The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    S. v
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Hmraday Morning, January 9, 1930
Debaters Ready fair Season
o J .
f 160 North Liberty St.
lEPnct s
W 1
High School Students Look
Forward to-Successful
promising season of debate will
open Thursday, Jan. 16 when Sa
lem negative will debate at Inde
pendence and Independence nega
tive at Dallas. The question Is:
Resolved, "That Oregon Should
Adopt a Compulsory Automobile
Liability Insurance Law."
The debaters are enthusiastic
over the coming debates and be
lieve that the question needs uni
versal attention all over the Unit
ed States.
The school elves a debating pin
tA oarh member of the team. To
choose the team, everyone who la
interested goes out ror debate ana
each must give a five minute talk
hpfore the student body. They are
judged and the final team is cho
Independence team is affirma
tive Lida Hanna. Glenn Harris;
negative, J'oe Hershberger, Eli
zabeth Baker. Burton snoema
kpr faltl Dick SlODer (alt.) The
speeches will last 15 minutes and
rebutal five minutes. Two oi tne
tsim. Tiria and Joe debated last
year. One-half won last year and
half lost.
The debate schedule is: Jan. 16.
Inden. Neg. at Dallas. Salem Neg.
at Indep. Jan. 30. Indep. Aft. at
Stayton. Woodburn Xeg. at Indep.
Feb. IS. Indep. Neg. at St PauL
St. Paul Neg. at Indep; Fep. 20.
Indep. Aff. at 'Woodburn. Stayton
Neg. at Indep.
Hawks, well
known motion
picture direc
tor, shown
with his wife,
Mary Astor,
was one of the
ten victims of
the fatal mid'
air crash
between two
cabin planes
which were
filming a pic
ture above the
sea, at Santa
Monica. Cal..
after' the
planes collided
both burst into
Barnes and
plunged into
the water,
making it im
possible for
the doomed
men to. escape
' f ?J i 1 r
Hosts of Friends Pay
Tribute to Memory of .
Hannah Phillips Barker
WACONDA, Jan. 8 Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Gaffln and daugh
ter, Constance, were dinner guests
New Year's night at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Nusom.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lemery
had as their guests New Year's
Day, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felton
and children, Duane and Velle.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hall were
guests at the home of their
their daughter, Mrs. R. Tuve of
North Howell on New Year's.
Mrs. Henry Stafford has been
confined to her home for two
weeks with a severe cold.
Returns to Seattle
Mrs. R. J. Paquin, daughter of
M.r. and Mrs. George Lemery, has
returned to her home in Seattle
after spending the holidays with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Eva Williams who has
been visiting at the George Brown
home has returned to her home In
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Nusom recently were
Mr. and Mtb. George Flier and
on, Leo, of Portland. Mr. Flier
Is a brother of Mrs. Nusom.
George Lemery and Frank Fel
ton made a fine catch of fish last
Friday en the Nestuck river.
Former Resident to Visit
Mrv,and Mrs. G. W. Thurman,
former residents of this place call
ed on friends here last week.
Mrs. J. C. Savage who has been
ill for several weeks fs not gain
ing, strength as she should.
VALSETZ. Jan. 8 Mr. and
Mrs. William Johnson and chil
dren Robert and Bernice returned i
Sunday night from Portland
where they spent the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiggins,
daughters Dorothy and Jane
Wray returned Sunday night from
St. Helens where they had spent
the holidays with relatives and ,
Couple Married
Miss Vera Massey and Donald
Parks were married at midnight
December 31, 1929 at Vancouver,
Washington. The young couple
returned to Valsetz Sunday night,
January , 1S30.
Veldon Morris, who has been
clerking in the Company store, is
on a two weeks vacation which he.
is spending in Falls City.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Lawson
are living In the house recently
vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Lester (Blackie)
Heurest moved Into the old Law
son house and Mr. and Mrs. Orn
Alaiquis and family an moving
into the Heurest house.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lefever and
family have returned from Port
land where they spent the holi
days. R. Fletcher of Oregon City re
turned to his home Sunday after
spending a couple of weeks with
his daughter and son.-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. .Charles Aldrich.
Noah Ferguson who has been
visiting with his son Chaucey left
Sunday for Toledo where he will
spend a abort time with another
son J. C. (Bud) Ferguson.
ZENA, Jan. 8. Old pioneers
from far and near gathered at the
church at Zena Monday at 1:30
p. m. to pay last tribute to the
memory of a dear, departed friend
and neighbor, Mrs. Hannah Phil
lips Barker, 67, who died Friday,
January 3, at the old ancestral
home of her parents. John and
Elizabeth Phillips. All of the
seats were filled and standing
room was at a premium in the
roomy old church at this, one of
the largest funerals ever held in
this community.
Church Decorated
The church was beautifully
decorated by the loving hands of
her friends. Frank Matthews,
Charles McCarter, Worth Henry,
Lynn Purvine, Wayne Henry and
Walker Purvine were pall bearers.
Reverend W. C. Kantner of ba
lem, an old friend of the family,
officiated. Reverend Kantner
read the following lines on the
life of Mrs. Hannah Phillips Bar
ker, who was born August 21.
1862. on the donation land claim
of her parents, John and Eliza
beth Phillips, who crossed the
plains by otc team from St. Louis,
Missouri, in 1845 and settled in
Zena, Polk county, in 1847.
February 12, 1896, she was
I united in marriage to Samuel H.
Barker to which union one son.
nnv E Barker, was oorn
Swegle District
Reports Many 111
With Bad Colds
She is survived by her husband ! fplendld service
although she cherished all the
early associations and kept the
memory of those times always
fresh, she was distinctly modern
and accepted each new order of
things gracefully and readily.
Was Early Pioneer
"Her experience bridged the
period from the -covered wagon
and log school house to the pres
ent with all that modern improve
ment means. Her hospitality was
boundless. She had the rare gift
of making and keeping many
warm friends and possessed the
art of the perfect hostess, in that
her guest were always made to
feel at their ease and her home
was the center of a wide circle of
friends who enjoyed this-charming
and natural hospitality.
"Hers a truly democratic
nature. She would welcome the
hired man into the family circle
or meet the governor without em
barrassment, on equal grounds.
But it was in her religious work
that her influence waa widest.
Active in Church Work
"For over half a century the
church at Zena was her spiritual
home. She has attended and wor
shiped here over a lonper period
than anv other individual, a
charter member of the missionary
society, she maintained her mem
bership and activity throughout
throughout the forty years of its
SWEGLE, Jan. 8. Mrs. Walt
er Schwlening is going to Port
land this week to visit her sister.
Mrs. Leslie Smith.
Mrs. O. P. Bond and Mrs. Bee
man are both very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brown are
enjoying a visit from their son,
whose home is neaB Mitchell,
South Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Riesland of Port
land returned home Tuesday aft
er a short visit a, the R. A. West
home. ' f
Because of the two weeks' re
pair period at the Oregon Linen
Mill several of our neighborhood
folks are getting a vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Erdman of
Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. R.
A. West recently. Mr. Erdman was
formerly with the Ryan Fruit com
pany of Salem.
Aubrey Gretzinger of Corvallis
spent the weekend with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gretzinger and
Grant Spiers is visiting his par
ents and sister. He has been em
ployed in Haxrlsburg.
Community Club to Meet
Remember the Swegle Com
munity club meets the third Fri
day of each month. The January
meeting la on. January 17. Bring
something to eat as we plan to
have a pot luck supper as near
6 o'clock as possible.
Howard Whitehead is out of
school with infection which has
spread until he is confined to his
Mrs. Bedient and Annabel!
Baldwin are both suffering from
unusually severe colds.
Wen Being Drilled
R. A. West Is drilling a well for
Thomas Dalke on his newly ac
quired homeslte In our neighbor
hood. Mrs. Simpson is recovering
from ber recent illness.
and son. at Zena, two Drotners,
Charles Phillips. Spokane Bridge,
Wash, and Samuel Phillips, Sa
lem; one sister, Cornelia Kluck
ner. Portland, and one grandson.
She was a member of the First
Presbyterian church at Salem and
a charter member of the Zena
missionary society.
Favorite Hynin Bung
After prayer and scripture read
ing by Reverend Kantner, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Scott sang, "The
Church In the Wildwood," which
was one of Mrs. Barker's jfavorite
hvmns. A very touching tribute
was paid the departed by the Zena
school children, who had all at
one time been members of her
Sunday school class, when they
sang, "Jesus Loves Me," the song
she taught them before cnurcn
and Sunday school services were
discontinued at Zena.
Neighbor Pays Tribute
Reverend Kantner read this
tribute, from a friend and nelgn
hnr Union C. Shepard. which ful
ly expresses the thoughts of ber
many friends: "Mrs. parser oc
cupied a unique place in her com
munity. Her life united in an un
usual manner the span between
the pioneer- and present perioas.
Born in this family of pioneers,
she grew up in the atmosphere of
the new country and retained this
pioneer spirit until the last. But
Taught Children
"For many years her class of
th vnnnepRt children was the
verv heart of the Sabbath school
work. Her thoughts were ever of
their good and happiness. No
Christmas or Easter nassed bnt
all the children were lovingly re
membered and she never failed to
give suitable rewards for high
records of attendance and schol
arship which has gladdened many
a childish heart. It would be im
possible to estimate the number
of children who have come under
her loving influence, who have
learned from her first to sing
these sacred songs and who have
heard the gospel story from her
RTI.VERTON. Jan. 8 Miss
Ida Belsigle, who came to Silver
ton from Dakita last autumn left
Monday morning for California
where she will loin ber parents
who are motoring out to spend the
remainder of the winter at Ban
Miss Belsigle was employed at
the Needlecraft for the past two
months. Mrs. Paul Johnson will
assist there for the present.
Turn to the classified advertis
ing page of The Statesman for
Portland radio programs.
8. TAP) A new8paper printed
on wall paper by the confederates
in Vlcksburg, July 2, 1863, the
day before the town fell Into the
hands of the northern armv un
der General Grant, has come Into
the possession of Dr. A. M. Sim
mons' mother since it was print
ed. It bore the name of "The Cit
izen" and its sentiments were
strongly southern. Before the
last issue of that July 2 were
distributed the town fell and a
short foot-note was added by Un
ion soldiers which reads:
Two davs brine about great
changes. The banner of the Union
floats over Vlcksburg. General
Grant has 'caught the rabbit;
ho haa dined in vicksburz and he
did bring his dinner with him.
This is the last wall paper edition
and Is. excepting this note, from
th tvDes as we round tnem. u
will be valuable hereafter as a
Cloverdale Has
Much Sickness
CLOVERDALE. Jan. 8. Ivan
Hadlev is sick. He attended the
ft R. convention Sunday, but came
home sick and has not been able
in ha nut since.
xitan Mildred Schifferer went to
Salem Sunday. She entered the
Canital Business college Monday.
Sickness, bad colds, fever and
chills and bad coughs prevail,
nearly every family having a case
nr no in their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Booth en
tertained friends from Salem Sun-
Mrs. Hazel Morris speni sunuay
afternoon in Anmsville with her
father. Mr. Brlnkman.
A light fall of snow came yes-
cnr ti7 the rrouna a
, .,w--
good part of the day.
TtolMratM Are Named
lKnp.PENDENCE. Jan. 8
Ton dierarpa are being sent to
the Student Conference at u. oi
r Kta esV nd Anna Louise
W. -y- , 1
Hartan will represent me journal-
1 ana rlaDQrtm ont an she is editor of
the Margold News, the high school
paper, and Wiuard sioper win go
rtyn ha atiidptit bodr as he is
,rnt ThoT will leave Thurs-
day evening aoouv p.m. o
SILVERTON, Jan. 8 The Del
hert Reeves Post- of the Ameri
can Legion Is making plans for
another or its popular smokers.
The exact date bas not yet been
made, but it will be either on th
Every Goitre
Sufferer Invited
To Test the Marvelous
Free of Charge
Va hnna la presented to Goitre
victims through the astounding
Munich Method. Originating in
Munich Bavaria, the "Goitre Cen
ter of all Europe," its surprising
success in correcting and ridding
neonla of Goitre has been ac
claimed throughout Europe. This
iiaw scientific method for the cor-
roptinn and control of Goitre has
just recently been introduced into
thlm Country and the proprietors
have so much confidence in the
merits of the Munich Method that
they will be glad to send free of
charge a week's test of this juein-
nd tn anvnnn who needa It.
No Blatter how lonz von nave
suffered, no matter if vonr Goitre
la of lonr-standins' nr recent de
velopment, no matter if you have
tried everything under tne sun in
search of a cure for your Goitre'
vnn ahnnld Invoatlrata the latest
scientific Method that bids fair to
remove, this disfiguring and dan-
rrnm arnnrsre Da not delay.
Simply flllout the Coupon below
and the week's test of the Method
will be mailed you postpaid, free
or au charge.
-m u tiMi TTaJwaraltr af Orecosi a few dan
sgo, wherethey were welcomed by Dr. Ad Besnett nsJJ, P"f?
toey are, left t right: YsafcJl Otsvka, Z W 1?t
lanaa, and bow a gradaato stodeat at the TJahrerstty at Oregwn tm
end CWbUd lUmnra, professor at history at Wase4su WUle kere, the
Japanese conferred with Dr. HaH est faxtCTBattoaal aad doea.ttoaal
Drabkma. aa Dr. Ha& la a inahnr at the executive eoamrittee f the
tnstttato of Pariflo Relatiosw. hiwiH grew
. .49 Munich Bldg., 414 Frank
lin St., Buffalo, N. T.
Send free trial of your Method
Tbi choice of thrifty house
wives all over the country!
84 Bleached or 94 '2Qr
Unbleached . . . yard JZs'
94 Bleached or 104 Aln
Unbleached . . . yard TJC n
Also a complete range of other size sheetings,
sheets and pillow cases.
Circular woven . . . strong, sturdy quality.
AO-inch, yard. . 25C A24nch, yard. . 27C
Feature value for Janu
ary White Week . . .
planned for months and
months ago!
Size 8 1x54 Inches (torn size) . 4Ji inches
more to tuck in at the bottom or turn over at
the top. The same fine 'TENCO quality . , .
linen-like finish ... yon know so welll
Pillow Cases to match,
size 42x36 inches, each
n ott a ..1 svt
rart wool wnn i.mna
Cotton . . . large size H
70x80 inches ... a
real value, pair
A contract with the mill when business was slow
made this exceptional value possible. Large size
fleecy blankets of sturdy quality . . . made of
selected part wool and finest grade china cotton
and bound with sateen ribbon. Block plaids
broken plaids . . . assorted popular colors.
22x44 inches . . . just
right! And howthey do
e-o-a-k up the drops of
These are truly some of the best values in double
thread terry towels we know! They come in all
white, plain colors, with colored borders, and some
m all-over plaids. January White Week offers an
excellent opportunity to stock up your linen chest!
wice-Giving Quality
With Monej'Saving Low Prices!
Thctfs Our Idea of Qood Storekeepingl
Planned as a feature for
January White Week
. . . extraordinary val
ue at only
An llx4-mch sheet (torn size) . . . 4
Inches longer than usual . . . firmly woven, with
a linen-like finish . . . standard "NATION
VTDE quality ... at only 9tc
Pillow Cases to match,
sue 42x3$ inches, each
The muslin with the de
lightfully soft nainsook
finish . . low-priced,
Because it is such a fine yarn muslin, so soft of
'finish, "Silver Moon" muslin is a great favorite
for many uses. Another reason for its popularity
is its low price. It comes in the SC-inch width la
the bleached, and 99-inch width, unbleached.
108 inches long to cov
er the pillows! Wide
enough to hang grace
' fully at the sides.
How one of these lustrous, colorful rayon spreads
will bring out the color harmony of your bedroom!
Youll be delighted with the dear hues, the pretty
N stylet . . all-over Jacquard pattern or m the
rxpnlar crinkle stripe style. Scalloped all around.
Bleached, 36 inches
wide . . . unbleached,
39 inches wide ... for
only, yard
-Honor" means splendid quality, tmre finish, fins
yarn muslin to die millions of housewives who
have learned to depend on this standard trade
marked brand . . . always the same, soft-finish
material . . . useful in so many ways.
16th or the 17th of this snontn.
ttoBs la the none ;