r i- X cv"y-y" z l wgii traay jiionimg, rcoroaiy p,- ajw tAuK JW1W1S . 1 '"' - "" " ' - ii a i Itillit noUeoa. pot Ram . . ,. Its m ,JJ Hm skkiw charge) I Classlied Adveri!g. par bee lo VBwiRf asvinisiag, per m CUeftfied A&-stieB r' lias tiaM - ; , ft Or.e ateata. duly aad tuiif nr Ilea IIM . Copy (or this page -iccepted da ta 5:39 the evening betoro pubU atmn for cl-aaificatlen. Copy re seived alter .this time will be nm (mIm lb beadl-a Too JUO to elaaatfy. , FOR SALEU-rMisoellaaeom SALEM Scavenger service call 11?. FOR SALE All kirwls si wood. A. TUCKESt ALFALFA bar L. Townsend, 19 miles N. of Salem. Mission Bottom. Call 71F32. OAT and Ttch hay. M. C, Smith. R. l, Brooks, Oregon. PORTABLE typewriters, all makn, new and used. Adder and typewriter for rent. Typewriter Exchange, 421 Court street , llr amall stock oa luml 1 Ti and exeluaiva territory tor an escel lent article big proflt-'-For aale cheap or will exchange for electric washer or radio or furniture. Health does not permit handling. "Write Box 504, Statesman. KyajaajaaaaaafMaaaaaaaa ---.- -aeMa--a HAT tor sale. Phone 115. jtlfWtJT-rTj'LrLfi'yri i iui r jinn r CLOVKR. vetch and oat bay. 920. Ernest Roth. R. 7, Salem. FOR SALE: Baled- straw, f 7.00 par ton nt farm. Phone 44F22. Y ANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos. In ex change on Radio, phonograph or f uA. nl-ir- H. I.- Stiff Nyrrmtrttr Con lew nr. MISCELLANEOUS FREE CONCRETE BLOCKS 1500 sq. ft. of 18 Inch old concrete to be removed from premises of nw state office bids. Inquire of Job of fice. Ross P. Hammond Co. - FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooms. Heat and hot water. Garage if wanted. Phono 1390J. THREE or four furnished rooms, light, water, phone, 915.00, close In, 541 MiiL "lip - "i fiiT1 - - -- ---.- -- rut nn WARM room rloSrV In, phorifr FOR RENT APARTMENTS Apartments 910 and 117. Damon Grocery, 899 N. Cora'L Desirable 3 room well heated apt Phone 1362M. 2 WELL furnished apartments. t,fit Hazel. Phone 1939W. NICE clean 4 room furnished apt., private bath. 1047 So. Com'l. FURNISHED apt. 1335 State. WE have two nicely furnished apart ments for rent ; one three room, and tbe other two, with dressing room and bath. AMRASSADOR APTS., Phone 1972. 1 OR RENT HOUSES FT IR RENT Houses fUYUlsbed and unfurnished. F. L. WOOD S41 Suta Street C room fornlshed bouse Cor rent. P61 N. Church. Gas. garage.. MODERN house. Plione 11 56 J. Good condition. 6 room finely furnished house, close In. $50.00. f room furnished, fine, for 825.00. For renting houses see J. LIN COLN ELLIS. 487 Center. FOR RENT Suburban home. 6 room modern liouse, double garage. 2 acres of good land, part, In fruit. Price $35 per month. LEO N. CHTLDS CO.. Realtors 820 State Street " Phone 17i7. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES W ALL PARTS OF THE CITY f is up to $65. to nee them SEE LOUIS BEOHTEL GEORGE THOMASON S41 State Street Room 4. FOR RENT First class garage. Cloae la. R Statesman. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE & aL EARLE No. High St. Phone 2242. I!4 A reliable Salem realtor selling ctty and farm property of all kinds. Spe cialist in exchanges jot all kinds of property anywhere. 8 Room Salem Home Good Location to trade for acreage. Address 13, care Statesman. j'IXE 10 acre trace near Salem, mo-lorn buwgalow, fruit, good Income ".0i. Take residence for part Two good bungalows for acreage. Sice 3-4 acre suburban home on Facific highway near Salem, lights, water, fruit, fair bldgs., $2000, easy terms. See our list before buying or ex changing your property. . PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Gray Building REIMANN'S BARGAINS 5 rooms, full basement, fireplace, furnace, breakfast nook, garage. Mod ern. Unfinished attic. 1U acres In W. Salem. Almost new 4 room house. Good black soil. Nice fruit trees, some berries. Good water. FHe view. On gravel road. Three nice, well located lota In W. EnVn. a bargain. Good general country store and oil station for sale. Good reason for sell ing. Three room house with bath. In Wert Salem. Will take good car as first payment Have cash buyer for home in north-ea-4 part of city. Price about $1000. Let us write your Insurance. M-wiey Money to loan. Quick Service RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor tl9 N. High Street 1 1-4 A. fine view King-wood H4hts, city water to place, elec., Ilre treea, $1000. 3 1-4 A. at Mt Angel, 7 rm, house, tc. water system, 2 large chicken houses, $3800, will trade for Salem home. $ A., I rm. plastered house, bath, lee. pressure water system, 15 large cherry trees, variety fruit, berries and awts, fine shade trees, family fruit, smts, berries, i rm. plastered house, near Salem; $4500 aad will exchange for Mill City property. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street fXaV"xruiiaJaJ1r " $945. $50. down, balance lf er month huvi beautiful 2. $7 acres located east, oa gently rolling nrairie Soil, near Salem and rme school. A number eoe berry soil. 11000. down, buys aa acre la fine bearing cherries, rerter of a ' mile from city EtaKa, located 1 f south. 1000. $50 dowa buys K acres of rood fruit and berry soil, located east. 12000. 150 down buys acres oa Gar den Road near city and school, flee I A. McAllister With w. it eRABmmoRST scv Realtors -V"- Vtf SFAnth T ltw-t RffMf Office Phone lie Rea Phone I1I1L FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TOR SALE TWO ESPECIALLY GOOD BUYS! ' "Why pay rent when you can buy this new 4 room English type house for.t300A.09t 2 bedrooms, bath, large living room with hardwood floor, fire place, full basement and garage. Small payment down. Balance like rent. $3, t.0. $339.80. New modern S rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace full base ment Tin location on paved street. Small payment down. Balance like rent. FOB TRADE We have S good stock and dairy ranches to trade for Solera property. A nice acreage with new bull ding! to trade for city property. Minnesota property to trade for Sa lem. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 2009 North Capitol Phone 2 $07 Res. 294 . MODERN HOMK $4709.0 S'Rooin and nook, downstairs, two more to be furnished upstairs, full basement, furnace, flreptaee. strictly modern. Oood garage, pavesarat paid. Owner will take a good first mortgage tip to flaOO.OO en other property Ba first payment and 20 years to pay balance. SEE SEARS TTJCK.KK For homes. 181 S. Com'l. St. A client offers two incomer proper tlee In Salem, lmprovedajreage on Garden Road rn exchange for a going farm of i to &cr with fair im proveanents, value of about $10,000. 04; will aaarima reasonable amount This to a fine proposition. " Can at Office of . JOHX W. ORR No. 123 New Bligh Bldg. OWNER must sell at once. $350 paid equity in 4 room house. Balance due llOaC See us. W. O. KRUEGER U7 North ConVl. Street Phone 217 SPECIAL HOUSE BARGAINS Splendid new 5' room strictly modern house with large unfinished half story, close to schools, paved street and a 'snap at 93T50. . Two rlRlit good 4 room houses in fair location and the terms are easy Yonr choice for $14."0 on easy terms. A very nice S room house north east In good location with a delight ful lawn-abundanca of shrubs and flowers. A splendid older type house, very well built, close in on Court street, with delightful large lot worth $650 and will consider a small well im proved acreage close. MeOILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. FOR SALE By owner, home In South Satem. Income possibilities. Phone 1742 J. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY Almost new C room English type house on large east front lot, splen did view of city and mts. A real buy at $6509, or Will accept good car or vacant lots up to 51500. "This will please the most exacting buver. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 EXCEPTIONAL OFFERING Owrter in business in distant state writes us to sell his Salem property at once. One, a fine residence in good location, the other a duplex bringing good income. $3000 for both, oi will sell separate. $500 down, bal. to suit. SEE Mrs. EHJs with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE Nearly new 3 rm. plas tered bouse, linoleum In bath and kit chen, shades, screens, garage and lawn. Paving paid price izmu.uo. $30.00 down: $15.00 per mo. at 6 812 No. 20th St. Might consider light car. K.ey at 75 jno. zvtn street. HOUSE bargains. Large garage house, with extra garage, plumbing and lights, pared street, two lots in fine, residence district, yiwuu. FIVE room stucco house, oak floors. corner lot North Salem, both streets paved, price $3400. Just about what the building would cost ana me 101 is worth $1000. It's a bargain. F 1 W UUU 341 State Street $1850. 5 rxm bungalow, large lot, fine fruit trees, good garage. $100 down. $2100. 4 room bungalow, 'i basement, furnace, oak floor in living room, toilet and bath. $100 down. $2100. t room bungalow In fine con edition, large lot, fruit trees and Shapes. $iee down. $2250. 4 room English type house with nook, fireplace, garage, oak floors. $100 down. $33S0. 6 room English type house, modern in every way. $200. down. $3750. 5 room bungalow, modern in every way, attic stairway. $250 down. $4200. 6 room bungalow, modem in every wav. Will take two good lots elose to Grant school as first pay-, ment $420. T room English type house, modern in every way. Will trade for 4 room hotise. $3000. Private money to loan on good Salem home at 7. A. L. DARK 320 XT. S. Bank. Bldg. Phone 017. FINE five room modern home, near if ti.w well located and has every thing that can be desired. Price $4, 200.00, reasonable payment cash and good terms on balance. SEVEN room modern home, well lo cated In North Salem, has basement furnace, good garage and a fine loca tion. Not onlr. Offered in order to set tle estate for a thousand dollars less than its real value. Reasonable Pay ment cash, terms on balance. Price $3500.00. Call at office JOHN W. ORR 123 New Bligh Bldg. ROOM HOUSE 12550.00 LARGE lot, fine location, close to hurh school and graded school ; this is a good buy and you will aa so when you see it. Any reasoname pay ment down. Bal. easy. SEE SEARS ft TUCKER 181 South Commercial EXCHANGE Real Estate Small acres re partly Improved, close In. price $1750. Take good car or lot in on it zzs cnerry ave. EXCHANGE 10 A. 4 miles Salem,. good location, pavement n. coi tax, electricity, phone, water system. - .. W A. some fruit, balance set to cherries. wa Inula Will take sadse. du sin ess or good aem or sunuroan nome. Adores owner, bus. i, oiukmum 5 ACRES improved, near Salem zor property tat or Bear Will City. GOOD 7 room house, choice loca- tkm for' smaller place north. NEW a room moaern ior acreage south of town. SEE J. LINCOLN Hii.iaa 487 Center rrvr stock OR DAIR -RANCH 223 A. fine rrver bottom land. $-$ R. houses, large barn, 3 alios and ma chine shed. 15-AcreS la oats and vetch and alfalfa. BarawHh 32 stanchions for cowa 125-A. In pasture. 85-A tim ber. Balance cultivated land. Family orchard. 2$ good milk cowa 5 head of cattle in all. 4 horses, tractor and all tractor implements; a dandy place. Will accept in trade small place close to Salem; prefer walnuts or cherries. Th4 place all equipped : only $25, 000.00. What have you to trade? '2$H ACRES fSSOMO GOOD B. bouse, ban. $0x3$: 2 JSme? rVgin &&J& fc-A. oats a-Mra. Running water; trade for 1 to S A ctoso to Salem. SEE SEARS ft TUCKER ' Far farma 111 a CaraT. FOR EXCHANGE , TWO 4 room houses valued $2000 each and a vacant lot valued at $500. Will trade all for $ room house on large lot not far from eapltol build TTa Am ml tbnbar 1 aaOes eat a highway. vahe $4500 aad ,fj room house value $1550. owner wisa- es to exchange both for city bom east between State and Center streets. Income oronerty with good tea- w y.j-eaoaa. Witt taka a heae T te 60. eeJeaee 120 state Street Phona 1731 EXCHANGE Real Estate GOOD TRADE I have a new Boodero i room house, well built, double constructed, up-to-tno mtnwte. Should sell fo f MOO for a quick sale or trade $500. Want a smaller house In the city or etoee u acreage with good buildings. What have you? SEE my agents LOUIS BECHTEL or GEORGE THOMASON $41 State Street Room 4. ACREAGE WANTED RATE you acreage for aale? Have you acreage for trade? I aavo many calls for both. . R. A. FORKNER Evenings SSS3J. $20 XT. a Bank Bids. Phone S$7. CHICKEN- RANCHES S ACRES, H mile from Salem On saved .road. S room plastered unga krw, double garaswr poultry house, small barn, electric lights In alt build ings, family fruit and J-eung cherry orchard, school has by piaoe. ' $3Tvu $708 down, balance to suit. - 10 acres, modem improvements, well equipped poultry ranch, electricity. S miles out. paved road. Will consider Salem residence as part payment. SOCOLOFgKT ft SON First National Bank Bldg. SNAP IK TIMBERED TRACT i 2-10 acres t miles north of Salem near Claxter station and O. E. R. &. electric lights and .telephone service available. Ideal place to build a home. Priced very low for a abort time ta close aa estate. Only $060. LEO N. CIHLDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street Phone ITS?. 220 A. river bottom farm, stocked and equipped, to eeU on easy term and at a bargain. An excellent oppor tunity for the right person. ti A. strictly modern dairy farm, the best part of the Wiitamett val ley. Two good bama, 9 siloa, electric lights, running water. Just one ot those up-to-the-minute da try proposi tions. Will take trade or easy terma, - 20 A. one mile from town on pave ment, good Improvements, at a sacri fice. Also several excellent buys in city property. You would do well to see us. rt. C. SHIELDS Oregon Building Phone 17S4. - - - - - - -ij- n. -1- -ij-jn.n.ru-u-uxA1 10 ACRES ZVt milea from Salem, 8 acres in cultivation, 1 acres In timber, all under fence, $(50. Good terms. It ACRES 3H miles from Salem. I acres in cultivation, family orch ard, balance in timber and pas ture. 1800. Terms. 14 ACRES one mile from Salem, In strawDerries and logana, small house and double garage. $1250. $200 down. 2i ACRES 3-4 miles from Salem on bat-den road, fine building, place , 01 300. Terms. ACRES 3-4 miles from Salem, all in cultivation, fine land and build ing place. $1320. $200 down. ACRES ltt miles from Salem, 100 six year old R. A. cherry trees. $1875. Terms. ACRES 1 miles from Salem. No bettr land In Oregon, fine build ing place. 11900. Terms. 40 ACRES 4 miles from Dallas. 40 acres In cultivation. IS acres In fruit, 5 room house, very good oarn. .oau. -lerms. 11 ACRES 3-4 milea from Salem. C room modern house, good barn and garage, small orchard. $7400. Will trade for 4 room house in Salem or eood henr-h town $3000. Private money to loan on good homes in Salem at 7. A. L. DARK 320 U- S. Bank Bldg. Phone 037. WANTED REAL, ESTATE ----------- - -i n-iirw. muj usiixsus on bouses, lots, acre ages ana larms at saleable prices. Kelly Realty Co., 1S1 South Church street ------ ii-ifvirwi WANTED Is your house for sale? I have biiv. ers for houses. Just now I need a S n. moaern nome : also a a sv mod. era home. R A FORKNER Evenina-s 22CSJ. 220 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phone S7, HOME WANTED Have a customer ownina: some er. tra fine residence Iota In Long Beach, uuuonua wnicn ne would like to turn in part payment of a nice Salem nome. What have you? A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Real Estate Loans Insurance 147 is. com'l. St. Salem. Oregon Business Opportunities -i-i-irirmnruxAJ wAsitu Man interested- in es tablishing business connections with a large corporation. Must have 12000 to invest rn. zio.'. f. o. Box 107. Salem. 'i- -i-i----rwwwwwm MANAGER of local nnto nalntins? concern needs partner to help handle tne insiae worK. very little immediate capitoi necessary. See Fred Ertler, 219 piate street. MONEY TO LOAN ijejMwwyyw ON FARMS avt rrrr wir at. v.a. TATS UUWE8T INTEREST RATES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. CITT AND FARM loaas at lowest rates. Beat terma ebtatnabia. Our msuranee departaent often you pert advice and service In all tinea HAWKINS ft ROBERTS find Tat. 1417 205 Oregon Bldg. $1000. to 13000 to loan. Gertrud J. M. Page. Private Money to Loan FARM LOANS Plenty of moner to loan on good farm security. City ljoana Wt are loaning Prudential Id bu ranee company money en city rest' dences and business property at iM per cent plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts, 205 Oregon Building. 1MMAWiWJ CTTY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAM ASSOCIATION 703-d First National Bank Bids. 45 Ualem. Oregon PERSONAL LOANS MAViS on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Kepaya onthlr. When In financial need cee ue before closing a loan. GENERAL, INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 FEDERAL farm loans. T. X Wood. 341 State Street LOANS T men and women steadily em ployed ON TOUR PLAIN HOTE Lowest rates easiest paymenta Loans also made on indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth er personal property. 20 MONTHS TO PAT AH transactions strictly cont'd. STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Bldg. Second floor, corner State A High. Oflce boura 10 a. m. to 4 :$0 p. m. TeL 932. Licensed by state. EjwMMma Ajw)eass MONEY LOAN El Or AUTOffj Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce year paymenta You keep the ear. P. A. BtKKR Cor. Liberty St aad Ferry Phone 121 Baleen, Ore. WWWiliVlMAM uonet to LOAN ea real estate. homes and farms. Beat terms, no do- P. H. BSLL 211 U. S. Baak Btdc 131,000 private money to loan en erty or country security. . SOCOLOFSKT ft ION Phone 070 LOANS WANTED wrAwtTWga. ft l ate loaas. Wa have eeveral applicatJoaa oa hand. Hswklaa.dk Hotrerta, 30S Oregon Bid SMALL aeortgage for aale. exeellent aeeuTltr. T- rata. ..rneynj . O-inm'f St, bwi-tl4IW. LiVTS STOCK and POULTRY OPLXRX waste4Haa41a aay aaaeant at aer tlas. aWlem poultry CeTeit . Umh fit, Ptma 1400. KisM l$lt LITE STOCK and POULTRY I i.iVf 'I i ' S Oil !- XX M er trade. Red bars at K OoaiX and Columbia. Terms tf desired. fibUWH tytUJO. MARKET 185 North High 8treet January sad February setting 2c per egg; Order apace new. Baby chicks r week beginning Jan. 27. Phone FJrOV KaSh ftalea ham mM Sella bav! horaoa miilMi m wtr ,u Pr Kood cowa Phone 2 St 4. Route , Box 2-C-C Some rood ftn-hmm 2 young ieAulea. 1710 Mission Street. ---ir r t- - Ti-iinmimi t FOR- SALE Matcnad tam vr. c neons, mares and heavy yr-tn, 190 N. 1th. BUFF OrnhlnKton caeker-rie pullets for sale. Phone 9TF11. UUtttQG IN. THOMPSON mar Moiii . , k ery week automaUr beat and mois ture eontroL Oregon Capital Hatch ery. JltO No. 5th. Phone 37t. and Reds. Feb. 10. Want warn ane to take these high grade chicks aad raise umn ior next years arceaera pte, tth street Phone 27 tt Cobblers far breeding. Will trade two gobblers for other stock. Turner. Oregon rOR 8 AXE WOOD Weed Kenaer Fuel Co. TeL lacSM. '--"-i- -ii'i-irir-ririni-uvvxr DRT fir and oak wnod. mm1 and fuel eJL Call en us tor artcea. We give seed measure, geod soallty and good eervice. LARttER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephone $131 OTJ AH. ATCTEtCJJ IKT Wood Mall Tel. 13. Salem Vwel Cw f 51 Trade. THE best wood la the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phone 2985. WE have IS" wood on hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 349 & 12th. Cobbs ft Mitchell Co.. phone 812. - FIRST" cla ra dry old firlab.seX ond growth and old fir cord wood. Screened nog fuel and prompt deliv ery. Phone 1542. JfKEU? E. WELLB, INC 280 South Church MJ1JJ,J DRT lt-in. old fir. 4 ft fir. oak and ash. Cord measure. C U. Harbaugh. S3S Highland ave., phone 1990. JWMj-lWMVjWjl 16 In. old fir. 17 SO cord. Phone 26F32. Four Corners Garage. Honest wood at honest prices. Phone 3400. Heyser Fuel Co. LOST aad FOUND FOUND Keys. Owner may have same by paying for ad. LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors $20 State Street Phone 1787 LOST Brown bull dog. Answers to name of "Toughle," Notify Mrs. H, C Hanson. Phono 110F33. Reward. FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars With No Regrets There Is no danger in your dealings with ua Honesty is our creed. No Misrepresentation You can buy cars here with com plete safety and satisfaction. 1930 Hudson Sedan, new car, never been run 1350.00 1930 Type Hudson Coach, like new $975.00 1928 Whippet Con v. coupe, like new in every respect 115.00 1927 Chev. Imperial sedan, a dandy car A-l . 425.00 1927 Pontlac Coach, extra good. can t beat it for the money 425.00 19Z5 Ford pick-up. A dandy car for light hauling A-l 18 many other late models In our stock, priced from $40.00 ur trades and your" own terms within reason Open nights and Sunday'a State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX-PACKARD Corner Chemeketa ft High Phone 1000 """" -1 I-"- ji ni jurxri uik jKrrjxssfjKjf Valley Motor Co, - Buy With Safety - 'jver see satisfied customers pur chased used cars from us last year, be cause our prices were lower remem ber we secure used cars for less and at their real value we also handle them In large quantities. WATCH FOR OUR DAILY CURB SPECIALS dur ing the month of February their values will -sprprlse you. Compare iiieso prices: 1923 1924 1925 Touring I 48.00 Touring Touring Touring Touring Coupe . Coupe 05.00 . 90.00 .115.00 1920 1927. 1922 . 145.00 . fS.OO . 05.00 1923 1924 1925 coupe Coupe . 90.00 . 185.00 . 190.00 . 71.90 1928 Coupe 1923 1924 Fordor Sedan, as Is Tudor sedan ... . 125.00 1925 Tudor Sedan RucksteU 150.00- 1924 Fordor Sedan 105.00 1920 Tudor Sedan 190.00 We have several Model A Ford Coupes, Fordor Sedans and trucks. Valley Motor Co. Center and Liberty Stteets Salom, Oregon Phone 1995 Now Is The Time Prices are advancing on good used cars. Buy now and save money. 1927 Pontiac Landau Sedan 1928 Nash Standard Six Sedan 1928 Nash Spec Coupe 19Z Nash Light Hi Sedan 1927 Buick Coach If you are in the market for a good used car you owe It te yourself to investigate our stock. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial Phone 1200 Consolidated Used Car Center, Corner Liberty and Marlon Valley Motor Co. Bargains Special Used Car Clearance Sale Saturday. February t. t clear ear lot of last year's stock we ave going to sell 12 low priced ears and trucks to the customers offering rugheet price. Nothing less than 11 $.00 eon- side red as first offer. Caadltioas of sale Cars may be run and tested eat before offer 4s mada Terma will ba considered en any offer over $50.00. All cars sold as ia Deposit aaast ac company offer. Sale will close sharp ly at iz noon True - not tion. Our Stock No. J 1921 Bssez Coach (7 1923 Ford Truck $9 40 09 85 91 $0 129 181 88- 1920 Maxwell Track 1920 Dodge Touring 1920 Dodge Rda, - 1922 Star Rda 1923 Chev. Coupe 1924 Ford Delivery 1921 Dodge Tour. 1922 Ford Tour. 1922 Overland x 1922 Dode-e Tour. 182 Look these cara over new and make your offer before neon, Saturday, February 8th. They will run. gome have 1984) Ucease Consolidated Useii Car Center Corner Liberty and Marion USED CABS 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, Karl-Keen trunk, etc.. low mileage, a bargain at $550.00. Car at Capitol Motora C. H. WALTER Turner, Oragoa FOR SALE OR TRADE. 192 Model Buick tight f eoupe A-l ceodttlo-i. SEE Hunt. Y.I.I.M MOTOR COL. Terma Trade Trucks 1929 Ford 1 tea dual Urea, length ened frame, la ft. body, also ovat - load apring 1929 Chevrolet 1H ton with aeml-traQ-er attachment, also It ft body. 1921 Chevrolet 1 toa 32x5 la. Urea, leagtbeaed for 11 ft. body. IfJlr Cbevreiet 1H tea wtth 1 yC aravet body. S2x -drea 1928 Dodga 1H toa leatx wheel base, tlx tires, duals la rear. Feur apeed transmia-aon, also 4 wheel hydraulic brakea . Reo Sales and Service SIT-847 North High Street Call at 530 Chemeketa $t and Look Over the Best Stock of O.K.'d Used Cars Ever Dis played in Salem. Every ear In this building has been put throush our reeenaltioBlnsT ahep and are haclred by our usual auaraa- tee - ' " 38-Chey. Coupeg from 140$ to f 4S0.N 'SB-Cher. Sedaaa, from $495 to 535.00 28-Chev. tMaebea, from $895 to 46. 3C-Chev. Coaches from $225 to 275.00 '29-Chev. Coupe, run S$00 ml. 595.00 '29-Chev. Landau Sedan $50.00 '29-Chev. Standard sedan 035.00 '29-Ford 8pt. Roadster 485.90 aiso nave a good assortment of Fords and almost anything in the Une of trucks. McKay Chevrolet Co. Phones 180S and 2775W. Three locations: 430 No. ComX St: 580 Chemeketa Street and Lot Next to City Hall. WANTED USED CARS CA5H Mid ror TQTG EikM- At. WANTED Late model light dan. Box ft. Statesman. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry 3 Trr. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1010 N. Summer 8C Phone 511 COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer, 38 years' experience In the Willamette valley, for datea or ar rangements phone or write, A. L. Stevenson. CorvaUls. Oregon. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. . Barton National RatterlM Starter and generator work, 202 Smith Hlen. BICYCLE REPAIRING LIATD R. RAUSDEN Cnltrmhla Bicyclea end repairing. S8T Court. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Ol L. SCOTT. PSC CMrrmnwtar 550 N. High. TeL 57. Rea. 2104-J. DRS. SCOFTELD. Palmer Chiro- practora it-nay aad N. C M. New Baak Bldg. MASSEUR and macnetlc treatments ror all ailments. No more gas pains. Phone 2079W. 8S0 N. High. CLEANING SERVICE Centjr St. Valeteria, teL 3327. SUITS cleaned and nreaserl 31. VI. LEY CLEANERS, 1$3 N. Com'L ever tsvaicKa COSTUMES FOR costumes call Salem fin . 92ta N. 5th. TeL 1947J. ElCTmCIANS HALDX ELECTRIC CO. 481 North front sc. Tel. Na s. FLORISTS FXAWEUR FOR I A I J. iwiilms- (Msenn, Court ft High St. TeL SOL CUT SlawtRt-a aredrUnar boiiauts funeral wreathe, decora Uooa C F. BreUhaunt UorlsL 512 State Street. Tel 380 INSURANCE BECKE A HENDRICKS TeL 111 III N. High - WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 215 Masonle Bldg. Fhsne No. 982 West Coast Life Insurance Co "Insured Savings." 305 First National Bank Building TeL 970. H. J. Harder. Diet. Mgr. WARREN F. POWERS Life and General I a au ranee TeL 007. S19 P. 8. Bank Bldg. XtAuHimiES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THM WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone 36 TtS & High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Laundrr raf Pure Materials" Telephone lt " 1984 Broadway UATTKESSES UATTHEHRKfl BRXDVATRn tT tbe capital-city Beimag tJo., suae Mortn uapiaoi. tjaiiea for ana aeuverea. i maranteeo. -rei. is MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianoa H, U Stiff Furniture Company. OKOl C WILL Pianoa Pbono- eyaatua, ewinsT macblnea sheet muafe aad aiaae stBdlea RenairUut oboao, graphs and sewing machines. 433 State street, we fern. PAINTING Kalsamtpo $. te II. per room, also intarfor. aatattas: reaaonania nricea Te4J7tJJyoTtio-p-J-. PAPER HANGING FHONat CLKNN Adams for bonne fleearaUnav pafismaasTisg tinting, eta KJHlMt PLUalSING PLUM BIN 19 a- work. Orabee aVea. T-t e. general repair ise so. uoertr PRINTING 'FOR STATIONER!, cards. phlets, programa books or any kind ot prutbtx, call at the Stateemaa Printing DepartmeaL Sis 8. Commen rial tvi sea. RADIO FOR for every nurse AH standar of Radio Tubaa sbop. in uantt REPAIRING Alvta Stewart, lihifHCXCa, eutteiy aa.nsr aaern snarnerina m repalruig, 3S1 CourL TeL 151 FOR SALE J ROOFING SOLVE your rooftng dlfflcultlee with Pioneer Yosentita rode eurraced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 17 N. Front. TeL 4 ST. STOVES STOVES aad tor sale, reboCt and lesaired. unas v wnven wire xenos, slain, boo nasketa aad be hooka Satan renoe and Stem week 262 ibemeketa fttreet. TAILORS XX H. KOSffKnV -Tailor far men and era cowrt gt TRANSFERS CJPTTAL Ctts Ok tl TU. OSS. DUtribnttac. for our SK-aclaAtiw Got our rates WATCH REPATRTNG QCARANTEED WATCH RE PAIR fNO or nwmey back. THE JEWEL SOX, 1ft y. liberty galem flew First national Bank Cuildlng Directory naarth Floor DR. I R. "Bardetta, eptometrlat, 40S First KatX Bank Bids. TeL 118. R13AL ESTATB DIRECTORY - 1TtX-3UB a HENDRICKS 139 R Hlga TeL 111 JOSEPH BARBEPl REALTY CO. SO Orey Bide Phone 590 FY a DELANO 290 M. Church TeL 3334 8. M, EARLB 234 N. nigh St. TeL 3343. HOMER D. FOSTER 870 State St REALTY CO TeL S42 W. H. GRABENHORST ft Ctt til & Liberty 6t TeL 115 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage TeL 1184. 4 SOCOLOFSKT ft SON II4-I rtrat NaT Bk. Blda. TeL 171 . F. ULBJCH 129 N. Cotnnvercial TeL 13S4 r. u wood 441 State Rt Tel ? ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an or der of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 31st day of January, 1930 was appointed Administratrix of the Estate ot C. A. Lathy, Deceas ed, and that she has duly quali fied S3 such Administratrix. AH persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law. to her in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 1st day of February, 1930. MINNIE A. LUTHY. Administratrix ot the Estate of C. A. Luthy, Deceased. JAS. G. HELTZEL Attorney for Estate Salem, Oregon Date ot First Publication: February 1. 1910. Date o f Last Publication: March 1. 1930. F-l-8-15-22 M 1 Saltm Markets (Wholesale Quotations) Craabtrries, box .4.50 Applet, locals Rome Beautiee .. Jonathan .1.90 .1.50 .1.25 .1.35 .1.71 Grimes Golden Yellow N'ewtoni Delicious, extra fancy .2.75 Spitzenbergs, extra fancy 2.75 Bananas, lb. 07 K Dates Dromedary, 88, 10-01. pkgs. Cont't Pitted, ease - .0.50 .4.75 E 7.50 (5.25 .8.75 Texts Grapefruit e.OO Comb Hoaey, aew crop 5.00 Lemoaa, Calif. Oranfet, Wavtls so a : 4.25 .4.75 .5.00 ISO's 120's 150'a 17's 300'S 21's 258's . aat't -6.00 ..6.50 -7.50 ..8.00 ..8.00 8.00 Cocoanutt. sack .6.50 vecsttbies fWneleaale Quo tar! cms) Brussels Sprouts, lb. Catliflower, Calit Celery, Califs crate ....20 .1.85 .7.50 loi. .1.75 Spinach, local, erst. Pennies. lb.' . -8.75 OS Kutabarts. lb. .Oia Bunched vegetables, per dos. bnnch.es Carrots . we Beets .-.00 Turnips 90 Raoithta ..- , , no Parsley e Oaiene 60 Garlic, lb. 15 California Tomatoes. Inr Oaloas. Yakima, Olobe 5.00 t.75 02 Local eaioas, la. Lattice California, Imperial Valley 4.25-5.00 Sacramento , , 4.00 Commbera. hotbente 1.10 te l.SS Cabbage, lb 04 -OS Raabarb, set aeaae Peat. Oahf. .14 20-lb. boa -3.95 to 8.75 85 09 OS OS 8.50 L50 Greea Peppers, lb. Hubbard Sqaata. la. Marble he ad tqoaaa . Pumpkins, Is, Dsarisk Bauesh Beetfs era. Yams. sO-le. Artichekes, doaea bex Potatoes. local .02 Yakima, per cwt. 3.79 to 3.00 Peeds (TtttaB traetatteaa) ' Calf ateaL 25 laa. LtS Scratch, tea . 50.00- Cora, wbele. tea , ., 44.00 Cracked aad trreead .40.00 84.00 .54.00 54.00 -50.00 Mai ran, tea , .. Bra a. tea Egg math 60C600S 46440- Witk aUtt Saras (Bnyiag Pries) Eattaa . Mediant -17 -85 Peaitry t Bay rug Prlct) Stars Reeeters, Heerlts 13 15 eld 07 80-29 Medtt J7S0 Bsrerfet Otayiag Prices) "W-eieaale Batter Butterfat .89 Priate -Carteaa .39 -40 Sa-ner" (XebUl tjaetatleas) Priate . Carteaa -48 .44 ad Bay (Bnyiag Price) Wheat, western red Soft white, ba. Oats, gray, Va. White. Tra. Beriev. tea AM .1.09 50 L47 -82.00 Bay, BeUia Priee Oata aad veteh . Clever 19.0 te 34.99 J 8.00 te s.ee ftUalfe -30.00 te 80J)0 lltietag JCaata yvBg Price) TeeL Oep If How ten . ,11, Weal aad Jtobei -wj-ifeaa . , ... ii , , .. , , . 80) Ceeeae " .H 'S weal ... i. ,Jt Ail xaneyana General filarkets HAT POSTLAKD, Ore, Fee, t (MB) Bay baying priees: setters Or agon Uteotfcy. $20.50621; do valley, $18 19.50; alfalfa $1010; clever. $10; eat eey. fit; straw, $7 tea; Ilinj prices $1 taore. roXTXJUTD ABAC POXTLaKO. Ore, Feb. T (AP) Vaaat fatares: Opea High Cioee Mar. "K, US lie May 110- 11 118i JaL HO 120S4 HOH Sep. " 11$ X 118 110 Cash awkets: whest aig Bead blue ten. hard white $1.25; sett white; weetera white 91-15; aard wiater; arte era ' rpriog, western red 01.18. Oats. Ke. 2-80 lb. wkite 939-50. Bartoy S, 3-45 Is. B. SOS. Cete No. 8 eattera yellew ekipfasat 937.00. MiU-raa-steadard $3030. PSODUCS POSTLAXD, Ore, PsK 7 (IP) Utih raw auUx (4 per eaat), 93.500 3.40 evt, delivered Pertlaad. less 1 per can, satterfst, stetieat. See; track, S; deliveries is Portlaaa, 88c. Peaitry (beyiac price) alive, heavy bens ever 4 lee.. 132; a-e4iem bees. IK te 4H ls- 21X2e: ligkt, aa4ar S lbs.. 1819c; spriaga, ersr I U)a. 84e; Pekia docks, 4 lbs, aad aver. 20e; relored daeka, 180920c; tur keys. Ke. 1. 0S3e; No. 2, 35e; ealla 20c; live, 1020e. Petateeo gems, N. 1, grade, 93.35 I. 40 per f . LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. T AP) Cattle aad calree. Around tad;; re ceipt cattle 85, calves 10. 8teers. 1100 1300 Iba, $11.00(311.50; reed 11.00 11.50; medium 9.50 11.00: common 7.50 g 9.50. Ueifers, good 9.1 i 10.30; comm.n te medium T.00 9.75. Cows, good 8.25 9.00. Cows good 8.2S9.00; common . to medium S.00&S.25; low cotter 8.50 6.25. Pullt (yeerlinca excluded), beef, goad to choice 8.00 g 8.50; cutter to aediam 7.00W 8.00, Calves, swdinm te choice 9.50 it II. 50, call to common 7.00 9.50. Vetl ers. milk fed. good te choice ll.r.O&f 13.50; medium 9.50 11.50; etill to common 8.00 ( 9.50. Hogt. SteaTIy; receipts 82 5. Heavy weights. -99.0010.73; meJi- om weir&t 9.7j(a 11.00; light weight. 10.756 11.00: liaht lirkts. .75(ffi 11.00. Packing tews, rouph aad smooth 8.00 (if 0.00. slaagKter pies. 0.50 10.50. (Soft or oily hogsend roasting pigs exrluded in abort quotation-. Sheep aad Iambi. Steady; reeeiptt 100. Lambt. good to choice $11.5012.00 : medium 10077.50: aU weuthtt. com mon 8.50 10.50. Yearlisg weather. ) diam to choice 7.50 fti 9.60. Kwet, med- lou to choice 6.00(97.50: 120-150 11., medium to choice 5.0037.00; air weights, roll and common 3.005.00. . v DAISY PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. T f AP) Produce exchange, net prices: butter: extras 38, standards 35, prime firsts 34, firsts 83. Eggs: fresh extras 31((SS, standards 80. fresh mediums Z8&"9. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Feb. 7 ( AP) Whest EMSRABtl tgrSfoBv: EVE BERNSTEIN Copyright 1929. Warner Bros. Pictures. Inc. This novel Is based on the Warner Bros, ft Vltaphone picture starring George Artisa, SYK0P81B DitraeU, British Prime Minister, hat been refused the aid of Protert, head of the Bank of England, in tlanancing the purchais of the Suez Canal. Knowing that Russia is tru ing to thwart the deal through the activity of Ur$. Traven and other tpies, Disraeli disregard Probtrt'i refusal and arranges to obtain the money from Hugh Myers, wealthy Jewish banker. Meanwhile he dispatches Lord Deeford, fiance of Lady Clarissa, to Egypt with bank check drawn on If y ers' bank. Just as he Hean from Deeford that negotiations have been completed, Myers arrives with the crushing information that he is i lanfcrwpfcy. FIFTH INSTALMENT 141 MEAN I am bankrupt," he said ft for the third time. "Listen to me. First tbe ship with tbe bul lion from Argentine went down.1 "Wrecked r "Scuttled! Purposely and crinv laaily sunk all, the crew eared. A conspiracy. It will take weeks months to get the Insurance. In addition to that, rumors affecting my credit bare been spread, aad now. this wreck. I am being pressed some enormous power "What power?" "I dont know. They bare acted through an agent, a Mr. Lewio. I have come to yon first because we Disraeli WUiont the Kffect ef Myers' Bankruptcy cannot carry out tbe Canal project. Thank hearea I am la time." Disraeli picked ap the telegram be was going to sead aim and laid tt before kin. . -Goad esodt Meyers exclaimed. "When will news ef tae kaak. rnptcy bo known T -Tonight" "By the Lord, tt hall aet," Dis raeli insisted. "Get back tt) taws. Stay at rear oflcn. Dost badge If 1 keep yen there aU night, Don't breathe a word of tale. Treat tbe wreck lightly. aoaMtMu ft Mppea," -What. atr. whatr "Ood knows. God knows." When Meyers left. DLtTtaB ptaiaed can tdtnatkxa t Lady BeacansleXd, who aggestad at be ga te town U try tn do omtklx abant this Ignoble eltaattoa, batJ xAiaraeu aaeoc us aeaa saaiy. The papcts had said be wsa CL If ke were te ba stO la Ifewains Street taea d-rtaa Ue rrecsa, wbea kt tM snppoaod to sick at borne, every newspaper would grow ays .erteal,. Ha, was tied aand. and foot, ant he would hare to tat a t&lauoa. Dantf this rtasslo. Hucot aaaaneei Uti. TTaratav at waica ouraen jnmirt ta lru i'-ftjlenaH, wa twnat bar tern, sst jmist kot M tnowtl out et omr rijit IT gba sets te tgnt i mn mt i aat inakins any eve'--- . ee-M m u.i.iu.h l l ii. t'& vr V-s?" W ran music j OFFERED TUIIT Stations and Wavc-Lrngths aiiw, Portland, 453. meters 20 keys. I KGO. OakUnd. S79.S meters; 790 keys. KOMO.. Seattle, 309.1 meters: 919 keys. KEX. Portland, 2S4.1 meters; 1189 Iters. Lovers of classical music will enjoy tee offerings ot tbe orches tra coad acted by Walter Dam roach tonight from I to T. One of tbe numbers is "Ipbigenia Fare well." In this music expression Id -given to- the filial tenderness with which Iphlgeala takes leave of her father, by whose command she la about to be sacrificed tn appease Artemis, goddess of the chaae and tbe moon. Tbe pro gram Is as follows, and may be heard over KQW: Andante Symphony No. 1 Beetheren. Moment Musicals Schubert. Ipaigeaia's Farewell Dam roach. Bolero Ravel. Perpetual Motion Mosikowski. A fall evening of popular songs and music, much ot it fa dance time Is offered during tbe remain der of the evening orer the air. price caste tumbliaf town like Jack aad Jilt ted ay after raoning ua tt a lively rate. Baring support for tbe market ravt eut after previous tperulttire sellers had engaged ia a atampede to get away from new risks arisinr because of feder al farm bo.ird mores to establish a wheat stsbili'ttion bedy with emergency pow er to incur losses pajabl. from .govern ment fends. Contributing to lata reac tions today front wheat upturns, was no table dearth ef North American wheat export businest is well at severe breaks in wheat values at Buenos Aires. Chicago closing quotations on wheat were unsettled at tl.e tame aa yettar-. day's finish te 12 cent higher. Cera closed nncbanred to Vt rent up, ead.etta 13 te H5t3 3 advance. HOOVER ACCEPTS WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 7. (AP) President Hoover today tentatively accepted an Invitation to attend the l!0Lh anniversary celebration of the Battle ot King mountain. - He ran quickly to the closet, took out a dressing gown, and pat it on in place ot his coat. "Ditty," Lady Beaconsfleld re monstrated, "what is this play acting 7" "I am 111 very ill," he explaiaed, sitting down la an easy chair. "The papers say I am 111, and she shall see the sickest man she ever saw in her life." Mrs. Jrarers, followed by Clar issa, whom she met in the garden, greeted Lady Beaconsfleld and them DlsraelL She had heard he was in, but she did not know be was so 11L Perhaps she bad better go, Tin very weak," Disraeli told her in a low, pitiful voice, "but very glad to see you. So bright! 8o young I Iant It good of her, Maryf Sit down where I can see yoa, There 1" T saw the Duchess, yonr mother, yesterday, Mrs. Trarers told Clar issa. "She is very anxious about Lord Deeford. He Is abroad, tsat he? Egypt or somewhere?" "Yes. he Is tn Egypt." Disraeli replied. "We kare Just heard from him. Mary, Isn't it time for! my beef tear Mrs. Travers coald aot suppress her cariosity. "Too say yon beard from him 7" "Tes a telegram. Read It . there on the table." She sot up ejulckfy and went to the table. "The celery is ripe to est," she read. "Toa knew he's engaged tn a rery interesting agricultural experi ment. Disraeli ezputned. at ! the same time watching ber through tbe mirror. He saw how she had noticed the code lying next to the telegram, and quickly slipped it ta her glove. -j It was obvious that from that moment Mrs. Travers wanted to bo alone to read tbe code. She .went to tbe window and admired the pea cocks, bat DlsraelL sensing what She intended to do, was one ! step ahead of ber. When she expressed a desire to nee them, ke quickly whispered to Clarissa that she most not leave ber alone, and Clarissa obligingly accompanied ber. Then he sent Lady Beaconsfleld for Pro- bat. Instructing ber to take Mrs. Traversa carriage which was wall tag outside. Aad take Clarissa with yon." he eoaeladed. "I want that womaa alone." Whoa she retained with Clarissa at ber side, she again declared tt was argent that aba leave, bat Dto. net! would aot hear ad tt. Lady Beaconsfleld aad Clarissa bad to go to meet the specialist, and : sho mnst stay wltb hlm, "My cab Is waiting," sbe pleaded, "I have sent tt away." ha an nounced. "Sit down here." be went on inking tier band. - This dainty hand supple -agars to long and Chin, so exquisitely shaped- -ov Mr. Dttrfen." sho remoa 9tnted roonettlshly. . "Re quick to grasp things ecrapo ot paper la each a hwrry to cot , stray front the poor fick msa ta read tbe code." he snapped, fore tag it oat of her glove with a den-, trows movement "What of ttr she challenged, tnv 9bl to dtsslaalata. - -ThatV batter. Tbarn how t Ttemenibea jam. So callous- 1 iw member yoa. hat otldnt place yoa. I ooaaected yoa with som thhrg bind aad . white, snow and water. Moat BUae and Lake of -benera, Geneva ta tho atztlea, ' Rnsslu iwfageef nd their English -syarpathlzers. A aua calTad Luno lay. and bis ravlabisg shall X say rife? That delU-Ufnl noaato. eo good to ftt n-hsjrpy exiles. Bit people are eraeL They said kind ' Mr. Lamlcr and his tove1y-rono-t-de" wera agr-nta. decoys ta Ita-. Stan pay, 4nrgaged fa v-oralng out 9crrtt frf tbf rwfnsetf. ta rrreptrny i tbvn bttk atassts. to jberia to death." (Ta (te eoatlnuedl -