The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, February 7, 1933
8UNNT8IDE, Feb. . Mr. and
mn. icrsest Nenensch winder
, Bide t business trip to Corvallis.
The prospects for the logan
berry crop seem good according to
report from growers in this vi
cinity. The Tines are in good con
, dltlon. The acreage of some fields
has been red need to about one
half, while in others the entire
patch has been taken np. Plowing
has started in some of the fields.
A. birthday and wedding anni
Tersary dinner was enjoyed at the
toome of Mr. and Mrs.4Iarry Pear
son. 1795 S. High street, Febru
ary 2. TB occasion was the 68th
.birthday of Mr. D. S. Pearson,
and the eighth for his grand
darghter, Maxine Pearson; and
the 33rd wedding anniversary for
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Pearson, par
ents of Harry Pearson.
While at dinner -telegrams of
congratulation were received from
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pearson, of
New York City, and Mr. and Mrs
Cecil Pearson of Rochester, New
York, One of the enjoyable incl
dents of Mr. Pearson's birthday
was the finding of a box left on
the barn approach, containing
fine little porker of blooded stock
from an unknown friend
Vern Chandler and his mother
Tisited at the home, of Sam Chand
ler at Silverton, Sunday. Sam
Chandler had been quite ill for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles LIndy
Taylor are the proud possessors
of a new Ford coupe
The Rosedale Missionary socie
ty met Wednesday afternoon, Feb
ruary 5, at the home of Mrs. H.
H. Smith. The time was spent in
qaiiung ior tne needy to go
tnrougn the Salvation Army.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Neuenschwan-
der are rejoicing over the arrival
of the first and only grandson.
bora at Boise, Idaho, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Neuenschvander
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Johnson
and grandson, Wallace, Miss Sol-
Teg and Slgne Paulsen, and Miss
Dorothy Taylor, visited at the C
H. Taylor home, Sunday, Febru
ary 2.
Mr. and Mrs. C, H. Taylor at
tended the Woodburn grange. Sat
arday, February 1; later making
a short visit at the home of A. E.
Zimmerman of route 9.
O ; O
I Gervais
o o
Monmouth Students Win
Praise for Work During
National Federation Meet
New Sawmill to
Be Operated in
Sunnyside Area
new sawmill hi going in on
the Chris Ramseyer place,
sooth of Sunnyside on the
Pacific highway. They to
tem! to cot 7,000,000 feet
of timber, with rapacity for
sawing 20,000 feet dally.
T;iLi mill will be of great
benefit to the community in
the furnishing of rough
lumber for outside buildings
and fencing, and slab wood
for use in dryers.
GERVAIS, Feb. 6. The Misses
Agnes and Mary Lelack. who are
tn training at St. Joseph's hospl-
tal at Vancouver, were In Ger
Tala Saturday, calling on their
, parents.
Miss Sarah Naftzger. student at
Capital Business college In Salem,
spent the past week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kosten
boarder. Miss Eleanor Seguin. teacher at
the Fairfield school, was unable
to be on duty this week and Mrs.
M. J. Mahoney is substituting for
On account of the death of a
Brother of Mrs. l5. B. DuRette,
C. A. Luthy of Salem, the meet
ing of the Fairfield grange was
postponed from last Wednesday
Bight until this week..
Miss Catherine Bilde and Mrs.
George Connors of Portland were
' here ovex the week end called
home by the death of their father,
K. Bilde.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvln B. Stewart
f Salem were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ellsworth and
lira. Louise Lambertson.
. . . Albert Stokx is home from Wi
eopee where he is acting as relief
operator at the S. P. station.
Miss Lillie Boyle, who spent
most of the winter in Portland,
la at her home west of town.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Channel of
Junction City were here Saturday
evening and Sunday calling on the
families of Leslie Colby and Law
rence Kemng. The Channels are
former residents of Gervais, hav
ing gone to Junction City last
ev. ana Mrs. H. L. Grafious
spent Monday in Xewberg calling
vji inenas.
.Kenneth and Samuel Brown.
students at State College at Cor-
vains, spent the week end at the
noma or their parents, Hon. and
Mrs. Sam H. Brown ea3t of the
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Moisan were
in Portland Mojiday where Mr
Moisan attended a meeting of the
Doara or directors of the West
Coast Tanning company.
City Marshal Wm. Bowley. who
has been confined to the house
for the past two weeks with a
severe cold, was able to return to
his duties Saturday night.
.Mrs. Mary Schwab and son.
Harley, left Thursday for their
home at B irk en field after a visit
of three -weeks with relatives and
friends in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Goodrich
of Dayton were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Harper east of town.
Mr. and Mrs. A. DeJardin and
Mrs. C. W. Cutsforth were in
Portland Tuesday on a combined
business and pleasure trip.
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Siegmund
of Salem spent Tuesday calling on
friends In Gervais.
Miss Betty Dyer of Salem and
her brother, Harold, left Sunday
for California where Harold will
remain for some time in hopes of
bettering bis health. Miss Betty is
employed at the Worth dry goods
store in Salem and will return to
her duties next week.
LINCOLN, Feb. 6 Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. IIli?gins of Zena. rere
guestg of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McCllnch the first of the week.
Mr. HIggins has been suffering
with heart trouble, but is slowly
Mrs. R. D. Ruble Is able to be
p again after being under the
care of a nurse for more than a
Mrs. D. N. Hendricks and Mrs.
Alvin Madsen were in attendance
at the Spring VaUey Missionary
society, which met at the W. F.
Crawford home, with Mrs. Craw
ford hostess, Mrs. A. L. Kinton
and Mrs. Alvln Madsen assisting.
BROOKS, Feb. . Miss Ellen
Hackit and her brother Robert
Hackit had as their guest, their
nephew Robert Glover of Port
land. Other guests Included Miss
Hazel Todhunter of Salem and
John O'Donnell, of Portland.
Happy Woman Tells How She
Lost 19 Pounds of Fat In 27 Days
taring October a woman In
Montana wrote: "My first bottle
of Kruschen Salts lasted almost
4 weeks and durics that time I
i jingo's of fat Kruschen
. la all you claim for it I feel bet
ter than I have for years."
Here's the recipe that banishes
, fat and brings into blossom all
the natural attractiveness that ev
ery woman possesses.
Every morning take one half
teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in
a glass of hot water before break
fast. ..
. Be sure and do this every morn
ing for "It's the little daily dose
that takes off the fat" Don't
. miss a morning. The Kruschen
' habit means that every particle of
poisonous waste matter and harm
ful acids and gasea are expelled
from the system.
At the same time the btomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels are ton
ed up and the pure, fresh blood
containing Nature's six life-giving
salts are carried to every organ,
gland, nerve and fibre of the body
and this Is followed by "that
Kruschen feeling" of energetic
health and activity that la reflect
ed in bright eyes, clear skin,
cheerful vivacity and charming
If you want to lose fat with
speed .get an 85c bottle of Krus
chen Salts from Perry'a Drug
Store or any live druggist any
where in America with the dis
tinct understanding that yon must
be satisfied with results or money
back. Adv.-.
New Prints
Big Assortment
15c A YARD
18c A YARD
25 c A YARD
MONMOUTH. Feb. I The sec
retary of the Oregon Normal
school's student-body Is in receipt
of a letter of commendation from
the president of the National
Student Federation of America
concerning the participation of
student delegates from this in
stitntion in the student congress
held last month at Stanford uni
versity in California.
' Alva Blackerby and Katherlne
Olday, the normal school - dele
gates from Monmouth, took a
prominent part and made valu
able contributions at the congress
according to the letter from the
N. S. F. A. president. Ursel C.
These young persons were
chosen as delegates to the stu
dent congress, by popular vote of
the normal student-body. They
are both popular seniors, and act
ive in a wide range of student
activities. Blackerby, whose home
is at Oak Grove, is a member of
the student council; athletic
chairman of associated students;
a member of Crimson O dramatic
club; and a member of the sen
ior play cast now rehearsing. He
was featured prominently as an
exponent of the Style Show given
at the Monmouth Merchants' In
door carnival in October. Last
year he served as school yell
leader; also president of the Pep
Miss Olday whose home is in
Portland, is president of the stu
dent council; vice-president of the
student-body association; a mem
ber Of Crimson O rtramatt olnh.
a member of Staff and Key: and
is well known among local organ
izations or Monmouth for her
prompt and gracious response to
requests for humorous interpreta
tions on a wide variety of pro
Their successful particinatlon
in the congress is a matter of
gratification to students and fac
ulty of the school, and to the
people of Monmouth.
ground hog was. on the job Sun
day and saw the sun here, and
now It la up to the TJ. S. weather
bureau to forget its past Jealousy
of him as a weather prophet and
line up behind him to delay win
ter six weeks longer.
One would think spring was
just around the corner, if they
eould see all the lovely pussy-willows
in bloom around town, with
the hyacinths and daffodils sev
eral Inches above the ground. An
other sign of spring approaching
was that robins were seen pulling
angle-worms out of the ground.
which is rather unusual at this
time of year.
Esther Roland left Wednesday
morning for Rosebury for an ex
tended visit with her nephew,
Tracy Roland and family.
P. McGowan who is superin
tending the crew who are wreck
ing the Jefferson mill met with
an accident Saturday morning.
when a heavy timber fell, strik
ing him on the head, causing
scalp wounds, which required
medical attention. McGowan was
able to continue his work over
seeing the crew.
Mrs. Jane Miller who has been
confined to her home with an at
tack of pneumonia is Improving.
Mrs. J. A. Ruble on Saturday of
last week.
, J. A. Ruble who haa been 111
for the past two weeks is report
ed being very much better.
Miss Evelyn Umphlette spent
the week-end in McMinnville with
her friend Miss Ardyce Burr.
Miss Shirley Umphlette of Al
bany spent the week end in Am
ity visiting friends and relatives.
J. R. Snodgrasa transacted bus
iness In Salem on Tuesday of last
Miss Mary Biggs who was oper
ated on" for appendicitis la report
ed as getting along nicely.
H. O. Apply moved last week
to the Mrs. Hood farm in the
Tampo district east of town.
Don Woodman is visiting with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mrs. Ella Duchein and sons
Lee and Vernon have moved into
the Waymire house in the north
east part of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lancefield
are driving a new Ford sedan.
The West Coast Telephone
company unloaded a car load of
telephone poles which will b e
used to replace the old telephone
They will be put up some time
In the near future. j
Gervais Schools
Start New Term
WOODBURN, Feb. 6 The
Woodburn high school associated
students will hold their annual
student body election this week
for the year 1930-31.
Kenneth Gillanders of Monitor
and Harold Gnstabsen of Wood
burn are the nominees for presi
dent and Jane Yergen and Doro
thy Austin are the candidates for
vice president. Jessie Sims and
Freda Nelson are nominated for
secretary. The other members of
the board of control will be se
lected from Bill Darby. Jack
Guiss, Charles Tresldder, Gorda
Klamp, Harold Schooler, Edith
Shrock. Elizabeth Miller and
Ralph Nelson.
The different committees
which, under the new form of
government, handle the finances
and activities of the school, will
be appointed after the election.
AMITY, Feb. 6. Stuart Lance
field spent the week end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn
Lancefield. Stuart is attending
high school In Portland and is a
senior this year.
Emmett Mltchel, a student at
O. S. C. spent the week end with
his parents. Emmett is a graduate
or Amity high school.
The "Yellow Shadow," direct
ed by Guy Nott was a decided sue-
cess. The play was given January
ai ana renin ary l under the aus
pices of the Neighbors of Wood
craft lodge.
Miss Ardyce Burr was a Friday
evening guest of Miss Pauline
SImpkins. Both girls are stu
dents at Amity high school.
Miss Cleo Odom sprained her
ankle last week.
Mrs. Fern Jones clerked in the
Nott and Randall merchandise
store during the absence of Miss
Faith Emerson.
Mrs. R. B. Hartman and son
Richard spent several days of last
week with her mother, Mrs. J. R.
Frank Fergeson of Salem vis
ited at the home of his sister.
GERVAIS. Feb. 6. The Ger
vais schools closed a very suc
cessful semester January 31, pu
pils in general making very sat
isfactory grades, and the new
semester opened Monday with ev
ery prospect of the present one
I being as good or better than the
I first.
Two new subjects were added
to the regular schedule at the
high school. They are commercial
geography and public speaking.
one of the following high
I school students will be chosen to
represent the school in the dis
trict finals in the International
oratorical contest: Evanelle Es
son, Dorothy DuRette, or Carl
' Francis.
Vt n Bay BHPnLtw40i km
S-Taaui5 m Pacini rogiaSr
la a Prescription for
Zt ia the aMrt speedy remedy anewa.
Painstaking, skilled
optometry, of the
highest i professional
grade assures exact
ness and accuracy
here. .
If you value your eyes
give them the care
they require. Let us
examine your eyes today.
Freed - Eismann Radios
Another lot just in - This is a full cabinet - All electric
radio with double dial control 8 tubes.
A regular $118.00 Value for only
S&cog (SimoEDlleti;e
The supply is limited. Terms, $19.50 cash, balance terms.
We also have One Used Bosch for $40.00
Hdw., Paints - Plumbing Machinery
Special in Ladies fancy crepe and plain crepe Dresses
Friday, Saturday & Monday
Flares, Silhouettes & Straight
Line Dresses - Newest Styles
Ladies' Spring Hats
Felt and Straw combinations.
Just arrived. 51.98
Salem, Oregon
220 North liberty Street
Open Saturday Nites Until 9 P. M.
Phone 1606
Mail or Phone Orders Filled at the Store
on Any Item in this Advertisement
j i
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Newest furniture styles from the world's best makers! That
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Beautiful suites . . charming ocasional pieces to complete the
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You ran hardly imagine
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movable cushions the
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Davenport, Club Chair
Buttonback Chair
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Spring Cushion
Save money by buying now!
Save energy by Bleeping on
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make this mattress a re
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Bedroom Furniture
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STYLE and SAVINGS feature all of these suites! Fine
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Dovetailed Drawers . . . Upholstered Chair Seats.
Buffet Six Chairs Table
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Cathedral Style
Table and Chair
Unfinished aU ready to be
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Drppleaf Table $4.25
Saddle Seat Chair..$1.79
S $750
Great Values In
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Ton win want several lamps
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Rold plated finish stands -silk
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Charming Color Effects!
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Cook the modern way! Have
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See it demonstrated at
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Dinincr Pnnrh fi
Are Greatly Undernriced
comfortT Y0"8 f PSe yOU need beauty weI1 118
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3-Pieces Bed, Dresser, Chiffonier, Ivory $54.00
3-Pieces Bed, Chiffonier, Vanity $96.45
01 mtionier, Vanity . .$160.75
Fine Walnut Finish
Fine Ward-o-leum Rugs
Now At Sale Prices
fori dga-tformtog crfn ef
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Blue or rose predominates in color. Sale
prices prevail now
9x1 Size...S5.95
JX vg Size ...$2.98
S xlOMySize ...55,25
See Our Displays of
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375 N. Liberty
Telephone 1435.
Salem, Oregon
ll 1 l II : . W. W