The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1930, Page 16, Image 16

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Oregon, Sunday Morning, January 12, 1929
Webfoots Shade Cougars; Orangemen Crush
Remember the row that was
kicked up over whether the insti
tution at Cor rail is was Oregon
Agricultural college or Oregon
State college? The thing has just
about settled itself now, with the
school called just what the stu
dents want to rail it. except that
a few stubborn newspapers with
University of Oregon news editors
cling to the old name.
We hate to say "We tolil you
so1 -bat this is a ftoofl oppor
. tuliUf, as some readers who
took The Statesman when that
controversy was raging, may be
able to testify.
Now we find a discrepancy in
names used to designate the gov
ernment Indian school located a
few miles north of Salem. The
official name is "Salem Indian
school, but it has been custo
mary to call it "Chcmawa Indian
With all dne respect to cer
tain members of the local
chamber of commerce who want
to tie the city's name up with
everything that might result in
, some publicity, we here and
now declare it a lost ran hp, be
cause the students won't have
it that way.
We have gone astray momen
tarily ourselves and written about
the "Salem Indian school" ath
letic teams, but that was before
we knew the students were other
wise minde. From now on, in
the sport news anyway, it's "Che
mawa." Here is part of the letter we
received on the subject Satur
day: "One of your 'radical' mornings
why not say a word or two about
the foolishness of trying to dub
Chemawa Salemi You've found
out by now tfiaT.'for one thing,
it's unhandy.
11 s true enougn tnat Salem
Indian school is the official name,
but it wasn't just named that. By
the same method the- U. S. is of
ficially dry. Chemawa has had
the other official title since it wan
moved to Salem. 45 years ago or
therebouts, from Forest Grove,
but the custom has always been
to call it by the more appropriate
name 'Chemawa.'
"The school songs and yells are
about Chemawa, our paper is
called the 'Chemawa American.'
'fAt .a chamber of commerce
meeting the other day at which
Mr. Lipps was the speaker, some
body got up and made a rather
impassioned speech on this sub
ject ot the name and it was, of
course, pro-Salem Indian school.
Mr. Sisson, who was presiding,
agreed with him mildly talked
for a little while and then, in re-J
Terring to the school,' called It
'Chemawa.' That's an example of
how naturally the name fits."
The big issue down at Eu
gene in the last few days has
been, "Did Dr. Spears call here
incognito or not?" One news
paper states positively that Dr.
Spears was there, and was con
sidering the coaching job. Dr.
Spears denied both claims. The
newspaper went on to assert
that Dr. Spears was no longer
being considered, and that it
was just as well, that a man
who would prevaricate like that
should be passed up. My!
"What high Ideals we are de
manding of oar coaches these
Gervais Cagers
Drop Game
To Mill City 5
GERVAIS, Jan. 1. (Special)
The Gervais high school boys'
basketball team was defeated Fri
day night by the fast team from
the Mill City high school, 26 to
24. A large crowd was out to see
the game despite the cold night.
The local team will play the Stay
ton team, next Friday nieht on
the Stayton floor.
In a game between the
girls' team of the high school and
a team composed of alumni, the
former was winner by a score of
29 to 10, this game following the
boys' game.
Grappler From
Eugene Throws
Vlympia Youth
ROSEBURG, Ore., Jan. 11.
(AP) Wildcat Pete, Eugene, de
feated Merwin Barackman, of
Olympic here last night in one
of the roughest wrestling bouts
ever seen locally.
Both wrestlers engaged in
rough tactics during the entire 44
tn'.nntes of the match, each being
thrown from the ring on several
At the end of 44 minutes Pete
threw Barackman with an '- air
plane spin, injuring the Washing
ton wrestler's shoulder so badly
that he was unable to return to
the mat, .y
II.- AP) Carl A. Mayo, 52,
northwest representative of the
General Laundry Machine corpor
ation, Seattle, was killed near
here today when the automobile
he was driTins west through a
bridge railinr and lata the Coenr
n'Alene river between here and
Barrteonv " -
Y. M. D. Aggregation Leads
At Half Time; Willamette
Goad in Streaks
Looking like a million dollars
one minute and about 39 cents
the next, the Willamette univer
sity basketball team defeated the
Portland Y. M.-D. quintet 48 to
40 Saturday night in the Willam
ette gymnasium.
The Bearcats got a good start
but the Y. M. D. boys proved to
be accurate shots and soon over
came Willamette's lead. The. vis
itors were ahead 22 to 19 at half
The second half was a see-saw
affair for ten minutes, field goal
putting first one team and then
the other ahead by one point.
Then, b tart in g from a 29-30
basis, the Bearcats began func
tioning as though engaged in sig
nal practice with no opposition on
the floor, and ran up a lead of 11
points before Coach Keene re
tired them to let the second
string men play a few moments.
Scales and Adams, Willam
ette's regular forwards, appeared
to be off form early in the game,
but scored like clockwork toward
the close.
"Martin and Rowley were the
outstanding players for the Y. M.
D. Rowley outjumped Cardinal at
center consistently, the first man
who has accomplished It this sea
son. Willamette T. M. D.
Scales (17) F..(4) Thompson
Adams (13) .. .F (4) Sanders
Cardinal (8) ... C (8) Rowley
Hauk 3) G Chalfau
Gibson (5) G (16) Martin
Benjamin (2) ..S (6) Egbee
Carpenter S (2) Chapelle
Peterson S
Balderse S
Referee. Gregg.
(Special) The Independence
school basketball team defeated
Falls" City high in their first game
of the season Friday night, 22
to 13. The local team started
strong, leading 5 to 0 at the end
of the first quarter and 11 to 1
at half time.
Second team players were us
ed largely by Independence in the
second half. The third quarter
ended with the score 22 to 3, and
Falls City scored ten points to In
dependence's none in the final
Falls City Independence
Allen 5 F 2 Mattison
Speestra 7 F 5 Kelly
Carex 1 C 4 Plant
Howell G 1 Newton
Paul G L. Hershberger
Brown S.... 4 Harding
S 2 Ramey
S 4 DeForest
Referee, Dwight Adams.
The Independence girls defeat
jell the Falls City girls 19 to 17
In a game which was close and ex
citing throughout. Falls City
finished the first quarter leading
7 to C, and things continued at
the same rate until the third per
iod ended 16 to 15 with Inde
pendence ahead.
Falls City Independence
Baynton 15 . . . . F . . 6 B. Johnson
Mack 2. . . F. .12 L. Bullock
Adams C B. Yoast
Richardson. .. .C L. Busby
James. ... G. .A. Shoemaker
Jones G E.Baker
S Ramey
City league
Standings Man's Shop. Elks,
Flying Clouds. McKay Chevrolet,
Senator Food Shop. Schei's Cloth
ing. Averages (first ten) Hall 183,
Steinbeck 183. Victor 178, Stol
iker 178, Page 177. Monson 176,
Kay 17, Mohr 173, Coe 173, M.
Hemenway 173.
Records Team series, McKay
Chevrolet 2767; team game, -McKay
Chevrolet 973; series, H.
Barr 638; game. Van Welder 247.
Commercial League
Standings. McKay Chevrolet,
Capital City Bedd!jg Co., General
Petroleum, Barr Plumbers, Valley
Motor. Stadebaker.
Averages Hall 185. H. Barr
180, Newton 176, Page 176,
Lynch 172, B. Hemenway 171,
Riffe 170,-Elllott 170, Grote 168.
Allen 168.
Records Team series, McKajr
Chevrolet 2707; team game. Gen
eral Petroleum 947; series. Hall
45; game. Hall 23 C.
Club lie ague
Standings Elks-Club. Nelson
and Hunt, Lions. Printers, Cool
ey's, Associated OH. .
Averages Pratt 172. Hudkins
170. Elliott 1C7, Davidson 167,
Woodruff 166, S'athman - 163
Peterson 165. Gabrielson 163,
Nelson 163. Van Patten 163.
Records Team .series. Elks
Cubs 2677; team game. Lions
923 ; series. Elliott 60S; game,
Wilkinson 278.
Business League
Standings Roth'a Grocery,
Stiff " Furniture. Western Auto,
Salem Sanitary Dairy, Oregon
Packing, Capitol Dairies. -'
Records Team aeries, t Salem
Sanitary Dairy 2S2S; team game.
Western Auto 927; series, Vail
111; game. DeVault 217.
Don . Ponlfn won the Cooley's
bat In the roll off with Henry
Barr and Elaeabraadt. Do had
BY 34-T 0 32
Five Minutes Overtime Pet
iod Found Necessary to
Decide Contest
EUGENE. Ore.. Jan. 11. (AP)
- The University of Oregon de
feated Washington State college
34 to 32 here tonight in a Pacific
coast conference basketball game,
thereby regaining its position as
a contender for the championship
of the northern division. The
game went five minutes over
time, the last half ending 30 all.
Washington State defeated
Oregon in the first of a two game
series here last night.
Little Billy Keenan, tow
headed sophomore, was the In
spiration of the Webfoot team.
Shortly after the start of the ov
ertime period he looped a short
basket after taking a pass from
Kermit Stevens. He then assured
the Oregonians a win by passing
to Calkins for what proved to be
the ' winning basket.
Gene Endslow, lanky " Cougar
center, brought his team back In
to the running in the overtime
period, but too late.
The lineup:
Washington State 32 G P PF
Holstein. F 3 0 1
Luft. F 110
Carlton, F 0 0 2
Pesco, F 0 0 1
Endslow, C 4 2 1
McLarney. O 4 1 1
Van Tuyl. G 2 0 0
Totals .... 14 4 6
Oregon (34) G F PF
Calkins. F 4 0 0
Dolp, F 0 0 0
Hughes, F x 0 0 .0
Eberhart, C 2 14
Fletcher, C . 10 0
Keenan, C 5 8 1
Levoff, G SOI
Totals 15 4 6
Referee: Bobby Morris, Se
attle. 0. s. c.
IBS 33 T0 17
The Oregon State Rooks won a
more decisive victory over the Sa
lem high school basketball team
at Corvallis Saturday afternoon
than in the game here Friday
night, the second game ending 23
to 17 for the collegians.
Big Ed Lewis was "on" Satur
day and ruined everything the
high school players tried, in addi
tion" running up a big total of
points for himself. In the second
half the Salem boys perked up and
scored 12 points to the Rooks' 14.
The first half had ended 19 to 6.
Salem high plays University
high of Eugene here Wednesday
Defeat Baptists
The Presbyterian Pioneer bas
ketball team deam defeated the
First Baptist Pioneers 33 to 10
Saturday at the Y. M. C. A.
Presbyterian Baptist
Hale 7 . ". F Yeager
Brownell 12. . .F. ..... . Brewer
Mohr 8 . . . C 2 Wirtz
Reed 6 G 7 Morley
Hulst. G 1 Faxon
Duncan S White
his hook ball working in great
style and his 632 was too much
for "Hank" and "Ize" who scor
ed 08 And .588 respectively.
Three big matches are on tap
for today, as the Senator Food
Shop, Man's Shop and Cooley's
Clothing quintets meet. - three
teams from Portland. They start
at 1 p. m.
The Man's Shop has first place
cinched in the City league with
two weeks left, but there la a
great fight on tor second and
third money between the Elks,
Reo Flying Clouds', Chevrolet and
Food Shop.
After 20 years of bowling Don
Poulin has a pair of shoes and
Charles Monson has a new balL
Walt Cline says watch out now!
for the Food Shop.
The Statesman league contin
ues the closest race of them all.
The boys and also the girls in that
league are strong for the handi
cap system.
. The Stiff Furniture women's
team has done some tine bowling
and is now in second place la the
Business league.
. .. , f
The new green bowling shirts
furnished by the Man's Shop are
the real thing. Rumor has it that
the Day and Niles girls are going
to blossom out In similar attire.
President Trotter ot the States
man league won -some" bet Fri
day night when his Fulops team
won three games from Day and
NUes. Everybody Is Invited to be
present when Niles pays np.
Ray Kebergall has promised
each of "his Cooley's team mem
bers a Kebergall ham. if they win
the second halt.
Silverton Quint Shades Lo
cal Team by 20 to
19 Score
. SILVERTON. Jan. 11. (Spe
cial) In a hectic overtime per
iod after the regular playing time
ended with the score 17 all, the
Silverton high school basketball
team defeated the Parrish junior
high quintet from Salem here to-
Loight 20 to 19.
The Silverton boys got their
three points in the overtime per
iod all at once, a foul being call
ed on a Parrish player just as Sil
verton's -field goal was made.
Parrish alstTgot a field goal in
the extra fire minutes.
The score was four all at the
end of the first period, 8 to 7 for
Parrish at half time. 12 to 10 for
Silverton at the end of.the third
Parrish Silverton
Kelly (8) F....(8) Arbuckle
Perrlne(2) F..(l) Davenport
Brownell (5) ..C". (2) Johnson
Ellis (2) G:...(5) Harwood
Slater (2) G (2) Staynor
S Green
Referee: Stewart.
, Parrish will play the Corvallis
junior high quintet here Tuesday
or Wednesday night, and St. Paul
high Friday night. Both games
will be in the Parrish gymnasium.
(Special) A shower was given at
the home of Mrs. George Steward
of 1344 .Edgewater street Thurs
day afternoon honoring Mrs.
Leonard Burgoyne of Second
Late In the afternoon light re
freshments were served. -
Mrs. Burgoyne received a large
number of useful and beautiful
gifts from her many friends.
Orchestra practice will be Tues
day and Saturday evening at 7:00
p. m. at the J. M. HamVy home.
To date it consists of eight
pieces, four violins, two trom
bones, one saxaphone and piano.
Other instruments will be add
ed soon.
This group Is making a good
contribution to the music of the
church and the community.
Patrolman For
District No. 8
Petitioned For
Disliking county supervision of
the roads within district No. 8,
petitions have been made to the
founty court for a patrolman for
he district. Saturday the county
court complied with-the petition
for a district patrolman when B.
M. Miller, prominent farmer In
No. 8, was made patrolman.
The court had asked that a pe
tition be submitted suggesting
the name of a person to serve as
pajtrolman for the district but de
legations preferred to have the
court select its own man for the
Jason Lee Quint
Beats 'Polecats9
The Jason Lee church basket
ball team defeated the Dallas
Polecats at Dallas Saturday night
16 to 8. An unusual feature was
the fact that the Polecats scored
just two points In each quarter.
The Salem team led to 4 at
half time.
Jason Lee Polecats
Chapin F McCann
Heseman 6 F . . . . Morrison
Beall 4 C ..... 4 LeFors
Miller ...O 4 Dunn
Watson G Kliever
Douris.... S
Gates 8 "
Misener S
Kendall'.... S
Sublimity Man Is
Paid Under Policy
John- T. Hafner of Sublimity,
who was injured in an automo
bile collision in Salem December
2, yesterday received a check for
280 from the North American ac
cident Insurance company In pay
ment on claim made on one of the
dollar policies issued by The
Statesman. Hafner was painfully
bruised on the head and back as
a result of the accident and was
unable to resume his work for
three weeks.
To date S1.S61.06 has. been re
ceived by Statesman subscribers
who have taken advantagesot the
accident insurance policy.
i ;
McMINNVILLE, Ore., Jan. 11
(Special) The McMlnnviUe
Athletic club basketball team win
play the Oregon Normal five here
Tuesday night. As a prelimin
ary game,' the freshmen team
Monmouth will meet the McMiam
ville high school quintet.
v MINOT, N. D., Jan. 11. (AP
Seventeen army plant, engag
ed In a mid-winter maneuver on
a round trip flight from Selfridgs
Held, Michigan, to Spokane.
Wash., arrived here late today
from Duluth, Ulna.
AllSalem Card
I Will Be Put On
! Here Wednesday
! Fighters who participate in
Wednesday night's card at the ar
mory here will all be Salem boys
or come from nearby towns, but
several of the faces will be new
to local fans.
Terry Kileen and Spud Mur
phy, the main eventere. come
from Independence and Hubbard,
respectively. In the two six
round fights, the younger Ki
leen, Jackie, will meet Jackie
Woods of Salem, and Red Hayes
of Stayton will meet Curly Schu
man of St. Paul, who has quite a
reputation but hasn't fought here
Another St. Paul lad. Jimmy
Slutesman, will meet Pat Haley
of Independence In the four round
Two Golf Meets
Ordered Put Off
Due to Weather
The two major golf tourna
ments of the Pacific coast winter
campaign the Los Angeles 110.
000 open, and the Agua Caliente
$25,00? event- were postponed
today because of a heavy dawn
pour of rain which left the
courses almost unplayable.
The setting up of the dates for
the Agua Caliente tourney, which
was to have opened next Tues
day, followed the decision of the
committee In charge of the Los
Angeles affair to discontinue play
until tomorrow.
Gonzaga Again
Loses Hoop Tilt
SPOKANE, Jan. 11 (AP)
The University of Washington
basketball team defeated Gonza
ga university 28 to 17, in a non
conference game here tonight.
The score at half time was II to
10 for Washington.
mm all dWMM
A treat)
Mi. aHw
aiettr upmSia, with
graatar pmwwi
4tk-t4a bra
vtlm lllllKllI
A tartar hartx
Lareer ana llraaSi
aartaatl faafr
A w taaaaeV aayyV
arattoat a swap paawldii
the SMhiaS amalararliai
which aii lira trsfllc
430 N. Commerci?!
Ball Bros., Turner
Colombia Garage lit. AfigeL.
s 31 9
0. F. Willing of Portland Is
Selected Among Those to
Invade England
Associated Press Sports Writer
NEW YORK. Jan. 11. ( AP)
From" a list of ten star golf
players named today, a team of
eight will be selected to sail for
England in April to make the
Walker cup, emblem of interna
tional team supremacy, safe for
America. The sixth Walker cup
series will be played at Sandwich.
May 15-16.
Those named to support Cap
tain Bobby Jones are Harrison
Johnston, Geeage Von Elm. Fran
cis Ouimet. Dr. O. F. Willing.
George Voigt. Jess W. Sweetser
and Donald K. Moe. Alternates in
order are Roland MacKenzie and
Maurice McCarthy, Jr.
Eight players will go to Eng
land for the competition at sin
gles and foursomes.
Jones, Johnson, Von Elm, Oui
met. Willing and Sweetser are
Walker cup team veterans. Sweet
ser and Ouimet have been mem
bers of all five of the teams,
Jones was absent only in 1923.
The 1930 participation wll be
the third for Von Elm and Will
ing. Willing, however, has not
played since 1924. MacKenzie,
too, has played on two of the in
ternational teams.
Voigt and Moe are the only
EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 11. (AP)
Board feet of timber cut in the
Cascade national forest in 1929
amounted to 41,259,540 board
feet, or 3,067,920 more than In
1928 and a difference in value of
$13,071.32. The timber cut in
1929 was values at 397,521.97.
The greater part of the timber cut
was Douglas fir.
(ECBHs. tffltlCBS f gDflQDIEBS
bbs tiBa 8vnmaatiiiBaiall mew
The sensational value of the Greatest Chevrolet in
Chevrolet History is based on definite points of
superiority which you can easily check for your
self. From its improved 50-horsepower six-cylinder
valve-in-head engine, to its beautiful new bodies
by Fisher it sets a new standard of quality for
the low-price field.
A few of Chevrolet's extra-value features are listed
on this pager Check them over carefully. Then
come in and drive this car. Learn what these new
features mean in terms of finer performance
greater comforts-greater handling ease and
increased safety. It will take you only a few minutes
to find out why this car is winning more praise
than any Chevrolet we have ever shown. A finer
Six in every way yet it sells
at extremely
low prices!
Att prictif. o. . factory, flint. Michigan
' . . . -
Hardy Chevrolet C& Woodbnrn
Halladay'a Garage, Monmouth
? n n n v PAgrBD-V-'iBTini-; o i x
0. S. CjQuint Takesldaho
Team Into Camp by 40
To 27 Score in Fast Tilt
CORVALLIS. Ore., Jan. 11.
(AP) Oregon State college de
feated the University of Idaho 40
to 27 in a Pacific Coast confer
ence basketball game here to
night. The Vandals won the first
of a two-game series here last
The Orangemen took an early
five-point lead and never were
headed. The score at half time
was 24 to 16. Accurate shooting
by, Grayson, Ballard and Lyman
was largely responsible for Ore
gon state's vengeance although
Stowell did excellent work for the
visitors, getting five goals and
two foul points to tie with Gray
son for high point honors.
Close guarding sent many
Idaho shots wild.
CHEMAWA, Jan. 11. (Spe
cial) The Willamette university
freshman basketball team defeat
ed the Chemawa Indian school
quintet 26 to 19 in a hard fought
game here tonight.
The score was tied at the end
of each of the first three periods;
10 all, 16 all and 18 all. In the
fourth period the freshmen
stepped out and gained a reason
ably safe lead.
Although it was a tight game,
it was ragged and loosely played,
neither team showing the form
of which it was capable.
Willamette Chemawa
Nutter (8) F Miller
Todd ( 3 )....... F. ( 6 ) Prettyman
Gottfried C.(2) Marsden
Moore (9) G...(5) Curley
Begg(5) G...(5) Vlvette
Hauck (1) G (1) Smith
S. . . . Simmons
Referee, Flesher.
K 2B-T0
The line up:
Idaho (27) G
McMullan, F. .2
Carlon, F. . . . 1
Hurley, C. 8
Thompson, 0. 0
Stowell, G. 5
Howard, G "
Totals 11
Oregon Staia (' (i
Ballard, F . . . : 5
Callahan. F. ........2
Torson, F 0
Whitlock. C i)
Lyman, C. 4
Fagans, -G ....'-'
Grayson,' G.' . S
Drager - Q'. ...... o
5 4
0 2
0 2
Totals 1? 2 13
Referee: Bill Mulliean.
Yamhill Sport
Group to Hold 1
Annual Dinner
McMINNVILLE. Ore.. Jan. 11
I (Special) Memberu of the
I Yamhill County Sportsmen club
will gather here Monday night for
their annual dinner and election
of officers. An extra large atten
dance is expected at thi- year's
Motion picture of big game
hunting In Alaska will be a feat
ure of the evening.; Reports of
the state meeting held in Port
land last month will be given by
Dr. I. C. Robison and Locke Mar
dis, delegates from the county
EUGENE, Ore.. Jan. 11. (AP)
Fire losses in Eugene for the
year 1929 were $52,930. accord
ing to W. E. Nusbaum. fire chieL
Insurance totaling 845,075 was
collected on fires. Apr!, Octo
ber and November went without
fire loss.
TaUj ancloaad. laternal
ipandtag. weather
proof brakes innii poai
oa brake actioa at alt
The Instrument smix-l
carriea a new ftroweia ml
the driving conri - mi
dodins a caeotiae saae.
The MW Fleher fcedy
now slare wtndehaeld
deSects the lare of
approocfclnft beadttftlita..
m . ''LARGER
New; araar. I wM-watlaoa
ejraa with aaoalter wheel
I aa prove readability.
AH closed rood
adjaetable driver's eat
torn of ta ratalator
alvaa the arapsT psalnaa.
Telephonel802 7
F. C Brown, Falls City
Hollis a Smith, Dalba
Twa-hean' htatlaniaa
ceatrolloa hr a foot tort
toa penalc eeorteay.
wtthow dliilad, the