The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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Firearms Seised Traffic Offic
er Edwards of the local police
force confiscated two rifles and a
shotgun, which, according to com
plaining neighbors, three boys
had ben firing In, the vicinity of
Oxford j and 17th streets : Friday
afternoon. The boys were "Wayne
Kimple, Qeorge Waterman and
Ira Wintenmite. They were asked
to report to the chief of police
Monday. A woman In the vicinity
reported that a bullet had pene
trated jthe front wall of her home.
Work Seekers Fewer A reduc
tion in the number of men apply
ing for work at the local employ
ment office was noted in the past
week, only 61 being recorded. Of
these 42 were common laborers,
of whom 25 received Jobs. Two
woods laborers and one salesman
were also successful in being
placed. Sixiwomen 0ut of f2 who
eought workTwere accommodated;
two as nurses, one as a cook and
three as housekeepers.
Dollar dinner every night 5:45
to 8 at the Marion hotel,
To Enter Tourney For the
first time in a number of years,
the Salem high school student
body will enter competition In
the one-act play tournament held
in April on the University of Ore
gon campus. Miss Margaret Bur
roughs of the commercial depart
ment will jEoach the ' amateur
players for this event.
McCallister Speaks Mark Mc
Calllster, state corporation com
missioner, was the speaker at the
Steppers' class, dinner at the Y.
M. C. A. Friday night. Dwight
Adams, Willamette university
athlete, was another speaker. Mar
key Jones payed two'haTmbnica
numbers and Victor Williams two
piano selections.
Benners to Fogene Joseph
Benner and Mr. and Mrs. Moody
Benner will motor to Eugene to
day to accompany Mrs. Joseph
Benner home. Mrs. Benner has
been spending the past two weeks
there with his sister, whose condi
tion is somewhat improved follow.
Ing a serious illness.
Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt de
livery. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Co.
Tennlts Numerous The city
building inspectors office received
1 108.35 in electrical work per
mit fees in January, Inspector
Earl C. Bushnell reports. Dealers'
lienses brought in $250. Plumbing
permits netted the city $15.25
and licenses $75.
Returns From Seattle Rev. P.
W. Eriksen, pastor of the Ameri
can 'Lutheran church, returned
Saturday from a two days busi
ness visit to Seattle. He reports
that all snow has disappeared
there, and that that city appar
ectly experienced less ice than Sa
Two More For Census Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew DaMoude, 1115
JWadison street, are parents or a
baby girl born Saturday morn
lng at the Bungalow Maternity
home. The child weighed-seven
and three-fourths pounds. A
baby boy, named Roger Ray, was
born at the home Friday to Mr,
snd Mrs. Theodore Welty of 1S45
Fir street.
Xewsof Death Comes Mrs. J.
11. Talmadge of .this city yester
lay received word of the death of
her sister, Mrs. Ellen J. Frary, in
Oakland. New York, Thursday
night. - Word had been received
earlier in the week that Mrs.
Frary had suffered a stroke.
Want used furniture. Tel. 611
Vincent Visits Home Andrew
Vincent, instructor of drawing and
painting at the University of Ore
gon art school at Eugene is spend
ing the weekend In Salem at the
home of his mother, Mrs. Jennie
McClendon is Visitor L. B
McClendon of West Stayton
where he is principal , of the
school, attended to business mat
ters here Saturday.
Edna Fery la City Edna Fery
primary teacher at the Rickey
school, was a Saturday caller at
the county school superintendent's
Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs.
. Js'els Stensland are -parents of a
baby girl born Saturday morning.
Mr. Stensland is connected with
the Peerless bakery, .
. Speeding Charged Charges of
speeding were filed against Rob
ert Aufderheide, Salem route C,
and Melvln Clemens,' route 4, by
the police Saturday.
Aumsville Folk Here Among
visitors Saturday from AumsviHe
were M. McCollough and daugh
ter and P. C. Fulton. Fulton is
principal of the -.Aemsville
schools. "- "v i1"
Girl Born Saturday Mr. a n d
Mrs. N. L. Stensland are rejoic
ing over arrival of a .baby girl,
born Saturday morning at 1910
North Cottage street.
Avers Business Visitor O. W.
'Ayers lButteville, where he is
principal of the school,, was at
tending to -business interests here
' Returns From Portland Carl
Meyers, local real estate dealer,
. returned Friday night from a
week's business visit to Portland.
Going to Detroit Miss Emma
. Ranch, who has been employed
here as stenographer, will leave
today for an indefinite stay In
Detroit, Michigan.'
Lyons Folk Visit Mr. and
.Mrs. H. E. Nusbaum, who lire at
Lyons, were business visitors in
t the city, yesterday. , . ,
' X t Cox Business Visitor John
Cox, high school principal at Tur
" ner."was business caller here
yestejy.v::; -. ;
- ' Here From Silverton- Mr. and
Mrs. Walter W. Taylor of Silver
ton had business here. yesterday,
' . Keizer Woman VisitsMrs.
Cora Beardsley of Kelzer spent
i Saturday In the city.' .
Cervices Set Funeral service
for Miss Carolyn Farrington, who
dip A in flnn TTtaTi WxtiiMiliv
win be heid at the Rigdon chapei
Tuesday at 1:30 o'clock. Rev.
Harry is. Gardner officiating.
Miss Farrington was the sister of
Mrs. Hattie Prince, and aunt of
Mrs. Clifton Ross, Jesse Prince,
Kenneth prince, Frank Prince
and Edward Farrington, all of
Salem. Miss Farrington a nurse,
was 67 years old.
Mrs. Williamson Hurt Mrs. E.
M. Williamson. 1240 Market
street, was knocked down and In
jured Friday afternoon in front
of her home by an automobile
driven by Mrs. O. Cross. The
wheels of the machine rolled
across her body, end she was cut
on both sides f the head and
sufered numerous scratches and
School Folk Visit Among the
rural school educators who visit
ed Saturday at the office of Coun
ty Superintendent Fulkerson
were: Emma McCloughry, teach
er at Manning; Clyde Holier,
principal at Middle Grove; Chris
tine Schulte, principal at Sublim
ity; Vida Miller, teacher at IUa-
hee; and Loretta Gooding, teach
er at St. Panl.
Underwriters Meet The Salem
Life Underwriters association
met last evening at the Spa, with
most of' the members of the asso
ciation present. Carl Wenger of
the trust office of the U. S. Na
tional bank was the principal
speaker and had as his topic life
Insurance trusts, living trusts
and trust estates."
Miller's ,Co South Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Miller of the Alder
brook addition left early Satur
day morning by motor for Cali
fornia points. They expect to vis
it relatives in that state, spend
ing the most of their time In the
southern part. They will be gone
about a month.
Ahrens Service Monday Fun
eral services at the American Lu
theran church Monday afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock for John Ahrens,
who died at the home near Tur
ner Wednesday. Rev. P. W. Erik
sen will officiate and burial will
be made In Belcrest memorial
Arrive for Funeral Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Gath and Joe Krog-
mann of Willows, Calif., arrived
late yesterday, summoned by the
death of the late John Ahrens,
hose funeral will be held heie
Monday. Mr. Gath Is a nephew of
the deceased.
Jones Calls Satnrday F. W.
Jones, principal of the school at
Gates, was a business visitor In
the city Saurday. The Gates
school was one of the compara
tive few In the county the closed
doors during the heavy snow, but
it is now running full time.
Goes to Portland Miss June
Davies, freshman at Willamette
university, is spending the week
end at her home In Portland.
Miss Davies makes her home
while attending school here with
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bohrnstedt.
Moved Into Town Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Farm and children,
who have been residing In the
Rosedale district, have moved In
to town, and are locating at 1225
North 16th street. Farm has been
employed at the Skyline orch
Mrs. Boylngton VlJts Mrs.
Mabel G. Boyington and daugh
ter Eileen were among the end-of-the-week
callers in the city.
They live at Mehama, where Mrs.
Boylngton is primary teacher in
the school..
Here to Make Home Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Wilson have arrived
in Salem from Washougal,
Wash., and will make their home
here while he attends Willamette
university. They are located at
145 North 14th street.
Returning North Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Munn, who havo been
visiting friends ' in Salem, will
leave today for Spokane, Wash.,
enroute to their home on Prince
Edward Island.
Returning t o Canada Mrs
Ivor TogenBen who has been vis
iting in Salem will leave today
for her home in Edmonton, Al
berta, Canada,
Labish Teacher Visits Flor
ence Burr, teacher in the school
at1 Labish Center, was a Satnrday
business caller -at the office of
the county school superintendent.
Postmaster Bl John H. Far-
rar, local postmaster, was out of
the office the latter part of the
week on account of a severe cold,
but Is expected back on the job
Marion county pioneer ranks
showed another gap yesterday
with death near Lebanon of Mrs.
Isabelle Headrick Booth, who
had made her home in Salem
practically all her life since com
ing across the plains as a mere
child. She was 84 years and one
month old, having been born on
January 1, 1846, in Des Moines,
Mrs. Booth had lived the past
five years with her daughter, Mrs.
Louis Fischer, at. Silverton, go
ing only a short time ago to visit
with relatives who reside near
.Funeral services will be held at
2 o'clock Monday afternoon at
the Rigdon mortuary chapel, with
interment to be made In the L O.
O. F. cemetery,
Mrs. Booth leaves, besides Mrs.
Fisher, a daughter. Miss Georgia
Booth of Los Angeles; and a bro -
ther and sister; T. - C. Case : of
Lebanon and Mrs, Jennie. Belt of
Corvallls. .
mm mm
Cold Weather Results In In
juries to Fruit Trees
In This Valley
The fruit trees of Willamette
valley have been damaged daring
the past few weeks by the cold
weather, according 1 to a state
ment made yesterday by F. H.
Zlnser, local orehard supply, man.
There have been reports com-
I ing in from over the valley indi
cating the presence of an injury
which appears as a cracking; of
the bark on the trees. This crack
ing appears chiefly on the south
sides of the trees ' though the
west and east sides are sometimes
: affected.
These .Injuries .are chiefly
among the cherry , trees but It is
possible that the walnuts apples
and prunes may be later, to show
the damage. : - , r
Orchardlsts are advised to In
spect their entire orchard for any
I sign of the cracking as .the trees
can be saved by prompt treat
I ment. The cracking bark can be
nailed back to the trunk with a
5-8 inch copper tack and any
openings which still remain
should be covered with Bordeaux
; paste.
The damage Is done chiefly to
the young trees of the ' orehard
and immediate care should be
given that the young trees will
not be crippled when the sap be
gins to rise.
Spraying for peach eurl can be
started any time in the near fu
ture until ,th buds begin tp open.
Circuit Court
W. R. Kane vs. L. 8. Saladay,
et al A complaint to collect
money due en a promissory note.
Filed Saturday.
Carrie King vs. J. A. withers.
let ux. A complaint to collect
$2,000 on a promissory note.
Filed Saturday.
State vs. Thomas G. Yarem A
complaint to collect on a promis
sory note. Filed Satnrday.
Bert L. Jones vs. Fern Jones
Defendant filed her affidavit and
! counter claim Saturday. Claims
plaintiff gave her no warning of
his action of divorce and declares
that the day he left heme to file
the suit he kissed her affection
ately. Gladys Barber vs. Walter T.
Barber A complaint for divorce.
It Is claimed that the defendant,
Marion county deputy sheriff.
deserted the plaintiff two years
W. H. Brown vs. C. C. Wilson
Assignment of a judgment re
cently decreed against the defen
dant for $357.49 to the Beaver
Investment company.
Ruby Lister vs. Beaver Invest
ment company Complaint to en
join sale of real property held
under execution.
Irvin Robertson vs. Nellie
Warden and Bert Van Valken
berg Motion to place on trial
docket. It was estimated that the
case would not take more than
one-half day to be tried.
Bertha J. Zeis vs. Joseph F.
Zeis Defendant filed affidavit
claiming ill health, Indebtedness
and declares that plaintiff is In
able-bodied condition and finan
cially able to care for herself.
Clifton M. Irwin vs. Hugh Rob
ert Marshall A complaint to col
lect Insurance premiums alleged
to be due.
Homer D. Foster vs. Ed Stortz
and Leah H. Stortz A motion
has been filed to have the case
placed on the trial docket. One-
half day will be required to hear
the case, it is estimated.
Portland van Storage vs.
Hal E. Hoss, Secretary of state
A demurrer has been filed by the
defendant. The complaint de
sires to have the new truck tax
on contract haulers declared In
H. M. Rogers vs. Chalmer Lee
George A complaint to collect
on a promissory note. Filed Sat
H. A. Taylor vs. B. G. David
son Defendants answer Bled
If Salem townspeople back the
senior high school student body
So the extent that the Innovation
warrants, the "high school night'
to be- held at the Fox ' Elalnore
theater, February 4, will be an
annual event, Joe King, student
body president, said yesterday.
Word to that effect was given by
the Fox Esinore management..
The student body will derive a
percentage from all tickets stu
dents sell to the shows that day
and will present two vaudeville
skits as an addition to the regu
lar show, which will be the Dun
can Sisters In "It's a Great Life.'
The two student acts will in
clude songs by Darwin Calfee and
a lap aance cnorus featuring
Rosalie Nusbaum. In the chorus
will be Ruth Gillette, Phyllis Day,
Wida Fleener, Dorothy Moore,
Ltouise Cramer and Ruthita Hoff-
neli; Yvonne Smith Is directing
the chorus. . '".
Eighty-three per cent - of the
milk distributed In Salem u
1929 was pasteurised, giving this
city one of the highest percent
ages of pure milk m tne state.
reports J. E.
Blinknorn, airy
1 and food inspector. Five of the
I largest plants in the city pasteur-
llxed milk handled, while 10
I plants handled the raw product.
- 4
These debaters furnish the color to the University of Hawaii debate team which is touring the
Pacific coast for the first time, and which will meet the Willamette university team here Monday.
From left to right they are, Dai Ho Chun, the Chinese member) Shigee Yoehida, the Japanese; and
Donald Layman, a Canadian.
In the fire plants, all milk
passed under strict supervision
and results were recorded by au
tomatic devices. Pasteurization
process requires SO minutes of
heating at 132 degrees Fahren
heit. Average bacterial count of all
pasteurized milk in 1929 was
500. a decided improvement ov
er the cdunt of 9,500 recorded for
the nine months in 1928 in which
check was made on the produc
tion. For raw-milk, the 1929 av
erage bacterial count was 16.300,
,300 counts less than the 1928
During 1929 five dairymen sold
their businesses but four new
ones entered the field, leaving at
present 11 distributors obtaining
supplies from. 14 distributing
plants, BMnkhorn's books show.
n addition to the higher averages
for last year, in 1929 all milk
handlers in distributing plants
were given health examinations to
make sure that all were free of
contagious disease and examina
tions wre started of the nearly
400 milk handlers on the produc
ing plants which sell milk In Sa
lem. These latter examinations
are being given each week now.
Although greatly pleased with
the definite Improvement over
the previous year, Bllnkhom says
the big thing which developed In
his Inspections in 1929 was the
cooperation exhibited both by dis
tributor and producer. Both
these agencies are coming to real
ize that It Is to their own Inter
ests as well as to those of the
public for them to cooperate in
making possible higher standards
of milk 418 well as greater con
venience in handling.
Members of the so-called Inter
im committee created by the 1929
legislature ho conduct an Investi
gation of state printed textbooks
for the schools, will hold their
next meeting In Salem early in
March. This was announced here
Saturday by Arthur Brock, fore
man of the state printing depart
ment and a member of the inter
im committee.
Brock said that samples of
state printed textbooks had been
received from many parts of the
United States. He declared that In
moat' cases these textbooks ap
parently had proved satisfactory.
and that the cost of production
and delivery to the consumer had
been reduced materially. It was
made plain by Brock that the in
terim committee is not consider
ing free textbooks as has been re
ported in the press.
At the next meeting of the in
terim committee figures will be
aralahle showing the cost of state
printed textbooks, royalty de
manded fbr the texts, and the In
vestment 'that would be required
in Oregon to make possible the
printing of the books.
The meet serious problem now
facing the Interim committee is
that of obtaining suitable texts at
reasonable figure. Brock said
this obstacle probably would be
overcome before the final report
of the committee Is prepared for
the legislature.
Students at the Grant school
who were neither absent nor tar
dy during the first semester' of
the -present: school ,year ,wer,ah-
nonncd yesterday by Principal E.
A. Miller as follows:
Sylvia Bombeck, Corliss Clark,
Vera Van Cleve. Gordon Carl,
Donald Milbnrn, Oren McDowell,
Bennett Wheeler, Vera Luther.
Frances Mattson, Barbara Miller,
Charlotte McKee, Doris Marston,
Margaret Chad wick, George Bow-
en, Juanita JParrenV Emmett
Warner. Jeanette Bombeck, Ruth
Fargo, Dale Bertell KJnyon, Daisy
Minton, Leroy . Pettlt, Maxlne
Rentschler, Willson Maynard,
Alice Barkus, Margaret Barrett,
Lorene Lathrop, Mabel Stevenson
and Edward Saunders.
Edward Diets. Gordon Hot
stetter, Roseoe Anns, - Chandler
Dawson, Evelyn Kiny on, Marjorie
Walker, Erie" Bartrutf . . Bobert
McKee, Delbert Van : Cleve.1-Oscar
Warner, Ray Dawson' Robert
Parrent, Vincent 'Howard,. Madei.
Da Jioude. cieda Mae Edwards.
Jeanne Ann Edwards, Lois Nicho
las and Barbara pierce. . : ,
Eyeglass Insurance and 'thor
ough examination included,, v
110 IT. ConunerrJal Et, . .
Reta Murray died in this city,
February 1. at the age of 15
years. Funeral announcements
later by Clough-Taylor.
William TJnruh, 90, died Fri
day at the residence of his niece,
Mrs. A. L. Smith of Dallas. Sur
vived by his widow, Maggie; two
brothers, Albert A. of Portland,
J.-. F. Unruh' of Salem; two sis
ters, Mrs. Alice Wright of Ches
terton, Ind., and Mrs. W. G. Wln
dle of Valparaiso, Ind. A Civil
war veteran. Funeral services
Monday at 2 o'clock from the
Terwilliger Funeral home. Inter
ment City View cemetery. Serv
ices by the Sedgwick Post number
10 G. A. R.
John Ahrens, 74, died at the
family residence a mile north of
Turner, January 29. Survived by
widow, Emma; following chil
dren: Kctie, Henry, Rosa and Ed
die, all of Turner, and Mrs. Clara
Kendall of Portland. Also sur
vived by three sisters, Mrs, Caro
lyn Burmester of Randolph, Neb.,
Mrs. Bertha Neinstedt and Mrs.
Mary Hartman, both of Germany.
Funeral services Monday at 1:30
o'clock from the American Luth
eran church. North Church street,
between Chemeketa and Center,
Rev. P. W. Eriksen officiating.
Interment In Belcrest Memorial
Park. Rigdon and Son in charge.
Malinda Applegate died in this
city January 31. Remains will
be forwarded to Yoncalla for serv
ices and Interment by Rigdon
and Son.
Nicholas Bilde of Gervals, 75,
died Saturday at a local hospital.
Survived by his widow, Theresa;
two daughters, Catherine and
Mrs. George Conners of Portland;
two sons, Frank of Los Angeles,
and Jack of Gervals. Funeral
services Monday morning at 9:30
o clock from the Sacred Heart
Cathholic church at Gervals, Fath
er Orth officiating. Interment
Catholic cemetery at Gervals. Sa
lem Mortuary in charge of ar
rangements. Farrington
Miss Carolyn Farrington, 7,
died at Ogden, Utah, January 26.
Sister of Mrs. Hattie Prince of
Salem, and Frank Farringt.on of
Dallas. Aunt of Mrs. Clifton
Smith of Miami, Ariz.; Mrs.
George Wlnslow of Tillamook;
Mrs. Clifton Ross, Jesse Prince,
Kenneth Prince, Frank Prince
and Edward Farrington, all of
Salem. Funeral services Tuesday
at 1:30 p. m. from Rigdon's cha
pel, Rev. Harry E. Gardner offi
ciating. Interment City View
cemetery. "
Mrs. Isabelle Headrick Booth
of Silverton died a mile and s
half north of Lebanon Saturday
Mother of Mrs. Jennie Fischer of
Silverton, and Miss Georgia Booth
of Los Angeles. Sister of Mrs.
Jennie Belt of Corvallls, and T. C
Case of Lebanon. Funeral serv
ices Monday, February S, at 2
o'clock from the Rigdon mortu
ary. Interment in I. O. O. F.
Mac Donald
John A. MacDonald, three-
months-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Malcolm MacDonald. died at the
home in Salem Heights Saturday.
Funeral services Monday at 3:30
p. m. at the Rigdon chapel.
Stiff Is Elected
As Vice President
HT I. Stiff of Salem was elect
ed a vice president of the Western
Furniture conference which . con
eluded Its five day session at San
Francisco Saturday, according to
rord received here. Mr. Stiff.
head of the local furniture eora
nanv which bears his name, is
also president or the Retail Fur
niture Dealers of Oregon The
next conference will be held at
Spokane In J uly.
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 Tel. 12M
" Conveniently Accessible' ,
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable 1;
43ar& "EE
- - ,.-
1 A Park Cemetery
witlv perpetual care
fast tea mhnrtes front the
of towm
Washington cities are far ahead
of the northern Oregon ones in
progressireness, declared Ray L.
Fasching, - local real estate man
and representative in this terri
tory for the Apple Vendor sales
company of Seattle, upon return
Saturday from a four day busi
ness trip to Tacoma and Seattle.
Fasching made It a point to be
come acquainted with business
conditions along the route, and
a result he sees Washington
towns and cities as much more
progressive and getting ahead
through a real cooperation among
the business men. He points to
the Neon signs and tubings which
are huge attractions not only In
Seattle and Tacoma but in small
er cities, as being made up in feet
where those in Portland and Sa
lem are made in Inches, and finds
in this a likely illustration of the
differences that dominate the
Business men In the north
claim money has been a little
scarce there and hard to get, but
conditions are not so depressed
as some have tried to make them
selves believe. They are taking
hold and adopting the slogan.
Business is Good' ", Fasching
In connection with his confer
ence with the director of the Ap
ple Vendor sales company while
in Seattle, Fasching sees nothing
but a bright future for this new
Idea in marketing apples and
says that Pacific coast people
who are becoming . acquainted
with the idea are responding to
the idea whole heartedly. In
Washington, Fasching met many
growers as well as buyers of ap
ples, and found them too to be
in accord with the machine meth
od of marketing apples in units in
large centers.
Profits being derived already
from this three-year old enter
prise are almost unbelievable, the
local man says, with December
reports running 64 per cent in
Los Angeles. "Officials of the
company estimate that 25 leading
cities in the United States will ab
sorb 25,000 of the large vending
machines and facilities have been
provided In the factory at Seattle
make the 1930 machine pro
duction reach 2,400," he says.
Where To
Special Turkey Dinner Today
The Spa,
Gray Belle
50c Special Dinner.
75o Gray Belle Dinner.
$1.00 Steak or
Chicken Dinner De Luxe. -
For Dinner This Evening-
Special' Sunday dinner si. 00 at
the Marion Hotel today.
Hotel Argo Dining Room-
Turkey dinner today, oc.
A Good Place to Eat
Valley Cafe, 15CH So. ComT.
For Expert
Truck and Tractor
Motor Reconditioning
G. A. Raymond Machine
42S Chem. St. Phone 8
Contains well known and
standard ingredients, which
render it especially useful as
a cough syrap. Schaefer's
Cough Syrup promotes expec
toration and rapid clearing of
the obstructed air passages. '
It is effective in symptoms due
to bronchiaL irritations. Par
ticularly useful in troublesome
smokers' cough.
Price 50c and $1.00
. ; Only el
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem.
1SS N. Commercial
. Phone 19T." .
Ftenslar Ageucy
General Reduction in Rates
Made by Dairies Oper
ating in Salem
What might have been a "milk
war" in Salem subsided in a quiet
cut of two cents per quart in. the
retail price of milk here yester
day when Capital dairies took the
lead and others followed.
The local cut is in line with the
general trend of the dairy market
which "has been on the toboggan
for some time. Local butter fat
prices were cut to 36 cents Satur
day and the price of whole milk
has been steadily on the down
grad for sometime.
The slump in butter fat prices
has trown a surplus of whole milk
on the market, since dairy men
can not produce butter fat at the
present price and have tried to
sell milk instead. This has caused
an over production of milk, with
the resulting price drop.
Improved weather conditions
have increased the milk produc
tion, which slumped slightly dur
ing the cold wave.
No further cut in the retail
price is expected soon, although
increased production In the spring
may bring a further cut.
Although Salem residents are
glad that snow days are apparent
ly over, other parts of the coun
ty are still looking out each day
upon a white ground. Because It
is so, a Lincoln resident writes to
The Statesman of feeding birds
there, hoping that others will see
that birds in their neighborhood
are taken care of so long as need
Says the correspondent:
"A very popular feeding place
for the birds since the snow came
is in the orchard on the Willam
ette river on C. C. Grimm's place
at Lincoln, where flocks of birds
of many varieties congregate each
day to partake of the banquet
spread by Mr. Grimm for them.
"Quail, pheasants and several
smaller kinds feast on the apples
and grain put out. Also in the
yard at Lincoln store which is
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Grimm,
large flocks are attracted by the
scattering of breakfast oats, corn
and sliced apples oa tables to
which come snow birds, yellow
hammer, robins, brown birds and
a red variety.
"The birds come at daybreak
staying until dusk. Invitations to
the feast Eeem to have been
broadcast to all the hungry birds.
Suit to restrain the secretary of
state from printing on the official
ballot at the general election next
November, ballot title for the ref
erendum measure attacking the
1929 legislative act authorizing
two additional circuit judges in
Multnomah county, was filed in
Marion county circuit court here
Saturday. The suit was filed under
the title of the State of Oregon
ex rel John Carson, district attor
ney of Marion count, vs. Hal E.
Hoss, secretary of state. The com
plaint was prepared by James W.
Crawford, Portland attorney.
It was alleged in the complaint
that the petitions for tbe refer
endum circulated in Multnomah
county were not the same petl-
Am ril lutwtf haw Rave Arairfn
, . .i x. -i ; . a . x -v
lets in quarter of a gUs of water,
ant MrvlA wJlt TTntil vonve tried
it, yon can't believe how quickly you
get complete relief. You've often been
advisea to gargie ior sore uroa vr
fAnailitiL hut it ta ttkt HOm, 0SniI
that. counts. Gargle-'Bayer Aspirin,
and you get results. Beal relief, and
th font inn cffeetnallv reduced. To
break-up a cold, stop neuralgic pains,
and headaches from any cause, physi-
ClolU WT uicn uvuimg kiwi
Vta-vor. Thrr will tell VOU. too. it
does not depress the heart. So youV
safe if the boxysays nayeri au orug
toics. " Asnfrfn is the trade mark a
Barer: manufacture . of moaoaeetie
actdester ox saiicyucaaa. -
Think of
PEira mm
judges inn
" -' ' iiiirfll-
lions nor did sot conform to the
petitions filed la the offices of
the secretary of state. The farth
er enargs was made that the bal
lot title prepared by the attorney,
general related only to the peti
tions filed with the secretary of
state and made no reference to
the petitions circulated among the
voters in Multnomah county.
The act authorizing the two ad
ditional circuit judges in Multno
mah county was passed by the
1S29 legislature during the clos
ing days of the session, and later
was signed by the late Governor
Before the act became effective
referendum petitions were circul
ated In Multnomah county, and
subsequently filed with the secre
tary of state. The referendum at
tack was sponsored by William F.
Woodward, of Portland, ex-member
of the legislature.
The suit filed here today urges
an order in the court declaring
the referendum petition ineffectu
al and void.
In case the injunction order
sought in the proceeding is de
nied the referendum of the judge
bill will go before the voters at
the general election next Novem
ber. Condemnation .
Proceedings to
Be Instituted
Suit will be filed against the
MacLeay estate in Curry county
circuit court next week to con
demn certain lands which are
needed in connection with the
construction of the Rogue river
bridge on the Roosevelt highway
near Wedderburn.
The state has offered about
13500 for the land, but the own
ers are demanding 211,000. At
torneys for the highway depart
ment said other lands must' be ac
quired in connection with the new
Relative of Local
Folk Passes Away,
Mrs. G. O. Talmage who wltS
Mr. Talmage is spending the win
ter at the home of their son, C. H
Talmage, on Hazel avenue, re
ceived word yesterday of " the
death of her sister, Mrs. Helen J
Frary of Oakfield, N. Y. The de
ceased was 84 years of age. She
leaves another sister, Mrs. Laura
H. Stuart of Spokane.
Family Thrills
Eft. u ft. Mtors.
9 tfut - ewe .
I Just phoned the Landlord and
told him the gas stove was leak
ing and asked him what steps to
take, and he B&id Long onesf
long ones!
Pleasant surroundings and
food prepared and served
appetizingly are incentives
x for you to eat your Sunday
dinner here.
222 Vi N. Com'!
Our Next
All Talking
Janet Gsyas
Cnaa. Fane!
2 "HOT
Ykier McLaglea
Ftf Denny -El
. George "Arose .
'I rVamer Baxter
I Sound, stars, and the
Caplter gervioe.
sen a
i i
u vv n
Ll fan, WY