-J -! 1 ; I 4 .. 1 ' t PAGE SIXTEEN The; OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning. Janaary 7, ivsv : " 1 I YET UNSTEADY Indefinite Price Trends Are Noted in Activities on Wall Street NEW YRK. Jan. 6. (AP) The stock market continued to drift about today in the inconse quential eddies of professional trading. A few shares, notably the coppers, responded to favorable trade news, but price trends gen erally were narrow and Indefinite, Trading still held at a low ebb, the day's turnover exceeding 2,000, 000 shares by a scant margin. A moderate raily during the morning was checked by bearish pressure, bui trading "turned ex tremely dull and operators for the decline withdrew before the close. Late In the day the general list rallied in sympathy with the cop per shares and closing quotations were steady to firm. The outstanding item of the day's business news was a report from copper trade circles that Borne 50,000,000 pounds of the red metal had been taken for first quarter delivery within the past few days at tae 18-cent price lev el. This Quieted the uneasiness of recent weekj over the ability of producers to maintain the 18-cent level, and the copper shares moved forward In the most emphatic manner in some time. Wool worth's report of Decem ber sales, showing a decline of al most 3 per cent from December, 1928, was rather disappointing, but the facts that there was one Jess Saturday in the 1929 month and that the weather was less fa vorable, make the comparison less NOTED FLIER CHRISTENS PLANE -o i .1,11 nWP j). , ,., mj m ,i i .41 .-. "... . - o-r'- Clarence Chamberlain, famous pilot, christening one of the. two new peli? planes at North Beach Air Terminal, New York, as Grover A. Whalen, Police Commissioner of New York, watches. The two planes which were christened are amphibians and are equipped with a machine smn apiece, and tear c hnmh. i'iV4 displeasing than it appears at first glance. Such good tidings as came to hand included the inauguration of dividends on Hershey chocolate common at the annual rate of $5. Johns Manville mounted about S points in response to a favorable earnings estimate. Michigan Steel and Celotex were strong special ties, mounting about 5 points. American Machine and Foundry, Mathieson Alkali, Coty, Interna tional Combusition issues. Nation al Biscuit and Underwood Elliott also made substantial headway. The floating supply of Under wood Elliott is said to have be come scare since the dividend rate wa raised to $5 a share, and ac cumulation is understood to be under way by interests close to the management. Fox Film A, ral lied 1 points In a5 large tarn over bat closed up only 4 net. U. S. Steel fluctuated in a range of a couple of points and closed steady at 169 U. Season's Cheer Sent Statesman By Dr. Lai Yick In an envelop embellished with cancellation marks in ornate Chi nese characters, The Statesman has received New Year's greet ings from Dr. Lai H. Yick, mailed from Hoyshan, Canton, China. The letter Is dated November 31, 1929, indicating that Dr. Lai esti mated the time In transit with fair accuracy. Dr. Lai reports that the sec tion of China in which he lives Is peaceful, and be and his family are In good health. He was for merly a resident of Salem, and indicates that he will again vis It the United States in a year or so and will renew acquaintances here at that time. DELEGATES TO PROBLEM Reparations Conference Has Difficult Task. In Ad- justing Issues THE HAGUE. Netherlands. Jan. 6 fAP) Delegates to the second session of the reparations conference are facing several pro blems which have upset the time schedule of the conference and necessitated calling in more ex perts. Announcement was made to day that efforts to bring about an agreement between Austria and her reparations creditors had failed and further efforts at ne gotiation were In progress. The general reaction to this develop ment was a disposition by the big powers to disregard the repara tions interests of the smaller cre ditors and to go ahead with adop tion of the Young plan as soon as possible. Along with that announcement came news that Foreign Minister Briand will leave The Hague on Friday in order to get to Geneva comfortably for the council meet ing of the League of Nations Jan uary 13. The fact that Premier Tardleu has taken things In hand was believed in some quarters to account for the foreign minister's decision. The big six powers made two ef forts today to get the problem of when the monthly Installments on reparations are due from Ger many off the slate without suc cess. The creditors maintain that all the calculations made by the experts In Paris were based on payments being made on the fif teenth of the month, the Ger mans hold that this means antic ipation of the payment by 15 days which, on the whole year's payment, would amount to more than 4,000,000,000 marks or about $1,000,000 In interest. They Insist they be given an al lowance for an equivalent capital sum In the present value of the debt or that the payments be made at .the end of the month. It was decided to call in Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, head of the Reichsbank, and other experts to confer with the big powers on that question. While Dr. Schacht is not a member of the German delegation, he has held himself ready for consultations. POSTiLClEmffi AflE Exifflay eusr The money order department of the Salem postoffice is experienc ing an extra busy time, with the peak of the business in handling and paying, money "orders sent to the state motor vehicle depart ment in paying for licenses now at hand. Between 6,000 and 6, 000 money orders for this pur pose alone were handled at the office Saturday. Although not so heavy contin ually, the postoffice will handle a large number of money orders daily from this source for the rest of the month. Each of these money orders must be handled exactly ten times before the money order depart ment has finished its work, which means there are no idle moments these days. First, the amount is totaled; then the orders are gone over to see that all have been paid; they are stamped both face and back; the fifth handling Is to sort 'out the office number by hun dreds; the next by office Bomber of order; then the numerical number; then each Is listed on the money order statement. The two final actions are cutting In half and filing the coupon, then mdin the official order to Washington, D. C. Turn to the classified advertis ing page of The Statesman for Portland radio programs. Il START THE NEWYEAR WITH YOURIEL EX ECUTED AND THE IN TERESTS OF EACH MEMBER OF YOUR FAM ILY DULY SAFEGUARD ED. OUR FEES AS EXECU TOR AND TRUSTEE WILL COST YOU NO MORE THAN THE LAW ALLOWS INDIVIDUALS. OUR SERVICES ARE MUCH SUPERIOR. CONSULTATION INVIT ED. Ladd & Bush Trust Company A. N. BUSH, President. WM. 8. WALTON, Vlce-Pres. It. P. ALDRICH, Secy. JOS. H. ALBERT, Trust Officer A SPE D1SP1L CIAL SALE AND AY OF THE - - - For Three Days Only M 1 Xte America's Most Popular Range Beginning January 9 rpH ROUGH special arrangement, an expert from the MON ARCH Factorythe Largest, Fin est Malleable Range Factory in America will be here to explain everything to ycu the superior ity of MONARCH construction the many time and fuel saving features as well as the details of our special offer during this sale period. Whether you need a range now or five years from now, we urge you to visit our store and see this at- If " 1 f , -, M I MJ . fe4 W i a fea 't : tractive display of the New Mon arch Range Design built in ac cordance with the most modern, practical ideas Beautiful and COMPACT taking less room than the oversize types of other makes and without losing a fraction of an Inch of useful space. The MONARCH Practical Payment Plan enables us to offer you the MONARCH of your choice on con venient monthly or single time payments during this Sale if you haven't the cash now. -..-T " . . -- - ..."!- --V. T-V.V- X-'II - i- . " 1 '111 i I 1 '"I , ,-'"i-" V . - II IHI - " s - ' . : i Ji, -i s. f --;:'' i - i;VH - " 5 - -- - Let Us Tell You AH About It ABSOLUTELY FREE To Every Purchaser of a Malleable Range During this Special Sale and Display a Beau tiful, practical 12-piece set of Never-Stain ffteel Cutlery, or valuable set of VoDratH ; Enamel Ware in Pink-Pearl or Apple-Greenu SALE BEGINS JANUARY 9th Remember the Date HAMILTON'S USED FURNTTURB EXCHANGE 255N.COM'L YOUR OLD RANGE IN EXCHANGE Crowd, 'Bhe 'dun Hon tDa Bffijg ,e toll Florsheim - Hanan - Selby Archpreservers mond's and Freeman's, formerly sold - Ed- 5 to AH Go at One Price D Men's High Top Boots and English Shoes Not on Sale. ). A: 326 Gtotto Otoc&tfc Nost-to:thdC:&l Stanlejr Burgess, Manager S49 Court CU t J