The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 07, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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3d aim plfl WMaoanetiftG aflBQjr
srs9 Wear?
i?fr 1? r?v-i ro rx ra? (q ran n fl M"")
Ref. $2.00 Part Wool Unionsuits, Chalmers
i make, fine rib, colon tan, blue, CXL
lavender P vu
.. - r ya.
Jims Loading QbBifiez ;
' " n n o
1 worn, D tow d iq late
a Year? OS IPffogceco
W Year a year o' progress and growth by giving our cus-
bney than we've or eI been able to offer before. This store
y by making mork freinds can we do more business. Every,
Vriced with the ictap of making the man who buys it a per-
Our alliance with the group of Pendleton Woolen Mills land the Washougal Clothing
Co., of Syracuse, New York, gives us unparalleled advantages in the clothing field. The
many savings afforded through this valuable arrangement are passed on to our patrons
by virtue of lower prices and better quality. This sale offers you still lower prices and
every article offered is the regular high standard merchandise featured here throughout
the year.
0K(9S SuJInrS aoQCal WIS MS
ftther Nationally Known Makes of Smart Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men
worsteds, serges,
um and dark col
low so much beinfe
I 'la
, shorts, long mod H
1 -1 ! 1 . It
pssimeres ana tweeas, ngnt ana neavy
prs. Overcoats in handsome all wool coat-
worn. Suit Styles for every built man
s stouts, medium stouts and prep models
Suits and Overcoats of the highest quality Suits and Overcoats bought in
the regular way for our regular trade. Beautifully tailored all-wool materi
als in patterns and colors that express perfect taste and a regard for stylish,
quality clothes. The two for one price, plus $2 makes the values most attractive.
i ; i
pSS 45 4S $25 SS & s
ruuulsiLEi lyJ
me. Our entire
md Hose. Reg.
you can't use two suits bring a friend along and split the bill fifty-fifty
or buy one suit and one overcoat; or better still bring dad or brother along
atid each of you get a fine Hart Schaffner & Marx or Michaels Stern suit for
the price of one, plus $2.00.
240 Pendleton Virgin Wool Flannel Shirts
Reg. $5.00 Khaki, Grey, Blue and Plaid patterns. Our regular standard qual
ity. Evergreen brand, made by our own mill and included in this big feast of
bargains at the remarkably low price of
1 .; ,4) . $2.95
y - j
1000 Men's Fine
Suits and O'Coats
The Remainder of Our Large Stock
IMS ot our tut Unatt Suit nd Orercoati reeronpad to offr tb
noit rabftuttel r4Tictlo,'2Iart Sctoatlmr Marx and Mlcnal
Sttrn and othar nationally lt5itra makes comprise tbe group.
$30 Suits and O'coats $23.85
$35 Suits and O'coats $27-85
$40 Suits and O'coats $31.35
$45 Suits and O'coats $35.85
$50 Suits and O'coats $39.85
$55 Suits and O'coats $43.85
$60 Suits and O'coats $47.85
Rear. $2.50 Part Wool Unionsuits, Park Mill
make. Medium weight, fine yarn. Off
Blue mottled color $I0)
union jsurrs
Reg. $2.00 Heavy Weight Cotton Unionsuits.
Chalmers made. Blue J C
mottled colors
Men's and Young Men's Imported Woolen Mufflers.
Reg. $2.50, $2.75 Plain and Fancy Cl fiC
Patterns, beautiful colorings tJlDD
Golf Balls. Reg. 50c. Bishop's Special
Golf Balls. Sale
3 for $1.00
Outing Flannel Night Gowns.
Reg. 1.50. Medium weight
Outing Flannel Pajamas. Reg. $2.50. d1 or
Excellent quality trimmed with silk frogs $lOU
Men's Reg. $4.95 Black Rubber Work Slick- dJ 1JJ
era. A durable, practical coat for winter wear $t19
Men's $6.95 All Wool Stag Shirts,
double shoulder and sleeves
Men's Work PanU
Wool mixed dark grey patterns, sizes
32 to 46. Reg. $3.50 values
Heavy Wool Hose. Long length for boots or high top
shoes. Keg. 75c to $1.00 value, o
Slight imperfect .. O
Men's Athletic Underwear. Reg. $1.00 to $1.50 Nain
sook and Broadcloth materials in or
full cut, strong make. Sale ODC
All Mallory, Stetson, Hardeman Hats
not otherwise listed, reduced
Water Repellant Pants
One group of regular $4.00 and $5.00
water repellant work Pants. Sale
Young Men's Pullover Sweaters,
terns. All wool. Sizes 36 to 42.
Reg. $5.00 values
Plain and fancy pat-
Men's Black Raincoats. New dressy, waterproofed ma
terial, looks like elephant hide. Made with rr
a belt, leather buttons. Reg. $8.50. Sale I D
Men's Khaki Work Pants.
Reg. $3.00, $3.50. Sale
Part Wool Drawers. Broken sizes.
Reg.-$1.00, each
Ladies' U. S. llubber Co. Raincoats.
Plain and fanftj-. Reg. $7.50
Men's Moleskin Work Pants
Dark grey striped patterns, durable, good looking &) AC
work pants, regular ralue $2.85, sale $4D
Men's Whipcord Riding Pants
Light tan and olive drab color, double knee A C
and seat, Button Bottom. Sale t)J.10
White Duck PanU. Just the thing for Ser- OA
vice Station men. Reg. $2.50 $2.75 values v 1 CtU
Men's Khaki Moleskin Blazers. o
Reg. $3.50, $4.00 values; heavy weight
Men's and Young Men's Polo Shirts. The popular pull
over style Shirt of heavy cotton material QC
Reg. $1.50 value. Sale , VOC
Pendleton Lounging Rones
Reg. $12.00 AM Virgin Wool Lounging- Rob Q QP
in beautiful striped patterns 3D
Men's Athletic Underwear, Shorts, Fancy jrA
patterns in the popular shorts. Reg. $1.00. Sale D7C
Leather Coats. Reg. $25.00 Sheep Collar Cl 7 CC
Black Horsehide Coats 91 1 ,00
Suede Leather Jackets
Reg, $13.75 Suede Jackets, colors grey, tan and brown.
Knitted bottoms. q r
A real buy at this price ' vJ v
i t .