.Hie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Motwing; January 15, 1930 PAGE NINE c ft Sr r X ft if I Sl.1t it - t 4 i 8 3 aitM noWcoa, pw a i .. , ft 11m MiiiBn eearge tfa-tfied AsveftUUSr ee (in. 10. te Classified A-'-"- eV per HI a ClewiCted A-rsrUeiafc ' One -tenth, dally sad Sanday r km i . ttoo Copy for this page accepted an- tu Um ovenlne; before pubtt- tioai for classification. Copy r- seHredafter this Um will be run under Um heading Too lato to classify. HELP 'WANTED HAVE par time position open for man or woman who likes boys. Should iHe car. taall salary. Ms. Flesher. lirl -8enatrr. THRI.P WANTKD FEMALE i WANTED Ctrl able to meet the puUlie. One with car preferred, pleas ant work with good remuneration. 'Apply Wed., room 412; morning 8:10. V, 3. Bank Blrtf: SITUATIONS WANTED fcvri nju-u-sTM -- --'- -"s--- iaas-aataiaa STENOGRAPHER-Bookkeeper four years experience ; wants work after noon. Call Mis Powell 602. FOR SALE MUceflaneous SALEM ScaTtngtr ervice wr hav an aocunnilation of tra out typewriters and adders ranging In prices from ti t. 4. Many are 4n very good condition, ana wouia make splendid Christmas gtfls. Also new portables. Typewriter Exchange, 421 Court. au-.-i.lri ui.Hfn mil'i FOR SALE All kinds of WSOd. aTtucker 1939J. iTor apples call 58F14. rsaaa. intM-a.WW irmnr'--"' SEViiKC, MACHINE White CABINET MODEL Priced Reasonable Small down Payment, Terms to Suit. Tel 2S11J. ,.ftWww-'''-''i''' m.iTir! T?rT?r. lunches delivered - Itere you work. Order from Leonard Hotel. Tel. J709. Order your hominy IHW. Wv------i-WV'i' - ----. tttmrstR- winter price reduction I r.fW in ofect on all our lumber. Larse r rnnall lofida,' HOLLYWOOD LUM. i-Eil YARUs jpnone mm. VIODEL' 20 Atwater Kent radio for new batteries, cabinet, speaker. complete $35.00. SEE MR FONTAINE 143 North High HAY FOR SALE 17 tons of good hay. SEK LEO N. CH1L.DS CO. 320 State Street Phone 1727 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos, tn ex change on Radios, phonographa. or tur rit' ire. H. L. SUII Jj urnuure company. WANTED Furniture all kinds. Call Home Furniture Co., 365 Court Ht. Tel. 2433. CASH paid for furniture. Home Titrniture Co.. 345 Court. Tel. 3483. ' FOR RENT KOOMS FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rgoms. Heat and hot water. Garage If wanted. Phone 1390J. ROOM and BOARD in nnnrinrr -1-1 i -- . - STEAM heated room and board rateJiousiiPhomm iOR RENT APARTMENTS Apartments fit and $17. Grocery. 8S9 N. Com' I. Damon WE have a 2 room apt. which will! pivvide every convenience at a reas-1 ...via hi mitt to VOtl AMBASSAUUK A-A. Telephone 1972 VIRGINIA - APTS. Furnished S room apt., electro-Kold, electric ranges, overstuffed furniture. and garages. Rates reaomaMa, No. Liberty StreeU TeL 278. MODERN, furnished, sunny, 6 room apt. Garage. $27.00. 1125. Jefferson. le8frabl t room well heated ftpt Phone 13t2M.". 'APT8. for rent 244 Marion. ;II.AZEL Apts., 2261 Hasel ave. Fur ti allied 1 rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES Jt'OR RENT Houses rualshed and anfurnlshed. F. U WOOD i $41 State Street iian - -gwwwaratnrmsr,'''''ttAt .NICE small house. 89 N. Cottage. 4 ROOM bungalow, large loLonly $12.50 month. TeLS483. J. A. White. J sumo rur. JO. wmn. DON'T WORBT Ubout house hunting. If you must rhit SB BECHTEL-THOMASON or Hits. CLARKE. Three nut on at your K.)rvice.'Houses rent from $12 to $75. Stl State Street .Room 4. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 9jy-u-u-j--r-s-r"i" - Wa m mmma SOR SALE To. seme aa estata,a $ room home, rurnisnea. gooa ioci'"y. priced is sell quick. See L fi, fer. at- Statesman office or 1710 N. J7th SL ¬ ITS A. farm about 1 miles from lrora Salem,. 6 a. timoer, i a. V"" ' a 14-4 sprmgs. remamu-- tlon. yours for ,460 an acre. terms. ... . 6 rm. bouse and S acres in. Talis Citv. no Incumbrance, price $1800: want Saleta home and wUl assume difference,, ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South HigA Street' $tr0.ru--- ' - MjtpMi a a s--"-- asi A VERY beantixnl room awncuy at ItOAil Mn via moaern '""Vf. v-"" ,i airiU 4i riyrrirtt ' A very" deliahtful home, ' strictly modern and especially "weir bnllt :prloe $4750 and yea -can use a couple of vacant Salem lota, We bavo It acres near Salem with a very nice bouse, bam. electricity, water works, near school; price $5.- 600 and want Salem home. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON SOi-210 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone 140. jSWsassaaafc-aap-arW1-'- "a asa-s-rsa4anpsa $170i. 1 room cottage on large lot, fine fruit trees, garage. Good terms. - . , . $220. 4 room bunKiow with nook, fireplace, garage, oak floors. $150 down. $3250. 5 room English type house, modern in every way at 1220 Market St. $200 down. $3730. 5 room bungalow with nook, modern in every way. $200 down. $1200. 7 room new English type house, modern in every way. $300 down. Will trade for smaller S2000 private money to loan at T. A. L DARK $20 U. S Bank Bldg. Phone 637. , EXTRA SPECIAL ON account of owner forced to move to Portland for business reasons, wo r able to offer a fine modern home, well located at very low price. Home contains five rooms on lower floor stnd two unfinished rooms on upper floor. Furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, everything for" $4200.00 and terms can be arranged. JOHN W. ORR No. 122 New- Bllgh Bldg. Salem. jij'i qraixrinrrL-ini-i-y-1-- g - , S ROOMS, full basement, fireplace, furnace, breakfast nook, garage, mod ern la all respects. UoftnishetJ attic, ! iu ACaaES-ta W. Salem. Ataiwt w 4 room house. Good black soil. ; Nice fruit trees, same berries, good water. Une view. On gravel drive. - Have eaB buyer for home oa or near mpwh h n What aava yoa to n-er 1 1NSURANCB : i MONET TO LOAN BJCH L. T-3TMANN Realtor tli K. High St " r Phone M5.' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 8. St AWVJB 224 Ko. High St. . PboM 2211 A reliable Salem realtor selling city and farm iopei ly of all kinds. clallst : m axc-anges Ot all kinds off property anywhere. $1950. Neat bualow. 2 rooms - nook, parage, paving, lawn. Close to mis Ira. $XM dowq (2250. New bungalow. 4 room and nook, fireplace, garage, and par las- 1108. down. 12 at. s room English trp home, snodern 4n every waySlSO down. 14000. 6 room English type botne, modern, close to school, f 200 down. . 652-0. ram modern English type home, trice, lawn, large lot. iota of fruit, close to school ana bus line. Terms. S2&40. to loan. iBSurancc UfTViV TrkTrVKTYV Phone 637 320 U. a Bank BMg. fivr HOUE. PRICED BIGHT. S ROOMS, nook, hardwood floors, hnume-t fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, bath, toilet all tip-to-date. Wired for electric stove, street paved, garage. A beautiful . ... . - ni n . a A new norae. an ir jw. 00 down. baL like rent. 7 ROOMS. 4 nice bedrooms, basement, furnace, trays, bath, toilet elec tricity, street paved and paid, (rood garage, price oniy siavo.vu, tlM down: balance easy. ROOMS. Sonjiish stucco, nook, fire place, bath, toilet, etectrle- lights. on paved street, cheap at zsao. 00. 2259.00 downe balance like rent. For bargain- In booses, SEE 184 South Commercial Street inj.--jtiij i.n.'JuiT ii - IX) you want to bay a home on easy terms! " Or exchange your city property for ranch or acreage. Or err ha nice your acreage or farm tor city home or income property or rent furnished or unfurnished house. Or borrow money on good security? If so, see PERRRINE A MARSTERS SIS (.ray Building FIVE acres dose in, east of town; will exchange for lots dose in. Acreace and Income property to trade on grocery stock and meat mar ket Seven room, full basement, will ex- cliange for acreage. Wanted saw mill large enougn 10 handle large second growth fir. Evans at 8TEGSNER8 275 State Street LET US SHOW YOU WHAT A FEW S WILL BUY f 1st Good room- hrase on larger oast front lot.-only 4 blocks from .Cap itol building. Por few days only J2500. easily worth 13500. 5nr1 Out on S. Hisrh St.. English style house, large living room and dining room with oak floors, built in kit chen, corner nook, bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 good bedrooms 11 not Rim Garajce. cement driveway, street paved and paid. A good buy at S4800. 3rd In N. Salem. T room plastered house, lots of built Ins, full cement basement, furnace. Iirepiace. gar ase. Several young fruit and nut trees. Street paved and paid. $2, COO C loan balance 125 per month. Price S350O. SEE Mrs. EUis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phone 1727 DON'T MISS THIS BUY A PERFECT HOME One of the most remarkable homes in English design. 5 rooms, attic, nook. hdw. floors, fireplace, furnace, all the built-ins. laundry trays, wired for electric range, garage, paving paid. It would require a lull page to describe the duality home your per sonal inspection will convince you of "the facts that the price is low, the terms are rhrhL S3600. Owner would not duplicate the same home for less than S450O. New rtome in new 0:1s trict. To see It SEE Mrs. Clarke, 841 State Street. Room 4. with BECHTEL-THOMASON Shirwn by Appointment only ACREAGE AND RESIDENCES 5 ACRES close to Auburn school $1375; ail under plow. 10 ACRES 4 miles out east, creek ani gome timber, excellent drainage. $2500. $250 cash. Balance terms. 8500. 4 room unfinished house, pav ed street $75.00 cash. Balance $15.00 per -month. $2150 Modern 4 room, 2 unfinish ed upstairs, fireplace, sun room, dou bled garage, no basement. $350 cash. Balance terms. Bee GEISER "with . ANDERSON tt RUPERT 169 South High Street EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR SALE OR TRADE For Im proved property eight lots in North Baiem. - z 1 1 unerry Ave. WELL improved ten acre tract lo cated near Los Armeies, Calif., to ex change for good .farm in Willamette valley, value about $10,000.00, clear of debt Bring in jour exchanges. JOHN W. ORR 123 New Bligh Bldg. No. Salem. WE have Oregon property owned by Mi-resldnta tn exchange for mid dle west and California. What have you to offer? A. C. BOHRXSTEDT Real Estate Loans Insurance 147 Ko.-Cpml. St. -Palem, Oregon ACREAGE A fine 320 A. sheep ranch about to be foreclosed for the want of a few hundred dollars. Unfortunate for some people, a blessing for the one who buys this place, no a. cuiiivauon. balance good commercial timber pas ture. 12 mils from Salm. lnvesti- 1 T fin tl vnn nf a hnn. dred other good propositlon regard- ts of what you are looking foe Come and see me, I believe in. action. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon BuiMIng Phone 1784. "MONEY TO LOAN $1000. to $3000 to loan. Gertrude J.- M. Page. Vi- ? AflOl U Lll IOA-J ITsrv- . a a vt. -e aw traoaa a arjal 1TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD . F1RIT NATIONAL BANK BLDG CTTT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION fOl-1 First National Bank . Rids. I ffrone 457 ftm. Oregon PERSONAL LOANS MaI"K on furniture, cars, salaries cr other gooa sec-Jriry. itepayaoie monthlv. When la financial need ree us before closing a loan. GENERAL, INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank B!dg. Phone 1200 4Spawessa---avjA-AmAAs CITT AND FARM loans at lowest ratea Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance deparnent offers you ex pert -dvire and service in all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. LOANS on real estate. It me ex plain our loans to you. P. H. Bell. 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. Private MCney tO Loan r Alts . rieoty 01 nnmti to loan on g-xd farm necurlty. City Loans we are loaning mmentiai in eu ranee company money en city resi dences and business proerty at IH per eent, piae a cvmmunKMi. Hawkins 4V Roberts. 205 Oregon BylkTlng. FEDERAL farm loans. F. L. Wood. 241 State Street. - - - loans j " Te men and women steadily m . ' 'ployed - . . ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE Law est ratea aarteat paymenla. Loans also atada on indorsed i notes, fumitisre. pianos. and atb-. er persotlrorty. . - v 20 MONTHS TO PAT AO transactions sbrictly ConTd. . STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Bldg. . Second floor, corner State A ruga. -.Of ice hours 10 a. m. to $:$$ p. m. Tel. $22. LIceosed by state. I MUNEY TO LOAN MONEY LOAN EX tyv AUTO tJonlmota tWhaannd. iraxe to reduca year pa. - xeu twptM car. I. A, Cor. Liberty sk. awl Ferrr MONET TO LOAN $1500.00 Private money to loan on good first mortgage property. SEE BKAHA UTUU- 184 Booth Commercial .Street - MONEY TO LOAN $2000 real money on good real es tate. - BECHTEL-THOMASON 41 State Street Room 4. LOANS WANTED ii'i -1' ,i i n i n ri.n.itf ijl WANTED Priyate saostar to farm .7 bare seraral aDDliaatlons oa band. Hawkins A Rotwrbv Inc. I nrwm Rlitg UVE STOCK and POULTRY FRESH and springer cows for sale or trade. Ked Darn at N. Com L gad Columbia. Terms if desired. NELSON BROS. MARKET 1SS North High Street rouLTKT wanted Handle any aoaount at any time. Salem Poultry to., iiy b. uign st- 'none zo. Kignt CUSTOM hatchmr. special price on January and February settings. Sc per egg. oroer spaoe now. uaey cntcga every week beginning Jan. 27. Phone IMF. Lee's Hatchery I.TVP. meat, rahhlta V. C Btntwr 1 SSSSimmmmJmimammmmm FOR SALE WOOD DRT Tir and ak wood.-coal and fuel oil. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and rood service. LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Telephone S30. GUARANTEE DRY TeL 13 Batons Fuel Col. 70S Trade THE best wood in the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phone Z98a. WE have 14'? wood 00 hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 349 8. 12th. Cobbi ft Mitchell Co., phone 113. FIRST class dry old fir slab, sec- Screened hog fuel and prompt deliv ery. hone 14 z. ' tKKU tu. WikLLS, 1XSU. 280 South Church DRY 16-ln. la fir, 4 ft. fir, oak and asn. cora measure. J. u. HarDaugn, 831 uighiand ave., pnone l'JO. 1" old fir. $7.50 per cord. 26F32. Four Corners Garage. Call WoodenneveloelJSmC LOST and FOUND LOST Male Boston bull, terrier, Scar on left flank. Phone 2310J. FOR SALE USED CARS Cars to Select From SHOP AT EVERY USED CAR CO. TN SALEM. THEN' MAKE US A VIS IT WHERE PRICES ARE LESS. OUR TERMS ARE FROM $2 TO $3 PER AlOJiTH LESS. ,i 1 f.AK LSJEHSK FURNISHED WHERE NO TRADE IN. 1927 Chevrolet delivery 1924 Hudson Coupe .. .. 1929 Essex Sport Coupe 1925 Overland Coupe , 265 175 725 135 $50 1926 Chrysler $8 Coach 1924 Ford 4 -door sedan, with li cense 130 1924 Ford touring with license 40 1922 Maxwell ton truck 60 1924 Buick sport roadster 200 1926 Chevrolet Coupe .... 235 192$ Ford Coupe 150 192$ Buick Standard Coupe $875 1923 Buick Standard Spt. Koad- ster 800 725 685 $54 $85 55 428 876 195 90 1927 Buick Standard Coupe 1926 Buick Standard Sedan 1926 Buick Master touring 1927 Chrysler Sedan 60 Model 1928 Chrysler 62 Coupe 1926 Chrysler 62 Sedan 1926 Dodga Roadster 1924 Dodge touring . 1922 Dodge touring lszi ssex coacn 250 185 1924 Ford fordor overhauled 1924 Jewett Coupe, refinished 190 1926 Nash Standard Coupe 4Za 19Z Oakland touring zsa 1927 Oakland Sedan 625 192$ Pontiac Coupe $75 1927 Pont lac Coupe ,, , , 385 1924 Rollin Couoe 125 1927 Star 6 coupe su 1927 Star 4 Sedan S75 1924 Studebaker light Coups 225 1925 Willys Knight Sedan 860 1924 Willys Knight Coupe sedan. $00 1924 Willys Knight Touring 200 Used Car Center I nnvSOLTDATED BY VALLEY MO TOR CO.. W. L ANDERSON INC. OTTO J. WILSON. Marion A Liberty Phone 1027. Buy Used Cars Where Your Dollars Have More Cents 1928 Late series Hudson Standard sedan, refinished, reconditioned -new car service and zuar- antee $106$ 1926 Type Hudson 5 pass, custom seoan new tires ana paint m.-l1l hair tl t tn h B predated $50 1928 Late series Whippet Six Convertible coupe finish like new. New car service, run less than 10.000 miles . - $46 192$ Buick 5 pass, four door stan dard sedan tnorougniy over hauled new paint and tires guaranteea $28 1924 Hudson T pass, custom built sedan. New saint, oversise ply tires A 1 mechanically 44 192$ Essex Coach reconditioned new paint and tires, new car service and guarantee 425 , 1926 Dodge Special leather up holstered four door sedan new palnt--motor orerhauled- $9$ $7$ 296 1926 Hudson Coach new paint and tires mechanically oeneel 1 1924 Hudson Coach new paint and tires , 1926 Essex Coach disc wheels. . tloned guaranteed 28$ 1927 Ford pick-up. New paint Motor good , , ,', 185 1925 Ford Coupe 165 125 10c 192$ Essex $ Touring 1923 Hudson 7 pass touring 1923 Ford Touring 47.60 Trades and your own terms witnm reason. State Motors, Inc.' Hudson-Essex and Packard Distributors Corner Chemeketa A High Phone. 1000 Valley Motor Co. - Buy. With Safety -Used Ford Cars j 1929 Fordor ,Sedan Karl-keen $600.00 1928 Sport Coupe refinished 90 tires - -ToHel A RnnlnpM Conne me- 51S.00 chanicallv perfect 485.00 fWl a trnrlrn ntnVn tmdT All-I lltH. 152- BWS.VO (One of these trucks has practically new tlreal i 1927 Tudor Sedan wire wheels w w i miiiiiaigii 9 wtf ii care for- . , . i 296.00 i 2$2 Tudor aew paint -1 1927 Touring ona of last Z 16.09 one's I imitt tires 228.00 216.00 176.SS I 192T KoaOstor steel DO 1926 To dor Boc-steel 192$ Touring Rucksteel -, 160.96 1$$.$$ 1 ft AA 192$ Roadster , , ,, .. 1I.I-VWW sii -1 1 - --. i i- i bp r i w- ltS4 Coup Ure-. $lU llft-iO 1926-Coupe iHi tniriai. mitrem to cnuumm from $46-to T$.$$ A good roadster with boa ; We have many, mere sure we'll trade. ,r-. .-"" Valley MotorCo. Center at Liberty - ' Phone 19$I FOR SALE USED CASS Pnttrlohn's midwinter elearanea ale sjoea caetrlly ma. - lfzs Nasa Advance Bedaa 95.oo 128 Nash fiDecial Couoe 750.00 12 Nash Staadard Coach 650.00 U2 Nash light Six Sedan 450.00 IV Nash Advanced Sedan ft0.00 ini Oaklaad Coupe . 475.00 1925"Rlckenbacker Brougham . $76.00 1S25 Hudson Coach 275.00 250.00 295.00 195.00 125.00 125.00 1934 Hudson Coach 1924 Overland Coach 19Z& Htar coupe 192$ Star Roadster Studebafcer Roadster Coma la and look these cars over: we are euro to please you. We also nave a nyi une or international trucks. F. W. Pettyjohn Co, Winris. 1?Cft FOR SALE 1928 Buick sedan In good condition. Priced - right. Wilt take light open car as down payment. baL terms to suit. TeL 1 811 J. McKay's Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts Buy Now While Prices Are Low and We Have A Good Selection to Choose From This weeka special '27 Cher. coach motor overhauled, new ducn. hampers, motometer and every neces sity to ma it a -real attractive car xor only $35.oo. '2$ Ford Coupe, reconditioned tnrn-out -$:35.00 2-ChT. Std. Sedan "for quick sale" 493.00 '29-Chev. Con. Landau Sedan. "slhrhtlv used" SSS.oa "jSKSiev. Con. Cabriolet, re duced to sell .- 495.00 Z 1 -Oakland Landau, reduced to sell 495.00 '26-Olds Touring, in very nice shape 183.00 "ZS-star Touring with class en closure 275.00 If you are looking for a good truck see us oerore you buy. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 No. Confl. Ana Used Car Lot ext to City Hall on High Street Phones Office 1 802 ; Lot 294SJ. WANTED USED CARS rii f-ri-tl-1i-irL-lnjjUi-IJ( CASH paid Cor Fords Biker Auto. USED cars bought, sold, and changed. STATE MOTORS. INC. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry 12 Yrt. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer St. Phone 611 A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer, 28 years experience In the vlltamette valley, for dates or ar rangements phone or write. A. L. Stevenson. Corvrillls. Oregon. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R D. mrtoa National Batteries starter and generator work. 202 sni;fn Hlen BICYCLE REPAIRING LI.OYD B. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycle and repairing. 187 Court. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O. L 8COTT. PSC. Chiropractor. zas m. Hign. reu ai. nea. Z104-J. 1 " DRS. 8 CO FIELD. Palmer Chiro practors. X-Ray and N. C M. New Bank Bids. MASSEUR and nuurnetle treatments for au ailments. No more gas pains. rrionezvYSW. xsv IN. Htgn. CLEANING SERVICE Centir St Yaleteria, teL $227. SUITS cleaned and Dressed $1. VAR- LEY CLEANERS, 19$ N. Com'L over Buslcka COSTUMES FOR costumes call Salem Co- 226$ n, etn. rei. itj. ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 461 North font s TeL No. I. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL acc-akwia Olsen'a Court High Bt TeL SOL, CUT Flo wet wedding boumieta luneraa wrosua, aecorationa - u. K. Brelthaaot fkNirt $12 State Brraat. Tel Sso INSURANCE WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 21$ -tasonle Bldg. Phaoe No. $82. West Coast Life Insurance Co "Insured Savings. 805 First National Bank Building TeL 970. H. J. Harder. Diet Mgr. BECKS 4k HENDRICKS 189 N. Hign TeL 1$1 WARREN F. POWERS Ufa and General Insurance Te. 407. 111 O 8 Bank Bldg. X-AUNOR1ES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WXIOSB LAUNDRY Telephone 1$ fit a High CAPITAL 4BTT LAUNDRY "The Laundry ot Pure lfatariaUr Teleptwme 1 1264 Broadway &1ATTKESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED bv Capital City Bedding Co, $030 North (japitou ajauea cor ana aeuverea. wnr- -isramwq rei is MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New Manoa EL Stiff Furniture Company. GEO. C WILL Pianos. Phono grapha, sewing machines, sheet muare ana piano studies. KeDairloe- nbono. grapm ana sewing machines. 411 state PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for bouse decorating, paper hanging tinting, PLUMBING PLUMBTNTJ and general repair wore- uraoer ne. inea unertv 1 aitn PRINTING FOR STATIONER I. emrd-. pueta program books or aay kind of prlnunc call at the Sratesmsa I Printing eTmrtmeat 211 n. tjpmmer- RADIO w w All stand rd elsee of Radio EOFP iU-ECTUCA SHOP. $2$ Court St, TeL 48$ REPAIIUNG - Alrti B. Stuaort; 1 mi, eatte ami key arero w-arpewtog and U$ repairing; m sour -x. xst- ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties rtone it Tost mite rock aorfared shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 171 N. Front. TeL 417. STOVES- STOVES and atasa raaatrtug. Stores for sale. rebuUt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and lain, bop baskets and books, logaa neoaa. cjeoem rsneo ana bioro wotm 2tt Chemeketa sliost. TAILORS D. H. MOSITKR Tailor for men and women. 474 Court 8t TRANSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 221 SUte St. TeL 933. DUtributlng. far wardlnc and storage our apecialty Get ottr ratoa WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THE JEWEL BOX. 17a TJ. Llhr-tv Salem New First NationaT Bank Building Directory Faurth Floor DR. L. R. Burdette. optometrist. CV3 nr rtarL uana uag. xei. us. . . O REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BGCU a tZSfiNDSICKB $n N. High TeL 161 JOSEPH 'BARBER BBALTf CO. $90 Grey Bldg. Phone 794 B. 43. PKLiHO HO N. Church TeL 111 SL 9A. KARLJD 224 N. High St. TeL 2242. HOMER D. FOSTER REALTT CO. $70 State 6t TeL 14$ W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 124 8. Liberty St. TeL $16 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGB 492 N. Cottage TeL 1186. 8O0OLOF8KT a BOM 144-6 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL $76 F. ULRICB K. Courmerclal 129 TeL 1254 r. u wood $41 State St, . TeL 784 Salem Markets yresa srians (Wholesale Quotations) Cranberries, barrel Apples, locals Takima Delicious Extra fancy - - , Fancy - Choice Bananaa, lb. , -8.75 ..10 8.75 8.25 $.75 OS Bates Dromedary, 86, 10 -01. pkgs. , 6.S0 4.75 von a fitted. I Text Grapefruit 6 8.50 5.005.9S 10.50 Comb Honey, new crop Lemona, Calif. Oranges, Ksrsls 100's 126s 150'a , 176's 200's - 216'a 232'a . : 288'a . Grapes, Emperors .5.50 .5.75 .6.00 .6.25 ..6.50 .7.00 ..7.00 -7.00 1.00 6.50 Locoanuts, sstk Yegetables ( Wholesale Quotations) Brssssls Sprontt, A. ..14 laouiiewer, loeal 1.25 ..90 01.25 Celery, I.abish, dot telery leart 1.85 1.65 Spinach, local, orange box Parsnips. lb. 03 Rutabaga, lb. .02 Bunched vegetable, per doa. benches Carrot! , 40 Beeta 40 Turnips Radishes Parsley " Onions ao Garlic, lb. : IS California Tomatoe. lub 5.00 Onions, Takima, Globe 2.75 Local en ion. Ib. Lettuce California, Imperial Valley ..6.25 (Sacramento .4.oo Cucumber, hothouse L10 to 1.8S Cabbage, lb. 02 to .0$ ureen Peppers, lb. 85 Hubbsrd Squash. Ib. n llarblebead sqnasa " Pumpkin, lb. ft Danish Squaah - - 04 Sweet potatoes, lb 00 Southern Yams, 60-lb. Artichoke, dosen ., , . box ..8.25 .1.60 fotatoes. local .02 Yakima, per cwt 2.75 to 8.50 2.2$ Persimmons Feeds (Retail Quotations) Calf meal, 25 lbs, 2 Scratch, ton . 1.2S ..50.00 .44.00 .46 .OO 34.00 -34.00 -50.04) -58.00 Cera, whole, tea Cracked end rround Mill run. ton . Bran, ton Egg mash With milk Eggs (Buying Price) I Extras 85 Mediums 81 Poultry (Buying Price) , Stage Roosters, .18 -07 -80 -IT -It eld I Ileaviet Medio a Springers Butte rfat (Baying Prices) Eutterfat Priats Cartons - St -88 -34 Batter (Befall Qootetiesa) I Cartons -89 -88 Frists . o- the Ail i L ; etc. - radioed oietore ta Princes. Uaria losa York in less than twerro took place. It shows an laterior view of ts farci Paniinav CtmJ in the Ouirirtal Palace. In X2Z?zL2zzzt ceremony, which carried Graia tad Hay (Bnyt-c Prioa) Wheat, weatera red Soft w'kiii, bo. ., ,. . Oatt. gray. So. , WkRa. en. -1.10 JU12 J55 50 Barley, tea 86.00 Hay. Betaia Price Oata sad vetch Clever - .. . -24.00 24.00 -80.00 Alfalfa Created Meats (Baying Price) Wool and Mohair Veal, top . Hogs, top ...18 -14 & -3S -.10 27 -JS 45 Veainsi Coarse Lamb' I woe! Old Mo-air Kid ' General Markets HAT PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 14 (AP) Hay baying priret: eastern Oregon timothy, $30.50 21; do valley. $19 1W.50; alfalfa. 1186tl9: clover. 116: oat hay. $16; straw. $78 ton; telHng pneea f i store. ycraTXABTD q-adt PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 14 (AP) Wheat fa tare: Opes liirh Close Mar. . 125H 13SH 125 Mar 128 128H 128 Jal. ! 128H 126. 188H Sep. , 424 125 125J4 Cash market wheat big Bead blneste , hard white $1.3-; soft white. westers white, $1.24; hard winter, north era iprinr, western red, $1.22. Oats Ne. 2-38 lb. white $35.50. Barley Xo 2-45 lb. B. W. $34. Corn Ne. 3: east ern yellow, shipment $37.50. Millrun standard $31.00. DAISY POBTLASD, Ore- Jan. 14 (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Batter: extras 34: standards 33 prims firsts 32; firsts 29. Ecgi: fresh extras 27; stsndards 36; fresh mediums Baeiij. UVE STOCK PORTLAND. Ore-. Jan. 14 (AP Cattle and calves, ateaav to strong; spots 25e to 50e hither; vealera steady to $1 higher. Receipts cattl 35, calve 10. Steers 1100-1300 lbs.. $11.00 11.50 do seed ll.O0ll.50: do medium 9.60 fi 11.00: do cemmoa 7.50 9.50. Heifer good 9.75 10.25; do common to med ium 7.00Q9.75. Cow.' rood 8.23Q 6.75: de common te media ra C.OOftS 8.25; do low cutter 3.506.00. Balls, rood to choice 7.508.00; cutter to me dium, 6.50 7. 50. Calve mediam te ehoice 9.50 11.50: call te common 7.509.50. Yealers, (milk fed, rood to choice 12.SO 14.00; medium 8.00 12.00; cull to eommoa 8 ft! 10. Hogs. Steady to 25c lower; receipt 500. Heavy weight. 88. 5010.50; medium weight, t.2510.75; light weight. 10.50 (311.00: lieht lighta, 9.6010.75, Packing tow, 7.505 8.75. Slaughter figs, 9.00 10.73. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded is above quotations). Sheep and lamb. Quota bly steady; re ceipts 25. Lambs 84 lbt down, rood to choice I $11.00 011.50 ; 92 lbs. down medium 10.00& 11.00. Yesrlinr weathers, 110 lbs. down, medium to choice, 7.50 9.50 ewes, 120 lbs. down, mediam to choice 50(35.00; 120-150 lbs. medium to ehoie 3. 00 tf 4.50; ell weights, call and common 1.00 3.00. . PEODUCE PORTLAXD, Ore.. Jan. 14 (AP) Milk raw milk (4 per cent). $2.40 .50 cwt.. delirered Portland, less per cent, bntterfat, station. 30c; track. 82c; deliveries in Portland. 84c Poultry (bnyinr prices) auve, heavy hena over 4H lbs., 2125c; me um hens. 3H te 4Va IDs.. -J Ota 21c ight 18j19c: broiler, under IVt lbs. 30c; springs, over 2 lbs, 24c; Fekin ucks. 4 lbs. and over. 22 23c: colored ducks, lSe-: turkeys, J.o. 1. 28l'S0c; o 25c: culls. 20c: live. 1820c. Potatoes gems, Ko. 1 grade, $3.50 per cwt. , CHICAGO OBATtr CHICAGO. Jan. 13 (AP) Despite rallies in the late trading, Chicago wheat prices today finished at the lowest closing level shown here for some time. Among the main depressing factora waa surprise increase ot 4,66U,uoo Dusheis in the amount of wheat cupplie afloat on the ocean, together with word that France, usually an importing country, celling wheat to Great Britain. An nouncement of 3,311,000 bushela o- PRINCESS Princess Marie Joe, center, daughter of t fore she left the King and Queen of the Belgian s, sur rounded by those who took part in the pres entation to the Princess of her nuptial reil. The remony took place hi the grand salon of the Palais da Roi, Brussels, just bo- ITALY'S ROYAL HEIR of Uio eddin& Id! Italy- irtryal heir f dor the Ii ?5rMffi S S Belfi wurtlltwVmts ctl&j.UMttothnto ""SQtfS: sfwi An. fraf th ntnsl r.rT-ioTt- I TnitM meclim CTeeted the happy. 450U pe "J5' ,, hours after the actuu cereaoy Hcsae back tha tszisl x Current Radio Pro grams Por Today KGW 483.6 Meters. 620 Keys. PORTLAND. OREGON to $ a. m. "Making Merry" KPO. 8 to 9 a. m. NBC 9 to 9 :10 a. m. News. 9:10 to 9:S0 a. nv Cooking achooL 9:80 to 10:15 a. m. Town Crier. 10:15 to 11:20 a. m. NBC 11 :30 to 12 noon Studio records. 2 to 1 p. m. Hollywood organ. 1 to 2 p. ra. NBC. to 2 :30 pt m. Musical entertain ment. SO to 2d. m. Stewart-Warner. S to 4 p. m. NBC 4 to 4:30 p. m. service uour. 30 to 7:30 p. m. N BJ. 7:30 to 8 p. m. Studio program, 8 to 8:30 p. m. Jack and EthyL 45 to 9:15 n. m. KBQ 10 to 11 p. m. Concert orchestra from 11 to 12 midnight Danca-and. KEX 254.1 Meters, 11 SO Keys. PORTLAND, OREGON a. m. Morning serenaders. a. m. Anti-Tardy Time Clock. 9 a. m. Better Homes Hour. 45 a. m. Devotional services. 19 a. m. Concert program. 12 noon World Bookman and girls orchestra. 05 p.- m. Uncle Robblns farm flashes. 15 p. m. Popular program. 4 p. m. Classic 1 program, e p. m. Popular program. 6 p. m. Glen Eaton, tenor, and Mar- jorle Roblllard. piano., p. m. Concert ensemble : Ellen Reep, contralto; Joan Kantner, bar itone.. p. m. Damski's Neapolitans; Aga tha Turley and Sidney Dixon, tenor. 19 p. m. Dance program 10:30 p. rn. jaca and Jill dance band. 11:20 p. m. Weather and police newa KGO 379.5 Meters. 790 Krvs. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA to 9 a. m. Reveille. 19:15 to 10:30 a. m. Mary Hale Martin. 16:20 to 11:20 a. m. Magazine of the Air. 11:30 to 12 noon Philharmonic or gan. 12 to 1 p. m. Rembrandt Trio. 1 to 2 n m T?riin RnIM V 2 to 2:15 p. m. National XWomen's Party. 2:15 to 3 p. m. Matinee Time. 8 to 4 p. m. The Cabin Door. 4 to 4 :S9 p. m. St Francis Hotel orchestra. 4 :30 to 6 p. m. Salute. 5 to 6 :30 p. m. The Three Boys. 6:30 to 6:45 p. m. News service. 5:45 to S p. m. Agricultural program. 7:30 to 8 p. m. studio program. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Studio program. 8:38 to 8:15 p. tn. Amos 'n Andy. 8:45 to 9:16 p. m. Simkist Seren aders. 9:15 to 9:30 p. m. Hill Billy Boys. 9:30 to 19 p. m. Miniature Biogra pliies. 10 to 10:15 p. m. Sports Talk. 10:15 to 11 p. m. The Cotton Blos som Minstrels. - 11 to 12 midnight-w-St Francis Hotel dance orchestra. KOMO 809.1 Meters. 970 Kcvs. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON C :55 a. m. Inspirational services. 7 a. m. Making Merry. 8 a. m. Happy Time. 9 a. m. Y. M. C. A. health exercises. 9 :15 a. m. Organ recital 10 a. m. Audit one broadcast. 10:15 a. m. Rhena Marshall, sopra no, and O. uonaid Gray, baritone. 10:30 a. m. NBC. 11:30 a. m. Orchestra; Agnes Skart- veit. contralto. 12:15 p. m. "What to Prepare for Dinner." 12:10 p. m. Grain, fruit and vege table reports. 12 :35 p. m. Orchestra Fred Lynch, tenor. crease of the United States wheat visible supply failed to act aa a counterbalance. Chicago closing quotations oa wheat were nervous at le to 1 5-8e a bushel under Saturday's finish. Corn cloaed un changed to 8-6e higher, snd oat de- to e oft MARIE FETED IN HOMELAND .J ' . ' J f ' "i riii I WEDS BELGIAN PRINCESS ,4 -.a-.A .-. -- W?8fttZEJSSZ their Mf. - a - rv 1 to t p.- ra. NBC 2:15 p- tn. Orchestra: Ethel ParksCv" and VeOna Socolofsky. t- 2 p. m. NBC L , 4 p. m. Mining stock quotationa 4 :30 p. m. NBC 5 p. m Stock, bond and graia quo- ' tatlona 6:16 p.m. Artistic ensemble; Green wood Mitchell, baritone. 6 to $ :$t p, in. NBC. . " 7:30 p. m. Artistic ensemble; Hay den Morris, basso. 8 to 8. -St p. m. NBC. 11 p. m. News flashes. 11 :15 p. m. Laughner-Harris dance orchestra. 1$ to 12:30 a. m. Organ recitaL CASUALTIES MAIUY Mi TEST FLIGHT GREAT FALLS. Mont., Jan. 14 (AP) King Winter tonight was credited with a temporary victory orer nine of the 22 planet in the army's arctic patrol, that left Seltridge fieldMich., last Fri day for lest flight to Spokane and return. The retraining IS ships arrived at the municipal airport here late this afternoon after a flight of about 550 miles from Minot. N. D., with a luncheon stop at Glasgow. Arriving here at 3:41 p. m., at the head ot the group of fire par suit planes, Major Ralph Royce. commanding;, described the flight as "cold and uneventful. Sub-zero temperatures in north ern Montana provided tests for the chemical handwarmers and other equipment the army desires to test. Thermometers here stood at 4 abore xero as the first unit landed. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the annual Stockholders meeting of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills .Co. will be held at their office, Salem, Ore?. Jan. -1st.. 1930. at 9:3t A. M. K. H. Pickens, secretary. 15- 17 19. SHOOTS HUBBY 'a-'w... s - v r w, Mrs. Morris Leeney, ot Chicago, shot her husband when he de manded what she was "going to do" about his running around with another woman. Leeney was fatally wounded. Mrs. Dorothy Schwinef urth-Langley is mentioned as the other woman fat the case. 1 ViyV Hi t for Rome and her m&niage to Crown Prince Humbert of Italy. Left to. right Count tie Wiart, Signor Guisadi, the Italian consul in Brussels ; Mr. Iippens, Bel-j gian Minister; Princess Marie Jose and, at right, Minister Baela. 'lie- aoVsrI avith uTftW' w 1