The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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B ri dge Evening
Is Delightful
Mrs. Kenneth Waters entertain
ed with three tables ot bridge at
her home on Brers arenne Sat
urday night. The guest rooms
were beautifully decorated with
Christmas festoons. A large
, Christmas tree, brilliant -with Its
-1 Many-Christmas ornamentsheld
gifts for each guest. After cards
these gifts were presented. A late
lunch concluded this pleasant ee
. ning. Honors' for cards .were held
by Dr. and -Mrs. Estill Brnk.
, Those , present were Mr., and
Mrt-M. FV WJcker, Mr., and Mrs.
Arthur Joae3, Dr. and Mrs.. Estill
Brnnk. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roth;
Mr. and. Mrst C. J. Jensen, and Dr.
and Mrs. Kenneth: Waters. .
;.-fh - -: , - .;
; Miss Pearl Osterman
Is 'Hostess
"j. Mist Pearl (Merman enterUin
' ed, her - piano class Friday night
withr a Christmas party.
The long table was decorated
with tall red tapers with a Christ
mas scene as a centerpiece. The
rocms were also attractively dec
orated. Assisting Miss Osterman
during the evening were - Miss
Mable and Miss May Beardsley
' snd Mlsi Marian Mitchell. Miss
. Helen Miller presided at the
punch bowl.
The evening was spent in play
ing games, after many musical
numbers had been enjoyed.. A
Christmas gift box was one of the
- diversions of the everflng. :
Those present were Kathlyri
Mosier, Dorothy Miller. ftfabla
Rcarsler. Marian Mitchell. Helen
Page. Helen Miller. Gladys Miller.
' Morrell Crary, Lyle Brown, ,OHve
Oppen, May Beardsley, Marg
;. aretha Kempel,' Billie l Crary.
Louis Rich, Daisy Mrnton. Deris
Harrington. Jean Harrington,
. Margaret ' Sorahan, ' Pollyanna
Shinkla and Miss Osterman.
Mrs. H P. Grant Is
Dinner' Hostess .
' Mrs.' H. P. Grant was hostess
. Thursday evening for a delightful
birthday-dinner st her home.
Covers were laid for Miss Mild
red Severson, Miss Lois Tipton.
Mrs. Julia Smith, Miss Frances
Custer, Mrs. Charles A. Hodshlre
of Davenport. Washington, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert A. Forkner, Miss
Ruth Alice Grant, Miss Elizabeth
Grant. Junior Grant, and Mr. and
Mrs. H. P. Grant.
a a
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Ole Satern were hosts Sunday ere-
ning at dinner. Christmas decora
tions were used in the dining
rcom and a lovely Christmas tree
in the living room was enjoyed
following the dinner. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern, Joan
Satern. Darold Satern, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Satern. Marshall Sa
tern, Mrs. and Mrs. Victor S.
Madsen, Colleen Madsen.
Pattern 70O4I
StAtcsman 15c Practical Pattern
Isn't this a smart little top coat
for a smart little girl? It fea
tures raglan shoulders, ao much
In favor this season with both
grown-up and miniature fashion
ables. The snug collar, cuffs and
pocket' trimmings are developed
Jn fur. Attractive buttons fasten
th garment at the left front.
Many fabrics suggest themselves
for Design 7666 velour, chin
chilla cloth, heavy tweed or vel
vet. If jersey is used for the lin
ing, additional warmth will be
given. Becoming furs for the
amalt tot include beaver, nutria,
iqnirrel and seal.
Atax. be obtained. only in sizes 2,
4 and 6. Sire 4 requires 1 4 yards
of 54 Inch material.
: No dressmaking experience is ne
cessary to make this model. The
pattern has ample and exact In
Btrnctfpns.:' Yardage Is given for
every sis.. A perfect tit is guar
atnteed. . J... .
V Pstteras' H1W delivered apoa
"xetpi 'itf .TiltMii" nt ia 'catns
gOTefnUy iniiiii or ctMips. B
t Inra t write pMuly 7im- earn,
address t jl - uobtt and... ixa
want.- '-
-, Bok la rifteca eeiti,' bat' ly
tea evata whea eraaraa witk
pattera. - A4mt all aull aa4
rders t SUtesnaa Pattera D
partaieat. 243 Wert 17U street,
Xtw ltrk City. - , . . n'
ews an
Oltve M. Doak,
Mrs. Albin W. Norhlad and daughter Eleanor. Mrs. Nor
blad took ker place as first lady of Oregon Sunday morning
with the oath of office taken by het husband as he took up
the of ficial duties of governor of the state. Miss Eleanor Nor
blad is a sophomore in high school. .
Regularly shampooed hair, pol
ished finger nails, shoes a-shlm-
mer. stockings immaculate, hanky
fresh and clean, complexion with
out a blemish, garments ' well
brushed these' are th require
ments of a civilized existence. To
call women vain because they take
an interest In these, matters is to
do them an Injustice. A good ap
pearance is necessary to health,
because of its effect upon the spir
it, and it is an essential prop to
self-respect and an optimistic view
of life.
.The slump of the shingle
broke the fJapner market. When
the gals started to grow rear hair
fashion took a step forward, or
maybe backward, we haven't
found out yet. At any rate, skirts
lengthened, ruffles, bushed out
skirts, waist, lines riz, the curly
duriies let their ambrosial locks
dangle round their necks and
there was a rumor of bustles fly
ing round the globe. All because
the shearing ceased! What do you
make of that. Watson?
Sage tea acts as a mild color
ing agent for the hair and per
forms its presto change act best
upon hair that is light or medium
brown. Steep one-half ounce of tha
leaves in a pint of water, strain,
cool and add a tablespoonful of
rubbing alcohol. Apply to the hair
with a toothbrush. . Applications
must be repeated every six week3
or so.
Under garments should be
loose enough to gfre freedom of
movement, but they should be cut
to fit the figure precisely and ex
actly. Plump ladies especially
must see that there Is no excess
waste material in their under dud
dies to bunch up in folds and
spoil the fit of a frock.
It is very la-la to have one's
hat made to order. "Raw" hats
are trotted out, the desired col
or is selected and the cbapeau is
carved, snipped and folded to pro'
vide those precise lines that are
necessary ff the cash-eoin-custom-er
is not to "look like that!" The
haUJs the most Important detail
of the sartorial composition.
"Bad teeth, uncared for teeth,
discolored teeth put the candi
date for good looks out of the
running. No sense in not haying
good teeth, unless there is an in
herited deficiency -t dentine ma
terials, those calcified substances
of which teeth are composed.
Brushing twice a day. rinsing
with a mouth wash twice a day
(immediately following the brush
ing), proper use of dental floss
and the habit of chewing
hard food for the sake of polishing
one's little pearls aren't tasks that
make heavy inroads upon tha
day's time and activity. Oh, yes!
and don't forget the visit to the
dentist every six months.
Easy to Remove
With This Amazing
Doable-Purpose Shampoo
You have to wash your hair, any
way and now you can remove
every speck of unsightly, harmful
dandruff at the same time! No
smelly mixtures no aalres
Just a wonderful, unique shampoo
that- dissolves dirt and - dandruff
like magic . ' ' -
Pitch's -Dandruff Remover Sham
poo Is "the a-worn" eh"fcmyrot "dan
drn ff o but kiodV to hair -andVacaln.
Try-. Fitch's 'today, and . tomorrow
be rid of disagreeable, unpleasant
dandruff.... " - v..
; Perry Drug Store ..
113 & Com'l Stv, a-uaraBteea
-: these malts.
d Club
Society Editor
Between the surface, ot the
scalp and the bosfts of one's pate
is a soft-little cushion of fatty
tissues, interlaced . with blood
vessels. This cushion is a sort of
garden and from it grows that hir
sute spinach which provides us
with tresees. If the cushion is
flexible, elastic and movable, the
blood circulates freely and the
hair grows and. thrives like dan
delions in early spring. Scalp mas
sage turns the trick. Five min
utes of it every night. The results
beat all get-out.
a a
Girls who have never' attended
gym classes can have no Idea how
much fun can be found there, or
how much the muscular structure
of the human anatomy can be im
proved. Now that shapes are
shapes again, with waistline trim
and busts fuller, the old gym suit
should come out rrom its mothy
lair and start skipping around.
Bleaching hair with peroxide
shrinks it. Therefore, when the
marcel iron is about to be used,
the bottle-blonde topknot should
be moistened ever so slightly.
Henna must nqyer be applied to
hair that has been frolicking with
bleaching fluids; henna put on
bleached hair will flame it Into a
carroty red.
a a a
Many women have color fear;
they sidestep all the lovely bright
hues. Other women cant bear dull
mournful shades. Choosing the.
colors one wears is important.
They make or unmake the femme.
a a a
St. Paul's Choir
To Sing Eucharist
The choir of St. Paul's Episco
pal church, under the direction of
R. H. Robertson, will sing the full
choral Eucharist service at 11:30
p. m., Tuesday.
Preceeding the service ' the
choir will sing "O, Little Town of
Bethlehem," and then march
down the aisles of the darkened
church bearing candles and sing
ing "Adeste Fidelis."
The soloists are Mrs. Louise
Robertson, Mrs. J. E. Law, Tom
Tattum, Mrs. Kenneth Dalton, or
gan, Miss Hoshi Watanabe, piano.
Miss Jeannette Scott, violin, aad
Mrs. Fannie Bowes, violin.
Keep On Talons; LydiaE.Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Philadelphia, Pa. "I always use
Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound before aad
after childbirth.
I am a mother of
three children
two little girls
and a baby boy.
I would get run'
dawn, ncrvouf,
dizzy and weak
sometimes so I
had to lie in bed.
I would take the
Vegetable Com
pound as a to sic
and I always saw aa improvement
after takins the first bottle. I found
Ut to be a good tonic. I always rec-
ommeiia yoar xncuicuics 10 say iricnu
and I caanot. apeak too highly of
them. -Mas. Arc a . Locderbacx,
1807 S. Front Street, Phila, Pa. -K
Xydui aUianl Vegetable
"Compound' '
v -; ft-? For " Sal 'at " -Helaoa
at Bait Drag; Store"
Comer Court & Liberty, TeL.f
' ' -J t
s$ - - ' VNo x V
Qy ....
Tff 03ECO:i STATESMAN; Salem,
Dr. R. P. Landis
Hubbard Host
, HUBBARD Dr. R. P. Landis
of Portland, was host at a delight
ful dinner party honoring Hy
Ever ding and Dr. P. O. Riley at
the Springs hotel Friday evening.
At 7:00 o'clock dinner was
served in the dining room which
was decorated in the seasonable
Leolors, -red and green, with the
tames centered ny miniature
Christmas trees.
Doctor Landis was toastmas
ter at the dinner. .Talks -were
given by the guests of honor, Mr.
Everdihg on '.'Friends I've Made,"
and Doctor Riley on Friends Re
tained. Av. one-minute speech by
each guest on the subject "Fun
niest Happening in My Life" ad
ded, humor'to the happy, occasion.
"After, the dinner, the guests re
tired to; the lobby where a lovely
Christmas tree awaited and where
a program wasr fcejd. The room
was beautiful with green' festoon
ing oh the walls.
The program- included:. 'Com
munity singing,-led byDrr Paul
Dntton; group of songs by Paul
Dutton, Boyd Williams.. Ed Pierce
and Carrol Morrison, meubers of
the East Side Commercial club
Quartet of Portland, accompanied
by Jack Gigray; banjo duets by
Sam Williams and Joe Ingram;
shuffling dance by Lew King; in
terpretive dancing by Blanche
King, small daughter of Mr. King;
tap dancing by Mary Jane Gigray,
small daughter of Jack Gigray;
humorous stories told by Jim
Green and Tom-Mollux; ballads
by Ed Pierce, accompanying him
self on a harp-guitar; and a read
ing. "Court Action," by Ray Ide.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Gigray and children, .Mary
Jane and Jack. Mr. and .Mrs. Lew
King and daughter Ellen Blanche,
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Malloy, Mr.
and Mrs. J.-W... -Morris, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Newcastle, Mr. -and
Mrs. Raymond Ide, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert J. Mercier, Mr. and Mrs. C.
T. Wilson. MTKand Mrs. Joe Ing
ram, and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Dut
ton.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil . L. -Wallace;
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pierce,
jim Green. Dr. R. P. Landis, Mr.
and Mrs. Carrol Morrison, F. E.
Geeslr, air of Portland: T, Miller.
T. J. Sheridan and Hy Everding of
the Springs; Dr. and Mrs. A. F.
de Lespinasse, Dr. and Mrs. P. O.
RlJey, of Hubbard.
a a
Book and Thimble
Club Meets
KINGWOOD. Mrs. Charles
Schwarts was hostess Thursday.
December 19, to the members of
the Book and Thimble club. Aft
er a business session, a Christmas
prognrm' was given under the di
rection of Mrs. Ray Lacey and
Mrs. Ross Damrell. The rest of
the afternoon was spent in quilt
ing. Members present were Mrs. E.
W. St Piejie, Mrs. L. F. Brown,
Mrs. George Trott, Mrs. Ray La
cey, Mrs. Hettie Simpkins, Mrs.
Ross Damrell and . Mrs. Minnie
Schwartz. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Ray Fer
guson. January 9.
98c -$3.45 $4.95-59.75
5c - 50c 98c - $2.50
$2.95-$5.95 $7l48-$24.75
$2.95-$5,95 S6.95-S14.50
Oregon. Tuesday Horning.
Worrtans Qub Host
To Special -Guests
Orchard Heights Woman's dab
enjoyed its annual Christmas
party Thursday afternoon. Dee
amber If, at the home ot Mrs. C
H. Fisher, Mrs. Edward Reed and
Mrs. Cash Roberts were assistant
hostesses. Mrs. Cash Simmons led
devotions. A short business ses
sion followed at which Mrs Ed.
Reed, president, presided.
During the entertainment period
readings were given by Mrs. Will
Urn McDowell, Miss Mary -Wait
and others aad a group of eight
ladies gave a Christmas exercise.
This was followed by a guessing
Igame and last but ndt least was
the appearance of Santa Clausv-im-personated
by Mrs: Cash. Roberts.
Santa presented each person pres
ent with a gift from 'the beauti
fully decorated tree.
During the afternoon the ladies
finished filling the Christmas box
and it was sent Friday to the
hoys1 home at Turner. "
An unusual number of guests
were entertained, at Thursday's
meeting. They, included Mrs. Ever
ett Davis and -her "daughter
Blanche and Mrs. FraDh-Fhwk .of
Oak Grove; Mrs A-LwK3atoroT
Brush College; Mrs,?; Cox and
daughters, Barbara Jeaif tnd 'Vir
ginia Lee. of Eagle Crest Yanch;
Mrs. John Barnwell of Wilder.
Kans.: Dorothy Elisabeth ouf
tier and little Herbert and John
Cyril Schwarts.
Members present were Mrs.
Isobel Fawk.. Mrs. fiurnham
Sonthwlck. M'rs. Eugene South
wlck, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. Ed
Reed, Mrs. Roy McDowell. Mrs.
Cash Roberts, Mrs. William
Schwarts, Mrs. Ernest Anderson,
Mrs. William Bouffler, Mrs. Will
iam Knower, Mrs. C. H. Fisher,
Mrs. Ammon Grice, Mrs. John
Simmons. Mrs. C. S. Matthews,
Mrs. Albert Bouffler. Mrs. Frank
Farmer,- Mrs; M. A. Schneller.
Mrs. William McDowell, Mrs.
Ralph Wilson, -Mrs. Ashby and
Miss Mary Wait.
Mrs. Philip Bouffler will be
hostess to the club members at
her home at 1145 E. Marion street
Salem, December 30. -a
a a
Orchard Heights Has
"500 Evening
and Mrs. William Knower and
Mr. and Mrs. C. H; Fisher enter
tained a group of - friends at the
Knower home Friday evening.
The rooms were trimmed with
Christmas greenery. Including. a
tree in the dining room. Five ta
bles of five hundred were in play
during the evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Roscoe Clarke received high
score. Just before refreshments
were served, Santa Claus ap
peared and each guest received a
gift from the tree.
Our Own
Make Only
For Late Shoppers
Gifts that every woman wants
98c -$1.48 $1.95 -$2.95
Sp. $3.45 to $5.95
Sp. $9.75 to $12.48
3-pc. sets Sp. $5.95
Quality Merchandi se Popular Prices
December 24, ittai
Those present jrero Mr. aad
Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mr. and Mrs.
Roscoa Clarke. Mr. aad Mrs. Am
mon Grice, Mr. aad Mrs. James
Smart, - Mr. aad Mrs. Engena
SoaUwiek, Mr. aad Mrs. Edward
Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Voight,
Mr. and Mrs. William Schwarts,
Mr., and Mrs. Roy McDowell, Mr.
and Mrs. Cash Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. Knower. and Mr. and Mrs.
Prominent Silverton
Folk to Wed
SILVERTON. Cards are out
announcing the approaching wed
ding of Miss Iola Fry, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Fry.
to Robert' Goets, Jr., the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goets. Sr..
Christmas day at the home ot the
bride's parents. Mr. Goets, Sr.,
is superintendent of Silverton
a a a
The Peireah class of the First
Methodist church were the guests
of Mrs. 'William Dillon Smith at
her hp me on Center street Satur
day evening. Attractive Christmas
decorations, of poinsetta. holly
and JbjsUetoo and a gay tree add
ed much color and beauty to the
party: - Mrs," Josephine Taylor.
Miss Mattie ' Southerland, Miss
Helen At wood, Mrs. Alnxira Hale,
Miss. Opal Martin and Mrs. W. W.
Emmons were - special guests.
Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith as
sisted Mrs. Smith in serving at a
late hour.
a a a
. Miss Wanda McHargue, Miss
Zeima Luthy and Miss Beryl Hul
sey were hostesses Friday night."
The affair was in the nature of a
progressive party with Miss Lu
thy entertaining part of the eve
ning at her home. Miss McHargue
next received the guests and last
Miss Hulsey entertained. Ten
folk made up the party for this
Jolly evening.
a a a
Dr. Estella Ford Warner and
her mother Mrs.- E. G. Ford will
have as house guests for Christ
mas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott
Milne, and young son, Robert,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Fenlon Ford
and son, Fenton, Jr., all of Port
land. Sore Throats
And Coughs
Quickly Relieved by this
Safe Prescription
Here's a doctor's prescription
that Is really throat insurance;
Sore or irritated throats are re
lieved and soothed almost instant
ly with the very first swallow.
About 90 of all coughs are.
caused by an Irritated throat;
consequently for most coughs too
there is nothing better than this
famous, prescription it goes di
rect to the internal cause. It is
put up under the name Thoxine
and is guaranteed to stop coughs
and relievo sore throats in 15
minutes or your money will be re
funded. Singers and speakers
find Thoxine very valuable.
The remarkable thing about
Thoxine is that while it felieves
almost Instantly, it contains noth
ing harmful, is pleasant tasting
and safe for the whole family.
Ask for Thoxine 35c, 60c, and
$1.00 bottles. Sold by Perry's
Drug Store.
48c -.$1.4 $1.95-$17.50
49c -98c $1.48 -$2.95
$3.9546.95 $7.95-$12.48
.$2.95 - $6.95
Mrs. LexiaWaters
Mrs. Lena Waters presented
piano students la recital at
home Saturday evening. The gnest
rooms were attractively decorat
ed with Christmas greens aad a
Christmas tree added a gay note
to the decorations. Following tne
recital refreshments wer,e served
and a aocial hour waa .enjoyed.
Those students appearing in re
cital were Richard Steefes, Betty
Childs, Johnnie Erickson. Peggy
Minktewitx. Vera Beechler. Har
riet Crawford, Leland Berry. Vir
ginia Coates, William Laughlin,
i ' v 1
Give to Mother
Give to Dad
A Comfortable Cogswell
OR A-r-
TT J '
For the Hfatte-
the Kiddies
Open tonight and tomorrow nijht
Unta 9 o'clock
Visit eor Exchange Department
Marjorli Waters, Rata Critei,
Mildred Hardin, Mamie Critei,
aad two nnmbers by rhythm or
chestra. A special song was sung
by Mamie and Ruth Critei. ac
companied by Mildred Hardin.
Ur nd Vri. Melvln Johnann
and daughter wilt spend the holi
day! at Tacoma, Washington.
Dec. 23 (AP) Ten passengers
and two members of the crew of
a schooner are feared to have
nritiit MfMir tn th writ
ing of the vessel near the Trujillo
coast by a severe aie.
A Hamilton-Beach ?
yacuum Sweeper
Monarch Electric Range
Full Automatic
f a . m LVl
xianay omoKing Cabinet Pfl
(111 A TnVrA ronrrA .,U Wi
v- vurb TT AAA OUil
A new Rug or Davenport
or maybe a Dining Suite
Or Bedroom Suite
't Forget
Hundreds of Toys in our
Toyland that will make
this a merry Christmas
for them.
. m
.- in