The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 29, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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Theatre -Dinner
Party Is Gay
AMONG the - m an 7 affair
which. hare marked tho Taxa
tion time for the younger folk
oT the cltr was the thestre-dlnner-dance
party for , which - Mrs. . J.
Norine Flck cotertaiaed Saturday
erening In compliment of her
: daughter, Miss Roth Fiek. .
The party went first to attend
the Fox Elsinore theatre mad then
- returned -to the Flck- home on
North 13 th street, where dancing
. was enjoyed aatil a late hoar and
the erening concluded with a mid-
night supper. :
The Ions supper table was cen
tered with red tapers and holly.
A . gay Christmas tree graced the
room where the young folk'danc
J ed. Mrs. J. J. Light ner assisted
. Mrs. Flck in reeeiring the young
. -folk.' . 4 ".. ;": -f- '. : " v . - " v
Guests tor this affair were
Misses Ruth Fickt Virginia- Sisson,
Katherine Corey - Virginia Holt.
Margaret Wagner, Helen - Olson,
Misers. Gordon Bennett Pan!
, ' Wagner, Lee Coe Da rid Frye.
. Charles K. Bishop and - Herbert
Hobson. .
-- .f .
Bridge Afternoon
Is Younger Set -
' JVI RICK was a charming hos
- tees for an afternoon ; of
bridge at the country home of her
parents Friday afternoon for .flTe
tables of bridge in compliment to
' a group of the younger set,.;The
guest rooms were most attraetlTe
tn the gay colors of green and
red In keeping with the Christmas
season. Holly, ' mistletoe, red ta-
'; pers, and a gay Christmas tree
and eren the menu set this color
note for the party.
- Honors for the afternoon of
cards went: to Katherine. Goulet
and Grace Day. Following cards
refreshments were serred. Miss
fjErelyn 'Young assisted the . hos
tess in serring. v .
. Guests for this affair were Miss
es Dorothy . Moore, Grace Day,
Fern-Harris, Jean Eastridge, Ka-
- therine . Goulet, Dorothy . Dalk.
Margaret : Magee,' Margaret Helt
sel. Helen Larson,-Dorothy Ross,
Rita.Godsey, Alice Rodgers, Ro-
.berta Mills, Katheryn Rowe, Dol
ly Morgall, Ruth Chapman, El
eanor Roque, Ann Fitzpatrick, Ed
ith Clement, Erelyn Young, and
Kathleen Fittpatrick.
: '.- ;, . .' v
Wobdburn E, CX
Enjoys Program
WDODBURX. Mrs. Eugene
Moshberger and Miss Mary Scol
lard were joint hostesses to Chap
ter J of the P. E. O. at the home
of Mrs. Moshberger Thursday.
Mrs. Katherine Powell substi
tuted for Mrs. A. H. Dean la her
absence and - read the chapter
from the "Globegadders Diary"
that dealt with the Holy land. A
Christmas tree was gaily decked
In Christmas colors and the ladles
drew numbers and exchanged,
girts. Daring the exchanging.
Miss Wrima Morrison played ser
, eral Christmas carols.
Refreshments were serred by
the hostesses assisted' by .Mrs.
Fred G. Erenden.
Additional guests were Miss
Merle Han ot Lewlston Idaho.
Miss Lake G. Watson of KaUspel,
Montana, -and Mrs. Victor Ballan-
tyne of Monmouth, Oregon.
. . " V m '
- .Miss. Elaine- McConnelL Miss
. Rachel Howard, Miss Loretta
Matthes, Claude Matthes, William
. Trlndle, Jr., and Boyd Trindl of
Seattle are spending the weekend
t Neskowin and -Deylls Lake.
? Hiss Nancy Thielsen; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Thielsen who is home from the University of Oregon for the
I zlZszSr'Zli:; Thielsen is one of 1& most activ4 members of
C.z i-iversity campus in both- musical end dramatic circles.
. . . 1 1 "s Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
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: I r Today We Present . .. . HWL W-u-
X'. ' 'x one exception a group of girls home from college ,
Merle Travis " Home -
Stne of Jolly Party y-
Oae of the gay Christmas af
fairs was the house party for
which Mr. and Mrs. Merle Tra-
tIs were hosts Christmas ere and
Christmas day. Christmas ere
the large rayly decorated And
lighted tree .holding Its load of
presents was the center of a Jol
ly erening. Christmas day was
marked with a large family din
ner. .
The long table at: -which- the
guests were seated was centered
with a loTely Jerusalemtberry
and bn either side of it were- tall
red tapers in crystal holders. Cot-
ers -were placed for Mr. and Mrs.
William. C. Lawrence. . Mr. and
Mrs. LloYd M. Roberts) Mr. and
Mrs. James E. Haines, and J. W.
Wheeler all of Portland, and Mr.
and Mrs. Merle Trarls.
The guests 4eft Wednesday ev
ening for their homes In Port
land. Mrs. William C. Lawrence
is spending the weekend wltluaer
aangnter Mrs. Trarls. - .
Members of the Leslie Can Do
class of the Flrat Methodlat church
will be guests 0f Dr. and Mrs. B.
F. Pound Friday aightr This ,wiU
be a regular meeting ot the class
and in additton there will be an
election ot officers. Mr. and Mrs.
J; S. Murray, and Mrs. Winifred
Heidier will beassistant hosts.
. - ' " v .
r Mrs. D. E. Otjen will receire
members ot the Home Guard of
the Leslie Methodist church -Frfe
day altera oon -at her home. Mrs.
J. F. Murray and Miss Faith Prt-
ty fUl be assistant hostesses.
etide Seasoir Brings Quiet
Social! Season to ,
WITH the Christmas and Ne Year's holidays much gay
activity is expected in social circles. This year antic
ipation was much greater than realization. The mourning
into which the e state was thrown Saturday .'aigftt, has set
tled down over the sdaal 'life. With a f ew excentinna tha
younger set is the only one which has' been active in any but
a quiet way. There were the usual home Christmas dinner
parties and perhaps not quite so many out-of-town guests
mis year ior unnstmas weeK.
" . ThS younger set home from college has been keepingiip
the true holiday pace with o- r-ir-
dances, card parties and line
parties throughout the week.
.This week with the New
Year at hand there will be a
tew things that will celebrate la
a large war the spirit, ot the sen
son. One of the outstanding af
fairs for the oldef folk will be
the subscription dance which wiU
be glren at the Marion hotel New
Tear's ere. Nearly one hundred
couples belong to this cldb and it
win snake a say splash of color
to the holiday festlrities. Danc
ing 'will begin between nine and
1ft o'clock. ' Unique decorations
aad formal gowns and dress suits
will make- a real New Tear's cel
ebration. ?? ' C ' ? v3,k '.i
- The 'young folk will celebrate
the season of the New York with
a dance at the home et Miss-Grace
Day. T . ;;-V;
A large group of the older folk
wtu dance at the Ulabee club New
Tear's night aad second large
dance for the elder folk win be at
CastnUan ban when the Wisteria
club will see the old year out and
the new year in. ; . -
In addition to ' the " dances,
which, after all, is the best way
to celebrate the ere ot the New
Tear, there win be sereral din
ners, a few card parties through
the week, and at least one formal
wedding and the first week of the
new year will be reeelred and put
away behind us. .
;i v'.. " ' "
- i SILVERTON - Mr., and Mrs.
Martin Hatteberg 'werel hosts at
a Terr, pleasant . party at - their
home , on Mill street Thursday
erening. The occasion was also
Miss - Ann ' Hatteberg Vblrthday.
The lnrlted guests Included Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Satern, Mr,, and
Mrs. Ed win Hatteberg, Miss Nettie
Hatteberg, Miss Agnes Hatteberg.
William Hatteberg, Miss Then
1 Jensen, Miss Alice Jensen, Reuben
Jensen, and Alfred Jensen.
I Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mill! en
tertained with a delightfal Christ
mas dinner at their home on Un
ion street: Dr. Carl E. Miller and
family of Salem; Dr. Albert - R.
Miller and family of McMlnhrllle,
and Rer; R. C. Smith and family
of - Marlon,' Oregon,; - were : the
guests, --. '
. - " .' J'"' ' '
Mr. and MrsT Charles K. Spaald
Lag will be guests for New Tear's
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Steib la Milwaukee. Oregon. v
-- j.-;: . -- . .'
- Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Matthls hare
as their ' holiday house guests
Miss Cora Smith of Monmouth and
Miss Susie Matthls of CorralUa.
- .- . - - --
The'ETCHeay Elrthday club
was to- haTS'been' the guest' of
Urs. John Ctilp this Tuesday tut
because cf tUnealhls xaecUngtas
been indefinitely postponed, '
PFitA one exception a group
for ' the Christmas holidays. At
Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, Kappa
Delta at Oregon State; upper left is Miss BiUie and Mary
Cupper, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cupper, Alpha
Chi Omegas at Oregon State; center Miss Frances Martin,
Alpha Delta Gamma -fledge and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Carey Martin,andMiss Grace Day, whose dance trill be an
event of January 1. , ' '
Fraternal Orders
Install Officers
The annual installation of of fl
eers of the two Salem lodges, Sa
lem lodge No. and Pacific lodge
No. 60. . T. it A. Mwas held In
the lodge rooms In the Masonle
bnUding, Friday erening. Decern-ber-jWth;
The lodges were partlc
ttlarty honored by the presence of
the grand master of the state ot
Oregon. Milton X Meyers who
acted as Installing of acer, : tha
grand chaplain, Ear.'W. & Kant
ner, who serred as chaplain, and
Junior grand warden, W. C- Win
slow,, who acted aa marshalL The
following' officers were Installed
to scire their respective lodges for
the year 193S: ; v
Salem Lodge Xe. 4, A. F. A. M.
Worshlpfnl master, L. F. Le
Garie; senior warden, H, W. Swaf
ford; junior warden, E. W. Peter
son; treasurer. Aj W. Smltherj
secretary; J. Dt. Berwick; senior
deacon, J. D. McKay; junior dea
con, H. F. fihaaks; senior stew
ard, A H. Boock; Junior steward,
George A. Rhotea; chaplain, O.
H. Swift; marshal, H. B, Sea
grore; and tyler, N. P. Rasmus-sen.-
, ; " '
Tacifle Lodge Ko. 50 A. P. ;
si-.; A. H. -.fw.,:.
Worshipful .master. Leon W.
Polka; senior warden, Albert G.
Gragg; Junlo warden, James B.
Cochran; treasurer, Elton if.
Thompson; secretary, Paul W.
Miller; senior deacon, Claude Dar
by; junior deacon, James H. Jen'
nings; f senior- steward, -Gardner
Knappi 'Junior steward, Gordon
A. Barker: chaplain, V. S. Crow
der; marshal, ,B. J. C Patton;
and tyler. William CL: Pettyjohn.
After the , installation aenrlcev
the large crowd present gathered
about the tables In the social hall
on the'firth floor, where refresh
ments were serred. Here a pro
gram of toasts aad music was lis
tened to, grand master Meyers
acting as oas tin aster. Short talks
were glren by the Incoming mas
ters. L. T. LeGarle of Salem lodge
and Leon W. Polka; ot .Pacific
lodge and .. W. C. Wlnalow.
The principal address , of the
erening was glren by Ber. N. K.
fully of. the Presbyterian church.
Most delightful music- by a aeren
piece. . orchestra- .consisting ot
Messers. Steelhammer Bombeck,
Burton Sikow, Mlchelson, Stead
enmeyer, and Steelhammer, added
greatly to, the pleasure ot the ere
uing. " -
PABIS, Dec:- It (AP) The
chamber tonight voted confidence
in the gorernment ot Premier An
dre Tardeao on- Its' atUtade to
ward the proposed bank wL inter-
national settlements. -The poll
was Sit to 271.
of girls home from college
the lower left is Miss Eloise
Dorothy Alexander
'Is Hostess
Miss Dorothy Alexander enter
tlned In " -compliment . to Miss
Eleanors Tweed at the Alexander
home Friday erening. Miss
ieea is a guest in Salem orer
the holidays la company with her
parents, Mr. - and Mrs. George
iweea and Jlmmle and Marjorie
Tweed of Los Angeles,
r A second, affair glren for Miss
Tweed was a."no host" dinner at
the Spa Saturday night.
Guests for these affairs were
the Misses Eleanor Tweed. Barrl
Newton. Mazle Patton, Jean Pat-
ton, Josephine Cornoyer, Jose
phlne McGilchrist, Anoka Coates,
Betty Mae Hartung, Dorothy Al
exander, Dot-is McCalllster aad
Esther Gibbard.
Jefferson Folk Wed
Christmas Day
JEFFERSON An Interesting
wedding of the holiday season was
that of Miss r Violet Ammon,
daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Henry
Ammon and Orrln, Smith, son ot
Mr. and Mrs. Ai" Cj Smith of Leb
anon, - which was solemnized De
cember 25, at the home of the
bride parents, Father Mitchell
' Relatlres and . Immediate
friends witnessed the ceremony
which took place under an areh
way In which the Christmas col
or prerailed. Following- the cer
emony a two course lunch was
serred to 4S guests. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith win reside at Lebanon.
- - ' , ,
Of interest to the people of this
city Is the announcement ot the
marriage of Maysel .Cooper and
P. B. Williamson, -which took
place December 29 at the home ot
the brlde'i father, a O. Epley,
near Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liamson will be at home to their
many friends at Valsetz, Oregon,
where the groom is employed
with the fipaulding company.
-A-7." , . ;. ......
Father Buck wiU enterUln the
choir ot 8t Joseph's church with
dinner at the Marlon hotel Mon
day erening at 7 j o'clock. Theret
win oe an impromptu program.
440 State Sin Salens, .Ore.
50c Sftc
75c 75c
for . reserratiosui
Monday ' and cards planned
by Daughters of Nile in com-
pliment to Bhriners and
wires, 6:30 o'clock. Masonic
temple. Reserrations, phone
Queen Esther Circle, Firs4.
Methodist church, 7:30
o'clock in Epworth League
General Aid society ot
First Methodist church, 2:39
o'clock, Mrs. L. D. Waterman
will preside.
Gym sr hike,' leare east end
Marlon-Polk bridge 9:30
o'clock. All girls interested
in Camp Fire.
- Toeeday
v Mr; and Airs. John Clif
ford, hosts to members of
Writers League. New Year's
eTe at home on Ferry street.
jura. j. spauiaing, nost--"
ess to Piety Hill club. '
Friday -
Leslie Can Do classof Me-
thodist church with Dr. and
Mrs. B. F. Pound, election ot
-Home Guard of Woman's
Home Missionary ot Leslie
Methodist church guest of
Mrs, B. E. Otjen.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Brown
were hosts at a most enjoyable
family dinner and Christmas par
ty at their -home on State street.
Those enjoying the - occasion
were Mr. and Mrs. Ermal Cramer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ererett Craren and
daughter Helen, of Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Allison. Mrs. D.
H. Craren, Miss Velma May, Miss
Doris Cramer, Donald Allison,
Ronald Craren, Master Ermal Loy
Cramer and the hosts. Dr. and
Mrs. Brown.
., . -
- Misa Mary Louise Aiken. Miss
Bose Huston, Miss Florence Pow
er and Miss Robey Laughlln mo
tored to' Portland Saturday to be
the guests et Miss Jean. Miss
Grace and Miss Elm White.
How to
k, a s n ftOO aa
to Ti
wT- e ' -rT
!SI aaaa. ml
m. ax -
VrarMlaa aTar.
Sd ycer f
1 t -.: ..- ; , -. ,. . . : .......
Camp Fire Girls
To Enjoy Hike .
- The second gypsy hike tor the
Salem Camp Fire girls will be
enjoyed Monday. If the second
one Is as much ot a success as the
first bne was there will be a hap
py group of girls returning to Sa
lem following the Monday expedi
tion. The girls who are members of
Camp Fire units or those who are
interested in becoming members
are. to meet at the east end of the
Marlon-Polk county bridge Mon
day at 9:30 o'clock. Each girl
is to wear a bright colored scarf
and s&hes. They will return to
the Marlon county health dem
onstratlon at 3 : 4 5 o'clock where
tney win take the first ot a series
of three weeks' .; lessons In first
aid. These classes will ber glr
en eaca M'onday.and Thursday
afternoon for the next three
Spokane Guest is
To Be Honored
Miss Helen Rose, who is a guest
of her mother, Mrs. George Rose
and her sister, Mrs. Claudine Rose
Edgerton, for orer the Christmas
holidays while she is home from
Spokane, where she is teaching,
will be the honor guest for a
bridge luncheon glren by Mrs. Fd-
gerton Mondar at the Marlon ho-
Mrs. B. E. Otjen, Mrs. Eliza
beth Proctor, Miss La Verne Ot
jen, accompanied by Emil Otjen
motored to Portland Friday. Urs.
Proctor and Miss Otjen remained
to be theguests of Mr, and Mrs.
Errol Proctor tor orer the week
end. Mrs. Otjen and Emil Otjen
will motor In to Portland to bring
them back to Salem Tuesday aft
ernoon. . e e e
Mr. and Mrs. incent A'Hern
of. Portland, were" th - holiday
guests et Mr. and Mrs. S. M. En
dicott. Mrs. A'Hern was Miss Gen
erlere Endlcott. "
rpHIS clipping from The Oregonian tells
- Jtyown story of people who thought
they knew a short cut to fortune. .'
VVhat, would you do if you had lost your
home or all yotur savings? - ; y'
r life Insurance definitely guarantees
- safety for your finances. In the years
tocorne, when you need them most.
There has never been a time during
r . the 86 years of. the history of The
V . Mutual life of New York when
s ; its policy values have not been
; , Tn one hundred cents tra the
v -, .dollar, - . - -, -
- It is the. best plan deviled for
; ' : hos.e who want to be certain of
, having-Jheir money. . - -.
- . - , -
T -w
.aVBl w-m ,
Mutual Life'of New York
- . ;E GOODWCT,. District Manager , - : '
.. v. renney store -
clizr wUci bfci how to
Birthday Dinner
es loiiv
AN ANNUAL erent tor the
birthday ot Louis Lachmund
fa the dinner for which Mrs.
Lachmund is hostess. This din
ner jras celebrated at the Lach
mund home Saturday sight with
corers placed for 12 ot Mr. Lach
mund's intimate friends. A sil
rer bowl of holly and red tapers
made an attractlcely formal ar
rangement tor this man's affair;
Guests for this auner were the
honor guest, 'Mr. Lachmund, and
T. A; Liresley, Judge John H. Mc-
Nary, G eorge Putnam, . H. v.
Meyers, James R. Linn, E. c.
Kirkpatrlck of Dallas. William
Walton. Dr. R. E. Lee Stelner.M.
C. Whitehead, James Mulkey and
Harry L. Hart, the latter three
fr)m Portland. ,
Line-Party Proves
Happy Yuletide
NE of the pleaaantest affairs
of the Yuletide week was
that for which Mrs. Walter
Denton and Miss" Ruth Bedford
were hostesses Ef3ay afternoon,
complimenting their students of
piano with a line party at Bligh's
Capitol theatre.
As an especially happy part of
the afternaicQi rwas the Christmas
program pet ioa, by the manage
ment ot the theatre tor the bene
fit of the party.
As a fitting conclusion to this
party, refreshments were served
in, the Green Gate room of the
Spa. '
Guests for the affair were:
Mry Butlar Tiriaa Jonrt s
Bona! Bl!docK Dorothy Jon Mr
Dorothy BkUdoek Eleanor 8wif
Marsaret CUro Alie Swift
Fraavaa Chamberiinoye Kelly
Ccile Caanlnckam Doria Krffn
veil cuts
Johm Iiiabek
Albert Liadbeck
Aadrey Fehlor
Oeraldine Frifird
Mary lea Fry
Hasina Gahladorf
PbyUii Tisher
Iacy FUber
Elenar Jones
PrUeilla Rayaoat
Ratbryn Thomas
Helen Oitrla
Hoy Ostria
Earl Wmea ,
Irene "Warrea
Marcaret Rirri
Howard Liehty '
Tommy Gabriel
Mary Olirer
Martaret GilleUe
Helea JWeidmer
Dorothy Raliftoa
Richard Smith
Maxine McKillop
Billy Merer
Jimmy Moyer
Tommy Rica
Iria Fredickaoa
Florence Fredickioa
Erelya Boles
Jean Mayo
Robert Vaa Pattaa Irwia Branca
Harzaret Upjoha Vtriaa Koth
Rowena tJpjohja Margaret Smart
Floreae X'pjoka Will Aaiei
Varlri Knax Helea Goiter
FrancM EUia Helea Rex
Lneile Fetner Roshie Watanabe
Edward ? Farriactoa 8eo -Watkaabe
Jaaiar DeTera Charles Perry
Robert .BaUdock, Bobbie Hna
CliaAoa Tiaeeas ' - Marlon Kaailar
Virriaia Berfer Pnl BUke
Erelya Bergvr Jalia . Jobaaoa
Vlrainia Part Helea Worth
Katheriae Liadbeck Iris Jorgenaoa
uvnutf Btallora LeUa Kelty
Kdaa Kara r a
Bernie Kelty
Jane Blarda
Emory Hobboa
Mary Olirer
' Gwendolyn Hunt
Carolya Hoat
Lais Bartaa
Donald Bartaa
Berate Stereat
Lorta Hieks
Doria Hamby
Addia Berthwiek.
a. .
William Gahldarf
Maraarat Bteiner
Mrs. Donald Uaaa
Gninerere Wood
La cilia Ward,
Laara Crabb
Eleaaer Perrr , -.
Xatalie Keer
James McAlria
Geaeva Laer
Jeanetta Brows
GERVAIS Mrs. Sylrla Draper
Smith of Salt Lake City la a guest
of Miss Fern Wadsworth aad oth
er friends here this week. Mrs.
Smith Js a former teacher In the
Gerrals high school and was one
of . Miss - Wadsworth's teachers
daring her senior-' year. Miss
Wadsworth and Francis Stnrgis
went to Portland Monday to meet
Mrs. smith and that night s sur
prise party was glren for her at
the Wadsworth home. The guests
were ber former pupils. Those
present - were - the Misses Doris
Woods, Arletha McDougaU. Dor
othy Welch, Fern Wadsworth, and
Francis stnrgis, August Harris,
Kenneth and Samuel Brown, Pat
rick Gleasoa and Edwin Harper.
Three members ot the class. Kath-
ryn Bliren, Edith Manning and
Harry Sturgis, were unable to be
present.'.' 7"--'-
Salem, Oregom
p!aj efa t