The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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Church SchliJes Aimie R.ularity With Brighter Days
The Q3EC0N STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, February 1, 1939-
Successor to Houdini' Will
Open Series of Discours
es Here Sunday
Secrets of the famed spirit
world will be revealed here Sun
day, Tuesday and Wednesday in
a series of three lectures and de
monstrations to be given at the
First Congregational church by
Professor Leo Wilkins, a reform
ed medium who is crediter with
nearest successor to the late Hou
dini in perpetuation of his cru
sade against spirit mediums.
The first lecture will be given
tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock,
the subject to be "Enemies of the
Cross." Tuesday night at the same
hour he will talk on "Do You Be
lieve in Ghosts' and Wednesday
evening the topic will be "Do the
Dead Return?"
Professor Wilkins, according to
advance word, gives a display of
brilliant magic, the entertainment
said to hold intense interest as
well as holding religious and edu
cational vajue. Among other
this, he shows spirits in response
to call from medium, writes mes
sages and signs their names upon
blank slates examined by the audi
ence. He produces a ghost under
circumstances which are quite
breath taking.
Wilkins was a medium for a
number of years, then, being eon
verted, he went inter ' religious
work. He is a graduate of the
Moody Institute of Chicago. He
has been engaged in evangelistic
work for some time.
The lecturer is a friend of Guy
Pitch Phelps .Salen man, and he
and Phelps traveled together some
years ago through the ea3t and
middle west.
No admission will be charged
for the series of lectures here, but
a free will offering will be taken.
inn in
Rev. Fred Alhan Weil, who will
preach at the Unitarian church
Sunday morning on "The Relig
ious Perspective" comes from
Qulncy, Massachusetts, where he
was minister of the historic old
First Parish.
That church, one of the oldest
In New England, has the distinc
tion of containing the two tombs
rof two presidents of the United
States and their wives. The pres
i Ideate were the only father and
on who ever occupied the presi
dency of the United States- John
Adams and John Qulncy Adams.
The present secretary of the navy,
Charles Francis Adams, to a lin
eal descendant.
The tombs are simple, unpre
tentious blocks of granite, accord
ing to the visitor. They occupy a
chamber beneath the portico of
the church. The walls of the
chamber are Just the simple,
plain foundation stones of gray
Qulncy granite on j which the
church structure rests. It repre
sents the severe simplicity of the
Puritan society out of which the
church grew and which is typical
of the old New. England.
Women's Classes of First
. Church Schedule Meetings
For Tuesday, February 4
The women of the T. X. K.
Bible class of the First Methodist
hurch will hold their regular so
cial and business meeting on
Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Elworth Hartwell, 1235
North 15th streets. Mrs. P. H.
Acton, president of the class, will
preside at the business meeting.
The women of Tomarco ' Bible
class will hold their February
meeting on Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. A. A. Schramm,
S9S Leslie. Mrs. A. T. Woolpert
will act as assistant hostess.
Standard Bearer Society
T oMeet at Findley Home
' The Standard Bearer society of
the First, Methodist church with
Mrs. A. A. Lee as advisor, will
meet at the home of Mrs. M. C.
Findley on 225 North 20th street
Monday evening at 7:15 o'clock.
Maxlne Maxwell, Doris Phenecie
and Frances Jackson will act as
assistant hostesses. Gladys Tay
lor will lead the devotions and
Mrs. Paul E. Edwards will give a
talk on Stewardship. The lesson
on Japan will be dramatized by
Lucile Miles and Marie Ledbet
ter. assisted by Martha Kumler,
Esther Cook, Margaret Ross, Ce
cil Adams, Faye Col well and Es
ther McMinimee.
Jason Lee Scouts Close
Registration for Present
Jason Lee Boy Scout troop reg
istration has been closed for the
present and perhaps for some time
to come, owing to the fact that
the troop has reached capacity.
The work will not take on theJ
character of quality rather than
quantity. A list for applicants has
already been started and such boys
as are eleigible may get their
names on the list and will be con
sidered for membership as there
Is a vacancy, through removal or
dropping out of a member of a
,- The Business Men's Bible class
of the First Methodist church will
hold Its February meeting at the
home of Its president, N. S. Sev-
age. JJS 8. 14th street, on Mon
day -eTealngV
The Week's
Dwelling Place of Light
(Presbyterian pastor who gives his farewell message here Sunday)
In chapter 38, verse 19, Job cries, "Where is the way
where light dwelleth'? That is the cry of every earnest
heart Goethe, dying, uttered the same cry. Only the
smugly self-complacent, who do not feel the burdens of
society but merely cumber upper air, are not torn by that
From the experience of a varied life, now verging on
the middle years, I believe that I have found that light
dwells only in God. He is the maker of light; from Him
all light proceeds; without Him is hopeless darkness.
His Son, Christ, is the light of our world. He that
follows Christ does not walk in darkness. He is the true
light that illumines every man who comes into the world.
We may all become children of the light by the prac
tical expedient each day of living up to the degree of light
which we have. There is -no need of viewing the distant
scene. One step is enough for a man. Collective experi
ence is to the effect that sufficient light is always given
a morally earnest man to take every step required from
the cradle to the grave. Let us live by the highest, we
know, trust in God and heaven securely, and commit our
lives to the adventure of faith.
Jbtmbay Jktbiteg in alem Cfjurttos
On Slack tooth ( Center aa 19th.
L. 1. nith, pastor, phone 2940. Morn
ing worship 11:00. Scraaoa snbjeet
"Fleeting Jonah." Hr. O. M. Litiller
will aing' solo. Evening serviea at
7:30. sermon subject: "Conditions De
Banding Hell," F. M. IJtwtfler win
sing a solo. Saaday srhool at 9:45 ia
the morning. T. M. Litwiller, Bnpt. in
charge. The children's choir will ting.
Young people's meeting in the evening
at 6:30. Mist Thea Sampson, presi
dent will cava charge. The Jnniora will
meet with Mrs. Smith, the supervisor at
6:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7 :30 and the Young People will
meet Friday evening at which time re
ports of the work will be given and
plant for the coming months made. This
will be followed by a prayer meeting.
Xorth Winter at Jefferson and Fair
ground road. Harry E. Gardner, pastor,
phone 2234W. Chorch school session by
departments at 9:45. Special feature
in keeping with Missionary Sunday.
Morning worship at 11 a.m., the theme
being Love, Prefected in Prayer. Spe
cial music by the choir. Intermediate,
high school and young people's leagues
meet at 6:30 with themes of interest for
each age. Joseph Barber leads the
chnrch Forum at 6:30. Evening worship
at 7:30. the discussion being "Keeping
r Giving the Light!" At the mid
week services on Thursday evening the
mission class studying "Blind Spots"
will be held at the parsonage. The stu
dy in the Acta of the Apostles will be
taken up at the service this week. De
votions begin at 7:30.
Gerth avenue and Third street. Mere
dith A. Groves, pastor; phone 1566M.
Morning, aervfte 11 o'clock; subject:
"Hesekiah'a Prayer." Special music:
Vocal aolo by Miss Gertrude Warren.
Vocal doet by Miss Doris and Mrs. J.
M. Hamby. Evening service 7:30 o'clock;
subject: "The Lost Love." Special mu
sic : A number by the Simmon's quartet
and the orchestra wiU , play. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m.; Mrs. J. L. Austin,
Supt. Mid-week services 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday; the pastor, leader. Junior,
Intermediate and Senior leagues 6:30
(Mo. Syn.)
North 16th and A streets, block north
of Old People' home. H. W. Grose,
pastor. 1 Morning service, English at
9:45. German at 11:00 with Holy com
munion, preparatory 10:45. Sunday
school, 1:00 am.
mil spraiTTjAUST
Fraternal Temple on Center street, be
tween Liberty and High, services this
Sunday evening at 7:30 a clock la the
absence of the pastor, William A. Dalsiel.
vice president of the State Spiritualist
association, will he the apeaker. Topic:
"Medluraship." Message. At S o'clock
there will be a school of spiritual in
struction with Kathleen Liadon in charge.
A circle will he held from 5:30 te 7
W. Earl Cochran, paster. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m.. W. T. Jenk. Supt.
Baptism. Preaching service! 10:50 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. B. T. P. TJV 6:38. Sr..
Int. and Jr. Tuesday . evening -7 :SO at
she eharea regular meeting of the Boa
day s'hool teachers and officers. Or
chestra practice. Wednesday Prayer
meeting. Thursday choir rehearsal.
Moraine service "Believe. Confess.
Obey." Anthem "Unto the King Eter
nal' Wilson. Evening la God Always
Right!" - Male Chorus: "When Tea
Know Jesut Too." Ackley Baptism In
the evening service.
Corner State and Chrrch street. T.
C. Taylor, pastor; phone 974. Morning
service 11 o'clock: subject: "The Gift
of the Holy Spirit." Special music: Or
gan Prelude "Adagio" Volkmar. An
them "Day It Dying in the West" Sal
ter. Sola "la the Shadow of the Al
mighty" (Barnes) Miss Lillian Scott.
Evening service, 7:30 o'clock; subject:
The 8vmbol of the White Stone." So
cial music: organ prelude "Angela Ser
enade" Brags. AnthVn "Crossing the
Bar" Marsh. Solo "Rest at Eventide"
Baynton-Powera. John Cmkovieh. Church
school 9:45 a.m.; Ben E. Bickli. Supt
Mid-week serxives: 7:30 - p.m.. Thurs
day; "What HasDened at Pentecost."
from "Tlie Christ of Every Hoed." Uni
versity napter at v:so. First Charea
Chapter Topic "Jems Ideal of a 8vmc-
trical Life" Leader Vada Wlntermnte.
Junior high chapter topic Testa af
Right and WronaV Junior Chorch to
Annex at 11. Measage "The Hoase
Banded on a Rock" Leader Mist Suth
erland. Nursery in charge of Mrs. Hel
en Bahe and Mrs. Mary Hartwell.
Church street, between Chemeketa aad
Center. Rev. P. W. Ertksea, pastor.
Phone 2921. "It Religion of Fear
.Worth" Anything." sermon topic for 11
a.m. Service anthem "Great Is the
Lord" (Packard). Solar "Others"
(Penn). Alvia Shirman. At the even
ins- service the church ehorne wiU ren
der'two anthems: "Heavens of Life"
(Brietow) and "Mr) Heavenly Hone
(Robinson). William MeGilchrist is in
charge of all music of the chorea. The
evening service at 7:30 will be devoted
te a. dramatic program sponsored by the
Lather League. The Portals of 1930.
Special songs or s quartet. The Sun
day school at 9:43, Max. Gehlhar. Supt.
The Lather Leagues at 6:30 far devo
tional meetings.
Highland and Church streets. Edgar P.
Sims, pastor. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Evening service, 7:ao a clock ; su ejects:
"Message ia the Revelation." Sunday
school 10 a.m.; Earl V. Beckett, Supt
Mid-week services 7: SO p.nv Thursday;
the pastor, leader; place: the ehureh. Br,
C. E. at 6:30 p.m.-
Winter and Chemeketa streets; Rev.
Norman K. Tally. D. D, pastor; phone
1610W. Meraiag service, : 11 o'clock;
subfeet: "The Dwelling Place of Light."
This will he Dr. Tolly's last preaching
service before leaving -for his sew field
of work la Alnambra, ;alir. Boeder mu
sic: Anthem. "Build Thee More State
ly Mansions' (Andrews). Offertory solo,
"Sun et My Seal" (Scott) Mrs. Krsel
Mandinger. Evening- ' service, T:S0
o'clock; aahfeet: The vested ebetr will
give, a sacred eeaeert. The program Is
given elsewheae. Sunday school 9:30
1. js. . josasage, saps, aua-weea:
terries: 1 0 jjbv, Tkaraaay. Yawag
People's meetings: Christian
societies meet at 6:80 p.m.
Marion and Liberty streets. Robert
Payne, pastor: phoao 1920. Morn
ing service. 11 o'clock: subject: "Vss's
flap Is God's Purpose." Special music.
JCveung service, 7:30 o'clock; subject:
Onr Lord a Honrs of Darkness." Chor
us choir, orchestra, male quartet. Eu-
day school, 9:45 aja.; Fred Broer, Bnpt.
Mia-week services 7:3o p.m. Wednesday.
Young People's meeting: three groups at
6:30. Teachers study hour Tuesday ev
ening 7:30. Orchestra and choir prac
tice Thursday evening.
Chemeketa and Liberty afreets. Baa-
day services at 11 a.m. aad S D.m. Tenia
"Love." Wednesday 8 p.m. Sunday
school for pupils under 20 tt 9:45 aad
II a.m. Heading room 406 Maseaie
Temple open from 11 to 5:80 except
Bunaaye and bo lid ays.
Liberty and Center streets. Chariee
E. Ward, pastor. Morning service. 11
o'clock; subject: "The Testimony af
John the Baptist." Anthem "8peek te
My Soul" (Pickett)). Offertory solo by
Mrs. Harms: "Lord Thou Hast Been
Our Dwelling Place" (Phillips). Even
ing service, 7:30 o'clock; subject: "En
emies of the Cross" a sermon by Prof.
Leo Wilkins. Anthem: "Shepherd ef Is
rael" (Stebbins). Sunday school, 9:45
a.m.; P. E. Neer, Supt. Mid-week ser
vices: Tuesday -7:80 Lecture by Prof.
Wilkina: "Do Ton Believe ia Ghosts!"
Wednesday, 7:30 Lecture by Prof. Wil
kins: "Do the Dead Return I"
Corner Market and North Winter. W.
N. Coffee, pastor; phone 2296W. Mera-
ing service at 11 o'clock aad evening
sermon at 7:30 o'clock. Special music
Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Midweek
prayer services Thursday at v:so
o'clock with the Woman's Missionary so
ciety ia charge af the program. .Mrs.
Minnie Marchard. leader. xoung peo
ple's meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday.
South Commercial and Washington
streets. Charles C. Hawertn, pastor;
phone 1697M. Morning service. 11:00
o'eleek; subject: "God's Promisee to
Youth." Evening service. 7:30 e clock;
meeting in charge ef the Young People,
John Trachael, leading. Special musk
by members of the C. E. Sunday school
10 as.. Mrs. Marguerite P. Elliott,
Supt Mid-week services: T:30 pjn.,
Thon-adar: the pastor, leader: slaee:
prayer meeting room. Young People's
meetings: 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Topic:
How May Endeavorers Crusade With
Christ I" Christian Endeavor Day. Gla
dys Wright, leader.
Tall Gospel ehureh. earner lita and
Ferry streets. Earlo Y. Jenniaoa, pas
tor; phone Z059M. Afternoon service,
7:45 o'clock; gospel aettice and saee
aage. Sunday school. 1:45 p.m. Prank
Alloway. Supt. Children's eharea.
6:80 p.m. Miss Lorene fryer la
eharea. Mid-week services: Tuesday
night, Bible study Tiy the pastor; Wed
nesday afternoon. S:SO prayer near;
Thursday night, praise and fellowship
meeting. Young People s meeting, Bat-
nraay aignt. 7:s. Mrs. utrl fuaear
baugh. president.
Corner ef Center aad Liberty. A. V.
Laytea, minister. Bible school at 9:45.
L. L. Thornton. Supt. Sunday. Pebra-
ary a, has been designated as vay ox
Prayer by the Woman's Missionary so
ciety of the church. urogram else
where. The young people will hold their
meeting at 6 :S0. Eveainr worship at
7:30. Subject. "The Scope aad. Effects
of Prayer." The choir will sing a spe
cial number at this service.
Court and 17th streets. 8. F. Shoe
maker, ' pastor; S45 8. Winter street.
phone S589J. Morning service : 11
o'clock; subject: "The Right Estimate
of Gospel Truth." . Special muaie by the
choir. . Evening service 7:830 o'clock;
subject: "The Resolute Savior." Spe
cial musie by the choir. Sunday school.
9:45 a.m ' Mrs. Prank Marshall. Bant.
Mid-week services 7:30 a jeu Wednesday
st the chnrch. Yoang People a meetings;
Christian Endeavo and Junior ' meetings
6:80 p.m. Aid Bociety Wednesday.
i Hhrh and Center streets. D. 3. Howe.
pastor; phone 1983 J. Morning sen ice
11 o'eloek: subject: "Tss Keiittea ei
Christ to His Church." Special maaie :
Anthem by the choir, "Hear Onr Prayer"
(Teasdsle). Evening service. v:so
o'eloek; Observance of Christian En
deavor Day. The - Young People wiU
take part ia the -aerviee. The paster
will epeak upon the theme "Oar Yoaag
People. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. 1.
B. Protsman. Sunt. Mid-week services:
7:80 p.m Wednesday: choir tvaeareal
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Young People' a
meetings: 6:80 p.m. Tour societies of
C. E. meet ia their respective reams.
Miss Florence Howe, director of musie.
Miss Lois Plammer, organist.
North Cottage and D streets. G. 1
Rutaeh, paator; phone 992 7 J. . Morning
service 11 o'clock; subject: "The Need
of a Divine Visitation." Lord's Ban
ner after the service. Special matte
choir anthem. "Awake I Oh Zion." Even
ing aerviee 7:80' o'clock ; the eerriee ia
thm haada ef the Young People. Rev. G.
Sebnnko bringing the message. Special
musie: choir song and other numbers
of Interest. Sunday school 9:45 a.n
Sam Sehirman. But. Mid-week m
vices: 7:30 p.m., Wednesday; pastor.
leader; place: charen. .
Fifteenth . and Mill streets. Leslie B.
Bailey, paator. Morning service, ,11:00
o'eloek: subject: "For Intelligent Lead'
ership." Special matte: "Saved, Sav
ed I" by the choir. Eveaing service.
7:80 o'clock: subject: "Fruitful Lives."
Special maaie: "Now the Day Is Over"
bv the choir. Sondav school 9:45 aJ
Miss Esther Eriekson, Sapt. Mid-week
services: . 8 :0O o.m Wednesday: Rev,
Bailav aad Mrs. Gentry, leader; place:
at the church. Yoaag- People's meet
lags: Epworth League e:J0 p.m.
Morning service 11 b'elock; subject:
"Tho Sebrioua Perspective" the Rsver-
en Fred Alban Weil preaching. Spatial
muaie: Miss LoeUe Camming will sine
"Engl'a Wing.' by Hamblen. V v
Baptist Young Folk Meet
In Portland Next Week;
Special Gathering Here
.A group of young people from
the Calvary Baptist church are
planning to go to Portland Fri
day to attend tt B. Y. P. U.
state convention to be held next
week end at the Hinson Memorial
Baptist church there.
Next Saturday evening W. G.
Boyle, representative of the Lay
man's League of the Northern
Baptist convention, will be in Sa
lem at the Calvary church to
speak to the laymen of this and
other churches in the association.
The meeting will be held at 7:30
Women of Market Street
Church to Meet Tuesday
The Women's Missionary so
ciety of the Market Street Free
Methodist church will hold its
regular monthly meeting Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Minnie Marchand, 1405
North Summer street. Mrs. Eth
el Clarke will lead the devotions
and Mrs. Marchand will . have
charge of the stewardship pro
gram. Mrs. Lela Barham will have
charge of missionary study work.
ening service. Sunday school 9:45 a.m..
W. E. Feldman, Sapt.
Perry street. Lonise PinaelL vas
ter; residence 1105 Rural street, phone
505M. Revival meetinra which kin
been going on for the past a weeka will
continue throughout the coming week.
Meeting each night except Saturday. Af
ternoon services on Tuesday, Wednes
day. Thursday and Fridav at 2:30. Rev.
John Hatch, evangelist. Everyone cor
dially invited to attend. Bandar school
:45 a.m.; Mrs. Myra White. Supt.
Classes for all ages.
(Methodist Episcopal)
At South Commercial and Myers
streets. 8. Dariow Johnson, pastor. 348
E. If yen. Phone 2764. "The Power
of the Stream." will he the subject of
the pastor at the 11 o'clock hour. The
anthem. "The Everlasting Hills," (Wil
son), will be song by the choir. '"The
Nameless Youth" will he the subject of
the eveaing service at 7:30 o clock.
Mrs. T. H. Temple will aing. Sunday
school at 9:45, E. D. Roseman, Supt. Ep
werth Leagues meet at 6:30 o'clock.
Mid-week service at 7:30 aad Young
People's pot luck supper and discus
sion group at 6 o clock Thursday even
North 17th and Nebraska streets. L
W. Biddle, paator; phone 3422 J. Morn
ing aerviee, 10:45 o'eloek; subject: A
combined service ef the Saaday school
aad church. Ohieet sermon "Develop
ment." Evening service 7:30 o'clock;
subject: "Victory Through Faith." Sun
day school 10 a.m.; L. W. Biddle, Supt.
Mid-week services 7:30 p.m. Thursday;
patter, loader; plaee: church. Young
People's meetings: 6:30 p.m. Mlsa Ma
ria Waldorf, president. Ladle' Aid en
Church and Chemeketa atreeta. , Rev.
George H. Swift, rector. Holy . Com
munion 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist 11 a.m.,
with sermon. Chnrch school 9:45 a.m.
Confirmation class 3:45 p.m. Wednesday
knldVweek service with instruction at
7:80 p m.
19th and Ferry atreeta H. C. Stover.
f pastor; phone 1924J. Morning service
11 o'clock: subject : 'Courage. Bpe-
eial musie: Ladies chorus "A Song to
the Creator" (Meredith), evening ser
vice 7:80 e cloek: subject: "The Mo
vie aad ThisGeneration." Special mu
sic: "Still. Still With Thee" (Heyser)
with incidental solo .by Harriett Adams.
Sunday school 10 a.m., C O. Harris,
Bnpt. Toupg People s meetings: o:a,
S58 Court street. C. 8. Johanna, pas
tor. Sunday school at S p.m. Services
at S and 7:80 p.m. Meetings Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday evenings. Fall
gospel teaching good slngiag. Every
body Invited.
Corner Capitol aad Marios atreeta. W,
9. Ldeakaemper, paator; paoae s9W.
German service 10 o'eloek: subject :
Patting God' Klardom First." Eng-
Bsh aerviee 11 o'clock: su eject : "The
Taake ef Onr Chnrch for the Peateeostal
Year." Installation of officers. Spe
cial music by the ebojr. Saaday school
10 a.m.; F. E. Krase, Bopt.
Alice Massey Chosen Head
Of Christian Endeavorers
CLEAR LAKE. Jan. 31 The
Christian Endeavor society met at
the home of Mrs. L. J. Massey.
for the purpose of electing offi
cers who were chosen as follows
Alice Massey, president; Hatel
Clement, vice president: James
Harold, secretary; Clair Collard,
treasurer; and Marie Harold, pi
anist. After the business meet
ing, .a social hour was enjoyed
and refreshments were served by
the hostess.
Annual Fellowship 'Dinner
For Jason See Is. Sunday
The annual pot-luck fellowship
dinner of all superintendents, of
ficers, leaders and teachers of the
Jason Lee church win be Sunday
following the morning worship,
Reports of the work of the past
and discussion of plans" for the
future will be at 3:30 o'clock.
The recommendations of the
church committee o nthe spiritual
life of the church. In so far as to
pertains to these groups, win be
considered at this meeting.
Holiness Prayer Band Has
Sessions Here Each Friday
The Prayer band of the Mis
sionary : department of the" Na
tional Holiness association Is
meeting, at the present time," at
the Church of the Naaarene, on
Friday mornings it I o'clock.
Mrs. Clara, Cooley, president is
In charge. To reach the church
take Center street bus, get off at
I9tn and go one block south.
The. Jason Lee basketball team
went, to Albany Wednesday eve
ning and played a strong aggrega
tion from the Bsptist chnrch. It
was a hearty game and . greatly
enjoyed by all. The score was 31
to 33 In favor of the home team.
A large- group of rooters went
along from Jason Lee.
Dramatic Presentation at
Down Town Church at
7:30 on Sunday
One of the first events of the
new chnrch year at the American
Lutheran chnrch will be presen
tation of the 7: SO o'clock wor
ship hour of "The Portals of
1930" by the church young peo
ple's organizations, the Luther
"The Portals of 1930" is a dra
matic presentation, designed to
bring home to all who witness" it
faith and courage for greater
consecration for the ensning year.
Music is furnished by a Quartet of
Luther Leaguers. '
The characters wno are repre
sented Include: Pleasure, Happi
ness, The' Successful Business,
Disappointment, Sorrow and Sin
fulness. Each of these look back
to 1929 and propose tor live 1930
ust as they have lived 1929. But
a voice admonished Pleasure and
Successful Businessman and com
forts, Disappointment, Sinfulness
and Sorrow, following which all
characters return with a pledge
of changed life and new resolu
At tne close of the program,
and with the singing of "Give Me
Thy Heart," the pastor enters the
rostrum to mate the closing ap
peal for consecration of lives.
This program was originally
planned for earlier in the year,
but weather conditions delayed
its presentation.
Banquet For
Fathers and Sons
Tuesday Night
The Ford Memorial M. E.
Community church is planning
tor its annual father and son
banquet, which will be held Tues
day evening at 6:15 o'clock In the
community hall -in West Salem.
The young men of the Epworth
League will serve.
All Fathers and Sons In the
Community are Invited to enjoy
tnis evening. The program will
consist of toasts, music and an
address. Wesley Warren will re
present the sons and Rev. W. J.
Warren will represent the fathers.
The Boy, Scouts will give a short
piayier. ana Ronald Glover will
give an address. There will be
music by local talent.
NEW YORK. Jan. 81 (AP)
One of the most comprehensive
buying movements since the post
panic rally was checked last De
cember took place in today's
stocK market, with total sales and
the railroad. Industrial and pub
lic utility indices all setting new
ugh records for the year. While
week end profit taking sales
were rather heavy, they were
easily absorbed, net gains in the
active Issues ranging from 1 to
11 points.
Sears Roebuck, making public
Its first sales report under the
13 month calendar adopted by
the company, made a favorable
comparison with last year. The
annual dividend on Burroughs
Adding Machine was raised from
80 cents to 31, but Studebaker
omitted the usual Quarterly stock
omaena or l per cent aeciarea
at this time.
Postponement of the. federal
trade commission hearings on the
financial operations of public util
ities probably stimulated the de
mand for those Issues. .
: Columbia Gas, Consolidated
Gas, Laclede Gas St Stone and
Webster all closed 3 to 6 points
higher, heavy covering by short
interests stimulating the advance,
Tom Kay Slated
To Announce His
Position Today
The long awaited announce
ment of Thomas B. Kay, state
treasurer, respecting his candida
cy tor the governorship is expect
ed to be given out today. Mr,
Kay was out of, town yesterday,
beinr in Portland conferring with
political friends and discussing
the situation. With Mr. Kay's an
nouncement the other- possible
candidates will make their deci
sion. Neuner Is expected to de
cline to enter If Mr. Kay becomes
a candidate while it Is reported
that Jay Upton may enter if Mr.
Kay does.
Within the next few days al
cloudiness respecting Individual
candidacies will be dispelled and
the great free-for-all for the re
publican nomination win oe in
full awing.
NKW YORK. Jan. 31. AP)
A ' bequest of 82.391.S34, cf
which fl,543,S70 was In notes he
owed her. was left to Clarence tu
Mackay. president of the Postal
Telegraph and Commercial came
company, by his mother, Mrs. sta
rie Louise Mackay, a transfer tax
appraisal filed today disclosed.
CONCORD, S. C, Jan. tl.
(AP) Mrs. Mary Fix died at the
home of her son, M. F. Fix, near
here late yesterday at the reputed
age of 112. - Relatives claim sne
was "bora- September 1, 1817.
1 -PORTLAND, Ore -Jan., 11.
(APj Employment in me lum
ber industry In the Pacific north
west la gradually , returning
'" " esajnnnmaasmB '
& si .
fill'' r-,-''v'
J C . j i ?
Above, scene from demonstrav
- - : - ,
uum given oj rTuiessor urn
Wilkins, ' ex-spiritualist . aad
medium, who lectures Sunday
Bight aACongregationai church
Below, Professor Wilkins.
TURNER, Jan. 31. Next Sun
day morning at the Church of
Christ, Rev. E. J. Gilstrap will
preach on "The Joy of Service,"
and at the evening service the
subject will be "Is There a God?"
His sermons are proving a good
tonic for those who have been
discouraged by weather condi
tions. There was an increase in at
tendance at Sunday school last
Lord's day in spite of the sick
ness of many and of the bad
Tuesday evening the Christian
Endeavor held its monthly social
at the church. There were 45
present and all report a most en
joyable erening. The Junior En
deavor held a novel service Sun
day evening. It was a "campfire
meeting" with colored lights and
logs, making a realistic scene.
Each part taken was another log
added to the tire.
The Loyal Six Eight class en-
Joyed a fine time popping corn
and playing games at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones Mon
day evening.
Combined Service Planned
By Castle United Brethren
Groups for Sunday Morning
The Sunday morning services at
the Castle United Brethren
church will be a combined meet
ing of the Sunday school and
church, and will begin at 10:45
o'clock. The following program
has been arranged:
Memory verses by classes; Mis
sions, with Mrs. J. C. Hill in
charge; recitation by Mary Eli
ott; offertory, John Gilhousen;
recitation, Forest Samster; pia
no solo, Marion Chase; recitation.
wanlta Odom; recitation. Doro
thy Welch; object talk, "Develop
ment" by Rev. L. W. Biddle, pas
tor; song and benediction.
Latter Day Saints to Hear
Special Lecture Tomorrow
The Church of Jeans Christ of
Latter Day Saints will present a
special Illustrated lecture on the
topic of "Fruits of. Mormonism"
at 11:30 o'clock Sunday morning
in the auditorium of Nelson build
ing, 381 Chemeketa street. Pres
ton D. Alder will give the lecture,
to which all who are interested
are invited.
Funeral Rites
For Mrs. Basey
Slated Monday
Funeral services for Mrs. Eth
el Basey, 43, who died in Port
land, will be held Monday at 3
p. m. at the Hayesville Baptist
church with Arthur Rylander of
ficiating. Mrs. Basey lived for
several years In the Claxtar dis
trict. She is survived by her hus
band, Irwin Basey, of Portland:
a son, Stephen Basey, of central
Oregon; and the following chil
dren,, Alton, Marguerite, Billy,
Nellie, Mary and Elmer Basey, all
of Portland.
The Woman's Home Missionary
of the First Methodist church will
meet on Wednesday afternoon in
the church parlors at 3:30. Mrs
C. F. Wilson, the president will
preside. The devotions will be
led by Mrs. W. C Keck and Mrs.
A. A. Lee will act as program
GERVAIS, Jan. 31. The Sacred
Heart parish has bought from the
heirs of John Weiss the property
located at the corner of E. and
Third street, and Is remodeling
it to be used as a social hall., A
modern kitchen and a dining
room and large social hall will be
arranged. The first meeting was
held Wednesday night v when the
young people's society met in the
new hall. -
(APlDr. William . Herbert
Perry Faunce, president emeritus
of Brown university, died late to
day at his home here. Death, was
caused by heart trouble and
bronchial pneumonia. Dr. Faunce
was In his 71st year.
A Si
V if I
, 1
" y
Dallas Churches Uniting
For Sunday Night Service
With Evangelists as Hosts
DALLAS, Jan. 31 Sunday at
the Dallas Methodist church the
pastor. J. W. Warrell will preach
at 11 o'clock on "The Holy Spirit
in Christian Experience." Spe
cial music will be furnished by
the choir. At the same hour a
Junior church service will be held
with W. P. Miller in charge.
A Union service will be held in
the Evangelical church at 7:30
o'clock with the Christian, Pres
byterian and Methodist groups
uniting with the congregation of
the Evangelical church. The
pastor of the Methodist church-
will preach. The choir of the
Evangelical church will furnish
the special music.
Sunday School Heads
For Year Are Chosen
WACONDA. Jan. 81 New
officers for the Eld r ledge Sunday
school have been elected tor the
year as follows: Miss Gladys
Brown, superintendent; Mrs. A.
W. Nusom. assistant suprinten-
dent; Mrs. Ed Scharff, treasurer;
Miss Esta Timm, secretary; Leila
Woods, assistant secretary; Mrs.
Roy Barker, chorister; Mrs. Allyn
Nusom, assistant chorister; Miss
Stella Banyard and Carl Shivery,
Monthly Meeting of Church
School Board to Be Monday
The church school board of the
First Methodist church will meet
In the church parlors on Monday
evening at 7:80 o'clock for the
regular monthly meeting.- The
general - superintendent, Ben E.
Rickli. will preside. Report from
the departments will be given and
some important matters of busi
ness will be transacted.
Christian Missionary Alliance Tabernacle
655 Ferry Down Town
Every night except Saturday 7 :30
Every afternoon except. Monday and Saturday 2:30
Two great services on'Sunday
JOHN W. HATCH, Evauagrllst
Church St. Bt. Chemeketa a Center. A Downtown Chnrch.
11 A. M. Is The Religion of Fear Worth Anything?
Anthem: "Great Is The Lord." Packard.
- "Solo: "Others" Penn. Alvin Shirman.
7:30 The Portals of 1930 A Dramatic Program.
r Heaven of Life, Brlstow. Church Chorus.
My Heavenly Home, Robensin. Church Chorus.
Special songs for tne dramatic program by the Quartette.
Wm. MeGilchrist in charge of music.
Rev. P. W. Eriksen. Factor.
: i ..-.,. .. .. . .-
, "IL.
;! 0
Tf -
v. '
Concert Will Be at Presby
terian Church at 7:30
o'clock Sunday
The vested choir of the First
Presbyterian church will present
a concert at 7:30 o'clock Sunday
evening. - Soloists for the even
ing are. Miss Josephine Albert
and William Wright. There will
also be a male chorus and a duet
by Mrs. Ersel Mundinger and
Wendell Robinson. Prof. Frank
Churchill, the organist, will play
a 15 minute prelude of organ mu
sic. " The program follows:
Organ prelude:
" a "Jubilate Deo? 8flvr
; b ''Song of India" . t
a "Viennese Folk Song....
, Anthem, "Holy, Holy, Holy"
Solo, "Jesus Only", Rotoll
William Wright.
Anthem, "From Egypt's Bond-"-age
Come", Page.
Anthem, "The Path of Prayer",
Duet, "Love Divine" (Daughter
of J aims), Stainer Mrs. Man
dinger, Mr. Robinson.
Anthem, "Build Thee More
Stately Mansions" Andrews.
Solo, "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought", Ambrose Miss Jose
phone Albert.
Anthem. "Gloria" (18th Mass),
Male chorus, "Showers of
Blessings", Ashford.
Anthem, "The Lord Is Great",
Organ Postlude, "Triumphal
March" (Aida), Verdi.
Foreign Students to Give .
Program at Presbyterian
Church in Dallas Sunday
DALLAS, Jan. 81 Rev. James
A. Smith, of the Presbyterian
church of Dallas, has arranged
for a special program at the
church, Sunday afternoon, Febru
ary 3, at 4:30 o'clock. - Rev. Mon
roe O. Everett, student pastor at
Corvallis will be accompanied by
four foreign students each of
whom will speak on the subject of
"Christ In Other Lands."
The students are: Roman -Vll-lalen
of the Philippines; Haeeb
Messawir of Sldon, Syria; Miss
Mabel Chin Quong of Portland;
Marshall Wells, a student from
California, and William King
from Corvallis will also take part
in the program. Mrs. Everett will
accompany the visitors to Dallas.
Evangelical Church Plans
To Observe Day of Prayer
At Morning Hour Sunday
Sunday, February 2, has been
designated as Day of Prayer by
the Woman's Missionary society
of . the First Evangelical church,
and In observation of this day a
special program has been arrang
ed for the 11 o'clock hour.
Rev. A. P. Layton, pastor,' will
give a short talk on the home
missionary work-of the church:
Rev. Thompson will talk on "The
Kinds of Prayer;" Rev. Ersklne
will speak on "The Privileges of
Prayer" and Rev. H. C. Stover
will give a short talk on "The Re
sponsibility of Prayer." The choir
has arranged a special selection.
Missionary Society Meet
Scheduled for Wednesday
The Missionary society of the
First Congregational church will
meet at the home ef Mrs. W. E.
Wilson, 1337 Court street, Wed
nesday afternoon. Miss Camp
bell will tell of missionary work
being done in the Labrador coun
try nnder the direction of Dr. Wil
fred T. Orenfel. ,
Cor. High Ferry St. Rodgere Bldg.
Sunday School f:4 5 a. m. Baptism
Preaching Services 10:S0 a. m., T:30 p. m.
B. Y. P. TJ.'s :30 (Sr.. Int., Jr.
Anthem "Unto the King Eternal," Wilson.
Male chorus "When You Know Jesus Too,
Baptismal Service at Tl 30 ?
W. Earl Ooctsraa,