0. Modern 5' room near Market St. 4150 cash. Balance $27.40 per month. See GEISER with ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 South High Street GOOD BUYS 1?? acres 3 ml east of Woodhurn, about 40 acres finest of bottom land, balance splendid soil, running water. 8 sets of buildings, iamuy orcnara. $12.00 per acre. 100 ACRES It mL from Salem, all cultivated, fine soil, '8 ' good springs. water piped Into nouse, 1 home, a-ood hnrn chicken house, fam- $12,000.00. Will takevclty property 1 n A a r a up lJ ftUll.l'V, $0 ACRES 4 miles from Dallas. 49 acres In cultivation. S room house. barn 30 by 40, 12 acre prunes and other fruit well and spring: $ZTv. Terms. $4040.00 to loan " ' Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON $20 U. S. Nat L Bank Bldg. Phone $37 S0. Down for a nice 5 room bunga low, east front large lot some a , . , A A . r A. $19. Down, balance monthly, t room bungalow, basement, fireplace, . m . iruit. rxica oak floor. In Uvingroom, garage and pandl, Prico 425A isnc Down, a beautiful EngTtah type T horn, 4 room and nook, ba- i ment furnace, fireplace, f In a lawn and ahrubbery. Close t bus and schooL Pric - 290. down, 6 room-home, basement, nnm. TMth' TfriC1 82444. - 8300. Down, new 6 room English type hnm, mnriern In every VAT. don to acbool and on bus line. Pric $3844. -.n aisa Timn. g 1 num. fulrr ana new per ujuuui, ikm Tr.ifln T TL bora to tint 1 "estlal sct Th2 "meto very close in price cut frmn 509 for-Quick sal. $1504 down. 98509 private money to loan In- MMHA. - MELVIN JOHNSON . i nriil Tauv 4 Brood acres south - - - - - a .11 .i.aia.i wmmA-w tm - "STT1. "2 JaT: 1: - . r tniuuBAg-..-- - 10A r acre buys one of th best l$5 aVflra. to Oregon, wUJ Ta m m anna a1a -Va.1 oltaA m Nil j.m Vhe VlaTttsiey. Lt n. JJTow yoV! WlUtT afood TrtnrVAirwA' a ZZ 'xrrV' BW: Phono 1W EiCflANGE Cal EsUtc EXCHANGE 14 A. 4 mile SafenC good .location, pasmnent 4 R. cot tage, clectricitr. phone, waUr system, some frnlt, balance set to cherries, walnuts. Will take mdse. business or vU6S RtfMftt"vaB MMur9. Address owner. Box 2. Statesman $ ACRES fanprored. near Salem for prorty in or near Mill CRy. GOOD f room bouse, choice locsv-i uonior smaller piac nortn. NEW S room modern for arsaag south of town. SBB J. UXCOLN ELLIS 48T Center ' FINE STOCK OR DAIR RANCH 228 A. fine tYrrr bottom land. 2-4 R. bouoes. largo barn. sDoa and ma chine shed, 2 fr-Acres In oats andetch' and alfalfa. Barn With ' 22 stanchions , it.a mamr. IS-A tim. hr. r.uo. nirintei land. Family orchard. 8 good miik cows. i. hood 1 af cattl m au, 4 horse, .tractor .and I ran tnAtar tnlsmi nt; a. tendr acres prunes. ih acres locana. wm , umiI tm trad am&n bum elm I to Salem: prefer wabrats or chorrte. 1 This nlac all . equipped; anly :S.-1 aaa as win ow nA I ' . 1 23 ACRES. 8E540.4 GOOD 4 R. house, barn, 34x34 : S 1 poultry houses, all In cultivation, t-A nrunea, l-A. logana, lamuy arcnara. 4-A. oats sewn. Running water; trade for I to f A Wo so to saiem. KR SEARS Ac TVCKER For farms. 184 8. ComL i FOR EXCHANGE - TWO a tim Itotif vnloed 1904 Uacta and A vacant lot valued at $344. 1 wui trad all for 4 room house on I Urge lot not far from capitot bund- Ih, X Acre of awad Umber 1 miles pijt highway, value 4540 and 8 tZm MhotmTvalue $lTo. OwnW wish-1 a tn mphun both far car Mnt I nam Tip to sssew. oniance terms. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 2X state 8trost Phono -1T2T GOOD TRADE I have a new modern 8 room house. well built, double constructed, up-to-the minute. Should sell for $6500 for a quick sale or trade ss. want smaller house In the city or close ht-ptcreage with good buildings. What hare your see my agents LOUIS BECHTKL or GEORGE THOMASON 841 State Street Room 4. SUBURBAN HOME FOR EX CHANGE: Twelve acre home all In bearing fruit, with good sev en room house, electricity, near ooa school only four miles out. tn? IS mi wui take residence as part pa give good terms on the balance. This Dronertr la rltar of fobr. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street 820 ACRES aotith of Salem, 50 acres food clean land, mostly creek bottom, j About 34 or 35 acres hill land that Is ! good eat land but has some fern. All I tno rest is pasture and timber, about one million feet of saw timber. Two bouses and three barns, small family orchard. Partly fenced but has quite a on 01 range lana adjoining. This is your opportunity to trade tnat live room bouse for a sroine farm of 36 acres, well located. New barn. arcs cnicaen nouse, stock and equip ment. 24 acres plow land, balance J"1 j .pasture. Will consider trado lur n nouse. inis is a going' proposition. Come in for particulars. Will trade two acres and ffnrxl hnum in rails city lor acreage near Salem ana assume, price $1200.00. One five room and one three room house, price $6000 to trade for 1 acres with chicken equipment within is mites 01 saiem. See A. V. White with J. F. ULRICH COMPANY American Fidelity Bldg. Phone 1354. FOR SALE FARMS SACRIFICE SALE ON FARM $6300. Buys a good 43 acre farm welt located, seven room house with basement good drilled well. barn. garage, chicken house, eight acres in rearing prunes, two acres bearing cherries, some young fil berts, all in cultivation. A REAL bus. 43500. cash; balance three years at int. LAND RARGATV $2800. Buys 62 acres located one mile WASf Af llAMral nil nlo lr,l A " -"-v wa Tatej AAA fBWt AtXIIU, 189 buildings, MUST BE CASH FOR SUBURBAN TTOMH $200. Ten acres located 44 mtlee out on paved road, all in bearing orchard, three room house, elec- incrty araiiaDie, would make splendid cTiicken -ranch, can be bandied for only $250, down. ACT NOW. THIS BUY WILL NOT j REAL ESTATE A FIRE' INSURANCE I W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. "AIT (VK IOU, 134 S. .Liberty Street- r-none 415. Realtor. 1 - -iin 1 sun UOOU SMALL FARM 25 ACRES 14 miles from. Kalem. ! about ail in cultivation, f me straw- Berry tana, practically new 5 room house, large barn, two large chicken, house a On gravel road only 8-4 mil irom pavement. 4 cows, one heifer, I boras, small machinery. $350. $1004! cash, easy terms on balance. I z acres adjoining can be leased. nee u. -. jaexson with J. F. ULRICH CO. 129 North Commercial ACREAGE WANTED HAVE you acreage for sale? Have you acreage for trade? I have many cans ior uotn. R. A. FORKNER Evenincs 2363J. 320 U. & Bank Bldg. Phone 637. "CHICKEN RANCHES 5 ACRES. mile from Salem on paved road, f room plastered bunga low, doubt garage, poultry house. i11 5?i ,T:C 1ts ln buUd- I JiS. rX.J"i?. J1 cnerry orchard, school bus by place. $3704- ive aown, omance to suit 14 acre, modern fmDrovementa well equipped poultry ranch, electricity. nines out, paved roaa. Will consider Hal em resilience as part payment. BUvU lAJ r sKi SON First National Bank Bldg. SNAP IN TIMBERED TRACT 2 2-10 acres 2 miles north of Salem near Claxtcr station and O. E. R. R, electric lights and telephone service available. Ideal place jro build a horn. triced 'Very low for, short time to j ctose an estate-, uniy a5. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors I State Street Phone 172T. ia ArRirr tu mn- -r ci. acres in cultivation, z acres 1.UUW1, .in wuuer xence, 4Sae. Good terms. 12 "ACRES li miles from Salem. I acre in cultivation, ramily orcn ara, oaiance in timoer and pas ture. $844. Terma lti ACRES one mile from Salem, tn strawberries and logans, small nouse ana aouDie garage. $125. 8300 down. 2H ACRES 3-4 miles from Salem on uaroea roaa, une building, place SIX. Terms. 1 CRE8,.,". ma rra Salem, aQ I in cultivation, fine land and build - IttrsT k4b Man, 1CA f 4AA . i;4T,vr. TT . fouwwu. a ,us in bun xrom aaletn. IS six year old B- A. ch. ,a. $1875. Terms. - t -ACRES 1 BUI from Salem, No better taod in Crogmr, fine build - Ing place. 8144. Tmu 4 ACRES 4 miles from DalTaa AS era la otalUvaUon, IS acre ia iruit. a room nouse, very good barn. 82(50. T.r-n. 11 ACRES 8-4 mile from Salem room modern house, good baralcheona, mares and nu, afage, ontail resmrd. $7444. Will' trade foe A wmtm twin-, tm Salem or good beach town. IfeoOO. Privata money to loon on good to sThmT Tf ! 00 - ... . rmIT ... - - ' UVU, ..I, , . . -.-A-M'tn n 55 A. clear of tnaimhnnM n-,. Woodburn, to trad for California preferably In Lo Angelea, nv a-on; xsescn. " - I Tnav'n man wtrh 8108 cash ta M stocked I and equipped. Chicken and dairy pro 1 terred. " I 89 A. on th Pacific highway, stock- ed and NPI.Fre of enounranea, -- "KVskffiLbs' (sw Bids. X'bon 1781 ACREAGE jri it ACRK TRACT If ACRES and a rood S room bun galow, her and chicken bouse, on gooa reaa witn running water, an Mocked and eejwJpned. On horse. 8 cows, 254 white leghorn bens, also furniture. Owner golngr east, all goes for f544V Half cash. No trad. a rum AMkhM aMiiM nwwt. i era and very do in. Adulta. PhoM 141S. CHOICE .PRATRTB SOIL 24 ACRES 8 mile east dose to SHrrton pared road, all under plow, S acre bearing cherries, family fruits asm bailies. Balance sssd i i to clover, good buildings. Price 4404.40. NEAR FRTJITLAND SCHOOL . 29 ACRES all under plow, good omioings; a acres new strawberrfe. be Is lies irtia, stocked asjei tSMUinca. 8T444. 1400 cash. Balance SivO per yar. 4 44 ACRES close In on Pacirlc hlgh- l"ay north.. All under plow, fenesd. ooa buildings, stocked and equip- pea. 4209 per aero. Easy terms. 4. Choice 44 acres on SOvarton. nad 1 mgnway :w per acre. See GKISKR wtth ANDERSON A RUPERT 14 South High Street 144 Sooth High Street WANTEDREAL ESTATE 1 LISTINGS on bouses, lota. acre- ages and tarma at saleable prices. Kelly Realty Co.. 141 South Church rnw WANTED I your house for sale? I have bnv. I erfe for houses. Just now I need a S R. modern home ; also a R. mod ern home. ,R. A. FORKNER Eveninra 2343J. 324 TI. S. Rank RMr Phnu C17 Business Opportunities WANTED Man Interested. In e tabllshing business connections with a large corporation. Must have $2000 to Invest. Ph. 2142. P. O. Box 107. Salem. - -1-1- - vrriwiwinAAji MANAGER of local auto Dalntin I concern needs partner to help handle i the. inside work- v,rv IltH l.liof. I capitol necessary. See Fred Ertler, 219 1 state street. WantedOarage Man With confidence m himself to take . . 1 , . , -1 viw i viic iwi. general isurae, filling station and repair and storage Dusinessea on tne Pacific highway in o"00? valley town. -A'80 rJPWlzr auto agency, too Write 350 N. High "St. Phone 2125. SERVICE STATION Two pump service station all eauin- pea reaay to go, gooa location. Price or station land and equipment $6000., half cash or will lease for Year or term or years. See C. J. Jackson with J. F. ULRICH CO. 124 North Commercial Street MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS ANh .'ITr RRlt. tsa TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. ' BKttT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. lw)VwMrAAjaAlAa CITT AND FARM loans at lewost rates. Best term obtainable. Ovr insurance deparfneut offers jroa x pert advice and ervice In all linen, HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) Tek 1411 - XOS Oraano BldC viivmsa)w .. I chased used cars from us last year be $1000. to $$?00 to loan. . Gertrude cause our prices were lower remem J. M. Page. I ber we secure used cars for less and )vi.hwwwwvnwwmw PrivfltP IRAftev Tfl I Mil rnvaic luoney 10 Loan .FARM LOANS Plenty of moner to loan on good farm security. City Loans Wt are loaning Prudential In surance company money n city resl- anees ana business property at tfc per rent plus a commission. Hawkln ! A- Roberts. 206 Oregon Building, CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION T43- First National Bank Bids. - Phone 457 Salem, Oregon PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salarli I or other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need cee us before closing a loan. UENEKAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 FEDERAL farm loans. F. L. Wood. ,311 State Street LOANS T men and women steadily em ployed ON YOURr PLAIN HOTE Lowest rates easiest payments. Loans also made on indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth er personal property. 20 MONTHS TO PAY All transactions strictly confd. STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Bldg. Second floor, corner State A High. Ofice hours 10 a. m. to 6 :30 p. m. Tet 933. Licensed by state. SyMWVMWWVWAVWWIMMW MONRY LOAN EL or AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your paymenta You keep the car. P. A, KIKJCJi rVvr TJhnetv St. and Farrv 1X1 anuona, umi MONEY TO LOAN on real estate, home and farms. Best terms, no de lay. 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. $25,000 private money to loan on ! city or country security. SOL'OUJt SKl BUM Phone 970 lopSSS.- M on SOCOLOFSK.X m BON First National Bank LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money far farm ;Ve have sevsrai applications on band, Hawkln A RoWrta, Inc. 90 5 Oregon Bldg. SMALL mortgage for sale, excellent security, 7 rate. Inquire 515 N. summer St.. Phone zs4&w. miljIYJ), slUUl. SJIa irUUAiitVl POULTRY wanted Handle any asootint at any time, saiem t-ouitry co 399 B. High st mono zivv. lgut Z416A4. rR F.STI and'tmrina-er cows for sale or trade. Red barn at N. Com'L and Columbia. Terms if desired. NELSON BKU3. MAKkbl 185 North High Street I mrenimr w . M..In I rpIa, m. I January and February settlnga Sc per J egg. Order space now. Baby chicks B a I m W aw am A DkAHS I ever, weea oesiiuiuns nk rumn I 111 L. Lee hatcttarr. I -, 1 Elror Nash Sale Co. buy and sells hay. horses, mules, top pric paid 1 for good' cows. Phone 2864. Route Bow 2 -C-C. - J I 8ome good Percheroa mar. 8 yaung I mules. 171 Mission street, .. I FOR SALE Matched team. Per- uia7 iuuum 1 144 N. 6th. I sawii-j - I BUFF Orphington cockerels and I ptOiets for sale. Phone 97F12. I GEORGE N. THOMPSON BABY chick and custom hatching every week automau boat and mots - tar control. Oregon Capital Hatch- ery- 2160 Na oth. rnon . RABY CHICKS 1404 Rhode Isl and Reds. Feb. 14. Want aom one to tak these high grade chick and rats 1 them for next year breeders. 8140 No. - 1 U -street- I ' , Phon 1764. ft nnnnnBnnnTnannTAanninniBiasniBnisninBnaina FOR SALE-1 doa. Bronx turkey ltJ?al tw a BTSAC7BT StANCltV 1 Tarn. Oresua I UVE STOCK anil POULTRY WANTED Barred rock tetchus? eg. Any auantity w to 844 bans. ! 2144 N. tttt. Phono ?T44. FOR SALE WOOD Wood Keoney Fact Co, TeL 1S42M. DRY fir and oak weed, coat and fuel OtL Call 00-01 fOT BrlCeSV WO tr good measure, (nod Quality and good aerri Larksr TRAKSTER m STUKAUS Telephone 3181 OnAaANTEKD DRY -. Wood ceai. Tat 13. Salem Fuel Co. 2 Trad. THE best wood m the city foe the money at Tracy Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phono 28$. - -. I WE hare 18" wood oo hand all th time. Prompt delivery. 344 & 18th. Centos dt SfitcbeirCo phono 813. ffilSr eiasa-Arv old Or nlahu oad growth .and old ttr oard wood.' Screened toe fnat and prompt deUr ry. Phone 1542T . T -' " KKl tX. WEU4 I3it - 884 South Chnrchv i '- DRY 14-In. old fir, A ft. OrV oak and ash. Cord measure. CL Ui - Harbanch. U43Uan are. paoa 40. 14 in. eld fir. 87.54 cord. Phone 24F38. Four Corners Garaga. - Honest wood at honest srWeL.PboosH dies, neyser rtiet tp. MVS tt is UrcoCphoBe Iifs. TT-. LOST ntt FOUND FOUND Key. Owner may. have ae ny paying .xor an. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 824 State Street Phone 172? MnWlWMMMWilMMMnMMWI LOST Brown bait doc. Answers to name of "Touhie. Notify Mrs. H.-C. Hanson. reone lions. Reward. PERSONAL COTf SUMP TION Free booklet worth weight in gold, with- sworn af fidavits from those who had consump tion now well. G. 8. Jordan, 447 Delta Bldg. Los Angeles. Calif. FOR SALE USED CARS I Ic aI Care. 'Wivfri Mft UBCU Var VV 11 SI mU r , . i 4.9 Lni.p. There Is nodaiBrerrift youa-deaUngs No Misreoresentation I - M You can buy cars here with com plete safety ana satisfaction. 1910 Hudson Sedan, new car, never been run .. 1350.00 1930 Type Hudson Coach, like new : $975.44 1938 Whippet 4 Conv. coupe, Ilk new in every respect 545.08 1927 Cher. Imperial seSan. a dandy ear A-l .. 425.44 1927 Pontlac Coach, extra good. can't beat It for the money 125.00 1924 Ford pick-up. A dandy car for light hauling A-l 185.04 Many other late models In our stock, priced from $40.00 up trades ana your own terms within reason Open nights and Sunday's. State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX-PACKARD Corner Cheraeketa A High Phone 1009 na4MaMA4MWnIMW Valley Motor Co. Buy With Safety - I Over 804 satisfied customers nur- I at their real value we aim hnnrila I them In large quantities. WATCH FOR our daily curb specials dur- ing the month of February their values will surprise you. Compare tnese prices : 1923 Touring 1924 Touring 1925 Touring 1926 Touiiri 1927 Touring -S 45.00 5.00 90.00 125.40 165.00 45.00 65.00 1922 Coupe . 19Z3 coupe 1924 Coup 1925 Coupe 1926 Coupe 90.40 133v?0 190.00 1923 Fordor Sedan, as Is 78.00 1 1924 Tudor Sedan . 125.00 1925 Tudor Sedan Ruckstell 150.00 1924 Fordor Sedan 165.00 192$ Tudor Sedan 190.00 W have several Model A Ford Coupe. Fordor Sedan and trucks. Valley Motor Co. Center and Liberty Stteeta Bulnm. Oregon - Phone 1995 Now Is The Time Prices are advancing on good used cars. Buy now and save mney. 1927 Pontlac Landau Sedan 1928 Nash Standard Six Sedan 1928 Nash Spec Coupe 192 Nash Light Six Sedan 1927 Bulck Coach If vou are In the market for a good used car you owe It to yourself to investigate our stock. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial Phone 1280 Trucks 1929 Ford 1H ton dual tires, length ened tram. IS ft body, also over- 1 1929. Chevrolet lVt ton with semi-trafl- er attachment also 12 ft body. 1928 Chevrolet 1M ton 32x6 In. tires, lengthened for 13 ft body. 1928 Chevrolet m ton with ltt yd. gravel body. 32x4 tires. - 1928 Dodge -1 ten long wheel base. 32x tires, duals In rear. Four speed transmission, also 4 wheel hydraulic brakes. Reo Sales and Service 337-317 North High Street Call at 530 Chemeketa St-, and Look Over the Best Stock of O.K.'d Csed Cars . Ever Dis played ia Salem. Every ear la thin building has been pnt through onff reconditioning shop and are bacl xa by our usual guaran- tee 28-Chev. Coupes from 8400 to $450.00 28-Chev. Sedans, from 8495 to 535.04 '28-Chev. Coaches, from $295 to 450.00 '6-Chev. Coaches from $225 to 275.00 '29-Chev. Coupe, run 3300 mt 595.00 25-Chev. Landau Sedan 650.00 79-Cbew. Standard sedan 635.09 29-Ford Snt Roadster 485.04 WE also have a good assortment of j I Fords and almost anything in the line trucks. McKay Chevrolet Co. Phone ISO and 27TSW 4. 1 Three locations : 4 3 0 No. Cornt St ; 63 Chemeteta Street and Lot Next t City Hall. NASH ear for sale cheap or would tax lot or lighter car. - 3190 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon FOR SALE Ford Model A coupe. fine condition. Terma if oeslred. 125 N. 14th Street - WANTEX USD CABS I i j CAST srnfd as Fords Tgrkey Anto. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASJCTiONEEUS P,.N.v.Woodfy;.. lit Tm SaWn a tsadmt Aartloar and ftirnitur Dealer " Reeldono and Store AUCTIONEERS COU A. Xa. STEVENSON auc tloneen, 88 .year exparitnc In th Willametto valley, for date r ar ranoensonts phono or write.' A. I Stevenson. Corrallls. Oregon. BAITER T 1TXECTRICIAN R. D. Barton rtattnaal Battarlea Starter and generator work, 843 South Hlrh ' BICICLE REFAtRING LLOYD K. RAMSDKN Oolnmbia BIcreleandrgjaJHnsJSTCo CUIxlOFIi ACTORS DRS, SCOFTKLD, Palmar . Chiro- PTKion s sw7. sun n. wb ww Bank Bids. htASSEDR-nnd macnotlo treatment a for ail ailment No mere gxa pain. Phone 2479W. 814 N. ' Hurh. ' CLEANING SERVICE Csntar St YaJeteria. teL 2227. SUITS cleaned and nrsanad It. TAR, LET CLEANERS. 118 N. ComX oror Basieka, COSTUMES FOR eoetnmes call Sale Co ti N. 4th. TeL 1947J. !TmClAfS HALIK ELECTRIC! CO. 441 North Front st, Tel No. 3. fXORISTS FLOWERS FAR All. oersslnns Oisea'a Conrt dc High St. Tst 44L CUT Flownrn. weddlna' houanetn J funcrai wrenxns, necorauona. -u. W. Brhaupt uortet 418 SUta straot INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 188 N. Hlga TeL 181 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 115 Masonic Bldg. Pbn No, 181 Wast Coast Life Insurance Co "Insured Savings. 805 First National Bank Building TsL 970. H, J. Harder. Dint Mgr. ' ... wajSiJen" jf. PdrfEHS ;: "T Life And General Itfsuraaeo Te. $07. . - 3T4 U S. Bank Bldg. tAUNURlES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 24 TIS R Hlgb CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "Tbe Laundry of Pure Materials" Trteohooo 145 1244 Broadway HA1TUESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Beddins Co.. 8434 North Capitot Called for and delivered. All work rrusrameeo- rei. is MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos, H, L Stiff FarnUur Company. GEO. C WILL Pianos. Pbono- graLptm. sewing machines, sheet musre and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and se wing machines. 412 State street Haiem PAINTING Kalsomine $3. to $5. per room, also Interior naintina reasonable prices. Tel. 1763J. ya ye Thompson. PAPER HANGING iJPHONE GLENN Adams for house oecornllng. paperhangjng. tlnung. -eta Helmnle wnrkmso PLUMBING PLUMBING and general repair wnrk. uraber ryoa. l bo. LiDerty T- R50 PRINTING for station erx, carda. oam- phleta. programs, book or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department 21 8. Commet- ctal Tel boo. RADIO FOR every nurpooa. for every pui All Btandard sizes of Radio Tube, EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 885 Court St, Tel. 4BB REPAIRING 'Alvfn B. Stewart, umbrella, cutlery and key store sharpening and light repaJh1ngi5lurtTMz7SJi ROOFING SOLVa your roofing difficult! with Pioneer Yonemlte rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. IT N. FTOnt. Tel. 4 87, STOVES Cook with Rockgas STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AS kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hep basket and hooks, logan books Salem .Fence and Stove Worka 22 Chemeketa street TAILORS D. H. NOSHES Tailor for men andi nrornen. 474 court st rRAlSSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 221 Stat St TeL 988. Distrltwtmg, for warding and storags our specialty. Get cmr rates WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THE JEWEL BOX. 17 N. Liberty waiem New First National Bank Building Directory Fourth Floor rm l. r. Burdette. optometrist, 403 First Nat'L Bank Bids. TeL 118. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKS A HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 191 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. 894 Grey Bids. Phono T99 a n delamo 894) It. Church TL 9889 & M. EARLE 124 N. High St. TL lilt HOMER XX FOSTER REALTY COL na-aann--ni a i asa..-aasnnnnsns-s-aannnnnBTfannBnw ST4 Stat SC : . Tet B4J W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 a Liberty St TL I tt GERTRUDE J. M, PAGE 198 N. Cottag TeL 1181. 80C0L0F8KT A SON 104-9 First Nat Bk, Bids. Tat, 978 . F. tTLRICH 189 M. Cocnmerciad Tat, 1884 F. U WOOD 441 Bts St TeJ 7 ' FRATTCK3 KKU5K ILL - w 1JN1VERSITT OF OREGON, FeK S tSpecial) rrancet Keen, of Sllverton. haa been confined to the Infirmary with a cold. Tits in firmary Is again tall, with 1J pa tleata, all confined with eolda ts soma form or another, liiat Kmiuj si a freafcaaa with . ; .h' ialbin fikkets fraaa 81 sRs (Wkolesal Qnsutlosi) Crasberries. box a so Applss, locals - 1 Roae Be sat is woastaaa Grimes Geldea . Yellow Ktwteaa -Delieioas. extra faacr Spitieabergs, extra fsacy OSSSBSS, Mt, Dates Drssi-rtUry, 88. 14-ex. pkgs. tOet nttea. Texas Grsnafrsit ..6.007 SO -S.00OS.S5 i.S5 Comb Reaey. asw crop , Lemoas. Calif: ., - Omta Kavels I 80rs ioa - ; 124s . ISO's " 17's , ' 240 s , 214'a - 151'a 4.25 4.T5 5.00 .e.oo .7.54 .8.00 .8.00 a.oo 54 . - a' CkmiiM, sack ssntanUs (Wholesale QaoUUoat) Brsel 8 proa f. I. ...... CaaUfiswer. CaHt 1.85 Celery, Calif. erst ,7.54 dm. j 1.75 Sniases, loraL era to Parsnips, lb. . J.75 -04 Rntobaass, lb. Jt Baachea safstaelss, per des. kuscke : Carmts - ,,-. Beels ' Tsrelns a lUiiskss 1 o Psntey , - so Oaioas en Gariie. lb. - " California Teautors, leg Oaiess, rakimo. Glob . , Local eaitat, la, , Lstree -S.oo -2-7i 024 CaUfornia. Imperial Valley 4.25-5.00 ': 8aeraaiente . , ., , 4.00 Cnettnbjr.r. kothonaa , . 1.10 to 1.45 Cabbare, lb. O4H-05H Klmbarb. hat bouse Peaa. Calit , . . 14 20-lb. box 2.75 to 3.75 Creea Peppers, lb. - 85 Habbard Ssaasa. Is, , . , llarblebesd sqnaaa s uuiaiu aw. . Daa'rah Sqnsah '11 w9t nlrisa ISk 04 Sonthern Yamt, 50-ib. box S.SO Artichoke!, doien , " Potatoaa. local 02 1. Yakima, per cwt 2.75 to 8.04 reeds - ffietall QueUUesa) Calf ateal, 25 lb. Sexaicb.. ton - , ,. ,.. Cora,' whole, - . 1.25 -50-00 , , -44.00 . -46.001 J ' 84.00 -34.00 54.0O -58.00 Craekoa ana ground - allll run. ton , , Bran, tan I'fK mash r.SGoOGt) ...CC66.. With milk Eggs (Suyiag Pries) Extras . !7 Mediums ..23 iValtry " (Buying Price) Stars 12-15 Roosters, eld Heariea Mediums .07 30-23 .17-20 Batterfat (Baying Pricei) Waoiessls Batter Bntterfat 36 29 Prints Cartoai -40 Batter (Retail Quotations) Printa 43 Cartoa 44 Grain sad Bay (Baying Price) Wheat, western red T.t Soft white, bu. 1.03 Oats, gray, bu. 50 White, bu. 47 Barley, ton 32.00 Hay, Ketaia Pries Oata and vetch 18.00 to 24.00 Clover 18.00 to 24.00 Alfalfa 22.00 to 30.D0 Dressed Mesta (Bavins Price) . Veal, ton 16 Hogs, top 15 Wool sad Mohair Vedium .30 .27 -25 Coarse - Lamb's wsol General Markets RAT PORTLAND, Or- Teh. 7 (AP) Hay buying prices: esstera Oregon timothy. 420.50O21; do valley, $199 19.50; alfalfs $18014: clever. $14- eat bay. $10; straw, $78 ton; aellnig prices $2 mors. POkTLAirD OSADI PORTLAND, Ore, Peb. 7 (AP)- Whaat futuras: Open Hifk Clos Nar. 115 114 116 May : 11 11 1184 Jul. 11 130 119 Sep. 118; 1184 1181, Cask markets: wheat big Bead bra.- . stem, hard white 91.35; soft white; westers waits $1.15: bard winter; northern sprint", wasters red 91.13. Oats. No. 3-38 lb. white $33.5. Barley No. 2-45 lb. B. $38. Cera No. 8 eastern yellow shipment $37.90. still-ran-standard $30.50. PBotnrcB PORTLAND, Ore., Tsb, 7 (AP) Milk raw milk' (4 'per cent). 92.500 2-4.0 cwt., delivered Portland. less 1 per cent batterfat. stations. 34c; track, 86e; deliveries ia Portland. 48. Ponltry bsyisg price) alive, aesvy kens evar 4 Ibrt. 25t24c; asedism hens. 3 te d lbs.. 2123e; light asder SH Iba., 1819e sprinra, over 8 lbs., 24c; Pekitk daeka, 4 Ibsw sad ever. 2 Be; colored decks, 18 20c; tar- keys, he. 1. 30Q33e; &. 2, 25e; eoUs, 80e: livs. 19(rt20e. Potatoes csans. Ke. 1. arrade. 98.250 8.44 per cwt. YJVZSTOCK PORTLAND. Ore- Peb. T (API Cattle and calves. Areamd steady; re ceipts cattle 85, calves 10. Steers. 11001300 lbs.. 411.00011.50; . rood 11.00 11. 50; median .54H.O; common ?:50G.S4. Heifers, good ' 9.7510.50; eemmes to aaedinss 7.00 Q . 9.1 i. Cowl, . good 8.259.0X -Cows rood 8.83(94.00: com as on to mediom 6.0004.23; lew cotter .504.2S. Bolls f yearlings exetnacdl. beet good tocb.iee 8.00 8.60; carter to medians T.OOO 8.00. Calves, medians to choie 9.50 Q 110, call to common 7.0069.50. Veal- ra, milk fed.' goo te Choice 11.50 18.50; mad i bis 9.500 11.50; call to common 4.00Q4.50. Hogs. Steady; receipt t 825. Heavy weights, 49.0010.7S; medV a waicbt. .75H.O: Mcht weichfc. 10.T5ll.O0; light lights. a.7Sll.00. Packing sews, rough and smooth 4.04 9.00. alaagbte pigs,, t.SO 610.80. . (Soft r ity boas sad rsaftiar sirs xeladed ia above sjsata Hens. . . Sheep aaa lambs. Steady 104. Lambs, amod to ehaic 4tl.5tt 12J0-o ediam 10.aoa77.50: sit wairhta. cway. noa 8.50 10.59. YsarUag wmtbara, 'mm-, diam te ehetc Ewes, man- -ism te choice 4.04 j 7.44; 120-15 Iba, medinm te eboie . 5.04 7.40; - all -weights, coll and common S.OOgr&AO. CAIKT POKTLAND. Ore, Pob. 7 (AT) Prndac. oxchange. ant prices: batter: extra 48, standard 45. prime firsts 44, firsts 83. Eggs: Irsah extras 81Q3S, stsadsr 90. fresh aseaiaa 88 029. - etaoAo esArjr ' CHTCAOO. - Peb. 4AF1 Whl prices csavs tsmbhag dews' lik Jtk and JIB taiav altar raaauur aa at a lively I rat. Buyter sappbrt for tk market Vavn on after provisos SpeeaUtfv sslmts had engaged ia a stasanod 4 get swsy; treat saw ruks s rising bacsasa or Xeur- al farm beard morei to stablish a wheat atabilltatioa body with nssergeaey paw or to laear lasses payable from govars- ( faads. toatna-itsag ts sst lane ti-ju tadav fn arnant WorsraS. table dearth f Korth Asaories wbsnt xport Hats as wH a aersr breads ia wheat nlrn a Bases Airoa, ' : Chieag etewiag ajnstatians on waat wave anaattled at toe aaase o yester day's fiaiah 4 I S eeat bigber. Cera elated anebaagei t eeat an, aad ata 1- to K 418-8 advaae. her chief interest ta lansaage and literature). Shs la affiliated . wtth De4u Gamma. If yo fall t ieceiTt your7 Statesmaa by t:St tw m-t phone. 110 and copy Will : bo seat to oc. 1.25 .. ,.15 1.75 ,. al7 -JOlli J month 31 eo. ;