cxAMxnsa asvextxsxkh -ttgs,p Ila- -. U X3- s-is Classified Advertising, per Iise '-! .- sue ClastiCied A-vertialsg. p f Cm One aaBta,' dally Bad gnltj Copy for this par accepted va tn 6:30 the evening before publi cation tor claudication. Copy ra-sel-ed after this time w-B b nra under th heading Tea Leto to classify. HELP WANTED MALE MAN wasted well aeqaamted. re-1 liable '"X1- aa iSTrty Of U M-d-SpS WMOca-, T rooms, lot f -7v2?tU. RKARD PANT5?" C!JB S33e U S-ndsef 150 Wm iSr .KTffTl'i $2300-1300 cn room lot 75s- M ANTJFACTURER WANTS MS- TRIBUTOR FOR SOS-mU 1 Vn. r ; ; .. . . . " I C" f 11VK IHU 2U1 X KIM aimn. II. 1 FEDERAL DISTRIBUTORS GET Tin vr-M-t M.u.i I THTir. vi akI-rnTii- I IXOD CO, 2S01 Archer. Chicago. nouiABuu jjoain LnsrniMite ana Lilrt.Wi?J?-5?t,':r,"l I wTCSk& UfV fjPm aAMBIft7ULaj SfTVI,lltUi work. Fall Information write PERIS Mfu uul, Fiona, ra. sjaavsaaaajiaaaaaaajjt 1 aaWalaWajlaWMaaraw MEN , 14 PER DXT An old established manufacturing; concern will add threa neat appearing men. Detwean za and 4 a to their or mnlnikm. KTTMrtnno sat sjm nn. I tial as ability to work and follow In- I irui'uuu we wiu leacu i"ix anai now yoo, aiao pay you t Ter 4UT for time apeat training If you Qualify. CAIjAi tugsuat 11 A. U. SHARP Rvm 147 North Commercial iirj n WA VTCTI ETPHf AT V I i uiuouv 1 r MART ROSE BEPRESENTATIVR I famous dresses; hosiery; lingerie; ahort hours, no ex DC Hence fres eauio- mnit; $35 weekly. RODASI CO., 39$ Itodasl Bldg. Cincinnati, O. ADDRESSING envelopes at home, spare time. Earn substantial pay wkly. exp. unnec. Dignified employ- tlalfr r'Vs KAnsaSst SitvyiAB MAMAntt Pluf- PWYmenF MQR. ill Et 'hicajrov INDu . .WOMAN WANTED FOR TRAVEL- ING POSITIOV Open February 10th, not married. eritirely unincumbered, between 25 and uooa eaucation essential Salary. l"tius and transportation. Give ape. t-dtieatlon, experience. F. E. COMP- i TON A CO., 1002 N. Dearborn, CKl- SALESMEN WANTED - -.-inntwiiiilfir GUARANTEED PRODUCT TXil ALS GAS 3c GALLON. No fake. oh1 commission to agents. Free par ticulars -and proof. J. H. SykeS, Ti Kiid. Oregon. SALESMAN Earn $4,000-$10,000 a year easy representing million dol lar manufacturer. No cash required. teed naint. varnish, rooflne nit f;ictiv I Vrices direct to user on lonf, easyj,.. S'JS TUCKER terms. Experience unnecessary, per- I " S. Com L Phone 2161 rianent position. Exclusive territory. I The Adams Paint Co., Dept L-4. 4-leveland, Ohio. - YOUR OWN BUSINESS GO Into business for yourself. Be Independent Represent Darts made- to-measure clothes, sold direct to bearer at $24.50 to $50. Davis rlothes l-ear a national reputation for high- I -st-iuanty labrlcs, superior tailoring, aa RuaranteeU customer &ttUfaotion. fH Tllt?l 1 Ara tXiti str. r il!ing. Write for details. P. H. ra- vtjs lauoring v;o., w lowa Ave, Cin cinnati, Ohio. J SITUATIONS WANTED j IARRIED man would like employ. Miit In a seed and feed store. Ex perienced. Could make small iavfest lnt. ' BOX J-82. Statesman FOR SALE Miscellaneous 'SALEM Scavenger service call 167. , : '.TOR BALE All kinds of" woodL I ' A. TUCKER 1939J. T -irYTr-' ri ' 1 u-xnjjxruirjf X.UMBER, winter price reduction o" in efs?ct on all our himber. Large r small loada HOLLYWOOD LUM BER YARDS, phone 2330J. ... i-i-i-fimirii ir.innriin.ri n ALFALFA hay L. Town send. 10 sulks N. of Salem. Mission Botto-a. Cali 71F82. OAT and vetch hay. $25 ton. M C.I SaUth. R. 1, Brooks, Oregon. PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, raw and used. Adders and typewriters for rent Typewriter Exchange, 421 Court afreet 1 .'Nil BONE eorslettes, corsets, sur gical belts. Mrs. G. H. Uttiefietd. 4tiono 2367. ' FOR SALE Police puppies, t weeks M, subject to registration. 565 N. IBgii. FOR SALE Good team and bar r.ess. 1906 N. 5th St. Salem. DRAG saw perfect condition, $50. 84, or will operate by day or contract Inquire 480 Center street. FOR SALE Cheap, three 800 egg feach) capacity Incubators and one Ltnoder. H. L Stiff. -wvwww--wt- MUST sacrifice new Alto Buescher aasoptume. Address Box' care HtntgsmaJi. gRADE MISCELLANEOUS s FOR EXCHANGE GOOD Chevrolet Coupe with good tires and In good running condition to exchange for a vacant lot LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 8 to Stat Street Phone 1727 VVANTED Miscellaneoi-s WAWT-tD Uad planoa. In ex chanae t Radios, phonographs, or fur rlnrre. H. I- Stiff Furniture Company. ; WANTED A $1,000.00 worth of sed furniture. Must be In good con dition. See Home Furniture Co. 365 ftourt8tCashpaldBPhonS r OR RENT ROOMS , FOR . RHNT Desirable sleeping rsoaae Heat and hot water. Garage If wanted. Phone 1390J. r WARM room, close in. Phone 585W. SLEEPING ROOMS 1 suitable for studios. Near state house. Phone 668R. . " ROOM aad BOARD . 10&m0 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnjmmm1mm mmm ROOM aad board la down town res idence. 522 J. sTTIR RHNt-APARTMkNTS JusrresJsO',t Aoartments--$lf and $17. Damon . Grocery, 898 N. Coml. WE have 8v t room apt which win provide every convenience at a reas onable cost to yo. AMBASSADOR) APT. Telephone 1$73 Desirable room wetj bested apt Pbon 1362M. - XVE-T T ,IJ .n.rin . . tf. FURNISHED Ilrst ooor apt, neat both. 6 union.. . APT. tor rent and garage. Inquire NICB three room ruraisnea apart - ! rnace. heat garage. SdUltS only, near state house. 1064 Oak St g ROOM--Clo In. furntehed apt. ground floor ; garage. 664 lew. ,.,r0-m Zr"1 t awivnte bath. 1047 So. Com 'I. MODERN bouse, good - condition. I FOB RENT flOtJSES -FOR RENT -toeaes C-U-thed and 1 WOOD S41 Stat Street $15 month, furnished 5room bouse, Hath mrML tt A7 XI T-TlavW 1 .FOR RENT I nan cottage. SOI Market at Practically new house. Will rest tor only $13.68 per month, with leas. Km fivnor Hmu s -to rv. I J. A. White, 345 Court street I FOR sale real ESTATE H. AC. EARIJ.: . 1 " ZZ4 No. High St. Phone S24S. I ,J , EXCEPTIOXAL HOVTR TWITS TTk " V "1VT " I.T-lT.: umia. r ie voratain mubuhdi .ium luiuusuwu. tuiwma Hoon At . . . 9 I ET T.i. oIT -.."V.. '.- wjuuiuuii, avtiu i wnm so uatiuice. i 5 rooms, all modern tnmniow. nvd atnet. Konh k.i. cash, balance term SOCOIiOPSKr A sow . First Narlanat Bank Bulldlnf FOR SALE Real Estate" BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK 49 acres -well tmrrYvrt vfr Mmtft I home, modern. mbuiIm IS mmAl ns Kiir.. JL. ji rTi. I . nnd equipment. A money maker now, xerma. S rooms, full basemsnt, fireplace, lurnace, Breaaiasc nooK, garage, mod ern. Unfinished attic 1 V4 acres In W. Salem. Almost new 4 room house. Good black soil. Nice fu,t trees, sotns berries. Good water. in view, un cravet roa Have cash bover for home tn nnrth- Prt of city. Pries about $4000. Let US writs Your Insurance. Plenty of moner to loan Rich r. nrnrnvN I 210 N. High St Phone 865. vwwwwvwvHAAAMwwtfMw 1 GARDEN TIME COMING I WHY NOT 1 BUT one of thesn riles tracts vW I 'ou. can have your own milk, butter. iruic ana vee tames ana oe ln- Cf W.0n. PaV,-me.nt' 5 R" house, basement, electric water sys- lTi ?12ZJigh on c,,ty -0 pries only $3000.00; FSrFrrv MrtT.Tro'sr ctdtj.v STRICTLY MODERN SUBURBAN -Rorns. ath, toilet, basement, fur- nace, electric water system, acre ground. Double garage. concrete walks, corner tract on pavement and city bus line. 10 large bearing cherry and 4 bearlne walnn! Ftoautifnl lawn. Inside nicely tinted and clean. I A real bargain for $5100.00. Improve ment worth the price. $1000.00 down ; balance easy. 5-ACRES $2600.00 GOOD 4 -It. house, barn, garage. ijuunry HUU9F, une iamny orcnard, ex tra good land, 5 miles north of Salem. $500.00 down; balance like rent Why wait until all these are sold, and the weather gets good. You will Pay more. SEE "nnnrwwA g ROOITI SaleiTl Home xvws ual" I1WU1B Good Location to trade for acreage. Address IS, cars Statesman. """ oww, .mhomi FOR R1T V T room house on choice lot 10x160. located In South Salem In good rest- I dentlal aistrict has a garage and some shade trees. Priced very low at I . IV CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street fhone 1727. I ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT J-laO. .Buys a neat 4 room bungalow . with fireDlare. larsw nunhlnaiinn uinK ana rfiininr room. nn imi I room, bath and built in kitchen. includes electric range, corner lot both streets paved, located one I a 1 m uuo line ana iwa ' blocks from school. down ; balance $S0. D-r mo. IMMEDI- ATE . POSSESSION. See this . nnma tnHn r I FAIRMOUNT HILL $8400. Modern up to date seven room home located on large corner 100x100 feet both sis. paved, built about two years ago. Just like new tn the best of condition. large Mrtag room with oak floor ?2 "om With o"i" m Kcnen, nooa. '"ur. c we rooms, -.wis is on I of th best buys in Salem and must be sold for cash. I aiPornpp cur I $i900. Modern four room ham with I targe living room with oak floor ana nice rireplace, dining room with oak floor, halL bath and one nice bedroom, built in kitchen. wiraa xor ereciric range, run ce ment base-sent, furnace, laundry trays. -gara-re. with cement drive. paved st. an re 33! st. ONLY $250. DOWN, bal- 1 35. per month. BEFORE BUT COMPARE VALUES YOU BIT WITH THIS PROPERTY. SOUTH SALEM BARGAIN 13000. Well located 5 room home with I basement Snd furnace, garage, comer lot paved st, only one I block from bun line and three blocks from school. 1780 dowa : balance mortgage payable $33.88 per mo. LOCATED IN THE FAIRMOUNT HILL DISTRICT. Investigate this bargain. ACT NOW. r REAL ESTATE A FIRE INSURANCES W. H. GRABENHORST 4t CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Phone 516 v-. .wwww. BUY LIKE RENT One aer boan not far out with three room I'PV8' . ,T?'1 .vateI' FIel..,L Price $1350. $25 down: balance 820 per mo. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. Six room house with small basement located close in, south part of town. Price $2450; $25- down: $25 per mo. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street Phone 515 SNAP LOOK LOOK A HOME WITH AN INCOME . Two House for 150 Both so on lot Pries $9S9. $59 down. bal. ltks rent One bag S twins, plaster beard with lee lights, city water. 3 R. house in rear rente for $t tnenth, WbryresvtJ ess THOMASON er MRS. CLARKE 341 State Street Room 4. HOJCB ft INCOMB Owner of duplex house on corner niw a hka frara City Hall makes spectel ffsr for 10 ebye. Only $,- VVVt X U1SS SB m WUMiH -1 JWM SE-S Mrs. bsh wrh LEO NL CHILDS CO.. Realtors $2 State atreet Phone 1737. , $1259. T room bouse in good condi tio-, 'rg jot wiua mm u a. $2300. 5 room bouse, fla lot, wltn Mimu. si as $1150. room bungalow fin lot and -.. a . A A. - v is i m e, 1100- down. . -- wit. (Bftstupwii, sn aasagr gwi i mw aruMlsr IMnfi YiWfl . ' furnace, swcdis garage, larg ISSi down. t$7$0. S room bungalow With nook, modern In every way, attic stair way. 8268. down. 34200. 7 room English typ boose. mooem in every wi, "..'?'' .V 7' " I W m U .. - w. . I . iiituk I 121 U. B. Ou-v . . - i nnnnnnrii-iVi-i" WANTED Closed car. on nrax F-- k","-.A; nhiVk house; '.JTwf. tttliiirtani- I . "r ."y". -y i - ' - vi - i I S M . vrms is aver trace near Salem. . i ( w mMma unwci ..-v-.-, 1 y-f two gooa ouasaiwB xw Pacific hlihway r7 SalemTlirhta. water, fruit, fair wags- zee, easy terma. . . . a. mm hip il r Miara mr i or ft MARSTER8 mahogany finish, enrage. The latest in con r straction and design. Lot 2270 Center Street. HOUSE BARGAINS flan tola ..v. .. 4..- 1 "0ft$500 cash. I roonu, lot 84- $l$0o $100 cash, i rooms, lot i. iiiw fiao ca sn, room, lot x- - - . . . - . "i - .... .... . .. -uvw iw cun, rsainik 1 aero. rooms, a ioi auxif 4, ia Lu. ili termT M)T BARGAINS 1650 Irrecular, Walaat Park; cash. terms, trade car. 1120050x150. Johns St, frujt aod aats. hnpror. street, easfa, terma $80045x135. No. Hth, fruit, nuts, assume pavement, walk. Cash, terma $50 0xl8J, Nob SOU annex, fin soil, easb, terms. SJOO 2xl7. Nob EIU annex. h .na t juiA envfi . Cash, 75 50x100, So. Com. cash, terma $(00 Breymaa .St, cash, terms, trade with other equities. Larfe and small farms, ' homes, apartment houses, grocery. Farms and houses for beacb prop erty. Farms for houses, houses for farms, KELLY REALTY CO. Ill South Church Street Salem FOR SALE New fttMise. Mt btM w mwi usea. tHTtau payment Terms. By own' er. Call 2274 N. Church. SPECIAL. ., New. strictly modern S room Engr- usn lype nome. near xarrisn higrn. Paved street and walk, east front room for two more rooms on second floor, stairs in. w iu sell lor less than cost to build -rane some trade. W. A. LISTON E. E. ROBERTS Masonic Building; IF its filberts von want. M iSarvn them. CS acres Hovelr land with btiild- I lnga and Uiv. acres of alx-year old uioerrs. Want large house near In. W. A. LISTON K E. ROBERT3 Masonic Building EXCHANGE Real Estate W'WVWVW"',X' " ;'vw'' EXCHANGE We have a mighty fine St" sere farm muea rrom fcalera lor sals at bargain, or will accept property near Oreland. Calif. Price $13,000 in- ciuamg 10 nead or irood stock. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. A clear room house rented In Dundee, Ore. Worth $2000 to apply on a modern home in Jason Lee dis trict. d 6 room house near ths Leslie U, h school, list vour deals. Have clear houses to exchange for prune acreage, what have you? A clear producing 320 acres in Min nesota worth real money to exchange ror gooa property nere. tt r. grant 180 N. Commercial Phone 24S2-1L Small acreage Dartly improved. close in. price $1750. Tak good, car wwwwwwwvww or 101 in on it. ztzu unerry ave. California for Oregon Have 4 room modern house, including Stt I acres, fine land. Want Salem proper- I ty or lmprov ea acreage property. 1 v ortn 4Zso. tTee ana clear. tse 1 . 11 x.- 1, in I i.nnn nuiini ,ui nuui, i mam i Court street or phone S483. - cat ttw m,-i. a -ht - - , h. Want 1 to 5 acrea near Salem. Good house and improvements. Phone own- er 2101 todav I SEVERAL Income properties and i- .n...v..- Vi 1 rhanT for Willamette firm Wranertv. " : . r also Pasadena homes to trade for 1 fnt nmnortv. aii irinA. f incnninoA I writtAn 1 SER JOTTV W OkhL REALTOR I - No. 123 New BUgh Buliding mmmmmmm''Smmmmmmmmmm .'If i" itf?" JT'l" I WE hun aevat-l larn farm- to 1' Z'Ztnrr': s,- x7hnV. .V ruf(. r , . ., Uit m'w,,t,,pTff?Vf; . Com la and w A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Ral Estate Loans Insurance l" -w . Baleen, Oregon TO TRADE High tmwoved St acres on highway to trade for pasture land In valley, . 1200 acres eastern Oregon stofck land, good building to trade for vaUey 'arm. $2900 Five room English type modern house, corner lot 1500 cash : balance, terma It year walnut grove, take part city. See OEISER with ANDERSON A RUPERT 189 South High Street FOR SALE FARMS I WTMTn K a.-.. -lth t.n mnrmm tw.r I mat filbert. hl finest class Land I within seven miles. Salem fos - sate I or will e-ehange equity for Salem 1 property. This is a fine proposition. I Also we Write all kinds of Insurance. SEE JOHN W. ORR, REALTOR No. 123 New BUgh Bldg. ACREAGE 5 A.-t R. house, largs bam. chicken nouse, clone o aciiuoi, w ra.w- ford peach trees, other fruit and K.-.I.. Itnn m, 11 A. 1-4 mL of city limits. I R. mod- era house, barn, family orchard, on paved road, electric lights. $7,- auu terms, or wouta taao s bouse La Salem. U Vd3-ne,, tiJ J, highway. 1-4 ml of church aad scnoot, Diaenr sou. gzosv lerm. to ilr lAa-T?-B?. n2..,.rn' spring; pnane orchard, $500 down. 3W8 lit A. 18$ In cultiratloa, II A. or chard, t h. boose and other farm IraUdihga. 8 mL to R. R., running water, timber for. SSSO eerds. pnea 8i7,6eo win take dry tmjperty to, $500$. mnu n money to loan. Timrane. -USL.V1M JOHNSON 318 U. a Bank Bid. Pbe 6X7 20 A. all Is bearing aherria. r-d- nwvi bm prune, stgnuy piace on pas'. -ug near naie-a, etec. avaiiapie. 6$os. 170 A. farm absnf t tet tnm ia urnner. is young cnerrtea. springe 1 rssnaiader ha cm livat-on. a a fori J ths mortgage against R wbtob ft aa-aa.ftM ft 1VhS at at A - - - gn .. I amouats to about $40 an aore. These sw iaiinany too y . WINNIE PETTYJOHN SUCAXTOR mlft Seeth High-Street -TWO SNAPS TWO STTBURRAN HOMES- MUST b sold at on ML mice, war below value. . Beautiful 8 acre tract deep black fertile soil, about ens A. la bearing Z.., i.. I --- " T m - " - i DouiErr mini, ma. ( m ior nn-iTT I a. art nf Halem . not tmr mif iiTasJL-i $3506. good I ess. -lust no sold. Tax 10 A. FARM. 33506 A wonderful buy. good land, good rj . 'a T 7. x Yon: casrc 1 I 7 kmar F?n-r---M I - 0SCIlTET--T0MA8Olr- i ftr him. -..-. w l,n t. . P-n Shwa by appointment only. Splendid, acreage do, to Salem te I "cnana. jgF..-" "i.tZ T. I tviV- i .ti an-a- r I - i ejear wm, ' -- - 1 1 JOHN" lv"oiRTCTR5ALT(R No. 12s New taiga tuam. or car taken as down ACREAGE 1517 ACRES alfalfa, wheat potato and pasture tend In northern Calif. 20 in tult : SOS mors easily put la cult, fufly eqntpped. ts trade for good auto park or apartment hoosa. 1$ acres, rood 4 room house, bars and chicken hoosa near Hosier, ts trade ror Salem property. Fries S3, 500. I acres cherries and-walnuts, fait blag., near Salsa. $5.04 . Might tak good bouse up to $3500. or trade for lnmroved butter farm. These nlaces all free of tactmbraaoas. SSfi J. LINCOLN ELLIS 4 ST Center Fbons 2127. 1yiWIWWWXMIHHIiMWW0MWMMH sail, t room house, garage and some fruit $200 down. rood location. $250 down. ft ACRES S sal. from Wood burn, best of sou, farm buildings, running water. $11$ car A. 1V4 down. 11 A. 3-4 mi. from Salem, 6 room modern boms, f isw. ttiii taw house In Salem or Newport 111 A. Its eulUvated. It A- orchard, 7 room house, other farm build inga, ranning water, timber for 1000 cords of wood. Will trade for ctty property. Pries $17,500. 329 A. IS ml. from Balsm. all fenesd. 4 springs. S room house, 14S A. In grain. $40 per acre. Will trad for smaller farm or city prop erty. $5000. to loan. Tire Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON S20 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone 637. tinju uaiki iTAiua u.x wwr 1 mArTT?a . tn....u A?1?13 ??. I?osv.1t hUjhway l c2luva"02l paiE8 P: I vu., vicn a.u Byline, . I room house with spring water piped I to nous, large Darn with zs stanch ions, lots of machinery, milking-machine and JJ cows Prieed at 125.000. Will take clear property in or near Salem up to $10.000.. pr $5000 cash win nanaie. SEE C. J. Jackson with J. F. ULRICH CO. 129 North Commercial St reet WANTED REAL ESTATE "STING J?" h0"868! cr- Kelly Realty Co., 191 South Church street WANTED To hear from owner of rarm or unimproved land for Bale. O. b riawiey, Baldwin, Wis. WANTED TO REN T Modern wuk; ai rooms or more; will tae I yearly lease; must have shade and 1 km. ..imi.iI n .4 . . .1 J 1 j 1. . I Place out of eitv limits with modera I improvements, on lease with option to I buv later from 3 to 5 scrpa. Rmr 24K I Statesman. I -----wy--M-vw-M-.rww I EXPERIENCED farmer, married. I wants equipped farm on shares Good 1 references. L. L. Little, Route 1, Box ass. mamatn rails, ore. Business Opportunities - - -' i -mrwnn rxrcruxAj WE have a $60,000.00 income prop- wt- nave a splendid cherry and prune orchard near Salem to offer on Investment basis. Will stand in veri erauon ana can use oaiem property as iar pay. MfirFrRTST a ppwrvnTov 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 146. - - v . .... w m. . ......... v. . u.. IF you want In business of anv xina see ixuis Bechtcl-George T'llmason . r, Mr- , Clarke at 841 State street Room 4, for real bar gains in grocery stores, service sta- ona and other lines. IDEAL location for service, station, wo Bm income ior me. reasonable. Fairgrounds Road. SEE E. V. Pence or Wm. A. Bond, 122 N. v-uniuieraai oiree- FINE service station well located lem tor sale. xcnange or lease. We write all kinds of Insurance SEE JOHN W. ORR, REALTOR No. 123 New Bitgh Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN OH VARMS ANTJ CfTT REAL . I TATS, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. ffTJUrr NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 1 ' CTTY AND FARM loan at rates. Best terma btanbio. Our 1 insarnc. oeparcaenv ouara tow sa I pert dj d awlnaR lines. I HAWKINS ROBERTS fine.) TeL 1427 SOS Oregon Bl Bid. $1008. to IStOt to Gertrude J. M. Page. I PrivHtfi MflYieV tl I OA ft rTIVe IVICney W UUBU IAT?f TAiMSPlMtr at manwr to loan on good farm security. City Loans Ws are loaning Prudential la- auranca cotn-any monar sn city rest - j umvo a. income prop- 1 wiuci iic muucu ui our Ii-ii,,.i rn.j fnw rl llliu A erty in Salem andf will consider clear I stock, priced from $10.00 up trades li1.. Tf ver farm up to $20,000 as part payment f and your own terms within reason CTnranTwa " ' denoss ana Daswess propertyax l... . per cent plus a commlsirtoa. Rawklari!2 Fordor Sedan, as Is 78. St KODea-xs. zua uregoa xsuuauaa. CTTY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable RatesNo Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOA3I ASSOCIATION 70S- First National Bank Bide, Phone 457 Salem. Oregon PERSONAL LOANS MAV3K on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security.- Repayable monthly, when in rinaneuu neea us before closing a loan. VAS ?US'IA 1 n.Vi, nli. 1 an 1 r. yA-0-? -Bante-Pi J?PBf I -- ......-.... . Vtr ,uaa HONKT IXJAIVEL ( AUTOS) Contracts Refla-ttoeA Arrange to reduce yoar payments. You keep the car. P. A. RHOEf . V ft i ae i t7 J Pboo HI aalaca. Ore. s-t'. -- a ;s ww il. r a m LOANS Te men and women steadily oloyed ON YOUR PLAIN I ItOTE lowest races eaaiesi paymcuis. i- -.-S1 "rSS notes, furniture, pianos and ota- r Mnonal nroMrtv zw m.vr xru. iv ja.x AU transactione atriciy com - 213 OregBlte teliliret WArs: Licensed by rfsbT MONEY TO LOAN en real estate. homes and farm. Best tersaa, no de lay. P. H. tlEI-L Sl$ U. Unk Bldg. 835.008 prrrat snooey to loaua city or country aeurtty. ' SUWii OISAt BUS Pbooe tft -j lANS rV-aiTI-D W hare several applications I Haw-dnsr Roberta. Ua. 806 O gww Wlas UVE STOCK and FOULfiUY fresh and sorincer cow foe as e or trade. Red barn at N. CWL aad I rvihTmhis. Terms if desired. I METJIOM WRiVl UARTTBTP I IIS North High street . I nrkTTT.aW -n int-wS Ml amount at any time. 81 fonluy Co- 399 8. High st, mono ase.;-Migni lllHt rMTgtft r h.rTiTi-r. aRMctal aartc January and February aettlngA. tepwl e-g. Order space now. Baby chicks 1 every sreex begtantngr m. it. 123FS. Lse'S Hatchery. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY BUSINESS DIRECT03Y ? FOR 8AUS-4 sonad. well matched .ntnwvrrra marea, 2 ystmgt muML WL 260s. W. ATJCXlOrfEEuS -gvyy-'t1-'- 1?'. ?f . . . Erroy Nash Sales Co. btry. and F- N. WOOdry sells bay. horses, mules, top price paid 1$ Trs. Salem's leading; Auctioneer for good eows. Fhoas 2864. Rout t, and Faiuttui Dealer Box I-C-C Residenc and Store m, - , . 1610 N. Sssnmer St FOCB Jeratr heifers, fresh sad Phone til coming fresh. Dallas highway. Box , 1IIA. Phofl 11IF14. COU A. I STEVENSON ae- nwowtw.,. . wwnwi ttoneer, St years experience la ths FOR SALE April batched White Willamette valley, for dates or ar- Leghorn pullets. rangeinentS phone or write. A. L. F. L. BUELL, Rt T. Box It Btevepson. CorvalMa Oregon. . Phone Z442J. Salem. Tmmmmmmm7mmmmmm 1 1 1 , ' BA1TERI ELECTRICIAN - FOR SALE WOOD .. R. XX mrton Naoonal BatttrteS w. m.mi .m Starter aad generator work. it$ Wood Keimey rust Oo. TeL 1362M. Ponth- Hlew - - . 1 HARD maple. $6.50 cord. Old Or ... . .nmis amd. Znd growth. Phone 3F23. BIClCLE REFAtRING DRY fir and oak wood, eoal and t jvtt e. Btaengw fw.wKiT ds?rerr f .H HndfcrerDN7nbU satjBRti .gKRAO' CHIROPRACTORS OUAJU.NTEIBO DRY Wood uul. . . Pr. O. U 8COTT. PSC. CMropractor. T4. 1$. fcaiem rul Cou K$ Trad. t56 ft. High. Tel. $. He. X1S4-J. - THE best wood In the ctty for the DRS. SCOFZELD, Palmer Chlro money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt Piactora X-Ray and N. a II. New delivery. Phone SS5. PanstBkgg. H WB hare 16" wood on band all the , MASSEUR and magnetic treatments time. Prompt delivery. S4S 8. 13th, feT11 AUtS,?15 pmm' Cofcbs MUcheU Co, phone 11$. Phone Z07W. 330 N. High. VFsjsMssSSasafrsgjsWisVsalsas r - " ' 1 - " ' noi?AJJZZ CLEANING SERVICE ?rZ?ihP1 Pr0mPt de"T" Centg6tValeterta. tel.SSST. " DRY 16-tn. old ftr. 4 ft fir. oak and Bu sicks, ash. -Cord measure. C U. Harbaugh, ! 838 Highland ave, phone lt0. COSTUMES f'su, CornVGae. tTh Dry fir snd maple. Phone 102 SM. """""""""""" ELECTRICIANS . . sviTTKrTi HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 411 North LOST and FOUND front at. Tel. No. 1. LOST Pair iars for well drill, on highway somewliere between The Twiie. and Salem. Jan. 17-1930. Re- ward. C. A. Wltcraft lilt Birch St rii. Orecon. wregon. PERSONAL CONSUMITION Free booklet worth weight in gold, with sworn aff I- 1 davits from those wiio had consump tion now welt G. S. Jordan, 44 T Delta mat. Los Angeles, fjauc FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars With No Regrets Tim-. I. , iI,m, In inn, Ao.lfn-a wltn USL Honety " our reed- bvt a , , NO iYliS representation You can buy cars her with corn- P18 safety and satisfaction. 130 Type Hudson Coach like new r?97S.0t ivs c.ssex ctanuara beuan run less than zuoo miles S75.B0 11 Hudson Standard sedan. New paint snd tires and ov er hauled 875.00 1928 Type Pontiac coach ex tra good 425.00 1927 Chev. Imperial sedan, new paint 425.00 If... a.ka fA. . .a 1 , I Open nights and Sunday a State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX-PACKARD Corner Chemeketa A High Phone 1000 mmm " i---r"aOrV-aii- "TuXTU'Xrt nrutA 1929 Chev. sedan. Karl-Keen trunk J" J C. II. WALKER, Turner, Ore. 1 - -ir-kf-xxfija.- 1128 DodCti Count, short wheel h-tv I wneei DraKes. oeriect conditloa. -ri itg fiv,uv 1 e nil 3. See Hunt Valley Motor Co. Phone 1995 aaa xw ValJey Motor Co. - Buy With Safety - Over 809 satisfied customers pur- Ichssed used cars from us last year be cause our Drices wera Imrapmmtm. oer we secure used cars for less and at their real value we also handle them in large Quantities. WATCH FOR I OUR DAILY CURB SPECIALS dur- J ljjj Touring lszs Toarmg 1927 Touring I I im Cup, il 55 1 1923 Coup 1 124 Coup 1 1 Coupe vu.uv 135.00 ii uoup 190.00 00 1924 Tudor Sedan , 125.00 1925 Tudor Sedan Ruckstell 150.00 1924 Fordor Sedan 165.00 182$ Tudor Sedan 180.00 W have a rami Model A Ford Coupes, Fordor Sedans and-trucks. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 1995 VUit McKay's Used Car . . . , I aiOre. VneiUCBCWt St., between High and Church Sts. $50 - - Sixty - - 60 values will surprise yoi Comoare of prinng. call at the StaWn wear. whits, $1.15; hard winter 5S prices- Compare p.,.. Tpartmant tit R Coeaiaer "frthera aprlag weatara red 831.18. 1S38 Tourlns t 43 00 cUl Tel 800- Oata, No. 8 88 lb. white $84. Barley, y. till ."i : 5t-2X !!!!L1ZZ11 2.45 Ik. B. W. 33. Corn. Ke. 8 eastern I no K mAnrh v4 Kuoir. 4--.-.l I DDIBU. Ill UK I DOOKI DT IF 145.00 1 I tU4- Da-k.1s rra rl C-PTTAL City Transfer Co. 331 I Heavy weight $9.00 Q 10.75; steelam Light. PODUlar CarS tOU.h.V T.L iU rybuttag- frlJeat IfSstlMSi Nrbt weifM 10.75 - . Choose from, open and I . . , .1 i ciosea moaeis. I . -r cm carries our u. tv. Tatr. Prices are ex-1 l ... 4S-.1JI M l1"""1 IUW' OU1U W"i f.eW PlfSt 1131100111 HdJK a. M. A. Cs Easy Pay- ment Plan. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Phones: Main Office 1 1.502. Cfaem, SU Store 2775-W. Don't forget we still tUVe OUT lot Otl High I . . . or. next to city nan At McKay's 840 Chemeketa Tors. 2s model A. blue snort road. star, only rvm T70 nes last like IUa.68. " mtmm Mam ornce, i x. VT i d aa be- " . ,v7t ' r- - t?A-lTJ34--l CAE3 CASH pM Car Feeds kr Ant. atie-1 FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasi Olsea's. Court High St. Tel. 10 L CUT. Flowers, wedding bouauets Bretthaapt tlorlet 812 Stats Street I ITef sss INSURANCE utxj.; at iiiNKr:s 1 189 N. Hlgn Tet 161 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 121$ Uasonk) Bide Phsa No. $$!. West Coast Life In sn ranee Co ' Insored . Savings." 305 First National Bank Building TeL. 970. H. J. Harder. Dist Mgr. WARREN F. POWERS Uis and General Insuranco I Tel. 607. sis v a. Sana Biag. LAUNDRIES I THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY I THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone Si fit a High CiPTTAL CTTY "LAUNDRY The LAundrr of Pure Materials" Telephone 165 1164 Broadway MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co- S03t North AM MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos. H, Stiff Fsfirniturs Company. GEO. C. WILL Pianos. Phono graph, sewing machines, sheet muafe and oiano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewmg machines. 431 state street Kalem PAINTING Kalsomine 83. to $5. per room, also interior painting reasonaDie prices. tel. rave inorapaon. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for boas decorating, tstperhangiag, tinting, eta ReltnWe wirVmaa PLUMBING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Pro-, 166 So. Liberty T-S PRINTING - FOR 8TATIONERT. earda. oam - . - . - OO FOR arer Darnoae. for etei r our EOF? ELECTRICAL SHOP. $3$ Court g- TeL 468 REPAIRING Alrln S. Stewart umbrella, cutlery ana icr sror snaroen ins: ana asaai I rwlrim, 381 Court. Tel. 8876J. ROOFING er,r xrTi! mam--, Aim iimm ; -r. . mi wltn snoneer zoeeinite rocs aunaeea shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. .17 N. -"Trent let sr. STOVES" 8TOVX3 and Mot tepairtns. Stores (for sals, rebnlit end repaired. AU lTs2Jrp I BOOKS. DBB a rnw mau bwt nm 1 3t tw .tr TAILORS D. H. MOSnER -Tailor for man women. 476 court Bt rRANSFERS warding and storage our specialty. Oat our rates S vyatuii iu-rAutmu . -., Bdbi rs. itii r-rrit jewx I BOX. 178 N. Llb-rty. Baletn . . ' Buiding Directory Fourth Floor . -, ..... - - 0.00 tULUlU 126.00 &. 5-'TK?ra-Hl 408 - ' REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY at BB-OtCs-i TeL lit tts If. HlgS jtey5reyd, JOSBFH BSRBKH R-CALTY CO. r. O. DELANO 390 N. Church Tet. IM ft. M. BARUB SS4 N. High St. TeL KIS, HOMER Dl FOSTKR RKALTY CO !7ttA State 8t Tai. 84$ I I - W. H, 3R ORABENHORST jCfA, 1 134 arty St ' wss, gu I OERTRUDB J. M. pAfra t till - 4" - " : aa aaaHB w I -, fanrLorsKY ft 1 104-S first Nat Bk, BMS. rt$ . F. CLRKS-t tt$- tzu 1 441 Stas T84 Salbm filarkets (Wkelesale Qootatleasl Ciaaberries. hex aoplei. leeais . Room Beauties I Jeaataaa SrimesOolda Yellow Kewtons Dates Drosedary, Be, 1-, pkgt. Coae's FUted. ess I Comb Heaey, new crop f Lemons, Calif. . .0035.2s 9.1 i.100 ltt's . ISS's 17'S totrs ait's -4.75 -5.25 00 .6.50 -T.50 -8.00 7.50 T.$0 6.50 zs rs Mrs Ceceahsts, aaik Vegetables fWselesale Qsotstioat) .14 I Canhflower. local 1.25 .1.3501.75 1.85 1.65 OS .02 H Celery, Labish, doi. Farniot, ft. . kaUkagiii. lb. Carrots -40 -.40 .80 40 0 40 Beets Tsrstps Rsdlskss Pan ley ,. ., Onion Garlie. lb. - . . I California Tsmatoet, lub .15 aioas, Yikixsa, OH Local eaisaa. la. Califoraia, Imperial Valley Beeraaaeato Canaiserc, botaoni Creea PenDcra. -lb. Hubbard Squaih. lb. larblebead- aquata fompkiaa, lb. Danish gqna&k bonthern Yams, 5 Artichokes, dotea Potatoa. local Yakima, per cwt. 2.78 to 3.00 reeds (Retail Quotation) Calf meal. 25 lbs. 1.28 Scratch, too 50.00 Corn, whole, ton . 44.00 Cracked and ground 4 6. 00 rn 84.00 Braa. ton 34.00 Egg mash .50.00 -53.00 With milk Eggs (Bnytnr. Price) v.,... Ujediuma" -2T 23 Poaitry (Bsying Pries) Stars 12 15 .07 20-22 .17-20 Roostera, old Ileariea ... . Medium! . Bur-erft (Buying Price! ) Butterfal as 39 40 Prints Cartons . Batter (Betsil Quotations) Prints . Cartons ....43 44 Grain and Say (Baying Price) Wheat, weatern red 1.03 ....1.05 .50 47 Soft white, bu. .. Oata, gray, bn. White, bu. Barley, ton -82.00 -24.00 24.0O -80.00 Hay, Ketaia Price Oats aad vetch Clover Alfalfa Dreiaed Meats (Baying Price) VeaL top -IS -IS Hogs, top Wool and Mohair -Tedium .80 -27 -25 Coarse Lamb's woel General Markets DAIEY PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 81 (AP) Prodace exchange, net prices, butter: extrai 88. ctandarda 35. nrima firsts 34: l.rrt: freak extras 81 fir 32: atandarda 31. 1 frea raedinnta zbb 29. HAY PORTLAND. Ore.. Jaa. 81 (API- Ray baying prices : eastern Oregon tim othy. $20.5021; do valley. $119.50; alfalla, fis19; clover, 816; oat hay. $10; straw, $78 ten; selling pricei $2 more. POBTLAITD GEAIX PORTLAND. Ore.. Jaa. SO f API I Wl1.1t fntni-a: I Open High Close Mar. 118 118V4 116H Mar 118-. 118 118 L J 120 119H oep. .. nun linn ii l UM aets: waeat big Kan sine- .1 ... . . .hila . 1 I W WU11., ...V, .V. . UIV. yellow, sklnnient $30.50. Millrun-ttaa- dsrd $110. PE0DUCB PORTLAND, Ore.. Jaa. 1(AP) Milk steady raw milk (4 per cent). 63.30 3.40 ewt. livard Port kind, leas 1 per coat Bntterfat, atstieaa, 84e; track, 36e; geUveries la Portland ass. I PnnTh-r hi-h nxrint rt . 1 t n. a i ik. uuit,, mmAlnm han, IK to 4 lbs 232-4.; 1 light, andar 84 lbs., broilers, 80e; prisgs. e-er 8 rbi, 24e; Fekla dneka. 4 1 lbs, and Tr, 38e; colored dneka, 16 Q I 20e: turkeys. So. 1. 80i83e: S. 3 25o; f . . HA,!. 1 Ur. . Potato! ' steady gems. Be. 1 rrads. $3 80 per ewt Uf ESXOO& POBTLANO. Ore.. Jaa. 81 (AP) Cattle aad r aires, etaasy; rseaipta, noa. Steers. 1100-1300 lbs.. $11011.50; rood. 11.00011.75: medivsa 0.50 11.00; ceasaea 1.5008.80. Belfers, geed ie.eot10.S0; eeaueea U aaim 7.50 0 10.00. Cewr. good -0Jt common t saesia 6.5001.50; kw est ter S.5fS 60. Ball.. tynrHnga esehid m a.OaS-SO: eatt t BMdiua T.ooflS 8UH. Cat, BMiaa t eneie lSsaOsB 12vM5; call ts cojamoa 8 Q 10 JO. VeaJ- ers. atilk fee. gooa te eneie is.sora 14. SO: wadiaaa 10.50 4tl3.5: eaB t conrnoa 8.50 10.60. J-s. Bteaay; seeeipt asa. lo.jf , Ufit rU .7510A. Ptckiag I--. ad aaou s. ut. Itar pigs.. e,50aigJ0. reedsr aad steekar ies 8.5S4 10.505. .tsort r stiy asgs saa rsssoag pigs I axolad i. above anot-iioea). " sheVp Q.ubi, sts4,: m Ia-aks, s m. aowa, g.aa s aas tll.cotjis; si im. sews, saestuss t 1L505: all weights, cosuaea $.50 ; 1(180. YearHac wer-trs. 110 lb, dowa. BM-raat te shea 7.50 Of 8.50. Zirea. 134 lbs. dowa, saedtana t ehatae SQtJe. 120-150 lbs, aaedui-a te caeiee t; au wtights, can aad eoauaea 8 we. - i a ii 1 1 aaaa miia 0HICA8-k, v Jaaw Sl-4AP)--a t- mritk. -i4 Brl --mi-- -ill.- bat Olsst aastrthe starkot had e-ast wildly 7 it ebwrt ft -a backet benwte eee- sea's best UtcL Cixaliaas f tae Wia aipeg saarket especially a briak Late ssV Man, 4nd sBaaa, 8a do with- he-a r vanaa ai. export Kaeth SaaaHaa whc aieianS a b at b sUadatiTL bet in seess esartecg tst Argaetue and AaursUae adrioss : were takaa t ladicats that Hertlag eeea- trie bee tatiaaH . alaw aiva - bat aaaraa so sverta ssianra tee sappnss. CMcsaw elsoiag -esssittsas- en wbtei Ware aetre-s st Iks .seat as ysaerays I rata a a s-s atgaar. veaw etoae 4 fcfs-s esvacea a saos eaaafed ts an, .- . . HOTlCsl la ittOTdatiee wtth tHO Bgnt ter Lcirg of tit Ctatt of Oreroa, notice hi herebr flreit that Ut Salem -Bank tf Commerce hat) by actios, f Its gtok-oldert and tU rectora anthorited the olmntarr B-atl0tr f tat) taldt tXBX t-d has transferred tit deperU UabiH tft t the WttA Nttiotul Baot to Salra, Orttm -: ' XVpttori tutffitieT tustoaiefi . 4.50 t un 1.25 . l!? extra fancy ..2.75 gs, extra fancy . , 2.75 la. 08 8.50 A TS - 5.0? 1 a.75 : 02 K .5 A AO e . L10 to ll5 . 02 te .01 85 . 08 03 AS 04 -lb; box 3. SO 1.50 10 H E ARDTQ DAY KGW to Broadcast Special Features lor Audience Of Radio Fans Stations and Wsre-Lengths KOW, Portland, 483. t meters; S-Okcys. KGO. OaJcls i, S7I.B meters; 790 keys. KOMO. Seattle. $09.1 meterg; 970 keys. KEX. Portland, 254.1 meters; 1180 keys. Two singers one internation ally known and the other Just starting; on the road to fame will be heard wben Armand To katyan tad OeneTiere Rowo ap pear as gue&t artists daring the hoars to b broadcast over KGW , tonight from C:15 to 7:16 o'clock, P. S. T. Tokatyan Ig a leading tenor of the MetropoliUn Opera company. . Miaa Rose Is the young soprno who won first prize for women in the 1929 Atwater Kent national radio audition. Throe operatic arias, including ths pathetic "Rachel, quand du Seig-'u'" r(n HaieTy'g "La Julve." will be among Tokatyan'a solos. Miss Rose Is to sing three . short songs and the brilliant "Shadow Song" from Meyerbeer'a "Dlnorah." Josef Pasternack will conduct the orchestra -during the follow ing Droeram: Unique Program On Air Monday Dramatization of the arctic air patrol's mid-winter maneuvers will be heard oyer KBW and oth er stations of the NBC network: Monday night between 1: SO and . 8 o'clock. The aircraft maneuvers of the arctic patrol of the first pursuit group of the army air corps took place over a 1,760-mile "battle- front" reaching from Selfrlflge , field. Mt. Clemens, Michigan, to Spokane, Wash. Major Ralph. Royce. commanding the flight, and Sergeant Kenneth Wilson. . air corps signal expert, will tell the radio audience of the haaards, incidents and purpose of the arc tic patrol. Unusual .gound effects , heard, including ths taking oft , and landing of planes fitted with skiis instead of wheels, and short . ware radio signals used during 1 the maneuvers. F INDEPENDENCE, Feb. 1 The Girls' League meeting was called to order by the president, Mar- jorie Wunder, Friday. ! Three songs were submitted for the girlg to learn and sing. One of thaA la tn t ndnnted ai th league song, but it will not be voted o until the next meeting. The program committee report ed on their plans for the enter tainment to be giren Wednesday: for the student body. They are' to giro an original play. The time is from 10 to 20 years ago In ai hotel with the old proprietor git- ting in the lower room of the hotel. A country gathering la held there and from this the program" will be giren. The characters are all very realistic and a scream in themselves. Reports of the tea titat ifaad, been postponed Indefinitely were given and it was deelded to giro the tea February t. In the Pres byterian church from 2: SO to 4:30 (o'clock. Gladys Murphy is la charge of the Mothers' tea and It will be given for the mothers of all high school students, . . TRIBUTE is era WOODBURlf. Feb. 1 A mem orial assembly, a tribute te Rath lone RAllak who passed away. Tuesday night, was held nt Wood-. burn high school Friday morning. The assembly was la charge of Miss Belea Washburn, advisor of the sophomore class of which Rath wat a member and opened with the assembly singing. "Abide Wit Me.' followed by a few re marks by one of her class mates. Ursula Moshoerger. A tacred number by Edith Shrock. Opal Dicker and Grace Shrock ensued with s tribute by -Catherine Espy. Mist Feia wadsworth. adtiaot to the Girl Scoatg of wMea Rata was a member, sang "One Sweet ly Solemn Thought" and -Era. Hutcatnaon read Kfttry -Wadt- worth Loagfellow't. "By ths Fireside. The assembly elosed with all singing "Jesus Lover of ill 1 M 6 my SOIL" . Crawford Files His Declaration . As Candidate James W, Crawford', tortland AtforneT, Satardaf tiled trftk the secretary f state kia tlecUfatkm of MdlAscy for tb offroo f state senator from Maltnossab ooaatf. Crawtorsl aeeka to eetre oat the thort ttrta ree-Kliiff frea Ut rasfgaatlen of He-urr Car. bettv trko) la new a. oandldatft fer-grrarnpr. la. CrawfMd te rspubuean ana serred for eereral pear aa official reporter for the atate nprama eosirt. Be recently resigned tnm this fttrtee to eater the aeaatetial ticu. - can continue theft tmslnesi fa the ususl snaaner aad wlthont the necesetty of any apaeifle acttoB o tnetr part tt ta face of the lirst National Bank, salam.. Ore- gS ' "1 SALX-f BANK Of WmifEIlCE., II, r2 rnone 1156J. 31 Gray Building