The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tie OnSGCgl CTATESMAM, Sateaai Oregac Sunday MoraJn-. Fchnrary 2. 1S
-i- Events of Interest in
ociai - ivi
4 II
Br. Hi ant Dance
Makes Gay
A BRILLIANT dance was
given at Castillian hall
by a group of the younger
members of Hhe high school
crowd Friday night Host
esses for this were Miss Grace
-Day, .Miss Roverta 'Varley,
Miss Dorotha Cannon, Miss
Constance Krebs, Miss Kathryn
Rowe, Miss Beth Atwood, Miss
Lucille Nash, Miss Georgia Nash,
MUs Lottie Nask, Mise Jane Har-
" bison, Miss Katberine Sheldon,
Hiss Merle Thatcher, Miss Emma
Varley, Miss Delores Mills, Miss
' Frances Reid, - Miss France
Walker, Miss Billy Shank, Miss
' Thelma LeDoke, Miaa Annabelle'
Hitchcock. 'Miss Jane FltzpatrlCaT,
MUs Jewell Fitxpatrlck. -
, patroness and patrons for this
gky affair -were Mr. a. Mrs.,R
H. Varley. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
' Mills, Mrs. Harry Rowe, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Krebs, Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Cannon, and Mrs. F. Shel
don. Elephants formed the keynote
for decoration. Score cards were
adorned with these and the stage
which had been converted into a
lounging room with chairs, dav
enport, palms and .floor lamps had
a huge jfjrey elephant as a cen
' tral decorative note. Soft lights
also added much to the beauty of
the party.
Feature numbers were given
- by Grace Day and Ruth Gillette,
a tap number; vocal numbers
wit&jpie orchestra were given by
Darwin Calfe and Dolores Mills.
Feature, dances I also furnished
amusenJent for the evening.
Howard Mills presided at the
punch bowl during the evening.
One of the most charming fea
tures of the evening was wee lit
tle Patsy Cannon, dressed in a
. ruffled frock of pink silk, met the
guests at .the door with programs
for the evening.
" Following the-dance two sup
per parties were given, one with
covers for 26 at the. Spa and the
other with covers for 10 at the
Grey Belle.
The guest list for this dance
. Included the Misses
Kslhrya Row
Crs.-e Day
Evfl.vo l!os a
Vienna Smith
.""Cynthia ILana
f.mna Varley
Beroice Turfman
Echo Hall
Katberine Ear!
lfarr Elsie Lip
Kay Fitzpatrkk
Margaret Rardette
i Marion Johnson
r. lea nor Norblad
"Harriet Brtghaia
' Starjorie Tweed, j
Baity Monnell J
Katarra Coak.
Ruth Gillett
William DelzeJl. r.
Klton LiUia
Charles Heed
Barney Cameron
Bernard White
Winston Williams
I'rita Anmaa
Werner Brawn
Dick Baker
Iarwin Calfe
Jim - Etamett
Ry Westphal
Eugene Smith
Lowell Jaeger
Hobert Lahaiaa
Williaas Bowne
Tern Wits -Xelria
Fly4 lVHai apart
- Dorothy Jtoa
taiara uteaa
Laara Hay KoeaiU Joha Aa raea.
tTalT Yaone
Olrca K. Bawa
krts Varley
Bi'tlr 0!m
Lottie Nath
Loll Wllkef
Coaktanca Krela
Ahra B4cera
Lyaa Haia
Lawia Caatvhell
Olaa Kaak
Stanley Perriaa
Troz Faremaa
T.oro Kitchen
Althea raage
Elmer aiaf
Ma4elene htrkTUlc Verry Andrew!
. Irathy Caanea
Virfii Harrison,
Marfaret ETams
Jaaa BarkUoa
fithtta Hof f nail
Wikla rieeaer
Kuth Chapmaa
' fera Harria
Jf jne Bod
JawU ritznatrick
lteiaret Mill!
- ltoratay Maar
- V irf:inia Holt
Harlan Boala
Bob Eyre V
Robart Kmc
Kay Soaf
Byron Lilli.
Baynolda Aliea
OeraM 8iaaBa
Carttoa L. Roth,
rraak Craaa
Clareae Beyaaar
Robert Ramsidea '
larathy lk.rM
Ieon Perry
- Hetty Ma llar;unt khj, n,rrU
llilared Bairn
frank Khafer
Clinton Vincent
Bod HeftBeU
Sam Habiaon
F.ddle RMh
Wayne Kiell
Howard Adama
Traxton for am a a
Ralph Btearn
Glenn Saraa
Rollin Repine
George I.Wyd
Roy Nad
Vircil DeP
Chartea Raffety
Harray Beyaalda
Raymond Bnairk
Allan A.rie
Cart Collins
W ilbur Balderee
Charlea Weat
Howard Bargnun
Homer Ooolet, Jr.
arid Eyre
W. Edward Ratfety
Clareae afeKraai
(leorpre M in torn ,
lonald 8odemaa
Phyllia Iay
atyra Bait
Btty Aw4
Mary KaWy
Maria Pattoa .
- Xoaiaa Meboogal
I'tther abard
Juanita Powell
' Jnne Fiti pat rick
V lXirothy Taeket
Maace Reid
Mirraret Patrick
Marrl Honttr
i Iaohal Georja
, Marjori M areas
tleaaor Wrirht
Velai May
- Marfaret Ka(l
Crare Halmaa
rleana afaoaia
Jean Eaatridi
Katherine Sheldon
.ru Weiasar
Kobarta Mil!
aa Iriaratr
Franrit Band
Jderle Thatcher
Hubert Aahby
- .rtrde Thornton T.r V
Beatrice Johnston Ernie- Mam
'Anaabell Hitchcock wajjam J. Moriarty
Georgia Kaah Edwin Cross
Jesaie Cooper LeaUe Hoaaton
iian Stohenberg Howard Aaderson i
Merl Thatcher man Sanford --
Mefsers Vad Mr. aad Mrs.
Ciareae Eekhelm Ray Harland
J..:.n Bona Mr. aad Mrs.
Kenneth Coffey aarenc Enuneas,
On Wllbnr ,
. -j .J' - -. - ,. .- '
' i -r - - - "-., -
' J, Vacation Week Party
. ,:. Gay Event " kA
One of the many gay affairs of
,jh' vacation ' week mtet that , ler
which Miss' Lorraine Bomfflear
-, was hoitess arher heme on --East
Marion street Thursday evening.
Games and- dancing were enjoyed
aad at a late hour refreshments
were served. A color scheme of
pink .was carried eat tor the
lunc-beoa table.- .--' ; -
Those present were Catherine
Hutcheon, Jean. Patto. Catherine
Ellis, Genevieve Karts,. Lorraine
Bonffleur, and Rey Mink, Melvln
Engel, Leslie Whttttngtoa, LomU
- Sachtler, Jaek Price. ,
.' : ... v..
The Ladies aid otJJeslle'Memo
; 1 rial: church will sot. meet until
. February IS because ot the gold
en weddlnr anniversary, reception
wfctch Is being gfvenMnV com pll-
- meat to Mr., and Mrs.- A. R. Fr
gusoa Vednesdar. th '. regalar
' meeting date. Tebrnary ;l will
be a feint meeting of the Ladies!
aid; and the Home missionary so-
HPtv. After the 11 o'cioei: , pot
Inek luncheon; - whlclt Jias bee
nianned. the Home missionary so
ciety will meet for a bnsi es
lion ana iouowiu w
aid will meet f or IU JbasUiess
v r
A BRILLIANT affair of
the week was the tea
given by Miss Marie Pattern
at the Court street home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Patton, Friday afternoon in
compliment to Miss Eleanor
Norblad, daughter of Govern
or and Mrs. A. W. Norblad, and
who has just come to make her
home in Salem.
The spreading rooms of the
Patton .home were beautifully
lighted with tapers In pastel
shades with pink and white pre
dominating. The serving table
was centered with several silver
candalabra holding lighted tapers
in pink and white and flanking a
graceful arrangement of pink r.iid
white carnations. The same
flowers combination was used in
tb living rooms. This color
scheme i i combination with my
riad lighted candles, made a per
fect background for over a hun
dred charming sab-debutantes in
bouffant pastel shaded gowns.
Receiving cards and opening
the door was wee Janet Maxwell.
In the receiving line was Mrs.
Hal Patten, Miu Marie Patton,
Miss Kieanor Norblad and Mrs.
A. W. Norblad. Hiss Jean Pat
ton and Miss Edna Savage greet
ed the guests in the hall.
During the first hour Miss Jo
sephine Corneyer, Miss Esther
Gibbard poured and Miss Jerume
TJpsten. Miss Margaret Savage,
and Miss Petty Bonell . assisted
about the serving.
For the second hoar Miss Mar
garet Reltsel, and Miss Kathryn
Goulet poured and Miss Josephine
McGIIchrist. Mis3 Dorothy Alex
ander, and Mies Byrl Newton as
sisted with serving.
Matrons assisting Mrs. Patton
were Mrs. H. A. Cornoyer. Mr.
Seymour Jones, and Miss Eula
McCuIIey of Hood River.
At S o'clock Governor A. V7.
Norblad and Mr. Patton came In
for tea and the governor was pre
sented to the young maids.
The Inritational list included
a number of teachers under whom
Miss Eleanor will be at the be
ginning of this semester in high
school, and several matrons.
men as of both Mrs. Norblad and
Mrs. Patton. These were Mrs.
Seymour Jones, Mrs. George Alex
ander, Mrs. R. Craig. Mrs. A. G.
Miss HeUnCalbreath who
unU be accompanist , in the re;
cital whiehvHU be given i
Waller haU Tuesday n ia nt
presenting Miss Evelene Cal
ina -composer." Both Mi sA
Helen and Miss Evelene Cafc
breath-are well-known in Sfc
lew and social affairs are b&
in 0 planned in their Honor.
One trf the largest thihgs-wttl
be the open house which Mrs'.
17. ConneU Dyer will entef-
tain at her home (oUovSng
the recital Tuesday nlghti
- oVf? ;i'tf T-f
. . j
rp A
T s sri ' "I r f :
Upston, Mrs. H. A. Cornoyer, Mrs.
A. E. Gibbard. Mrs. William Mc
GIIchrist, Jr., MlS Sally Bush,
Mrs. E. C. Charlton, Mrs. Gerald
Newton, Mrs. Frank Spears, Miss
Margaret Casper, Miss Iva Claire
Love, Mrs. Hockett, Miss Frances
8. Fellows. Miss Christian, . Miss
Beatrice Walton, Miss Beryl Holt.
Miss Ethelwynne Murton, and
Miss Mabel Robertson.
Out of town guests for the ten
were Miss Jane Opstln, Miss Betty
Klelasorg, Miss Rath Hubbs and
Miss Margaret Keene, nil of Sil
verton, and Miss Anne Reed
Burns of Portland.
Salem guest list included:
Kvelyn Young Edith Glaiarer
Eleanor Wncstatf Dorothy Bell
Eleanor Wricht
Dorothy 1A rea lay
Florence- Pewert
Kathryn Hartley
PriacilU Fry
Soreaa Eyre
Genevieve Thayer
Mary Kafonry
Vivian Eiker
Pre4ea -Patterson
Carey 1 Brad en
Anoka Coatea
Kathryn Corey
Fern Herri
Ruth i'ick
Claudia Goeffroy
,DoroUy Corey
Iiomia Cramer
ElttaVeth Clement
Marraret Wagner
Margaret Wilaen
Wilma Wirtz
Doria Unmh
Elizabeth Vaughn
Marie Stntecuan
Marjory Sander
Alice 8prk
Karline Rica
Erelyn. Rosa
Rosalie. Kensbatua
Louis MeDoafa)
Dolly Horgali
Doria MeCallialsr
Dorothy Moore
Madeira McKillop
Robert Mills
Kathryn MiUer
Penan BiaKaff)
Isabel Moreno . Charlotte Brown
France Ima Margaret Bardett
Kvelya King Myrs Belt
Beatrice Johaitaa AIM Jotuuoa
Jalia Johnson . Estar Black
Jane Harbison Helen Benner
Batty Mm Hartaag Kuth Chapmaa
Jean Eaatridg IValla Keaata
Margaret Xrao Vera Alderin
Wnda Fleeaer Bntaita Hoffall
Helen Warth Margaret BU
Edith Claaaeats Kathrya KUi
iiaa Daia Piekeaa Iria JaraVaaoa.
Maria Boa
Bridge Evening Is
Charming Affair
01 Saturday
MRS. L. G. BULGIN and Mrs.
Lyman MeDonald werehos-
a - Aiml.,
ivsvn a w a m wim iiuua
bridge party at the Mill street
home of Mrs. Bulgln Saturday
evening. The motif for the dec
orations, favors, menu and pruee
was that of St. Valentine. Follow
ing cards the hostesses served at
late hour.
Those present for this evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Gastoa Curtis
of Portland; Mr. and MrsJLrthur
Baugh of Eugene: Mr. ana .Mrs.
George Duncan of Stayton; and
Mr. and Mrs. Glean McDonald of
Silverton; Salem guests were Mr.
and Mrs. P. W. Gelser, Mr. aad
Mrs. Clarence Bowes. Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald, Mr
and Mrs. B. D. Bedee, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Hamet, Mr. and
Mrs. John Moritz, Mr. and .Mrs.
A. W. Buell, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard McManemy, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cain, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. And Mrs. W. S. In
gram, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Huf
stader, Mr. and "Mrs. Clifton
Mudd, and Mr. and Mrs. McDoa
aid and Mr. and Mrs. Bulgin.
Card Series Given V
At A. Porter Home -
SU vert on Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Perter. have- been entertalaing at
a aerie- of bridge perttee at their
apartment -this week.
Wednesday evening three tables
wtfe' played rat which Jfrs. Gtf-
ford Smith won high score of the
women and Hugh .Range for the
men. Guest were Mr. and, Mrs
Hugh. Range, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Hartmasu Mr. and Mrs.' Glfford
Smithy Mr. and Mrs. Rhelia Coo-
ley Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lor
enzon and Mrs. Gene Canning-
Thursday afternoon Mrs. For-
A . A. aV . A . . . a
tec was noaiess av two wiie o
bridge for the Thursday
noon Dnut juub,
r FKdit 'wing the porters
again entertained at bridge. . V
Three-tables were played . and
the. guest list Included,: Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Lorentfln.. MrfJtOd
Mra," Pearls McCleary., Mr." - and
VMrs. Elgis MeClearra. Mr. and
MravSam Loreaxoa aad Mr. and
h "n Institutions deartnrent of
Ut -iSaleai Woman's MJa u to
have the pleasure of sponsoring k
program to be 'presented at the
school for the blind. Monday eve
ning at 7:3 o'dock by a group
f the student et Carol uiawe
and Lena v Belle r;Tartar. - Miss
Dibble's studenU -will trreeent
gronp of selected readings and
Mist Tartar's students .will pre
sent vocai numbers.
Today We Present. . .
Mrs. Ea,rl H. Gregg and son Kenneth Stevensont aged
19 -months; Mrs. Walter Kirk and daughter Janet, whose
third birthday teas celebrated this week, and Miss Evelene
' Calbreath, for whom Mrs. W. ConneU Dyer wiU entertain
thi$ Tuesday,
I t Mf
. Monday
Program at school for
blind, sponsored by Institu
tions department ot Salem
Woman's club.
Regular meeting ot Amer
ican legion axulliary, 8
o'clock, McCornack hall,
Mrs. Frank Waters, presid
ing. Firemakers luncheon tor
Camp Fire girls," Mrs. Lu
ther Stout, 1040 Madison
Salem Garden chrb, cham-
ber of commerce rooms, H.
J. Clements will speak on
"European Gardens"; 8
W. C. T. TJ., celebrate
Frances Wlllard day. J: JO
o'clock. Union hall. 8. Com-
aerclal and Ferry etreeti
Mrs. A, A. Sobramm, 58& '
Leslie street, hostess to To-
mareo club, 2: SO. Mrs. A. T.
Woolpert, assistant hostess.
Skating party for camp
Fire girls. Dreamland rink.
P. Ta. E. and F. ub
luncheon for Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Furgeson, 1 o clock
Fraternal temple. Program.
Missionary society ot First
Congregational, with Mrs.
W. U. wuson, in uuun -
street, 2:30" o'clock.
Woman's- Foreign Mission-
' aiuiUte Jtinti Tea
church, Mrs, C. M. Roberts.
815 - Shipping street, 2
Salem Heights Club
To Present Play
The members of the Salem
Heights community club wlll'pre-
sent a three act play at the club
house Thursday and Friday
nights of this week. The play Is
entitled "A Family Affair."
The community ot Salem
Heights has won dtsttaetton for
the work it has done in the past
along the line of play production.
Thl play will be Interpreted- by
seven characters Mrs. Charles
fawyer, dive Bartlett; EarlTm-
ttt 'Mrs. Darren c. avasnoom.
Mrs. Don Craig, Don Craig, and
Mrs. Ted Berger.
Feature numbers to be present
ed will be incidental solos by Ed
dle.BurnsIde and Clive Bartlett;
and. novelty numbers by Mrs
Washburn and Don Craig. James
Center .-will -be accompanist for
hee numbers.
Miss Lejia Madesin PhU-
lips, Vast president vf: the
ness and JTOjessumaiixe-'
en'e clubh and t chairman.; of
the ' International ' relation
committee ' of the dub:
f , ; v 't f it: A t ? ;i' l
, i- i At , .-'t " T....
vi vr re n tf'W v 4 "".irt
K rrZ-r '&iS'?i&t: w
?W.s:t" 55 i.?ji?f W . ii w-rjR siV
V . tVr'. arte -Xeiif - T4
Society Editor
- t
4 It
iv -v. vr
B. & P. W. Club
Plan Summer
SALEM members of the Busi
ness and Professional Worn-
cat o uuu ni avvuij duiicov
ed In the prospeet of good will
tours to foreign countries during
he coming summer. Since plans
are only in the formative stage it
is not certain as to who will make
the trips but several members of
the local club are hoping to go to
Hawaii with the group which will
sail from San Francisco on Au
gust 8.
There will be three sections for
the European travel nnder the
leadership ot Miss Lena Madesin
Phillips, chairman of the interna
tional relations committee and
past president of the aatlonal fed
One of the greatest steps ever
taken by an organisation ot bus!
ness and professional women will
be the organization of the Inter
national, Federation t Business
and Professional Women's elnbs
waieh -will take place da Geneva
In'Angust. rMits Pninipa is the
chairman of the group which ex
pects to effect this organisation.
The trip to Honolulu will be at
the time of the Pan-Paclflo wom
en's conference. : At this time
American women win have an op
portunity to meet women ef the
orient. v
The. European tour is the third
sponsored by the nationals dab
and the International federation
is a direct outgrowth of the ef
forts of the American delegation.
led hy Mies Phillips. r .
a m
Mary and Martha (
Circle Hear L-ecture
Mrs. Dean Schomaker was host
ess to members of the Martha and
Mary circle of the First Christian
church at her home on Highland
avenue Thursday evening. - Mrs.
Kathryn L. Brooke of Eugene
gave an - . interesting . talk on
'Christian Boys home of Turner
and Girls home of Eugene." Fol
lowing a short business session.
refreshments were served and a
social hour was enjoyed.
xnose present for this after-
noon were Mesdames:
E. J, Keeior A. P. Ntk
K. Smith Edith Pngh
Earl Chapel Gaorg Gibaon s
CUiaad Bawen o B. B, Bimpsaa -
tat May ; E. K. BicfcetaJsr K
IWoUy Mebwwelt f B?W. Masy -
V. r. Coehra 1. V7 Stewart '
A. ' A. Carper "C. J. Emeries:
B. IV HolUngmwortn Arthur Fliat
Harryr Haat Bay -Clark
D. X Hawe , and Mis Katherte
i'. "warja v. ..... Morrison. ' ..
J, 0. .Perry , .
veil Dinner Party
At J. T. Delaneys
Mr-and Mrs. J. T. DelnneT
tertained with a delightful fare
well 4innMa. eompllment to Amer
Stolp Tuesday evening at the De-
qmey. home, Mr. Stwtpsieft Thurs
day fptr SUaorsTfire, jCallfornla.
Follbwlng.dinner the evening was
spent in dancing and. In .ttfnver-
covere fwere placed ufor ; the
honor.TieU. Amer Sf olo. and. Mr.
Wd-Mrt-fYank Suters, -Mr., and
Mrs..It U. Selfarth, Mr. and W;
CjlL.Jehssom, Mrs. F. J, Fromaa,
MrsfTBernice Jonesr Mlsa Joseoh-
iney Alexander, Miss Elizabeth
Ji-J . -J.-: ai . 9 mama. 'a
ivtempei,., um jcieanor Jrroman
menr Blimberi; ind Mr. and Mrs
Deianey s " - -.
: . ' e
Mrs. Clarence Bishop and chll
dren, CJareiuce""Mortan -iBlhop.
Jr .and Broughtea' Bishop are
the weekend .guests : of Mr. and
Mrs. ! CV .P.iBIthopo4 nartaeo
Bishop Is In New York City on
bmlnnu - - -- V
-v t'.
- ,
v -xx
The Camp Fire girls will have
;8katlng party at Dreamland
rink Friday night. This party
was formerly planned for a cos
tume party but this Idea will not
be carried out. Those attending
will meet at the home ot Georgia
Mills and go from there to the
Mrs. Luther Stout, president of
the Guardians association, ap-"
pointed the following committee
members: committee on awards,
Mrs! Lester Hnfstader, Miss Mar
tha Harrison, Miss Blrdell Sloper;
committee on ways and means,
Mrs. Luther Stout, and Mrs.
Floyd Speers; committee for spe
cial honor for work, Mrs, Mae
Gingrich, Mrs. W. J. Minklewltc;
committee on activities. Miss
Georgia Mills, Miss Marie Davles.
Mrs. Luther Stout will gire a
uncheon in compliment to the
firemakers of the Camp -Fire at
her home, 1040 Madison avenue,
Monday at 1 o'clock. The after
noon wilt be spent in handcraft
work' and music.
Mrs. W. D. Wilson
Wednesday Hostess
The missionary society of the
First Congregational church will
meet at the' home tot Mrs. W. E.
Wilson, 1SS7 Court street Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. W. D. Clarke will be the
devotional leader. Miss Agnes
Campbell will tell of her exper
iences in Labrador.
Those whv will act as assistant
hostesses are Mrs, Tada Ebbinger,
Mrs. E. M. HoffneU, Mrs. E. L.
Myers, Mrs. F. E Neer, aad Mrs.
w. E. Hansen. .
Regular business ef the Ameri
can legion-auxiliary will be held!
at 8 o'clock In McCornack nail
Monday evening, Mrs. Frank Wa
ters, .president, will preside.
As clever as the
new long
oUd sold
ease, sold
' JS-Jawat
V- '
Fashion is always doing something
startling ... and now, in the realm of
watches we hare something unusually
;listinetiVe, too.
It is thia new Gruen Guild wristlet
with the bracelet an integral part of
the watch itself . Notice how the design
- is repeated all the way round the wrist I
.An entirely original idea.
y In performance, also, this watch. Uvea
up to Gruen standards. Youll enjoy
seeing us
.c. . vvAo-Wsmca v4eMCir-
t -
Party Series
is entertaining with - a
series of parties which are
proving: delightJbl affairs for
the younger set. Wednesday
night covers were laid for 16
guests for a waffle supper.
Saturday afternoon Miss
Moore, assisted by Mrs. J. G.
Knapp, Miss Margaret Wagner
and Mrs. W. W. Moore entertained
Saturday afternoon for a charm
ing bridge with tea served at a
late hour.
Honors for cards Saturday aft
ernoon went to Miss Margaret
Wilson and Miss Eleanor Wright.
Miss Moore will again be hostess
for a bridge afternoon Monday.
Guests tor Wednesday' night
sapper were the Misses,
Vroan Smith
Myra Belt
Virginia Halt
Rathit Hoffnell
Eleanor Kerblad
Esther Gibbard '
Margaret Wagner
Kathrya Corey
Harriett Brigham
Jayc Andersen
Heln Olson
Ellen Hemenway
Caryol Bradan
Rutk I'tek
Wilda Flee nor
Guests, for Saturday were the
Evlra Bona
Orae X. Halmaa
a( area rat Eagal
EUaaor Wright
LoeJs XarDongal
Margaret Wilaen
Cynthia Dlae
Txiaia Wilke
PhylUs Day
Bath. Cbapaua
Beatrice Johastea
-Chnrlett Brawn
Lerraiaa Xias
Iaohel George
Margaret Corey
Virgiaie Bergr
Margaret Hettsel
ffertrnde Win slow
Bertha Babeock
Guests for Monday afternoon
win be the Misses
farnj Barrls Frances Law
Vtma May Kathrya Kowe
Doris Unrak Irethy Alaxnniar
Katkerlne Genlet Mary Katenry
tdtth Clemeat Coastsaee Krebs
EUzabath CWmant iOra IXy
Kathlaaa Fitspatrick JoanUa PayeU
Hewn Iroa Hasel Johason
Evelyn Yrang Marian Johnson
All Johnson Louise Cramer
Roberta Mills
jt.' - Al . I'vj.
rE annual Colonial tea
given' by the Daughters
of the American Revolution,
will be an event of February
21, according to plans an
nounced by the social commit
tee at the Saturday meeting
in the city library. Mrs. John
A. Carkln will be hostess for this
affair which is one of the largest
for which the D. A. R. is hostess
during the year.
AU the members will in so far
as possible be dressed in Colonial
costume. The public Is Invited
for this afternoon.
The proceeds of the tea will be
given in total to the scholarship
loan fund of the association.
Mrs. W. H. Byrd, agent, pre
sided over the Saturday meeting.
The board meeting which was
caUed for 2 o'clock had riveral
reports scheduled. Mrs. Homer
Goulet reported $56 as the result
of the recent benefit tea, and it
was-announced that the majority
of this would go toward the
Champoeg memorial fund.
Mrs. C. F. Turner read a re
port on the results of the Christ
mas work done by the Angel isl
and committee.
An interesting innovation was.
suggested at this meeting follow
ing a report by Mrs. Seymour
Jones, of the constitution and by
law committee. The innovation
suggested v. as to have officers
elected for two years, to have the
constitution and by-laws of the
club printed in the year book and
to have the year book printed ev
ery two years only.
It was also voted to raise the
organization dues to $5 a year
which will not include fees for
social affairs. From now on, ac
cording to the report adopted ot
Mrs. U. G. Boyer of the finance
committee, the business of the
organization will be carried on
by a budget system and commit
tee application tor funds will
have to be included in the budget.
Mrs. W. E. Hanson reported
that the new manuals for emi
grants were now being distribut
ed. If an member wants one of
these it will be necessary to buy
it, as they are free for American
ization wprk only.
At the next meeting there will
be several new members to be
taken In to the organization, ac
cording to the report of Mrs. R.
C. Aiken, registrar.
Following the business meeting
a short lTrogram was presented.
Two Boy Scouts gave a flag drill,
and this was foUowed by a short
play directed by Mrs. C. C. Clark,
and given by three members of
the D. A. R. Mrs. Clark also
gave a reading.
Mrs. C. M. Roberts will be host
ess to members of the Women's
Foreign missionary society at her
home, 816 Shipping street, Wed
nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Belle Roberts will lead the
devotions, and the lesson wUl be"
in charge et Mrs. B. O, Lear and
Mrs. A. J. Tick.
Christ, Scientist
Salem, Oregest
Announes a y
Rev. Andrew J. Graham
C. S. B.
ef Charles Ktver, lUa.
Mesnber - ef -the''. Beard
LMtarethlp "ef The MUef
CaaajreW The Vint tharck ef
Caartsi SdamUrf, t
Chemekela & Liberty St.
1930 - r
Colonial Tea
D. A. R.