TEe OREGON ST ATESLAJi. Salenu Oregon, Saturday Morning, Febnrkry 8, 1930 PAGEFIYEf jtocal NewBriefe sTi Wliini Worker Coming Burner, religious worker the national Y. W. C. A. ot tfcee, will be in Salem Wednes &ssy Thursday and Friday of pext and, wil lead a discussion Xfxmp of volunteer workers each Booming at the Y. W. These wwatlnrn will be open to anyone iftftecested. Miss Burner will apeak before the high school Girl TEiii trT'i Wednesday afternoon, ma before the student Y. W. C. A, 1 Willamette Thursday after noon and before the Eneinitis iabv Thursday night. Found guilty J. Lincoln El ite of 487 Center S t. has been tried; and found guilty of celling Ota.?, high quality "made-to-nteaauro" clothing at about half nil t others charge, because he etl the "Scotch-Woolen Mills" Une- so well known here.. Your ojtoite of 209 fabrics for suit or ton, oat, $23. SO. He has about WM. late, snappy samples of this and other "all wool" lines. Style, ft. workmanship, fatly guaran teed See them at 487 Center St. Dance Mellow Moon Sat. nite. TfHferer Caaght Caught in the; act' of rifling lockers In the men's dressing room at the Y. M. Q: A Thursday night, a youth wJinse name was not divulged by staff officers of the Y. was taken to the police station where after questioning he was allowed to go way without any charge be ing; placed against him. upon his promise to reform. He bad a small amount . ot money taken Irom one of thee lockers in his " possession when apprehended. Free instruction in the art of mating placques, lamp shades, fire screens, painting and home decorating, such as hangings, re decorating bit3 of furniture, etc., will begin with the classes open ing, tomorrow at Miller's. You are invited to join now or at any time to. suit your conveniene. Instruc tion., entirely free when materials for the work are purchased at Millers. (See Mrs. Houston, 2nd flow. Gift Shop.) Three Teachers Out Three higbi: school teachers were absent from classes Friday: Miss June Philpott, Miss Ethelwynne Mur to4 and Miss Marjorle Christen eon Tho two latter are expected to. return Monday, but Miss Phil pott niay not" be able to return for- several days. AH are suffer ing; from colds. Sat. special on quality electric percolators. Regular S4.S5 value special $2.79. Eoff Electric In. Real Estate Opening Up The patt 10 days has seen a tremen dous change for the better in real estate prospects, says- H. E. Bar ren, salesman in the Orr offices. Not only are there more Inquiries fxr farm land, and houses, but bpsiaess is picking up surprising lyswell, he find3. Old-fashioned salt-rising bread, sfcecHil today. Benson Bakery, 2J4Jf. ConVL I VA rcy Heads Group Judge Ppter H. D'Arcy Is the new pre sident of the past exalted rulers of. ; the Salem Elks lodge, elected a a banquet Thursday night which was attended by 22 men . wh had formerly occupied the esecative chair in the local lodge. Dance Mellow Moon Sat. nite, . Big carnival dance Sat. Hazel Greeak The Harmony Knights, of causae. Mr. Elliott Hurt Struck by a-, automobile driven by Eugene I3y. Salem route 8. Mrs. L. H. El ltaU 240 West Le telle street, suffered- painful cat. and- bruises Thursday night. The accident oc curred on Commercial street seas State. Ltla Wheeler, beauty specialist U Jiew located at Lila's Beaute Shan. 385 N. High St. Phone 2S85. Captain Crane Sines Captain Crane of the Portland police de- nasHnent sang a solo at the Lions 4-lnb luncheon Friday. A nam ber hf the law enforcement off! rra attending the police school here, and members of the faculty were guests of the Lions. For guaranteed repair work, Fitzgerald Sherwin Motor Co. ; John Doe Arrested Too nois ily Intoxicated to tell his name, a men was arrested by local police Friday afternoon and booked at 1 be-all under the name ot John Doe- His shouted profanity was heard la far corners of the city hUi - Deilar dinner every night 5:45 to at the Marlon hotel. . RJleys Visit Here Dr. and Mn P. O. Riley of Hubbard were Intern Friday. Dr. Riley Is publisher of the Habbard Enter priser president of the county fed eration of community crabs and a candidate for state senator. 128 Chevrolet Coupe. Finish Ilka' new, J425.00. Fitzgerald Sherwin Motor Co. Manometer Stolen Edward Zshara reported to the police Fri day that a motometer had been stolen from his automobile Thurs day night while it was parked on State street near the Elks temple. Want used furniture. Tel. 511. Faink to Falls City Eldoa Frtnk. real estate salesman, was absiness visitor in .Falls City yesterday. , Old-fashioned salt-rising breads IMoial today. Benson Bakers 2W.N. CoX . . rryer.ln ltsrtlaad arl Mey er was a Friday business visitor taFartland. s jsmB ejMcafttoa BILES CURED DR. MARSflAIA Students Good Cooks Mrs. Mary L. Fnlkergon, county school superintendent, is most proud ot the work of some of the girls of the Crawford school, near Turn er, are doing in a cooking club they have formed. One day this week when she called at the school an. enticing aroma of cooked meats greeted her before she en tered the building, and upon go ing in she found two of the girls demonstrating proper cookinj of bam. And of course there were ham sandwiches for all. This club makes it a point to, demonstrate before the whole membership the lessons- it learns in the cooking project. Grand piano bargain: $100. fac tory discount on any new Kimball Grand piano and a $220. eight tube electric radio thrown in. Terms to suit. Now is your chance to get the piano for the children and the radio for the old folks. Kimball Piano House. 2020 N. Capitol St., Salem, Ore. . TUwalle CInb Meets The Tta walle club, composed of members of the Artisan drill team, met this week at the home of Mrs. Fenni more Baggett. 280 North 15th street for a social time and busi- ess session. The club is planning to hold a Valentine dance at the Fraternal temple, February 13. Members present at the meeting were: Rosalie Nusbaum. Dora Medler. Dorothy Harland, Helen Newberry, Edla Medler, Delma Ponlln, Doris Qnamme. Maxine Ferguson, Mrs. Ivan G. Martin and the hostess, Mrs. Baggett. Card of Thanks I wish to thank my many friends and rela tives, also the Elks lodge, for their kindness and sympathy in my recent bereavement. Mrs. Rose Gwinn. Upper Classes Entertain The three upper classes of Willamette university entertained the fresh men by singing their freshman glee songs of irevious years. The novel feature of the program was the singing of the former mem bers of last years graduating class, which incluled Paul Geddes, Bill Mumford, Charles Kaufman and Wendell Keck in an extremely numerous male quartet. Thep pre sented the three songs which they had sung before they had become identified with the class of 1930. Sat. Special Flash light, $1.- 25 value 79c complete with bat teries. Eoff Electric Inc. To Entertain Zontas Members of the Salem Zonta club will be entertained tonieht at a waffle supper by Miss Hazel Cook, chief operator of the local telephone company and a member of the local telephone company and a member of the woman s service club at her apartment at the Haz- eldorf. The club has a member ship of nearly 20. This is the first social event that has be?n ar ranged for the club group in sev eral months. Dance Mellow Moon Sat. nite. Visits More Schools Superin tendent Mary L. Fulkerson visited the rural schools at Bethel and Auburn Friday and the previous day made visitations to the sehools at Parrish Gap, Marlon and Jer ferson. She is giving the sixth grade arithmetic tests sponsored by the county principals associa tion in each school she visits and reports that this work is just about completed. Carnival Green. dance Sat. Hazel Barretts Plan Trip Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett. 1120 Center street, will leave Sunday for San Diego, where they plan to spend two or three months on a pleasure trip. Mia. Rieth III Miss Mary J. Rieth, penmanship instructor at the Leslie Junior high school was unable to conduct her classes yes terday due td a- severe cold. Going to Chicago C. M. Mi all, president and manager of the Northwest Fruit Products com pany, lefjt Friday evening for Chi cago on a business trip. Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt de livery. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Co. .California Man Here R. de Kormandie of Santa Monica is In Salem looking over the country with a view to locating- in this section. Orr in Vancoaver John Orr, local real estate man, spent Thursday la Vancouver, Wash., on a business trip. Old time dance at Castillian hall every Saturday night, good music, good floor, popular prices; 25c and 50e 8:30. Mrs. Gaabert in City Mrs. Gertrude Gaubert of Portland was a business visitor in this city yes terday. 16 or. Honeycomb Chips Chocolate Coated 36c Two Lbs. for 70c Deliciously; Crisp Oaly at Schaefer's DRUG STORE Th Original Yellow Front and Candy Special Store of Salem. 1 N. Commercial. Fboae lt7 Peaslar Agency JERSEY CUTTLE S County Organization Forms At Session at Chamber Of Commerce Here The Marlon county Jersey cat tle club met in the Salem cham ber of commerce rooms Friday and adopted by-laws for the or ganization but failed to elect new officers. The by-laws as adopted pro vided that new officers be elected at the annual meeting In January and thus forced the present offi cers to hold over until January 1931. Ivan Loughary, field represen tative of the American Jersey Cat tle club was present at the meet ing and urged attendance at the meeting of the Oregon Jersey Breeders association which is to be held in Salem on March 1. The Marion county group voted to hold the next business meeting on Saturday, March 8 and to hold an all day meeting on Tuesday. April 8. At Ore March meeting certificates -of merit granted by the Oregon Dairy Herd Improve ment association will be p r e sented. Of greatest interest to members of the association was the dis cussion as to whether or not the Oregon state fair stock show should be made an abortion free show. The state fair board is con sidering the problem and has asked Jhat dairymen's associa tions express an opinion in the matter. The Marlon county group delayed definite action until the March 8 meeting. E. A. Rhoten, president, pre sided at the meeting and Mrs. Frank Kuinsting was secretary. An unusually large number of jersey breeders were present. Obituary Irwin Mrs. Lillie Belle Irwin died Feb. 7 at the Waverly sanatorium in Portland. Widow of the late J. W. Irwin. Funeral services at the Rig- don chaped Monday at 11 o clock. Dr. W. C. Kantner officiating. In terment Mt. Crest Ahbey mauso leum. AVestentard Mrs. Elizabeth Westergard died in this citv February 7. Survived bv widower. Martin Westergard and one son. Donald. Funeral services Monday at 2:30 o clock at the Clough-Taylor chapel. Res ident of Portland. Goltra Died at the family residence, 725 Court street, February 5, Mrs. Kate Reynolds Goltra: wife of John Owen Goltra: mother of Mrs. Malcolm Gilbert, of Port land; Mrs. Frank H. Bagley of Twenty-nine Palms, Cal.; sister ot frv E. Reynolds, formerly ot Siltm now of Beverly. Ohio: Lloyd T. Reynolds of Salem, and John W. Reynolds of Portland. Funeral services Saturday at o'clock from the Rigdon mortu ary. Rev. Fred C. Taylor offic. ing. Montgomery Joseph Albert Montgomery age 73. died February 5 at the residence. 234 Ellsworth, at Al bany. Survived by widow, Mrs Lulu G. Montgomery and three daughters: Mrs. Dora Roberts of Albany, Mrs. Lillie Stewart ot Amity, and Mrs. Emma Becker of Albany: and toe grandson, Jo seph Stewart. Funeral services Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Rigdon chapel. Rev. Esson of Albany officiating. Interment City View cemetery. Watts Mrs. Sarah Matilda Watts, age 0. died Thursday at the resi dence five miles south of town. Survived by the following chil dren: Mrs. W. E. McClew of Eu gene; Mrs. A. F. Marcus of Salem, Mrs. J. D. Barnville of El Paso, Texas: Thomas B. Watts of Til lamook, and Ernest P. Watts of Portland: also several grandchil dren. Sister of Thomas Smart and Mrs. Harriett Smart of Cali fornia; Mrs. Lois Watt of Corval lis; Mrs. Henry A. Smart of Sa lem; Mrs. Isaac H. Moore of Til lamook; William A. Smart of Re glna, Canada: and John E. Smart of Arizona. Funeral services Sun day at 2 o'clock at the Clough Taylor chapel. Interment I. O. O. F. cemetery. City View Cemetery Established IMS TeL 12M Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable r Btltvt&r ille'morial A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just ten ententes from the heart of tows 0 MEET 'IXOTD X. BXGDOTf. Circuit Court Ruby U Libby vs. Leslie E. Libby Complaint toA divorce. Couple were married April 14. 1929, at Stayton. Aumsvllle State Bank vs. Lat een The demurrer to the third amended answer has been sustain ed by the court. State vs. Dallas Smith An or der requiring the county treasurer to pay $35 to Adeline Schulta was entered Thursday. The money had been deposited with the treasurer by Dallas Smith who was recently convicted of larceny and paroled upon the condition that he make restitution to the woman. DeHavea and Sons Hardware Co., vs. Carl Meyers and May Mey ers Defendant's answer to the complaint has been tiled with the county clerk. Mergenthaler Linotype Co. vs. Charles Clark, publisher ot the Aumsvllle Star Sheriff Bower re ports be has replevined a linotype machine which was asked in an action Tecently brought before the court here. Further action is awaited by the sheriff. Wallace A- Jenkins vs. h. ta. Jenkins A decree of divorce nas been entered upon the allegation of cruelty." 4-11 MEET HERE TOK First of a series of three local 4-H club leaders' conferences for the year planned for Marlon county will be held today, begin ning at 10 o clock at the enam ber of commerce. Conferences have been arranged by William W. Fox, Marion county club, lead er, with the cooperation of the state club department of O. S. C. H. C. Seymour, state club lead er, will be here from Corvallis and will not only conduct a round table at both morning and after noon sessions but will give the main morning address, speaking at 10:15 o'clock on "The Duties and Responsibilities of a 4-H club leader." Henry Crawford, a member of the Marion county state fair board, will give an address at 1: 30 o'clock this afternoon, talking on"Tha State Fair and the 4-H Club Boys and Girls." A large number of the leaders of the nearly 100 clubs In the county are expected to attend this conference. School Routine Gets Under Way At Salem High With the first week of the sec ond semester of school closed, re adjustment of over-large classes at the high school has been prac tically completed, and by next Tuesday all students should be adjusted to school routine again. After school yesterday one biol ogy class and one physics class and four English classes were still carrying too large an enroll ment, hut this will be adjusted by the principal this week end. One of the largest classes, that of Miss Helen Richards, commercial arithmetic with 42 pupils, will be cut into two parts an a shift made in her class schedule to remedy that situation. Foreign language classes and commercial classes have all been pretty well evened up. FINEST TORIC (rl QC READING LENSES Eyeglass Insurance and thor ough examination included. THOMPSON-GLUTSCH OPTICAL CO. . 110 N. Commercial 8C . We Rent Used Furniture 7.11 218, CMd F.r.U.i Deprtiiit f12fyii:;-.-.i-.... 'BBBBBBBBaBBB--BBsnnl 1S1 N. High an Diriqucttc Fresh Shipments Arriving Daily Just Call Irmdr Transfer Co. HEAVY HATXLHCG and TRANSFERS LEADERS WILL ( 1HETI n PHI TO PRESETIT PLAY Practices will begin next week for the production Channing Pol lock's "The Enemy" which will be presented by the Theta Alpha Phi, national dramatic fraternity at Willamette university. The play will be under the direction of Prof. Herbert E. Rahe of the university public speaking de partment and will be presented about March 8. The play is Channing Pollock's great argument against war and has. had great success on the leg itimate stage in other parts of the United States. The setting is in Austria and the characters are principally Austrians and the iewpoint of the German people nd their struggle during the war is dramatically portrayed. The play cast includes Camilla Gates who received considerable recognition in her part in last year's junior play but the balance of the actors are new to Salem audiences. Paul Ackerman who Is known chiefly for his prowess on the gridiron is taking one of the -prominent parts and Helen Pem- bertoh. Helen Cochrane, Warren Roberts, ' James . Allison, Ralph MeCollough and Walter Warren complete the cast. O- i I West Salem o- Tuesday night the Boy Scouts will hold their regular meeting, At this meeting examinations and reviews will be given to various boys who plan to complete their tenderfoot work. Under the leadership of the new scoutmaster, Ray Ferguson, they are making some marked progress. They presented a playlet called "Tenderfoot Tricks", at the father and son anquet last Tuesday evening. This playlet was writ ten by Mrs. Ray Ferguson. The playlet showed some very excel lent work. Mrs. L. E. Davis ot Ruge street, was a Sunday visitor at Phones 455 - 456 Priced consistently low every day of the week. These prices are not specials. You will always find price right at Busick's any time you choose to buy. These prices will not change until our next ad unless the market declines. Fisher's Blend FLOUR 49 lb. Sack $1.9C Vermont Pare Cane and Maple SYRUP Vfc Gallon AO Cans e7eJi. Sniders CATSUP Large Bottle - 19c Monarch Whole Kernels Sweet CORN 43c Libby's Whole Kernel Sweet CORN 21c Iowa Sweet CORN 25c Columbia Standard PEAS 25c Cans Iibby'sjancy Lemoa Cling PEACHES Large Od Cans aWC the home of her stater, Mrs. I. W. Thomas of Edgewater street. Some" Important announcements in regard to the church andSrom munity for the near future are the following: the choir is mak- ng plans to give a program Sun day evening. February 1C, choir practice will be held Wednesday at 8:15 o'clock, and prayer meet ing will i be Wednesday, 7:15 o'clock, at the home of A. R. Bouluare, 520 Kingwood avenue. The Ladies' Aid met in regular monthly business session at the home of Mrs. J. K. Bedford Wed nesday afternoon. Routine busi ness was transacted and plans were laid for a Red Bird silver tea to be held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Gosser Wednesday, February 19. I. W. Thomas ot the West Side fur house, made a business trip to Albany Wednesday and also to other nearby places. The West Salem school cooking club met Tuesday evening for its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. W. R. Peterson. Miss Lillie Shipler and Miss Ruth Thomas made the demonstration ot mak ing cocoa. At the next meeting the demonstrations will be made by Miss Mona Vosberg, Jewel Richardson, Chester Fredrlckson and Hollis Peterson. Street Preacher Fined 5 Dollars In Police Court Owen Leonard, arrested Wed nesday on a charge of preaching on the streets in the downtown zone where this is forbidden by city ordinance, was released with a $5 fine, suspended during his subsequent observance of the or dinance, hanging over his head. Mr. Leonard explained to Judge Mark Poulsen of the municipal court that his repitltion ot the of fense after one warning, came FOR INFORMATION ABOUT IOCAL OR EASTERN RAILROAD RATES Oregon Electric Ry.db Willamette Valley Line PHONE 727 B MM STfiNDflMlZEO CM Swift & Co. will have a representative here Saturday serving delicious Premium ham sandwiches. Mellow Blend Coffee Frehly Roasted. Per pound ...25c Golden West Coffee 43c Only the finest materials are used. Baked in our own modern electric ov ens by master bakers. Large loaves, either white, whole wheat or graham 2 2i? S! 3 Small Loaves ....(. Sugar Cookies, 2 dozen.... Livingston Golden Bantam CORN 15c Lily br Valley Fancy Golden Bantam CORN 39c Cans Dunbar SHRIMP 20c Standard SHRIMP 33c about because he had under stood the ordinance applied only to State street. He was careful, he said, to avoid that street and preach on Court, where he was arrested. IS ON BRIDGES TO BE COHERED Bids for the construction of four bridges and dismantling of another structure, will be con sidered by the state highway com mission at a meeting to be held in Portland February 27. projects for which bids will be opened at the meeting follow: Clatsop county Bridge over the Necanicum river on the Roose velt coast highway, about three miles south ot Seaside. Concrete construction. Bridge over Wah- anna creek on the Roosevelt coast highway at the north city limits of Seaside. Metal reinforcement and concrete handrail. Klamath county Bridge over Klamath river on the Green Springs highway at Keno. Con crete construction. Lane cottnty Dismantle old For Expert Truck and Tractor Motor Reconditioning See G. A. Raymond Machine Shop 425 Chem. St. Phone 8 Willamette Valley Transfer Co. ROBERT R. BADLEY, Mgr. Salem Division Office Front and Trade TeL 1400 Portland Office Terminal Bldg. Two Trips Daily from Portland to Salem All southern Way Points connection to Ashland Daily Service Express service at Freight rates -Also Local Hauling 1 0 11' CASH StOBt5 i Libby's MILK 25c Oregon MILK 3 Cans 25 c Sugar Cared BACON Squares 'Per pound ,16c Lest you , forget: You will find the finest meat "in the land at our meat counters. . steel bridge ever the Willamette river at Springfield and recony struct same over the Coast ftrif.' ef the Willamette river on a eounr ty road one mile east of Cresweil1. This is a county project advertised! by. the state in behalf of the coun ty court. Payments will be made directly by the county. Union county Bridge over the -Grande Ronde river on the Old' ' Oregon Trail about 7 miles west of La Grande. Concrete and metal reinforcement, with concrete hand- rail. NO RELATIVE HERE J. W. Chenoweth. who was" killed recently in California, i not a relative of J. B. ChenowettiV 609 North 16th street in this city the latter has stated in response to numerous inquiries. HAPPY Make Someone Happy Valentine Day With SPA ALWAYS FRESH Free Delivery Snow Drift Shortening Always fresh and sweet 6-pound d 07 Cans ePlsOl Umeco Margarine 15c lb. 42c 3 lbs. . 2J2 lb freshly ground Peanut Butter 49c Buckeye LemoD 2-oz. Bottle 23c Del Monte Coffee 1 lb. 41c 2 pound Cans 80c Small Whits BEANS ,. 25c Sperrr's Pancake ' FLOUR Large. Package 20c Porter's iPore Semokna Macaroni Products: Noodles, Sea shells, Handy Cut - Mac aroni, Spaghetti. 2 1b. ?Cr Packages "'V sss Ortgoa il4V ..