The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    J -
llie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Sunday Morning. JanuaryK2j
1 5
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s. J
Years See Gmat :Det0empmmSr m . kiloUywood tnsmxx
o " t . llmmmii rinnnn m
Erixon, Williamson, Pave
Way for Years of Marked
Linen Industries Form Nucleus
For Large Payrolls in District
. Editor, Hollywood Press
Five years ago Hollywood
traffic on the Pacific high
way came roaring down from
the north, struck the north
end of Salem, and spattered
, itself all over the city, hunt
ing for the southern exit.
Most of it went down Summer
and Winter streets, and the
rest of it cot tangled in the
jungles and blind alleys in the
vicinity of mil creek, it tnen
arrived in the heart of the
city badly out of humor and
with a very poor opinion of
Salem, having seen only the
most unattractive part of it.
The situation was decidedly un
satisfactory and the Salem cham
ber of commerce decided to do
something about it So in 1923
Fred Erixon was appointed to put
some "steam" behind the project
ci opening and paring North
Capitol street so that It could be a part .of the Pacific: high
way; Fred did it; the same, as he
always does with sizable munic
ipal chores requiring a lot of
work which are habitually passed
over to hira.
First Work V.'as Hard
He had much trouble getting
people to buy lots on North Capi
tol street so that the expense
could be equitably proportioned.
Afier the improvement wsb made
and North Capitol was incorporat
ed in the Pacific highway, the
writer was idly present at a meet-
ins of these property owners at
the chamber of commerce when
Fred refunded to each of them the.
portion of his assessment which,
had not been needed to complete
the project. They gloatingly
kissed those small, checks, but
some of them were still perturbed
about the 1100 or 20 they had
Invested in North Capitol lots.
Within six months the demand for
those lots at $1,000 to 92,009
each exceeded the supply.
. Since that time tourists over
tlie Pacific highway hare trav
eled down Capitol street, through
the most beautiful residential sec
tion of the city, past the stately
capitol building and marvelous
.. Wtllson park, and hare .been so
Impressed that hundreds of them
have later returned for more in
timate knowledge of Salem, the
city beautiful.
But this is not the story as
signed to me. I am supposed to
tell abont Hollywood.
Carpenter Sets the Pace
A. contracting carpenter from
Texas, named John Williamson.
had been building and selling
bouses in the northern part of
the city. When Fred Erixon had J
finished his Job, Mr. Williamson
saw an opportunity for an easier
lirlihood; so he bought a block
of lots cheap and started the Lone
Star camp ground with a one
pump service station on the lo
cation now occupied by the Holly
wood Postal Station and Holly-
t ;-wood Press. To his surprise he
made large net the first year.
whereupon he laughed at the pro-
sale history of Aladdin and All
Baba, pricked up his ears and
looked about for new worlds to
He sold his camp ground and
bought a few more blocks of lots
Just before the real estate bulls
discovered his bear camp, and for
the next year the air at the north
eatl ot Capitol street was full of
noise and sawdust. Mr. William
eon ereeted nine business struc
tures, some of them covering sev
eral lots and housing several busi
ness enterprises. . Other people
saw what was going on and got
Into the game also. Everybody
became bnOders. In those days
Hollywood didn't grow It Just
sprang op.
-- Theatre Peak of Effort
The acme of Mr. Williamson's
constructive efforts was reaehed
with the completion of a splendid
theatre building, and when he
bad it finished and "dolled up" 1b
modem style, be named It the
"Hollywood"-whereupon every
body realised that this little city
within a city had been too easy to
confer a name upon .Itself.
'Immediately new signs began
toapear: "Hollywood Grocery,"
"Hollywood Meat Market. "Holly
wood Bakery," etc.-. and the name
stvek. That was four years ago,
' and since that time Hollywood
ba been a continuous moving pic
ture of consistent progress and
development 111 health compelled
Mr. Williamson to retire, but
Hollywood still grows.
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?T2mw Z7Ilvrrri7C 711QinPmZ District and Also Its
V ICJWo X liiiinrwiw t
Theatre, Recently Refurnished After a Bad Fire
Business Opportunities
Pointed to as Good in
Hollywood Area
wi?Ait th iinnch of nav checks
strikes Hollywood each Saturday
It; makes business, bnt it also
drais attention to "What Holly
wood Needs."
First and foremost, Hollywood
needs bank.
A reneral store selling furnish
ings, dry goods, notions, etc..
with plenty of overalls ana wore
shirts on the side are needed.
A lawyer, a notary public, and
a dentist are needed.
Every other H ie of business
which is not now represented Is
Invited. Some people are timorous
about launching new lines. They
seem to think that all Hollywood
people want is something to eat.
Folly halt of those who investi
gate Hollywood do so with tne
idea of starting another grocery
store or meat, market.
There are other lines tnat hoi-
i lywood needs more. Hollywood
people need and buy everything
to use or wear, and are not anxi
ous to make the long trip "down
town." For Instance, until last
year people had to go clear down
town. If they wanted a nickle's
worth of nails.
Hardware Store Begins
The editor of the little Holly
wood paper tried to get somebody
to start a hardware store, but no
body would do it. They, said a
I hardware store in Hollywood
wouldn't get any business; so he
started one himself on a very
small scale. It is not yet a big
store, but it is growing every day.
and its volume is limited only by
its size.
The moral of this is that there
was no hardware business in
Hollywood until there was a hard
ware store, there was no linen
business until there was a linen
mill, there was no piano business
until there was a piano store, and
there will be no dry goods busi
ness until there is a dry goods
Hollywood has suffered slightly
! from the human ailment which
seems to attack all thriving com
munities jealousy. While the
really "big" business men of the
city realize that the growth of
Hollywood is the growth of Sa
lem, a few men of smaller vision
seem to harbor the sentiment
which was voiced by one of them
last year when ha said: "Holly
wood is already too big to suit
Shortsighted bnsiness men on
Portland's west side now humbly
admit that Portland would be
larger flan it Is had It no been
for their futile efforts to prevent
the development of the east side
during the past years.
Middle-Class Bauds Homes
The Hollywood section of Sa
lem is distinctly a section of
homes of middle-class Deonle. In
terested people have noted that In
this section la a lareer nercentage
of active wage and salary earners
than in any other section or tne
cltr. The mansions of the Idle rich
are elsewhere, Hollywood being
nonulated almost entirely by
workers and doers, and these peo
ple are noma builders.
Emrlnz the nast year, between
the Englewood community and
tti nronn Linen Mills, block aft
er block of beautiful new houses.
have been built. These are the
homes of active workers and pro
fessional people. They are not
small cabins, but fully modern,
four to eight room cottage, bung-
alow, colonial, Engiisn and uuicn
structures thoroughly up to date
In style and comfort, and set in
well landscaped grounds.
Thrnnsrhont the entire 500 blocks
comprising the Hollywood district
tblo same kind of i enterprise is
The Hollywood bnsiness district
is two and a half miles from the
downtown business section of Sa
lem, which fact no doubt is
larr nart of the reason for Its
Quick development into the most
romnletA and retentions subur
ban commercial community in Sa
,t ' 4 A 1 ? I -'-T' ' - wrJ
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iter"- fc if s j , nr. ffWafefgbBfe
f i.
ti. fii nMnm ihnn rlftarlv how solidlr the Hollrwood business erowth has been while the sec
ond view shows the Hollywood Theatre for which the present business has Justified its founder's faith.
Ray Stumbo, manager and owner of the theatre is a live-wire oaoKer 01 iiou)wu.
Methodist and Catholic De
nominations Have Strong
Local Organizations
The Hollywood community has
numerous churen organizations
and edifices, many aenomlnations
study of the city's milk supply in
all leading Oreson cities. He nas
been la Portland the last lew
being represented. Nearest to
the Hollywood business center are
Jason Lee Memorial Methodist
Episcopal church, four blocks
south, and the same distance to
the north is St Vincent de Paul
catholic school and chapel. This
latter was built four years ago.
and its Spanish mission style 01
architecture and spacious grounds
made It one of the most attractive
church edifices in the city.
Aside from its retail business
possibilities, Hollywood is receiv
ing much attention as a future In
dustrial center with many poten
tial factory sites along the main
line of the Southern Pacific which
traverses the entire length of this
district. This year's iirst indus
trial acquisition is a commercial
box factory, which is to erect a
large plant adjacent to the Miles
Linen Co. as a beginner, with suf
ficient room to expand in the
PENDLETON, Ore., Jan. 11.
(AP) Justice is speedy here.
Two hoars after he was taken on
a forged check charge, Donald B.
John was waiting to go to the
state prison for a two year tay.
He was taken soon after attempt
ing to pass a worthless check on
a Pendleton store and pleaded
guilty in circuit court.
EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 11. (AP)
The water wheel and the dy
namo at the city of Eugene hydro
electric project at Leaburg have
been given the final test and
found perfect.
Different Firms Enumerated
To Show Public Way
Hollywood Grew
Indicating the steady growth
and progress of Hollywood, one
cites the fact that during 1929
Hollywood acquired a super serv
ice station, a fruit and vegetable
market, a big garage, a lunch and
confectionery, an electric fixture
store, a cafe, a radio store, a piano
store, a plumbing establishment, a
hardware store, a boat factory
and a chiropractice physician.
In the Hollywood district,
bounded on the south by Market
street and on all other sides by
the rest. o the world, scores of
important, business acquisitions
have been made during the past
year, but. the above mentioned are.
all in the, central business district
at the. confluence of North Capitol
street' and, Fairgrounds road. This
district now has':
Two big grocery stores.
Two garages.
Lumber yard.
Meat market.
Kimball Piano store.
Telegraph office.
Drug store.
Super service stationt
Fruit and vegetable marker.
Two filling stations.
Four cafe?.
Boat lactory.
Hardware store.
Furnace factory.
Cider factory.
Plumbing shop.
Theater home of 25c talkies,
Shoe shop.
Electric store.
Real estate office.
Weekly newspaper anl print
ing plant.
Radio store.
A medical doctor.
A chiropractor.
Macleay Grange Is
Scene of Program
By Local Talent
MACLEAT, Jan. 11 Macleay
Grange met in regular sesston on
Friday evening. Frank Bowers
acting as master, U. A. Jones hav
ing been HI and was unable to
come to the meeting. Seven new
members were added to the list
of membership.
A short program was then git
en In which each member took
part. Roll call -was answered by
telling the "One best plan for the
New Year.'4 -There were many
wonderful plana that were given
by the different members.
Supper was then served after
which a good-get-to-gether meet
ing was enjoyed by all. Young
, folks played games while the oth
ers visited.
Two Linen AI1H1 Are
Basis for Uniqueness
Of Hollywood Plants
, ; Hollywood doe not lack
for Industries and payrolls,
bat ha room for more. Sa
Jesa is the oaly city West of
i'J?ew England which has two
them are within three
'blocks of the heart of Holly.
wood, giving employment to
f; The Salem Brick and Tile
company fa also only threw
Unlocks away, havins abont,
; 40 men on its payroll. Then
' are munerom smaller oon
.rnm Citing employment
'.fcrtagfajg the Hallywood pay-
ron to approximately 25y
5000 pew month. -
Above are pictured the lapetJMotr1c of Hollywood aionff witn
two of the retail establiahments. The first pletnre allows the exter
a un iju min tiil A umnl wfew fa wtmrt of the
i. k mill fut tfcint la that eafrrior of the
Oregon Lmen Mills, Inc. The fonrth picture shows the exterior
- . . . rm -. n - M a , . 1 . , 1 A 1.
ox the voagnercy garage wnue ne m uw avrvacv
shown In the last picture. ' -
e . .
"ftgh Class" I True Destination. of Plant
MKDFORD. Ore.. Jan. 11.
rAP Milton M. Miller, repre-
I sentatlre of the United Sutes
pablle health service, has coma
to Medford to begin a general
I love speed Mr. Langerberger
band real mead boats, welchinc
thun 100 Donadi and eottinai
less than sm, bnllt an airplane
spruce and Manila mahogany. Onl
exhibition in the shop Is a sample
ot the nighest type of rowboat,
the boat built, by Mr. L&ngen-
berger which won first prise at
me vregon state r oresiry exnioit.
One ot the noted Hollywood In-
Istltutions the Fred Langerberg
er -boat factory la nniae and
exclusive to Hollywood. There is
no other like It in the city, or In
Oregon. The highest class of
small craft for river and ocean
are made. "High class means
that these boats are made by hand
with careful attention to every
little detail, instead of being slap
ped out by maehlner.
Only the best of materials will
I do: in the finer boats a great deal
of mahogany and other imported
woods being nsed, ' besides large
quantities et oar fine Port or
ford cedar, walnut, etc As an
instance ot the wide ; range ef
boats reduced, en the skids In
the shop at nresent is a handsome
little rewHtoat, complete in erery
I detail, at a cost ef only S 50. while
next week the keel will be laid for
a zmooi eaoin cruiser tor a
prominent citizen of Salem cost
ing abont
Work Nicely Done . V
These finer boats are resplen
dent with hammered brass and
copper ornaments and trimmings.
ail made right in the .Hollywood
shop. In tine boat building no
nails are nsed, the work being
done with brass and copper screws
and rivets;-or, "If an ocaslonal nail
is necessary, it is also of brass In
stead, or iron. . - -
sieds and sarf scooters, pleasure
boats bunt for safety, speed and
beanty. In a recent test one of
tnese ooata made S3 miles per
hour en the Willamette river
while toreharge ef the Portland
harbor officials, they desiring to
satisfy themselves as to what the
boat wonld do. For those who
Spead Page Made
Up to Show Future
Ot Suburban Area
, The special page, com
piled by The - Statesman,
with A. U. Church, editor of
the Hollywood Press,, far
Dishing mnch ef the materi
al and doing the bulk ef the
writing, portrays to Salem
citizens the development ot
thai eommonity within the
last f nr years.
. It also shows the need for
future development.
, tritlt ; the hackgroand of
iadostry In -the .Bollywood
eeetion, with newer indn
stries choosing that section
and with a large residential
population already there
'Hollywood seems assured of
a very SoDd fntnre, accord
ing to the Kt local ap
praisal of city Talaes.
Montgomery Ward & Co.
!?De5SlC,uI?ulB DODeiT!
. . . with no increase in prices I
mmmtttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bMflMMMHHMMWnnMMMMaa IwatBaawMvnMi
A CTUAL mileage records developed by our own large fleet
of test cars, and the experience of millions of users
hare conclusive! j proved that the former mileage guaran
tees on RIVERSIDE tires . . . while most liberal . . did not
fully express the superlative quality of the tires themselves.
To more closely represent actual RIVERSIDE perform
ance, we announce, these new and greater mileage guaran
tees covering a complete line of tires that conform to such
specific standards of service only because they embody the
finest of materials, the most modern design, and the expert
workmanship that all superfine tires must receive.
Back of each cf these sensational guarantees stands the
prestige end responsibility of an organisation tcaose
record of S7 years ef fmr-deaUng is unquestlonedt
30,000 MILE
JUL Otiam 8imm mt Ptmftt
Mile Gvorantew
NOW 22,003 MILES
29 x4.40 . . . . $ 7J3
30x40 . . 8X3
30x55 . . US
30x5J50 . . . . HJS
30x3Vx Ctwf
29x4.40 ...
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40jCCCMfle Gwofoirtew
S0X3VA fti.fcsQ.sms $43
29x4.43 "V .
30x40 5-D
30x5X0 ; 7X3
' JS) OcW 8Ut at
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JI ore available at 550
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275 LtBEirnr PHONE 1435