The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 05, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    , 9,
Daily HM clttrfWfoi tor k
Month adiag XhmW SO, lt2t
Xrtnfr daily set paid 6.105
Audit Bureau of Circulations.
Machine Overdue at Nome
On Way From Fairbanks
Reports State
Bad Luck Continues to Dom
inate Situation in Far
North Expedition
SEATTLE, Jan. 4. (AP)
The ill-fortune which has domin
ated the search for Pilot Carl Ben
Kielson and Mechanic Earl Bor
land, missing since Nor. 9. again
asserted Itself today when one of
the two powerful Fairchild planes
which took off from Fairbanks,
Alaska, -for Nome this morning to
engage in the search was report
ed overdue.
The information was forwarded
to the Army signal corps office
here from their radio operator at
Fairbanks. The message was
meager and merely stated that one
of the planes was missing some
where between Nulato, 300 miles
west of Fairbanks, and Nome. It
was assumed that the planes flown
by Captain Pat Reid,! Canadian
aviator, and Matt Niemenee, an
Alaskan Pilot, had encountered
heavy weather and that one of
them had returned to Nulato.
Little fear was felt for those
aboard the missing plane, how
ever, as all were accustomed to
winter flying in the far north,
and the planes were well provided
with, food and shelter.
The planes took off from Fair
hanks at 9 a. m., (11 a. m.. Pac
ific time) today and estimated
that they would complete the
flight to Nome in about four
hours. They were favored by fair
weather and a brisk tail wind for
much ot the way, but it was re
ported eloudy at Nome.
Reid had William Hughes and
Jim Hutchingson, mechanics, as
passengers, while Major H. C.
Deckard, in charge of the expedi
tion for the Aviation Corporation,
and Mechanic Sam MacAuley were
in Niemenen's plane. Niemenen is
a flier of long experience in Ala
ska and thoroughly familiar with
the route bewteen Fairbanks and
. PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan.. 4.
(AP) Charged specifically with
violation of the Mann act and said
by police to have been the driver j
of an automobile which struck
and killed Herman Brandt, aged
night watchman, here on New
Year's night, Joe Tackert, 23, was
held incommunicado in the city
Jail tonight.
Tackert and Vera Carlson, 17,
were arrested at the latter's home
here today following an intensive
investigation of the accident,
which police described as the most
brutal of its type in local history.
A green coupe, said to resemble
'the machine described by witness
es of the New Year's accident,
was. found by officers at the Carl
con home. Police declared the
left headlight and fender were
badly damaged.
Tackert was said by police to
have admitted ownership 'of the
car but denied any, connection
with the accident.
The driver of the automobile
involved in the accident was said
by witnesses to have alighted
f from his car to straighten out a
I headlight. A woman and anoth
' er person, described as a boy,
were declared to hajre walked
back to view the body. After the
headlight was repaired, the three
were said to have driven away
from the scene of the accident
without making any effort to as
sist their victim.
WALLACE, Idaho. Jan. 4
(AP) Repeatedly declaring his
Innocence of wrong doing, Sher
iff R. E. Weniger of Shoshone
county, convicted of participation
in a conspiracy to violate liquor
laws, submitted his resignation
today to the county commission
imuii r emunin
Candidates Otter Selves
In Justice Ot Peace Race
Announcement b y Brasler
Small that he would not seek re
election to the office of justice of
the peace has served as the start
ing signal for a group ot ambi
tious aspirants to the post.
Although a bit wary about
making definite pronouncements
this early in the campaign. It
now, appears virtually certain
that there will be at least flvaand
possibly six candidates In the
field for ! tits Judicial position
when the May republican primar
ies roll around.
EeT. Martin T. Ferrey, whose
resignation from the pastorate at
the Unitarian 'church becomes ef
fective today, let it be known
gome weeks ago that he , would
toss bis fedora into the rim. Fos
ter Cone, Miller B. Harden, B. W.
Macy and W. Clifford Moynihan
Pershing May .
Run For Senate
Former Commander of U. S.
Army in France is Sub
ject of Boom
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 4.
(AP) Marks Woods, Nebraska
political and. business leader and
one of the boosters In the "Persh
ing for President" movement in
1920, today announced a project
to "draft" General John J. Persh
ing for the United States senatori
al race.
The announcement followed a
conference among Nebraskans,
who, Woods said, .would like to
see the World War chief oppose
Senator George W. Norris, prog
ressive, in the republican prim
aries August 19.
About to leave for Washington
after several weeks' visit with his
sister. General Pershing said "you
can't keep your friends from talk
ing about you, but this is the first
time I've heard of it."
Pressed for a statement on
whether he would accept or refuse
an offer were it actually made,
be answered:
"As I say, J haven't given it any
Woods declined to name others
who have talked over the "draft"
idea, but said at least SO leaders,
Including legion men, farmers and
others had discussed it with him.
"I .think the movement will
spread over the state like wild
fire," he asserted.
Eugene, Jan. 4. (AP) All of-
ficials Involved In the Oregon
athletic situation will be on the
campus Monday. The most press
ing problems before student body
and administrative officials are
the settlement of Captain John J,
MeEwan's contract and the sign
ing of a new football coach.
Captain McEwan, who resigned
as head coach with the resigna
tion to take effect at the end Of
the next football season, will ar
rive here Monday. The athletic
committee and the executive
council of the associated students,
however, countered the coach's
resignation and requested his im
mediate withdrawal to assure the
stability of the Oregon athletic
policy for next season. McEwan,
at present, is reported on a
hunting trip near The Dalles, the
home of George Stadelman, form
er Webfoot center.
Several applications for the
coaching position at Oregon have
been sent to Virgil D. Earl, al
though the director of athletics
has not yet announced who the
candidates are.
A. F. Whitney. president of the
Brotherhood ot Railway Train
men, called on President Hoover
today and while he would make
no statement it was understood
that he urged the selection of W.
N. Doak, vice president of the
railway trainmen, for the post of
secretary of 'labor.
are known to be on the verge of
announcing their candidacies.
Fray to be Real One
If all of these attorneys enter
the fray, the contest for the Jus
tice of the peace post is sure to
add spice to the county cam
paign, as each is capable of put
ting up a strong bid for the party
nomination. Because of the na
ture of the position, being of a
Judicial character, the . campaign
will necessarily be restrained bnt
just as certainly sprinkled with
Judge Small will terminate his
connection with the office next
January 1 at which time he 'will
have completed six years ot serv
ice. He very frankly admits that
t&e reason for his decision was
(Concluded on Page l,Column L)
; ::-:i'-Syvy..,.::
SHOW FOR 1 930
Latest Aristocrats of Road
On Display Against Tap
estry Background
Most Recent Innovations in
Mechanics and Artistry
Are Shown Public
NEW YORK, Jan. 4. (AP)
The automobile ot 1930, stream
lined, low slung, rakishly .painted,
and equipped with all the newest
gadgets for speed and luxury,
made its bow to the public here
With more than 300 new car
and chassis models on display
the national automobile show
opened in Grand Central Palace.
It will close a week from tonight.
pack up and move on to Chicago,
to open there January 25.
Thirty years ago, the first auto
mobile show was held, in old
Madison Square Garden. On ex
hibit there, were 31 "horseless car
riages." Fewer than 5,000 cars
had been manufactured that year.
In the United States during 1929
about 5,000,000 passenger ears
and 650,000 trucks were built.
Manufacturers' Attention
Tama to Fine Details
Back in 1900 the problem of
"getting the things to run" was
the chief concern of manufac
turers. Nowadays, however it Is
generally taken for granted that
an automobile will have plenty of
power and speed. So manufac
turers have turned to the business
of making them beautiful.
Slim as a greyhound is the new
aristocrat of the highway, long of
body and low. Lowest ot all are
the front wheel drive designs,
around which great crowds of vis
itors hovered today. To sit In one
of these cars is almost like sitting
In an old fashioned bob sled. The
floor is hardly two feet above the
Enamel Perfected to
Do Awa With Fading?
And there has been developed a
new kind of enamel that won't
fade, with the result that it now
is practicable to have one s car
painted baby blue, or rose color,
or jade green. While Interior dec
orators and Jewelers have worked
on the upholstering and fittings,
artists have appnea tne paint.
Lined up against backgrounds
of gorgeous tapestry, were a town
car painted plane tan and trim
med with brown and burnt orange.
A sports touring car painted white
with yellow trim, Jade green lim
ousine, a sapphire blue coupe, and
a roadster done in checkers, out
lined in tan on brown back
ground. '
Autos of Varied
Character on Display.
In a highly polished democra
cy they lined up for inspection
rakish and expensive foreign cars.
with their queer noses, side by
side with the stubbier and cheaper
of the American makes.
Metal trimmings, dashboard fix
tures, cigar lighters, cigarette box
es, and other trinkets are more
elaborate than ever before, In
closed cars, a new kind of lighting
fixture has been introduced. It
has a tiny parchment shade, and
is pulled on and off by a little
There are numerous mechanical
innovations, too, besides the front
wheel drive. There are motors
with four cylinders, six cylinders,
eight cylinders, and one model
with 16 cylinders.
Completing his Investigation of
last night's spectacular fire in the
artist's studio of the capitol beside
the majestic dome, David S. Lynn,
architect of the building, said he
was unable to determine whether
the blaie had its origin with "a
careless smoker or from spontan
eous combusition."
Questioned whether Charles
E. Moberlr. the artist who was
taken unconscious from; the studio
during the fire, had been drink
ing. Mr. Lynn said:
"He told me he had had one or
two drinks around noon, but none
after that."
As the architect constructed the
scene from the stories of Moberly.
and Samuel Hall, a former capi
tol policeman who twice called at
the studio and was there wnen
the fire started, it was about like
Moberly, who had been toncb
lnr ud decorations in the halls of
the senate wing ot the capitol.
went to the studio between 2 and
S o'clock and engaged in some
work and in tidying up the place.
About 4 o'clock, three hours be
fore the first fire alarm was given.
he fell asleep at his desk with bis
head on his arm.
HEW YORK," Jan. 6 (Sanday)
(AP) The Radio Marine Cor-
noration - reported receipt of
S. O. S. message from the British
steamer Lunula, which said ahe
was ashore six miles east of Puer
to, Mexico, and requested Imme
diate assistance. " '--"r''-
FOUNDED 1851, uuuuaj aiwnuiig, rfuiuarj a, i?dv
State Association's Board
Of Control Makes De
cision at Meet
Salem Sent Formal Invita
tion to Enter Annual
Hoop Tourney
It will not be the poller of the
ttoard of control of the state high
school athletic association to in
terfere with any of the contracts
which high schools throughout
the state hare .entered into with
athletic. coaches, for the remaind
er of the present school year, even
though those contracts do not ful
fill the requirements of new rules
passed by the association at Its
recent meeting in Portland.
This was announced Saturday
night by John L. Gary, newly
elected secretary of the athletic
association, following a meeting
of the board.
Each School to Be
Considered Separately '
The board did not, however,
make a blanket rnling but will
consider each application as it
comes In from the high schools
which find themselves in this sit
uation. Rulings permitting Uni
versity high of Eugene and
Springfield high to continue their
present coaching arrangements
were made at the meeting Satur
Salem high school may be con
sidered as one of the schools con
cerned In this question, and to
clear up any doubts. Its case will
be presented to the board. Princi
pal Fred D. Wolf aaid Saturday
night. However, Coach Hollls
Huntington Is, practically speak
ing a full time teacher as the new
rule requires.
Salem Invited
To Play in Tourney
An Invitation to Salem high to
participate in the state tourna
ment, regardless of its season re
cord, was wired to Superinten
dent George W. Hug Saturday by
the board. Inasmuch as the
tournament is held In Salem, the
local high school will be regarded
as the "host" Bchool.
There will be 12 teams In the
tournament; which means that
district No. 7 will be represented
by some other school than Salem
high, and that one Portland team
will be entered.
Appreciation of Salem high
school's hospitality to the visit
ing teams in the past was express
ed by the board, and also appre
ciation of the excellent manner in
which the tournament has always
been conducted- by Willamette un
Mr. Gary stated Saturday that
he would confer this week with
R. S. Keene, athletic director, and
Lestle Sparks, graduate manager
at Willamette, on preliminary
plans for the state tournament.
Simeral Freed
Upon Bad Check
Count by Judge
Judge Small of the local justice
court Saturday dismissed L. J.
Simeral, member of the Salem
school board and former member
of the city council, on a charge
of issuing a check not covered by
sufficient funds.
Simeral alleged that the check
was not to be presented at a bank
until a certain date, but that this
agreement was ignored.
f"X Snow Falls in Portland for
UregOIl Fiat Time This Winter as
T-2 Indication of Future Cold
OrieiS Weather; H. Stone Weds
Snow Hits Portland
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 4
(AP) Snow was falling over the
entire city tonight. It was melt
ing as it fell.
Cargo Report Made
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 4
(AP) Combined inward cargo
movements aggregating 2,741,969
short tons against 2,599,504 tons
for 1928 and outward movements
totaling: 2,602,304 tons against
2,583,697 tons for the previous
year were revealed today In an
annual summary of cargo move
ments in all trades to and from
this port for 1929 released by the
merchants' exchange here.
Barry Stone Weds
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 4
(AP) Harry William Stone,
general secretary of the Portland
Y. M. C. A. for the last 30 years,
and Mrs. Florence Emelia Grilley,
widow of the late A. M. Grilley,
who was for years bead of the
physical department of the Y. M.
C. A., were married tonight at the
bride's home with only their im
mediate families In attendance.
Almost Immediately after, they
left on a honeymoon to an un
announced destination. -
Pioneer Dies Suddenly
4 (AP) Flora Elinore Hartley,
5, well known Oregon pioneer.
died suddenly this afternoon at
the home of br 4hter, Mrs.
Princess Marie Will Reach
a7; v y v. w r . I .;:r.. i f
if if h 11 t 'ttsl, t - ;rh h -v r
The wedding of Crown Prince- Humbert of Italy and Princess Marie Joee of Belgium will be held In a
short time and Is of great interest to the world. Upper right -Crown Prince Humbert of Italy, who
recently escaped an assassin's bullet la Brussels during the festivities which marked his engagement
to Princess Marie Jose. Center the reception room of the Qulrnal Palace, where the public recep
tion will be held following the wedding, in the Church of St. PauL Lower Princess Marie Jose of
Belgium, the future Queen of Italy.
Eternal City
Next Italian
Princess Marie-Jose of Belgium Speeds Toward
Rome to Prepare for Wedding Which Will
Unite Two Ruling Houses of Europe
ROME, Jan. 4- (AP) Regal Rome grew restless tonight
awaiting the arrival of the Belgian princess who will one
day be queen of Italy.
Princess Marie Jose, who has been speeding by rail from
Oregon is still bounded on the
east by the territory of Idaho,
and oysters are among the lead
ing industries of the state, ac
cording to Button's universal en
cyclopedia, edited and published
in 1929, read a letter received at
the state library Saturday from
D. D. Hail of Portland.
Portland was described as a
city on the left bank of the Wil
lamette river, with . steamboats
operating between there and Cal
ifornia and British Columbia.
The publication describes the
forests of Oregon as pine and
makes no mention of other tim
ber. The population of Oregon was
given as 880.000, while the latest
Oregon Blue book gives the popu
lation as 1.065,174.
C. A. Howard, state superin
tendent of schools said he had no
information that the book was be
ing sold to Oregon teachers until
Earl Murnhy. here. Remains will
be sent to the former home ot the
deceased at Hood River tomor
Patronage Predicted
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 4
(AP) The Oregonian, in a spe
cial dispatch from its Washing
ton correspondent, tomorrow will
say that some federal patronage
for Oregon seems to be in sight,
but fust bow mnch or of what
character has not been disclosed
by Senators McNary and Steiwer,
who called on President Hoover
today to talk over the general pa
tronage situation.
Aggie Polofeta Win
Corvallls, Jan. 4 (AP) The
Oregon State polo men made It
two straight over the University
of Oregon team here today, win
ning from the Eugene aggregation
13 to C in an indoor game. Al
though good riders, the Oregon'
men revealed a lack of coaching.
The Webfoot malletmen started
the game with a rash, scoring
twice in the first chnkker before
Oregon State got started.
Rooks Beat Albany
OorvalUs. Jan. 4 (AP) The
Oregon State freshman basket
ball 'team opened its season here
today with a 4 to 32 victory over
the -Albany college quintet. Loose
guarding by 6 both .teams was re
sponsible for the large score.
Will Greet
Brussels toward the Eternal
city since last night, is due to
arrive in her future capital at
ten a. m., tomcrrow morning. She
will be greeted by her future hus
band, Crown Prince Humbert of
Italy at Rome's central station.
Borne In the beautiful new
royal train of Italy's sovereigns,
which Is probably the finest and
most up to date conveyance run
ning on European railways, the
princess and the Belgian royal
family will end their long and
carefully guarded Journey from
the north with a royal reception
at the station. King Victor Eman
uel III, Queen Helena, and the
Crown Prince and Princess of Sa
voy will greet them.
Shortly after their arrival the
two royal families will attend
mass in the Pauline chapel of the
Quintal palace, where the wed
ding of the crown, prince and the
princess will be celebrated on
Wednesday morning.
Marie Jose's picture was dis
played in nearly every shop win
dow in Rome and on the front
page of every newspaper. Her
name, and that of Crown Prince
Hubert, was on everybody's lips.
Workmen and store employes were
feverishly busy putting the last
touches to the decorations in their
All public and almost all the
nrivate buildings will be ablaze
with electric lights, festooned
about the cornices and along the
roof lines, tomorrow night. The
royal coats of arms of Belgium
and Italy will shine in multicolor
ed splendor. Yards of bunting
and black, yellow and red of the
Belgian tricolor alongside the
green, white and red of Italy hung
everywhere today.
Unemployed Now
Fewer Is Report
The unemployment situation In
Salem is somewhat improved, ac
cordine to the weekly report of
Sim Phillips, in charge of the
United States employment agency
here. 1
Of 41 men applying for work
last week, 22 were placed, a high
er percentage than has been the
rule recently. Common laborers
fared best, with 17 out of 29 plac
Women did not do so well, only
five being found work out of 21
who applied.
Professor Will
Talk to Students
"This Business of Authorship"
will be the subject for an address
by Professor W. F. G. Thacher
Thursday morning to the students
of Willamette university at the
chapel boar.
! Thaeher Is author of the "Sun
set Trail." a pageant produced at
Eugene' last summer and is also
the writer of several books. He
is professor ot English and adver
tising at the University ot Ore-go
Rome Today
Queen Today
Guardsmen to Be
Utilized in Case
Of Prison Break
Members of the Oregon
National Guard, under Adju
tant General White, will be
used as manhunt era in case
of a break from the state
penitentiary, according to
announcement made here
Saturday by Henry Meyers,
superintendent of the Ore
gon state penitentiary. Cap
tain "Fod" Maison, of the
Salem guard unit, would be
in charge of the manhnnt
ers. Mr. Meyers said the plan
was adopted because of the
restlessness existing in the
various penitentiaries of the
country. Mr. Meyers also
will ask for an additional
night guard in the prison
4. (AP) A diver, after view
ing the wreckage, under 100 feet
of water, of one of the two planes
which Thursday crashed and kill
ed ten motion picture men, re
ported tonight there are no bodies
In it.
Charles E. Smale, the diver, de
scended from the trawler Salt,
which had succeeded In pulling
one of ' the wrecked planes to
within 90 feet of shore. He said
he stood In the center of the shat
tered hulk, and had there been
any bodies there, he could not
have missed finding them.
Seven bodies are yet unrecov
ered, and were believed caught in
the wreckage of the ships under
water. Divers have not yet pen
etrated to the second plane, to de
termine whether bodies may be
lodged in 1U
CHICAGO, Jan. 4 (AP)
Mayor William Hale Thompson
was ill and unable to receive Pas
cual Ortiz Rubio when the Mexi
can president-elect made the
rounds of Chicago officialdom today.
Selection Of Patrolmen
For Road Districts Looms
Petitions for patrolmen tor the
various districts located In Mar
ion county have been coming Into
the county elerk's office rapidly
during the past few days. It is ex
pected that the county eourt will
soon be ready to announce its
complete list of road supervisors
for the county during the eomlng
Road district 55 was represent
ed with a petition signed by H. W.
Wipper, present supervisor, and
29 others asking for the appoint
ment of Karl Wipper, son of the
patrolman for the district. No.
55 is located near Turner.
-Urging the appointment of a"
patrolman for district No. 10. L
Davis and M. S. Wllklns, resi
dents of that district, appeared
before the county court yester
Unsettled today And Mon-
day, probably with occasion
al rain. Max. temperature
Saturday 47; Min. 36; River
8; Rain .82; Wind south.
No. 245
lommittee Appointments to
Be Effected Under New
lhange Slated in City Attor
ney Position; Indepen
dents in Control
The scenery Is all In position
for the annual "bli show" taea
by the city council, a show other
wise known as the annual meet
ing, and the curtain will be rur,; ,
up, figuratively speaking, prompt
ly at 8 o'clock Monday night in
the council chamber.
For that matter the council has
put on some pretty snappy enter
tainments in the year whih has
intervened since the last annual
meeting, but Mouday night's evnt
is expected to outdo not only the
best of these, but to eclipse maay
of the annual meetings of
One of the early acts in this
great spectacle has been arranged
by the newly created committee
on committeess. This one has
been rehearsed, so It is expected
to proceed smoothly. It will con
sist in the reading of the list ot
standing committees for the year.
hich naturally is a matter f
great moment to the members and
also to certain paid city official?,.
Leading Role Xo Longer
Filled by Mayor -
Heretofore thig'act has bn
tacked on at the end of the meet
ing and has been a "solo in oae,"
to continue the theatrical figure
of speech, put on by the mayor.
Mayor LIvesley's tendency to hsxd
all of the important assignments
to a few staunch friends irked the
council majority, so the council
created the committee on commit
tees, which has pledged itself te
deal out Jobs more democratically.
It is of some significance tbat
this act has been placed early on
the program. It ha been charred
that the mayor purposely delayed
it until the end so that he could
hold it as a club over the alder
men to force them to elect web
city officers as he favored. The
new rule specifically requires the
committee on committees to re
port before the officers are
City Attorney Chair
Due for Attention
In due course of time as lie
show progresses Mouday uigl.t,
the matter of electing these offi
cers will come up. It is of ab
sorbing Interest, with the ppot
llght destined to shine on tf.e
chair of the city attorney, the of
fice principally at 1-sue.
It has been rumored ratbrr
openly in recent weeks that there
would be a change In this office,"
and Monday night's action- will
tell the story. Some-of the rum
ors circulated hivo fallen rathtr
wide of the mark, but it Is known
that William H. Trindle and Mar
tin Ferrey have been candidates,
and there is a good chance that
one of the two will be selected.
Mr. Williams is a candidate but
has made no campaign in his sn
As to the other city offices at
(Concluded on Pagr S, Column 3 )
Word that Ben E. H. Manning,
one of the two men injured in an
automobile accident in Aurora Fri
day morning, died in the Orejcon
City hospital late that night was
received in Salem Saturday. Mr.
Manning was publisher of the
South Umpqua News, wek)y
newspaper published at Kiddie,
near Roseburg.
His son, Wendell, driver ot tte
machine which collieded with a
truck at the sharp turn in Auro
ra, was still In a critical condition
in the same hospital Saturday. His
skull was fractured. Statements rr
witnesses tended to clear the track
driver, A. B. Sharkland, of Port
land, of any blame for the fatal
day. At the present time there is
no patrolman for tie district. J.
W. Dart having resigned last
It was pointed ou by the twa
men that less than $1 bad been
spent on the road since the time
of Dart's retirement. They urg4
improvement ot a short road out
of Woodburn which the county
took over two years ago t
which is In poor condition. Road
district No i adjoins Woodburn
on the east.
The court declared Itself as be
ing favorable to the appointment
of a -supervisor for the district It
residents of district actually de
manded It. David said he and Wil
klns believed that appointment et
a patrolman by the court" woul4
be better than to have one named
by petition.