Church News . ' . Sunday Events and Happenings of the Week DEISS IDS TO SING HERE Program to Be Given at First Evangelical Church Sunday Night What promises to be a real treat in store for persona who attend the First Evangelical church Sun day night, for at that time the DeMoss Lyric Bards, concert en tertainers for more than 57 years, win jrive a program, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. f The DeMoss Bards, although they have toured the country reg ularly each year since 1872, are really eastern Oregon . folk and the origin of their musical organ ization harks back to the days of Lee and Whitman and the early missionary movement in the Pac ific northwest. Rev. James M. De Moss and his wife Elizabeth were among those who voluntered to fill up the ranks in the missionary fields of the far we3t when peace was restored following the mas sacre of Marcus Whitman and the siiD?equenty Indian wars. James and Elizabeth DeMoss settled in Grande Ronde valley, eastern Oregon, and It was he who located the first sawmill in eastern Oregon. He helped get the posteffices at Weiser, North Pow der and Cove, and the singing preacher was In demand from Fort Boise to Walla Walla. It was he, his wife and five children who first began the annual tours spreading song over the country, the first pay concert blng given in Grande Ronde valley in Sum mit meadow. The mother and fath er dropped out. and in 1895 the four living children played In England, Germany, Fra-ce, Belgi um and Switzerland. In a few more years, all the ori ginal group but George, gave up the concert platform, and it is he who heads the group now. the other members of the Lyric Bards being his wife, Mamie Aurelia DeMoss, a. descendant of the fa mous Davis family of the soath; their three children, Mae Belle, Elbert and Homer, and Florence Smith. Henry S. DeMoss, one of the charter members, is advance manager. Rev. A. P. Layton. pastor of the First Evangelical church, where they are appearing tomorrow night, recalls that the elder De Mosses and their five children were guests in his parents' home in Harney, Nebr., in 1881, seek ing refuge there for three days and nights when a raging storm swept that country and drove them from the plains. The Layton home was but a sod shanty onthe plains, but by all the children deeping on the floor, there was plenty of room for the singers who had been caught in the storm. West Salem Scout Group Will Get Examinations At Meeting on Tuesday The Boy -Scouts of the For,d Memorial M. E. community church will be given tenderfoot examinations Tuesday evening. February 11, announces Scout master Ray Fergeson. The troop Is showing splendid interest In their work now. At the father and eon banquet last Tuesday evening they presented a playlet entitled, "Tenderfoot Tricks." This play was written by the scoutmaster's wife. Mrs. Ray Fergeson. Choir practice win be 8:15 o'clock Wednesday at the church. They are planning to give a mu sical program Sunday . evening, February 9. In preparation for the revival services to begin March C, cottage prayer meetings will be held at various places in the community beginning this week. E. Stanley Jones' Book Being Used in Devotions Dr. E. Stanley Jones' book "The Christ of Every Road-' is being used as the basis of the talks giv en by the Kev. r. c. rayior at the prayer meeting hour on Thursday evening at the First MtthOdlst church. Several chap ters will be summarized next week under the subject "The Tri umph of the Christian Life over Life's Enemies," Dr. Jones fam iliarity with the Oriental mind and outlook gives him an tnus- . ually tine understanding of, and incite Into the application of the Bible and its meaning for the life - of this day. These studies are proving inspirational and challen ging. Boys of Church Guests Of Teacher at Woodburn WOODBURN. Feb. 7 James Livesay entertained his Sunday school class of the Methodist Episcopal church Wednesday eve ning. The boys went to the church basement where they enjoyed games and at 8 o'clock they went to the Livesay home where they were served refreshments and lis2 tened to radio music. Those present were the host, James Livesay, Fred Rodgers, Robert Alguire. Stewart Donald son, Maurice Beers, Robert Hall, Wayne and Ernest Livesay and additional, guest. Norman Rappe. St. Paul's Parish Meeting Will Be Wednesday Night The annual parish meeting of the ' St. Paul' Episcopal church will be held Wednesday evening at thA Parish house. A supper, to be served at C : 8 0 o'clock, will start the : evening. The Junior Guild of that ehureh will " meet Tuesday afternoon at J: 30 o'clock with Mt-":H. c. jriniey. t 6hipplnj street, CALVARY BAPTI3T W. Earl Cochran, pastor. Sunday school 9.45 a.m. W. T. Jcnks. Supt. Preaching errir 10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. B. Y. P. fe.a" 6:30 (Sr., Int.. and Jr.) Wednesday evening 7:80 prayer meeting. Thursday 7:30, rliolr rehearsal. Sunday sermons A. II. V. G. Boyle, representative of the Laymen's League of the Northern BaptUt ConreDlion will preach. Anthem "Abide With Sle" Wil liams. P. M. Anthem "God Is Thy Refuge" Wilson. Baptism at tha even ng service. FIRST CHXJECH OF COD 131 N. Church. C. W. Hatch, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., Lyle Knox. 8npt. Morning service at 11:00. Mrs. C. W. Hatch, leader. Young People's meeting at 8:30 p.m. Musical program, (old hymns). Evening service at 7:30. Sub ject: "Of What Does Life Consist!" Prayer service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Olga Hatching. EVANGELIST TABEENACLE Corner 13ih and IVrry streets. Earle V. Jennison, pastor. Phone 2050 M. Af ternoon service 3 o'clock. Preaching by the pastor. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Gospel song service and sermon, Mrs. Eva M. Jen ni son speaking. Sunday school 1:45 p.m. Frank Ailoway, Supt. Chil dren'! church, 6:30 p.m. Miss Lorene Pryor leadinr. Mid-week service: Tues day night, Bible start t: Thursday night, praise, preaching and prayer; Wednesday afternoon, 2:30, Praer Hour. Young People' meeting. 7:45 Saturday night, Mrs. Carl Uixenbaugh, president. CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Eighteenth and State street. Rev. Amos E. Minneraan, pastor; phone 3736. Morning service 9:45 o'clock: subject: "Stilling the Storm." English services 11 a.m. Subject: "Can We Keep God's Holy Law!" Evening service, 8:00 oloek; subject: "Wafched With Hia Blood to be Kings and Priests Into God." Sunday school 9:40 a.m.; Mist Martha Battennan, 8upt, Yonng People'! meetings: Luther League 7:00 p.m. Sub ject for -discussion: "Country or Cityt" Also a report on certain phases of the Treaty of Versailles. IMMANUEL BAPTIST Corner of Hasel and Academy streets. Sunday school . at 1" a.m. Preaching service at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer minting Thursday etniug at 7:30. UNITARIAN CHURCH Sunday school, 10:00 a.m. Services at 11:01) a.m.. Rev. Fred Alban Weil in "the Pulpit. Service Top!c "Life Abundant." Solo, "Kear Ye Not Oh Ureal" Dud ley Buck by Mrs. F. " W. Starr. Mrs. Mary Denton at the organ. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemektta streets. Rev. George H. Swift, rector. Holy Commun ion 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and ser mon 11 a.m. Church school 9:45 a.m. Confirmation class at 3:45 Tuesday. CHURCH OF THE NAZABE1TE Block South of Crrter on 19th. X. D. Smith, pastor, phone 2940. Morning worship 11:00. Sermon subject, "A Spiritual Awakening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoffer will sing a duet. Evening service and worship 7:30, sermon sub ject, "The Guilty Hate of Evil." There will be a happy tonp service and T. C. McKinzie will sing a solo. Sunday school st 9:15 in the morning. Frank Litwiller, Supt. will have charge. The Sunday school choir will siog a special number and Miss Ila Hoffer will ing a solo. Young people'a meeting at 6:30 p.m. The X. Y. P. 8. Junior's will meet at 6:30 with Mrs. Smith the supervisor. Prayer meeting WertnesdAr evening 7:30 at the church. Young People's prayer meeting Friday evening. The president will hivVe charge. CHRISTIAN" AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE TABERNACLE 655 Ferry street. Louise PinnelL pas tor. Phone 505M. K. S. at 9:45, Mrs. Myra White, Supt. Cla.?s for all ages. Preaching at 11 o'clock by Evangelist John T. Hatch. Divine healing service at 3 p.m. to which all are invited, espe cially the sick who wish to be prayed for. Kvening evangelistic service at 7:30 presided by the Y. P. S. at 6:30. The revival meetings with Evangelist John Hatch in charge will continue through out the week each evening at 7:30, but there will be no meetings in the after noons. SUMMIT CHURCH Orchard Heights. Meredith A. C roves, pastor; phone litiCM. Morning service at 9:45 o clock; subject: limes oi Refreshing." Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Larkin Grice, Supt. rOSD MEMORIAL M. Z. COMMUNITY Gerth and Third streets. Meredith A. Groves, pastor; phone 1566M. Morning service 11 o'clock: subject: "Times of Refreshing." 8pecial music: Vocal duet by Donne Baker and Muriel K aster, tt emnr service. 7:30 o clock; snbjeet: Procrastination." The John fries family will aing several numbers. Sun day school 9:45 a.m.; Mrs. J. L. Aas tin. Supt. Mid-week services: 7:15 p.m Wednesday at home of A. R. Bouluare, 520 K in g wood avenue. Junior and In' termediate leagues 6:30 p.m. MILL ST. METHOD I V EPISCOPAL Fifteenth end Mill streets. Leslie B. Bailey, pastor. Morning service, 11:00 o'clock; anbject: "Color Elind." Spe cial music: "The Beavliful Garden of Prayer." Anthem. Evening service. 7:30 o clock: subject: "A Wise A swer." SssBCtay school 9:45 a.m.: Miss Esther Erickson. Supt. Mid-week ser vices 8:15 p.m. Wednesday: Rev. Bailey, leader:-place: at the church. Epworth League at the church at 6:30 p.m. PRES METHODIST Market and N. Winter streets. W. N. Coffee, pastor; phone 2296 W. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Thursday evening prayer meetirur 7:30. Sunday school 9:4o a.m Herbert Hansen, Supt. Young People'a meetings: 6:30 Sunday evening, tmory Goode, leader. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Center and Liberty atreeta. Charles E. Ward. pastor: Morning service, 11 o'clock: subject: "Christ's Cell te Dn eiplesffip." Anthem: "He Lead Us On." (Hosnter). Solo by Mr. Glaisyer: The Sinety First Psalm. Evening service 7:30 .o'clock; subject: "The Creatnesa of Lincoln" with four reels of Lincoln pictures. Special music by the Quartet. Bandar school w:4o a.m.; jr. t. neer. 8uM. Jld-week? services Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Fortnightly Club Thursday at 7:80 at the church. FIRST BAPTIST Corner of Marion and Liberty street Robert L. Payne, pastor: phone 1920, Moraine service. 11 o'clock; subject: "The Wonders of God'e Grace." Spe cial Music: Church choir and male quar tet. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; enb- leif "Tha Great Words About Jeans." Baptismal servlee bnnoey evening, ope eial musie : Chorus ehoir. orchestra and male quartet. Sunday School, 9:45 a .as. Fred Broer. Sap. Mid-week service 7:80 p.m. Wednesday. Yonng FeopU'e meetings: Three groups meeting at S:S0 Sunday evening. Teachers' study class meeting Tuesday evening 7:80. FIRST CHSISTLUT High end Center street. D. J. Howe, pastor, residence 1028 X. Winter, phone 1933 J. Morning service 11 e'elock; sub ject: "What Are We Here Fort" Ev ening servieii 7:S0 o'clock: subject: "Life a Mission," Special Mnaie at all services. Sunday seTiool 9:45 a.m.; J. B. Prolxmea, Snpt Mid-week services l:0 Sao., Wednesday; A school ia Evange sm. Tonng People's" meetings: Chris tian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. Program et Sacred mnsle by the ehoir Bon-day ev es ing, Ptt. IS. Miss Florence Howe, director f mnaie. Miss Lois Phnasaer, organist. - SOUTH SAUDI ntTXHDS, g. Commercial aad Washington streeta. Charles C. Hnworth, pastor: Pon 1697M. Morning service 11 e'elock; s jectt "A Standard of Valnee." Kvening service-7:10 ' clock. Sanday eehool 10 am.; Mrs. Margnerite P. Elliott, Snpt. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m. Thursday: the pastor, lender; place: prayer nseet tng room. Tenng People' nsectingi: Sunday, :80 Topie: Waye at Studying tha BiMe.'V ' 'I ran oxjucav baptist Kortk Cottage and D street. 6. w Sateen, pastor; phone 2927J. Morning 2Sm wbieett "Tht Pal crimes; m talent Cfmrcfjes; of Moses." Special music: choir anthem. Evening services, 7:30 o'clock; nbje-t: " Without Christ." Special mnaie: solo. 8nnday school, 9:45 a.m.: Sam S-hir-man, ftnpt. Mid-week services: 7:30 p.m., Wednesday; pastor, leader: place: churcli. Ycang People'a meetings: 7 o'cloc., Dan Kchirman, president. Wo men's Misi-nnary meeting at 2:30 p.m. at the church. CASTLE UNITED BRETHREN North 17th and Nebraiia streets. L. W. Eiddle, pastor: phone 2S22J. Morn ing service. 11 o'clock: subject: "A Christian Education."" Bring your offer ing Tor tsonebrake theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. rening service, 7:30 o clock; subject: "Contagious Christi anity. Reception of members. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m. Thursday; pastor, leader; place: harch. lonng People'a meetings: 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Marie Waldorf, leader. La dies Aid nednesiay all day. Quilters needed. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Corner Highland aad church streeta. Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Bible school at 10 a.m.. Earl it. Beckett, Supt. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Evening services at 7:30 p.m. Subject: "Message oa the Revelation." Sr. C. E. at 6:30 p.m. Wel come to all. The Mid-week prayer meet ing on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. KNIGHT MEMORIAL 19tb and Ferry streets. H. C. Stov er, pastor; phone 1924J. Horning ser vice, 11 o clock: subject: "Abraham Lincoln." Special music: quartet "Sa viour Dear and Frind" (Petrie). Eveni ng service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "A Oreat Rattle" Special music: Anthem Let There Be Light" (Wilson) with obligate solo by Beneitta Edwards. Son- day school 10 a.m.; C. C. Harris, Supt. Young People s meetings: 6:45 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Winter and Chemeketa streets, phone 148. Morning service. 11 o'clock: sub ject: Dr. E. W. Warrington, head of the department of Religion at'' Oregon State collage will speak both morning and evening. Special music: anthem, "The Lord Is Exalted" (West), organ numbers, "Legende" (Hastings), Grande Choeur in C" (Salome). Ev ening service 7:30 o clock: special mu sic: anthem. "O, Come Let Us Wor ship" (Himmelh Organ numbers, "Still ness of Xight" (Chubb), "Romance" (Sheppard). Sunday school 9:30 a.m.: L. M. Ramage, Supt. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Christian Endeav or Societies meet at 6:30 o'clock. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corner State and Church streets. P. C. Taylor, pastor; phone 974. Morning seviee 11 o clock : subject: "Living the Life in Christ." Special music: Anthem Come Unto Me" William, incidental solo. Eleanor Moore. Solo "There Is a Oreea Hill Far Away" Gounod, Mrs. Chas. Swan. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; subject; "Transformed by a Di vine Dynamic." Special music: anthem Cornea at Times a Stillness Galbraith. incidental solo, Helen Cocl.ran: anthem. lay Js Dying in tbe West Turner- Salter, incidental solo, John Crnkovieh: church school 9:45 a.m.; Ben E. Riekli. Supt. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m. Thursday; "The. Triumph of the Christ- an Life Over Life a Enemies ' from Dr. Jones' book. Yonng People'a meetings: University Chapter at 6:30 in first floor auditorium. First Church Chapter ia Annex, Leader William Mosher. Junior High Chapter, Leader Harry Mosher. Junior ehorch topic "Right and Wrong" Leader Mtss Sutherland. ursery ia charge of the ladies of the T. K. K. class. FIRST UNITED BRETHREN Mission between 12th and University streeta. A. 8. Henderson, pastor: phone 1UU3W. Morning service 11 o clock. Her. Wayter Reynolds, district superintendent will have charge of both morning and evening services. Sunday school 10 a.m. Alice M. Henderson. Supt. Young Peo ple' meetings : Junion at 6:30. Senior at 7. Leader. Kathryn Clark. "Ways of Studying the KiMe. COURT ST. CHURCH OP CHRIST Court and 17th streets. B. F. Shoe maker, pastor; 345 S. Winter street,' phone 2589J. Morning service 11 o clock. Special musie by the choir. Ev ening service 7:30 o'clock; aubject: Lec ture oa "Spiritualism" by Prof Leo Wil kins.. Prof. Wilkint will lecture and demonstrate Monday and Tuesday ev enings also. Sunday school 9:4a a.m Mrs. Frank Marshall, Supt. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m. Wednesday; place church. Christian Endeavor and Junior meetinga at 6:30 p.m. Aid society oa weunesday. AMERICAN LUTHERAN Choreh street between Chemeketa aad Center. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, paator. He Alone Ia Wonderful" sermon, topie for the 11 o'clock service. Anthem: O Worship the Lord. Solo: "Wondrous Ia the Story," Miss Arbottis Rsidie; "The Devil and the Crime Wave." 7:30 sera topie by the pastor. Anthem: "My Heavenly Home" Rebensin. Tbe League quartet will also sing at this service. The Sunday school at 9:49, Max Gehlhar, 8npt. Lather League 6:30 Sunday ev ening. Ladies Guild Wednesday at 3 p.m. miT EVANGELICAL Liberty and Center streets. A. P. Layton. pastor: phone 991 J. Morning service 11 o'clock; subject: "God'e Bountiful Provision For His Followers." Evening service 7:30 e'elock; subject The famous Do Moss family will give a sacred concert. The pastor will give a short Talk on "God's Treasure in Earth ly Vessels." Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; L. L. Thornton, Supt. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m. Thursday; G. N. Thompson, leader; place: at church. Young People s meetings: Sunday evening at 6:30, o- rcirj ft -v" v yart HiyoNSOTfi teomas a-cciscm . lord rkmoo Thj British House of Common and Labor lead er, haw endorsed Proposal that on ! Jkeir aumber should not offer himself lor re-electloM f k bbs pasMtl tikt are ex mmx. ajwx T.T-.CT.Tg MEMORIAL (Methodist Episcopal) At South Commercial aad Mvera streets. S. Dmrlow Johnson, pastor. 346 Myers street. Phono 2764. Lincoln Sunday ia to be observed at the 11 o'clock hour; the pastor will apeak on the "impartial Spirit. The ehoir will ing Praise the ama of the Lord." (Petrie). A group of yonng people will conduct the evening service at 7:30 o'clock. They have chosen their topie. 'Why I Am a Christian." Those who are to take part ere: Helen Hertxog, Maxine CI rich, Stearns Cashing. Glea Huston and Ronald Hnlbert. Sunday school at 9:45, E. D. Roseman. Snpt. The Epworth Leagues will meet tt 6:30 o'clock. Mid-week service and Young People'a discussion group Thursday ev ening at 7:30 o'clock. EMMANUEL PULL GOSPEL MISSION The special revival campaign, conduct ed by the noted evangelist, M. K. Tat man is still ia progress. Two services oa Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7:80 p.m. aad ev ery night except Monday at 7:30. Cor ner of 17th and Chemeketa. Pastor, Kenneth A. Wine. JA80N LEE North Winter and Jefferson at Fair grounds Road, Harry E. Gardner, pastor. phone 2234W. Church school session at 9:45. meeting by departments. H. B. Carpenter, Supt. Morning worsnip at 11 on "The Increasing Brotherhood of Man." Special music by the ehoir di rected by Pro. Herman Clark. "Yonng People's, High School and Intermediate Leaguee at 6:30 with special features aad vital considerations of important themes. The Church Forum will be lead by Jo seph Barber ami begin at 6:30. Evening praise service begins with a community sing at 7:30. "When the Spirit Comes" ill be the theme discussed. District evangelistic meeting Tuesday evening at Newberg te which many are expected to go. The Mid-week devotions, ehoir prac tice, mission class and study in the Book of Acts en Thuraday evening at 7:30. REFORMED CHURCH Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W. L. Lienkaemper, pastor, phone 668W. German service," 10 o'clock. English ser vice 11 o'clock; subject: Foreign Mission Day will be observed at both services. A service issued by the Board of Foreign Missions entitled: "By My Spirit Saith the Lord," will be used. A special of fering for missions. Special music by the choir. Sunday school 10 a.m., F. E. Kruse, Supt. 8T. JOHNS LUTHERAN (Mo. Syn.) North 16th and A streets, block north of Old People's Home. A. W. Gross, pas tor. Morning service, English, 3:45 o'clock, with Holy Communion, prepar atory service 9:15. German service at 11:00. No Sunday school. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Chemeketa and Liberty atreeta. Sun day services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Topic, "Soirit." Wednesday 8 p.m. runday school for pupils under 20 at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Reading room 40o .Masonic temple, open from 11 to 6:30 except Sunday and holidays. FIRST SPIRITUALIST Fraternal Temple on Center street 'be tween Liberty and High. Services this Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The regular pastor, Rev. Lnella M. LaValley will be the speaker. Topie "The betray al of Christ." Messages at 3 o'clock. There will be a school of spiritual in struction with Mtss Kathleen Lindon in charge. A circle will be held from 5:30 to 7 o'clock. Several Groups Planning Meetings for Next Week The church council of the American Lutheran church will meet Monday evening at the church parlors, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Max Gehlhar, superintend ent of the Sunday school, will pre side. Other meetings of the church groups for the week Include a teachers' meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the social rooms and the gathering of the Ladies' Guild Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. R. C. Arpke is president of the Guild and Mrs. C. M. Byrd will conduct the mission program. Queen Esther Circle Sets Meeting for Next Tuesday The Queen Esther Circle of the First Methodist church which Is an auxiliary of the W. H. M. S. will hold its February meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. F. Wilson. Mrs. E. E. Bergman Is advisor for this group, and Martha Kimler is the president. The teachers' Guild of the chil dren's division will hold its Feb ruary meeting Monday- evening, February 10, at the home of Mrs. Edgar Daugherty at 1632 Court street. COMMONS MEMBERS TOO OLD AT 70 ' 0 I I DAVTD UCTO GECGGC "v j i 1 ear TJ&rmreu ! HEW SET OFFICERS ELECTED CHURCH Officers for the year 1930 have ! bee nelected by the groups at the First Evangelical church. In the church group. G. N. Thompson was elected class leader; G. R. Stover, assistant; Walter Lamkln, treasurer; Grant Wycoff, secre tary; William Hartman, trustee. re-elected, and Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps, pianist. With the excep tion of Hartman, all these offi cers are new. L. L. Thornton was re-elected superintendent of the Sunday school; O. R. Strausbaugh was continued as assistant superintend ent; Mrs. Robert Seeger was nam ed secretary and Mrs. J. F. Ulrtch Is treasurer. A pianist will be elected later. The Christian Endeavor offi cers met for the first time Thurs day night, holding a potluck sup per at the church and discussing their new year's program. Savllla Phelps Is president of the En deavor; Anna Miles, vice presi dent; LeRoy Ruden, secretary; Elva Auld. treasurer; and Gladys Hilfiker. pianist. TO SPEAKSUHDAY Prof. Leo Wllklns, reformed spiritualist and medium, who lec tured early this week at the First Congregational church, will give a series of three lectures at the Court Street Church of Christ, the first one to be Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. The other lectures will be given Monday and Tuesday nights at that hour. The down town church was crowded to capacity each appear ance Prof. Wilklns made there, and persons who did not have an opportunity of hearing him there will be glad to head that he will lecture at the Court Street Chris tian church. First Church of God's Missionary Society Has Delightful Entertainment The women of the lissionary society of tbe First Church of God were pleasantly entertained Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Van Lydegraf of the Pringle district. After the program, con sisting of devotionals, a business session conducted by Mrs. Albert Sutton, was held. Those present were Mrs. Broiles and daughter Jessie, of Wood bourn, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Hatch, Mrs. Hutchings, Mrs. Hafterson of Eola, Mrs. Mile, Mrs. McKinney, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Runcorn, Mrs. Repine, Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Zielkle, Mrs. N. Van Lydegraf, Misses Coe and Hahn, and the hostess and daughter, Violet Van Lydegraf. Potluck Supper Planned By Epworth League Group The University chapter of the Epworth League of the First Methodist church will sponsor a pot luck supper In the church parlors on Tuesday evening at 6: 15 o'clock. The arrangements for this supper and social hour will be In charge of Miss Margaret Schrelber and her fourth depart ment committee. Friends Quarterly Meet Set for Next Week End Salem quarterly meeting of Friends will be held in the High land Friends church here next week end. The sessions will begin Friday afternoon, with the quar terly meeting of ministry and oversight. Saturday, February 15, the Quarterly meet at large will be held all day, and will also fol low through the next day. O VOWS EXbttSXCKS xor v.vacxznwsz REFORMED M M w - - H - --t r, , t it ,1 s '(v ' 1 rafs5w t t -. m" 'I - i f "f It-5 v " i V-.-.-iv "I " TV I k .a.v :'.. :v: .:&' '.- . : V f t - te forest that many men tn this a and In other scat, such as tha leaders pictured above, have done much to make their mark la the world ere after they Bad passed the seventy sasrk. . Week's Sermonette Forgetting By LOUISE PINNELL (Pastor Christian and Missionary Alliance Tabernacle) Text Forgetting those things which are behind. Phil. 8:13. These words written by Paul, the Apostle, as expressing that which was necessary to his own Christian experience, are made applicable to the experience of everyone who earnestly desires to win the Christian race. There must be no looking back. In Paul's case, there was much to forget. Past learning, position, jrestige. his persecu tions of the Christians, even the spiritual conceptions taught him from childhood he must put behind him. Spiritual victories are not attained through the natural, but through the supernatural. A man is not even ready to begin this Christian race until he hsa become "partaker of the divine na ture" for "the natural man recelveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him." Having once entered the race, he must press forward. Past sins, mistakes or failures must not deter him. Neither must the sins and failures of others cause him to take his eyes off the goal. The successes and blessings on the way must also be put behind or progress will cease. He must be constantly reaching forth unt othose things which are before. Two boys walked across a snowy field. At the end of the contest one had made a very crooked path while the other made a very straight one. "How can it be?" said the first boy, WI looked at my feet all the time." "I did not look at my feet at all," said the other, "but made straight for that tree yonder." "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith," is the secret of success in the. Christian race. Calvary Baptist Trustees To Hold Session Monday Night; Others Will Meet The trustees of the Calvary Baptist church will meet Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at the church and that same night the W. W. G. girls will meet at the home of Ruth and Janet McAllis ter. 667 North ISth street, when Zelda Harlan will be the leader. The Young Married People's class of the church is planning to hold a potlock supper at the church Tuesday night, starting at 6:30 o'clock and to be followed by orchestra practice. Choir Members Surprise Pastor in Appreciation Of Services as Director SILVERTON, Feb. 7. The Rev. H. L. Foss, director of. Trinity choir, was given a surprise by members of the choir and a few special guests Wednesday evening as an appreciation of the work he has done for the choir during the past year. Mr. Foss was pre sented with a gift. A social eve ning was spent during which, re freshments were Berved. Those attending the party were the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. Alt O. Nelson, Esther Towe, Gladyce Dahlen, Martha Thompson, Arnold Thomp son, Herman Hovde, Norman Jen sen, Magna Hansen, Thorvald Hanson, Mabel Strand, Viola Lar son, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madsen, Thea Jensen, Alfred Jensen, Hans Jen sen. Mrs. Earl Adams, George Ad ams, M. C. Storruste, Mrs. E. Hol- den and Althea Meyer. Women's Church Group Will Meet Wednesday The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society will meet In the church parlors on Wednesday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. F. Shanka will lead the devotions and Mrs. J. M. Canse will have charge of the lesson. Mrs. A. A Underhlll assisted by 10 ladles will be the group to act as hos tesses and help with the present ing of the afternoon s work. Ministerial Association Lipps Will Give Address The Salem Ministerial associa tion will meet Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. Devotions will be led by Rer. C E. Ward and an address on "In dian School Policies and Work" will be given by O. H. Llpps of the Cnemawa Indian Training school. Rennrta will be riven on the leaderahin training school which Is scheduled for March 9 to i. Hazel Green Has Health Contest . HAZEL GREEN. Feb. 6. The primary room held a very inter esting health contest during Jan uary. Dorothy Dunnlgan and Be atrice Johnson were captains. Points were counted on the fol lowing: brush the teeth each day. drink milk, eat hot mush, bring clean handkerchief, hair combed face and hands washed. Beatrice Johnson's side won They will be treated to a program arranged by the losing side, adult assistance not to be given. The losers were hindered very much by Illness and the cold weather, Junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Bennett has been absent from school for three weeks be cause of illness. C. A. Hobow hauled a truck load of baled straw to Tillamook Saturday. C. A. Van Cleave as sisted. Mrs. Ellen Van Cleave and great granddaughter, Geneva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvls Van Cleave were 111 the past week. The Christian Endeavor will meet Sunday . evening at 7:30. Miss lola Lucky, leader. The pres ident desires the members pres ent to consider a social. Ernest W. Savage of Keixer, president of the Hayesrille Sun day school district visited the Sunday school here February 2. . PLAN DALLAS TRIP The senior yonng; people's group of the Ford Memorial 1L E. com munity church will so to Dallas Sunday evening to meet with, the Epworth League of that town. - HIUITE MEETS HELL ATTENDED PRATUM, Feb. 7 The meet ings at the Mennonite church are drawing large crowds every eve ning, not only are the two churches here attending but Sa lem, Dallas, Silverton, Hazel Green, Fruitland, North Santiam, and probably many more com munities have so far been well represented at the beginning of each meeting. Rev. Asher Is showing some beautiful lantern elides of Yel lowstone park and also cartoon's taken from the Sunday school Times. Thursday evening he sur prised the audience. He had been visiting at some of the homes in the community and by some trick of his had come In the possession of several negatives of Sunday school classes from which h e made his positives for the lantern and put them on the screen. There will be no meeting Sat urday evening, but meeting will continue again on Sunday and all next week except Saturday. Business Girls' Class Sets Meet for Tuesday The Business Girls' Bible class of the First Methodist church will hold its regular monthly and social meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mosher, 354 North Winter street on Tuesday eve ning. The plans of the evening are In charge of Miss Izora Temple- ton, the president. Epworth Leaguers Plan Valentine Costume Party The First Church chapter of the Epworth League of First Methodist church will give a cos tume Valentine party in the church parlors on Saturday eve ning, February 15. Helen Skinner and her committee will be in charge of the plans for this eve ning of entertainment. Young People of Church Enjoy Meet at Woodburn SILVERTON, Feb. 7. Twenty young people of St. Paul's church motored to Woodburn Wednes day evening at the invitation of the Young People's Sodality of Woodburn to attend a. play and dance held there. They report an excellent time in the neighboring city. AID WILL MEET The Ladies' Aid of the St. John's Lutheran church will meet Thursday afternoon,' February IS, at the home of Mrs. Bernice Lane, 126S North Cottage street. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Church St. Bt. Chemeketa & Center. A Downtown Church. 11 A. M. He Alone Is Wonderful. Anthem: O Worship The Lord. Solo: Wounders is The Story. (Miss Arbutus Rudie.) 7:30 The DeTil and The Crime Wave. Anthem: My Heavenly Home, Robinson. Special selections: League quartet. William McGllchrist, In charge of music and seng service. REV. P. W. ERICKSEN, Pastor. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE TABERNACLE 6.15 Ferry St. - Down town Revival Services Continue Every Night at 7:30, except Saturday, THREE SERVICES ON SUNDAY Evangelistic meetings at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M. Divine Healing . 8:00 o'clock JOHN HATCH, Evangelist All Welcome Ijovlse Finnell - Pastor : 8 'Asr.-v.:- CONVENTION TO BE NEXT WEEK Methodists to Meet Tuesday At Newberg Church; Bishop to Speak Salem district convention of evangelism, a one-day Inspira tional session for pastors, official members, and Sunday school and Epworth League workers, will be held Tuesday, February 11, at the First sTethodist church 1 n Newberg. A number of Salem persons are planning to attend, several from here taking part ia' the program. The events ar ranged for the day include: S:flO Pastor's Retreat: Dr. T. H. Temple, district superinten dent, presiding: "The Devotional Element in Public Worship" S. W. Hall: "How to Get the Un churched People t o Church," J. E. Milligan; "Tbe Effect of World Evangelism Upon the Lo cal Chnrch F. C. Tavlor: "The Meaning of Pentecost," J. R. Jef frey. I Address, Bishop Titus Lowe. J: 30 Dinner served by New berg ladies aid society, Mrs. G. W. Dart, president. Evening service Dr. T. H. Temple, presiding. Address of Welcome Clarence Butt: "What Is the Definite Objective of the Sunday School?" A. M. Sher wood. "The Success and the Peril of Visitation Evangelism." D. H, Leech. Address Bishop Titus Lowe, D. D. TO The junior department of the Castle United Brethern church will hold a social time at the church this afternoon at 4 o'clock in honor of Mrs. Grant's Junior boys who won in the recent bal loon race conducted lu the Sun day school. The Woman's Aid society of the church will hold a quilting bee all day Wednesday and as many workers as possible are urged to attend. The February community night will be observed next Friday with a potluck dinner beginning at 6 30 o'clock and the program ot start at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. David Bennett Hill will give an hour's program showing Oregon scenes. Everyone Is invited to this event. Silverton Class Issues Challenge SILVERTON. Feb. 6 The Loyal Berean class n?ld Its regu lar meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. B, Benston. The fifty members present out lined work for the coming year including a membership contest. The Bereans have challenged the members of the Loyal "Women and the Men's class of the Chris tian church to a membership or 100. That Is that the Loyal Ber ean class shall have a hundred members and the other classes shall bring their membership to 100 Jointly. The contest is to end on June 8th. A. L. K1XTOX HURT BRUSH COLLEGE. Feb. 7. A. L. Kinton ot Brush College bad a serious accident Tuesday whe - he fell backward of a tractor track which was lying on the ground while helping to remove the en gine from a tractor. Mr. Kinton fell on his side on the sharp track. When taken to Salem for treat ment, it was discovered that al though no ribs were broken aa he thought, be was badly bruised and had suffered severe strain on his back and side. LOSERS CONTEST WINNERS CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. High Ferry St. Rodger Bldg. :4S a. m. Sunday School W. T. Jenks, Supt, Preaching Services 10:50 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. .. , A. M. W. G. Boyle, representative of the Laymen's League of the Northern Baptist Convention, will preach. , Anthem "Abide WKh Me, WlOlama P. M. "ALMOST." Anthem "God Is Thy Refuge," Wilson Baptism - -A Hearty Welcome awaits You here. :s W. Earl Cochran, paator - - '