January Exceeds Year Ago : Despite Snow and Cold j Weather Prevailing Despite . exceedingly ' unfavor able conditions for building con struction, . January building ., per mits tbis year exceeded those for the same month in 1929by S7, ,506.25, records oa file in the city building inspector's office reveal. The total for the month just ended was 130,481. J5. as com pared to $22,975 In January a year ago. However, the second half of the month Just -closed proved practically n4l so far as the starting of new construction iwas concerned, only, eight per mits being Issued for a total of but $,6 17 5.' most of these being taken out in the last, few days of the month after the cold spell Subsided. The first half of the month saw 14 permits totaling $25.3V. ,25 issued, the largest being that of Reid Murdoch and company for its' new water tank and tower. Four permits for new dwellings were obtained, the total esti mated cost being $1S,300. - Following are the permits is sued la the last balf of January: J. L. Stewart, alter dwelling at 1225 North 17th, $730. Otto Klett, repair building at Ferry and Liberty, $750. Col. E. Hofer, alter dwelling at 765 South Commercial. $2500. Glen Gorton, repair building at 153 Church. $150. Carl Jepson, alter dwelling at 152 South 13th, $100. B. E. Edwards, alter store building at 1915 State, $250. 'A. H. Moore, alter store building at 235 JCorth High. $500. Becke and Hendricks, garage at 185 South Capitol. $175. tiiwnra AUBURN, Feb. 1 John Mor row Sloan was born June 22, 1837, near Covingon, Indiana, and paaeed to his reward Wednes day. January 29, 1930- at his home In Portland. At the age of 16 be drove by ex-team across the plains to Ore gon, walking most of , the way. With him were his parents and ther members or the family. Leaving Indiana, March 6, 1853, he landed at Oregon City October , just seven months later. Short ly after he took up land in the Rogue river valley from where hje made many trips to Portland for supplies and provisions, a dis tance o 140 miles. He often related on these trips he frequently got stuck in turning around among the fir stumps on Second street in Port land. He operated a blacksmith shop ob the corner of 8th and Olive streets in Eugene for 31 years," and was sheriff bf Lane county for four years. Since 1910 be spent much vf his time with his son, E. R. Sloan in Gillam county, until about four years ago when lie retired from active life and located In Portland where he made his home with his daughter,-Mrs. - Hattie Reid, besides whom he leaves to mourn bis oss three sons. E. R. Sloan of Au burn addition. Salem: C. E. Sloan of Eugene, A. W. Sloan of Port land; also one brother. H. M. Of 13, PASSES Sloan I .renaieion. a suv. John Sloan of Portland, and one granddaughter. Mrs. Lois Lichter of North' Yakima. Washington: four - great grandchildren. Lulu, and Pete Tow of Auburn. Salem: Evelyn Hoeft of Portland . and Billy Tow of Pendleton. He-was laid to rest Raturdav February 1. by the side of his wife; to the Masonic cemetery at Eueene. He was for at least 50 years, f. member of the United Workman lodge and also bf the Eugene Masenia lodge. He was a man of -robust health. until a abort time - fcKO, wbea he. was troubled with heart weakness, and . was neve . ill It 1 .MAwtW . .bed last UFUl iue wi pitnvy to his death. - His wife, also a nioneer who . fernnftd the nl&ins at about the ' . w w w . . . - ... .1 .1 .1 L1M . , yv V., : Same time, ,preceuu w .reward 19 years ago. having pass ed away Saturday. February 1, 1511. " - ; OLGA SAXDIXE ILL . . MONMOUTH. Feb. 1. Miss OlgaT Sandine, editor, of the Lam ron,'; the student body's weekly news publication of the Oregon Normal school, was 111 last week and unable to attend classes be cause of an ulcerated tooth. . She left here Friday for her home at North Bend, en Cooa Bay. where the will receive medical attention , audi recuperate rapidly, it is .i w . "' ' 'jrrr. Feb.-1 Mrs. t. : w. Dickey? Mr J and Mrs, O. E.. Roth,. MrV C A. Fuller and Mrs. 'John ' Tmphletta tlsited . Wednesday in Silverton at the home of . W. B. . Fuller, the 5 occasion being ta : honor of -Mrav George iThonUa Z T.lrthday.Mra; George Thomae ' nrmr1 vntAf.A tn tils town. STIRS UP F ,S jr W Jf-'W v. I s J s M v fix , f . l:4A'.fei:v:if :: -J - . V - i v, : : S 1 : -v , f - t I'?: a - V . ' ' V: L; :"7s , "", . - tei v Irt V-iV" "4viS" )" R ' . t 4 , y 3 i r Jl -i: 1 1 t I ' v 1 it"" ' S ::.-s-. : ' : -" ...X'- t.S'!-' !. V -4 - " y.y-w. .: Here is a photo of WeIy Owen -Fatton, bo crested furor, when he confessed be waa "Henry Miller,"' the prohibition In former who filed alleged fake information that led to the reported "railroading' to jail of Mrs. Hue Brown. 25-yearold matron, who unite unattended in a cell in Malina, California, became the mother of a child born dead. Pat ton lives in Pacific Grove, Califor nia, and works bv tb;y utt an auto mechanic in historic Monterey, California." Bj-'nigbt, according to his story, he works as ah aav tlercover asent. He Mtid lie worked Jnto rhe good ajraces of Mrs. Brown and her husband, A. M. Brown, of Monterey, nntil they in vited htm to tlieir home. He then "informed" on tbem to get, as he said, Ids 2i per cent eut of the fine. Feeling against Patton is at a high pitch in Monterey county and be says he is getting ready to leave. Photo copyrighted 1936 by San Francisco Examiner Printing Company . - Agreement Is Reached Upon Chicago Taxes CHICAGO. Feb. 1. (AP) Agreement to close cook eounty's reassnient books May 1 and begin mailing tax bills rhimediately thereafter was reached today at a conference of various city and county officials with Governor Emmerson. The governor had called the conference to learn bow and when the city and county proposed to find a way out of the. existing financial maze so the state might receive the f 3e.000.eG0 which the givernor. says Is dut it la taxes. Logging Camps Again Opening MrMtN.VVILLE. Feb. ' i.--Log- ging companies and lumber mills luruuftuuni aaaus utoti ki eaav vi.- lag again after the forced closing because of the storm and cold weather. Reports from several districts this week said that the snow and Ice had been cleared sufficiently to allow operations. Hany rural schools, also closed for several weeks, will open again Monday. OFFICERS ELECTED STAYTON, Feb. 1 At the an nual m,eeting of the Stayton Switchboard association the fol lowing officers were elected: President; George Sandner; vice lb West Coast - - Insared A Policy for i LOCAL OFFICE ',w... s J5 First National Bank Bldg. : : ' ' ' . - Salem, Oregon " " , . . :;,;vr- H. J. Harder. Dist. Mgr. Xneat Batoa, Special 'Agent' Glenn JL Gregg. Assistant rrnlela X. Back,Epelal Agent -o FURORE i ( S president; A. P. Kirech; secretary Measurer, r A. Bell; directors, J. W. Mayo and F. A. ZimmcTman. The affiliated companies compri-p ing thf association and their di rectors are: Stayton Mutual, J. W. Mayo; Jordan. George Sand ner; White line, F. A. Bell; Blue line, F. A. Zimmerman; Fern Ridge, A. P. Kirsch; North San tlam, Gleu McClellan. and West Stayton, Floyd Crabtree. Mrs. Hattie Ficklin. the efficient oper ator in charge of the main office of the company has -held this position fjr nearly 13 years. McMinnville Has Increased School EnrollmenUn 1930 McMinnville. Feb:. 1. A total of 815. students are now enrolled in the city school of McMinnville, according to a report isaned by Frank. Pagan. - superintendent. This is a decided increase over figures for last year, Mr.i Fagau states. Of this total, 4C4 are girls and 421 are boys. The high school at tendance is 234. ' - ' ; VISITS AT MONMOUTH ZENA. Feb. 1 Miss Lillian Reynolds, principal of the Zena school Vas a week-end visitor at the home of her parents at Mon mouth and Miss Louise Seefeld, primary teacher, spent the week end at Alsea, home of her.. par ents. Miss Heynolds and , Miss Seefeld have not been able to visit their homes since three weeks ago because of Inclement weather. 1 lifa bsoranceCo. SavingV g-- vp Every Need CORSET ABOUSHEO - IN STYLE DISPLAY PARIS, Feb. 1 (AP) The rebels in the style ranks, whose battle cry. is "caneel corsets were upheld today in Lucien Le long's summer display, . where modern Dianas sans a single stay mod died the couturier's slim waisted fashions. The front row of a musical comedy chorus could be no more guiltless of whalebone than the slim mannequins who paraded M. Lelong's new - styles, stressing ground length evening dresses, medium length street clothes, sports dresses six inches below the knee and bodices that snug milady's waist. The achievement of the profes sional mannequins in displaying the slim models without the as sistance of corsets left many pro fessional stylists skeptical, how ever. They maintain that only ex ceptional women can wear such styles without the light girdle that is so much worn today. Most of them, they say, will need the assistance of a little whalebone. The importance of the corset less mannequins, so far as the stylists were concerned, lay In M. Lelongs evident' message that he has no intention of suggesting corsets for modern athletic wom en. Madame Lelong. the former Princess Nathlie-Paley, helped her husband receive his guests at the fashion display, wearing her selt the type of style that he sponsors. She appeared in a ground length black satin dress and black and white jewelry, set bling balf melted ice. O I -o Macleay I MACLEAY, Feb. 1. Mr. and Mrs. John Guthjniller and family of Clear Lake, were the guest3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engbrecht's home Tuesday eve ning. Among those that were absent from the Aumsville high school this ,week on account of illness were Anne Engbrecht, John Mas ser, Lester Perry, Doris Walling add Herbert Amos. Ersel- Griner of Bend, Oregon, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Larond V. Hackett for several days. Charles and Wilbur Pursley made a business trip to Salem Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Engbrecht were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engbrecht Wednesday. Mable Wadxewado visited witb her mother, Mrs. F. Magee, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brandt, who resides near the Four Corners, were guests of her " mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hen sel. Maxine Dalrymple was the guest of Anne Engbrecht Thurs day evening. V. L. Masten made a business trip to Salem Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Lam bert and son, Lawrence Lowell, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Lambert of Independence, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lenord E. Hack ett and Mrs. George Gibson and daughter, DOrothy of Salem, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. La rond V. Hackett Saturday eve ning. George Gibson of 'Salem, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Larond V.' Hackett over the week end. The snow being about all gone left the roads la a very bad con dition. O : O Orchard Heights o o ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Feb. 1 Mrs, Sarah Patrick returned home Tuesday from Portland where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. H. Starbuck and family. Mrs. Patrick Teports her sister as seriously ill as the . rer suit of a fall in which her hip bone was broken. .Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mooney have returned to thelrhome la Multnomah county after a visit of several days witb Mrs. Moo- Is the To We have an excellent line of , . Ccrtainteed Paints . - Call ca for price and selectica Weat Salem . Telephone 576' -; defehdablt - bebtisfg thk ; lumber ; ctjstomkk ney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.- Edgar. . George Smith of Salem was a week-end guest of bis cousins, Wilson and Jeanette Clarke, young son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. r. W. Clarke. George is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Highland avenue. The Mountainriew Parent Teacher meeting which was to have been held on January 31, was postponed n account of weather conditions. The January and February meetings will be held in conjunction on the ev ening of February 14. The Orchard Heights Women's tlub which was scheduled to meet January 30, has also been postponed. It will meet Febru ary 13 at the home of Mrs. Ralph Wilson. Lester Lippert is quite ill with a very severe cold. Ervin Simmons and Robert Adams drove to Portland Thurs day morning where they attended the third and last day of the short course of the Portland Tractor school. IS RECALL MEXICO CITY. Feb. 1. (AP) Alexander Makar, Russian min ister to Mexico, today received orders from Moscow telling him to close the legation. This officially completes the severance of relations between the two cnuntries, the break starting when Mexico recalled its represen tatives from Moscow as a protest against communistic demonstra tions made in front of the Mexi can embassies in Washington, Bu enos Aires, and Rio de Janeiro. Mme. Boris Pojvalinsky, wife of the first secretary of the lega tion, had already made plans to leave on the February 10 boat and join her, husband, who Is spending a vacation in Russia. The legation stenographer, Vadovsky, also will sail on the 10th. Boris Troskunoff, commercial attache, will remain after M. Ma kar and the others have gone in order to clear up any business that may be on band. Addison Funeral To Be Held Today INDEPENDENCE. Feb. 1 William Martin Addison passed away in Monte Sano hospital at Los Angeles, California, January 26, 1930. He was 69 years, 9 months and 8 days old at the date of his death. Mr. Addison was born In Diinfermlin. Scotland. April 18. 1860. In 1870 he came to Am erica witb his grandparents and settled at Austin. Nevada. He came to Ashland, Oregon in 1880 and two years later was married to Effie Blake on December xw, 1882. He brought his family to TndeDendenco in 1908 and has lived in this vacinlty since. Eight children were born to Mr and Mr. Addison of which two died In early infancy. Besides his wife, there is Mrs. Muorea Bryant and Elmer Addison of In dependence. Rav Addison of Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Anna Deaht of Lincoln, Nebraska, Frank G. Addison of Bend, Ore- ron and Carrol F. Addison at home, to mourn his death. Tha funeral will be held at the Keeney Funeral ome, Sun day, February 2, 1930 at z p.m. Dr. H. Charles Dunsmure will officiate and Interment will be at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Salem. Oregon. TURNER GLEE CLUB ACTIVE TURNER, Feb. 1 Mrs. Jean Pum rllrftcta the hlzh school Glee club. Plans are being made to be represented "again at the state music tournament in For est Grove in the spring. The mu sic has been ordered and daily nrartlr will be reouired as soon as the basketball season Is over. Timer niga nas aiways suviiw-.-ed a, good chorus and has receiv ed its share of awards. Time Do n MEXICAN MINISTER FILLS m P. T. JL US INEZ MILLED MONMOUTH, Feb. 1 Mrs. Inez Miller, who heads the depart ment of rural education at the OreKon Normal school, was- the principal speaker at the January meeting of the Falls City Parent Teacher association Friday night. Her topic was "The Two-Way Plan of Teaching." Approximately 100 persons attended despite in clement weather. Mrs. Miller was accompanied, by her sister. Mrs. Ethel Miller, who also addressed the assemblage. A Total chorus of high school students pleased with several vocal numbers; and the regular business session occupied part of the evening, after which simple refreshments were served. Mrs. Ethel Miller was in charge of teacher training at Falls City several years since, when the school was a rural training cen ter for the normal, and she en joyed renewing acquaintance with former students and their parents. Hubbard HUBBARD, Feb. 1. Miss Gertrude Breyen. county nurse, visited the Hubbard school Fri day. Miss Breyen, whose office is at Silverton, took the place vacat ed by Miss Benita Stroud, when the latter accepted a position as nurse In the Salem schools. Miss Breyen expects to visit the school the first and third Wednesday of each month. Miss Trave Morgan and Miss Helen Knight, seniors of the Hub bard high school, were elected delegates to the Educational Ex position at Corvallfs February 14 and IS, at Thursday morning as sembly by the student body. Mrs. Nellie Cornell, as a representative of the faculty, will accompany the girls. Miss Hazel Fisher of East Hub bard, a student at the Canby high school, was inured at her home Thursday morning. Miss Fisher was separating milk with an elec tric separator when the separator failed to work. She had adjusted the machine when parts from the bowl flew off and struck her on the leg. She was hurried to the Anna hospital at Hubbard where Dr. Edward Schoor dressed the wound. Flesh from the leg was torn away and the bone shattered. Franklin de Lespinasse arrived home Friday afternoon from Great Falls, Mont., where he has assist ed his uncle E. A. McIIay at the radio business. Franklin graduat ed from the Hubbard high school in the .'29 June class and last September entered the school ef technology at Portland where he is majoring in radio. He went to Montana for some practical ex perience in the study of the radio business. Franklin will resume bis studies at the school Monday. George Leffler installed the following officers of Arion 67. Knights of Pythias at the Pythian, hall Thursday evening: W. S. McMannis, C. C: Elton McLaugh- IF IT'S FRUIT TREES SEE THE ' Fruitland Nursery 2S yrs. la business A. J. Mathis, Prop. A fine lot of cherry seedlings, also leading varieties of fruit and nut trees. Sales yard east side of Armory Phone 1775M RV Pay Roof ft ;. Us Novsa&lpwSP Cater Pioneer Yosemite Rock Sur . faced Shingles are made, in beau tiful shades of Red. Greea, TOack, Golden Brown, Light Tile Red and in Copper and . MONEY You save the cost of tearing. otf the old wood shingles when yon re-roof with PIONEER Tosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles . . . you save the cost of painting or staining . . . they reduce insurance on home and con tents ... they serve for years and years with out expense. TIME The time saved to tear off the old shingles Is no small Item . . . especially when It exposes your home to sudden rain storms. The Pioneer Re-Roofing plan allows you to RE-ROOF .NOW and PAY LATER! TROUBLE: Think of the trouble that la saved . . , the dust and titter eliminated ... both inside and outside the home. "WORRY Yon can forget . that worry which always goes with the wood shingle . Pioieer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles are endorsed for their fire retarding Qualities by the National Board of Firs Underwriters. CALL i Telephone' 487 lln, V. C: H. C Mac , prelate; Avon Jessie, K. R. S; Robert Brown, M. F.; L. M. Scnoll, M. .; John Stauffer, M. W.; Lester Will, M. A.; Theodore Christin, I. (?.; and Frank Thompson, O. G. Frank Thompson, deputy chan cellor of the Knights of Pythias lodge, attended the district con vetlon of the Knights of Pythias at Salem Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keil of Au rora spent Tuesday with friends Mutual Savings and Loan Association A Salem Institution Organised in 1919 Place your savings with us Let us finance your home on weekly or monthly payments 142 South Liberty Street and Sheet Metal Work Plumbing, Heating and all Sheet Metal Work - Prompt, efficient, courteous and satisfactory service. jg. 164 S. Commercial 'TIME MOST DMIPOIRPANJ PART OPANY -BUSINESS IS TO KNOW WHAT OUGHT TO bVoONL - v- - We will gladly advise you on the question of building or remodeling, and give you estimates as to cost of LUMBER and BUILDING materials. Gabriel Powder Supply Co. Union and Capitol Telephones 728 or 2248 Bine - Blue. ajrzi j2iVrf cuixmi f4 absolutely aon-tadlag and otAer gyi?"imrtfneed paiat or stain. Will Bring You These WorthwhOe Sayings! OR WRITE FOR FREE ESTIMATE "A. B. OirUUfison, Maiuscr 170 N.. Front Strict AVTnOZUZKD APPLICATION AGENTS , at Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. G rover Hersh berger and daughter, Ines, from Vancouver, Wash., were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Miller. GENE LEAVES HOSPITAL NEW YORK. ' Feb. 1 (AP) Virtually recovered from a kid ney operation, Gene Tunney, for mer heavyweight- champion, left the Presbyterian hospital today. Telephone 192 Lelumll variegated blends of Red, .Tan, - Green, etc All are the natural Yosemite rock colors . they are never , JNaUBANCE-lhie. to the- Class:C Label, on evey bundle of Pioneer YoseaiKe Rock Surfaced Shingles they reduce fire insurance rates from to 15 . i ' IXSITLATION The old wood shingles un derneath the new . Pioneer Yosemite Rock .'Surfaced Shingles serve as added insulation. " There is an air space between the shingles) that holds the heat Inside in winter and keep the sun's heat out in summer. This not only adds to the comfort of the home, but puts down the amount of fs-needed to keep the Bouse warm la the coldest weather. UPKEEP Once Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surf heed Shingles are on your roof expense Is ended." They are ; durable. - permanent faa their protection . . . absolutely noa-fading ta .color.: This means that they serve -lor yean and yeara without repairing . . . repainting or re-etalaiag. . is . T W mmm mm m - w - : . 6 - .. . ''I .