The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    I- , .
Tb OREGON STATESMAN. Sataa. Oregon. TVcdrisday Morning, Jan nary l; 1930
Announcement Is
l. New Yearns Eve
I , ; Event
r Engagement of Mist Esther
; Marie : Ueffenbach.-; daughter At
Mr.. and Mrs. M. E. Dieffenbaeb,
to Ivan Willlama of Portland be-
ame known" here last night fot-
- - " - '
iwu( ,;,,.ncw - a ear b cti,. u
.1 nouneement party which was held
at '.the Dieffenbaeb. home; . and
came as something of a surprise
fvto the.Irlende.who were first ae
s ejuainted with, the .secret." -r-. ,r
J MiMDjeffeuhach is. well known
i among :the younger, folk. : She was
-graduated ; from the . Salem high
4 geheol with-tho claaj ol 1924, fol
lowing which ; she attended ' WIl
, lamette ior a year.--;,'-
She, gave up a position as clerk
at (noenua .AeauBtaemQssi.rauoTi
late. lasi. summer 10 enter wreson
State college this fall as a. soph
omore. She had been a member
ot tie' demonstration, clertcalforec
f for two yars. She has-been prom
J iMt In, the- activities the'S-"
X X lent Catjoeketin, buita; cubjfft?e"
' it was f ermed inoreT- than 'jttr
v..'ogo-v -.- . . .
- - M r. William i eftagjd,ta bus
tlnessin Portland.- -. . . '
i Itodalehaaieanuhceu-.for
the wedding." aceordiag to friends.
- : - -
St; Joseph - T:
- One of the happy, affairs of the
i week- was tho dinner for which
Father, Buck. was host at the Ma-,
rlon bwtel. Monday, night.;;; Mem-
Ws of the choir wlch sans the
midnight- mass - Christmas ere
were the ifteets dl honor.?. V.ocal
- numbeij and' Violin numbers were
' presented .asparV of anfhwest-
v lng Impromptu' program.:--; '
Vv -Guests for. this affafr were. Mrs.
. "Anna Nash. Mr.'- and Mrs.' Barnard
Krott, Mr. and . Mrs. Raymond
Barton " Mrs.', F. X Alhrieh.-.Miss
Theresa : Albrich, ' Miss" Winifred
' Albfieh. Miss Mary Heenan,. Miss
Mardette Heenan, Miss '.Lillian
Demytt, Miss Mareella Demytt.
Miss Mary : Schoettle, Miss Jose
phine Barr, Mrs. Ivy Cowglll, Mr.
Williams, Mr. Dalk, Joseph Doma
ralla. Mr. Savare.- Mr' Steiner.
Lawrence Alley and Father Buck.
Rebekahs Plan for , .
' Installation Services ;
' Salem Rebekahs made plans at
the Monday night meeting for the
joint ' Installation with the Odd
.Fellows January 13 Mrs. Louise
King, district deputy: and an as
sisting staff will be the installing
team. i . .-
1 Officers to be installed are An
na Beatty. noble grand: Dora Hill
. iTice nible ; grand; Miss Eugenia
- ,6iegmund. v recording secretary:
.Miss Elsie' Townsend, financial
l ecretary;' Louise King,r treasurer,
i - Other business of. interest , was
the reading of the trustees report.
The trustees are Mrs. Myra Ro
bertson, Mrs. Lnella Engstrom,
. hnd Mrs. Carrie' Jennings.
There will be one more eten
':. lng to count on the attendance .
contest. The losing side In this
contest will be . luncheon host
esses to the winning Bide.
' ' - ' l -:i-' ' ..; '.
'AmarantKus Club
Plans Benefit Bridge
The Amaranthus club will be
host for a benefit bridge at St.
Paul's parish ball Friday night
: beginning: at 8 o'clock. Reserra
f (ions may be made with Mrs. T.
f'A. Raffety, Phone 8IS-J. c
. I Mrs. Jay B. Hewitt is in charge
of the program; Mrs. T.-'A. Raf
fety Is in charge . of the' tables:
Mrs. J. Burton Crary has charge
l the refreshments: Mrs. W. P.
r.lia tnd Mrs. G. E. Terwilliger
are charge of the decoration?.
) - :
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roth
entertained in compliment to
Ewlng McCroskey Friday evening
with a farewell dinner. Mr. Mc
Croskey left Tuesday morning for
Los Angeles. Covers were placed
for the honor guest, Mr. McCros
key, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roth,
Miss Eleanor Moore, George Roth,
' Francis Roth, and Mr. and Mrs.
: Theodore Roth. - Later in the eve
ning a group of friends called to
" wish -Mr. McCroskey bon voyage.
'Among this group were Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse ; Sehler, Mr. and - Mrs.
f)tia : Srhlmanii . fr nt Uh
CTen Wright,. Mr.-and Mrs. Lloyd
repper. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Savage, Mr. and
Mrs. Al Fabry, Miss Dorothy
' Moore, and Miss Betty Best. -
nUBBARD-Tie first meeUng
of the -V Hp bbard Gospel Mission
ViH be held at the 1 Mission ball
?er the Central garage Sunday,
? January 5. ; ' ; v -
Recently - a paperlng-bee was
- held and the ball was papered and
put in shape for use. i v;
After the papering was finished
a turkey sapper, at which over 80
were present, was served at the
. Yi ome of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wat
kins. -Henry VonEssen donated a
27 pound. turkey which be had te
eelved -from home folks in the
v. esst.,. :v : . . :";...-,; ;-; :
,. ' " v !
M r. and Mrs. , E. . Donnell en
tertained In compliment to Miss
.Virginia Doc tell -and her fiance,
.Kenneth Perry, with a : dinner
Sunday at the Donnell home. Cov
ers were placed for Miss Donnel
and Mr. Perry, and Mr. and Mrs.
. Carles E. Simpson, Mr, and- Mrs.
XCenneth Perry, Mr, and Mrs. Joe
Lane, Miss Betty ShiplejL Miss
iJorothy . Bell, and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs." Luella Engstrom -visited
Jthe Monitor Rebekah lodge .In an
effkial capacity' Friday evening.
'A pleasant social evening was en
joyed . by a large number of the
folk following the business ses-'
slon. Mrs. Engstrom will .visit th?
Canby lodge some time in Janu
ary, v -x: -X -;V XXX:. ixM
Certha. Junk" Darby and iZIrs.'
Anna Juk spent Christmas weak
la Fvrtlazidy :. '
News and Club
Olive H. Voak,
' v . - Tfednesdar '
En g 1 e w o o d Community
club annnal "holiday party,"
8 o'clock at the home of Mr.
lad Mrs. Frank Lilburno
- -. Tbaraday .
'Mrs. C. ICr Spaalding. host-
ess to Piety Hill club.
. Raphaterian clab meeting
postponed until Jan aary is.
v Chapter G. of the P. E. O.
sisterhood, with Mrs. - AUce
Fisher, 415 Market, street.
' West .Way club. Woman's"
Benefit association, Mrs. Guy
Newgent. 1 , 321 KJngwood
street; West Salem,' between
hours of 2. and S o'clock. V "
" ;.; rFriday;
Leslie Can Do class of Me-
thodist- chareh with' Dr '.
Mrs. B; F: Pound electron of r. 1
Officers.";;..' ; zz't 1"'-" i
. ; Home -Guard of ' Weman'r f t
Home - Missionary 'of Leslie ,
Mrs! B . E. Otlen - ' i. I
- .Smtvr&$ 'V:
,V - tur rewoiar nieetinaj,
" ,T. M. . c. A. lecture room, f.
lilt o'closk. i XiX-'-r: ?t
r Woman's , ' Relief Cerps .f
; Miner's Hall,- ettecav AM
outgoing and ln-comlng offi-
Pfiuicing-Partx 'XX '
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick -Pur-
vine.of Zena; Mr. and Mrs. Hnry
Domes v and Mr. ' and." Mrs.' Frank
BrooAs of McCoy 'sponsored a de
lightful dancing party. Saturday
evening at Domes hall. The affair
was given n honor' of their three
daughters! Miss Marjorie, Wall
ing, Miss Pauline Domes and Misi
Mona Brooks. Following the "danr
cing daintyj. refreshments Vwere
served. . Included in"the guest lift
were the three guests "of honor:
Miss Marjory Wirtling. Miss Paulina
Domes and -Misa Mona Brooks ancl
Mfan Eva Hamilton. Miss Violet Mc
Mahon. Miss Edith Rodjrera. Misa Lu-eHa-
Finn, Miss Alma " Rodsrer. Miss
Dorothy Graves. Miss Ora Linn. MUs
Dorothy Finn. Miss Aliens. Ltnn, Miss
Kva Du Prku, Miss Betty Finn, Miss
Dorothy Kirk wood, Miss Wanda Foun
ier. Miss j Marjorl Stewart,. Miss Be
atrice Hawley, Miss Dorothy Frewing,
Miss Madeline Rhody. Miss Anna
Prans. MIxs Lois Graves. Miss Mildretl
Gormaa.'i Miss Helen Purvine, Miss
Lorine Walling-. Miss Mildred Hiatt,
Miss Irene Windsor. Miss Lucille Wer
ner, Hiss Sadie Schubert, Miss Hazel j
Versteeg-. f Kenneth Babooek, Harold I
smeias, Micnara jjomee, Arthur Chrts
tensen. Donald Shields, Lowell Pur
vine, Virgil McFarland. Theodore Rho
dy, Frank Hamilton. Lloyd Foumicr,
Verlin" Hamilton, Robert Freeman,
Richard Plerson. Eddie Stuckert, Rollo
Cabban. Harold Graves. Dallas Chria-
htensen, Lloyd Tournler, Jesse Wallina;
uesne oiewan, Meroert iarr, Jfillls
WaUIng-. Curtis Dufield. Fred Rhody.'
Brnest Sears. Leland Bosshardt,' Den
sit Wilson. Glenn Holt, James 9heO
ard, JMaurtce- Versteeg. Clifford Stev
ens. Maurice Shepard, Claude Walling,
Kendall Cobban.
Tlie patrons and patronesses were:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker, Mr. and Mrs.
Seymour iWilson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Rodgera, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wind
sor. Mr. and Mrs. . James Brooks. Mr.
and Mrs.; J. i Frederick Puryine,' Mr.
uiu iu. i iii-w j inowi una Mr. ana
Mrs. FraiUt- Brooks. . -
Alpha Chi Omega
Partyj Gay Evening
One of the Jolliest parties of
the holiday season was that for
which members of the Alpha Chi
Omega j sorority alumnae club
were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Chambers Sunday
night. The guest rooms were re
splendent in their holly wreaths,
and Christmas decorations.
The. evening began with a bonf-
fet supper. Following this a de
lightfully informal program and
social evening was enjoyed. Vo-
cal solo! -numbers were . given by
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert . and Mrs,
Martin Ferrey. - .,
r Guests for this attractive affair
were Mr. and Mrs. lionroe ; Gil
bert, M. and Mrs. James Young,
Dr. and; Mrs. Burton Meyers, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Ferrey, Mr. and
Mrs.' Carl - Pope, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis I Griffith, Miss Louise Wil
liamson . Mrs. Williamson, - Miss
Miami Victor, Ernest Bonesteele,
Mr. andMrs. Robert Shinn, Misa
Mildred Grout of Portland. Dr.
William,' S. Cole, Mrs. Oliver Jes
sup. Miss Dorothea Stensloff, Mr.
andMrs. Gardner Knapp, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Chambers.
Ciard'en Club Vill
Hearj J. G. Bacher J
' ' Members of the Salem Garden
club will be happy to learn that
Jv-G-t Bacher of- the Swiss Floral
Co.. of Portland, will be the speak
er for i the coming Garden club
meeting ' Monday night at the
chamber of-commerce rooms at 8
o'clock.! , . - -
The meeting Is open to the pub
lic and! it Is expected that many
folk will Hake ( advantage of the
rare "opportunity offered to -view
!n natural colors many rare flow
er speciments which will be offer
ed, as picture slides daring the
course j-of -Mr. Bachers -; lecture.
These are autochrome pictures,
which means that they are In col
or and make a most Interesting
display iof unusual flowers. . '.-
I Miss McAlpine Has
Watch Night Party
v. Mlsa Margaret McAlpine enter
tained with, eards and - a watch
night party at her home on King
wood Heights New Tear's eve.
Guests for the : evening were
Dr. Estella Ford .Warner, Miss
Agnes Campbell, Miss Roby
BralUka, Miss Mildred Ihrig, Mrs.
Irma Le Rtche, Mlsa Beth Free
man, Miss-vGertrade Breyan, and
Miss Martha Harrison.
Mrs.iOra'McIntlre will be -at
home" ; to her .many friends - be
tween the hours of 2 and S o'clock
this afternoon- at her .borne at
1S80 : Center , street These at
homes") makeT eharmlns ; New.
Year's affair.- . .
;Mrs. 15. Vasi Trump "will, present
her highly interesting , talk - on
i "birds and flowers" before Chap
ter G. cf the P. E. O. sisterhood
meetlsi . Tanrsday afternoon-' at
the home of Mrs. Alice Bates
Fisher.;" T " ; : vr- -
Society Editor
Pattern ,
This Is ,4he type of frock that la
smartest in a thin wooL v It Is in
one piece, this moulded bodice in
delightfur1 contrast-, to the full
flared skirt. -The - - mannish.
notched revers, the double breast
ed effect created by clever placing
of buttons, and' the pointed skirt
section are smart features. r
Design 1803 would be ? eaually
Charming fashioned of wool crepe,
Jersey, kasha or tweed. Mixtures
of brown . and beige, black and
white, green and tan or red, black
and beige, are exceptionaUy at
tractive and smart this season.
Bone or covered buttons are used
for trimming, . - ,'. i .
May Je obtained only in sites IS,
18, 20. 34, 38, 38, 19 and. 42;
Site 16 requires 2Vx yards yards
of 1 54 inch material. . 'C'-'X-l 7
No dressmaking experience la ne
cessary, to make this model. The
pattern baa . ample and exact In
structions. Yardage is given, for
every size.r A perfect fit Is guar
anteed.' I . .
' Patters will- a 4liTrd apea
"reteipt f fifUea eeata im eoias
arefnllj irrapped or stsaips. Be
nr to write slsialy your aaaio,
, sadreaa. ttylo aoaibcr aa4 siso
voated, -
5 Cook is Cfteea eeiMs, put osly :
tan centf whes ordered - trith a
patters. Address all atail sad
order to fltateimaa Patters Da-
SartneBt, 243 West 17th street,
ew York City. .
Mrs. T. A. Livesley
Entertains Visitors
Entertaining for Mr. and Mrs.
Frank L. Montague of New York
City, Mrs. .T. A. Livesley received
guests for an informal afternoon
of contract bridge Monday after
noon and later in the afternoon
additional guests called at the tea
Mr. and Mrs. Montague have
been the guests of Miss Elisabeth
Lord, their niece, for : the past
holiday season. They left Tues
day morning for San Francisco
from which place they will sail in
about a week's time for Honolulu
where they will spend the winter.
vr '.
Mrs. Henry Lee was hostess to
members of her music classes for
a line party Monday afternoon at
the Capitol. . ' -r--;-
A happy afternoon was spent
by, Barbara Miller, Jerry Sim
mons, Joan Simmons, Frances
Chrlstenson, .Helen Chrlstenson
Marian Chase, "Richard Chase,
Mary Louise Hitter, Mary Allen,
Barbara Viesko, Norma Jean Gll
bertson, Maxine Woodfiejd, Jean
ette Arehart Anita Savage, Bar
bara Savage, Doris Sealea, Vir
ginia Macy, Herman Domogalla,
Barbara Kurta, Delia Locke, and
Patay Lee. .
Mrs. W. B. Cheshire and Mrs.
J. D. Foley were hostesses 'for a
T -o'clock dinner and card party
with, which to celebrate the going
out of the old year Tuesday night
at the Foley home.' Covers were
placed .for, Mr. and Mrs. B. E.
SIsson, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Mil
lard, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Miaier,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs. W. M; Pennington,
Mr. and' Mrs. A. E. Slewert, Mr.
and Mrs. WMB. Cheshire and Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Foley. ,
' . " - -
Mlsa Priscilla Fry entertained
with a supper and evening of
bridge at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Fry Men
day sight.
. . . ; "-- ' '1
" Mr. and Mrs. Foster. Cone en
tertained - in compliment to a
group of friends lor dinner before
the t niahee country - club ' dance
New Year's eve. ....
Graham McNamee, - veteran
sports announcer, - Lloyd E. ; Yo
der. former - All-American tackle
and Carl Haverlia. Internationally
known athlete have : been select
ed to announce the' annual lnier
sectlonal classic between? the Uni
versity, of Pittsburgh f and the
University " of Southern Califor
nia at the Pasadena - Rose Bowl
today. ' , -:: -4''
The National Broadcasting
eoBpany wiaiotfer : tho Tram
ikrosga : the Coast-to-Cout set
werkjef NBC. beginning at 2:88
xxmm- '
Affairs !
Seattle ;G we st Is
x Complimented
X x With Tea
; A "charming ; afternoon, tea a:
the4teme of -Mrs. Paul Wallace
in compliment to Mlsa Edna Ster
ling, of Seattlei Tuesday afternoon
was one of the last delightful af
fairs bt 1929. The hours for., tea
were 1 between 3 :'nd 'I "o'clock.
Suggestive of the : holiday" seasosri
were the bowls of red roses, uinjombia liver .gorge and the
red, tapers and. effective, evergreen
decorations which, were arranged
about -the guest reomsv : -
' ; Gatsti wert greeted at-th door
bjz atrs. - x-aui . nuiK ana aw
Sterliag.irho "has-been, brer 'arouse
raest -fosjthe' holiday season.-.Mrs:
1 14 H. rMcMakah. . Mrs. William
Burtrnarat.-r Mrs.' dttXord Bvo.wn;
Miss Margaret Cosper, Miss Mabel
Robertson, and Miss M a r I e
Charehilh: f f Portland assisted
about the iTOemsVjV Jtyzi
f Mra- - Hearyi Meyer aheV Mrsi
Trtak jofia's of Seattle preeWed
"a the 'attractive-tea -tahl which
Was eenteredWftKftHltef
spring- nowsrs-anr tail irory ta-
porsv'w:'-.1,i .iv Zli?.l?f.?-
;'Mlssi.StsrMng :wlll eT ' this
weearend ror seaKia. ii-
Saleni Nile. , Club
v 'Oao of the colortai and dellxht-:
ful dinners fof . tha New!- Year's
week i ; was .that for ; which mem
bers of . the, Salem Daughters of
the. Nile, club were hostesses to
the Shriaers and their: wives Mon
day night in the Masonlo temnlaC
Mrs.nDayidr Wright acted as toast
mistress , and . the speaker of the
evenlng.was .Rex Jjarig Wh0 dls.
cussea the. Shrine hospital and
matters pertaining to It., An inter
esting bit of the program was the
introduction -of the wives of Shrin
en by the Shriners. The public
announcement of NewYear's reso
lutions also caused no little in
terest. v . j'
" Miss Margaret Savage. Miss Ed
na Savage,. Miss Eleanor. Wright.
Miss EloUe Wright. Miss Eleanor
fWagsUft. ; and Miss Bennett, a
group of the Rainbow eirls. as
sisted in serving, i
ir Cards followed the banonet
hour: and honors at the close of
playing went to Mrs. C E. Strick-
lin and Rex Davis, v
Guests for this! affair were Mr.
and Mrs. U F. LeGarie. Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Pratt; Mr. and' Mrs:
Emil HaUk, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Brets, ,Mr. and Mrs; B. B. Flack,
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, Mr.
ana Mrs. ueorge: Dunsford, Mr.
and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Niles, I Dr. and Mrs.
Fred Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. MrB.
Wagstaff, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Rus
sell, Mr. and Mrs.' O E. Stricklin,
Mr and -Mrs. J; A. Bernard!. Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. U. G.
Shipley, Mr. and Mrsr H. C. Love,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Irish or Sil
verton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ed
wards and Miss Rath Edwards of
Turner, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Erlxon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Meseh.
Jndge and Mrs. Henry Bean, Mr.
and Mra. Lester Davis, Mrs. Lu
cille Sweeney, fJndre- O P.
Coshow. . Mr. Vail.. Miss Emil
Nerod. and Dr. and Mrs. O. A.
Olson. - r "
, ....-j . . r
- ,-' v j '-" . 7 -
Bertha Junk DarKv '
Entertains Students
Bertha Junk Darby entertained
with a studio party for a rroun of
her students Saturday afternoon.
Each guest invited -her mother
and a musical-program was pre
sented by the young htndentsi
Tho program opened wltfc a duet
played by Irma Leach and Mary
jane aaams and closed with a
rhythm orchestra number with
Mrs. Darby at the piano. Each
student presented two numbers.
siuaenis presenting .this pro
gram were $lenor Wagner, Alice
garet Siegnrand, Helen Nerger, Ir
ma Leach, and. Mary Jane Adams.
SILVERTON Mr. . and Mrs.
M. G. Gnnderson were hosts at
dinner at their East Hill home
Saturday evening to Mrr. Gander
son's brother. Nijes Paulson of Se
attle, and the Rey. and Mrs. H. I
fobs. Following the dinner ' the
Gnnderson's entertained f or a
number of young . friends during
tfie evening. Those present includ
ed the dinner guest, and Inga - Go
plerud, Gladyce Dahlen, Irene and
Hazel Goyette, Martha and Helen
Thompson,-, Silvia t, Haere, Viola
Larson, Lnella Forland, Frances
Nelson. Cora Goplerad, Mildred
Lee, Esther Towe, Althea Meyer,
cimora jsKiund, Tborvald Han
sen, Maynard i Lovellen, Norman
Jensen, Ludvlg Meyer, John Go
plerad, Jr., . andi Arnold : Thomp
son.' ; -
Judge J. W.' Hamilton of tho
Douglas county circuit court will
continue to serro aa " associate
Justice ol the state supreme' eoart
In' place of Justice ' Brown until
February, c 2S, aceordlngto an
nooocenitmt , made , here Tuesday
by Chief Justice Coshow. s-m
i Justico? Brown was 1 stricken
with Illness early last spring and
spent most of the- rammer at hla
former borne in Roseburg recup
erating. He returned to Salem re
cently. Physicians said that Just
ice" Brown's recovery ..had ' been
satisfactory bat that two months
additional rest would Brora bene
ficial. - i u -r x:
Ja&ss Hamlltca Ixs itrnd u
associate Justlee of the state su-
TTrae courj since las eejtember,
Vast Area Available for I
Summer Playground When
Cascade Highways Built
Hogg Pass Looms as Best Location for Road to
Cross Mountains From Willamette Valley;
Elevation Not Over Five Per Cent : :
A virgin hind -of ruircred
dense forests would be opened
tery developed by the proposed
south Santiam highways. Announcement that: both projects
will be undertaken may' be expected within-the coming- year.
. r ine mgovaxs wouia cross
the lowest gap in the great-mountain range outside of the Co-
Tyaic w central, uregoa
; The great' value, of Hogg pass,:07
because of its low . elevation .and
cbmparitive freedom from .snow
the 'greater part of .the year.waa
appreciated rtuUy- byj," railroad
builders in the early t days, of,, the
state." The -passes, romantleally
ldertitfed with their, struggle to
gain first entrr and aunremacy: in
the, then undeveloped -territory, to
ine east or, ao monntains. v
V . . On HIhwayjMap. ,
The . soutk. SantUna romte has
beeh.on the' state- bl4Vhway-inap
for so m. years. -It would form, a
direct Voute between the' Pacific
rfahwAy t Albany - and .thel Dal-
les-Callfornia . highway .at Bend,
the!" nortlTroiati is .of 'more re-v
cent planning: bat Is aaid to com-
nine . many ; ox - tae advantages of
the south ronfi with that - oi
greater , year-round , service- and
easy accessibility . from Portland
and . northwestern Oregon. -. This
route would connect' the " Pacific
highway wltk Bend throigh Salem":-.-'.'.:
; ; .
Marion county and Salem are
a the development of the north
route but are in no way kostlle
to the construction of the south
route, also, as a proper and
needed extension of, the state's
highway system. Onlr S2 milM
of. road would be required to con
nect tho north route at a junction
with the south route west "of
"OSg pass. - .
ine average grade by the
north route would be three per
cem ana no grade need be more
man rive per cent. The construc
tion needed would be easy, ac
cording to" Conntv Fnrlnor
Swart, who has made a study of
ine project. . ir tne north road is
built. It WW be In .fonlnnMInn
with the federal bureau of . pub
lic ruMus, as me nighwar passes
through the Santiam national
forest. . .
Marlon Offers f 100,000
The federal bureau haa aTraaAv
exhibited an interest
fag some S000 to complete a
survey: of the proposed route, a
report on which Is now being pre
pared. Tho Marion county court;
composed of J. C. Slegmnnd,
county Jndge, J. H. Porter and
J. E. Smith, has fostered the
plan and has offered a Slflfl aaa
contribution, providing the gov-
uxiicui wiu supply the remain
ing funds needed for tho project.
In view of the liberal attitude of
the government toward mm a.
velopment at present, it is re-
garaed as extremely likely that
the bureau -will, approve the plan.
Much of the heavr cnn.n
Uon work that would be required
for the road has already been
done between Niagara and De
troit, although this road would
need to bo widened If it were
?57?y traweled. The north route
avoids tho heavy work required
to construct tho highway around
the north side of Seven-m n a
mountain. by the south ntnr.
would, not bo so likely to be
blocked by snow In winter or to
remain blocked so late into the
The . highway ' J ahead-
miles addlUonal - of Improved
'.Mo"talsi Scenery Fine
The highway would fp a I s
through some of the finest moun
taln scenery 4n the : state. The
ril 1. J' timbered with
Douglas ttt and hemlock chiefly.
The lakes and streams T are of
i. I ? -ly nl w abounding
eepUonaT recreation-'
. j-j- d1 M " t - "aaaaaaaaaaBasBaaaassBasaaBj
BreitentufiK Attracts Many People and Is
y Expected to Increase in Favor ,
The Brelteitbtw HofnriWra ah
the. North Bantiam itrer i;miles
rrosa ; Detroit is UestlneoT- to bes
eomo one of the greatest resorts I
ol its kind on the Paclfia eoast.
accoraing u tnose wno nave been
giving - tho place attention dur
ing th year.'
At tho close of 4hls season 87
new eamn eottae-es bad - . Keen
built, including' 12 of modern do- f
sign. A largo grtmo of tent houses
was also oompleted dnrlnsr the
f summer, -i??-;?--. Xs
Tho swimming tank, 4o by 100
feet with a Tarying depta of front
three to eight-and one half feet
and a dance hair 10 by lee feet
hare been completed. ' :
Now Hotel OonipleCed
A new bote! building and other
improvements are planned daring
the. coming season. -.
, The highway which was) ooxa-
Hip T i
ponrtAnn. onsuon,
- SOOBI S SOSB, Urassjsr -
lxMSS.?l! HIS
aanaMRi! .raoaaa.
mountains, crystal lakes and
and an importanftraffic ar
construction of the north and
me uascaaes- oy nogr pass,
one affordinsr the' most direct
at facilUies . are provided, includ
ing . fishing,, monhtain-climbing,
hunting '.and ; hiking. ' Jefferson
park is a! beauty spot of the Caa
cqvered. "peaks, -Mount, Jefferson.
Three-Tingered ' Jack and 'Mount
Washihgon? r:
.This .virgin land . ; eonstitntea
one of thefew." scenic .and -Are-,
cmtlonal.. spoU . in the slate . not
yet. opened to the, general, public
r.'Baeanie of Its lower !eleTailon.
be Itbt open for a' mwh Jonrtt
Portion of .Ueear.taaavhe Ue-.
senate pass . and. s xoad .by Hcs
pass will greatly, shorten: the dis-
Upff between ,tho c-nohwtej
part .or tie state ad Salem Into
central Oregon. .
Current Radio Pro-
.-.'- 1 -" - rr .' '
. grams ror
J19 Meters, Ml Kcya .
T :4S to- S :40 Houie .tuiaaF - i
S:e to- S :-ooiya; aS6oL - i
S :0-to-l0J Wdmeh'S" pro"grantT
10:0 to lS.-OS Town topka. . . ,
12 .-60 Town topics, , -v - '
IS to 1 Luncheon concert.
to 1:3 Orgad jecltaJ. . .
1:30 to 2 Orchestra.
S to J :1 6 Speaker. ; t .
S:15 to 3 String ensemble..-; -
3 to t Newspaper of the Afr.
8 to t Orchestra.
C to :St) Pipe organ. -
:3e to 7 Popular orchestra.
7 to 7 :30 Studla
7 :30 to 8 -Benson hotel orchestra.
8 to 8 :30 Orchestra.
8 :S0 to 9 String- ensemble.
9. to 9 : JO Popular program.
9:30 to' Vocal proa-ram.- -
19 to 11:30 Mcelroy's Oresonlana
879.5 Meters, 790 Keys.
S to S a. m. Reveille.
10:30 to 11 :30 a. m. Magazine of the
11:30 to IX noon Philharmonic organ.
i to p. m. Kemorandt Trio.
1 to It,: m. Radio Oniiii
2 to 8 US p. , m. National TTomea's
2:li to 3 p. m. Matinee Time. -2
to 4 D. m. The CaAln Door
4 to 4 :30t p. m-St,,..jTancJs Hotel
orcnestra. - . -:.
4:30 -to 6 p.- m. Salute. - ' T
Br to S:30 p. m. The Three Boys.
5:30 to i:4S p. m. News atrvke. .
5:45 to S p. m. Agricultural program.
I :S0 Jo P- n- Studio program. .
5 to 8 f.- m. Roada to Romance."
8 :30 to S :45 p. m. Amos 'n' Andy.
8 :46 to 9 p. m. Hill Billy Boys. .
9 -to 9:30 n. m. Parisian Quintet.
9:30 to 19 p. m. aiiniatura Biocra-
10 to 10:15 D. m Snorts Talk.
10:ir to i ll p. m. Ths Cotton Blos
som aaiui8trei&
11 to 13 midnight St Francis Hotel
Hotel dance orchestra.
483.S Meters. 820 Keys.
7 to a. m. -"Making Merrj-," KPa
8 to 9 a. m X'RT' "
9 to t :10 a.- m. News.
9:10to.:30 a. m. Cooking school.
9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Town Crier.
10 :30 to 11 :30 a. m. NBC
11 :30 to 13 noon Studio records.
i; to is:sv p. m.-nrgan recital.
13:30 to 1 p. m. Hollywood organ.
1 to t a m. NBC '
to 8:30 p. m. Musical entertain
ment. 3 to 4 . m. NBC.
4 to 4:30 p. m. Service Hour.
4 :30 to p. m. NBC. -
6 to S p. m. Children's Hour.
5 to 7:30 p. m. NBC
7:30 to. S p. m. Studio program.
8 to SHO r. m. NBC-'
SjSO to 8:49 p. m-Amos n" Andy.
9:30 to 10 p. m. Veedol Vodvil. .
10 to 11 p: m. Concert orchestra
from KO
11 to 13 midsight-
- Dance band.
309.1 Metars, 970 Kcys.
f .'BE a. Bl.-InTiimiHonl aonrlAaa
g t -illZ?7
pleted to the springs this year has
opened the resort to the public in
wy er Jheforo equalled. The
i DrtBs has been an
alysed and found rich in curatrve
properties. It is estimated mat
there are? too springs In. the
groun subject to development and
' M; p Bruckman la the proprle-
t0' ?n ehargo ot the. springs re
sort; He reports' that the patron
age has been : very heaw - thia
' Amalgamated
Mining . 1
o Corporation .
' .(An Oregon Corporation)
Capital Stock $500,003
par walne $1 ".
r Kon-Assessable "
10M00 Bharea AvalUblo .1
.-for Subscription
ifoney ; from - this Stock
Sold is to be used to com
plete tho road and purchase
machinery. -t- .
7 No salaries are to paid to
office rs until mine is on a -paying
business. - j; "
:i ; v ForrFHll Information '
The Axsalanated :
Hiniajf Corporalica -
17 Postal Bids. v .
; Portland, Oregon '
Or R, XJ, Tyson, -
T7ooiiurn, Crc-oa r
Actiyiteoi Year Told
'.: About byiSchodl Head
Purpose of Fitting Class to Child Being Car: I ;
nea uut w ltn "wonsiaeraoie oucccss ui , . . j
..Opinlbn'of Local Superintendent : ;
Nothing "baa ' been-' more out-
standing In the school system this
year than, the Interest which par
ents - areV berlnnlnr a ito-take
George Hur, . cityschool su
perlntendeht," said in .giring'.a re-
sume of .the school ;actiTiues np
to that, pfesentr time. K.-c-Ci
V "Interest" of the-' parents is ov.
erbaiatt6iofi.lhe;?oM, -mossbaxk
idea that webDols are" onlys for
teaehinit- reading.' wMtinaHrand-
arlthmetie.'tkHug.ri.reniarkod. InJ
commenuag on the new public:
interest.' .ar, 'f i. J.
." Thin interest W as much- 'due' to-
realization that tho school system
is ' building Masses Vafoand " th 5
child instead of the cfiild" arOunat
the' classes; That miai purpose5 hka'
made greater rogteia- thlsTjeat
is evident in the M'couhrof school
work : kiten by. the superintendent;
In the high "scbooir probably
tho' rreafest "sInglo fttria and
enanre 'have- 'been rmade" 'These
re briefly reTiawed -1y the ; upr-
Ihtendenti - o ;
'ReorsJaatibn. of tho senior"
ISfgli" school at the beglnnlag. - of
.tae f all termpn-a nre-period.da
with'Yu'nenrlsed stndr and 'ererr-.
thine ' based on - tho ' hour "period
is!worklng.out most satisfactorily.
This reorganisation cannot be.
mentioned without -.recognizing.
me-nome room or acuity, period
wnicn occurs Irons. I2r30 to l:X0
o'clock .each ."day; and: which ,s
giyen oyer to. general assemnuef ,
meeting of smaller groups; .class
meeung, ciuo sessions and otner
extra-curricnlar actiTity. -
Some dissatisfaction - in the re
organized study erograni has
been expressed from tho commer
cial and;, rocational ; departmentar
mac tnere, is not enougn time ior
classes ana particularly mac.Dppc-
keeping has. had to bo cut short.
but ."on the whole the schedule is
working efficiently and with ben
efit to pupils. -
These ehanges were worked out
by Tred D. Wolf, who Is serving
his first year as high school prin
clpal, and R. W. Ta vernier, form
er assistant high school principal
who this year was promoted to
the position of secondary school
supervisor. Hand in hand with the
study room and class changes, or
rather as a result of them, has
come a bait to the noise and loose
ness which has for several years
Characterized the study halls and
tne general action over the build
lng. - .
The superintendent feels' that
the biggest advance made in the
high school has been this cheek
lng up on student discipline-
sdent Finances Checked
This year the student body fi
nances have also been reorganiz
ed, the principal being placed in
direct charge and the v bookkeep
ing unaer me airectlon.of Albert
tteWelt, Instructor in the commer
cial department. This' new system
9a, m. T. M. C. A. health exerciser -
10.:JS 1 VeOna Socotofeky and
nayoen Morris.
10:30 a. m. NRf
11:30 a. m. Orchestra; O. Donald
1Ji)mn?r-ra-','Tn,at tor
13 :30 p." m. Grain, fruit and vege
table renorta. .
12 n1- Orchestra ; Rbena Marl
shall, soprano.
1 to S p. mw NBC
3 :15 p. m. Orehestra ; VeOna Socolof-
say, soprano. , ...
S n. m.-MTir .-..'
...I etoc hond and grain quo
tations. .- . i . .i .. . .
8 :15 p. m. Artlttle ensemble with
a JHDMtvedt. contnUto.
0 to :30 p. m. NBC.
if- P; Orchestra Perdin Kors-
mo, tenor.
U k. m Vnn
8:45 p. as. Orchestra
- chorua
with - mixed
9 :30 p. m. Veedol Vodvil.
11 p. m. News flashes.
11 :15 p. m. NBC - - :
13 to
ii :so a.
m. Organ recital.
iU.l Meters, 1180 Keys.
P" m. Popular program.
P. m. Lyric Hour. -
p. nv Studio prosram. - - .
'ja,,"le,v,n n4 Merciful. ;
.30 p. m. Song recital-
Srsrvs-. .
n.a - " "c num.
.3V P. mv Wahei. - iiui
OjieBundrei 6aroi
from Now.,. 7 "
. - J Tlie Perpetual protcstioa plan -
' 7., i i Proof ot the valua -, - .
":"r f an eadurii-, safely guard- V '
.-. A :.; eovriacat f rad. "J. .X ?"
. ; ' : Tlltit '' x: 'X
. -'.v...- r- ' - - '.
- - V '-""."-J ' " - -!- ' -J'
x':e hereof '
;,;MMdRiL"PTr ' '
C!ilL-!aC:- .ltjr . . , V
f is worktnVi t Very aatlsf actbrily. ,
1 Another thing,' entirely-new o
tne high school? and' somethlns;
which . haitbeen - needed has beea .
the -jhyslcal i examinations - given -everyjL
high: ' school t boy, and , girl;
under the supervision ot Dr. Ed- j '
wara bee- stasseu, . scnoot pnysM . ,
CUn. Beginning, this: year,- It -has
I been - comnnlsory f or eyeryi; stu-.
iifni sea utamauiim a i i ia sua. uuiaii aaaa . t
mmm. mw, Sr mm. m dm Mm M MM AW W n nisi mm. m aja a aas Jh m -
iliirailnn wnrlr- for. tares -nerioda " " '.
a ,week. -To.this eadc the students
wero classifledifpr;fttnessto
uhjr, festrkfttT'i orirst: period ;
gymnasium, classes ;followipg;the 1 f
nhirlii " Tlmlnltlnna . a a . .nr1 .. j
nf thalnhvsiral nration t'Srned
t n -V . . I I. .M - W - .r
ijairl "elrht. weeks f swimmlna - lnr - T, .
struetlonW the 2 schools axranging H -f
witn tae f or use of, tno :
swimming; tank, there.tfnder- tho'f ; "
Kireduie every boy will bave.elght
-- mm . - ' A . " - . a " a" -
weeks , of swimra; . instrucuon, -j
, . . Bcbooi : Battdlsg- BeaMered . - -j
.'Minor . ehanres ' which " nav-- i
school liavt.bee'n a cianjo ef tto& y
dent body headuarteri to a-room J - V
wvuuu us uvnrr, rvaicB u - .
Jarre aBduehlirhteT'than thoi!
snin s 1 1 1 1 e s 1 11 1 1 ww nss VTnisr sawvwt sirTi ssaa m:
..'- M Lam i X ' A - A. - - w .
wa w V Vi a ; vot avi o p jfcjja viut a if v
Hon" on theVfMrth floor 6Tisepr.. "
office? fore. r'at thepicipr XtX
nMrnm .ilnliw wa' MflW ' Ilia mhIi1' '.
susiBti uauu aiawuxu m cfi&UKB a an Laient j .
gesfkn and crowded condition; la r:; t
tha Mrh rftoal hitll'tfiir: 1 ilni.- ;
plifled atteddancoreportjias j been" ';. ;
out' into use which' Tecrtures ; lest V ;
clerical work : through the In tel- -
ugenco squaa a better system oc . i
room-to-room announcements has ; "
been' started. ' ; " , ;;...' , A
"rVhile curriculum changea have", ...
. as. . nanviiir, i mi rw tituiti vna
UaCHIrig force, the work ia being; l
carried: efficiently with' one-half !
aT " " " . " V- Mi 1 . . - - - m. . - I
less- teacner than a, year ago, x -v
The " part-time continuation.
school, which ia conducted in the -
high school building in eonnec
Uon -with me Smith-Hughes work,
Is making. excellent progress,' Has
slates, : and is developing to tho
stage where not so many seventh.' .
and eighth, graders are coming J
to complete their elementary edu-
cation, but to where nigh school 1:
students who are workine to maka !
their expenses are coming back to
rinish their nigh" school course, i :
mj. vuxo uaugs vi anairs, me eu j
perintendent sees a rratifyine in-1
cicauon. - --:-
Ella JL Harris, of Brooks. Ore.
will today receive ' a New Teara
present of a $160 check, whick
will -be very -welcome as well as
deserveaV--f . "-- -1f---
She received from The States
man one of the accident policies
ATkA aw Am m. m m,
"mi are given ror si witn a sub
scription to this newspaner. On
August 4th the Harris car was
struck by another car,, at tho "
crossing; of tho Pacific- hizhwar -
and .tho- Brooks pared road, and
Mrs. Harris received east and
braises that disabled ; har- for is I
weeks'. The policy provides that ia
such cases II 0 a week ia sUowmL -
That accounts" for the $150 New
tear s .presentrv"- -:: .i -
Her friends will say that rood Z
lady made sound 'Inrestment s i
when she paid $1 in addition to .
ner subscription money, for this :
protection, resulting . in .the i fino -
present.- -
B. Y. P. TJ. IS BUST v
Tho B. T.-E. U. of the , baptist -chareh
and League of the Metho
dist ehurcll ; are . each, having a
New: Year's party. Tha league Is
giTlng their ; party fr for students
who hare boenr rone e tvir to.
school and are, at home now. I- -
The tavestmeht for drilllnr an-
paratus In oil fields near Okla
homo City is estimated tt til.
if .