PAGE TWO '-.-- r - th- OREGON STATESilATT. Salefa Oregon. WeneklaT Eltfroinsr. Jnaary L 1520 ' - - - " ' ' ' ; 1 . . 1 1 ' i ' ' ' i i . . ... i ... i l ' " i i .... .i , . he did not f""Si0ni T S woald are v .r - TDCTPTmrc The Call 8R0I II SCOPE MM ETITIFS . W BBW Self Governed Work Carried On In 52 Countries Of World The T. M. C. A. Is trsly a world wide organisation, with activities In 52 different countries. The North American Aasocietioae loan ecretaries to assist la the estab lishment pt the work In theee various countries, bat the work Itself If self-governing, self sup porting and self propagating. The T. M. C A. has had a great Iqflsenee la China. Dr. C. T. Wang-, Minuter of Foreign. Af fairs of China, was the first Chinese Secretary of the Y M. C. A. of China. H. H. Kong. Chin ese Minister of Commerce and many other Chinese officials are outstanding leaders la the T. C.'A. Jerusalem to BnlUI ..Jerusalem will have ' a wonder- , tul modern Y. M. C. A. building costing about one million dollar, the'' gift of prominent AmeHcans. l . Poland has a fine National Y. M. C. A." Movement with Paul Super, loaned by America, as the ' advising secretary. Much might be said of the Y. M. C. A work in Japan, Korea, India, Egypt, the South African Countries and. the Eonth American Countries, Mex ico and others.. There .is no question but that tbe Y. M. C. A. has a great influ ence trpon the youth of the world. ASTORIA IS 6IVEK r'inal refund of taxes to the city of Astoria, under a relief act enacted by the state legislature in 123, was made by the secretary of-' state here Tuesday.- The refund was in the amount of $27, 3j.67. ' jThe law was passed by the leg islature following the fire which wiped out a large part of the As toria business district. Since the law became effective April, 1923. there has been refunded to the City of 'Astoria i taxes in the amennt of S411.01.J. The law provided for refundment of all state taxes within thei corporate limits of the municipality. The rotunds, nnder the law, were to continue for seven years. ?A report prepared by the sec retary of state here Tuesday $wedT that Jn 1123 the tax re fund aggregated S77,Kl:.e7;7The. lt24. refund was $59,78 and the 1925 refund S5j7.M1.47. Other refunds follow: 192S, $54,209. 23; 127, $53, 223.64; 192S, $54,788.37, and 1929, f 54, 449.- . fcThe refunds were made -twice each year. ft Body Identified y After Accident .,; Brings Fatality $ COLUMBUS, Tex.j Dec. 31. SZ7.224.B4 REFUND IAf) xne body or a man killed , la ', an automobile accident here - last Saturday, was Identified . to day by G. D. McDonald, civil eu 'gineer for the Southern Pacific ' lines, as that of' John Wiathrop Sargent. ; McDonald knew Sargent Inti mately In Pern several years ago andv said that a v brother of the dead man, Roy Sargeat, was in Caracas, Venezuela. The engineer described 8argent as a "chaser of rainbows." The theory that the - victim was a aoted scientist al . ready had been dissipated by his diary which told a more romantic - story of a crowded life and a tu multuous career brought to end vi a iimu aer ure California produces in excess of $6,990,909 worth of tomatoes aa- aaaliy. ; - To Our Patrons and Friends "A Happy New Year" and the GRAND THEATRE assures yon that the. New Year will be a happy one, with the announcement of the opeaiag of oar latest Western Electric Vitaphoae aad Movietone equipment with Just a few ot the Talkies yon will See and Hear. ALICE WHITE'S Tke Girl Frtna WoohrortW Tke Great Divide All Talklag Vttaphoae Drama from oae ot the Stage's biggest s accesses. .- - : r i v "-. "JAZZ HEAVEN : TANNED LEGS" i wvB xxkrroir jnVIXCOlIE DANGEir mo MTAH ' OTE VEUT IDEA xa&ny taore te-bo sa nenncef later. : Afala we wCl ACTIVITY NEED CITED Human Body Held Not Often Properly Gared G YM WORK STRESSED By ELIZABETH ROWLEY Wtan'i Phrtieu , XaatraeUr Sines-'every Irving' httmaa pos sesses a body, the Importance of keeping It fit sho!d be compre hended; but Isn't." Part 'of the waking hoars of every r person MUt be given to bodily activity If a pbysique is to be built ap- and malotatnodv The gymnasium and swimming "pool art major aids, la, the Salem Y. M. a A. , building, where by courtesy the Y. W. C. A. carries oa activities the year around, 8alem girls and women possess ast invaluable opportunity for phystclal benefits. There is no better evidence that all this is appreciated than to see 40 or mere children In the pool at one time, receiving Instruction la swimming, practicing .for or tak ing the various tests that are given them. . The pool Is 29 feet wide, 69 feet long, three feet 'deep at the shallow end and eight feet at the deepest. The pool fa all made of tile and a good diving board is at the deep end. A place for spectators Is reserved at one side of the pool, a door from the wo men's shower room opens on to the shallow end. one from the men's at tbe deep. Well-filtered water enters jthe pool through two intakes at the shallow end, and exits through a drain at the deepest part, where it goes through the filter and . returns, making a complete change about every eight hours. The room is well ventilated by windows around two sides of it. Once a week a water vacuum cleaner removes all dirt from the walls and floor of the tank. Gym and Pool Attract The gym and swimming pool attract all classes and sizes of women, girls and children. With a membership of 300 the Y. W. C. A. is doing here the body- de-1 veiopment of children. Women are showing Increasing interest every year in gymnasium work. The gymnasium is equip ped with stall bars and wall exer cisers, a piano stands in one cor ner and a punching bag In the other. An alcove containing the movable apparatus horse, buck, parallel bars, wants and dumb bells. The floor Is lined for bas ketball and other popular games. A rolled volleyball net hangs from the ceiling ready for use. Mats are conspicuous along the walls. A balcony for spectators is built along three sides of the room. . There Is a thrill coming to you the first time you find yon have rested on the surface of the water and can remain there at wilL After half an hour spent In the PORTLAND'S SECRETARY ' LAUDS SALEM DIRECTORS Local Y. M. C. A. Administrators Among Very Best Declares Harry W. Stone The Salem Y. M. C. A. Is for tunate in its Board of Directors, Harry W. Stone of the Portland M. C. A. has repeatedly said that it Is one of the best that he knows of anywhere. The mem- in the elty and have a deep inter- bers are prominent men of affairs est In the Y. M. C. A. It Is interesting that the Asso ciation has had but three presi dents la the 38 years. H. S. Gile, Fred Wiggins and W. I. Staley, respectively. ' The Directors not only give largely of their time but gener ously of their money. . About 25 per ceat of the money subscribed GRAND THEATRE TODAY AND THURSDAY ' FRAZIER PLAYERS , present ! .,- X THE TOWN MARSHAL" " Comedy-Drama fat 4 Fob Acts ' ' With BILLDJ BINGHAM - RICHARD FRAZ1ER ON THE Vith I i '": v", ' 15e - 35c V" GREETINGS Ferry'c Drug Store ' 11S South Ccsssterdal Street pool you take a comfortable shower and 9dress for the gym floor..., -. , . Classes la the gym begin wltft a short marching- drflto warm p. Then the real work begins With eal asthenics, thero sro some bar aad wand exercises too. The session ends with jamea. When yon coma off the gym floor you feel that every muscle from head to foot ba been exercised. Altar a shower yea dross, feeling; like A new ; woman. If you have coma to the Y already fortunate enough reversed and you be da with grnv reversed and ye vbegia with gym nasium, thea go to the pool for an open gym class, where ifyon wish Instruction yon may hare It for the asking, orenjoy yourself at wilL , - : ' -. - All the afternoon is devoted to children, and their water antics are always an interesting sight. Grammar school girls remain in the beginners' clasa until they have passed the Red Cross begin ners test. Then they are ad vanced. Xa the second afternoon class children may bo seen taking tests of all kinds and learning to swim and dive. The next class Is for Junior and senior high school girls. The last class In the after, noon Is 'composed of girls desiring either junior or senior life sav ing. . Here they learn the latest Red Cross methods of life saving and artificial respiration. After passing this test four hoars of volunteer service Is reauired of them before they receive their emblems. ' The evening is a repetition of the morning, but Is given tor the benefit of business girls and wom en. Thursday morning: the . gym class Is given over to games. Just now volleyball is being empha sized. Soon after the new rar the teams plan to play tourna ment. ' Paul Wallace Praises Local- Y M. Cm A Work PAUL B. WALLACE The Christian work of the Y- M.C.A. is done through coopera tion with the churches of the com munity, by direct teaching In the boys' clubs, by personal Interviews and by the personal example of the men composing the stafL I know personally many men whose lives have been definitely influenced for a Christian life through coming in contact In a Y.M.C.A. with some strong per sonality, as secretaries or physical director. . In the building campaign and about 13 per cent of the member ship receipts cvmes from this group. The following is the personnel of the Board: W. L Staley. presi dent; 11. j. Hendricks, vice presi- aeni; jos. H. Albert, treasurer: Paul Acton, secretary; Carle Abrams, F. E. Brown, O. P. Co show, D. W. Eyre. M. O. Flndley, John H. Farrar, Roy Hewitt, T. M. Hicks, George W. Hug, D. B. Jarman, W. T. Jenks, T. B. Kay, A. A. Lee, T. A. Llvosley, James Nicholson, Paul B. Wallace, R. Lee Wood. SCREEN SOON! THE rraUdesw Watcht i Walt! Board Dy OLIVE IL DO AE . HOLLYWOOD -.: JTrfi Cfitrf st. u w Te6yWTae Little Wild- ear-? Manhattan Flajert "Av-Xevada, Divorcer- " Thursday "The little WUdcaTMasdiMte .pJa- rs "A Kevad Dfvowo. - v FfWay na l Callfor- is,"-- '': ' ;.:'v".. CAJtOOi - Stat St., bUswe Qtswsi Bif i Today Xasi i Hyster- teal Night" with, Tflma.Ban ky. - ; r... ".- ' ;i '" , CBAKD " Vrth Bick St. Mmt MuU Blfh TadAr-wAJr CircnS." - ' Thursday- "Mother Knows Best' and the Frailer players la "The Towa Marsball.- . , Friday "Mother Knows Best" "had the Frailer players la "The Towa BlarshaU." FOR ELSIXOBE Soutk mgk ktvNt 8t A Terrf Codl B. De Mine' has' again achieved la the lirst talking pro duction to be directed by him "Dynamite," at the Fox Elslnore. beginning today. The theme of the play Is -not so powerful although It is a bit out of the ordinary and certainly Is tense the plot Is that of freak will whereby a girl has to be married and living with her husband on the 23rd birthday or else forfeit the fortune left her by her grandfather. The man whom she wishes to marry is a married man aad cannot) get a-, divorce and so the "kick-oft? for a thrilling picture. A picture whose unusual slanta and amazing photography keep one fairly breathless at the daring and dramatic situations de veloped. Yilma Banky Is at Bligh's Cap itol beginning today in "One Hysterical Night." Miss Banky is a sleek blond who knows full well tinw ti An hlnnri "ftrAt ftarhn " Sne 18 Russian, having only been in 111 UUllCU DtatVB IVl ItlO J a I She came hero as a emigrant and the play In which she Is now ap pearing at the Capitol has to do with emigrants, and tbe same Bi lls Island station through which Miss Banky came five years ago Miss Bany has a delightful voice. highly tinged with her Russian background. The Grand will offer for Its New- Year's production "Air Cir cus" and It will be found to be foil of thrills and excitement enough with which to start off the New Year. David Rawlins and Sue Carol are featured in this play. The .Hollywood, is presenting plenty of comedy to start thoJCew Year off right in "The, Little , Wildcat" vWlth Audrey Ferris and Doris Dawson playing the femln ine leads. The plot Is the scramble of two girls for the same man, and this Is quite badly . mixed up with an aviator and his desire procure a landing field from the grandfath er of the two girls. A story of love and laughter it is called and it seems to be justly so called. Juice of the cassava plant ls.l poisonous until heated. Then, when cooled In water, the big drops become tapioca and the lit tle drops, sago. Hollywood Theatre . Today and Thursday: Oonttstaoas Today I t 11 P. L SEE and HEAR, iiiii ' Oa The Stage ; : THE r.lANHATTAN FLAYERS ' . ' 'Prsseat ; " . 4 snappy t Art Comedy Pram ' ;44A;Nsva Divorce Priest Adults tSs ' ChOdrea 18e .. " ' eosDciHis InsffiBoS. Hzs Direct Coni Uct hrA Influences Lives Of 1()00 Youths By FHANJC A. SBOWH - Chairman Boys' Work ' This' Is a cordial larttatlos to tas.citixeaxy of Salem anA viels- Ity to Tlstt the hers department oC. the. Salem Y. J- C. A ; BmIIt quipped aad ffialntafnad so-caro-tvXfc that it jalght sort worth ily l the character education ed the hoys of the eommsnfty All are welcome" to avail5 themselves of itsr advantagee. - Many parents are aekaowlodging the unlade tjlaee which tie Y. M. C, A, u able to CUitf cooperating witlt them In the home character build ing program of their growing bars. . v'" Onlr as one steps into tne baUdlng sad senses its well ap pointed orderliness snd takes the time to know the employed stafi can one fully appreciate that Christian thinking, fair dealing and clean Irving abound -and- are indelibly written into the Uvea of the boys who frequent this' wholesome place. Boys Work In Groups The activties of boys must be. In. groups. The Y. M. C. A., us ing the short term, has designat ed them aso clubs. Three cross sections through the boys work program will give yon as to locality, building, com munity and county, older boys conference and camps; as to age and school placing, grammer school, junior high and high school; as to the Christian citi zenship training program, in which it is the purpose of all ages, Jo engage, friendly .Indians, pioneers,' comrades. -J ' ' In the building activities, 525 are enrolled, 209 in ehurcn clubs. 59 in county Hi Y clubs, 49 to the recent Willamette Val ley Older Boy's conference at Mc Minnville, 139 to the Marion and Polk County conference. The. T. has direct contact with more than. 1909 boys. The Salem Y. M. C. A. Is to have a camp of its very own at Oceanside. The splendid gift of Rosenberg Brothers of Tilla mook. Two camps Instead of one. Last year 60 boys bad the time of their lives, at Elk Lake, next sumer 159 boys in camp." An all round, year round pro- enriching, health promoting, vis- loned and carried forward by Salem's thinking purposeful men for other's sons and their's. Air mail loads between Seattle and Los Angeles tripled in 1129. HAPPY NEW YEAR! This SuncUy Brings r I i A WlvaiAL SQfQCTrOM AConRIot I Coming Thanday f , VIOIA BANKY J b bes let rtaBJo I, JTWa U U M r rr r , p y j r HUNDREDS TAUGHT HOW TO SWIM AT Y. II. C. Aj Program Carriecl Out Here Compared Favor- ; aiJy With Operations Elsewhere .: Hundreds of Salem men; boys. womea and girls have learned to rrM at the localT. If. f A. la faet the national Y. M. C A. has dose more to promote swimming sat m 'laIhTayowglionYnU United States thaaany otbr in stitution la - tbe - world. Every year these easociatleas teach hun- droda -of thousands not only ? to swfaa. Jbut to sirlm prell - .-5 There la no more beneficial x- erttse thaa swimming. Football, basketball and' baseball can be pliyed only n to the average Of 25 years of age. After that their strenuous demands make it im possible t eoatinae them,' but swimming caa be carried Ion all through Ufe to promote health, physical vigor and long life. -i In Salem there1 are men aad Srdmea past CO years of age who swim regularly lit the Y. M. C. A. pobL The pool Is sanitary and tested, and is bacteria -probf. uV T 'ft) 1 5 ; rgq' . 11 -s&rQr and receive the rv. - MB C-m 4j for At - V7c3Ccr?n; Class are held regularly for mea, boys, girls and ladles; la tett, the esaociatloaaiavUe ye to come and learn to swim. Idaho Strong Support For Appbiniiheht WASHINGTON..: pec. ' tU . CAPJ-WhUe one Jnrlst, Robert M. Jones l Tennessee, was seek ing to avoid service on the Inter state Commerce "commission' to day, the friends oa another, Wil liam E Lee, of Idaho, were arg lng his appointment to that gov ernment agency. In a sUtement at his home la Knozrllle. Chancellor; Jones r whose nomination his been held nn In the senate on objection of Senator l?laclc of Alabama saia mummLQ AND ALL CECIL Picture PAKAMOUNI NEWS . LPWYM - S4AYS WcrMm. THURSDAY FRIDAY J 7ere Uou Credit By eoUff roar account with J7crtra Csrh-s NOW of before January 12. yoa will ttszirm thm uonA yoa ttatted you? money csrsins tr a ths tit tony paid shares pka CT Aay ttccltCca eta ytw diooeet adept. CUrt" today, Throab this U tcrc!L!a. a4- f ervUed md loa esiaiIaied Cay&ss sad K f your priadptl sad witidraSff ( iiwytifansted in first rr-rt ilTiS ! , fasten mbn tiera ' AstOvcyClfficocO0; THt Ciapea st S- mmjq ssssssasCa ' : '' ' ' r ' TODAY Katlaee- Evealajr "THE AIR CIRCUS,, - wlta DATS ROLLINS - ' ' SUE CAROL Romance and yoath ftffttoj clouds sad.b tbe thrflls! Also COMEDY Watch oar ads for opening date of ear talkies aad tbe first f oar brUUanf array of feature pictures. B. DEMILLE S- of Pictures j n IM(5)EaE mm CONRAD NAGEL CAY JOHMSOU CHARLES BICUFORD JULIA FAYE m receive , , - : ' " . JV . - - ;V : .ill oaf It vrta pay yo texwatca " aad Walt. r " 1- i mdn l-rr ' i i J