The OIICGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, SaaaUy Monuit& January 12, 1523 v PAGE FIFTEEN of MONEY0 I BY RQY VICKERS J An . atmosphere of l arUrenesa had crept about tbe. use of Alan's name and that bad trked fcer. It might he no more than a mere social prejudice, hut. there was. she discovered, something d f UnetlT shabby in descriBins; one self sjl another Mans1 wife. She took a deeo breath of the clean, saoraina; air and shook her self, as if she were shaking off all the little thabbinesses that had inevitably clung to her In New York. She was in bounding health, equipped with blear know- edge of the work ahead' of her, anxious to begin it "It will take them a bit of time to get through the ; harbor," said Alan, rejoining her. "Everything ready for the customs?" "No. I hurried up on " deck when you tapped on my. door," she answered, i n ever so giaa ?W Salonicm ahead r aidmAlam. mbsently, I came l woaldnV have missed this f of anything." - "Tourlstr -h grunted. Tip come along in half an hour and see if you want anything strajrped up." As she returned to Jttt . "cabin she glanced at herwrist-wateh. He had said he ironld come In half an hour and she must take care not to keep him waiting. Punctually to- the minute ke knocked on the door. "All ready!" she told him. "As there isn't much room for two, you'd better snap out of It, Shirley . .' . Look here, you've left something.". Re pointed to her nightdress, partly concealed by -the pillow. "Oh, sever mind! I'll leave it." she said. "There Isn't an inch of room anywhere. I could only just manage." "Nonsense, you can't afford to leave things about like that! If you haven't got room for it, roll it up and give It to me.4' She obeyed and. he stuffed It into the pocket of the overcoat on his arm. "Shall X wait for you on deck?" Bhe asked as she Btepped out of the cabin. "Yes. I shant need you here. By the way; 111 do air the tlp- Piag." ' ' No man had ever spoken to Shirley as Alan spoke to ker, but she was quite conscious of that fundamental fact. In small mat ters he would consult her taste and defer to her. For everything else he issued orders, which she would obey without discussion, finding an odd and . wholly un conscious pleasure in obeying. - She went on deck, which was littered now with a nondescript medley of other passengers. There were merchants and var ious kinds of .tradesmen of ming led nationalities, but the Turkish type of face predominated. So tar she had not picked out a single western European. Soon they were docked in the harbor and her view of the city was shut out by the customs buildings. As the gangway was lowered confusion broke out among pas sengers and erew alike. Alan led her to a deserted part of the deck. "There's nothing to be alarnr ed about." he explained. "They're like this all talking at once and shoving each other about. As soon as the customs men come'on board" IU fix It. Her they are. Dont move from here until I come back." She saw him shoulder his way through the babbling crowd and address an officer la Greek mili tary . uniform. For a few seconds they talked together; thee Alan came toward her with the Greek offieer.vWho saluted and address ed her in French. "I will make it my business to see that madame is In no way in convenienced. Permit your bag gage to be sent to my private of fice and you may reclaim it at your leisure." Shirley murmured, her thanks. They moved towards . the gang way, where an ' avenue through the gesticulating, protesting pas sengers was made for them by the customs men. "The rest of those poor devils win be on board for another six hours or so," Alan explained as they set foot on the quay. "Let's see now . . . Through here's the quickest way out." Shirley was wholly Incurious as to how Alan had managed It. Once in her ' inmost thoughts she had contrasted his swift com petence with Roger's blustering timidity. On their honeymoon Roger had always left her to deal with customs and other officials. "They'll do more for a woman," he had explained. They passed through the cus toms buildings into a narrow en Closed space-that was the dock- f ard. . Drawn up in a straggly ine were six of the quaintest carriages Shirley had ever seen. They were, in fact, very old open carriages of the Victoria type, and each was drawn by two ema ciated horses. "These things were probably in general use In Paris and Rome 30 years ago," explained Alan. "I don't suppose there are any taxis here. Well have to use one. As far as I can remember, the best place her is the Lutetla." They approached the nearest vehicle and a man in a very old silk hat stepped forward, bowing and smiling. "The Lutetia," said Alan in French. "And I will give you fife drachmae." Shirley got in while Alan en gaged himself in a prolonged haggle. Once he beckoned to her to get out, but as she was about to obey the bargain was conclud ed for another two and a half drachmae. "What have we saved r fey an that talk?" she asked. Oh, in our money about a nickel," he answered. "It J had not haggled the word would have gone, round to the varMus cut throat societies that a couple of rich foreigners had arrived." The man in the silk hat mount ed the driver's seat, called loudly and presently a second, man got up beside him and began to drive. "How delightful! We're going to have a coachman as well," laaghed Shirley. (To be continued) "TELLING TOMMY" Great Shires Is Again Victorious BOSTON. Jan. 11. (AP) Arthur (the great) Shires,chalk ed up his fourth ring victory out of fire starts here last night by gaining a four round t ethnical knockout oVer bald headed Al Spohrer, Boston Braves catcher. Spohrer struck a defensive pose in the second minute of the open ing round and held it to the end. ByPIM .201 ABOUT 100 YEARS AGO AH tMPUOYK OF TO U5.PA1tffl OfflCt fTOmSAWVi THAT SINCE ttWmOttS HAD HtoCUCAlW AIL ettH MADE HE THOUGHT RVttSE TO GET ANOTHER JOS BEFORE THE OfFKE CLOSED ( HAl'TEK XXXI. ' Ten miles ahead of them in the shadow, it seemed, of the old 1 Turkish fortress that frowned from a long, tquat hilltop, lay ' the city that is older than the written work the city that .has known more of war.plague, pes tilence and famine than any oth er city id the world. "That's Salonika ahead!" said Alan absently. "I suppose it has a sort of prettiness a beauty evenT-seen from here. It's that Utter of minarets and white tow ers they aren't really towers and those grim-looking hills. But really it's the ugliest place id the world, 8hlrley. The whole country 'l 3 a queer genius for making it self hated. You'll find that." "I shall love it!" said Shirley. "Perhaps it has been waiting all these centuries for just that." : Absorbed in the view, Bhe had slipped her arm through his. "H'm! An amusing fancy! But I doubt if it will work 'out in practice ... Too won't find any difficulty in walking about the deck, now," he added. "The sea is as steady as a millpond." As he poke he disengaged himself from her arm, walked on a little and began to fill a pipe. Shirley continued to gase to wards the city, scarcely noticing that he had left her side. Ahead was tbe land of adventure, an4 behind, by countless miles and vast stretches of time, were the conventionalities of New York, the remote nightmare of Roger and, lawyers with settlements and incredible, irritating tactfulness. The week or so of tbe Bohem ian life, with Alan she remember ed now as a mase of work and confused activity. There has been endless trouble with the consul ates and it bad been practically impossible for her to obtain the necessary papers under her own name. As Mrs. Brennaway, however, everything in the end had been simple. It was odd, she thought, that from the moment when she had first taken his name to get over a trifling awkwardness with the porter at the flat the name had clung to her. "It won't matter here. No one knows us," she told herself. "Of course, it didn't matter in New York either" r s mm m a nwwnn a sn '. ' ; 1 rnOttlYER THE U.3.PATBfI OfTKE SULL FWD5 PlEttTY OF WORK FOR An EXAMlHlnG t$RPS Of ALMOST 100 AS APPUCATlOtiS FOR PATENTS COME FlOOOiHG IH fiT AH AVERAGE Of OVER 200 A DAY. . OtiC HAS LABORED 50 HARD TO SAVE LABOR AS HAS THE IISJHYOTOR; OUTSIDE OF THE TEXTllt lMUUSW.BI WHICH EHOArtO B FTRSIM05T ALL GREAT lABORSTOOWCES ARE WSJ $ 11)9. Kll f i :itur. s SynJicat. fcie, Crttt BriMta fifM tMWtS IT ysayip VflSH I CDUID INVENT A IA30R SAVING MACHINE, BETTY. HUJl! I P05E YOUVWttOtlE THAT WILL A5K YOUR QUESTIONS j FOR YOU. . rl POLLY AND HER PALS 'Following 'Suit' By CLIFF STERRETTj jrp-2 -phi Wfi I I7 h I P"" w W I- wwmw W Wrrrr. M L 22 ThTffilH WA5 m 7i 2i mwz if i Zl 22 . rfl 1 1 MTr lvsWT THt 1 ( iVe -DEt&aJB-D TO BREAK1 60 Vf PR0Ml5I Th& UTTLSJ ttA op xjA V eamuDe rxjush J De5R that prom mowoni t-" AI'ThE KTD J PREJUDtCe 5H5 HAS SHALL TgCCL .; WERlNkS AGAMST TAARK J W&4R WHAT 6RE4T6tJ K WHtNf XKAKE KEPJT TILLIE, THE TOILER The Diplomat By RVSS WESTOVEll DiD -iB. fFROH "THE -STx-TtOKJ T 1 MIS r 1 HE'S 1M THERE -TALKIMe, TO I mMmmm, a a a a m. . . yoo r. :z, I utM tort f j Sl IMP. KmgrriLm iJrC KHM1) najamt to ccNGEmaa VOL) OM THE "STAWO -AND Ml HEE-E IS "TO tie- CCMPL.IHEMTHO OWi UEB. ABtLITy TO AJEf2. THE i-OM&l THAT'S SVWE.ET OF V54 rK. V v V CChE OVER., ITHANW TO My jSVc j - lot TrlKOUeH CQMPL.lMgMTlMQ &S HORIZONTAL. 1 Who U Ik patron taint of E.fl.nd? 5 Procure another to commit perjury. 10 River (Span.). 11 What Tit a a was foreod to apport tho hoavoaa oa his haaa a ad kaaai? 12Wkat city is tkw stU f Rat van Ultn Lkrt 7"' 14 Of what tUt u4Mm t(t capital? 16 Great Britain (abbr. 17 Deity. .4wKik& 19 tPreflx: down. KSTfi 20 Note of tU at&fi;;! 21 Professional (abbr.) - - 22 With what Aatawiraa -nUrmmd was Jay Could coaaoctod T 24 What was tao ffisial aaan of tko AsMTkaa lorcao la Franco? (abbr.). - f-. 25 Small bedstead with.- hb - sides. x - 4 : 26 What an tho last aia Uao of 2ft What U tho capital oi Croooo? 80 Finished. 12 Food given to horses. 34 What (raat actor playod ia tho aotioa ptctMraa, "Tho Soa j Boast and "Goaoral Crack"? S3 Beverag-es, '40 Exclamation. '41 Girl's nam. 43 What EagUsh poot wrote "Tho . Boffar s vpora 7. ! Herewith is the solatioa to Sat urday's pazzle. ' CAjSlTlORfqOhLI I CS ' ESA VVIP ED A L ART L AWA $ Cjy A C i C VOLVmt ERODES 44-oTherefore. is Krvntian sun rod. 47 f amiliar term tor rather. 48 BiMMrck m tho capital oi what State (abbr.)? 49 Medea. 52 Svmbol for sodium. S3 Who waa ho Rnu goddooa of growtag rofotation? 54 Pinch. 56 Courses to b traveled. 57 Who was tho horald and atoa sonfor of tho goda? VERTICAL. 1 What rivar oxtead fro Am -Hi mala ya Moaataiao to tho Bay of BMgaV ladia? 2 Correlative of either. 3 Edge. . 4 Nobler N S Whoro Is Fingars Cavr? 6 Inner of two bones of tho forearm. 7 Bleat of a sheep, 8 Bona, 9 -What la tho aaamo for nativo uspaUoa or viceroys ia India. vaaor. tho Mogaw? 11-By. ' IS Pierced. 15 Tidr. 16 Smiles broadly. 18 Violate a command. 21 Make beKeVe. 23 Vessels to heat liquid. 25 Obsolete spelling of char. 27-Contraction for ever. 29 Also. SI Organ of sight. 33 What groat aaaakSaa wrote tho opora TanaaamMr"7 35 What EaglUhaMa coatrollod .'tho British Soath Africa Cos paay aad ralod over tho ox 1 . teaaiva territory mow called la his hoaor? 4 . $5 City la Asia UlnoT. 37 Who was tho hoad of Hall Hooao la Chicago whoa it waa toaadodr 39 Small boy. 42 Scotch name.- 44 Withered and dry. 44U-Who waa Qoooat of EagUad froai I70Z to 17147 , 49 Encountered. 50 Exists. - ; 51 Title of respect: 1 53 Symbol for coppeA .: 5-Afteraooa (abbr.l. ' " LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY rrI. - T dm irijt' A lie run luvu jvhi By BEN B ATSFORO the -ooiesT Kit at u W0RL5 -x ajevec TWOOtflTT Trs CiCD LLAVP. w kTHRE6 DRESSES til all for. mv ouw 0 mi ! mm 1 f , i 1 Eel II I A .iV m - m a: a 'i ta ,-a Hi,.. YJhr 114 I I i I 'WOPPM' HOPTOA&J IP r EVER START Tb (UEAR SUCH S1V&LL DCESSE. Z MICVT (AT A SUBLL AD AAiO &UTTEC PLV Z'LL JUST KEEP M CLAD QACZ frOR $QME ri SPeOAA OC CAkl Qki - J t-5 1 f thwre Bant sua GftAJUD mSaS$ tll UEV&K BE ABIAZ To DECIDE WHICH IS TH&. Al ICEST MAVBE UAJCL& PAODV Ofc AUJUT AtfttE '1L BE fUVW A &I&THMM Oft SOMETHiAi'AV XlL WEAR OWE TMESS. SWELL PCES5ES 75 THEIR. mBTV GEC I BET IU -00k. IKE OWOEREtU STEPPWOUT.T4 1:1 I 1 II i lurl J Hill oVhv "'If oV w. BW a 'N x. Ill ax. - w w -1 J I 1 MEET F 111 1IMIIMI .... MUST BE. 7&U6H T4 B& A RICH ftuEu. j&ciety-uaw a wear MOZMU' OCESiES. APTetUBOU CRESSES PBE5S&S R)R C0LJr(TE4iAJI3, AALkJAl'. RIDW W EVERVTWW -III BST THE RICH KiS HAVE Tb KJUO0I . HOW lb DRESS RASTER THAA4 PtCSASAf . TOOTS AND CASPER Money Doesn't Grow On Bosnes" By JIMMY MURPHY - lTGOTS ako CASPEft. NFANT cjOM; ARE 6JEVTft Af THE. 1 HONE OP.'' : MR AKbVlRS VtQBTTO'1 ' CHUCfcAJE M UTTLH. PRAlRJE. .jXJNCTtON? TOUR HOUSE l , T "1 I PICKED Th T r NsfOKjoeopvA., uvicub!. vi pcnr bsovuss t ' VT& MArNinCENT T3 MY QLt ; : ANtsrrr coerr a RxmjNE.. HCjMstosvn.ano Birr NWHV DID TtX .- AiAQ POC i , OOKICTIONT ITS TOO ; J I RSJ5C9is ' fm - ' : - - " - v" ; ;- v . TMI& rVTHE ARD04 OP THE ROSB;ToOT6t h UKJOJS EVERETT BOUT Hr MANJDM HERS. BECAUsa. rT THE rfaCTT WHEB& HE AND PLANTSD .,. A ROSS BUSH 51 VEAR AO, lbVOV THcW WOULO WED ON THE.UAT TWE PiRST POSE. BLOOMED? tucki -tmcv OvjARRaai Ai& He Left tow WEVEtt. -TO RETURM. "THE PT OSS B1JDOMEDAMD MOt. ' RO$E3 BLOOMS AMD THE CrEW - . -AND BEW UNTlU IT COVERED THE HOUSE . UEAPNED HE HAD ' s ALjnav Loved him. SO HE SEARCHED THE, WORLD UmUH5 POUMD MEf9. AND rTHEN THET WERE NsORTH . VHtUB-TO WATT. &HE . PIN ALLY MARRIED! A.MULTir MILLION airs: married: Q B09. Xmy fmaw Syniew. Inf. Crwt BnUin prM 5lADV0a .1 XWLDROAND V. TMDM'T UAVu ,1 I. UWW Ulliwl r. f n-i jLta.t-r r 7 COVERED THE VVV04 w. Uhidj ICf ll V CANADA 1ETlCO I ' 5OUT AMERICA- j ; AND AUSTRALIA J BEFORE OV - 3 BECAME A f MILIJONAIREv CA$PER1 A. v .7