CIRCULATION Daftr itmn sirtriVstloa'tsr tkm awsth sading Dcmbtr II, 1S2S f iittritatJ og Dcmbti 6,656 WEATHER Unsettled today and Fri day; Intermittent rains. Max. temperature Wednes day 51; Mln. 29; Rain .56; Calm; Cloudy; River .7. Avrf sily net said S.10S Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Thursday Horning; January 30, 1930 No. 2SS FIGHT CARRIED i TO RESCUE Peter Trans Caught in Crib bing While Working Un der Water Falls jfUrplanes Rush Rescue Party Jo Scene of Disaster Late Wednesday QUEBEC. ' Que.. Jan. 29. '(AP) Two expert direr, wflio arrived at the isolated Tillage of Riviere AuxOutrades late today by airplane, tonight donned un derwater toggery and descended to the bottom of St. Lawrence river In an attempt to rescue Peter Trans, imprisoned by snagged equipment since Monday. QUEBEC, Que., Jan. 29. -(AP) The elements appeared to nave triumphed today in a des perate battle for the 'life of a deep aea diver who 'was' trapped at the bottom of the Outarde riv er, in an isolated section .175 miles north of here. Diver on Bottom Since Laet Monday Peter Trans was caught' Mon day in the cribbing at the bottom of a falls where the Ontario Pa per company is constructing a power plant, at a point near where the Outarde empties Into the St. Lawrence. Two airplanes bearing two res cue divers set oat yesterday to go to Trans aid, but they were forced down by a snowstorm at Rimouskl. A volunteer diver went down twice yesterday and report ed Trans could be freed only by sawing away the crib, but he was afraid to try it himself lest he ac cidentally sever the air lines. Today a laborer, Arvo Silvala, put on a diving suit and went down into the ice waters. He worked close enough to Trans to grip his hand. There was no re sponse, Trans was either uncon scious from the long exposure or dead. Third Party Makes Ills Way in Airplane Meanwhile the two divenrri Quesnel Moreney, and Lewis Be gin, resumed their flight today end arrived at Riviere Auz Out ardes. But when they got there the current had become too swift for them to go below. A dispatch from Toronto, Ont., said a third diver, W. T. Dudley, who never had flow before, start ed from there this afternoon by plane. His party exepected to reach Quebec tonight, and If weather conditions are favorable, to continue at once to another point, across the St. Lawrence from Riviere Aux Outrades. They will complete the trip tomorrow as soon as daylight and weather permit. 0rvx Lane County WUl Get Health WregOIl Unit; Man Shot "Mistaken T lor Deer" Out of Season by DllGTS Slayers; Spears Welcomed Health Unit Planned EUGENE, Ore,, Jan. 29. (AP) Announcement was made here today that Lane county will have a complete health unit after Feb ruary 1. The unit will consist of a full time public health officer, yet to be appointed by Dr. F. L. Strieker, state health officer, two nurses and an office assistant. Funds for the undertaking will be furnished by the United States public health department, the state board of health, and Lane county. Crash Injures Man EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 29. (AP) D. K. Cavenah, retail lumber dealer of Portland, was seriously injured today when his ear col lided with a. Southern Pacific Portland-bound stage on the Pa cific highway four miles north of Junction City. Passengers on the stage were not hart. Cavenah received deep cuts on his head and limbs. Deer Hunters Fined ' EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 29. (AP) Amos Bilyeu, Harry Ludke, and Lee Foster were each fined 17 B in Justice court here today on charges of hunting deer out of season. They were together when Bilyeu shot and killed Ralph Jinn .of ' Goldson Monday. Bilyeu admitted the killing, de-elarins- ha mistook Finn for a deer. The shooting will be' in-. Testlgated oy tne grand Jury. Shooting Case Aired PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 29. (AP) . Charged with assault with Intent to kill. Edward A. Ekolil, 'wealthy foundryman of this city," went to trial in circuit court here today. SkolU Is al leged to have shot and seriously wounded his - business partner. William T. Harrises, la their of- ' flee last October, smim nrli inn Planned . PORTLAND. Ore, Jan. 19 (AP) Cirle nd business Iead- are ox uus eiif "" ," w . a reception-for Dr. Clarence W. '.. !! fAnthall coach epeai, at the University of Oregon and former gridiron mentor at the University of Minnesota, when he arrives nere bw - to all new aiauoa , ; AwitMaes Attacked - ' Mexican Soviet Row Precipitated yip A statement by General Estrada (above)). Foreign Minister of Mexico, revealed that the Mexi can Minister aa Moscow had been ordered to leave Russia, several days ago, and that all others in the Embassy person nel were directed to quit the Russian capital a an "act of protest," The break was brought about by recent Com munistic4 manifestations before Mexican embassies. HIS H DEFENSE Acute Alcoholism Caused by Excessive Use of Boot leg Rum, Claim AUSTIN, Tex., Jan. 29 (AP) Two physicians late today after John W. Brady's own counsel read a long Indictment again him as a man who killed a woman because his finer Instincts had been destroyed by bootleg liquor, testified in effect: "Such a man is Insane." Brady, on trial "here for the murder of Miss Lehlia Highsmith, 28, with whom the defense said be had had a long "affair" heard from E. A. Berry, chief of his law yers, the story of the defense case as Berry described it to Doctors Goodall and Joe Woo ten, broth ers. The 59 year old defendant, a former civil appeals court judge, did not alter his expression per ceptibly as Berry said in sub stance to he Wootens: "Doctor, it is in evidence here that Johny Brady until a few years ago had an exceptionally bright mjnd and heal a high place in the public service and the pub lie trust. "It is in evidence here that a few years ago he started greatly over-indulging In bootleg liquor. That he became surly, morose, (Turn to Page 2, Please.) Falls today was made defendant in an injunction suit filed by B. B. Fenwlck, taxlcab stand owner. Fenwick asked the court to issue an order restraining city officers from enforcing an ordinance passed in November which gives them" the power to stay where stands are located and to with draw licenses if any prohibition, or traffic laws are violated. Stallard Busy Again H. H. Stallard of Portland Wednesday filed with the secre tary of state here a preliminary petition for an 'initiative measure establishing a $3 license fee for motor vehicles and increasing tho gasoline tax from four to five cents a gallon. Stallard attempted to initiate a Similar measure in 1928 but the petitions were not completed. V Strangle- Lewis Wins PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 29.' (AP) Ed Strangler" Lewis, for mer world's heavyweight cham pion, defeated Dr. Karl Sarpolis. Cleveland grappler, in the main event of the wrestling match here tonight. Linn Campaign On ALBANY. Ore.. Jan. 29 (AP) Linn county's first candidate in the 1930 primary election was announced today through filing of a petition by W. 8. Risiey, lo cal attorney, who aspires to be county judge. He will seek the republican nomination. Capitol In Again THE DALLES, Ore., Jan. 29- (AP) Held on a charge of im personating a man and attempt ing "to pass worthless checks. Capltola Cooper, 21, was being held in jail here today. Robberr Nets f7 PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 29 (AP) Two armed robbers held up Louis Heckman In his grocery store here tonight, obtaining 17 1 from the cash register. - ; Fire Loss 930.000 ' KLAMATH FALLS, Ore,' Jan. 29. (AP) Fire: tonight de stroyed the new plant of the Ar vin Frame Manufacturing com pany. The loss waa estimated by officials at $30,009. Cause of the fire was undetermined since the bunding was demolished. - - .The plant was owned by JT, I Arvta. formerly el fJpokaaer ft RMS ni yaxtuuj tatsrea. NHH TO BE PROBED Investigation of Race Riots Launched in Central Cal ifornia Section Islanders Barred From Par ticipating in Prize Fights To Avoid Trouble LOS ANGELES. Cal., Jan. 29. (AP) William J. French, di rector of the department of indu strial relations, said in a report to the council of Governor C. C Young today that a state investi gation of the recent race riots in central California has been lannched. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 29. (AP) Filipinos, involved during the past fortnight in racial dis turbances in several California communities, were barred today from the state's prizefight rings. "To prevent further ill, feelings and possible serious trouble," said a telegram to a Vallejo promoter frost the state boxing commission, "please do not book any Filipino boxers Until farther notice. If any are now booked, take them off the cards and get substitutes." Police heads at centers of re cent disorders moved today to prevent further trouble. Stockton was quiet after a noisy night, in which the front of a Filipino clubhouse was blown away and several street scraps re ported. No one was injured. More than 16,000 Filipinos make their homes in or near Stockton. Authorities Investigating the bombing are not fully convinced that It was the work of whites and are investigating the possibility that the "outrage was the result of internal dissension among mem bers of the local Filipino colony. The Filipino question at Wat- sonville, near which city Fermin Tobera, Filipino lettnee worker. waa killed last week in a riotous attack on a Filipino bunk house. developed a political angle. The state counsel for the Filipino Cit izens league announced the or ganization would file suits for damages against Sheriff N. P. Sin- noit and District Attorney Wilbur Gardner on the grounds that the riots last week would not have oc curred had they exercised "prop er vigilance." G IS LAID TO QUARTET SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 19. AP) with the arrest late to day of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Base and Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, police and federal prohibition agents announced that the four probably will be charged with In terfering and attacking a federal arent in the discharge of his duty in connection with the kidnaping and fceatin? of D. Dunning an under eover prohibition informer. early today. Bonds for the two men were set at $10,000, Mrs. Williams at $1,000 and Mrs. Baze at $3,000. The arrest of Mrs. Baze who was charged with having taken an active part in the attack, vas fol lowed rapidly by the issuance of warrants for the others. Wil liams was the owner of the eaj used and me uriver ai iue nine, police said. Dnnnlnr. with R. Ginn. had Just completed a deal for a quan tity or liquor wun ine iour anu had started to arrest them, the agents reported. Ginn was knocked from the running board of the car and Dunning, who was In the machine, was taken away. they said. He was found wander ing In a dazed condition several hours after the kidnaping. nnnninr aaid he bad been beat en with a wrench and choked while be was beinr driven around Lake Washington He waa in the citv hosnltal todav suffering with severe bruises and an Injury to one eye. 11BT1 SEEKS IDIi MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 29 (AP) A three year contract at $10,- 000 a year are tne terms , on whleh Tom Lleb. former assist ant coach at Notre Dame, will ac cent the nost as head football coach at the University of Minne sota, it was learned today. Lleb, Is was learned unofficial ly, submitted these terms yester day, to a special committee -wnien fa eaaklar a. anrvev Of candidates for the position left vacant by the resignation ox ur. ciarenee Spears to become head coach at the University of Oregon. . -. Minnesota's counter proposal to Lleb was S7.oe a year wua am annual Increase of $$00 to $10,000 a year, which is the high est salary paid any memoer m the faculty. - TJh aata ha bad a contract In his pocket, calling for $12,000 a year from anotner senooi wnicn he declined ta name. It is known however, that he li wanted as as- fataet eeaali at the-tTatteraHr. nf California and as head eoaeh at suivn ejoiiest ta jimm. hi OFFICER neniDuffl Everett Billiard Artist Winner in Northwest Event PORTLAND, Ore- Ji tO. (AP) Def eating O. O. OLaguer of Portland 250 to 114 in the final and de ciding game of the tourna ment, Monrad C WaHgren of Everett won the Pacific Northwest amateur 1843 baJkUn billiard champion ahip at the Rial to parlors here tonight. The contest went 21 innings. Wallgren will meet Rich ard Fonts, southwest cham pion at Seattle next month for the Pacific coast title, now held by the Everett harp shooter. The winner of this match becomes eligible- for the national finals, to be held at French Lick, Indiana, the week tax-tins; March 10. Wallgren won the national title last year, only to lose it two months later to Ray Fessendew at Madison, Wis. Olaguer, a comparative newcomer in major compe tition, lost only one game during the tournament here, giving him second place. Sam Cooper, Seattle, was third. CULTIVATED 'BEST Common People Avoided for Husband's Sake Asserts Plaintiff in Suit TOa ANGEL.ES. Jan. 29 (AP) Intersnerged with defense attempt to impeach her testi mony, Mrs. Mattie Dean Hutchin son, Chicago society woman, told under cross examination today of her attempts to cultivate the "best people" as an aid to her husband, Samuel S. Hutchinson, whose alleged paramour, Mrs. Edith P. Taylor, she is suing for alienation of affections. Hutchinson, a Chicago film dis tributor, and Mrs. Taylor, from whom the wife seeks $300,000 for an alleged love affair which she claimed existed for 20 years before she became aware of it, sat In the superior court with bowed heads, occasionally glancing at the witness as she told of her life in tones sometimes faltered. "What do you mean by the best?" Defense Attorney Bryori Hanna asked Mrs. Hutchinson fol lowing her testimony about her social acquaintances. "Well, the best." she replied. "I tried to cultivate people of social distinction to help Mr. Hutchin son in business and socially." "Did you try to cultivate com mon people?" I tried not to." Hanna produced a letter writ- tento Hutchinson by his wife three months after their separa tion in 1927, while he was living here and Mrs. Hutchinson was residing In Chicago. In it, the writer accused Hutchinson of fail ing to pay bills, lavishing money on others and advised him if he did not have sufficient, cash to meet his obligations, he should sell his stocks and pawn his val uables "as I have dose." SILVER 1W HELD NOT ray TUT PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 29. (AP) With the forecast of not much change In temperature. there will be no prospects of a harBh silver thaw in this district tomorrow or Friday, the weather man promised today. Today the mercury hovered one or two degrees above the freezing point and the weather was suf ficiently warm to fill gutters to the brim with running water and slushy snow. . A mild silver thaw hit the high er regions of the city late yester day, but the ice melted today. Traffic moved np the Columbia river highway today after crews of workmen from Multnomah county and the state highway com mission joined forees In clearing off the ice from the pavement near Waukeena Falls and drifts of tapioca snow near Multnomah falls. Their all night battle was successful and Union Pacifle trains, blocked by huge drifts in the same district, moved over their regular tracks today. PATROL TO PREVENT WASmNGTON. Jan. 29. (AP) Swept along by an inef fectual effort to claim an- addi tional 2100,010 for petroling the borders, the Immigration aaestion moved into the house today with signs pointing toward Its becom ing a major Issue. - The matter was brought to the fore with, the offer of an amend ment by Chairman Johnson, of the . Immigration committee, to the f oar-department supply bin to increase by $100,000 the $1, 818,440 carried la the : measure for coast and border patrols.- Aft er a brief debate, the amendment was defeated by a IS to t vote. Undismayed, proponents 'of a strengthened guard alone the boundaries et the nation to pre vent the mecal influx at aliens leenUaued to express their tIswb. in she u in n ICE VESSEL'S TRIP IMPPLIES Community of Brookfield Is Still Marooned Await nig Provisions New Attempt to Be Made To day; Other Towns Are . Reached Easily ASTORIA. Ore.. Jan. 29 (AP) Efforts of the river steamer Ef- fin to carry provisions to the ke- ocked community of Brookfleld, on the north bank of the Colum bia river, failed today when the vessel was unable to break through a 10 foot ice barrier fronting the village. The Effln nenetrated the ice to other communities without dif ficulties, however, and anchored at Skamokawa. Wash., tonight. She will make another attempt to smash her way to Brookfleld to morrow. If this falls the light house tender Rose will be asked to open a "channel to the maroon ed village. Food Supply Now Nearly Exhausted Reports received here from Brookfleld today indicated food supplies in the village were being pooled and that while privation does not yet exist, there would be great need of provisions in the next few days. Some families were said to have been without supplies for the last ten days and have been living on food furnish ed by neighbors. The steamer Beaver of the Ha- kins Transportation company, company, which started down the Columbia this morning, was not expected here until midnight as she found ice conditions in the river difficult between Portland and Longview. No attempt was made to send the Undine, of the same line, up stream. Health Unit Official Sub mits Report After Ex aminations Here A report of the findings of Dr. Estill Brunk, dentist with the county health unit, in the dental examinations held this month in the nine grade and two junior high schools in Salem has just been submitted to the office of the city school superintendent, and shows that 66.4 per cent of the 8,119 children examined in these schools are in need of den tal care. The fact that school children are not responding more to the dental aspect of personal cleanli ness is disappointing to school health leaders, but following Dr. Brunk's report, an Intensive cam paign of dental education will be put on in the schools here from February- 10 to 14, inclusive. when the school dentist will show films and In each school make a special effort to Induce children to help reduce. the percentage of bad teeth. Dental defects have consistently showed low ln the health program in Salem, and have alone been responsible for keeping many children from the annual health honor roll. A large number of school chil dren here have defects corrected one year, or following the den tist's recommendation, but do not form the habit of keeping teeth eared for regularly or of going to the family dentist every few months for examinations, tne dental Inspections reveal. Chil dren simply wait, in many cases, until the annual school inspection comes before any attention is paid. Some children's teeth are (Turn to Page 2, Please.) NEW FORESTER FOR DISTRICT IS 1MED pnnTT.AKD. Ore.. Jan. 29 - (kt ruronce J. Buck, assis tant district forester in charge of land management, will sncceea u. M. Granger, former district for ester here, on March 1, the local forest office was advised today. nMii..i .mmiMt waa annotated chief of the national timber re source survey being conducted by the United states forest serviee. - Buek has been a resident of Oregon since 1908. He was born in fttoekfcrldM. Mass.. October 10. 1881, graduating from Williams college in Massachusetts la 1903. He obtained his master of for estry degree from the Tale School nf VnrMtrr In 1S0S. Two years after his arrival here he was appointed to tne po sition which he has since held. Pravlnna tn that lie was deoutv forest supervisor tn the Klamath national forest in. California, La ter he was made supervisor of the Crater national forest la Oregon and In 1102 he held the nosltlon of assistant chief of operations daring the formation of the west ern forest districts. - " . Notable among , his achieve ments daring his service with the local district ofnee were his ef forts ta teereettve planning work ia orogoa aaa wasnisgton, DENTAL BATi mm Parts Of Eielson Plane Scattered Over Large A rea Last Hope for Flyers Abandoned When Cabin Is Found Unoccupied Short Distance From Scene of Machine's Wreck NOME, Alaska, Jan. 29. (AP) The fourth day of dig sine for the bodies of Carl Ben Eielson and Earl Borland in northern Siberia's hard packed snow at the lonely spot where their plane crashed nearly three months ago revealed more objects from the plane scattered far and wide but the remains of Alaska's great air hero and his young comrade had not yet been found. Seven men were opening four, foot trenches through ice Mi UffflMWTK CHANGED Service Station to Be Built On Boise Property Upon Court Street Extension of the downtown business section eastward on the north side of Court street, was forecast Wednesday when It was revealed that Breyman Boise had eased a portion of his property on the northeast corner of Court and Church, occupied for many years by the old Eugene Breyman dwelling, to the Texas Oil com pany whleh is planning, it was reported, to erect an elaborate super service station on the prop erty. The dwelling, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise, will be moved to property which they own on North Summer street. net south of Mill creek. Con struction of the service station cannot be started until weather conditions permit of tbe removal of the dwelling. The ground lease, Breyman Boise said Wednesday, does not include the large walnut tree which stands on the property. That some development in that part of the city might be expect ed soon was Indicated more than a year ago when the city council at the recommendation of the planning and zoning commission approved a change for this corner. Mr. Boise had assured the com mission that no building would be permitted there which would de tract from the beauty of the civic center. He said Wednesday that his Investigation of plans for the service station had assured him the plant would be attractive and In keeping with the surroundings. KEffS HI 6H LEVER NEW YORK, Jan. 29. (AP) Speculative interest in today's markets was divided between the further recovery In stock prices which carried the index of 90 leading issues to a new high level for the year, and the renewed weakness of wheat and eotton fu tures, the latter touching new low levels for. the season. Gains in the stock market ran from 1 to 12 hi points but these were Interspersed ith a number of declines rang ing from fractions to 4 points. Excellent steel news, including the publication of the unexpected ly favorable statement by the U. S. Steel corporation and reports of a further upturn in steel mill activity, provided the chief stim ulus to the buying movement. This was fortified by a series of favorable dividend developments. Including a resumption of pay ments by Colorado Fuel after a lapse of nine years and extra pay ments by Liggett ana Myers ana International Silver, and by a further redaction in the daily average of crude oil production. Such irregularity as developed in the stock market during the dav was due largely to liquids tlon by traders who had piled up profits in the recent advance. HIGH m BEETS PRICES HELD VALID OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 29 (AP) Hirh orices paid for sugar beets by the Great Western Su gar company of Denver, were merely "bargain days" for sugar beet rrowers holding contracts with the company and were not paid to restrain Interstate com merce. Federal Juage j. w. Woodbrongh ruled here today In dismissing the government's crim inal action brought against the company. The court also held that -the statute of limitation had outlaw ed the charges which were the outgrowth of a price cutting war in western Nebraska's beet re gion. , - " - '. - The government contended the Great Western had paid exorbi tant prices for beets and then sold the finished prodact at an aaprofltable priee ia ardor to la fare, tho Bolly f aaag eompaay. a eaznflatUax. - rBSsen(W' wnr-"e SUTNB vand snow over an area as large as the average city block 90 miles southeast of North Cape, where Eielson's ship crashed into a hill, apparent- y traveling full speed. But Seven of 18 Gas Cases Found Only seven of the 18 cases of gasoline which Eielson was carry ing from Teller, Alaska, to the icebound trading ship Nanuk at North Cape, on bis ill-fated flight of November 9 have, been found. Mittens, seat cushions, parts of the motor, batteries and provi sions have also been uncovered. Belief that the fliers' bodies are buried in the same area and covered by several feet of snow during nearly three months' of winter blizzards was strengthened by the discovery of a trapper's cabin a few miles from- the wreck. Searchers believe that if Eielson and Borland had escaped alive they would have found the Rus sian's shack, whilch lies about half way between the wreck and the coast of the Arctic ocean, ten miles away. Russian Flyers SVek Official Information Two Russian planes made a 400 mile flight from St. Lawrence Bay, on the Bering Strait, to the (Turn to Page 2, Please.) FORT RESIGNS JOB WITH 0.0. P. GROUP Secretary of National Com mittee Turns in Resig nation Yesterday WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (AP) -Representative Franklin Fort of New Jersey, made public tonight his resignation as secretary of the republican national committee. Mr. Fort who was manager of the pre-convention campaign of Mr. Hoover for presidency, has been secretary of the republican national committee daring the Kansas City convention. In that capacity he served during the pres idential campign. Along with the letter of Fort, tendering his resignation, the re publican national committee made public one of Claudius H. Huston, cnairman or tne committee, ac cepting it. Huston said that in view of past conversations with Fort, the resignation came as no surprise He expressed his regret that the New Jersey man had made np his mind to quit the committee post. OFFICE C01UPH IN WYOMING CITED CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 29. (AP) Efforts of Wyoming boot leggers to create a system of state maintained blockades with their districts, thereby shutting off importations from outside ter ritory, were related here today in the trial ot W. C. Irving, former state law enforcement officer and 22 co-defendants on a conspiracy charge. George A. Smith, a deputy in the law enforcement department. testified that Sylvester Taylor et Thermopolis asked him to stop the importation of Kemmerer, Wyo., liquor into Thermopolis territory. "It's hurting my business in Thermopolis and something is go ing to be done about it, Smith said Taylor told him. Smith testified that be refused to have any dealing with Taylor. That being the ease, 111 have to go over your head for X have done business with - other offi cers," Taylor Is alleged to have told Smith, adding that his de mands bad been granted. Municipal Bonds Ready to Be Sold Street Improvement bonds In the amount of I 9,099 are now ready to be sold, and an ordin ance authorizing a can for bids haa been prepared for introduc tion at tho net. council meeting. City Recorder . Mark Poalsen an nounced Wednesday. DEPTJTT FIRED PORTLAND, Ore- Jan. (AP) An order discharging C S. Stowe, former chief deputy county, cleric wajuaffirmed today by. the eounty civil service eom missioa la raporUaa their deci sion npen tho appeal taken by etowa xrosa taa vtiguu sada& T BY DELEGATES ormation Important Com mittee Presents Vexing Issue at Session Suggestion of Seven British Representatives Meets With Opposition ARMS SESSION Ff BRIEF7 By the Associated Press Conference splits on pro posal for steering commit tee to handle technicalities Indicated that fears of Brit ish domination through do minion members caused hitch. Plenary sessions today will hear Franco - British compromise on limitation methods. Reported autbor Itively that transference of one-sixth of the tonnage of each category to any other class will be permitted to meet national needs. Secretary Stimson leads movement to humanize war methods, especially in nse of submarines. By FRANK H. KING Associated Press Starf Writer LONDON, Jan. 29 (AP) New and unexpected difficulties of procedure arose tonight to threaten the smooth running et the plenary session of the naval converence tomorrow. A flvo power agreement on the method of measuring fleet tonnage was practically complete, however. and ready to be broadcast to the world through the newspapermen" who will be admitted to the ses sion. The problem which so suddenly reared Its head grew from objec tions to the proposed steertng committee of delegates on meth ods and limitations, the setting up of which was expected to be the chief formal business of tho session tomorrow. To this com mittee were to be referred techni cal questions such as those France and Italy have been wran gling over for more than a week, so mat the conference proper can go forward with the business of disarmament. MacDonald Holds Hurried Conferences Prime Minister Ramsav Mac- Donald tonight held conferences with Secretary of State Henrv L Stimson, former Premier Reijiro Wakatsuki and foreign secretary uurn xo rage z, nease.) ITIW VIRTUALLY PASSE Though large quantities of snow remain to be thawed out. Salem was rapidly getting back to normalcy Wednesday as the recent record cold spell slipped into history. The floods that were threaten ed for Wednesday failed to ma terialize because the rain clouds passed by, once more contradict ing the official forecast. Absence of rain resulted in slower thaw ing of the snow, and the work done by the city street depart ment workers In keeping the drains clear throughout the cold and snowy period, resulted in suf ficient runoff to prevent any seri ous flooding, though some drains were blocked .np early in the day. Rain Is still being predicted and the danger of floods is not yet past. Local residents are looking for ward expectantly to groundhog day, next Monday, when the pres ence or absence of sunlight, and consequently shadow, will accord ing to tradition determine wheth er good or bad weather is to be expected subsequently. . The Spauldlng Logging com pany expects to have its plant in operation Monday, although the logs are still wedged In several inches of ice. It Is expected that they can be moved by that time if the present weather continues. ORGANIZATION FORMED PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. (AP) I n e o r p o r at 1 on of St. Stephens pro cathedral Into an effective cathedral organisation was officially ratified today by the 4 2d annual convention of the Episcopal diocese af Oregon. Tally's Relations With Church Here Officially Closed Pastoral relation of Dr. Norman Kendall Tally, who recently submitted his res ignation ae pastor of the First Presbyterian churcli hero to accept call from AJhambra, CalitW where of ficially dissolved- yesterday afternoon. The Presbytery' appointed Dr. W. K. War rington mt Oregon State col lego as moderator smtU the now pastor is chosen, j - - Rev. Henry O. Hanson of Woodbnrn presided over the Presbytery, and Dr. W." Lee of Albany was the state clerk. About 15 ministers, representinf as aaany Wffl- amette vauey town. IT T i MEET FLOOD THO