PAGE SIX Tkz 03EG0N STATESMAN, Sakra Oregon, Satnrday Morning, February 8, 1933 . iocity Brilliant At t air To Honor Army ; Official The ball and reception planned for February 22 at the armory complimenting MaJ. Gen and Mrs. George A. White will be one of the events of the social year. The affair Is being given by the offi cers of the Salem national guard honoring the recent promotion of their superior from the rank of brigadier general o that of ma- - jor general. - National guard officers from all oyer the state will be, present as well as army officers from VancouTer barracks, state offi cials and prominent folk from both in and out of Salem. - The affair is very formal and . will be marked by the stirring symbols of the army in dress un iform. The armory will be beau tifully and formally, decked in Hags and flowers. , J -The receiving line will behead ed by MaJ. Gen. and Mrs. George A. White, and Chief Justice O. P. Coshow, State Treasurer T. B. Kay and Mrs. Kay; secretary of ' state Hal Hoss and Mrs. Moss, and Captain and Mrs. H. G. Maison. Meeting Celebrates Oregon Pioneers Hubbard. Oregon pioneers "were honored at the "Pioneer Bay" meeting of Hubbard Wom an's club Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. M. Scholl. Relics of pioneer days belong ing to- Mrs. Scholl were on dis play. There were the spinning wheel, the candle molds, the bread basket in which bread was molded and let rise before being - placed in the Dutch ovens to bake . and two beautiful colonial quika. Dr. J. B. Horner's radio talk on V "Sacajawea" was listened to and Alghly appreciated. Mrs. Ida Garland read Dr. Horner's poem, "Oregon Woods, which appeared in print recently. ' Mrs. Lorena Duncan read a pa per on "Pioneer Men," telling ' many Interesting experiences of McLaughlin. Marcus Whitman and Jason Lee. - Mrs. Neva McKenzie read a pa per on "Pioneer Women." Mrs. Lois Miller paid tribute to the pioneers of Oregon by a song of her own composition, ac companied by Mrs. Kathleen Eeckmdn at the piano. . Miss Mary Goudy, a pioneer and a Hubbard resident for the past 75 years, told of her neigh bors of that three quarters of a century ago. . ; George Wolfer and his sister. jvirs. unristlna Stauffer, members of the old Aurora colony but for many years Hubbard residents, were guests at the meeting. Mr. .Wolfer told incidents of his trip by covered wagons drawn by oxen and mules from Bethel, Mo., to the Aurora colony In the year .1863. Mis Dorothy Scholl assisted the hostesses,. Mrs. Scholl and Mrs. Kathryn Will, at the refresh ment hour. Dr. Ethel Riley and Miss Mary Goudy are hostesses for the next r meeting,- "Champoeg Day," which will be held at the Hubbard Min eral Springs. . Wednesday after noon, February-19. Dinner Guests AtW.McCallHome LBn,8a College. Mr. and Mrs. - SV McCall entertained with a de lightful 7 o'clock cafeteria dinner . at their home in Brush college vYednesda yevening. Dainty pot ted ferns were used about the rooms. Bridge was the diversion . f the evening. ",;T,5e nest ,i8r included Mrs. M. Kuslck of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. f'f!1 Crawford and daughter, a Hilda, and son Frank, Jr., - of Zena. -Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. T "cn of Zena, Mr. and Mrs. S. ? P. Kimball of Salem, Mr. and IMrs. Charles McCarter of Brush College, and the hosts, Mr. and Sits. McCall. ' ' Gervals School friends of . Ross Moore, who finished his senior year - at Gervals high -school at the close of the sem ester and Is leaving Sunday ev- enln for California, was the ln apiratlon for f a delightful sur r; Party at bis home Thurs 7T Te,l,BtJ. His schoolmates and teachers were the, guests. The evening -WM speBt Ia jing Smes and-jL- general good time -rand closed with the serving of re freshments by Mrs. Moore assist a by . Misses Maxine Phillips, .Rose Butler and Kdythe Moore. Those present were Rose AU ':, bright, Tbelma Foster, Donald - tnd Fred Dickson; Donald Me- ' o Hrte Oddie, Joe and Tony - w?iht"v Pr, Walter Wd,worta' Knaeth Manning. . Ortllle Schwab, Lloyd Seely, Ruth Palmer. Tvonne Bernlng. Sylvea- ' J v d Melv,n Fprcler. Rose But- l?,r 'Eleor Segutn, 'Dorothy and Florence ,DuRette. George and J PrantL .Glean Seely, Lee Ryder. lister.- Rtni ...i r : J,WdIn' Len Max lae Phillips and Edythe Moore; ""-E? i0r of th the - Misses Margaret Hermann, Thel- ns Vernon. Ethel Martin: and Prof. Carl Stewart. r. Monmouth The February meeting of the Monmoeth Parent- Teacher .association tWa? held, on Tuesday evening, commencing at i : with av covered: jdlsh dinner. ;A? rB ro'j present with ; many attending from .the Elklas and fcewlsville sections. . ' v r Interesting1 talks were'nade by ? 'President J. S. Landers, of the - Normal; Delmer R. Dewey; dtree tor of training schools: Mrs. F. " E. Murdock. aecretary of the asso ciation: Mayor H. W. Morlan; and F. E. Chambers. Musical program numbers featured a Toeal solo by - Miss Eulaine Cox,--. Normal . sto ent;.and a" piano duet-by Robert r Price and John Unrdoct: 'Mrs. JRuth E. Morlan; president of the asttiatWir? presfded: News and Club Olive M. Doak. The Beauty By HELEN FOLLETT Box The French have a knack of selecting pretty names for cos metics. A white powder Is called neige, which Is the French word for snow. Rosee powder is the shade of a capilaceous glow on a healthy ivory skin. Rose Ibis Is a deep pink, thepecullar color of that strange Egyptian bird that eats snakse for breakfast. Coo de Roche is the deep coral tint of the rooster's comb. Our popular sun-tan color la called maures que in the city of enchantment on the Seine. Nobody can make Mrs. Chln Chln . believe that beauty trou bles are all in your" eye. - Her problem is how to roll a double chin lato single blessedness. It can be done. Let her anoint with a heavy tissue builder, pick up the flesh between' thumb and first finger and roll firmly. In due course of time the fat cells will be. crushed. During treat ment there should be two facial ironings with ice each day. That helps the blood streams to car ry away the wreckage of devas tated tissue structure. The average well-dressed wo Epiphany Dinner Is Being Planned One of the events of the years for the Episcopal church even away back into 'the dark years of history has been the epiphany service. Many customs have orig inated around this day and have been handed down to the church es of today. Among these customs' is that of the "epiphany dinner" which St. Paul's Episcopal church of Sa lem celebrates each year and which many other churches of the country celebrate. This year the Episcopal folk will celebrate epiphany Wednes day, February 12 at 6:30 o'clock in the parrish hall. Mrs. Hal Pat ton Is chairman and among those who are working with her are Mrs. Russell Catlin and Miss Irene de Lisle. One of the features of the din ner is the epiphany cake which contains rings, thimbles, and such like things. The pastor of the church cuts the cake and the one to whom the piece goes which contains the ring is chairman of the epiphany dinner committee for the next year. Those who wn j help the chairman are the ones getting other articles hidden in the cake. At this meeting also all the church reports for the year are read following the dinner hours, and much church business Is tran sacted at this time. Eleanor Norblad To Be Complimented Miss Esther Gibbard will enter tain with a bridge tea In compli ment to Miss Eleanor Norblad this afternoon at her home. The rooms will be artistically arranged with Valentine tokens and at the tea hour the menu will carry out the idea of St. Valentine. Miss Jean Patton and Miss Mar garet Bell will serve tea at 4:00 o'clock. . The guest list includes Miss Eleanor Norblad. Miss Marie Pat ton. Miss Josephine Cornoyer, Miss Josephine McGllchrlst, Miss Dor othy Alexander, Miss Jeryme Up ston, Miss Beryl Newton. Miss Betty Mae Hartung, Miss Doris McCallister, Miss Margaret Sav age, and Miss Elizabeth Bonnell. ' -The stringed orchestra of the Business and Professional Wom en's club directed by Miss Ida Mathews will make its first ap pearance at the state dinner given by the B. P. W. club tonight at the Marion . hotel. Miss Josephine Shade -is president of the organi zation. . Gervais Mr;. and Mrs. A N. Banta will give a dinner at tbeir home la Salem next" Sunday in honor of tbeir grandson, Ross Moore, who Is leaving that ev ening for .California. Relative and friends of Ross will be-the guests. j Mr. and Mrs. S, D. Manning ac eempanled their son Donald, to Portland, Tuesday when he re turned to his studies at Oregon Technical school. The Manning's daughter, Mrs. L..L. Jepson, who Is employed at the- Meier, t Prank store sustained a severe fall last week and is going on crutches. It is bought she will not be able to return to ber work for some time. T ; Gervals , Harmony Rebekah lodge ef Gervaa . Is .making exten sive preparations to entertain the president of the Rebekah Assem bly of Oregon. Mrs.: Hallle Ingle, when she makes an official vis it to the lodge, on Saturday ev ening, February 8-. The degree staff has been practicing ' the the floor" work' under direc tion of Mrs. Minnie Moore; and the birthday committee consisting of. Mra - Mary Sawyer. Mrs. Bu chanan, and Mrs. AJtee Massey. with Mrs." Moore ' awisttng will serve. A: large aUeadane r Is expected.- ' i-f, ,s-y v've; . ..efcs5 Kiv. Olrs. Otto ScheQberc entezjtaln ed members of the C. C. K. C. CI elab- at ber hone- with social afternoon Thursday. At a late' hour Mrs. .ScheHbert; was -assisted hi serving by Mrs. J F. Takenberg. Those presenf wero - Mrs. - Alma Thompson, z Mrs. -x EL - J. Donnell, 1 Mrs: r; c: Kreiee,, Mrs. Fred Barker., Mrs. Bert -Waller. Mrs. CaarleafGtvea.v Ms.t NellfatKilex.d Mrgo Raw - Clark -and young: tori,i upward" rsr ear Nugent and -daughter,-Norma -Jean. - ; , Society Editor man spends a small fortune each year for hosiery. Tou'd be sur prised! To preserve the life of , a pair of stockings they should be worn but once and then launder ecu when washing them turn them inside out and don't rub the bar of soap directly- on them: make a strong suds and aqueese the hosiery gently. Wring them offt In a towel. Do not dry Jn the sun; ft changes the color. .To the woman ef advancing age the, severe chapeau -is a beauty handicap. The hat should beof soft fabric and of some flattering,, mental 1 coloring. ' Few elderly women, should wear black, - and brown is usually de pressing. Navy blue is good, also beige, some of the richer plum tones and light grey. A bit of rose or old blue on the bodice win giomy silver tresses. The sweat glands of the body act as a cooling system. They de posit salty substances on the skin surface. Unless these depos its are removed by bathing, they set up a cutaneous irritation and interfere with elimination. SOCIAL CALENDAR SATURDAY Salem Woman', club- house; 2 o'clock board meet- . ing; business meeting and program 2:30 o'clock. Speak- er, Miss Louise Cottrell. D. A. R. to Dallas for scholarship loan bridge tea. Woodburn Woman's Club Entertained Woodburn. Mrs. A. H. Dean, Mrs. W. D. Simmons, Mrs. M. L. Hendricks, Mrs. Carrie Toung and Mrs. W. H. Baillie were hostesses to the Woodburn Woman's club in the library basement Wednes day afternoon. At the business meeting, pre sided over by the president, Mrs." C. C. Geer, plans were discussed for the Martha Washington tea which will be held February 14. Mrs. W. J. Wilson was appointed general chairman of the tea. the refreshment committee consts of Mrs. S. W. Maupin. Mrs. Eugene Courtney, Mrs. Arista Nindel and Mrs. A. H. Dean. Mrs. V. D. Bain and Mrs. I. C. Beers are on the program committee and Mrs..Mln- nie Moore, Miss Car. Ie Water- bury and Miss Mary Scollard con sist the table committee. Mrs. H. Overton, Mrs. E. N. Hall and Mrs. Henry Layman are on the com mittee in charge of the candy and the reception committee will be the eleven past president who, are now on the club roll. Mrs. Arista - Nendel was In charge of the interesting and In structive program which opened with a group of Jigs played on the piano by Mrs. C. C. Geer and the speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. Edythe Tozier Wethered, who spoke on the "Colonization of the Oregon Country." Her informal talk was In keep ing with Oregon's birthday which will be celebrated February 14. ' The program closed with two readings. "Dawn on the Willa mette," and "Grande Ronde Val ley," by Miss' Jessie Sims and as a final number. Miss Sims and Miss Ruth Geer sang "The Em pire Builders" as a Toeal duet Many of the members brought old relics which were historically, con nected with the Oregon country and which were shown to the group. - ..' After -the program dainty re freshments were served in keep ing with St. Valentine's day. Miss Margaret Savage Is Bridge Hostess A group -of the younger crowd enjoyed a happy evening of bridge at the home of Mrs. Robert Craig when Miss Edna Savage enter tained for them. Valentine decor ations made the rooms gay' and lovely and formed, the keynote for the luncheon mens which was served following the evening of cards. Mrs. M. R. Savage, Mrs. J. T,- Whittigr and LTss Marga ret Savage Assisted Miss Edna in receiving 'and 'serving.'5- ? t The guest list included Martha Sprague, Dorothy Corey, Joseph ine McGllchrlst, Jeryme' TJpsten, Helen- Worth,- Katherifte Ellis, Marie Statesman, Jean Patton, Margaret Bell. Virginia Cross, Gninevore' Wood. ' Betty Bonnell, Peggy Wag-staff, Helm Engel, Claudlne Gneffroy, Ruth Johnson, and Margaret Savage. ; ' - " Monmouth The Tuesday after noon bridge " club met this -week at the home of Mrs. Fred JHfll, who 'was assisted In entertaining by a sister from- Peedfee, Mm. Betty Tan den Dojcb. Three tables of cards were In play with honors going to Mrs. Jamea. Gentle, and Mrs. A. IS. Tetherow. V Members - and guests present were: Mrs. John J. Fuller, Mrs. Velma Smith, Mrs. MIna Corneli us; Mrs. D. R. Riddell, Mrs; B. F. Butler. Mrs.- A. F.' Court er, Mrs. Homer Doods. Mrs. Lawrence Wolfe, Mrs. E. G. Cole, Mrs. Teth erow, Mrs. Gentle, Mrs. Hill and Mrs.- Van. den, Deeeh.vt--i?-.4f.-- Z" y A.. late afternoon luneheea wa served at the close of playing . j. i-. ;e:t; -.Oi.e sr,,. ' Gervals The St. Rita'. Al tar society gave a : benefit Set Party la- the newly purchased Parrish house Wednesday even ing, which was well attended, and a very enjoyable affair. Prises, for high scores went to r Mrs. : Otto Schwab and Jos. Nathman Sri. nnaifor'lQwVseoreevto Miss Moni ca . Schwab Ttid "tnilUm Br aiscl. The ladles served lunch after the gmes. 6uf tlfty were presentrtTpitirdrti"st Affairs Golden Wedding Is Memorable Event The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ferguson was happily remembered by the many friends of the bride and groom of BO years. A luncheon was given In compliment to them at one o'clock In the Fraternal temple by the P. L. E. and F. club Wed nesday. Here they were remem be red in toasts and gifts in token of the esteem of the club mem bership. . Wednesday night members of the Leslie Memorial church and friends gathered in the church social rooms for a reception in honor to Mr: and Mrs. Ferguson. Here the vows of 80 years ago were again exchanged. Mrs. S. Darlow Johnson played the wed ding march from Mendelssohn as the bride and groom entered the room. Before an altar banked with flowers Rev. S. Darlow Johnson read again the service that had united Mr. and Mrs. Furgeson. Following this there was a de lightful program., of music and reading given by Claude Wills. Mrs. Laws. Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. W. J. Ldnfoot, Ormal Trick. Mrs. W R. Bush; Mrs. Wayne Greenwood. Mrs. wneaidon and Mrs. T. H. Temple. . At the close of the urogram Mr. and Mrs. Furgeson and Mrs. Car rie Knight of Eusrene stood In line and received the conrratula- uon oi tne many friends. Mrs. J. S. Murtar and her com. mltte of Mrs. B. E. Otjen, Mrs. Claude Moores. Mrs. Jay B. Hew itt, Mrs. Wayne Greenwood, and Mrs. E. A. Rboten were rtwin- sible. Officers Elected Missionary Society Zena The .Spring Vallev Mis sionary society met at the home of Mrs. Frank Crawford Wednes- aay. Mrs. Alvin Madsen and Mrs, A. L. Kinton were assistant host esses. Mrs. J. W. Harbison of Sa lem led devotionals. Mrs. L. V Matthews, president, resided at tne business meeting at which time sewing to be done and sent to India was discussed. At the Wednesday meetinz of ficers were elected br acclama tion, the former method of an- poiaiing a nominating committee being dispensed with. Officers elected were Mrs. Charles McCar ter, president: Mrs. W. Frank Crawford, vice-president; Mrs. D. N. Hendricks, secretary: Mrs. V. L. Gibson, treasurer; the latter succeeding herself. Mrs. Charles Purvine had charge of the Bible study. Mrs. R. H. Scott sang two negro folk songs and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry gave two readings. Mrs. W. N. Crawford and her jrroun in the at tendance contest was declared win ners. Mrs. W. N. Crawford assist ed at the lunch hour. Special guests were Mrs. J. W. Harbison, Mrs. L. M. Purvine. Mrs. L. L. Laws, all of Salem, and Mrs. G. A. Taylor, Zena. Members present were: Mrs. V. L. Gibson, Mrs. W. W. Henry. Mrs, Charles McCarter, Mrs. R. H. Scott, Mrs. Jesse Walling. Mrs. Walter B. Hunt. Mrs. Jesse Worth- ington. Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, Mrs. W .N: Crawford, Mrs. D. N. Hendricks. Mrs. Mary Scott, Mrs. Charles Purvine, Mrs. L. F. Mat thews, Mrs. S. D. Crawford, Mrs. Mary Jennings. Mrs. Seymour Wilson and daughter. Dorothy. Hilda Crawford and the hostesses Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Madsen and Mrs. Kinton. Mrs. W.M Smith Entertains A pleasant afternoon was that spent by members of Chapter G of the P. E. O. sisterhood as the guests .of Mr. W. M. Smith for their regular meeting Thursday afternoon. The program, the feature of which was a paper on John Drew's life on the stage read by Mrs. G; W. Laflar. was followed by a social afternoon. At the tea hour Mrs. Smith was assisted by Mrs; R. W. Lange and Mrs. A. T. Woolpert. Daffo dils and spring flowers were ef fectively used on the tea table and about the guest rooms. Mrs. Mary: Ranch and. Miss May Ranch were special guests for the afternoon. Monmouth Mrs. R. E. Derby and Mrs. E. C. Cole entertained the Social Hour club Wednesday afternoon at the letter's home present. The program feature was with about 30 members and guest an interesting' talk on Mexico and ita cities," by MTss" Katherfne -Ar-T buthnet of the department of geo graphy ot the Normal school, who spent her ' vacation in Mexico last summer. Refreshments, served by Birdie Derby and Mildred Cole, daugh ters of the hostesses, concluded the afternoon's plaasnre. 'S FIlEErdFFER TO : KIDIIY SUFFERERS D youhave to get up nights lor bladder relief do yon 'suffer backaches, headaches, and lose of weight are . you all tired out even In the morning are yon constipated -do j you have : rheu matie pains or neuritis jabav oft en due, to-fnaijy- kJdneyer ' lntea-tinaInnIfiatlonBr-j vf f to f proVo flrt great ; merit ) of Maiamel X. for -this purpose, the druggist mentioned below win ac cept this ad at 25e value on pur chase of regular $1.58 slie, 5 VTest 'Matamel. thoroughly : ia your own case. if :t doe not do ypu'.xnore goodthan any . medicine oa ever pwdiour oneylirlir be W-aidei XbSd-1 offefelroodJ at Mrs.Charles Adams" Is Club Hostess Mrs. Charles Adams entertain ed the Book and Thimble club at Its regular semi-monthly meeting Thursday, February 6. Roll call was responded to with a "house hold help" from each member. The dub has recently taken up the study of Oregon history. In line with this subject, Mrs. Charles Schwarts read an inter esting original paper descriptive of a trip to Belknap springs and Mrs. Charles Adams read an ar ticle on the scenic beauty of the Columbia "river highway. A part of the afternoon was spent In sewing for the quilt the society is making. Refreshments and decorations were suggestive of the Valentine season. Mrs. Robert Clark and Miss Florence St. Pierre assisted the hostess in serving; Members present- were Mrs, Hettie Simpklns, Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mrs. Ross Damrell, Mrs. Mary Beaver. Mrs. Minnie Schwarts, Mrs. Ray Ferguson, and Mrs. Charles Adams. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. A. A. Wil liams and Mrs; A. L. Applewhite. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Schwartz. February 20. . . Luncheon" Party For Raphaterians Members of the Rahpaterlan club enjoyed a delightful "no host" luncheon at the home of Mrs. Charles Bates Thursday af ternoon at one o'clock. The de corative note for the luncheon ta ble and guest rooms was that of Valentine. Red geraniums and red tapers in crystal holders cen tered the luncheon table - and comic Valentine favors added much' to the galty of the after noon. Mrs. Elliott Coloney assisted tbe hostess with receiving and serving. Covers were placed for Mrs. Wilson Darby as a special guest and Mrs. James Heltzel, Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mrs. Morton E. Peck, Mrs. Ray L. Smith, Mrs. Guy O. Smith. Mrs. Albert A. Sie wert, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. Lee Unruh, Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs. Phil Newmeyer, Mrs. Charles Sherman. Mrs. E. A. Colony, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, and Mrs. Bates. Following the luncheon hour the afternoon was spent socially. Delta Phi Mothers Club Plans 4At Home The Delta Phi Mothers club will hold its monthly meeting Monday, February 10" at 2:30 o'clock at the Chapter House, 1610 Court street. At 4:00 o'clock the club will be "at home" to all Delta Phi members, alumnae, and patron esses. Officers of the club are: president, Mrs. M. C. Findiey, vice president, Mrs. Rose Bab-' cock; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. O. W. Emmons. Dinner Club Has oily Meeting Mrs. W. H. Hogan and Mrs. Ed. Johnson were joint hostesses to members of the new Thursday Covered Dish dinner club, form erly the Kill Kare club, at the home of Mrs. Hogan Thursday. The members of the club met for the afternoon of cards and a social good time with tea at a late hour. Honors in cards for Midget Originators of Low Prices When ; Buying Meats Quality should b: your first thought. At this market you are assured of good quality at the lowest prices good meat can be sold for. Foe Ootupdoy Vo CSci? Younr Pig Pork Roasts E6e Bib. BEST OLEOMARG ARINE........2 lbs, 25c 2 lb. limit with purchase Choice Beef Roasts There are He. misleading Tender Sirloin Steak "Nut Sweet" Sliced Bacon ::....:...;.30c lb. No better bacon at any price AH Pork LittieLinks Useless to pay morerisky to pay Jew Milk Fed Veal Steak-...j...5c. lb. Home Rendered Pure lardi12t4c lb. Oat of eensidration i w,eFea; we:eloi Sxler- the afternoon went to Mrs. Ho gan and Mrs. Ed Johnson. In the evening the husbands came at S: 30 o'clock and a cov ered dish dinner was served and this was followed with- "500". Honors In cards for the evening went to Mrs. W. H. Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, and, Mrs. Verne Com p ton. Those present for this event were Mr. and Mrs. William Bech tel as special guests, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hixson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles KInser, Mrs. Verne Compton, Mrs. David Furlough, Mrs. Margaret Innocent! and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hogan. La Mere Club Guest Of Mrs. CarlHuber Mrs. Carl Huber assisted by Mrs. Ed. Bingenhiemer entertain ed with a one o'clock luncheon and a social afternoon Tuesday in compliment to members of the La Mere club. Mrs. Merwln Irish, Mrs. Paul Blatchley, and Mrs. Loretta Hu ber were special guests. Club members present were Mrs. Ed ward Schunke. Mrs. Charles Da vis, Mrs. Frank Struble. Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. Walter Nel son, Mrs. Earl Greg, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. D. R. Vtterson. . Mrs. Edward Schunke will be hostess to members of the club for the next meeting. . . Social Club to Give Bridge Benefit The social club of the Order of the Eastern Star will sponsor a bridge benefit in the social rooms of the Masonic temple Tuesday af ternoon beginning at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Flo Purvine is chairman of the committee on arrange ments and assisting her is Mrs. Stella Henry, Mrs. Clarabelle Hauser, Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. Mary Curtis, Mrs. Mary Crawford, Mrs. EHa Vlck, Mrs. Jennie Emmons, and Miss Emma Godfrey. Those wishing to make reserva tions may do so by calling Mrs. Purvine at 23 11 J. Gervais The P. N. G. club met Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Ida Schwab with all members present except three. Mrs. P. Collard was taken in as a new member. After the busi ness session the ladles worked on a quilt which was almost half finished at this meeting. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Gladys Fitts and Mrs. Minnie Moore, assisted by Mrs. Schwab. The next meeting will be held at the home of. Mrs. Cllve Shields in Salem on the evening of February 14 th. See "Disraeli" most extraordin ary talking picture at Bligh's capitol theatre. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday. Spon sored by the Salem Branch. American Association of Univer sity Women. Admission only 50 cents. Buy tickets at Patton's Book Store, Marion Hotel, Sen ator Hotel, Commercial Book Store, The Spa, Atlas Book Store, Blue Bird, Market Coffee Shop, the Luncheonette, The Palm Con fectionery. The University wom en receive liberal commission on all tickets sold by them, and ben efits apply to the Fellowship fund. Market 351 State St. Dainty Lean LOIN CHOPS 20ell). Good eee- ' w' . m ueet statements in-this ad. ... Fancy T-Bom Steels 25 Db. Frnk GrouitdBeef 2C 61lD; ; Honing Kensington Club Entertains Husbands Members of the Kensington club entertained their husbands at the home of Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts Thursday eyenine; with a delightful social evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. Harrj Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anunsen. Mr. and Mrs. George King, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Ka foury, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mor ris, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughton. Mrs. Ruby Griffith, and Prof, and Mrs. T. S- Roberts. At a late were seryed. hour refreshments Mrs. M. L. Straw Is Installed As Head Mrs. Mary L. Straw was install ed as president of the U. S. Grant circle of the Grand Army of the Republic Thursday in the ar mory. With her was instaued Mrs. Louise O'Neil, junior vice president; Mary J. Smith, chap Iain; Sarah E. Oliver, patriotic instructor; Mrs. Mabel L. Tragllo, treasurer; - Mrs. Ardel Lawrence, secretary; Mra Mary A. Gosser, conductor; Mary Sanders, g-aurd. Mrs.. Sarah Oliver, past depart ment president was installing of ficer. Woodburn Mrs. Belle White, Mrs. Mae Rlgdon and Mrs. H. C. Todd were hostesses to the Re bekah lodge Tuesday night. The birthdays of all the mem bers In December and January were celebrated. Oscar Nendel. Buy Engle, Mr. Dodge and Mrs. Hen mm Amis ?awsay tifln MnnesS GET a faugh every day with Mickey . Mouse, the personalityrplns female whose thousand little trick stamp him a the most original and amusingpfiin eter you've ever seen. From eeast to coast they're laughing with S&ey the sensational new pet whohaTdLH eovereel the funny-bone of the tmtiaar with the wittiest, snappiest, f ansJest line in wiee-eracking history. RflficBlkey every 2ra : It ----- Ir. , r Xa5r yiwuiwaGE AUsup of Gervals. The business session was presided over by the noble grand, Mrs. Lon Carro there. A program was arranged by Ray Shaner and Mrs. Mable Wright and consisted of a piano solo, "Melody of Love" by Miss Caro lyne EUIs and the remainder 0f the time was spent in playing games and other music There were over thirty present and Mr. and Mrs. Allsup of Gervals and Mrs. Roy Shaner were additional guests. - The marriage of Helen Hankel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Han kel of West Stayton and Howard unoert, son el Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert of Shaw was sol emnized at Saint Marys Church Monday morning at 8tl5. Hatel Ruth Ford actedas brides-maid and Charles Gilbert, brother of the groom was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilbert will make their home at West Stayton where the groom has a farm. ... A no host dinner was enjoyed by members of the Salem Dakota club at t he regular club meeting Wednesday eveaiog.ln the Amer ican Lutheran drtrreh parlors.' a short program added much to the pleasure of the guests. Mrs. Ble vins will be beetes? to the after noon Dakota clnb at her home February 18. The Bona Tempo club met at the home of Mrs. Chester Moffitt for an Informal Afternnnn nt bridge. Mrs. Bert Victor and Mrs. wuiiam Rush were special guests. Mrs. P. D. Ouisenhori-T An tor. tained members of her club at her home Friday with luncheon and an afternoon of bridge. is acclaimed the great est individual hit the "talkies lsyeuiicov eretL , Andnow as a comic 8trip,;he scores a blue-ribbon daily laugh "scoop" for this newspaper 1 You'll ; laugh; as yoii'w never laughed ,hefor&when you see Ki do. his Stuff4. crW . i tt. :iri k l ! 3 r.