The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. January 17, 1930 PAGE NINE r CLASSIFIED ADVXBTISING Keadiar notices. oz lis 43 tin minimum chars) Classified Advertising, per n Classified -drirtiaiBS. per iia times ' UM 10 ri. ii:rtiin or timt . - " 0-e month, daily and Bandey per Kna ...SI 60 Copy for thla page accepted un til 6:30 the evening befora pubU satlon for classification. Copy r setved after thla tim will b run onder th beading To La to to c y. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE S. If. t:4TiT,t; - 224 No. High St. Phot 2242. A reliable Pa'jcra realtor selling city and farm prepurty cf all kinds. Spe cialist in exchange cf all kinds of property anrv.he.-e. rf,V .,.M Wood Kenney Fticl Co. Tel. 13 8? ML SITUATIONS WANTED HTFSIOGRAPHEII-Bookkeeper four years experience; wants, work after- n. i ! .. w. a AM I ciooas. van aia runui . fcrwviifWyi'" ............... BOT IS wants Job on farm and at- j t-nd schooL 2325 Myrtle, are. Phone1 1K82. WANTED To assist with house work or car tor children. Can Stve references. Call2416. FOR SALE Miscellaneous jxri jtrxj-TurjiiBMrij - SALEM Scavenger service call 167. FOR SALE WOOD 16 old fir. $7.50 per cord. 26F32. Four Corners Gaiare. Call LOST and FOUND - WE have an accumulation of traded out typewriter and adders Tanking In prices from IS to $40. Many are In very good condition, and would make splendid Clo-istmas gifts. Ala new portables. Typewriter Exchange. 411 Court. FOR SALE All kinds ot wood. A. TUCKER 1939,1. ciAiwijir For apples call 58F14. BLUE BIRD lunches delivered t-.-hero you work. Order from Leonard Hotel. Tel. 3709." Order your hominy now. T.tiMRER. winter srlce reduction now In efect on all our lumber. Large or small loads. HOLLYWOOD LUM BER YARDS, phone z MODEL 20 Atwater Kent radio for sale new batteries, cabinet, speaker, complete $85.00. SEE Aire r W-N lfli.icj 143 North High m .. wv. " - --ri-r 'r 11 0.0a Coleman Radiant heater- like new. $15.00. Mike Panek, 32 N. High. - - - - - - nn rK-ir-i-MMs"ii - FOR SALE 7 tons of "good first rutting alfalfa hay. Call 2428R after r.:30. ELECTRIC washing machine, guar nnteed A-l condition, 45.00. 461 No. Front street. Phone 2. WANTED Miscellaneous xxr a MTEnlTd ni nos. In ex- chango on Radios, phonographs, or fur nir ire. IL 1 Stiff Furniture Company. - - - . . Home 3483. I0 you want to buy a horn on easy xerms t Or esobange your city property for r ocreace. O.- exchange your acreage or farm for city home or Income property or re Tit xurni8tted or urrrurnishe- nouse. Or borrow money on good security? ii so. eee . PERRRINE MARSTERS 212 Gray Building LET US SHOW TOU WHAT A FEW t WILL BUT! 1st Ood 6 room house on large east front lot. only 4 blocks from Cap itol building. For a lew oays my 350. easily worth 83589 2nd Out on S. High St.. English style house, large living room and dining room with oak floors, built la kit chen, corner nook, bedroom and .bath downstairs, 2 good bedrooms upstairs. Garage, cement driveway, street paved and paid. A good buy at $4800. 3rd In N. Salem. 7 room plastered house, lot of built Ins, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, gar age. Several young fruit and nut trees. Street paved and paid. $2,- 600 6 loan balance $25 per month. Price $3500. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 32 State Street Phone 1727 EXCHANGE Real Estate" "WE liavn Oretnra oronertsr owned , by non-residents to exchange for mid- die west and California. v nat nave you to offer? A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Real Estate Lo3hs Insurance 147 No. Com'L St. Salem. Oregon TAKE NOTICE Property owners of small tracts with or without bldgs., wishes to sell or trade. SEB LOUIS BECHTEL or GEORGE THOMASON or MRS. CLARKE We have some with the cash ; others that want to trade. Our office at 341 State Street Room 4. LOST Between automobile dept. and Kingwood Heights ladies whit gold wrist watch. Reward. Phone 20S3M. FOR SALE USED CARS 100 Cars to Select From - SHOP AT EVERT USED CAR CO, IN SALEM. THEN MAKE US A VIS IT WHERE PRICES ARE LESS. OUR TERMS ARE FROM 2 TO $3.0 PER MONTH LESS. Vi YEAR LICENSE FURNISHED WHERE NO TRADE IN. COSTUMES I FOR costumes call Salem Co. 2241 K. Sth. Tel. 1947J. ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 4(1 North Front st. Tel. No. A FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Cea's. Court High 8t. Tel. SOL CUT Flower, wedding beoauets funeral wrwiM decoration. C P. Brelthaupt. tlortst. (13 State Street. lei im WILLAMETTB INSURANCE AQEKCT 215 Masonic Bids. Pbn No. I8S. 1927 Chevrolet delivery 1924 Hudson Coupe 1)29 Essex Sport Coupe 192a Overland Coup EXCHANGES Eastern Oregon stock trade for valley farm. 265 175 725 135 192 Chrysler 58 Coach . 350 1924 Ford 4 -door sedan, with li cense - 150 1924 Ford touring with license - 40 1922 Maxwell ton truck ' 60 1924 Bulck sport roadster 200 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 23$ 1925 Ford Coupe 160 192$ Buick Standard Coupe $875 192$ Bulck Standard Spt Road ster : . .. 1927 Buick Standard Coupe - .... 72a 192 Buick Standard Sedan . $ 192C Buick Master touring 354 1927 Chrysler Sedan 60 Model 683 192 Chrysler 62 Coupe 680 12 Chrysler C8 Sedan 425 1S26 Denize Roadster 275 1924 Dodge touring 195 1922 Dodge tourmg 0 1926 Essex coach 250 1924 Ford fordor overhauled lt5 1924 Jewett Coupe, rcfinished 190 1926 Nash Standard Coupe . 426 1925 Oakland touring 235 1927 Oakland Sedan - , 626 1928 Pontiac Coupe , , 675 1927 vontiac coupe 1924 RolUn Couda 126 1927 Star 6 Coupe 300 1927 Star 4 Sedan - 375 1924 Studebaker light 6 Coup 22S 1925 Willys Knight Sedan 350 1924 Willys Knight Coupe sedan- 300 1924 Willys Knight Touring 200 Used Car Center ranch to CONSOLIDATED BT VALLEY MO TOR CO.. W. L. ANDERSON INC, OTTO J. WISON. Phone 1027. WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insuranc Te. 607. tit V B. Ban Btrtu Spokane house to trade for Salem 1 Marlon & Liberty rrfn I I w.WWWW Small cute stucco house to trade for a modem 6 room house, pay -cash difference. , See GEISER with ANDERSON k. RUPERT 169 South High Street Valley Motor Co. - Buy With Safety -Used Ford Cars WANTED REAL ESTATE 1?Frordor Sedan-Krl-kccnUfln CASH paid for furniture. Furniture Co.. 345 Court. Tel. LISTINGS on houses, lots, acre ages and farms. Kelly Realty Co., 191 South Church treet "WANTED Used Maytag. condition. Phone 3726. Good Business Opportunities FOR RENT ROOMS ijzjnjjtrBri s m FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooms. Heat and hot water. Garage If wanted. PhoneJj9j)J; ROOM and BOARD STEAM heated room and board near gtnte house. Phone 2361R. FOR SALE one of the 'best paying suburban store-for particulars SEE LU IS BKCHTEL GEORGE THOMASOV or MRS. CLARKE 541 State 8treet Room 4. MONEY TO LOAN MIMMMAWMMIMAMMM $1000. to $3000 to loan. Gertrude J. M. Page. 1 9 i ft Knnrt Couna ref Iniahed 90 tires $15.00 MVvipl A Bimlnesii Coune me chanically perfect Model A trucks stake body- dual hleh. 8525 MO.OO (One of these trucks has practically new urea) 1927 Tudor Sedan wire wheel good upholstery well care tor 1926 Tudor new paint 1917 Touring one of last one's built 90 tires 1927 Roadster steel box 1925 Tudor Rucksteel 1926 Touring Rucksteel 1926 Roadster 1926 Coupe 290.00 235.00 225.00 215.00 175.00 150.00 165.00 190.00 110.00 75.00 INSURANCE County Court Room in the Comi ty Court House, at Salem, la Marlon County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 17th day of January, 1936. RONALD C. GLOVER. Administrator of the estate of Theresa Sanger, de ceased. J17, 24, SI, F7, 14. West Coast 1 Life Insuranc Co "Insured Savings." 305 First National Bank Building Tel 970. H. J. Harder. DtsU Mgr. BECK - HENDRICKS 1S9 N. Higo TeL til NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the annual Stockholders meeting ot the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills Co. will be held at their office, Salem, Oreg. Jan. -21st., 1930. at 9:30 A. M. K. H. Pickens, secretary. 15-1719. Current Radio Pro grams For Today KGW Saltm Markets 483.6 Meters. 620 Kcvs. , PORTLAND. OREGON" 7 to I a. m. Making Merry. 8 to 9 a. ra. Happy Time. 9 to 0:10 a. m. News. 9:10 to 9:30 a. m. Oregonian Cook ing school. . 9:80 to 10 a. m. The Town Crier. 10:15 to 10:30 a. m, Town Crier. 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. NBC. 12 to 12 :45. p. m Fox Hollywood or - ru. 12:45 to 1:30 p. m. City club of Portland. 1:30 to 1:45 p. m. V. 8. market re port 1:45 to 2:30 D. m. Masterworks. 2 :30 to 8 :S0 p. m. Musical Happen ings. , 2:30 to p. m. NBC. 9 to 10 p. m. Studio program. 10:30 to 12 midnight Hoot Owls. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WITKR LAUNDRY Tetepooaa 2t f 63 a High CiPTTAL CTTT LAUNDRY r LMRdnr at Pure Materialsr Telefihorw i 18S4 Broedwav MA1TKESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED h9 the Capital City Bedding Co, $080 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work ctmranteed Tel 19 ; MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New Stiff Furniture Company. pa H. GEO. C. WILL Pianos. Phone- graphM, sewing machines, sheet musfe and niano studies, Repairing phono- gianns ana sewing nenmes. 4i otv treet Haiem riesa naiis (Wholes! QootsUeai) Crsnberriei. barrel Apples, lorali , Vtkima Delieioas Extra faaey Fancy . Ckoic Beassss. lb. Dates Dromedary. 38, 10-os. pkra. Cone Fitted. Texas Grapefruit -S.7S .i.50 $.75 8.2S S.TS oa Comb Honay. sew crop Lesions, Gslif. O ran Ret, Ksvels 6.50 .4.75 .6 8.50 .005.tS 10.50 126' 1501 17s 200's 216's S52's 28S's CecosBots, aakk -5.50 -5.75 .6.00 .6.25 .6.50 .7.00 .7.00 .7.00 6.50 PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adam for houss decorating, r per hanging ttnttng. eta FCelffiMe w-km- ' PLUMBING PLUMBTffCI anal general repair work. Graber Pre, 166 So. Uberty T 650 PRINTING FOB STATIONER X . cards. tthleta. nramml book or u kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department. 316 FL Conmar rial Tei 6. RADIO FOB every purpose, for ererypurs All stanciara sue ox tuuuo too. EOFF SCrBICAX. SHOP $36 Court St. Tet 486 REPAIRING vn dvkt APARTMENTS ON farms and city real es- rUU Kl ArAIWUl.i' - TATR. LOWEST INTEREST RATES Anartments 116 and $17. Damon Grocery. 899 N. Com'L rnr. imWiVr - - - i WB have a 2 room apt. which will provide every convenience at a reaa- onaoie com iu juu. . AMBASSADOR APT. Telephone 1172 VTRfSTICTA APTS. Furnished 3 room apt.. electro-Kold, electric ranges, overstuffed furniture, and garages. Rates reasonable. 89 No. Uberty Street TeL 3n w i Desirable 3 room well heated apt Puone 1363M . g,-, raij-u-u-)jfxrij'w rvvv " - HAZEL Apt., 2261 Hazel ave. Fur- riahed 2 rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR BENT -Boose ftUshedaad F. L. WOOD 341 SuU Street BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION T03-f First National Bank Bid. Phon 4(7 fiaro, Oregon PERSONAL LOANS MA OK on furniture, cars, salaries cr other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need res ua before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT OORPORATION rirst National Bank Bids. Phon 1200 CXTT AND FARM loan at tw9t rat. Best terras obtmnsbie. Opy tnsursne depar : lent offers you ex pert avlee and service in all line. tunaisa m nwoenrs line TL 141T SOS Orsgoo Bids, MAAMMAMMWWMMAW LOANS on real estate. Let me ex plain our loans to you. P. H. BeU. 310 V. & Bank Bldg. 1924 CouDe 90 tires. $125 1923 Coupes three to choose from $45 to - A mnl roadster with box starter 40.00 We have many more sure we'll trade. Valley Motor Co. Center at Lslberty Phon. 19S Pettyjohn's midwinter clearanc sale goes merrily on. ' 1923 Nash Advance Sedan -$850.00 1928 Nash Special Coupe 750.00 1928 Nash Standard Coach 650.P0 1926 Nash light Six Sedan 450.00 1926 Nash Advanced Sedan 550.00 1926 Oakland Coupe . 475.00 1925 RlckenbacKer Krougnam did.uu Alvtn R. Stewart, umbrella, cutlery and key store sharpening and light rrmngilcotrriiz ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yosemite rock surfaced shingle. Carlton Pioneer Rooting Co 170 N. Front. Tel. 47. STOVES Vegetables (Wholesale Quotationi) ' Brussels Sprouts, ft. 16 Cauliflower, local '. 1.15 Celery, Labish. doa 9001.25 Celery Hearts 1.35 Spinach, local, orange box . 1.65 Barsaips. lb. 0t RnUbaraS. Ib. .02 U Bunched vegetables, per dos. bunches Carrot ... ... SO Bests 40 Turnips ,n ..40 ..80 .15 Radishes Panley . Onions . Garlic, lb. - California Tomatoes, lub OsioDS, Yakima, Globe .... .. Local onioaa. Is. Lettuce California. Isiperial valley baerameDto 8.00 -4.75 02 KEX 254.1 Meters, 1180 Keys. PORTLAND. OREGON 6 p. m. Jigs and Reels; Elmore Vin cent and Ulen Eaton, tenor ; alar lorie Roblllard. piano. 7 p. m. Oonoert ensemble : Sidnly Dixon, tenor, and Agatha, Turley, soprano. 7:30 p. m. Spanish Nights; Elmore v incent, tenor. 0 p. m. -Damskl's Neapolitans : Aga tha Turley, soprano, and Sidney Dixon, tenor. 10 p. m. Dance program. 10:30 p. m. Jack and Jill program. KGO of or Cnetuabert, hotboue- Cabbsce, Ib. Green Peppers, lb. . Hsbbard Squash, lb. Marblebead sqoasa . PnmpkUs, lb. Daaish Sqosah Sweet potatoes, lb. SoBthsra Yams, 60-lb. Artichokes, dozen -.... Potatoes, local Yakima, per ewt. Peraimsions . 6.35 4.00 L10 to 1.86 .02 to .0 1. 85 St OS 0 04 -0 $79.5 Meters. 790 Kcvs. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 8 to 9 a. m. Reveille. 10 to 10:15 a. m. Radio talk. 10:15 to 10:80 a. m. Recitaiists. 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. Magazine the Air. 11 :30 to 12 noon Philharmonic gan recital. 12 to 1 p. iu. Rembrandt Trio. 1 to 2 p. m. taclfic Feature Hour. 2 to 2 :30 p. m. Matinee Time. 2:30 to 3 p. m. Musical Musketeers, 3 :30 to 4 p. m. What's Happening m ttie world. 4 to 4 :30 p. m. Hotel St Francis or chestra. 4 :30 to 4 :45 p. m. News service. 5 to 6 p. m. Concert. 7:30 to S p. m. NBC. 8 to 8:30 p. m. Footlights. 8:30 to 8:45 p. m. Amos V Andy. 8:46 to 9 p. m. John and Ned. 9 to 9 :30 p. m. Piano Pictures. 9:30 to 10 p. m. NBC. 10 to 10:30 p. m. In the Parlor. 10:80 to 11 p. m. Pacific Nomads. 11 to 12 midnight Hotel St. Francis dance orchestra. hex reeds (Bet all Quotations) Calf meaL 35 lbs. Scratch, toa Corn, whole, ton -S.S5 -1.50 ..Ot 1.75 t S.50 -AS Cracked and ground Mill run, toa Bran, toa Erg mash With milk . 1.15 .50.0Q .44.00 .40.00 S4.00 .84.00 -50.00 -53.00 Extras Mediums SUrxs (Buying Pries) STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale. rebuCt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop basket and hooka, togan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Work a 262 Chemeketa streets Stags Roosters, Heavies Medina 8p riager Poattry (Baying Pries) 88 S3 old 1925 Hudson Coach 1924 Hudson Coach 1926 Overland Coach 1925 Star Coup 1925 Star Roadster Studebaker Roadster 375.00 250.00 295e90 195.00 126.00 125.00 TAILORS Butterfet Prints Cartons . Batterfst (Baying Prices) -II 0T -to -IT .10 , 87 ...40 D. H. MOSrTER TsUor for women 474 turt St and TRANSFERS I Prints Carteas Batter (Retail Quotations) ,AZT I Private Mcney to Loan ris u.'iu a uia , to loan on good farm security. City Loans---Wt are icaalng Prudential la uranc company money a city rfsea deaces and tmslnea property at 5 H per rent plus a comml4en. Havklni Roberts. Ii Oregon Buiidlng. TTome Fur. Co. 365 Court WHY PAT RENT? t , wrrtr a amnll mavment down, bal ance Just like rent yon ean move In. a nr room wib"w, . lights, garage, built Ins! Price fl60t. Shown by appointment ow SEE LOUIS BECHTEL GEOROB THOMASON or . rta f-r.ARKK 11 Rtnle Street Boom s A 2 WELL furnished houses 6 room house. $25.00 : 4 room houae, $20.00. J. LINCOLN ELa 487 Center 8treet . 'FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR ALE To seru an estate, a . t en nlshed. amod location. ?ric to aefl Quc-& U B .Stiff I... m Rimrimiin office or 1710 N.I 17th SL ... "Sestes' teasaesa'aa s 176 A. farm about miles from Silem. I a. timber. 10 a. young cher . riea springs, remainder In cultiva tion, yoursfor 60 an acr. Good terms. ft rm. house and acres in. Falls Citv. no lncumorance. price want Salem horn and will assume difference. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor ITS South High Street vuui.n.1 in.-.- -i- - A VERY beautiful 6 room strictly moderw bom worth $3Se and can use g jod securities in payment A very delightful home, strictly modern and .specially well built : Price $4750 and you can use a couple or vacant Salem lota We hare 10 acres near Salem with a very nice house, barn, electricity, water works, near school; price $6. &00 and wsnt Salem home. t.irnuDIT a PENNINGTON 209-110 U. S Bank Bldg. Phone 140. SSStS -- 1 m -a- aWaM-aj $170. S room cottage on large lot fine fruit trees, garage. Good IJSOoTTroom bungalow wit nook, fireplace, garage, oak floora 160 down. .. . . 125 S room xmgusn type nww, modem la every way Market at fzeo aown. e mms bunaalow 1 mooern in pi j wj. 3120. T room new English type house, modern In every way. $30 .down. Will trade for smaller house. , $2000 private money to loan at 7. w C 220 TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. Coma in and look these cars over: we are sure to please' you. We also have a full line of International trucks. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. Plum 1260 njuuL i r f- ! i s si McKay's Used Cars With an 0. K. That Counts FEDERAL farm loana F. U Wood.! BUV NOW While PriCCS si a . , - - - I 4Sf eas-sjowsbsssaw v j fiQ Low tHrsd Wc Hfl vc A Good Selection to Choose From LOANS To men and women stead fly em ployed ON TOUR PLAIN NOTE Lowest rates easiest payments. Loans also saade on Indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth er pr(n0'1yxo pay " AH transactions strictly conf STATE LOAN CO. 213 Oregon Bldg. Second floor, corner State A High. Ofic hours 10 a. m. to 6 :30 p. m. TeL 012. Licensed by state. MONKY LOAN EL On AUTOS Cootracts Refinanced Arraage to reduce your ryment Tea keepth ear. P. A. KtKER " Cor. Liberty St Ferry Phort 121 rM Or. xiTijTjuiririr iii - - - - MONEY TO LOAN 1500.00 private money to loan on good first mortgage property. t 8EARS TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street MONEY TO LOAN . $3000 real money on good real es tat. . BECHTEL-TUM ASOKi 841 State Street RogmJL LOANS WANTED WANTED Private bwm for farm I aas. V have evral aoplktloas n hand. Hawkins 5 Oregon Hlrtg C-PITAL City Transfer Ca 221 Stat St TeL 93 A IXstrlbuttng. for warding and atorag our specialty. ue our rates WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR- ItNO or money back. THB JEWEL I BOX. 172 N. Llbr-ty Bklwm New First National Bank Building Directory Fourth Floor DR. L. R. Burdette. optometrist 403 First Mat t ana mag. leu us. o Grain and Bay (Baying Price) Wkeat, western rsi Soft white, bu Oats. cray. - White, bo, .. Barley, ton 44 45 .1.01 -1.10 OTHER WOMAN .... ..... v.. ,x. '4 : Vrw- l DEBATE IKES HOT ON TIFF Mrs. Dorothy Schwinefurth-Lang-ley, of Chicago, "the other woman" in the fatal shooting of Morris Leeney, S9, by his wife, Mrs. Florence Leeney. Mrs. Leeney shot sod killed her hus band as an answer to his demand of "what she .was going to do about his running around with Mrs. Langley," who incidentally if a cousin to Mrs. Leeney. Further Conflicting Views On. Sugar Rates Are Aired in Court SALEM IKES FOR JUDGE'S MEET By D. HAROLD OLIVER Associated Press Ctaff Writer WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. (AP) The sixth day of debate on the sugar tariff brought fortl further conflicting views in tht senate today and the contesting factions agreed that the vote to be taken not later than noon to morrow probably would be closed. Democrats advocates of reten tion of existing rates looked to eastern republicans to decide the issue, while the republican regu lars favoring higher protection be lieved enough democrats and western republicans would go over to their cause to put through an increase. The first ballot will come on the substitute proposal of Senator Harrison, democrat, Mississippi, to keep the sugar tariff as it Is in existing law 1.76 cents a pound -on Cuban raws. This duty was raised by the house to 2.40 and bv the senatt finance committee republicans to 2.20 cents. Howell Has Two Amendments Pending Also pending are two amend ments by Senator Howell, repub lican, independent, Nebraska. pro Tiding a federal bounty to domes tic sugar growers aud refiners and leaving the present tariffs in ef fect. During today's debate, Senator George, democrat, Georgia, con tended that the selection by Pres ident Hoover of Edgar B. Bros- KOMO PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 16. (AP) I. M. Schannep, county Judge of Umatilla county, Wednes day was unanimously elected pres- gardt of uuh aa chairman of the laem oi tne uregou assucianuu i tariff commission, indicated the county judges and commissioners president was ln favor Df a higher at the concluding business session pugar tarlff He de8cribed Bro8. of the association's two day con- gard who come8 from a beet 8tt. vention at the court house here. . . as hlh taritf man Judge Schannep succeeds Judge I itlalne Hurls Charge Victor P. Moses, of Benton coun- At Senator Smoot 809.1 Meters. 970 Keys. SEATTLE WASHINGTON 1 p. m. NBC. i p. m. Orchestra; Perdin Korsmo and Ethel Parka. 1:30 p. m. NBC. 4 p. m.- Mining stock quotations. 4 :15 p. m. Stock, bond and grain quo tations. 6 to 7 p. m. NBC. . 7:30 p. m. Studio program. 8 p. m. Orchestra ; Agnes Skartvedt, contralto. 8.30 to 8:45 p. m. NBC. 0 p. ra. Mozart Little Symphony Hour. 10 p. m. Brevities. 10 :30 p. m. Vocal ensemble recital. 10:45 p. m. News flashes. 11 p. m. NBC. 12 to 12:80 a. m. Orsan recital. 22 PLANES HALTED BY TERRIFIC COLD Uay. Retaia Price Oats aa etea Clover AlfaUa Veal, top . Hors, top Mediuss Coarse Dresses Meats (Buying Price) so 86.00 -14.00 -24.0 -80.00 Wool and Mobalr Lamb's wool Old Mohair Kid 18 -14H -8$ .AO tt SS 45 Thla week's special 27 Chev. rmtrYt motor overhauled, new duco. bumpers, motometer and every neces sity to mane it a real attractive car for only $365.00. ft Wnnf rVmn wndltloned thru-out $235.00 28-Chev. Std. Sedan "for quick sale" 495.00 ift.Chpv Cnn. Landau Sedan. "slightly used" eiia.uo 21U45hev. Con. Cabriolet. re duced to sell .uo 'S7-klnn4 1 jinAan reduced to sen . .- 'lC-Olda Tmirtnr. In verr nice shape 185.00 S-Stnr Tranrlnar w rlth a-laas en closure 275.00 If you are looking for a good truck see us before you buy. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 No. Com'L And Used Car Lot Next to City Hall on Higa street Phonew Office 1 seilVtt,.! WANTED USED CARS CASH paid for Folds Etker Aute USED cars bought sold, and changed. STATE MOTORS. INC. L REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECK 181 N. High J General Markets HENDRICKS TeL 161 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. S00 Grey Bldg. Phon 7ft F. 0, DELANO 290 N. Church TeL 2836 224 N. a M. EARLE High St. TeL 2342. HOMER D. FOSTER 870 Stat St REALTY CO TeL 843 W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 124 a Uberty St TeL (16 GERTRUDE J. 491 N. Cottag M. PAGE TeL 1186. BOCOLOFSKY BON 04-1 First Nat Bk. Bklg. TeL $76 ty, who has been head of the as sociation for tour years. The following officers were re elected : Grant Phecley. Multnomah county commissioner, rice presi dent; J. E. Smith, Marion county commissioner, secretary-treasurer. Senator Blaine, republican, in dependent, Wisconsin, created a stir when he charged Chairman Smoot, ot the finance committee, with being financially interested in sugar. Ieked the Utah sen ator to withhold his rote on the proposed Increase as did Senator Recognition of the snow ctorm Grundy, republican, Pennsylvania, which has raged here for the last during th roll call on an amend-' 24 hours, was taken when the as- ment to raise the tariff on wool sociation voted to change the date yarns. Grundy is a yarn manu- of the annual meeting from Janu- facturer. ary to not later than December Smoot raid he "held only 440 IS. shares in a western sugar com- Another resolution adopted pany and today's prices these asked the Oregon delegation ln were worth only 90 cents a share, congress to seek the passage of a or ft total of $400. He asked measure now pending to increase Blaine if he also was not inter- the amount of federal aid to states in road building to S125,- 009,000 a year. Salem, through Judg J. C. Siegmund. Marion county jurist, made a bid for the 1931 conven tion of the association, bu no definite action was taken. GIRL RESERVES TO DELEGATE GREAT FALLS. Mont,, Jan. 16. (AP) Reinforced by tem peratures ranging from IE to more than 30 degrees below xero. the continental divide tonight stood as an effective barfier for the majority of the 22 planes of the army arctic patrol seeking to complete a flight from Selfrldge Field, Mich., to Spokane, Wash.J and return. Only one of the seven planes that attempted to cross the main rang of the Rocky mountains, Labout 12S miles northwest of here, was able to complete the flight to Kallspell, which is about 170 miles air line from Spokane. Miss Norma Sims, director of the Lieutenant P. E. Shannahan, Portland Girl Reserves. Mrs. piloting Transport plane 22, Elizabeth K. Gallaher, general which carried nine mechanics, Y. W. secretary here, and Miss left Havre, Mont., at 7:35 a. m.,j Pauline Rickli and Miss Carme- for a 270 mile flight to Kallspell I m Barquist. advisors of the high arriving at 10:30 a. m. He de- school triangle here, clared he encountered the worst Plans were also made at the ested in some Item ln the bill and the Wisconsin senator replied "only as a consumer." Labor Conditions In Beet Fields Flayed Blaine criticized labor condi tions in the western beet fields as "little less than the degradation of slavetO srith Mexican, Polish and Russian women and children "sprawling on their knees for miles" to weed and top beet. This drew a statement from Smoot that conditions were not half as bad as had been pictured. He said he would support legisla tion to prohibit the bringing la of Mexicans to work-in the west- orn hfft fieldn nslam Ih an rap Salem Girl Reserves expect to ffm nan lba v frnrf (a . send 20 members to the mid-win- them to Mexlco after thelr work tr conference to be held In Van- wag completed couver February 21, 22 and 23, Republican Independents sup- they decided at a cabinet dinner portln the bonnt- ldea-gitted an 5eeJ2nbld JMt. ,n g advocate today in Senator Cap- Y. W. C. A. Special guests were -.nnv,. tr-.o.. u. .SI onded the stand taken by Senator Borah of Idaho that a higher tar iff wonld not benefit domestic growers so long as Philippine im ports are permitted free entry. The Kansas contended th United States eould never produce LIVE STOCt. susd POULTRY BUSINESS DIRECTORY FRESH and aprmger eowy for sate e mda. Red barn at N. ComX and rm. . lavr uvni -r- . - , . - i room bungalow with nook. I ColumbtTrrasir oesm S B 0v Mm m. 185 Nerth shTstreer . POULTRY wanted Handle any amount at ay time. Salem Pwltry C.. 399 a High St Phon 2400. Night 2415M. at 1230 AUCTIONEERS F.N. Woodiy 1 11 Yr. Salem's adrnc AucUonaer and Furnltur ueaier . R9idenc and Stor a 1610 N. Summer 8t Phone 611 MAY PORTLAND, Ore- Jaa. 16 (AP Hay bsyinr prices : eastern Orefoa HmotliT. S20.S0IS21: do vaUey. S1V 10.50: alfalfa. 418(319: clover. $10; oat hay. $10: straw. $7 8 ton; selling prices $1 mors. TosTiAjrrj obazdT PORTLAND, tre., Jan. 16 (AP) Wheat futures: Ones His t loss XI., 125 125 124 Ma- 1274 127 JuL 128 188H 137 R.n 1254 1864 14 1 . . . - . n 1 Cash markets Wheat Dig oenu Llneetem. bard white $1.88 I sett white. western white, -Zitt; asm wimer, narthana anriac. Welters ted. 81.20 Vl O.t. Kil a-SB Ib. 835.50. Barley No 2-A5 in b. w. asa. win no. omi- Tallow, shinment $37.50. Killrcn standard 31.00. OAittr PORTLAND. Ore, 'an. 16 (AP) Produce eiebangs, net prices: Batter: extras 18, staadarda 87. prime firsts 85; firsts SI; Eggs: freak sstras 37(V?3; suaaarai so; iresa 343. UTESTOC PORTLAND. . Ore- Jan. 10 (AP) Cattle and calves, oaetebly steady; as receipts. .... ... m. Steers lioo-isuw ids eai.uuivaswj Beaiai a v.oww 59499.50. Heifers eoausea e mm- fMfii9.75. DOTS, rood 8.34 tAte Of Pauline B. LeabO, de-.75; do eemmoa t medio .ooa ceased and- that ah 9j dnlw I S 5; do low carter nana, T-T B" QUI 0od t choice T.08.00; eetter to mo- Qualiried. as such executrix; H I ShTS, e.50 vo. Catvei edi to neraons havinr cfafma.atAinst thai s6oii.S0i call t eemen astata ot Said deeedent ar herebv 1 7.S0.50. Veslers. (siilk fed. good to ' " ' " 1 . IS Mfilll iJt , CWIt.'S ..ww ar w tlOl C . At- tUVWUUVi VVA UV vv v - w I IiaUt WCl OV AA4W W - -... . JA Jf flying condition, ot hi. exper- meeting for mJS IlAS lence. I tion to be held early next semes- Six pursuit ships ot the 13 that I ter. Cabinet members present arrived here Monday tinder com-were: Hazel McElroy, president; mand of Major Ralph Royce, left Muriel White, Eilene Moore, Na- here about noon today but were dine Hargin. Evelyn Lawson, unable to reach Kallspell and! Doris McCallister, Virginia Was- were forced to return here. sam, Graee Skinner, Theresa Ul- Two ot the ships were forced rich, Kathleen Phelps and Mar- down by lack of gasoline about garet Nunn. 7 0 miles north of Great Falls but reached this city shortly after 4 p. m. n mean only an increase ln produc tion in the Philippines and a con sequent enlargement of free im ports from the Pacific Islands. Senator Fess, republican, Ohio, demanded protection. He said It was "the height of unwisdom' not to foster that which "we can not do without" and held this country, if given the proper stim ulus,, could produce enough sugar to meet its requirements. Ill BE ELECTED TIFT FEELING WELL ISO N. . F. rjLRTCH Comrclal Tel 1354 441 Stan tit F. WOOD T4 fes s-OBCUTR-C KOTICE OF APPODITMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap- I jointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun- de good iaai w au .aiaua wwii sun C8- f-fTSTOM hatrhtng. snecial Drtc en I COT. a. L. STEVENSON aue- 5 ROOMS, full basement, fireplace. I January and February settings. c per I tloneer, 2t years experience ia the wuiameiie vsuiey, wr aaiw vr j rangementa phone or write. A. X Ptevena-n. Corrallla. Oregon. IUITETIT -XECTRICIAN R. tx tmrten Nanoeiai Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 AnntH High - mCTCLfE RCPAtRING furnace, breakfast nook, garage, mod ern ln alt reapecta. uauuKini uiw 1 ACRES In W. Salem. Almost . 4 mom house. Good black solL Nice fruit trees, some berries, good water, fine view. On gravel drive. Have rash buyer for home on or .,;r Eighteenth and Center streets. What have you to offer 1 INSURANCE . MONEY TO LOAN , RICH L. REIMAXN Realtor 13 N. High 8t Phon IIS. egg. Order space now. , naor ciikh everr week beginning Jan. 87. Fbone lJjr la nascnery. WANTED) Live meal rabbits. E. C. Statzer. pnon if . plione 14SM. FOR 8AiW00"D TiBT fir and aak wood, coal and faet oIL Call on s for prices. We I give good me sure, jtooa qua-ty sura mum ix LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE j Telephon tss. i or an ftjfcjtfuv.nx mfimft nrwirw-rinnrirvir'ir : : notified ta present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office ot Ronald C. Glerer, my. attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion Coaaty. Oregon, within' six months from the date ot this j pig, o oo 10.75. edhun 8.00 11.00; call to cemaae B4J10. a TTnn fnsv t stress: receipts Heavy wtigkt 8.50 10.50: media- weirbt, OAS 10,75; tight weight 10.S0 Call nn lurfes iinu. s.sfuiu v. Pmckinr sows, T.S05-75. SUutfiWr ssssass sapHpa'wrl'SsPs" FINE HOME. PRICED RIGHT ROOMS, nook, hardweod floors. basement nrepiace,- curnao, laundry trays, bath, toilet all np-to-dat. Wired for electric stove, -treet naved. garage. A oeauiu new home, all for $3500.00. 00 down, baL like rent. $500.- niTiRlMTCen CRT TeL IX Ka raal C HI Tts THE best wood la the dty ter th money at Tracy Fuel TarA Prompt delivery. Phon 2986. WE have 1$" wood on hand all tne I sui Bids. time. Promot fleiivery. . UfllD RAMSDKN CoIamWa Btrvfle- and retarftwg. 37 conrt. fJAIOTOAl71X)R3 Dr.aU SCOTT. FSC. Chiropractor MS M. High. TeL 7. Res. 2104-1. DR& BCrOFTKLIX Palmer . Chlro nr-etora. X-Rar and N. C . Ne iSoft ar alhr bags sad roastiag pigs .-,j la alMtwa anstatloBSl. Mmi and lasaba. Good t ehole . ; soa kirhar: receipts S25. i imhi as las., aowa. goo s caowe S11.50aiS: SI lbs- down medie nitAncill SO. Yearling weathers. 110 1-tnnuil and tRutatA nf Panl-I it lnw-. eaUa ta eaole. 7.50(28.50: M. 1ZO IDS. son, aiwinua v cu 4.1595.SSI ISO-AO . choice S.S05; all wsigbts, eaU sad com inoa 201.50. notise. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this loth day of January, 1330. AUGUSTA O. HALLhK, Executrix of the Last Will and ins B. Leabo, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem. Oregon. J10-1T-24-31F-7 NOTICE OF FINAL SETtEMEXT Notice is hereby given that the wnorjuox POST AND, Ore, Jaa. 16(Ar -Milk raw aulk (4 per eeaO, $3.40 9 so tat SaHvarai Portland, less 1 per cant, ssttertat, sUtioa, $$; track. 86e; delrreries ta rwrUaad S7. v nnnM. 4 nice bedrooms, basement. I rv,Ha a- itph.ii Co nhen SI A furnace, trays, bath, toilet, elec- I ., ,..-. . , k iw T- trtcity. street paved and paHJ . FIRST ra dry wld fir slab, o i, -l r nrlni ! aSSOSLOO. f wsA lh onil Aid fir cord wood. $30 down; balance easy. 1 Screened IrofT fu n Wpmpt delrr- f ROOMS. Spanisn stucco, noo. iir-1 ery. sTic-e-1 . . vV lSv win lasVa 1 IAUOT T i. place, pain, iwiei. on paved street cheap at $3650. 00. - $250.00 down ; esrTRCflce like Notice is hereby given that the I Foaitry (bwyi-g priees) - aHv. undersigned has filed in the Coun-Ussvy aae 4Vfc mrmmm s tb wmr m-m s - FRED .;W-1C,V'.''S:"'' 180 soutn cnurcw rent For bargains In houses, SEE SEARS TUCKJ!.. Ill South Commercial Street DRY 16-tn. old fir, 4 ft. Or. oak and ash. Cord measure. C U. Haroaugn, US HtgnlaSMl av hss USA :-,; . . . . ... m . - , i nrnrn iaa- m w. wm MASSETJR and magnetle treatments ?.a;W- 2PZ 9ZJSS ess awns ci, vitwiinwi mmm - i -Pptalsus gssi i, , i greae, su "lOEANLNG SERVICIi Centw St. Valetarla. tL 2137. said Court has affixed Tuesday,! th 18th dar ot February, 1 S3 0,1 frrrrrn eleaiwd and rasaad SL VAR- I . tV t,n-p nf tan n'rlrtrk A.' ! LEY CLEANERS. 113 N. Com'L ever I . .. ... ,u ..d tho! t ML BSalU Uaj 4f0 $a-i vsusva - aw CmCAOO OXATS CHTrAOO. Jan. 16 ( AJ Aprakr- sia that Caaadlsa whsat is Veiag sU Barrish iunior high student body otflcers to serve the second . semester were nommaieck yesier D MM SDUTR CM PASSES IS REPORT siLVERTON. Jan. 13. (Spe- dar at a committee session otl ASHEVILLE. N. C. Jan. 16. clal) Carl Loe, prominent tar- three teachers and members of (AP) William Howard Taft, mer of the Sllverton vicinity up the student body committee. Elec- chief Justice of the United States, to a year ago. died at San Jose, tions will be held toward me ena who arrived here today for a Cal., early this morning according J of the month. The candidates are: month's rest, motored along tn word received here. He and Charles Barclay ana vernon scenie nienwars of this section his family moved to Bend last I McQuaid for president; Jane Rob- for more than an hour this af- sprlng and a few weeks ago went 1 inson and Elva Mccune, vice-pres- tern con. to California. Death res sited I ident; Evelyn Haag and Lorraine The ex-president, who; seemed Lzlcar, secretary; Junior una- not at an tired from his over- strom and Richard Pierce, treas- night Journey from Washington, arer; Mark Gehlhar and Alfred appeared refreshed, after his Ouesseth. sergeant - at - a r m s : drive. Mrs. Taft and a nurse ac- and attended the schools here. Helneoree Corev and Mllnor Sanf ord, companied him. was marrisd to Clara Fnnrne or I editor Parrish Petlscooe: Howarn . vny oinciais welcomed the Sllverton and tn addition to his I cola and e wis Demytt, manager I ehietjustice on his arrival her widow, is survi-ed by three ehil-f periscope; Wlllna King and Joyce this morning and escorted him to dren, Chester, Thelma tod Edna; Phelps, son? leader. three sisters, Mrs. Tina uuiiam. Mrs. Canard Johnson and Mrs. I r Andrew Aarhns of this vicinity; U7rman TCtllfifl .nA two hrothars. Andrew and IT UJIIdli IXUICU Emfl Loe. ln the east. He was a prominent hog rais er and won numerous awards af the stat fair and at the Pacific International exoosltKjn. His son Chester was prominent ial NEW YORK, Jan. 16 (AP) hoys and girls' dab work sever-1 Apparently strangled by her pearl si years ago. from an Infection, It was report ed. Mr. Loe cams to Sllverton as a boy with his parents ln 1901. Mysteriously In . ApartmentUt the OroTt Park Inn, where reser vations had been made for him. A cheer from a crowd of sight seers greeted Mr. Taft as he step ped from his train. He replied by bowing BmHingly and taking off his hat. During the morning he remain- room and had luncheon served there. or aa yesterday's l l-se te 1 s-s T-Ss ft . RVBIO GOKH HOME .v1. M-o .xrp-t Idlar SS I UKAN1J U-HO.V Al., W- wife ot a bond broker, was fohnd "-r !' L?Fab Penthouse I pimcm-ci -" pany leit ner cmugni in n -clal ear bound for Mexico City. The entire popnlation of this elty bade htm good bye at the Btaiiow. CHICAGO BASK 42L0SE9 -;. CHICAGO, Jan. It. (AP)- A fight in a restaurant two aoors from the tn8titaiio two weean blamed for the closing the Independence State state officials who) said - ' i ot us necus-s was o o T I . . . . ! lew, sat sttp34 ttrsngnlatron. because of hesty wtthdfawalj, dead today in the apartment of Dudley. Murphy, is, a motion picture director, !n East 41st street. There was an Imprint ot the i nakeVJaMt nn Tier neck and fKlice L?idgfg to pat st w lnsniis. Expert par-1 have eaught the strand m. some- I Sana- America waeat uuriimnr is isuibk. . as sawoaj Hrs: .-. "$; 1 will bm iter formed tomorrow to for expert ahaad ef TJadUd Stats wheat reeaived - -4ar flew iae . r tun 9 wheat Pries her Udas. Ex- treats .weakness f pe WiBnipeg Vheal market precipitated - fteed wf sorlhtg hare 4eward the -eloee. with eatisennenl breaks ia . priees. dUladgiag v