.... .,. . - - - . ...... : . -. vT - V wb of the Farmer and Hub Work Editor'. Note r Mrs. Madelaine' Callln. Valley Newt idltor of Th Oregron Statesman, is also in charge of th market w of tbls paper. Each Sunriay - on this pas "h will ' portray tha agricultural news of interest to valley farm era, Contribution of merit are Invited, i o o o Markets - - Crops Farm Home -- Livestock; The Diversified Interests of the Valley Agriculturalist 1 1 We ERi SLUMP: i MKT BEIT Wheat and Oats Toboggan While Other Prices Show Little Change PORTLAND, Feb. 1 (API -A general and sweeping reduction in grain marked the turn of the week 1n the market situation here. Wheat sold off soven cents and oats was battered down a dol lar. Big Bend bhtestem, selling at 1.34 last week, was offered at 1 27 at the close. Soft white and -western white were orf seven cents at 1.16; bard winter, northern spring and western red were quot ed at 1.14, off from 1.20. No. 2, 38 lb. -white oats sold at 34.00, eft one dollar. There was little change in live stock. TjattJe and sheep held firm and unchanged. Lightweight higs sold off 15 cents from the top, and feeders and stockers were off 25 cents. Heavyweights went at 9.00 010.75; lightweights at 10-.-75 010.85. and feeders and stock rs, 9.60 10.50. Whole milk was quoted at $2 30 per hundred, " delivered In Port land, unchanged from the recent drastic drops. Butter was off a cent, however, extras going at 38 cents, standards 37, prime firsts 36 and firsts 3,4N , , Alfalfa bay was Up SO cents to 24 924.50. All other varieties held unchanged. Wool continued at last week's prices, eastern Oregon grade go ing 'at 2026, and valley grade at 3.033. Hops, too, were unchanged at Htt per pound, 1929 Oregon crop. LIVESTOCK VSLtJES ' Oregon livestock values on Jan wary 1, 1930, show a very marked reduction. A reduction is Indicat ed in every class of livestock al though sheep show the greatest slump according to a report re leased through the federal state cooperative Reporting Service by Paul C Newman, Agricultural Statistician in charge. While the total number of sheep in Oregon remains unchang ed as compared to January 1, 1929, the average price ot all classes Is only $9.00 a head com pared to $11.60 a year ago and the slump in total value is $6, 374,000. With sleep numbers re maining stationary and with the big slump in value, it appears that the steady increase of " sheep through the past few. years has received a definite check. Dairy cattle in Oregon failed to Tegister any increase and the num ber on farms is estimated at 220, 000 head, the same as a year ago. The average value per head slumped $8.00 a head to $80.00. The present estimate of total val ne of all dairy cows and heifers Is $17,600,000 compared to $19, 360,000 a 'year. ago. Beef cattle are therefore re sponsible for practically all of the 7,000 increase In all cattle num ber which Is placed now at 700 , 000 compared to 693,000 a year ego. The total value of all cattle is placed at $38,527,000 compar ed to $41,511,000 a year ago rep resenting an average reduction of $4.90 per bead of all classes. The January 1, 1930, inventory of bogs on farms in Oregon is 15 per cent smaller than a year ago. The average value increased $1.10 per head to $11.60, but the total value for all hogs is estimated at $2,270,000 compared to $2,408, 000 a year age. Oregon horses and colts on farms January 1, 1930, is eight per cent less than a year ago and the average value per head for all ages is $62.00 compared to $65 a year ago. No change In the num ber of mules occurred but the av erage value decreased $5 to $66. The estimated total value of all work stock is $11,614,000 com pared to $13,1.8,000 on January 1. 1929. Of this total horses of all ages are valued at $10,362,000 on. January 1, 1930, compared to $11,783,000 a year ago. The Salem Uut Growers associ ation has bought cooperatively a carload of ammonium sulphate from the Ford Motor company. It is expected to reach Salem this week and will be. distributed to the buyers at the Oregon Electric freight depot. Practically all the carlot vts taken by the members of the coop, the remainder being purchased by I. O. Herrold. The Ford cmpany eent a man. to Salem' to conclude the sale. The price Is $55 a ton In 100-lb. bags. The man with requirement of on ly one or two bags gets the car lot price, Secretary. If. P. Adams of the cooperative explained. "In this way the small grower will be greatly benefited." ; - Mr. Adams stated further that this is the first time the local as sociation has bought cooperative ly. It has been engaged ra selling - nuts grown by .members on a co operative basis for some years, but has not tried to buz for them until the purchase of this carload. A saving of $450 is estimated on this purchase. . ' Ammonium ; sulphate Is ' la heary demand among) the kortl cultrallsts of the Taller as fer tilization is needed to produce the SHIRKED DIP NOT GIB Bui mm SULPHATE x si Laying Hens Need Extra Care During Cold Weather A damp lioiite raases cold and other troubles" for the ' bird), and - a loss of money to owaers. Experience has shown that waslietl eggs are Miitable only for immediate consumption, and will not stand for any length of time nnder storage conditions. If leghorns are hatched too early they may start laying early and bare a fall moult before cold weather. This throws them oat of lay ing all winter. Test after tert has proved that a plen tiful supply of liqoid milk Is one of the best ingredients la the ration for chicks of any size. Shavings are superior to straw a litter for hens, as well as for nest material to prevent Foiled eggs.' largest and best quality crops. The Ford interests have been making ammonium sulphate for a good many years, and Ford dealers have sold the fertilizer in the farming communities. TON BEETS SECURED Eugene Courtney Makes Deal With Libby McNeil 1 and Libby WOODfiURN, Feb. 1. Eugene Courtney, chairman of the State Bankers' association banker farmer committee, has recently secured a contract from Libby McNeil and. Libby of Portland for 500 tons of Dark Red Detroit beets. Last year this company secured beets from 100 acres of land in Clackamas, Marion and Multno mah counties but due to the fact that only those raised ln Marion county were found to be satisfac tory to canning they intended to abandon this branch of their work. Mr. Courtney, hearing of this, went to Portland where he interviewed the company officials and because of the excellent qual ity of the beets from this county he was able to secure the con tract. This vegetable is best grown on saijdy or beaverdam river bot tom land and any farmer tho has such available acreage should consult Mr. Courtney concerning this newly developing branch of agriculture. Only a remarkably- short time is needed from . the planting of this vegetable until it is ready for the cannery. Mr. Courtney has full faith that the farmers of this district will be able to fulfill the contract and if they will see him he will tell them full particulars regarding the seed, variety and method ot rais ing these beets. This new branch industry should prove extremely adaptable to this section with its suitable soil and the future in it is easily seen. The farmers signing the contract ths year will be given the preference in next year's con tract which will undoubtedly be larger. KOAC Broadcasts Farm Outlook The 1930 agricultural outlook report for Oregon will he broad cast from KOAC section by sec tion during the .week of February 3-. 1 Beginning on Monday even ing at 8 o'clock the general as- fcecta of the report will he 5 con sidered. For - he balance of the week the more specific informa tion will be arranged eaeb even ing in the following order: field erops, 8 o'clock Tuesday; lire- stock, 7:15 and dairy, 8 o'clock Wednesday; poultry 8 o'clock Thursday; and horticultural pro- dusts 7 o'clock Friday. v "WOMEN ORGANIZE WA&ONMOUND, N. T.f Jan. 31 AP) A chamber f com merce composed entirely of wo men, was organized -at Wagon- moMd.-'.--"---r . ' . . :, Keep Your Money In Oregon Buy Monuments Made at v Salem, Oregon ; Capital Monumental Worka J, L JMf A Co., Proprietors All Rinds of Monumental . -Work Factory and Office: . -.1210 8. Commercial SL -, Opposite 1. O. O. F. Cemetery. Box tl , Phono f 89 ' Salem. Oregon COHCT 1 JO JULIUS GEHRING WHITE LEGHORN FARM Successful Poultry Raiser Glad He Came to Oregon By LILLIE L. MADSEN "I like the way the folks in this country advertise. The fruit in the newspapers and magazines just makes one want to eat it. In Switzerland people don't adver tise so much." said Julius Gehr ing, as we stood in one of his modern chicken houses and look ed over a fine bunch of White Leghorns as one would ever find anywhere. "And do you like Oregon?" I was encouraged to ask. "Like Oregon!" . he repeated. I don't think there is a better place than right here. You think you have hard times here. You don't know what hard times are. You complain of high taxes. How would you like to pay $75 for a license for a Ford? That's what you'd have to pay in Switzerland. If you think this winter has been cold, just try one in Switzerland." "Of course,', 'he continued as he went from the pen containing the fine Tancred strain to one containing equally fine White Leghorns of the Hansen strain, "Switzerland has Itsgood points, but I like Oregon fine. There is" no better place in the world for poultry raising than on the Pacific Coast." Much more of interest did Mr. Gehring tell of his native land, but that, as fiction folk are wont to remark, is another story. I set out to tell of his really suc cessful venture as a poultry man. However, just a touch of Mr. Gehrings early life and how he came t- be a poultryman In Ore gon may not be amiss. Mr. Gehxing was, as you have undoubtedly guessed, born ' in Switzerland. His father was a fac tory owner; his brothers own fac tories there now. Mr. Gehring was himself educated to be a banker, but as his eyes were none too strong he set out to see the world instead. Finally he wandered on to Oregon. An injury here made it necessary for him to give up heavy work, and so, in 1919, Mr. Gehring started in the poultry business on his 40 acre farm a short distance from Silverton. His start was 13 purebred White Leghorns. He believes that it is not weU to start out with more than one knows how to handle. - Small Start Advised , "Begin with not so many, and as you learn to take proper care of these then add me' is one of his principles. Evidently an other princple of his Is that at no time has one acquired enough knowledge to discontinue his stu dy. He informed us that he read all he could secure on poultry and always tried to find out what the other fellow was doing with his poultry. "I may have heard r read scmie. of it before but sometimes one forgets and It Is well to be reminded," he explained. By 1925. Mr. Gehring had quite a flock of poultry. But his mother, who was keeping bouse for him, wanted to see her old home and to visit her children there, so he sold his stock and accompanied her to Switzerland. For a time he remained there. However, Oregon was not so easi Gideon Otolc Company r Manufacturers of -Vinegar, Soda Water, Fountain Supplies Salem as)' Ore, oil P. Oreg Art apes company Man a fact BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF - TISSUE : Srjppnrt Oregon Prodncts Specify fSakm Made' Paper for Your : Office SUtloaery . TO ly forgotten, and at the end of a twelve-month he returned, bring ing with him his bride. It was npon his return that be began his poultry raising in earnest. Progress Rapid Few poultry farms In Marion county have made more substan tial progress since their start than has been made on the Gehring farm. Mr. Gehring secured his' be ginning right from the Hansen and Tancred rarms and today he can supply chicks and stijiklfrom either of these great laying strains or 'from a combination of both. There are four large,' modern laying houses on the Gehring poultry farm. Two of these are equipped with O. S. C. trap nests and trapnestlng Is done 365 days out of the year. Each house has three separate outside runs pro vided, and every six months the chickens are changed from one run to another. During the year that the runs are not occupied, they are plowed, limed, and planted into either kale or grass. There are 300 hem kept in each pen. Mr. Gehring figures ' from three and half to four square feet to each hen. There are also three brooder houses and a number of colony houses with plenty of range for the pullets. The 14 by 36 foot In cubator house is equipped with a number, of Charter incubators of 540 egg capacity each. Stock Very 'Healthy ; The Gehring poultry Is certain ly a vigorous and healthy looking group. Mr. Gehring reports that his chickens have been remark ably free from disease. In order to insure this he keepi them vac cinated and immune to disease through the assistance of the col lege veterinary department. Pa trons of Mr, Gehring are report ing very low mortality in their chicks and wonderful egg produc tion from their pullet stock. Mr. Gehring's hens will aver age four and a half pounds a piece. From this fine group he carefully selects his breeding stock, choosing only the large vig or&us, heavy producing hens which lay standard size, pure white eggs. His hens are mated to males from trannest, heavy producing hens wren records of from '260 to 300 eggs. Few peo ple realize, he explained, that the cockerel Is 75 of the flock. Mr. Gehring is particularly proud, as he has a right to be, of one hen which laid an egg a day contin uously for 117 days and finished the year with 300 to her credit. For breeding stock, Mr. Gehr Now i the. Time to Plant Shrubbery Call F. C. LUTZ 1625 Market Tel. 2124 FLOWERS AXTJ SHRUBBERY Everything In BUILDING MATERIALS Cofabs & Mitchell A. P. Kebay, Manager S49 S.' 12th St. Phone SIS orers of Pulp and o I Two .laying honaea, brooder house and bans on the Cirhrlag pealtrjr farm near HilvertoB. Vr. Gehring baa both Hansra and . Tanrrc4 strata WhHe Ishonis. ing sometimes keeps his hens for six years, but for laying purposes only, he. advises that they be dis posed of after their second "year. In spite of an experienced fore man on the place, Mr. Gehring himself puts in long hours.. To mike a real Buecess of anything, in his belief, one has to work and not leave it all to someone else. The chickens must be fed their mash and scratch food; the roosts are cleaned daily and the scratch ing pens weekly. Each egg in the incubator must be marked either with an H for Hansen or a cross for Tancred and then, if from a trapnest hen, it mnst also be num bered. There are bands to be plac ed on theibegs of the: baby chick when 'tli to-te-: hatched J afctf later' these Ha4 j, whieh bear1 the mak-t or tne -"jrennng rancreu- or tne "Gehring Hansen" strain and the number of hen or chick, are plac ed permanently in the wings. A few cows are kept and eared, for on the place so that the chickens can have skim milk. Besides this there are corn and mangles and kale to be grown for feed. Thieves Cause Trouble In response to a question, Mr. Gehring confessed that thieves had been the worst enemy to his poultry business. He had lost as many as 18 dozen eggs at one time. Others were stolen in small er numbers. His hen bouses bad also been invaded. However, he had learned to cope with his dan ger. Four dogs, far from friendly to strangers, guard the poultry houses at night. During the day when either the foreman or Mr. Gehring himself are present the dogs run on chains. Oklahoma plans to produce more fish in state hatcheries thiB year than have been propageted in all years since statehood began. Phi - It requires no guess as to what its future? wiUJae. . . It is the leading Filbert of Commerce and the Fil bert that is making Oregon famous. Plant only the own root tree. It is the only tree indorsed by the world's leading authorities and the only tree grown by the world's foremost propagators. Does that mean a ny:Uiing to you? v , All or larger grades are sold. If interested in the mediant, or smaller sizes, of the same iinsnr r passed quality,, see J. J.' Doerfler, Silverton, Oregon, r write or call oj us. ARM PRODUCE DEMO LIGHT Survey Report Focecasts Slump' in Domestic Mar ket for 1930 Farmers must plan their pro duction :this year particularly in view of the outlook for prices' of each product during the market ing season and adjust expendi tures carefully to maintain farm incomes, according to the annu al outlook report for 1930 prepar ed by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture in cooperation with representatives of the agricultur al colleges and extension services of forty-five states and the Fed eral Farm -Board. "The Domes tic market may improve later in the year, but is unlikely that the demand for farm products in the summer and fall of 1930 will be as good as during last summer and fall," according to the re port. Commercial production of ap ples is expected to continue to in crease gradually over a period of several years and new plantings are justified only where there are unusually favorable conditions for the production of high qual ity fruit. A considerable increase ib ihe bearingt ferriages of grape fruit pjid ofangekj expected. The probability of heavy grape pro duction and low prices continues. The number I peach trees of bearing age is still so great as to make possible heavy produc tio nand unfavorable marketing tion and unfavorable marketing seasons. Cantaloupe prtces probably will be lower this year In the early producing sections and a moder ate decrease in acreage in the in termediate and late sections is recommended in order to raise prices to the level of a few years ago. Watermelon growers should plant a somewhat smaller acre age. Prospects for strawberry grow ers now seem to be better than in any year since 1926. Smaller acreages are in prospect and there is likelihood of reduced yields in some districts. Potato growers report that they intend to plant an acreage six per cent larger than was planted last year, 'apparently forgetting the unprofitable season of 1928. The high potato prices being re ceived now are not the result of a low acreage last season but are due almost entirely to adverse 15-Year Don't Gamble . . ID) . Springfield, Oregon Prune Market Still Strong With Slight Advance in Price , Con tinned strengthening of the Pacific 'slope prune market is reported this week with a slight advance !n lo cal prices.' . : Salem buyers are quoting 40-45s at 7 cents and SO 40s at 8 cents. latest check up of the Oregon supply re-, veals, unsold holdings to he not more than 20,000,000 pounds. At the present rate of demand a cleanup earlier than normal is expected. weather conditions last summer. If the intentions for 1930 are carried out prospects are for low er potato prices after the first of July. The constant tendency toward expansion of lettuce acreage, par ticularly in California and Arizo na confronts the industry withj difficult marketing problems al though tb'ere is as yet no evidence that the peak of demand has been reached. The present prospect is for fa vorable cabbage markets, until August, in view of relatively light holdfhgs of old cabbage and re duced acreage in southern areas. Further Increase in late cabbage acreage does not seem warranted. The world sugar production probably will continue large and prices relatively low but appar ently the tendency to increase production has been checked and some slight improvement in prices is in prospect. Yamhill Crops in Excellent Shape McMINNVILLE, Feb. 1 Yam hill county crops are in the best condition in years, 9. T. White, county agriculture agent believes. The heavy snow which fell in this district has been of untold value to the farmers, he says. The slow thaw made it possible for the moisture to seep into the ground where It will be stored up for future needs. Xo floods were reported in this vicinity at all. The cold weather did no dam age to fruit trees or to crops al ready in the ground, he says. Stock growers have reported few losses caused by the freezing tem peratures. Apiarists, however, tay that numerous hives of bees were killed. BLAST KILLS TWO BONNERS FERRY, Idaho, Jan. 31. (AP) Two miners were killed in a rock blast near here today. ! ' ? . .. w . . '-l -pw" issnw---: , . . v --, pm4- - - ' f - 4 ; Old FllberU it -j r SNAKE RIVER Irani' awii iwil Wl Idaho Plans for Agricultural Relief Through Transpor tation Development LEWISTON. Idaho. Feb. 1. (AP) The mighty Snake river may play a vital part in bringing agricultural relief and develop ment to central Idaho farmers is plans for navigation, which have been approved by, the Lewiston chamber of commerc eare carried out. Directors of the new Cen tral Idaho cooperative associa tion made steamer and barge nav igation of the river a leading ob jective of their program for 1930. The transportation of wheat to the coast by water would put ap proximately S40o,ono a year more iuto the pockets of the farmers in the Lewiston region, figures compiled by local open river backers showed. The average wheat crop, exclusive of barley in N'ez Perce, Lewis, Idaho, and Clearwater counties and In Aso in county county on the Washing ton side of the river is 5.800.000 bushels, most of which flows through Lewiston. Farmers now par a minimum nf 14 4 rnt tn ship this wheat by railroad to Portland, Ore., terminals. To Shin it hT water ia nnaefhlA fni seven cents a bushel, leaving an operating prom. Although 12 years ago a fleet of steamers regularly plied the Snake and Columbia rivers be tween Lewiston and Portland giving this city its title of "Ida ho's Only Seaport" a single packet owned by the Union Pa cific system is the only large car rier now in service. It is used only to transport wheat from the south bank warehouses to. the railroad along the north shore. The last line operating be tween Lewiston and Portland went out of existence at the close of the World war. But funda mental changes in controlling conditions have now made opera tion of steamboats and barges feasible,- advocates of the open river development program said. Deaths by violence in Dallas decreased by 23 in 1929 as com pared with 1928. There were 20 fewer homicides in 1929. Airplane passenger travel on the Pacific coast has increased ap proximately 400 percent the lust three years. t- best