The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Dally vrt tiitrilntioa for fh
month eadiag KoTcmber 10, 112ft
Arertg daily Bet paid ,10B
Audit Bureau of Circulation.
Rain today and Probably
Sunday; Temperature above
normal. Max. temperature
Friday 48; Min. 86; Wind
southeast; River S; Xo rain.
BttggggmmmlmM ' B3BsmMMiMapM3BBs!waaaBawaaaaaaB ma
i qbii oaiurnay Mwmng, January lifJif . ao. Z4
WW r I I .1 - ' '
tinge Sum
h Oregon
$29,500,000 Available
This Year Says'
President Hoover Sent
Announcement of
1930 Plans
Approximately $29,500,000 will
be available for public works in
Oregon in 1930, according to a
telegram prepared by Governor
Norblad here Friday in connec
tion with President Hoover'B re
cent appeal for a speeding up of
federal, state, county and muni
cipal projects.
The governor's telegram was
addressed to R. P. Lamont, se
cretary of commerce, who was
delegated by President Hocer to
assemble the desired Information.
Approximately $10,000,000 will
be expended by Oregon counties,
$9,000,000 by municipalities and
$10,500,000 by the state.
Over Six Million to
Be Spent on Highways
Of the total of $10,136,359
available for county improve
ments during 1930, approximate
ly $6,273,044 will go into the
construction of highways. Road
betterments and maintenance will
aggregate $764,240 with the cost
of bridges fixed at $2,428,900.
Other county outlays for the year
include $111, 475 for repair of
bridges, $290,600 for construc
tion of public buildings, $18,200
for improvements and construc
tion. Street construction included in
municipal projects was estimated
at $2,590,300, with street better
ments and maintenance set at
$535,650. Other proposed muni
cipal disbursements during 1930
Include $321,700 for bridge con
struction, $31,250 for bridge re-
(Concluded on Page 2, Column I.)
Officials of the British consul
ate located in Portland have mail
ed an inquiry to Sheriff O. D.
Bower regarding the details con
cerning Edward "Scotty"
Speight's case. Speight is be
ing held in the county jail here
on a manslaughter warrant which
was issued at the time of bis in
dictment by the grand Jury last
cummer shortly after the death of
Lawrence Walker of iMt. Angel in
an automobile accidnfear Ger
als. Mrs. Speight has brought the
case to the British officials in
Portland, it was learned from the
letter to the Marion county sher
iff, because Speight claims that
he is still a British subject. Sher
iff Bower will immediately mail
full details regarding the case, he
declared yesterday.
State offcials here declare that
prosecution on the manslaughter
charge will be pushed unless some
entirely new developments- arise
as a result of the investigations
by the British consul.
on Exposure to Mississippi Ri-
V ver Waters; Fish Planted in
Drlclo Streams Near Salem
River Not So Thrilling
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Jan. 3.
(AP) Dan Miller, 25, came out
of the west to be near the . Missis
sippi because "it is romantic," and
it cost him his life.
At his home in Klamath Falls,
Ore:, Miller read about the "Jiver
of romance," and heard songs
about "01 Man Rlber," -so he
came here to steamboat on the
Mississippi for fun.
The old river is mean to
strangers in winter, and lowland
era who knew it told the youth
he should shun the old man "un
til you gat your river legs."
The chill of the river was not
what: Miller expected and he be
gan to steamboat with a light
heart and a strong hand.
He contracted pneumonia a fe-7
days ago and died today.
His body will be returned to
Webf oota Beat Gonxaga
EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 3. (AP)
The- University of Oregon de
feated Gonzaga university 34 to
25 in a son-conference basketball
game here tonight
Fish Planted Here
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 3.
(AP) A total of well over 1
000,000 fish will have been plant
ed in Linn, Marlon and Clackamas
counties when the state game com
mission concludes the stream re
habilitation work In those coun
ties, Matt Ryckman, superintend
ent of state hatcheries, announced
Lee Heads Fair
EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 3. (AP)
E. U. Lee today was elected
Prince of Wales
Leaves on Jaunt
To South Africa
land, Jan. 3. (AP) Th
Prince of Wales sailed to
day aboard the liner Ken
Hworth Castle for Capetown,
Soath Africa, to resume the
hunting trip that he abrupt,
ly broke off when King
George became, seriously ill
more than a year ago.
To the accompaniment of
cheers from friends ashore
and fellow passengers on the
ship, the prinre went on
board the Kenilworth Castle
about 8 p. m., the hawsers
were immediately cast off
and the ship pushed oat of
the docks to the strains of
"Auld Lang Syne," and of
"God Save the King."
Blaze Hits Fashionable Ho
tel in New York; Eight
Firemen Overcome
NEW YORK, Jan. 3 (AP)
A man and a woman died tonight
in a fire which swept through
the air and elevator shafts of the
annex building of the fashionable
apartment hotel Margury. Eight
firemen were overcome fighting
the blaze.
The fire was preceded by an. ex
plosion in the sub-basement.
Flames shot up through the shafts
to the roof of the 11 story build
ing, showered sparks on the pent
house. As firemen battled the
flames, a second explosion shatter
ed windows in sh'ops on the
ground floor.
Mrs. Louis Leichtenhelm, 60,
died of a heart attack after she
had walked to the street from her
apartment. Hotel attendants said
she had been ill for some time.
The body of a man believed to
be William Cass, an engineer in
the building, was found in an ele
vator wh'ich had stopped at the
fourth floor.
As smoke and flames swept
through the building, the lights
went out and the elevators stop
ped. Firemen ordered all persons
out. Police carried from the
building several persons rendered
unconscious by the smoke.
The hotel occupied the block
between Park and Madison aven
ues and 47th and 48th streets.
The fire was confined to the Mad
ison avenue side of the hotel, con
nected by a covered bridge with
the Park avenue side.
Fire Chief Ke'nlon said the fire
probably started from a short
circuit in the sub-basement. No
estimate of the damage was ob
tainable. Students From
Willamette May
Give Instruction
Probability that a selected
groups of Willamette university
seniors will do practice teaching
at the Salem high school after
Lthe opening of the second sem
ester on February 3 is seen in a
request from Willamette faculty
members that this arrangements
be made.
The practice teaching, if work
ed wut satisfactorily, will meet
with the approval of Fred Wolf,
high school principal. If this plan
is accepted this time, it will be
the first time the high school has
permitted the university educa
tion students to gai actual, ex
perience through its classes.
Klntnnih Fnllt Man Diet After
president of the Lane county fair
association, succeeding George O.
Knowles, of Cottage Grove, who
died soon after being elected to
that position last month. The
election of Mrs. Mabel Chadwick,
secretary, was ratified at today's
meeting, settling a contest which
has raged for several months in
the ranks of the association re
garding her election.
IT. of O. Branches Out
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 3.
(AP) Women have won a foot
hold in the business world and
now" they're making money! And
some are saving money, too. So
for the first time, a course in in
vestments for women will be of
fered by the Portland extension
center of the University of Ore
gon. The course will be given dur
ing the winter term, which will
open tomorrow. Harry N. Lyon of
the National City company, will
conduct the class.
Fatalities Total Two
There were two fatalities due to
Industrial accidents In Oregon
during the week ending January 2.
according to a report prepared by
the state industrial accident com
mission. The victims were: Walter
Wyatt, Philomath, engineer, and
William L. West, Baker, rockman.
A total of 519 accidents were
reported to the commission dur
ing the week.
Pioneer Passes
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 3.
(AP) Funeral services wilt be
held here tomorrow for Tinntes
De Boest, pioneer resident of this
city, who died Thursday after a
lengthy illness.
I. Doughton Cannot Legally
Sell Goods to Salem in
Williams' Opinion
Strict Interpretation Given
Provision of Charter in
Legal Statement
No matter how small the
amount, Salem's city charter pro
hibits members of the city coun
cil participating in any business
transaction with the city, accord
ing to an opinion prepared by
Fred A. Williams, city attorpey,
in response to a request from
some council members. The
opinion was sought in connection
with Mayor Livesley's recent an
nouncement that he would refuse
to sign city warrants drawn in
favor of Doughton and Sherwin,
local hardware firm of which I.
M. Doughton, alderman for the
first ward, is a member.
According to Mr. Williams'
written opinion, it is a well es
tablished principle of law that a
"contract" is implied in any trans
fer of property, notwithstanding
the absence of a written contract.
Charter and State Law
Declared to Apply
The city charter provides that
"No member of the council shall,
during the period for which he is
elected, be Interested in any eon
tract the expenses of which are to
be paid out of the city treasury."
There is also a state law for
bidding the participation of pub
lic officers in any contract with
the governmental unit, county,
state, school district or municipal
ity, of which they are elected
Following the mayor's refusal
(Concluded on Page 2, Column i.)
Two Critically Injured When
Automobile Crashes In
to Milk Truck
AURORA, Ore., Jan. 3. (Spe
cial) Two men, both critically
injured, were taken to the hospi
tal at Oregon City early this morn
ing SB a result of the most serious
accident that has occurred here
for many months.
The injured are B. H. Manning
and W. P. Manning, father and
son, both residents of Riddle, near
Roseburg. They were traveling
north in a light automobile apd,
according to statements of wis
nesses to W. J. Mulkey, state traf
fic officer who investigated, their
machine was somewhat to the left
side of the pavement as it ap
proached the sharp turn above
the railroad station.
The Mannings' car collided
head-on with a Damascus milk
truck driven by A. B. Sharkland,
428 Tillamook street, Portland.
The light car was practically de
molished and the truck crushed
its way onward until it damaged
a machine belonging to W. E.
Fleck, parked in front of the post
office. The elder Manning suffered a
fracture of the skull, and his son
a broken back or a fracture of the
pelvic bone; at any rate he was
paralyzed from the waist down.
When the truck stopped this
man's foot was pinned under one
of the wheels of the truck, but
the full weight was not resting
on it.
The injured men were taken to
Oregon City by S. A. Miller of
WOOSTER, Ohio, Jan. 3.
(AP) Nine nersona were killed
at Shreve, Ohio, tonight when a
Pennsylvania railroad flier struck
a bus bearing twenty school bas
ketball players and rooters from
Burbank, Ohio? At least nine
others were seriously injured and
were being treated in the city hos
pital here.
At least three of the nine dead
were girls or young women, un
dertakers at Wooster said.'
The Identified dead:
Claude Repp, 17.
Eugene Talley, 17. . ;
Wayne Lehman.
The injured:
William Baker, fractured skulL
Kmil Tlmlc, believed Internal
Charles Packard, injuries unde
termined. Donald Lehman, Injuries, unde
termined. Joseph Baker, 53, driver of the
bus, scalp wounds. - .
.PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 3.
(AP) Funeral services for Br,
Harold C. Bean wiH be held here
Coast Guard Guns Kill 3
F j J - 'v1 g vf z-i-k" """"""
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it f " ' 'M. '' 'fat ? Vfiu I
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II r ir
Three more victims of the prohibition war are dead at Newport, R. I. The shooting climaxed what was de
acribed as the most comprehensive drive of the Coast Guards in years against rum runners. Left to
right: John Goolart, of Fairhaven; Jack Wiseman, of Providence, of the rum-running speed boat
Black Duck, who were killed with Dudley A. Brandt, marine engineer of Dorchester, Mass., by ma
chine gun fire from the U. S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat No. 290 in Newport Harbor.
Prohibition Enforcement
tr tr saw lrto n n.
Ruling Asked of Supreme Court Fixing Re
sponsibility on Man Giving Order to Boot
legger; Alcohol Leaks Stopped
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. (AP) More stringent prohibi
tion enforcement policies were undertaken todav bv
the justice and treasury departments as the capital's contro
versy over the liquor situation
The department of justice
The Income tax is proving to be
the most generally acceptable and
equitable form of taxation, and it
would be the proper method of
raising funds for administering
the old age pension, James W.
Mott, former member of the state
legislature and now a local attor
ney, told the members of the Sa
lem Lions club at Friday's lunch
eon. The old age pension, Mr. Mott
said in resuming the discussion he
began at the luncheon a week ear
lier, is certain to come because
the problem of the indigent poor
is steadily increasing.
This is no fault of anyone of
anything excepting the economic
and industrial system, said Mr.
Mott. The average man will be
dependent on someone relatives
or t he puMic if he lives beyond
the age of 65, fie added, quoting
statistics to prove his point.
Out of 100 men 25 years old.
36 will die before the age of 65,
one will be wealthy, four will be
well-to-do, five will be Just able
to support themselves and 54 will
be wholly or partly dependent.
Student Total
At High School
To Be Boosted
Approximately 100 Junior high
school students will enter the sen
ior high school at the beginning of
the second semester, according to
R. W. Tavenner, secondary school
supervisor. With the high school
mid-year graduating class hover
ing close to the 30 figure, this
means that high school classes
must be stretched to accommo
date about 70 new pupils after
January 31.
SEATTLE, Jan. 3. (AP)
The Seattle Eskimoi gained a 1
to 1 tie with the Vancouver Jlons
here tonight to break their long
losing streak In the Paeofic Coast
hockey league. Vancouver scored
In the first period and Seattle in
the third.
Jan. 3. (AP) In" rough and
tumble contest marred by many
fouls and poor basket shooting.
Stanford university's basketball
team defeated St. Mary's here to-J
night, 31 to 23.
. vJ
Be More
continued to seethe.
asked the supreme court to
xrule that when a person gives
a bootlegger an order requir
ing transportation of the li
quor, he is guilty of conspiracy
with the bootlegger to violate the
prohibition law.
Prohibition Commissioner Do-
ran announced that an agreement
had been entered into with the in
dustrial alcohol manufacturers to
reduce this year's output of alco
hol by 15 per cent. Leaks of in
dustrial alcohol have been point
ed to by dry leaders as the main
problem of prohibition enforce
ment. Mellon Stands Back
Of Coast Guard Crew
Secretary Mellon .returnej to
his post and announced that he
was standing behind the coast
guard crew which killed - three
men on the rum runner Black
Duck In a chase off Newport last
Sunday. He insisted the guards
men acted wholly within the law.
At the senate, where the quar
reling of republican drys over the
Hoover administration enforce
ment policies started the agitation
over prohibition, the statement
making ceased, as each side
watched developments.
Senator !ss Booked
To Head Committee
There were indications that
Senator Fess, ot Ohio, would be
the administration choice as chair
man of the proposed joint con
gressional committee to study re
organization of the enforcement
machinery a post that Senator
Fess has proposed be tendered to
Senator Borah, of Idaho, chief
critic of the Hoover enforcement
The Ohio senator declined to
discuss the possibility ot his ap
pointment as chairman of the
committee beyond saying he did
not want the task and woul. take
it only under compulsion. Presi
dent Hoover has Senator Fess as
a guest at dinner tonight at the
White House. Senator Capper oi
Kansas, another dry, also was a
dinner guest.
Inquest Is Held
In Case oi Two
Deaths at Otis
Little new information about
the death by poison ot Charles
Whaley and William Beales of
Rlckreall Thursday at Otis, en the
coast in Lincoln county, reached
Salem Friday. An Inquest was to
have been held" that day, but the
results were not 'learned here. It
was reported the men had taken
poison, mistaking it for medicine.
Mr. Whaley la survived, by his
widow and three children and Mr.
Beales by his widow
and four
- i nun nip w-"- " ' 11 -niifi m
on Rum Ship
Prisoners Total
82S in Oregon's
Penitentiary Now
There were 83S prisoners
in the Oregon state peniten
tiary here Friday, which es
tablishes a new high popula
tion record in the history of
the institution.
As a result of the congest
ed conditions in the prison
it has been necessary to es
tablish sleeping quarters in
the barber shop, commissary
and hospital.
PAY OUT 57851
A contemplated expenditure of
3786,000 on bridges, roads and
public improvements during the
year 1930 has been estimated by
the county court. This esti
mate has been made to be
forwarded to the governor's
office from which a copy
will be sent to President Hoover,
who asked that the inquiry be sent
to all counties and municipalities
when his campaign for a prosper
ous year for 1930 was launched.
Betterment and maintenance of
roads will cost about $242,900,
according to the estimate, while
375,000 will be spent for the con
struction of bridges; $25,000 on
the repair ot, bridges and 35,000
in Improvements on public build
ings. During the next six months the
county court Estimates that $200,-
000 will probably be expended on
road construction, $100,000 on
betterment and maintenance and
$30,000 on the construction of
(AP) Police late tonight arrest
ed Vincent Vineza, 23, Jitney driv
er, after two persons said they saw
him bomb a street car.
Education Cost Per Pupil
Is Held Lowest In Salem
Daily cost of educating pupils
in Marion county for the year
1929 was lowest in Salem, at C4
cents, four mills, according to
compilation .made by Mrs. Mary
L. Fulkerson, county school su
perintendent, who yesterday com
pleted balancing her school bills
for the year. ji'?t ended.
Last year $8S,015.87 In high
school tuition money passed
through Mrs. Fulkerson's office,
which Is a clearing house for all
school funds going from or corn
lag to Marlon county. Tuition
payments are mad on basis of
daily attendance at the school,
the dally expense being pro-rated
on the cost of education of each
school child.
Next to Salem, Silverton's daily
education cost was lowest, at CI
cents, three mills; and Woodburn
was third with 9 cents; Gervals
high: school education cost was
78 cents, seven mills per day; and
Jefferson was 72 cents, six mills.
National Capitol
Hit By Big Fire;
. Man Nearly Dies
Spectacular Blaze Attracts Large Crowd and
for Time Threatens Main Part of Build
ing; Dome Only Section Injured
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. ( AP) Flames shot upward
from the capitol of the United States tonight in a blaze more
spectacular than that which ruined the White House execu
tive offices on Christmas eve.
After 45 minutes of desperate work, firemen extin
guished the fire in the artists' studio on the top floor of the
house side just to the west of the huge white dome. For a
while destruction of the document room where historic rec-
Fisher Has Exciting Time in
Apprehension of Man on
Court Warrant
Asa Fisher, detective sergeant
on the Salem police force, ran In
to some Incitement when he went
out to 1462 Mission street Fri
day afternoon to serve a Justice
court warrant, charging non
support of dependents, on J. E.
On being apprised of the na
ture of the officer's visit Barker
flew into a rage, seised a ham
mer and advanced on the detec
tive, brandishing the dangerous
weapon in menacing fashion.
Fisher, who can still recall his
football career at Willamette
university without any trouble,
caught the hammer on the down
ward swing and overpowered
Barker. But he had a fight on
his hands all the way from Bar
ker's home to the police station.
Barker, according to the offi
cer's report, was Intoxicated, and
the desk sergeant said later the
man was still too drunk to be
taken into justice court that day.
He will be arraigned this fore
noon. In view of the man's condi
tion when arrested, the police
will make no charge of resisting
an officer, It was Indicated.
Numerous times in the past
Barker has been arrested by the
local police on charges of drunk
(AP) Efforts to raise the
wreckage of two motion picture
camera planes, believed to contain
the bodies of seven of the ten men
who died in their midair colli
sion yesterday, from 318 feet of
water off point San Vincente were
discontinued with darkness to
night. The trawler Salt, with its grap
pling hook fastened in the wreck
age, alone remained at the scene,
to insure the location of the
wreckage tomorrow, while coast
guard, naval and privately owned
mine sweepers,, tugs and fishing
boats, put into port, planning to
resume the work at dawn.
The wreckage was discovered
about noon by the barge tender
Daisy M. of Redondo Beach, and
the speedboat Diana, from Ven
ice, which were dragging the Pa
cific 'ocean bottom two miles off
shore. Above-navy airplanes dron
ned, nearer shore a huge fleet of
small craft criss-crossed with
dragging hooks.
The Daisy M.. first struck the
wreckage and signalled to other
crafts after her hook had been
hauled in and was found to show
traces of red paint, the color of
the airplanes. Later an airplane
wheel and strut ware raised. The
planes, which fell in flames 3500
feet together, but broke apart at
the impact with the water, were
found 100 feet apart on the ocean
' In the three Marion county dis
tricts in which transportation was
furnished school students last
year, the daily cost was: Jeffer
son, 72 cents, six mills: Aums
ville, 77 cents, one mill; and Tur
ner, 79 cents and four mills. No
tuition pupils attended the high
schools in Hubbard, St.. Paul,
Gates or Min City.
Tuition students attended Mar
ion county schools from Washing
ton, Yamhill, Benton, Clackamas,
Multnomah, Grant and Polk
counties, with Polk county paying
the . largest single tuition bill,
$7,251.34 and Yamhill paying the
smallest, $28.01, to Marlon coun
ty. Of the Marion county tuition
expenditures, the, largest sum
went to the Salem district, a to
tal of $29,788. and the smallest,
but $17.84. to Linn county.
Mrs. Fulkerson says that so far
as she knows, her books are clear,
with no bills outstanding, and the
county school office owing no one.
ords of the nation are stored
was threatened. These were"
damaged by water and smoke.
Carl Moberly. one of the ar
tists, wa carriM unconsoieua
from the studio. Investigation of
the cause of the fire late tonight
was awaiting his recovery.
Flames shot from the roof upoa
the dome of the capitol as fire
men sped from every corner of ti
city. Within a few minutes.
throngs were banking the lawns
of the capitol to watch the fire
fighters scaling the walls in lis
glare of hundreds of lights which
illuminate the dome.
Peculiar ConMi ulion
Impedes Firemen Work
The firemen experienced great
difficulty reaching the studio
with water because of the cmcll
corridors and' winding staircases
to the fourth floor where it is n't
uated. Twenty minutes bad
elapsed before water could ba
played from the long hose )ir
rapidly strung together.
Meanwhile ladders were reared1
up the white sides of the build
ing, and over these more te
was stretched.
- David S. Lynn, the capitol ar
chitect, and police immediately
began an investigation to deter
mine the cause of the blaze. It
was said that a lighted cigarette
might have been responsible.
The alarm was turned in a 7
p. m., by members of the capitol
police force, whose attention fcd
been attracted by smoke torn
time before the source-was de
termined. A general alarm
brought companies from all cor
ners of the city.
Only $3000 Damaae
Done, Chief Declares
Fire Chief Watson announced
the flames had been extinguished
45 minutes later. He estimaied
the damage as slight, and the fig
ure was placed at $3,000 by Lvnn.
Water rushed down the stair
ways of all four floors, f-onw
seeping Into the private offices of
members of the supreme court
and various representatives.
Among these wera the rooms ot
Representative McDuffie of Ala
bama, and McFadden of Pennsyl
vania, who went to the capitol.
Representative Cranston of Mich,
igan, also wa3 there.
The numerous figures in statu
ary hall and the old paintings ia
the corridor, many of them de
picting the history of America,
were unharmed. P00I3 of water
eddied over the granite floor el
the rotunda, however, and here
and there were puddles on the
marble floor of Statuary hall
Once this hall was the chamber
of the house ot representatives,
and thousands of tourists pana
through It annually.
Moberly's Condition
Serious, Indication
Moberly who ta 61 years old
was removed to a hospital as sooa
as his condition warranted. Dr.
George W. Calver, navy physician
(Concluded on Pag 2, Column 3.)
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 3.
(AP) J. H. Bailey, who "skip
ped out" last March after he had
been granted a 10-day stay ot ex
ecution on a sentence of fix
months In the county Jail follow
ing his conviction in federal dis
trict court on a charge of using
the mails to defraud, was return
ed to Portland today by Phil E.
Baer, United States marsnai at
Paris, Tex., and Arthur Magrill,
deputy marshal at Tyler, Tex.
Bailey was re-arrested at Na
cogdoches, Tex., three days after
he had opened a restaurant there,
Baer said. Department of Justice
agents had traced him there.
Bailey was foupd guilty last
March with Elmer C. Splckelmier
and" Ray Shuman. each of whom,
were sentenced to one year and
a day In the federal prison at
McNeil Island. Bailey was fined
$1000 which he paid, and senten
ced to six months. The men wera
charged with reading death no
tices in newspapers, sending cheap
pieces of Jewelry in C. O. D. pack
ages to persons who had died re
cently, for which they charged
exhorbitant prices.
Relatives usually paid for tba
packages, officials said. The mea
were said to have operated out of
Sacramento, Calif., but were ar
rested' on complaint of Portland
Authorities at Roseburg and
Medtord, Ore., are , said to have
asked that BaUeV be held for tbeia
after he completes his Portland
term. -