PAGE THREE Revivals Occupy Attention in Several Salem Churches The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregoa, Saturday Morning, January 4, 1930 I I Z j 4 Preaching Salem Churches Cooperat ing for Union Observance; Places Listed jnion observance of the week the city this year beginning with -I HsSx special themes on some phase or Christian unity in the various churches Sunday and with union meetings each evening next week. AH services begin at 7:30 p. m. Under the direction of the Fed eral Council of Ihe Churches of Christ in America a comprehen sive group of themes is set forth as guides or suggestions for the week. This is the introducing of a great program being sponsored by the council to run through the Lenten season and Easter and climaxing, with Pentecostal Sun day. June 8. The following union services will be held In the co-operating churches: 1. The central group of church es Monday evening at the Con gregational church. Rev. V. Earl Cochran as speaker. Tuesday eve ning at the First Presbyterian church, with Rev. D. J. Howe speaking; Wednesday at the First Christian with Rev. Fred Taylor speaking; Thursday at the First Methodist with Rev. P. WV Erik sen speaking, and Friday at the Calvary Baptist with Rev. N. K. Tully speaking. 2. The South Salem group serv ices will be Tuesday and "Wednesday evenings at the South a!em Friends church with L. C. McShane and Ormal Trick speak ing. Thursday and Friday eve nings at Leslie Memorial church with Mrs. Irena Cunningham and Mrs. Margerite Elliott speaking. 3. East Salem group of church es Monday, Knight Memorial Congregational church, Rev. Fred Taylor, speaking. Thursday at the Castle United Brethren church with Rev. J. Mark Comer speak ing on missionary work in India. Friday at the Court street Chris tian church, Rev. D. J. Howe, speaker. 4. North Salem churches Mon day at Jason Lee church with Rev. W. N. Coffee speaking. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the Free Methodist church, with Harry E. Gardner speaker. 5. West Salem observance Special services Sunday 'and Wed nesday evening In the Ford Mem orial church. West Salem. The pastor and the choir of the church where each service Is held will be la charge of special music and the pastor will act as chairman. A central text for the week of r,V.- .-- . .jifA'f.M . ;v.y.-jvi p. p-x "msfe; MM OISTFIICT EM Sffll Evangelist H. Hansen, former pastor and organizer of the Evangelistic Tabernacle on Fer ry street, has opened a Mission at 337 Court street, known as the Upper Room Mission. He has been in evangelistic work for many years and has estab lished several assemblies on the Pacific coast and is a Bible eacher as well as evangelist. STAYTON, Jan. S. The San tiam district Bible schools will hold their convention here Sun day, January 5. The following program has been arranged for: Beginning at 10 a. m., song service; devotional service, Her bert Bennett Jr.; song interme diate girls, Stayton M. E. Bible school; lesson study; address by Prof. James T. Matthews. A bas ket lunch will be served at noon. At 1:30 p. m. a second song service will be" held, followed by devotional service led by W. H. Lyman of ttje Stayton Christian church; business meeting; guitar trio, Mrs. Frank Bass and chil dren; discussion, "Bible School Problems." special, teachers of Aumsville Bethel Bible school; 3 p. m.. address by Dr. Norman K. Tully of Salem. The conven tion will be held at the local Meth odist church. Poling to Occupy Unitarian Pulpit For Two Sundays Rev. Dan Poling of Cor vallis will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian church Bun day morning, speaking on the subject "The Parade aid What Comes After." Dr. Poling is well known in Salem and over the state. During the war he wa lo cated at Corral Us having charge of the Y. M. C. A. work at the soldiers train ing corps. After the war he became pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Al bany. He In now connected with the extension service of the state college. The morn ing service is at 11 o'clock. Dr. Poling will occupy the pulpit at the Unitarian church for two Sundays. Rev. Martin Ferrey conclud ed his pastorate of the local church last Sunday. MUST MEN S Lutheran Ladies Guild Will Meet Wednesday i 0 The Ladies' Guild of the Amer ican Lutheran church will hold its next meeting at 2 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon in the social rooms of the church. The meeting will be featured by installation of new officer?, and a musical and mission program. Mrs. William Foddern. Mis William G. Krue ser and Mrs. Karoline Furrer will be hostesses for the day. he his will begin sunday j Mrs. Aycock are fine singers, and I they will sing both individually and together as a feature of the meetings. Dell Aycock will direct the church music and will deliver ob ject sermons to the Junior church group. A series of revival meetings under direction of Rev. Jarrette and Dell Aycock, evangelists and singers of Bethany. Okla., will start Sunday at the Salem church of the Nazarene. announces Rev. L. D. Smith, pastor. The meeting will continue through Sunday; January 19. Rev. Jarette Aycock is head of the department of evangelism of the general Nazarene Young Peo ple's society of the church and is a gifted evangelist, according to the local pastor. Both Mr. and Standard Bearers Meet Is Planned for Monday The Standard Bearer society of First Methodisf church of which Mrs. A. A., Lee is advisor will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs., F. A. .Legge, 1499 State street at 7:15 o'clock. Mildred Wampler will lead the devotions, and Martha Kumler and Dorothy Taylor will give the lesson on Japan. The assistant hostesses will be Doris Phenecie, Esther Cook and Marie Llppold. MEET JANUARY IS Two outstanding speakers are on schedule for the next meeting of the Salem District Methodist Men's council to be held Wednes day, January 15, at the Ford Memorial church in West Salem. Indications are that befween 250 and 300 men will attend. Dr. F. A. Magruder of Oregon State college at Corvallis will speak on "Recent Observations in Mexico." Dr. Magruder is well known here as an outstanding student of government, a keen ob server and a forceful speaker. The second address will be given by Dr. George B. Pratt of Portland, an outstanding speaker of the northwest. His subject has not been announced. The usual Dutch lunch will be held and in addition to the speeches, accordion, glee club and marimba music are scheduled to appear on the program. Group singing will also play a part in the evening's entertainment. Christian Endeavorers Hold Watch Party and Monthly Business Meet TURNER The Christian En deavor society held its monthly business meeting at the Christian church New Year's eve. The elec tion of officers was one of the important items of business. Those chosen for the new year were: Miss Ailene Robertson, president; Miss Josephine Gil strap, vice president and Ecmond Tappin, secretary-treasurer. Walter Peterson is the retir ing resident. The large choir held its weekly practice. Refresh- dj CHQRUS CHOIR ; , Cx TO SING AGAIN M I, x:x MX Harold Meade, the singingest half of the Meade Eva n g e 1 i s t i c team, is conduct ing a series of special meetings at the First Evangelical church. Attend ance at the meet ings, which begin at 7:30 o'clock, is increasing regularly. 1 Court Street Christian Church Has Encouraging Report on Year Just Ended; Shoemaker Retained tmbaj erbtceg in alem Cfjuttbesi HIGHLAND TKIEXDS Highland and Church t.treet. Edgar Sims, pastor. MornintT service 11 o'clorlT; subject: "Love for Law." Ev ening service, 7:30 o'clock; message on "The Reflation. Sunday school 10 a.m. Earl M. Beckett. Supt. Mid week services: 7:30 p.m Thursday; the pas tor, leader; place: the chnrrh. Jr. C. E. t 4:00 p.m. and Sr. f. E. at 6:30. tional meeting at 2:00 p.m. Sunday school. 9:40 a.m.: Miss Martha Batter man, Supt. Luther League business meeting with the election of officers at 7:00 p.m. SUMMIT Orchard Heights Road. Meredith A. Groves, pastor: phone 15B6M. Morning service 8:43 o'clock: subject: "I'nity Through Prayer." Sunday school 10:45 a.m.; Larkin Urice. Supt. rOES MEMORIAL U. E. COHMTJKITT West Salem Corner Rerth and Third streets. Mere Jith A. Groves, pastor: phone 1566M Mominr mviiw 11 o clock : subject: Tnitv Throurh Prayer." Speeial Ml- ; Piano solo DT xnt uerrruae nirren, Vocal dnet by Miss Ada Clarke ana miss Helen Gor, vocal solo, "In Paradiea" h. in;.. T.nh Rnnluare. Eveninr ser- vtraver In taken from the GOSDel I ? o'clock: subieet: "Daubinr." na related b John. 81 Dart Ol the 10I1n duet, numoreiue. ?. - 1 . . V. 11-1 1 J . Vw U.aa IIa. anil I Mrs. r. roeiai, ocai uun ij - last great prayer of Jesua runs: "That they may be one, that the world may belieTe that Thou hast sent me. The themes for the flye nights are In order: first, the general theme of "Chris tian Unity" with ' thanksgiTing for progress made and prayer for continued success. "Christian Unity": International Friendship and Co-operation. "Christian I'nity: Missions" and "Christian Unity: Family. Srhool and Uni versity Life". Free Methodist Society Will Meet NextJuesday The Woman's Missionary so ciety of the Market street Free Methodist church will meet Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Minnie Marchand. 1405 North Summer street. Mrs. Clara Cooley will conduct devo tional. Mary. F. Coffee is presi dent and Mrs. Lillian Iorns, sec retary. Quarterly Conference Set for Tuesday Night Quarterly: conference for the Jason Lee church will be held Tuesday evening, Dr. Thomas H. Temple, district superintendent, presiding. Rev. Harry E. Gardner. ; pastor, asks that the church school and league groups have their quarterly reports in before that time. i Hambv and Miss Violet Wallace. Vo cal duet by Miss Alice Creasy and Miss Hitiu Ravmond. Hun day senoot am- Mrs. J. L. Austin, oupi. jiu week services: 7:30 .m. Wednesday: pastor as chairman: place: ehnreh audi torium. 8:30 Sunday evening Interme diate and Senior leagues TASTLC Ills' ITED XXZTHBXX Xorth 17th and Nebraska streets. L. W Riddle, nastor: shone. 222J. Morn i ..rri-c 10:45 o'clock: subject wi. i Ynnr I. ire. i nmninea oi iU M-hnnl and church (terviee. Special music: Children's division. Eveninr ser vice 7:30 o dwi: sut.ject : victories of the Christian Faith. Sunday achool 10 a.m.' Children a division, Mrs. L. w. Biddle. Supt. Mid week services: 7:30 p.m.. Thursday: F.aM Side "Week of Prayer service. oung people a meet ings: 630 p.m. Sunday, topic "JVhy Pray for Others." TCB8T GERMAN BAPTIST Korth Cottage and D streeta G. W. RuUch, pastor; phono 2927J. Morning service 11 o'clock: subject: "A Xew Tears Resolution." Special music: Choir nthem: "God Will Never Forsake Ua." Lord's Bupper following the morning service. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; 8am Schirman, 8upt. Mid-week services: 8 p.m.. Wednesday: pastor. leader; place: church. Young people'! meetings: 7:30 p.m. Dan Schirmaa, music. Topic Encouraeirlp reports were made by heads of all departments of the Court street church of Cnnst at the annual meeting of that body held Wednesday. An all-day ses sion was held with profit and menta consisting of oyster soup enjoyment to all who were pres and chili were served in the din- ent. Rev. B. F. Shoemaker, the injr room to about 60 persons, pastor, was retained for another after which time passed all too year uickly with games and sociabil- The following officers were itv till the old vear passed out elected to serve- for the new - - - - i and the new vear was ushered in year with the ringing of the cnuren C. C. Armstrong, elder; j. hlls. an has been the custom Marshall. Ben H. Hawkins and among Turner young people for years. CALVART BAPTIST W. Earl Cochran, pastor. Sunday school 8:45 a.m. W. T. Jenka, 8upt. Preaching services at 10:50 a.m., 7:30 p.m. B. Y. P. U.i. 8:30 Sr.. Int. an Jr. 8. S. Teachers and officers. Tueaday rfopic "Time." 7:ou p.m., orcnesirm practice. nmw dy 7:30 p.m., prayer meeting. Thursday 7:30 p.m. choir rehearsal. Service Sun da t, a.m. "Assurance For the Kew Year." Anthem: "O. Worship the Lord" Keiserling. Solo: "Tho New Tear" (no tary) W. B. Hinson, T. D., W. F-arl Coch ran, p.m. "A Young Lady Who Made Wise Choice." Anthem: "I Hear tho Voice of Jesus," Ashford. TIBST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corner State and Church streets. V. C. Taylor, pastor; phone 74. Morning SOUTH SALEM FBXEJTDS 8. Commercial and Washington street. service. 11:00 oeloea: tuojeoj: in Practice of Prayer." Speeial music: Anthem "Ko Shadow! Yonder." Gaul. Solo "Teara of God," Dent Mowrey, Mr ft D. Barton. Or ran Prelude "An A.nta F.rnr.ivo." Calkin. Anthems: "The Flniiur Pot of Silver" Uaul. "How Sweetlv Breathe tho Lyre! Above Incidental sole mim cieanor Church school f:45 a,ra. Ben E. Rickli. Supt. Mid-week services Charlea C. Haworth, pastor; phone V,p,n Unratne rvieo 11 a clock : 1 .. .. in, , . j o...:.i auDjoci: aaarcnina; ureen. . . ' ir-v " n v W t,;,v. music: Duet by Miss Glady! Wright and 7:0 p.m. Thnraday; Kt. P. W Alfred Haworth. Evening aervie.. 7:30 . '?'. peo, ?d!r Wendli o'eloek- .nhiect: "The Place of Pmyer." Paiwi'ir .Chapt". Lr. Wendell ,w,M in 00 a m - Mra. Mar- Kk. Topic a-uerite P. Elliott, Supt. 6:30. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting. Abraham at tho New Year." Firat church chapter Leader Lawrence Yarnea, Topic "Appreciating Other People Finding and Eliminating MILL ST. METHODIST EPISCO?AL Hnl fcMwth j'"! lKfh nA Mill streets. Leslie B. Bailey. '"f1"' . u " ; i i AkHMia aaa a nn a v ai v i pastor. Morning worship at ll:00: sruo- . , " j " C JTet: "The .Church of fe.u. ChrUt; Her ".rV Fonndstion." the pastor preaching. 'm - "'- " " Wnnhin t T art- snhiert: "Build- f Us. Miss Suth nursery in K. K. bible mil CHRISTIAN Hi A and Center street. D. J. Howe, New Heads of Sunday School to Be Seated ing After Jesus Pattern: onmini xob Cost." the pastor preaching. 8unday . . w r- r-. . i T? : i . MM ,;V "'.rr. ,U..V Residence. 102 . Winter. supenntenaent. tpwortn ieasue - (hnRll ,chool p.m. JUKI weea services o:wu p.m. ------ 00 ,m wor. nesday at the cnuren. . . Bmls followed by riBST SPIWTTAX1ST r,o. "T ' " lrh 1 n. 1- n . v. I o.m. Tounf people a hour. lour societies rraiemai jeinpm n vicuir I'. , " . .-;. n-t; riuiilll 1 I :v. ..J H;i B.ft f.1 Rim. I or v. x.. day evening at i :av o eioca. ;-:' . . . m.; i n Rue ab.Tenc. of Ih. regular p.rtor. William A. byth. pastor. On. Th ng I Do Spe I The followine officers will be Installed at the Sunday school hour tomorrow morning at th? , First Christian church; J. B. Protiman. superintendent; Har man Garrett, assistant superinten dent; Grant Teter, secretary; Earl Brunk. literature secretary; By ron Cooley, treasurer; Victor Wolfe, chorister, and Helen Ralph, pianist. Annual Meeting Set For Luther League Sunday evening the Luther Lea gue of Christ Lutheran church will have Its annual business meeting for the purpose of elect ing officers for the ensuing year and to plan for a series of new activities more extensive and bold than anything undertaken till now. riEST EV ANGELICA!, Corner of Center and Liberty, A. P. Layton, pastor. Bible chool at 8:43. u. L. Thornton, Bupl. r.vangensv xiarm Meade will have charge of the music. Worship at tl o'clock. Evanrelist Law rence A. Meade will brinit the message. His subject will be. "The Forgotten Vow." The choir under the direction of Herald Meade will sing two numbers, and a mixed quartet will sing "I Need Je sus." "The young people's meeting at an -n m At 7 o'clock there will be peoil prayer meetings, one for men and one for women. At 7:30. a song service ..nilnrUil t Lawrence Meade with Her ald Meade at the piano. The subject for the eveninr service will be "God's First I'.T-Ttrnter lit evanreiisiic will continue throneh the week. Services every nig-ht except Monday. Evening ser vice will be. prayer service at I. sons; service at 7:30, preaching at 8. There will also be morning services from Tucdsy until Friday at 9:30 a.m. JASON LEE CHURCH Verth Winter, at Jefferson and Fair grounds Koad. Harry E. Gardner, pastor. Church achool department sessions at 9-4S H. B. Carpenter, superintendent. Being Missionary Sunday, special devo tions and offering will be observed. Wor ship at 11 a.m., Man's Greatest Pmyer is to be the theme. Special music by the choir directed by Prof Herman Clark. At 3:15 service at the T. B hospital. Intermediate, high school nd young people's leagues and Church For am meet at S:30. Evening praise ser vice begins at 7:30. Spiritual proaresa of 1930 will be the theme of discnasion. Tk. will ha lolioweo wun leuuw- hour at the parsonage. Week of prayer announcements elsewhere. Trpwr. SOAK MISSION 33T Court 8treet. H. Hansen, pastor. t.. a u.nMn assistant pastor, cer vices every night at 7:t .t 11 as. S and 7:45 QI V . - . pre. Tho meetings will bo continue Evanitelistle throuarhout the week. Bun day afternoon divine healing service at which time the sick will b prayed for. Subject "Tho Prayer ot raitn own tho Sick. UDjen ior m ouuj -ening: "The Coming of Christ. vice presiaenx i e o- ----- - Mu, Lojg spiritualist w... n, - :.. choir rehearsU m diwa r at .i. i finmnitir. nruuist. er. Topic, - jaeais. atessasjea. m ci 1 ' .Vo . cle will be held Sunday evening from Thursday. 7 :0 Pm 6 to 7 o'clock. Choir Mid-week service I Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE One block sooth of Center on 19th -. . T T QMll, na tin. nltAtlA 2940. . , , , v I I nn m ?D'; 1 Mominr service n:uo o cioca. etihsti- k . , . . j "OM PAth i.t J F Avcock nreachlne. Boeeial "! P'C 11 .m- nd V.: usical director. AMERICAN LUTHERAN Church street between Chemeketa and Center. Rev. P. W. Knkaen, pastor SBip I "Do the Great Worship Missionary Society Will Meet Wednesday e Cash Roberts, deacons; enns Kowitt, trustee; Mrs. J. F. Un ruh, Mrs. Harry Martin, Mrs. A. E. Simpson. Mrs. Ben H. Hawk ins, Mrs. W. E, Walker, deacon esses: Miss Ella Smith, clerk; A. Simpson, treasurer; Mrs. Frank .Marshall. Bible 6chool su perintendent: Mr?. Edward Wel ler, assistant superintendent Bible school, with the adult depart ment her chief eharpo. Most of the officers were reelected and sev eral will serve for more than a one-year period. All departments reported a balance in the treasuries, except the church, but this small deficit was more than covered by pled ges. The debt on the building was decreased by a substantial pay ment made by the Ladies Aid so ciety. The Ladies' Aid has been very active under the leadership of Mrs. E. Horton. Plans are be ing made to reduce the debt more. About $350 has been given for various missionary Interests dur ing the year by the congregation First Presbyterian CliristmaS Concert to be Repeated Sunday Evening . The chorus of the First Presby terian church will repeat ths Christmas music at T:30 o'clock Sunday evening. Many-who were unable to hear the coacert two weeks apo will be glad to know of this opportunity. The choir is under the direction of William Wright, with Prof. Frank Church hill at the orjrtn. The program is as follows: Processional "Jov to the World" Organ Prelude "The Holy Night" Buck "There were shepherds abid ing in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night." Hymn 173, "Adeste Fideles" .... Invocation Anthm "Hark, What Mean These Holy Voices?" Tily Solo "Gesu Bambino" Yod Mrs. Ersel Mundinser Anthem "Sleeps Judea Fair" Mackinnon Duet "The Pawu of Hope" Coombs Miss Josephine Albert. Mr. Wil liam Wricht Scripture Lesson and Prayer Anthem "Chris ma Hells" Fitzsimmons Solo -The Holy City-' Adarr.S Mrs. James Teed Offertory "ChrWtmas Bells" Lemaie Solo "O Holy Night" Adam. Miss Josephine Albert Anthem "The Twilight Carol" , Matthew 3 Anthem "The Morning Has Come for Rejoicing" ....Gaines Solo "The Birthday of a King" Neidlinger Mr. K. D. Barton Anthem "Brightest and Best" Coombs Eenediction Organ Postlude "Christmas Fantasy" Rebling The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the First Metho dist church will meet on Wed nesday afternoon In the church parlors for the Quarterly tea meeting, Mrs. B. E. Carrier act- ng as chairman of the tea com mittee. Mrs. U. G. Boyer, me Woodhurn Young Folk WiU Present Pageant At Bethel on Sunday WOODBURN The young peo- Mrs. u. iJoyvjr. iuc . o the Bethel Presbyterian group eaaer wui urn church are presenting an elabor- ten ladies and Mrs. B. Blatchford "America's Call to In presenting the lesson. Hie de votional hour will be conauciea by Mrs. B. T. Kumler Ford Memorial Lists Meetings for Week different things In the States to command one's Meetings of the) week at the rord Memorial M. E. community church Include the Boy Scouts sension at 7 o'clock Tuesday eve ning and the women s foreign missionary society meeting Wed nesdav afternoon at 2 o clock ai the home of Mrs. J. W. Simmons The Wednesday evening mid-week service will be a union public meeting In observance of TJnlver sal week of prayer. Service," in the church Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. The pageant is under the di rection of Mrs. O. F. Larson and includes a cast of 28. The charac ters will present, in costume, the United Interest and In the end It will show the Importance of the church. This same pageant has been presented at other places and attracted a great deal of attention. The pun- Hc is cordially Invited to attend. rallister. 1710 South Winter ntreet Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock All women of the church and their friends are Invited to come and help plan the work of the year. YOMARCOS MEET TUESDAY The ladles of the Yomarco Bi ble class of the First Methodist church will meet on Tuesday af ternoon at the home or Mrs. K. n. Kloenning. 156 Court street. Mrs. R. V. Hollenberg will Ret as assistant hostess. Church School Board To Meet Monday Night The church school board of the First Methodist church will hold its Quarterly supper meeting on Monday evening at :30 o'clock. Immediately following the supper hour there will be a discussion on "The New Approach of the Grad ed Lessons" led by C. I. Andrews, the conference director of relig ious education. The short business session following the discussion groups will be in charge of Ben E. Rickli, the superintendent. Lutheran Election Set For Sunday Afternoon Methodists Schedule Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Christ Lutheran church will hold Its annual congregational meeting for the reception of new Combination Meeting Pani.ti hoaTi" at the chtirch Th second auarteriy comer- m--n, Thnrv niirht - - 1 I tVUUWI wub " " " " J o ence session ana ine rv" showed a substantial progress monthlv meeting or me oiuciai .n n-. aiwii9irnr in the hnarit of First Methodist church . .ts nt t1- nrosneets ' . j t- I will furnish the music ai me morning "' I . . . . it 1 cnu.i 'm -" r. AToock wm ainr with V"r K nd thoSr n1 wlU combined in one mm s for a proBperous New Tear Siiment Kvening erVlee. 7 :30 th.usic.l for the evenine 0Q WedneSday evening at 7 : 30 : Evangelist J.E. Aycoek preh- v,. ii..y ' " 0,- o'clock. Dr. T. H. Tempie win v.. . . Us 1 t j ii.ortor v rnnrpr- a n ai ivj iaS3itJiiui r ira c.- nrPtUlR M.L I 11 T3 Vllla i-v-s 'j 1 w ence and v"': Planned for Wednesday aeni 01 1110 om; - the chair for the brier session wi the board j-J CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH High nd Ferry 8t.. In the Heart of Salem. Graded S. S. S:45 a. m. Room for all. Preaching 10:50 a. m., 7:30 p. m. B. Y. s A. M. "ASSURANCE FOR THE NEW YEAR" Anthem: O, Worship The Lord. Keiserling Solo: The New Year. (Rosary) W. B. Hin- son. D. D. W. Earl Cochran P. M. "A young lady who made a wise choice'" Anthem: I Hear the Voice of Jesus.-Ashtord. Popular Song Service. Join ns la this song f6St' W. EARL COCHRAN, Pastor. sie; Mrs. J. K. Ayeoca will have charge of tho musie and Rev and Mra. arrompan --i w . i iir Rnerial mi sie: Kvanrelist and Mra. nar, bupt. Ayeoek will ainf. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.: F. M. Litwiller. Sunt. Mid-week services: Revival services every night at 7:80 fexcept Saturday). Young peo ple'e meeting's at 6:30 Sunday eveninr. Miss Thea Sampson, president, in charge. The Juniors will meet with Mr. 8mith at In a Xew Year" at 7:30 p.m. The choir will furnish the music at the morning ser ais at 6:30. Leaguers Witt Present Play at Pratum Friday The Epwortn League of the Ford Memorial community church will uresent the play. "The Path Across the Hill" at the Pratum school house Friday evening, Jan uary 10, beginning at S o'clock. Th annual meeting of the First German Baptist church Is scheduled for Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, announces the pas tor, Rev. G. -W. Rutscbv COTJK.T ST. CHTTSCH OT CHRIST 17h and Court streets. B. P. Shoe maker, 845 Winter street, pastor: phone 589J. Morning service 11 o eioea; ron- ect: "The Character and Uufe oi Church Offi--rs." installation aemee. Special muie by the choir. Eveninr service 7:30 o'clock. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Frank- Marshall. Bopt. Mid-week services: 7:30 p.m.. Wednes day: Choir rehearsal 8:80 at the church. Christian Endeavor and Junior meetings 6:30 p.m. Installation of officers. REFORMED Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W. O. I.ienkaemper, pastor: phone 668W. German service 10 o'clock; subject: Childhood of Jesus." English terviee 11 o'clock; subject: "And Thus I make My Pilgrimage." Special musie y the choir. "The Heavenly Shepherd." by I.urina Jewell. Sunday school 10 a.m.; F. E. Krnse, Supt. wmam MEMORIAL laid Verrv streets. B. C. Stover, pastor: phone 1924J. Morning 7e 11 o'clock: subject: "On. Thing I Do. mnt: solo "Service (Cod- tv... 1 nnrd Eveninr service, i -9a o'r net: suoieci: w.:.i. nontinn of memoors. monion. BpecUl mnsie: "Crown Him vrua Walestv" I Avildermerei. "uouj ., Id a.m.: C. C. Hamt, Supt. Young People meenngs; v- DATrr.'n TTPTSCOPAI, rv...h nd Chemekett atreeti. BeT, w Swift, rector. 7:30 n.m. er- . . ..l i 11.AA nsorninC Pray. cnuren aenwu - . - v er and address. Hpociai choir. Meetings dnrinr no jeet to aaBOuncemeat Bonaay snorauBS. CHRIST EVANGELICAL LTJTHEXA ISth and 8UU arreeta. Rrr. Ajnoo Z. Minneaman. paator: phono 8786. niing service t:0 .'clock ; snbjeet : "J Already Most Persecution Seek Tl str Chrirt J.. f. "li'LuS 10:45 S.bject: '."" nation." Communien JT?e", Zl- " .ji . at-. Resented and tt -4i rmnina aerrice. S:00 a'iak- snnieei: l CwaacU MoeUnf." :30. Ward Will Use Two Films With Sermon EMMAirtrEL rOXL OOSPEI. MISSIOH 17th and Chemeketa. Revival cam paign conducted by M. R. Tatman, tho cyclone evangelist, lormer actor. mm meeting will begin 8unday morning. Jan nary 10 and eontinuea every night oneopt Monday. Regular meeting are till In irogresi. Tuesday, Thnraday, Satnrday and Bnnoay Bignta. o.'a. at aw m. Preaching at 11 a.m. every Sunday. Pftt tor, Kenneth A. Win. OHRISTIAV SCTXNCn rjJ" christian Seieaco Lesson Top- i Tndav. The rerular services will ko held to tho Christian Science church, cor ner of Liberty and Chemeketa at It . and 8 p.m. and the same eervieo ia ro- ..j i- k. mn!nr. Wednesday ev- '" .iV. .M held nt S o'clock and include testimonies of hoallnr throng Christian Science. Sunday school class es for pnpila np to t 30. "7 . a.AK it o'clock. read ing room for tho pnhlie is maintained at 406 at a son ie sempio. " r from 11:00 to 5:80 oxcept Snndaya and Holiday. (it. an TTDTjrot MIS8I0V S5S Oo-rt streets. C. 8. Johnaon, PM- ter. Services p.m. F - Tuesday, xnnraaay ,ir"', inrsT Vull Gospel teaching. Good ainr Inf. LESLIE MEMORIAL (Methodist Episcopal) At South Commercial and Myers streets. 8. Darlow Johnson, pastor. 348 E. Myers street. Phone 2764. At the morning worship at 11 o'clock the pastor will speak on "Firrt Thinrs. The choir wui sing, - oun. oun " i" Thee," (Hevse). Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Tho illustrated aervice, "ChaoB and the Way Out" will be used. Miss Helen Ingrey will sing. . Sunday school at 9:45, E. D. Roseman Supt Snm1ftv evenlnit two moving Leslie (Young pople. rrancia arf - . -t the (hirh school) and Intermediate (Junior pictures Will be 8nown ai iae hirh) leaeoes will meeet at 6:80. Leslie First Pnnereeational church in church will unite with tho South Sa- ltn the theme: lem Friends church in the observance oi . . T , ht of the World." the Week or Prayer. Meeting Tuesday "Christ the Light OI ine worm. .! Wednesdar at the South Salem On a rtf th DiCtUreS is entltieu Friendi and Thursday and Friday at ..Tght. of the Race" and the Other LPs 1 1 o neiuuriai. mm PRESBYTERIAN Korth Winter and Chemeketa atreets. K.w Vnrm.n K. Tullr D. IX. pastor: 1610W. Morning nerviee. H o'clock: onbjeet: "The Flood of Tears" v. 3Q-10 There will also bo Com- mnnian service and reception of mem bers. Special musie: "Anthem tung. Ctvt Wild Bella" (Oonnod-Root) Offer torr solo "To Who Win, ana ie vno Borrow" Olivet to Calvary Mann d.rt Mm William Wricht. Organ "Ada. fie" enaa Fathotiquo tBeetnoveaw, Maren ta L u-emmeni) The first missionary meeting of the year for the Congregation al church society will be held In the new home of Mrs. Mark Mc AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Church St. Bt. Chemeketa and Center, A Downtown Church. 11 A. M. DO THE GREAT WORSHIP? Anthem: Bless The Lord 0 My Soul. 7:30 P. M. OLD PATHS FOR THE NEW YEAR. O Morn Supreme, by the Church Chorus. Wm. McGilchrist in charge of music. REV. P. W. ERIKSKN, Pastor. I! - I TITRKER Rev. W. S. Bur- rnTn will be home from his CaU- Evenlnr I Hn anil necnnv his Bulnit aorvice, 7:30 o'clock; anbjeet: "The hnrrh RnndaV Ivan vested choir will repent tho Christmna of the M. E. ettuJcn:na;- , concert given two weeka ago. Tho pro- HSQiey, supennienueui, grant in pven elsewhere. sunaay I gundn,T school. Urges all wno can achool 9:80 a.m.; Mr. L, It tots f" ,.-,--, district IU SblCUU fc " convention to he held in tne m. a,. church at Stayton, with two ses sions Sunday. Caareh jLaanal eengrega- W. K. nXS METHODIST w i... ..4 n Wuster atreets. Aiffao. vaster: phono 3396. Morning Kr-Z.i a..J.v achool 9:45 Herbert bum, onpt. rtJi a m.nvnia at the ennrcn. Toong poepIV snooting: :0 8m" day evening. la "Revelations by X-Ray." These are very interesting and enlight ening pictures. Burtoyne to Return To Pulpit Sunday Warm Up Heart! mm9 o Sunt. Mid-week servieea: 1:80 P, Thnraday; Dr. Tally, leader; young peo ple' meetings: c:ao pja. TTR8T oosaRxaATioirAi, Center and Liberty streets. Charlea K. Ward, castor : Morning service, 11 Wk' anhiaet: "Praver. a Tore or a rare" Special mnsie ny tao naixew nnartet. T.Teninr aervice 7:80 o'clock; subject: Uhrtst uie L.igns oi uio mra, with tho moving pictures Light of the W "BeveUtiona - by X-ray." ftnndaT achool B:45 a.m.: T. . -eer. Supt Mid-week aervice: Union week District Elder to Open Meetings Friday Night Rev. M. C. Clarke, district elder, will conduct quarterly th down-town I meeting services at ths Free Methodist church next week, be- . . . i j - iM-Tivm inni-. i nnninF ma cvenina; ana now- Toll ?oapet ehareh. affiliated with tho tag OTer Sunday, announcea nev. of prayer aervices in churches. a.i,ki af end. COrnor lata ana v. ,trMi. Xarla v. Jennlsee. pas to Fkm. zoauja. iiornovn nra at t o'clock. "Daniel Purposed la His Heart." Van. 1 :. mvonusg svni, 7:45 'clock. A people' Gospel service ith a Gospel message. Sunday achool. 1:45 pjn, Frank awoway, oops droa'a chnreh, S:30 p.m. Misa Lores FryV teador? Taoaday night. Bible stu dy. Wedaeaday afternoon. 8 :30 proper hoar. Thnraday alfhi, n-kl, aoag and praise. Tonng poopla'a rv'". -nrday aigbt. 7:5. HUcabanfh, pridV W. N. Coffee, the pastor. DORCAS SOCIETY MEETS The Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church will meet Wed- nidaw afternoon in the chnreh parlors at 18th and State atreets n tta mrnlar monthly meeting. At this meeting the newlyleted officers will be Installed and as- Isume of flee Hear Evangelist Jarrette and Dell Aycock Gifted Artists of Sermon and Song Never a Revival like this one, There never will be another. Church of the Nazarene One block South of Center on 1 9th Street Sunday 11:00 a. m., every night 7:30 (except Saturday) January 5th to 19th. L. D. SillTH, Pastor, phone 2940 or 2110-W l!