The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    .vents of Merest in
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Woman's Club
Hears Miss
MISS Maude Covington, city
librarian spoke on the sub
ject of "Oregon Books and
Writers' before a large audience
at 'the Woman's - clubhouse Sat
urdar afternoon following a club
board meeting at 2:30 o'ciock.
Mia roTiaaton snoke of th
numerous Oregon writers in such
intimate - and Interesting manner,
' jiamlng no less than a dozen out
standing authors that her audi
uee -was deeply impressed with
the value of the talent which the
state harbors.
To add a bit t galty to the
program hour Miss Aldeane Smith
accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth
! Rich sang two delightful num
1 bers. .
Two regular features which the
club has enjoyed this year the
picture study, given thia Satur
1 day by Mrs. Clifton Mudd, and
Uhe reading of Western poetry
was given in addition to the spe
cial Saturday program. Mrs. Mudd
poke particularly of four paint
toes from the Dutch school
"Laughing Cavalier," Hows;
'Portrait of an Artist," "Eliza-
beth Ban" both by Rembrant;
ami "Dutch Interior," Verneer.
These pictures were prints
from the picture library which
tbeclub is collecting. Due to the
resignation of Mrs. Roy Burton,
formerly head of the picture li
brary committee, Mr?.. C. F. Tur
ner was appointed jto take this,
place. 1 : ; '
The poem for the day was read
. by --Irs. Ora Mclntyre, chairman
of the literature division. She
chose illustrations of poems from
India, Persia, and Japan.
During the business session two
sew names were announced to
membership in the club, Miss Lu
eUa Baker and Mrs. Howard
Letters of appreciation were
read front the various sfate insti
tutions which nave been remem
bered by the Woman's club either
as a whole or through its com
" niittees during the year and es
pecially during the holidays. Mrs.
CK. Strickland, secretary of the
institutions department, read the
Mrs. G. L. Forge reported on
special work done in providing
necessary clothes for a few chil
dren' In two of the state institu
tion school?. A b'ox is being fit
ted for the Woman clubhouse
into which donations may be
Mrs. Fannie Brown Tibbets an
nounced a new project ot the Am
erican Homes department in giv
ing programs for the Old People's
home and otherwise being of ser
vice to them. Mrs. Tibbets also
announced that Mrg. Frank Bow-
erox had assumed chairmanship
of the W. C. T. U. Farm Home
Excellent Program
Is McDowell Club
THE program which the Mc
Dowell tlutr is sponsoring for
January 23 has promise of be
1ns a- delightful evening. Ethel
Marie Gaw, coloratura soprano, 1
find Forrest William Gaw, bari
tone, have charge of the program.
Mr. Caw is a member of the de
partment of music in Willamette
Mrs. Gaw will sing an aria and
coloratura group and Mr. Gaw
mUl sing selections from Eliland,
a song cycle from Von Flelits, and
a group of modern Italian works.
The guest artist Is Christian
Toot; of Portland, member of the
Portland symphony, and celloist
of prominence. His work will rep
resent a group from Popper.
Miss Edith rindley will be the
. for this exceedingly
difficult program. Members f the
. Beethoven society will usher.
The program will be given at 8
o'clock In the auditorium of Wal
ler hall on university campus.
Mr. and Mre. .G. F. Sheets are
receiving congratulations upon the
birth of a daughter ( Saturday.
The young lady has been named
Mildred Irene. Mother and
daughter are now at the Maturn
lty home, North. 4th street.
S "5
i: X
Miss Cecelia Beyler, state
- Dresident of the Business and
" Professional womans " club,
who will speak before the lo
cal group January 18; at the
Marion hotch Mtss Beyler U
1 popular among her club mem
i bers and it is expected that
. the dinner meeting Saturday
v night will be an outstanding
'affair. -: "-".
XX " A'-
Cecelia M. Beyler
Will Address
b. & p. w:
SALEM Business and Profes
sional Women's club will be
hostess to the state federa
tion at a dinner to be held in the
Marion hotel on Saturday eve
ning, January 18.
Cecelia M. Beyler of Astoria,
state president, will be present, as
well as other state officer.
Mrs. Susan Varty, president of
the Salem club, Mrs. Margaret
Jorgenson, chairman of hospital
ity committee and Signe Paulsen,
chairman of the program commit
tee are In charge of arrangements
for the dinner. Mrs. Hector Adams
is in charge of decorations.
Dean U. G. Dubach of the Ore
gon State college will be the
speaker of the evening. The
stringed orchestra of the Salem
club will make its initial appear
ance at this dinner. The orchestra
of 20 pieces is, under the direc
tion of Miss. Ida Mathews of Port
land. Miss Beyler has called a meet
ing of the state executive board
for 5:15 o'clock Saturday at tbe
Marion hotel. Salem members of
the executive board are Susan
Varty. Julia Webster and Mada-
ene Callln.
Plans are being made to enter
tain 200 guests at the state din
Young Folk Enjoy
Jolly Dance
and Miss Dorotha Cannon
- v m -
evening of dancing at the Krebs
home following the high school
basket ball game Friday night.
At a late hour Mrs. J. A. Krebs
served, assisted b y Mrs. C. C.
Cannon. The guests present were:
Misses Floyd De Harp
flraoe Oay port
June Fitzpatrick Iorn Kitchen
Iottie Nasli Robert King
Roberta Varley Glenn Fan ford
Jewell Fitzpatrick Truxton Foreman
Merle Thatcher Winny Giee
Katlirvn Sheldon
Ray Huins
Georsia Kash
Jessie Cooper
Lynn Heiae
Hryon Lillie
Klrner Suing
Virgil Harriaon
lKn Cannon
Oarold Simpson .
Darwin Calfeo
KUla Harris
Clarence Eckholm
Jane Harbison
Belli Atwood
Constance Kreba
Dorothy Krebs
Dorottm Cannon
John Bone
Mrs. C. P. Bishop
Farm Home Visitor
Mrs. C. P. Bishop attended the
meeting of the -Children's Farm
Home near Corrallis, Saturday
beginning at 11 o'clock. Mrs.
Bishop is a member of the board
Judge Walter Evans, of Portland,
president of the board, presided.
The Home Mrs.' Bishop report
ed is In excellent condition. There
are now 142 children be-in g cared
for. In the . cottages.. wq . story
buildings each having 20 inmates,
and there are SO children who
are in private homes but who are
still under the supervision of the
Home officials.
Saturday dinner was served In
the Unruh cottage, a very attract
lve cottage, the newest addition
to the colony.
Attractively dressed older girls
served the tables In attractive
manner. Mrs. Bishop said. '
The board meeting was held In
the residence of the snperinten
dent, A. C. Heyman.
Members of the choir of the
Firt Presbyterian church . will
sing in Albany tonight at the
First Methodist church. The
choir of 32 voices is lead by Wil
liam Wright and the accompanist
is Frank E, Churchill. The; Al
bany choir will exchange;: this
courtesy January, 20 -at- which
time It will sing a "o'clock ves
per service! at the First ' Preby
terian -courcn. : w. - - --v-
-Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ladd of
Sutherland, Oregon are the house
guests of Mr! and Mrs.' S.'M, En-dlc-ott.
These folk are friends of
long standing, haftng known each.
other In the eatv :
y-M "$S
High School Students
Present Musical
The comic operetta. "Fire
Prince," musical composition by
Henry Hadley will be given by
the advanced choms and orches
tra of the Salem high school next
Friday evening In the auditorium
of the school.
The music of the "Fire Prince"
will compare favorably with that
of the popular musical comedies
in tunefulness and rhythm and Is
worthy of the careful study by
the young musicians of the day.
The story of the peora is a
mythical one which brings into
action a succession of contrasted
characters, including fanciful
royalty, servants, gypsies and
Following is the cast of char
ters: Grog nio. Kiaif Richard vSmart
Prigio, Fire Prince WilUrd Mow
AlphonM and Knrieo, Prigio's broth
er fritz Amman and Wm. Mother
The Wite Van Joe Kins
Dob Bederigo, Gwin Barham
Frederie William Mother
Benson Joe Kinz
- Margaret Nun
Howard Adam
Florence Borgeoson
... Margaret Chapin
Helen Skinner
Mildren Gardner
Vivian Benner
I-ady Velinda
Lady Kathleena .
The Duchesi
Teresa ...
. Kathleen Pbelpe
IdiiTtes and gentlemen of the court
guests, serrantc
Members of the high (ehooi orchestra
who will interpret the orchestral score
pan net te Srott
Chester McCain,
Blair Foley,
Loree Barhaa.. '
Dorothy Borrega
Nathan Steinbork
Margaret Savaga
Uaniel Hardr
IeoDard Moser
Kenneth Mae Kensie Mildred Abbott and
Robert Huston Elizabeth Lewis,
Martha Knm'er, piaao.
Werful Play Will .
Be Presented
A night, to be anticipated by
Salem folk is January 31 at which
time the Moroni Olson players
will present the stirring drama
'The Makroponlos Secret. '
This play was written by Karei
Capek, characteristic of whom is
realistic-phantasy, and It Is said
that "The Makropoulos Secret" is
no exception te his other works.
The Play will be given at the
Elslnore Friday evening, January
Mrs. Eric Butler
To Entertain P. E. O.
The members of Chapter AB of
the P: E. O. Sisterhood wUl be
guests of Mrs. Eric Butler at her
home Monday evening.
Miss Corlotta Crowley will haye
charge of the program and will
take as her subject, "New Zea
Mrs. J. B. Prolzman, wno
retired royal matron of
Hanna Rosa court; order of
t h e Amaranth, Wednesday
mghtt after a most successful
year, for the order. Many
tokens of esteem received.
made the closing of the year's
work a memorable one for
both the past 'royal' matron
and her. royal patron, J. B.
Olive M. Doak,
Today We Present. . .
Mrs. W. V. Johnson, who retired from the post of wor
thy matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Chad wick
chapter, Tuesday night in a very beautiful ceremonial. Cen
ter af. Mistress Vera Beechler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. X. JSeechler and Master Bobby Johnson, ton qf Mr. and
Mrsl.W. A. Johnson, who were dressed as counterparts of
theCnncoming royal matron, left, Mrs. Charles Pratt, and
the royal patron, in the Eastern Star installation. These
two little folk acted as flower bearers.
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Chapter A. B. of P. E.
Mrs. Eric Butler.
Woman's study classes,
city library. Mrs. Dodd at
2:30 on art. F. O. Franklin
follows this with current
Delta Phi Mothers' club.
Mrs. Rose - Babcock, 31
South Commercial street.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Installation, Salem Heights
community club house
joint installation with Mar
ion Post.
McDowell chorus practice.
Music hall. 7:30 o'clock.
- Tuesday
Salem Music Teachers' as
sociation with Jessie F.
Bush, South Commercial
street, S o'clock.
Business Girls' class of
First Methodist church, at
McAdams home, dinner at
0:30 o'clock. Business meet
ing following.
Royal Neighbors' Sewing
club, Mrs. Annabelle Niles,
1730 Falrmount street all
day meeting. "No host"
luncheon at noon.
St. Paul Jr. guild, Mrs. V.
E. Kuhn, 895 North Cottage
street, 2:30 o'clock.
Lincoln, Leslie, McKinley,
7:30 o'clock reports and
demonstration from chlldf
study club.
Annual church meeting
and 6:30 o'clock dinner, elec-
tion of officers and reports.
Salem Arts league, busi-
ness meeting 7:30, program
t o'clock. David Bennett
Hall, show pictures.
Free swim to Camptire
girls, Y. ,M. C. A., between
hours 6 and T o'clock.
Woman's Union of First
Congregational church. 2:30
o'clock, Mrs. W. I. Staley.
Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of Leslie Memor
ial church. Mrs. T. H. Tem
ple. 1455 Saginaw street.
Girl Reserves advisors
meeting. 4 o'clock, Y. W. C
A. moms. Norma Sims to
- '. Ttiu radar
' Faculty - Woman's club,
Mrs: Herman Clark. 1525
Worth Wlnfar. ' -
' Ranhaterian club with
Mrs,, Elliott Colony, 170 N.,
;Zis street. w
Mrs. Scott Page, hostess to
liVMnv hrMp-A rlnh.
Nebraska club at Leslie
Methodist church, o'clock
' Ttottiiesr dinner.
E. M. Palmers Enjoy
Wedding Celebration
Mr, and Mrs. Ellis M. Palmer
commemorated their fiftieth wed
ding anniversary on January 7 at
th home of their-daughter, Alice
F. Palmer. Those present were
the guests of honor, Mr. and. Mrs
Ellis M. Palmer; their daughter.
Mrs. Leverne M. Green, and her
husband Mr. -Frank C. Green
from- Sublimity, Oregon; a sister.
Mrs. D. C. Bevaa. from Portland.
Oregon; Mrs. Glenn M. Junkin,
Leslie M. . Palmer. Mr. and Mrs.
Jay B. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur L. Palmer, and Mr and Mrs.
Loraa Luper. all ? from Albany,
Oregon and - the hostess, Miss
Alice FV Palmer. -
Society Editor
E.M. Hoffnell
Home Scene
Of Party
ONE of the gay affairs of the
week was the dance for
which a group of the young
er maids were hostesses at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hoff
nell Thursday evening. Dancing
and cards made up a Jolly pro
gram until a late hour when a
Llate supper was served.
Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell and Mrs.
Harry Belt were patronesses for
the evening. Those present in
eluded the Misses Margaret Wll
ton, Elenore Wright, Isobel
George, Lorraine Kinzer, Velma
May, Beatrice Johnson, Marian
Johnson, Louise McDougal, Grace
Holman. Katherine Corey, Yvon
ne Smith, Ruthita Hoffnell, Ellen
Hemmingway, Myra Belt, Helen
Olson, Harriett Bringham, Wilda
Fleener, Dorothy Moore. Ruth
Fick. Esther Glbbard. Margaret
Wagner, Virginia Holt, Caroyl
Messers. Howard Adams, Ho
mer Goujey, Jr., Ed. Ross. Leon
Perry, Richard Baker, Virgil Har
rison, Kimball Page, Perry An
drews, Ray Busick, Carl Collins,
Charles Bier, Edwin Cross, Key
nolds Allen, Ronald. Rienhart,
Glen Wilbur, Winford Giese, Joe
King, David Eyre. Dick Heming
way. Lome Kitchen. Fred Hage-
man and Bud Hoffnell.
Miss Helen Byrns
Will Speak Here
xne w. u. t. u. held a Tery
interesting meeting Tuesday af
ternoon with several visitors
present. Among the visitors
were the county W. C. T. TJ. treas
urer, Mrs. Jennie McClelland, of
Turner, and Mrs. W. H. Buck,
recently from North Dakota Mrs.
Buck: was a national W. C. T. U.
organizer, and expects to make
her home with her husband in
Salem. The devotions were con
ducted by Mrs. H. F. Shanks, who
introduced a nice deviation from
the usual method by using selec
tions from the Bible suggested by
Mrs. Sarah Oliver. Mrs. Mary
Chariton and Mrs. Hill, members,
wno nave been-m.
Miss Helen Burns.' field secre
tary ol the young people's branch,
will come to Salem in February
and give another interesting talk
airs. Ii. F. Shanks presented t
program by members of the Loyal
Temperance Legion.
The Veterans of Foreign ,War3
Auxiliary will install officers Mon
day night at the Salem Heights
community club in a joint install
ation with Marion post Mrs. By
ron Conley will become president
of the' Auxiliary and Byron Conley
will become post commander of
Marion post. A social hour will
follow the ceremony.
Members of the business girls
class of the First Methodist
church will be guests at the Me
Adams home. 756 South 12th
street, Tuesday evening for
C: 30 -o'clock dinner. A business
meeting will follow later in the
evening. ,
tGffoy Belle
50c Speckl Dinner
75c Gray Bdle Dinner
$L00 Dinner de Luxe
U A. M. to 9 P. M. Today
Norma Sims Speaks
The advisors of the Girls' Re
serve will meet at the T. W. C.
Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'clock at which time they will
Monday Night K-O-I-N
8:00 to 8:30
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discuss plans for the future and
hear a talk by Miss Norma Sims.
Miss Sims is head of the Girls'
Reserve of the .Portland Y. W. C.
A. and she . will discuss several
matters of keen interest to the
advisors of Salem.
y 1
Launched to find new name
for Miller Melodies. Special
prize given Listen inl
Brilliant Tea Is
Event of
ONE of the most popular
brides of the season was Mrs.
James Young, nee Grace
Holt. Only a anoi time ago Mr.
and Mrs. Young returned from an
extensive weddta trfp.vNow one
of the first things to be given in
compliment to this popular matron
upon her return is the tea for
which Mrs. Russell Catlin and
Mrs. Frank Spears will be host
esses .Friday afternodn at the
Spears home on Caemeketa street
between the hoars of 2 and 9
o'clock. There hata been 200 In
vitations issued for this affair.
Mrs. 8pears and Mrs. Catlin will
be assisted la receiving and about
the living rooms by Mrs. Fred
erick Deckebach, Mrs. Harry Haw
kins, Mrs. Connell W. Dyer, Mrs.
E. C. Cross, and Miss Beryl Holt.
Presiding at the nros will be
Mrs. C. D. GabrIel8on. Mrs. F. A.
Elliott, Mrs. Dan Fry Jr., and
Mrs. Frits Slade.
Camp Fire Girls
Plan Swim
The Camp Fire girls are taking
active steps toward becoming
proficient in the art of swimming
and of first aid.
The first work in swimming
will start Wednesday night at the
Y. M. C. A. which will begin a
series of three swimming nights
Wednesday ,of the next three
weeks. The fitstj night, this
Wednesday, wlir be free and the
next two swims the charge will
be ten cents.
Progress is being made In the
work being done in first aid each
Monday and Thursday of the
week at the high school under
the direction of Miss Martha Har
rison. This Wednesday there will
be a demonstration of "resuscita
tion" given by P. E. P. men from
Portland. This la open to any
girl interested In this particular