- The OHEGON STATTSIIAII, Cafcn, Orrron, Scnday Horning, Decenfer 23T 1929 PACE FIVE I llocal NewsBriefe r.jj : ' -y"1 "1 I Christinas Dime at Market An arlrlnal Ana nappy was spent br empoyers, employe and the families of each,, who make up the business folk occu pying the block in, which is locat ed Salem's public market Friday night hi the Market building. William Busick. Paul Wallace. W. L. Phillips and Herbert Stiff plan ned the affair which was a dance. A large space was cleared at the Commercial street side of the building, chairs and rugs from the tif fnmitnre section made com fortable places for seating. A nappy orchestra played and punch was senred. About 150 peo ple enjoyed this "family party. wax loaVin? rOOf IBd wall with "Bitutect." Sticks to . wot ,irfar-. Painted or mop- Tw -Ttouires no experience. Ap- nld. Miller Products Co:, fnt r Lincoln St.. Portland, Ore. , i Year End Sale, Miller's. i Wm. Fulkerson returns Mr. Mary L. Fulkerson, county school nnerlntendent, was in her ollice Saturday after spending the two previous'days at Portland in at tendance at the annual meeting of the Oregon State Teachers' as sociation meeting. She senred as chairman of the credentials committee and also gave a talk before the boys' and girls' 4-H club division. Dance Mellowmoon New Year's eve. Wilqnit Has Still Henry Wll ouit, West WoodSfcrn. appeared in justice court Saturday to face a charge of uniawiui possession 01 m still. His case was continued un til next 'Thursday. Wilquit was arrested by county officers 'Who fnnnd a still of 75 gallon capacity -nn th man' nlace. About five1 gal lons of mash were also round. Want used furniture. Tel. 511. Girl Rrwrvcs HaTe Party The high school Girl Reserves held their Christmas party Saturday night at the Y. M. C. A., and en joyed the usual Yuletide festivi ties. Grace Skinner, chairman of the social committee, was In charge of arrangements for the vent. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Galla-lif-r, G. R. secretary, was a spe cial guest at the party. Year End Sale, Millet's. Dance Mellowmoon Xew Year's eve. Former Resident Visits Mr and Mrs. Arthur Leonard of Se attle will leave today after spend ing several days visiting old friends In the. i-itv. Mrs. Leonard will be better remembered as Jo C rounds, for a number of years an' employe of the state printing office. , he left here about eight years ago. Dollar dinner every night 5:45 to 8 at the Marion hotel. Boys to Mt; Hood A group of local high school boys, includ ing Richard Baker, Jimmie Em mett, Kiniball Page, Wallace Hug and Billy Dyer, left Saturday Morning for Mt. Hood, where they t-xpect to spend several days on an outing and enjoying winter ports. Dance Mellowmoon New Year's eve. Parker Boys Coming George John Parker and Frances Foley Parker, sons of Mrs. Helen M. Parker, will arrive Monday from Vancouver, Wash., to spend three days visiting with their mother. The boys are attending boarding school in Vancouver. Year End Sale, Miller's. i ue new screen uriu uay I u naaio, niaue Dy uencrai Aioiors, arrived at Loder Bros., 445 Cen ter St, Friday of this week. This Model sells for $194, complete, installed in your home. . Other models as low as $159.50 are on display and may be purchased on. very easy payments. . parching to Seattle Ray L Fasching, manager of the Cooper ative Realty and Sales company, is planning to leave Tuesday for Seattle, where he will spend three days In attendance at the annual meeting of the Apple Sales and Vendor company, for which he Is representative in this district.' Bosch Radio. The best la ra dios.. Halek Electric Co. t Judge's Wife HI Mrs. J. T. Hut, wife of former County Judge Hunt. Is said to be seriously 111 at her farm home near Sub limity. The Hunts spent Christ mas at "the Sublimity place ana - wnue mere -an. nam wcimv tm - . m w a . ... xauanaiT 111. Store . Building For Lease ' Large area, suitable - furniture, hardware, automobiles, etc ', On High street, between Court and Chemeketa. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High, street. .:; ' . Fuel Company Files With cap ital listed at $10,000, te Capital Fuel and Investment 'company f iled articles of Incorporation -with the county clerk last week. In corporators are John H. Scott; A. C. Bohrnstedt. and Hattle BratseL Oberers in California Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Oberer are spending a three weeks' vacation in Califor nia and will return to Salem Jan uary 10. Oberer is with the.W. , '., If. jGrabenhorst realty, company.'" -'"". Resolve to begin 19S0 by tak- 1K urse of study that Will lisgencles for later life. There Is l othmg better than a thorough -. ' Course at Th a vui a in j ii i rr v na aavn College Register now. Day and i icouiuei on jan w zyZtfZl1 - Mr.'aid - vick are exnitA . . .Calif., ay and will hA i gTFridar in "lDCe Robbu TTslte Paret J. Pres- eott Robins, who spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robins. 42 N. Liberty, left for Portland yesterday to attend the State Teachers association gathering before returning to Sis ters, where he is principal of the high ' school, Robins is secretary of the Sisters "Commercial club and sayr that everyone from that .til. .v .M;M,HsM. .. , ... confident.that work on the North Santiam highway into Sisters will be started next summer. Get your Eveready Prestone An-ti-Freeze at Capital Motors Co., Inc. 350 N. High street . ; Xorblad Rents . Apartment Governor Norblad and family have arranged for living quarters here in the .Royal Court apartments on Capitol street near h state house.. Miss Eleanor Norblad, daughter fx the governor, will .finish the -present -term In Asto ria high school, January 12, and after that date, she and Mrs. Nor blad will come - to .Salem 7 where Miss Norblad will enter Salem high school. . , i - New Home-l2 , baths-$500. Immediate possession. Terms. I come now. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. ' School Clinics Given School clinic will be held Thursday morn ing, January 2, at Turner, and in the afternoon a pre-school clinic will be held, according to an-, nouncement from the child health demonstration headquarters. Dr. Edward Lee Russell will be in charge of both clinics, with Miss Margaret McAlpine, nurse as sisting. Shed dry wood coal. Prompt delivery. Tel. 13, Salem Fuel Co. House Changes Hands Esther E. Mueh has purchased the Pearl Plank residence property at IB 4 5 Mill street,. at a cash considera tion of $2,000 and-has taken pos session. Mrs. Plank 'left here some time ago for Portland. The transaction was handled by Louis Bechtel, . George Thomason and Waldo Mills. Auto, axle and bumper work Battery charging, gas and oil Blacksmlthing of all kinds. Gust's Repair Shop, 1610 N. Com'l SU Visitors at Findley Home tr. Lottie Findley Law and son. Find ley Law, will leave today for their home in Mill CityKansas, after a -visit at the home of her brother. Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley. Both Dr. Findley and Dr. Law are eye, ear. nose and throat specialists, and both studied in Vienna 21 years ago. Partly reasoned 10 in. old fir, mill block. All inside wood. $5.75 lare load. The only large load in the city. Also screened hog fuel. Immediate delivery- Fred E. Wells, Inc. Phone 1542. Wendell Johnson III Wendell Johnson, son of Rev. and Mrs. S. Darlow Johnson, is quite ill at the home, suffering., from the influ enza. He nas been ill several days and is not yet able to be up. Rev. Johnson is Just recovering from an attack of the flu, also. Xew Year's dance Tues. Hazel Green. - Coe Leaves for Palo Alto Lee Coe, graduate of Salem high school last June, who attended the University of Oregon- fall term, will leave this morning for Palo Alto, Calif., where he will enter Stanford university. He is taking -a science course. For rent, remodeled and newly decorated house. Close in. Rea sonable rent. J. H. Lauterman. Hotel Argo. Johnson in St. Helens 4lev. S. Darlow Johnson, pastor of the Leslie Memorial church, was called to St. Helens yesterday to perform a wedding ceremony. Mrs. . Johnson, and their ' two daughters accompanied him. They will return to Salem today. New, Yeif w dance Tues, Green.' Hazel Vick Fllee Artkle Qharlea H. Vick, Henry Lsicar and Elean or Lzlear filed articles of incor poration with the county clerk Saturday under the name of Sa lem Motors, Inc. Capital was list ed at $5,000. 1930 Calendars free. Homer H. Smith, Ins. Agcy., over Miller's. Wolf Returns From Meet Fred Wolf, high school principal, is again in Salem after spending three days in Portland attending the annual meeting of the state teachers' association. Card of Tnanks We - wish to thank our friends for their sin cere expressions of sympathy and many acts of kindness during the sickness and death of oar beloved mother and grandmother. Mrs. E. A. McElvaln and family. L. H. Cot- tew and family, C.'H. Cottew and family. . Grabenhorsta in Medford Mr. and. Mrs. E. B. Grabenhorst and daughter Anna Mae will return Monday from Medford, where they have been visiting relatives over the Christmas holidays. " Life insurance annuity service. Tel. 114. Paul H. Acton, . Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Riper, 1830 , South High street, are , parents of a daughter - weighing 4 : pounds, born Saturday . at the Deaconess hospitaL - r Z .". Tear End Sale, Miller1. " .' Going to Tacoma. Mrv E. Tv Barcus. J $0 Saginaw street,"' is planning tor leaye Monday .f or Td coma. where, she wlll;spend. two weeks visiting with relatives.' 1 ThompsOA1. to Speak Dr.'; Fred Thompson will be the speaker at the iKlwanis club luncheon. Tuejh day neon,. his subject being ."Kl wanir EdueaXIon." . - Annual Session of Judicial Assembly is Scheduled -For January 3 The annual meeting of the u- dicial assembly win be Held Iff Judge Robert Tucker's courtroom in Portland, January 3... accord ing to letters jsent to all circuit Judges in Oregon by Chief Jus tice Coshow-ef the state supreme court. - v , The judicial council is compos ed of Chief Justice Ooshow, Jus tice Belt and Circuit Judges Tuck er of Portland, Fee of Pendleton and Brand of Marshfield. These Judges, have been at work for sev eral months in an effort to. simply the judicial procedure " and im prove the administration of jus tice iu Oregon. Among the subjects to be dis cussed at Jhe assembly" Is a pro posed change In the existing law relating to the manner of form ing a - jury list, qualifications ef jurors and' exemptions. Judge) Tucker, has made a study of this subject an.d his views have been adopted by the council. '"' A reso lution covering the - proposed changes in the jury system will be presented to the next legisla ture. . x Procedurejn criminal cases al so will receive attention of the assembly. It Is proposed that a defendant in a criminal case shall have the; right to say whether he will be tried by a Judge or by jury. A resolution embodying this change In the jury laws al ready has been prepared and will be submitted at the assembly. Justiee IHarry Belt has been a strong 'advocate of this law. Such a law Is now in operation in sev eral' eastern states, where It has operated successfully. The council also will adopt a resolution urging more uniform sentences for the same or similar crimes. Another resolution will provide that no person convicted of crime shall be paroled until he has received some punishment. - Arthur S. Benson, of Salem, is executive secretary of the council. O O I West Salem Miss Helen Roseman, who teaches home economics at a high school in Coqullle, came Satur day to the' home of her parents, Mr? and Mrs. F. M. Roseman. She will return some time the latter part of the week. . Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Roseman and children, of Salem, spent Christmas eve with Mr. Rose- man's, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and children of Grand Island, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Roseman, parents of Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson re? turned home, leaving his wife and children "to spend the remaining holiday season with her parents of West Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas and mother, Mrs. Matilda White of Edgewater street, had Christmas dinner with- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendrickson, of 205 Union street, Salem. Mr. Thomas, who has been 111 with the flu for the past two months, is much improved now.. Mrs. Harry McDowell and chil dren left Saturday for Junction City to spend the Christmas vaca tion with her mother, Mrs. G. W. Porter. She will return Sunday. Mr. McDowell spent Christmas day at Popcorn, with his brother. G. W. McDowell". Mr. and Mrs..W. F, Thomas of Ruxe street, spent' Christmas with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Swigert and children. : of Ruge street, spent Christmas with Mr. and .Mrs. Har ry Phillips of Waldo Hills. Those who had Christmas din ner, with Mr. and Mrs. Carrick were the following: Mr. and Mrs Arthur Thomas, parents of Mrs. Carrick. Miss Mabel Thomas, sis ter of Mrs. Carrick, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. - Moore, Mrs. . Carriek's grandparents, and . her uncles, Claud and Orville Moore of Edge- water street. Mrs. Begosian of Ruge street. had her mother. Mrs. Croshaw of Salem, as a Christmas dinner guest. . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Thomas had Christmas dinner with Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denton of Third street. MissClaudine Gerth, who teach es .school at Lostlne, Oregon, Is spending Christmas vacation with her parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Gerth, of Edgewater street . Mr. and-Mrs. L. Lawrence of the West Salem apartments, spent Christmas In Dallas with Mrs. Lawrence's mother. .. - , llr. and Mrs. Amos Perkins, ef PortiandV'Mnraud Mrs. Carl-Py- Themasoa in AusvUle George Thomason, salesman with the Lonls "Bechtel real estate of- 1 flee,. was attending to business in terests in Aumsvuie yesteraay. Visits from PoTJc.Cownty J.V. Starrest of ' Polk county was - a Vusiness visitor in Salem" yester day. He formerly was principal of the Central Howell schooL 4 . Year End Sale, Mlller'fc - " McClcndou VlsiU--L. B, Mc Clendon, , principal of the West SUytoxt school. . was a Saturday caller t the office of the coun- I ty school superintendent' . 7', " Amity Polk Vtoitors-rMrv and Mrs. C. O. Shelton of Amity,. were among, the ' out-of-town, business visitors' in the ty yeste-f ay.. ; Pratunt Teacher heT-w-resa Hall, who is' primary teaches at the Pratum school, was a business visitor, in. Salem yesterday. 1' -I Tear End Sale; Miller's. ; , - x airs. DsuMak iai TowMrs. C RV-Duncan, of Hubbard, where she is teaching aeboeL was among the visitors in town yesterday. - Where To Today Grmy BeBe 60e Special Dinner. .75e Gray Belle Dinner. $1.00 Turkey, Steak or Chicken Dinner De Luxe. Roe Turkey ft Chicken Dinners Served all day at the Spa. For Dinner This Eveninr special Sunday dinner $1.00 at 1 the Marion Hotel today. - Hotel Argo Dining Room Chicken dinner today, 5 Oe. att.of West Salem, Mr. and Mrs. vtrgii Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ru ben Perkins, spent Christmas day witn tnerr father, Mr. Perkins of West Salenu -x,, Roy Lamb spent Christmas dav in North Salem at the home of Miss Florence Protzman.. Miss Margaret Binshadler of Lebanon, is spending a short Christmas vacation with Miss Grace Williams of Edgewater street. Miss Margaret Binshadler of Lebanon, is . spending a short Christmas vacation with Miss Grace Williams of Edgewate street. - Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Patterson. of 1073 Edgewater street. had Christinas dinner with Mrs? Pat tenon's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Foye of Salem. L. L. Sloper, of Edgewater street, was called Thursday to thebedside of his mother, Mrs. Vina Sloper or Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bowers. 'of Sixth street, and son-in-law, Clar ence Boling of the Bethel district. had a family Christmas tree and dinner at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ray mond of Rickey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forester. of the Silverton road, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barber, of West Sa lem, were Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sebern. John Cottell and two children. of Marshfield, spent Christmas day with his sister, Mrs. W. H Hobble and family, of Sixth street. Mrs.- W. C. Bowers of La Grande, will spend a short New Year's vacation with her sister- in-law, Mrs. J. H. Bowers, of 1231 Franklin street. Enis Rowland, who 'teaches school at Klamath, and who resides at Silverton, made a short Tislt Friday at the home of his friend. Lyle Thomas, of Edge- water street. Both were former schoolmates at the Oregon Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Austin were Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith of Piedmont avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd De Lapp and son, Lawrence, spent Christ mas day with W. H. Riedesel, of 704 North Cottage street, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews -of Seventh street, spent Christ mas with Mr. Andrews' brother and nephew. Noble Andrews and Fred Andrews of Stayton. Earl H; Lathrop and family, of Portland, were Christmas visitors at the Floyd De Lapp home on Gerth avenue. Miss Acnes Craig, of Salem, was a Friday visitor at the F. A. Miles home at 541 Piedmont avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sampson, of Salem, were Christmas day vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miles. A family Christmas tree and dinner took place at- the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Allen Craig Christ mas eve and Christmas day. Those present were. Mr. arrt Mrs. G. F. Craig. Mr. and M G. Potter, Mrs. T. H. Robinson and daugh ter, Alfred Ambrose. Lloyd and Louise Potter, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Craig. Mrs. Chris C. Buright of Wash ington, is spending a vacation with her mother, Mrs. B. K. En glehorn, of 1375 Third street. Miss Bertha . Gleason of Port land, spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. LaDue, of Third street. Visitors from Salem at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. La Due-Christmas evening were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McKee and son, and L. Tumbleson and-son. ' - Mrs. A. Englehart of Gervais, is spending a short vacation' with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pfelfaut of West Salem, B. A. Hanks. who manages mines in Idaho, spent a few days' vacation with his wife and other relatives of West Salem. Mrs, Hanks met her husband in Port land when he .came. He intends to return in January when his wife and children will return with him. to Idaho. Clifford Roberts of Salem, was a Wednesday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones of West Salem. . 7 .- ., P. E. Brown, of South 12th street, was a Christmas day vis itor with his brother, J. R. Brown and family, of West 8alem. -Both the musical program, Sun day evening in the church audi torium, and the Sunday school and ' community Christmas tree and 'program were enjoyed- by audiences that filled their respec tive meeting -places to- capacity. All seemed to have an enjoyable Christmas and ' the West Salem church wishes everyone a happy and prosperous New. Year. . , A , few 'Important announce ments for the coming week' of the i hurcn' activities are the follow ing: Wednesday 7 : 15, will be Bi ble - Study and - prayer meeting ; A : 15. will r be reheir - practice: Thursday 7 p. m volleyball prac tice; Saturday - 7 p. - m.; orchestra praetl.crw.TI" -r-. " The Ward meeting will be held Monday nlghC The Sunday school beard meets at 1 p.- m. . The 'of fl- cial board at 7:30 p7m:, and the. toard of stewards at S:8rpVm. ' A fine musical toroxram will take plac at; the unday' chnrth eerviees. miss .Eva Arnold wm .give a piano solo, Miss ' Dorine Son Percy Granger to Play Har monium Part for Big - Hookup Tonight . : Percy Grainger, the .world reaownqd Austrialian. pianist and composer, will. play the har monium part during' the first American performance of his composition. "Spoon River." in aJ broadcast thseugh the NBG coast-to-coas system tonight between C and 7 o'clock, P. S. T. over KGW, KOMO and KGO. j "Spoon River! will be played by the General Electric . orches tra" under the direction of Walter Damrosch. It Is a new work' by Grainger, who. Is ndted for the rhythmic exuberance Of his solo playing, the hearty ' character , of his compositions and his enthus iasm for. national music.,- Richard Wagner's "Das.Rheln gold," with its strange tale of the dwarf who stole gold from the. Rhine maidens and fashioned a wonder-working ring, will be represented in the program by the "Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla." An eight-minute talk on "Ad ventures in Science, by Floyd Gibbons will open the program. Musical details follow: Spanish Rhapsody: "Espana' Chabrier; Pizzicati, Symphony No. 4., Tchaikovsky; Variations on the Austrian National hymn, Hayden"; Spoon River, 'Percy Grainger; Trio for two oboes and English horn, Beethoven; Entrance of the Gods into Val halla, 'Das Rheingold", Wagner. ? Hugh Williams,: tenor, !st he the guest artist with the- Pacific Serenadera when this group of instrumentalists goes a-serenad- ing over th NBC system be tween 8 and 8:30 o'clock to night. - In their programs the Pacific Serenaders call to mind the lover and his sweetheart on the bal cony. It is moonlight. With the sweet strains of music he seren ades her. Sometimes he plays and sings himself, but when he scales the balcony to be with her he depends npon a small Instru mental ensemble which he has hired to pay tribute to his lady love while he courts her. WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. (AP) With the exception of the few intervals when the president of the United States have been out of Washington Tor summer vaca tions, the affairs of the nation for the first time since 'the Madison administration were conducted to day from a building other than the White House. A number of presidents have lived in houses in Washington oth er than tlie White House, but none has done his official work elsewhere than at the executive offices. President Hoover worked dur ing the afternoon in the sumpt uous offices formerly occupied by the secretaries of the navy in the old state, war and navy building. From -his private office he could look out directly on the blackened walls of the regular executive of fices, which were wrecked by fire in a spectacular Christmas eve blaze. Earlier in the' day he had met with his cabinet in 'the Lincoln study surrounded by mementos of early American ' history. 4 Oregon Stages Take Pacific Bus Line Over The Oregon Stages System, Inc., on January 1 will take over the Pacific Stages which now op erate between Portland and New port, Tillamook and Forest Grove. This will give the Oregon Stage system control of virtually all of the major lines Jn Western Ore gon. The formal application seek ing permission to take over the Pacific stages probably will be filed with the public service com mission early this week. The Oregon Stages system is a part of the general Pacific opera tion which is interlocked with two other trans-continental units. The -Oregon Stages system is oper ated by the Southern Pacific com pany which is one-thisd owner of the whole Pacific coast operation Norblad Puts Oft Decision On Extradition uovernor NorMtd, following a hearing here Saturday, deferred for a week a decision In the ex tradition - proceedings involving Robert A. Wilson, who is wanted in Los Angeles on a charge of kid naping his young daughter. He was arrested at Medford. Attor neys for Wilson alleged that their client was not . a fugitive from Justiee, for the reason that he had entered into an agreement with , his wife whereby each , of them - would have custody of the child six months each year. - ' i Governor Norblad said he de sired to make an investigation of the . ease before authorizing' the extradition. ---j - . 1. ' ' - Baker and - Miss Muriel Kaster 111 sing a. duet. -At the. evening service Miss Josephine Albert will 'give a vocal rsoIo and Wes ley -WaiTen will 'give a whistling solo, rhe orchestra 'wlir also play. I - .r: .Arfr5t,: Rev. J. ' S. Greene will preach atmie' morning service- and Rev. M. A. : Groves 'at the- evening service, lull CBIL'STS AFFlfr IN SPY T.A.DitacTsAdds Another Fis Duroe U Hi Prize Herd GERVAIS, Dec 28 T. A. Ditaaars has just received a fine prefcred Dnroc-Jersey sow froaa the herd of Mr. Brlggs of Seward, Nebraska. Mr. Ditmars carried away all the prize last fall at the taio fair aad Pnclfie inter national, and he says hex pect great returns .from this sow. as she if bred to tho grand rb amnion Duroc hoar of Illinois..-Sbe is ten months old and weighs 445 L pouMls. Mr. Dttmars is con-. staatly. improving his herd and is meeting with phe nomenal success. Bids for the construction of the proposed Roosevelt eoast high way bridge ..t the mouth of Rogue river in curry eonmy wm do re- eeivecTby, the state highway com- mission at a meeUng to be held in Portland, January 1. This was annvunceo. Dy me suite ainwj i aeparimeni nere saiuraay. The' proposed bridge will con sist -of seven 250rfoot reinforced spans and 328 lineal feet of rein forced concrete viaduct approach es. The bridge will be 1938 feet in length, with a 27-foot roadway and two 3-foot sidewalks. . The structure will require 11, 000 lineal feet of piling, 15,300 000 cubic yards of excavation, 42,- cubic yards of concrete, 1,6 7 M00 pounds metal reinforcement, 82, 000 pounds of structural steel and other materials. It is proposed to - have the bridge completed December 31, 1931. The new bridge will replace the ferry; which has been operated at the mouth of the Rogue river for several years. sunn CALLED BV DEATH The remains of Schuyler C. Kightllnger were to be brought to Salem today and placed at the Terwilliger parlors from which fu neral arrangements will be an nounced later, Paul Hansen re ported Saturday night' following his return to this city with Mrs. Kightllnger. Mr. Hansen left for rortianojust arter tne announce- ment of Mr. Kightlinger's death there at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. He had been visiting friends at Portland. Kightllnger was widely known here, being born in Salem in 1869 and for 28 yeara served as fore man of physical properties of the water company. He had retired from this position early this year. The man had been in bad health this fall but his death came as a -shock to. his host of friends He celebrated his 60th birthday anni- versary July 27 of this year. For 32 years Kightllnger held membership In the Woodmen of the World here. He was also a- member of the Modern Woodmen, the Elks and the Foresters of Amerlca. He is survived bv his widow, Mrs. Robert ha Kightllnger; a daughter, Mary Elizabeth; a brother, Marion, of 1258 South Commercial, and Elmer, a brother in California. in iraim IS SLIGHTLY L Only 57,373 applications tor 1930 motor vesicle ucenses nau been received at the offices of the state motor vehicle department last night. Last year 37,454 ap- plications were received during the corresponding period. Total re- gistratlons of, motor vehicles in Oregon for 1921 exceeded 260,- 000. Receipts from 1930 motor ve- hide licenses up to last night ag - gregated $480,616.06, as against 11,099,152.75 during the cor- responding period last year. The marked decrease in receipts from 1930 licenses, as compared with those for the same period a year ago, is due to the general 25 per cent reduction in tbe fees, and the fact that car owners are required to pay only a half year's license at this time. Dinner Is Held -Christmas Day Douglas Home WEST SALEM. Dec. 28 A large Christmas dinner was serv ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. . Douglas when covert were laid. for the following people: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Parker and son of Albany; Fred Churchill of Al bany; Mr, and . Mrs. Lewis Churchill of Canny; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Burton and son of Chema wa; 'Mr. and- Mrs. C. E. Lee. and. : two 'Children of : Salem; ' Virgil Buey, - Doretna Douglas and . the host and hostesaMr. and Mrs. O. M. - Douglaa of - Edgewater street. Vtt5a Wit -:zc Thinkr 6t ' ; " . -" ; BIDS ORDERED FOB BRIDGE OVER ROBtlE FILIPIfJOSf Annual Session Held in. Hon or of Jose Rizal, Na tional Patriot . . An interesting evening Was that for which the Salem Filipino club was host at the Marion hotel Sat- urday night. A banquet was served at :30 o'clock to 100 guests, and during and-fellowing the banquet a program was given in' commem oration of the 33 rd anniversary f the death of the martyred hero of the . Philippine people. Dr. Jose Profacio Rital y Mercado. The address of welcome was made by Pablo Cariaga, president of the Salem Filipino club. J. Mayo gave a eulogy to the martyred hero. Major' T. A. Liresley made an address, and a discussion of the Philippine and American rela tions was made by M. Ramos. Mrs. F. G Franklin read "My Last Farewell' written . by Rixal. Music for the evening was fur- nished by a Filipino orchestra, Reya Brothers, of Portland. Miss Lillian Scott was the soloisk and was accompanied by Mis. Grace Henderson. George Vick and L. A. Steb bins, who have taken the state agency for Hilene motor oils, will remove to Portland to take charge of distribution in Portland aa well as! brer the state. Mr. Vick has long' been a prominent figure' in the automotive Industry, having handled various makes of cars here for niany years. Alfred Vick will be sub-dealer for Marion, Polar and Yamhill counties. George Vick is quite en- Lusiastic about -his new connec tion. Speaking of the quality of his product he remarked that he had covered 2760 miles in driving without change of his motor oil and at toe end of the run found his motor free of carbon and the oil in good condition. FORMER RESIDENT OF Dr. T. T. Shaw died of heart fanure yesterday at Medford. He Obituary GaUke Mrs. Julia Gatzke (Grandma Dikeman) died Dec. 2T at the home near Macleay. Age 83 years. Mother of Mrs. Bertha Dikeman of Macleay, Mrs. August Dikeman, of Wisconsin, bteve Gatzke ol Uai- ifornia; grandmother of Fred Dikeman, Julia Budlong, Nelli Westwood, Sally Ormand and Paul Dikeman. Funeral services Mon- day at 1 o'clock, from the Clough- Taylor chapel, Rev. Earl W. Coch- ran officiating. Interment in Mae- "ay cemetery. McCnlly x Lillian McCully, age 70, died at her home in Hood River, Decem ber 28. Mrs. McCully was the sis ter of Hal D. Patton of this city. She is survived by her husband, J. D. McCully, and daughter, Eula F., both of Hood River; a son, Russell A., of Yachats; a grand daughter, Martha Jane, also of Yachats. Services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Hood River; also at Salem, Monday at 2 o'clock in the Rigdon chapel in conjunction with services for her brother. "E. Cooke Patton. Patten iJ. Cooke Patton, 10, died at Hubbard, Dec. 27. Survived by the widow. Sadie: "daughter. Mrs. Lu- ella May Charlton; grandson, Robert Patton Charlton: brother Hal D. Patton. Member of the Elks. United Artisans. Woodmen of the World. International Broth- 1 erhood of Magicians. Funeral aerv- ices Monday at 2 o'clock from the Rigdon mortuary. Rev. Charles E. Ward officiating. Interment ' in family vault is Odd Fellows cem- etery. . . Wallln George Wallln, age 76, died -In this city, December 27. Remains will be forwarded to Eugene by I the Rigdon mortuary for funeral services, and interment. . : City View Cemetery Established 1893 r Tel. 12M Conveniently Accessible -Perpetual care provided for ' Prices Reasonable V r Dtltrest jnemorial Fkeas 35 rt . ModsraMy ssoa , A Par k CcmcteryT perpetual care Just tea minntes tVons fh hf si t 'of ' towni" BEFORE YOU SELL 'J.i-ilaTswan Wtetfcev Ctgnest Cash Price) We buy and sell everything Salem Jvssh C ' '323'N; Commercial i.Vr.T. -V phoxb :v; i v Satfrosf 4k Kline MDH5 MHPORU) SALEM PASSES was Thurston Shnw i; i t Salem, where 'he was bom, a son ;j of T. C. Shaw, well known prom- y inent pioneer and county judge of Marion county. - - J Dr. Shaw was a dentist. He left if t ' Salem about 29 years ago, going : i r first to Jacksonville and from f j , there to Ashland, where he has . . been in active nractice of his pro- ?l ? . t ession. ,c - t He was a brother of Mrs. Dr. H. C. Eplej ami Mrs. Dr. C ; Stone and Mrs. E. E. Lewis of this city. He leaves his widow and a son and daughter by his former . wife, Clyde Shaw of Coryallis and Mrs. Gladys Ulrich of Ashland. The funeral will be held at Med ford. Dr. and, Mrs: Epley will at tend, going there today. Floyd Hoogerhyde,' 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoogerhyde! " 491 Turner street, died Saturday morning at the Marine hospital fa -San Diego, Calif., according to word received last night by his father. Mrs. Hoogerhyde and his -sister, Anna Bell, were summoned -1 to San Diego, December 17,' and ; were there when he died. - , The young man, had been in the Marine eorps for the past tw and a half years and had been in Chi--4 na during that time. The body will arrive hero Tues- : day, and short military services ; will be held some time Thursday at the Clough-Taylor chapel. In- terment will be made in Lee Mis- : slon cemetery. The mother and sister will accompany the re mains north. . . Floyd Hoogerhyde was born in Grand Rapids, Mich.. 20 years ago and came to -Medford, Oregon, with his parents in 1914, the fam ily moving Xhree; years later 0 -Grants Pass. They came to Sa lem from Grants Pass 10 years ago and have lived there, since. Floyd baa. a wide acquaintance of friends here. . d Besides his parents and sister, , Anna Bell, be Is survived by an-" other sister. Doris, and two broth era, Kenneth and Clareace, all at homo, The father operates a shoe shop on State street. s - IS M IST Funeral services for T. E. C. Vesper, who succumbed to prieu monla at the family home on . North 17th street were held Sat urday afternoon. During his span of 64 years his ' life was replete with military, governmental and lodge affairs. , At the age of 21 he enlisted la , the Spanish-American War and served for three years. During this time he saw action in Cuba ' taking part in the battle on San -Juan hill and other engagements w and also In Montana where the Cheyennes were on the war path." For 25 years he was connected with the Indian service at Tomah, . Wis., Lawrence, Kans., Ft. Apache, - Arii.. and Chemawa. During this time he has served as master -or a Masonic lodge, high priest of Royal Arch Masons, worthy patron " of the Eastern Star and comman der of Spanish-American War Vet- - erans. . Masonic services were conduct ed by Salem No. 4 at the mortu : ary; Dr. W. C,. Kantner, officlat- ing minister and Hal Hibbard Post No. 6 of the Spanish-Amerl- .. can War Veterans gave the last . rites to a departed comrade at the grave. Interment was made at Belcrest. He is survived by his devoted .. wife, Emma, and his daughter, Mrs. Marie Cardy. ' GERVAK WOMEJf ILL GERVAIS, Dec. 28 Mrs. John, Detrick underwent an operation at a Salenv hospital Friday morn ing. Miss Bernlce Stevens, daugh ter of one of the superintendents ; of cottages at the Boys' Training v. school, had an abscess lanced in . her ear Thursday night, Dr. : Dowd, the school physician doing. the work. , FINEST TORIO M QC READING LENSES ;: VD Eyeglass Insurance and thor ough examination included., THOMPSON-GLUTSCn OPTICAL CO. 110 N. Commercial St. For Expert- Motor Reconditionbg Sew G. A. Raymond Machine ..v..-; Shop 425 Chess. St. t fhomf S ' Stdbaef er' ' - THROAT AND LUNG I BALSAM for the treatment of Coughs . ' " Irritation - -. nd - - Catarrhal conditions of the - throat . ' Smokers' Coagh Only at. V- :.DhUG i STOIlE The Original 'Yellow Front and Candy Special Store of Salens. C ;. - 1S5 1 lfT Commercial '; :'.;'r,.y.. : rhoise '107 ' ; - ' Pjcnslar Agency HOOGERHYDE DIES WHILE ITJ SERVICE SOLDIER MM w ,