The CHEGOri STATESMAN, Salen. Oregon, Tuesday iXoraiag, December 24, 1923 pack nvn flocal News Briefs 3Iri kerson on Program ilary L. Fulkerson, county Mrs. fichpol. superintendent, will leare Wednesday afternoon ror Fort landV where she will attend the annual meeting of the Oregon Estate" Teachers association, in: - sesMon there Thursday, rnaay - and Saturday. Mrs. f uucerson , is , enairmu ui . . .7 mittee, wmcn ido, muftbe on h lob the ',rt tllIn Thursday morning. She win also Fpealc on the nroeram of the bojrs an! girls' 4-H club division of the meeting. Just arrived another shipment f St Andreasberg Oerman roll ers!; Soeclal prices. Salem's Pet land. Phone 656. Peace I Topic Miss Mary Findley. field secretary for the vat'nnal Council for the Preven tion of war. will speak Friday night at the Y. M. C. Aher ad dress being the regular Friday iiinht lohby attraction. She will tell of the achievements of the recent national convention of the organization she represents. Miss Findlev is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs ' 2A. r. Findley of this city. There will be several musical numbers and readings on the pro gram. J top your leaking roof and U with "Bitutect." Sticks to ?ny et surface. Painted or mop ped. Requires no experience. Ap plied cold. Miller Products Co.. foaf of Lincoln St.. Portland. Ore. ' Dance Meilowmoon Wednes- day. F&re Receives Qtft Chester Page, superintendent of the Thom as Kay Woolen Mills, was present ed a fountain pen and pencil set by the employes of the mill Satur . day, as a Christmas gift and a to ken of their esteem. The presen tation was made at a meeting of the employes Saturday at the noon hour. Buy her a Singer electric sew . Ins machine. One that is like new. Price only $55. TeL today.2811J. Guests at Kletzlng Home Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kletzing of Portland, will arrive this evening to remain over Christmai with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzing. 115 Nortfi 16th. Miss Elizabeth Black well Of Seattle, sister of Mrs. Kletiing. is also a holiday visitor at the home. Gray Belle 50c special dinner. 75c Gray Belle dinner. $1.00 tur key, steak or chicken dinner de luxe. All $1.50 ties in gift boxes now $1.19 at G. W. Johnson St Co. .Trip Plannel Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Tallman of 2085 Myrtle Ave., left Salem Sunday for an extend ed trip to southern California. Tbey will visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wendell of Hollywood, Cat., for a short time during the holi days. .Have yoa seen our gift depart Returns From San Francisco Albert N. Bryant, traveling and freight agent for the Southern Pa cific working out of the Salem or f ice. returned Monday morning from San Francisco, where he ac companied a special train of O. S C. students. We will be open this evening C. S. Hamilton Furniture Co, Shirt special, values to $2.50, now 1. 45 in gift boxes at G. W Johnson ACo. ' .Relative Killed Word has jiisf been received by Mrs. Addle rjariim and her mother. Mrs. Ada Gibler. that Bert Glbler, brother of, Mrs. Curtis and Mrs, Gibier's aon, was seriously Injured and his w'jfe killed. In anautomoblle acci dent in los Angeies. Men who shoo late will find natty Christmas suggestions at Kafoury's. Open tll 8: 30 p. m. Te Visit in Portland. Rev. and Mrs. W. N. Coffee, of the Market treet Free Methodist church, are nianninr to noend the Christmas holiday in Portland, where a fam ily reunion will be held wednes day. , Dane Meilowmoon Wednes day. - ' Just as the cow gives it. Cooled- bottled Foshay farm, natural (raw) milk. Phone 1735J. ' , Mis. Held to Portland Mrs Cora E. Reld. county truant of ficer., left Monday tor Portland, where she will spend the holiday wjlth her son. Evan A. Reld, and hj?r son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Bagley. Men who shop late will find many Christmas suggestions at Kafoury's. Open 'til 8: SO p. m. Sublimity Man . Here George Sasbauer of Sublimity was among the . business visitors in the city yesterday. Susbauer is chairman of. the school board In that dis trict. s Marlon Hotel. Special Christ was dinner $1.25. Served from l:it a. m. to 2 p. m. and 5:45 to 8 p. m. , Bosch Radio. The, best In ra dios. Halek Electric Co. Signs Placed Stop signs are been placed to designate the etr.; "through" rente on Fair grounds Road, Hood street and Broadway. ( .Costume, jewelry, smart feosiery. negligees, silk nndies, make grand : gilt. Men who shop-late are la iied to come to Kafoury's. Open til S:S0 9. ha. . - ; - . . : T- ,.The Imperial Furniture Co. will be open this evening. " ' . Knzer to Rneak Ram A ITntar. etato budget director,, will bo tie . aneaajer at tne K.twaata em a mim- oa . today, his topic being state finances. ' ' Bucks Move Here Mr. pad Mrs. W. M. Buck, former resi dents of North Dakota, bat for the past two years or Santa Barbara, have recently moyed to Salem, and are located at 251 South Cot tage street. Mrs. Buck as lecturer and organiser for the National W. C. T. Uf, has trayeled extensive ly In the west and they have eh sen. Salem as the Ideal place for a home. Miss Louise Back teaches In Kaliarpell high school in Mon tana, and Is here; to spend the holidays with her parents. . Men's fancy hose In gift boxes, values to 85c now 49c or two for 95c at G. W. Johnson & Co. California Man Here L. V. Metsger of Santa Rosa. Calif., was a Monday business visitor in the city. Metzger is interested in the Apple Vendor Sales company and will be here, again Friday to ad dress a meeting -of persons inter this company. The Fri day session Is one of a series be ing held by -Ray 1. Faschlng and BeV 13. -Burke, local representa tives of the concern. - -" -s Give the family a Frigidaire for Christmas. Eoff Electric, Inc. Men! If you're looking for a feminine gift, torn to, Kafoury's. Open 'til 8:30 p. vlS Grand Jury Dismissed Monday afternoon the Marion county grand Jury was dismissed to at tend the funeral servicesfor Gov ernor I. Lk Patterson. The session will be resumed tdday bat a' re cess will be declared Wednesday for Christmas. A number of cases of local Interest will be heard by the grand Jury during the present session as several have been bound over to that body from the local Justice court. Dollar dinner every night 5:45 to 8 at the Marion hotel. Wrestler to Wed A marriage license has been issued to Des mond G. Anderson, local wrestler. and Libbie J. DuBC&n, 608 Wash ington street. Anderson gave his age as 22 while Miss Duncan was listed at 18. The western profes sional lightweight mat champion ship Is held by Anderson who won that title here last week. Christmas turkey dinner Argo dining room. 11:30 to 4. 60c. Men! If you're looking for a feminine gift, come to Kafoury's. Open 'til 8:30 p. m. Cope Get Turkey Turkey din ners are to be enjoyed by mem bers of the Salem police depart ment according to an announce ment made public Tuesday. Each member of the local force and his family will be given a big turkey dinner through, the generosity or the First National bank officials. $3.50 rayon striped shirts, spe cial $2.45 in gift boxes at G. W. JohLson Sc. Co. Miss Child Recovering Miss Isabel Childs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. 'Childs. is recovering as rapidly as could' be expected from a major operation performed Saturday at the Salem General hospital. Miss Childs is a sopho more at Willamette and is also working In the advertising depart ment of the Statesman. Nickel and rilver serving trays reduced 50 per cent. Eoff Electric Inc. Kafoury's are open until 8:30 p. m. Monday and. Tuesday. Church Program Tomorrow The American Lutheran cnurcn will hold Christmas services on Wednesday morning, with com munion services to begin at 15: 30 o'clock and the regular worship and reception- of new members at 11 o'clock. Rev. P. W. Erlksen, the pastor, will be in charge. Get vonr Evereadr Prestone An- tt-Freeze at Capital Motors Co., Inc. 350 N. High street. On HolMay Trip Miss Marga ret D. McDonald, 381 Chemeketa street, will leave early this morn ing for New Westminster, B. C. where she will remain over the holidays. Kafoury's are open until 8:30 p. m. Monday and Tuesday. Blinkhorn Coming George Bllnkhorn. of Lebanon, brother of John E. Bllnkhorn. dairy and food Inspector, will spend the Christmas holiday with his broth er and parents here. Want used furniture. Tel.. 611. Erlksen to Portland Rev. P. W. Erlksen, pastor of the Ameri can Lutheran church, wllll leave Wednesday evening for a brief visit in Portland. 1930 Calendars free. Homer 11. Smith Ins. Agcy. Over Miller's. Arcetslnger Joins Army Al A. Argetsinger signed up here for service hi the army and left Mon day for Portland for preliminary examination. Special on Universal quality waffle irons, $6.95. Eoff Electric. Inc. Goets Visits City R obert Goetr; city .superintendent of schools at Silvfrton, was a Mon day business visitor in Salem. Dance Meilowmoon Wednesday, Thomas Bros. Band. - . " Tobte From Stayton H. X. To bie, principal of tha 4 Stayton schools, was transacting business In the city Monday. . t u Gaa Store Ope Nights To ac commodate those who cannot shop during the day the gas dis play "rooms at 1 3 6 "8. High will bo Open evenings 'till Christmas.. Marion Hotel. Special Christ mas dinner $1.25. Serred from 11:45 a. m. to X p. m. and 6:4$ to $ p,m. t Ft in Portland W. W. Vox, rural school supervisor, is spend ing the first few days of tha week I In Portland on school business. Many Persons of Prominence and' Note Present at Funeral Here The officialdom of Oregon and the list of noted men in this state were well represented at the fu-neral-of Governor Patterson Mon day. Following are the names of some of the oat of town notables seen at the services: George L. Baker, mayor of Portland. Phil Metschan, chairman of the republican state committee, of Portland. Henry L. Corbett, state senator. from Portland. Ralph S. Hamilton, speaker, of the house, from Bend. . ,. Oswald West, former governor. from "Portland. . . '. " V R. G-. Callvert, - editor of the Oregonian ".. K. w. .sawyer,- state nignwar commissioner, from Bend. Vi ; Ben Dorris, stati - game com missioner, from Eugene. Frank Lonergan. state repre sentative, from Portland. J. F. Clark, State representa tive, from Oregon City. Allan Bynon, state representa tive, from Portland. Earl C. Bronaugb. state repre sentative, from Portland. Wllber Henderson, state repre sentative, from Portland. E. O. Potter, state representa tive, from Portland. Charles W. Robiaon. state rep resentative, from Astoria. Frank W. Settlemler, state rep resentative, from Woodburn. JohnW. Kelly, political writer of the Oregonian. A. J. Kingsley, Portland lum berman. Arthur C. Spencer, general counsel of the Union Pacific. H. E. Lounsbnry, general freight agent of the Union Pacific. Mr. Hobbs, right of way agent for the Union Pacific. Jack Nott. traveling freight agent of the Union Pacific Ralph Watson, political writer of the Oregon Journal. Judge J. K. Weatherford of Al bany. Judge J. Fred Yates of Cotval- 11s. J. B. Horner, O. S. C. professor, from Corvallis. Circiut Judge Campbell of Ore? gon City. Amedee M. Smith, former Multnomah county commissioner. Ralph Williams, republican na tional committeeman, from Port land. Fred B. Sackett. county judge of Yamhill county. John H. Stevenson, circuit Judge of Multnomah county. Gus C. Moser, state senator, from Portland. Fred German, Multnomah coun ty commissioner. Homer D. Angell, state repre sentative from Portland. Ben Olcott, former governor. from Portland." L. V. Jenkins, Portland chief of police. Joseph Dunne, state senator from Portland. Harold Clifford, state game warden. Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of Oregon State college. Elisa Kielin. of McMinnville. Bert Lee. former secretary of. the state fair board. FREDERICK MOODY BERKELEY. Cal., Dec. 23 (AP) Helen Wills, who won the women's world tennis champion ship, captivated the hearts of two continents, painted pictures that won her praise in London galler ies and was presented to the Brit ish king and queen married a young bond salesman here today because she loves him and tonight her name Is Mrs. Frederick S. Moody. Jr. The Moodys were married Poulsen to Bellingham Mark Ponlsen will leave today for a Christmas visit in Bellingham, Wash. Shed dry wood Prompt service. eoall Tel. Bayne te The Dalles R. W. Bayne, 250S South Commercial street, has left to spend the holi days in The Dalles. Turkey din., 60c today. Tourist C&fe, 165 S. Com. Closed Xmas. Huffman to Montana Dorothy D. Huffman left Monday for Pop lar, Mont., to remain over the hoi idays. FtJiraittqiro Think of us IV r We also buy all kinds of Iron, sacks, rags and all metal.' ' - . ' ' Capital Junk Co. ' V H, Steinbeck. Proi. t S98 By the Bridge HELEN WILIS IDS t - f- ' i ' t- - 4 4 . . Oregon national guardsmen preceded Ex-Governor Patterson's cortege as it passed down-State street from the cnpJtot yesterday. The picture aboTO shows the band, playing alow music, followed by the remainder of the procession. In the background Is seen the capitol dome under which Patterson directed the jurairs of the state for three years. shortly after noon at St- Cle ment's Episcopal church, a mod est little chapel that nestles at the foot of the Berkeley Hills, near the tennis courts where nine years ago Mrs. Moody began that career that was destined to make her one of the best known women In the world. The ceremony was character istic of the bride's career, simple and sincere, but with a cheerful overtone. The church had been decorated for Christmas. There was holly, evergreen, a bit of tin sel and over all a star, at the al tar beneath these decorations Miss Wills and Mr. Moody knelt quietly while the Rev. Llndley H. Miller, the rector, read the new Episcopal services which does not require the bride to "obfj'" her husband or the husband 'to "en dow" his wife with all his worldly goods. There was no music and no flowers, except the golden crysan themums intertwined in the dec orations. Miss Wills wore a gray brown patou suit, with accessories of crimson and Wue. Mr. Moody wore a dark business suit. Valsetz Road is Bit Improved VALSETZ. Dec. 23 Roy Gaso. Guy Ross and Bob Harris Thurs day cut away several trees that had fallen across the road be tween Valsetz and Falls City dur ing the recent wind storm. Although there are four real bad mud holes on the road sev eral different cars made the trip out In the past three days. It is anything but pleasure riding over Obituary Cottew -Died at the residence of her daughter. 555 South Liberty street, December 22. Mrs. Margar et Melissa Cottew, 82. Survived by three children, Lee H. of Rattoon, New Mexico; Charles H. of Salem, and Mrs. E. H. MeElvaia, also of Salem; also six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Fun eral services from the Terwilllger funeral home Tuesday at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. S. Darlow Johnson officiating. Remains, accompanied by the son, Charles H. Cottew, will be sent to Peabody, Kansas, for Interment. Powell Died at the residence, 1295 Market street, December 22. James Oscar Powell, 41. Survived by his wife, Ruth; one son. Delta; parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Pow ell of Tangent; brothers, Bert of Portland and John of Milwaukee; one sister, Mrs. Ida Hays of Junc tion City, Wash. Funeral services Tuesday, December 24, at 10:30 o'clock from the Clough-Taylor chapeL Interment in the Oakville cemetery near Tangent. City View Cemetery Established 1893 TeL 1260 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable r I Deltretf Memorial KaSarmtcly A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just tea miantes front the heart of towa ' .v.. " " .. 1- ' i ... ''" '- ' ' . .A - v. . " .'i.iif : - - ' MILITARY DIGNITY MARKS FUNERAL PROCESSION V.. . -J x. . - .""V.. t. v - Governors Name Born John Whtteaker Indiana A. C. Gtbbs New York George L. Woods. .... Missouri Lafayette Grover ......Maine Stephen F. Chadwlck ....Conn. W. W. Thayer New York Z. F. Moody.... Massachusetts Sylvester Penaoyer ..New York TWllliam P. Lord . . . Delaware T. T. Geer .-. Oregon Geo. E. Chamberlain Mississippi Frank W. Benson . . .California Jay Bower man Iowa Oswald West Canada James Wlthycombe. . , England Ben W. Olcott Illinois Walter M. Pierce Illinois I. L. Patterson Oregon A. W. Norblad Sweden the mountain road this time of the year. The steam train with three day coaches was crowded Sunday morning taking the people to spend the holidays . in various towns. Another train left about 1 p. m. also. CALLED BY-DEATH James Oscar Powell, for the past five years candy and Ice cream maker at the" Spa confec tionery, died suddenly at ll:45 o'clock Sunday night at the home at 1295 Market street from a heart attack. Powell had gone to bed apparently in the best of health. He had gone to a Christmas pro gram with his family earlier In the evening and had enjoyed a ra dio program before retiring and gave no sign of feeling ill. He had not been subject to heart at tacks. "Before coming to Salem he I was employed for about two years at an Albany confectionary. He waa a native of Kansas and was 41 years old. Mr. Powell leaves his widow, Rath Powell; one son, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Powell of Tangent; two brothers, Bert of Portland and John' of Mil waukee; and one sister, Mrs. Ida FOR INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL OR EASTERN RAILROAD RATES PHONE 727 Oregon Electric Ry.tb WtUamotta Vallev T.ln Headquarters' for Bosch Radios S47 Govt St. Phone 488 Schaefer't THROAT AND LUNG BALSAM for the treatment of Coughs Irritation , .. and . ., Catarrhal conditions of the throat Smokers Cough Oal a Schaefer's DRUGSTORE TKe Original TeOow Front and Candy Special Store of Salem. 1SS N. Commercial ' Pbone 1T Pen ilar Agency JAMES HOWELL IS i "i S: of Oregon Occupation - Party Farmer Democrat .Lawyer Republican Lawyer Republican Lawyer Democrat Lawyer Democrat Lawyer Democrat Surveyor-business man Republ. Lawyer-lbr. man Dem.-Peoplea Lawyer Republican Farmer Republican Lawyer Democrat Lawyer Republican Lawyer. .. Republican Lawyer Democrat Educator. . i.' publican Accountant Republican Lawyer-farmer Democrat Farmer Republican Lawyer Republican Hays of Junction City, Wash. He was a member of the Jason Lee church here. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 o'clock this morning at the Clough-Taylor- chapel. Rev. Fred C. Taylor officiating. Interment will be made at the OakviUe cem etery near Tangent. Beuna Crest to Stage Program HOPMERE, Dec. 23 The Beuna Crest Literary society will present a program and pie social at the school house on next Fri day evening, January 3rd. The program committee is Composed of Mrs. Ralph Harold, Mrs. Ju lian DeJardin, and Miss Eula Beckner. The proceeds are to go toward paying for chairs recently purchased by the society. PILES CURED Wttaottt pnsUoa er teas ef DR. 32 Orfoa Blag. " For Expert Motor Reconditioning G. A. Raymond Machine Shop 435 Cheat. St. Phone 8 BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR JUNK Phone us for the Highest Cash Price We buy and sell everything Salem Junk Co. 320 N. Commercial PHONE 483 Saffron Kline SPECIAL NEW YEAR EDITION ORDER BLANK In its annual edition of January 1, 1930, The Oregon Statesman will tell tha story of the year . . . industrial development, building, governmental advance, educational progress. I And in addition there will be depicted the outlook for 1930 as leaders of Salem and the state foresee it. ' " You will want extra copies, and should order them now. The price is ten -cents including postage for those mailed out. list the names and addresses below, we will do the mailing. Name Mail or bring the list . . YUIETIDE PAKEANT The Christmas pageant. "The Story Wonderful" presented Sun day night at the American Luth eran church was witnessed by a crowd which taxed the bouse to capacity, with every seat and aisle packed and more than a hundred persons standing. Scores were ao tually turned away, reports the pastor, Rev. P. W. Erlksen. Effective choral presentation of Christmas carols, with the choir singing from the back of the room as an introduction to the pageant, opened the program. A massed chorus of all the participants in the pageant and the chorus ap peared in the final spectacular scene. Lighting- changes were care fully worked out to produce the most effective scenes for such parts of the Biblical drama as the wisemen seeing the Bethlehem star, the manger and the oriental kings bear incense and gifts. FRESH CANDY The Utmost in Quality The SPA UR6E CROlVD SEES OPEN ITDfiaiigIM: I 5 For the convenience of those who cannot shop during the day IMPERIAL Firrmture Co. Street to Toe Statesman Office. iL MERGER -PLAN PUSHED -1 Early Action on Proposal to Be Sought to United -States Solons ; WASHINGTON, Dec 23 -(AP) j Prospects for early congres sional consideration ot legislature . to facilitate general ralrroad con-f... solidation were raised today, fol lowing the promulgation Satur day by the interstate commerce commission of a specific plan for wholesale unification of the . country's transport system'. Senator Fess, Republican, Ohio, who has it rail consolidation . bill pending, announced that he would press it for action this ses-s' '. sion in tne oeuer tnat new law is necessary to clear away ob- . stacies to the program.' The Fess step represented the - -, only additional approach to - the , , subject todayMn official circles.. Railroads commentators were" a. unit in expecting that no pro-' grams are likely to be presented soon rrom carrier quarters ioos ; ing toward the linking of any group of carriers under the plan. It was pointed ont that the le gal and operating staffs of all the carriers must have weeks for study of the details; that only three or four railroad groups. in tire country are actually seeking to take advantage of the presents- provision of law permitting con solidation; and that the commis sion plan seriously modifies all the rail merger projects that have been actually advanced. Claims totaling H.409.C5 have been paid to Statesman subscrib ers by The North American Ac cident Insurance Co. . . These claims were paid on the ' $1.00 policy issued to Statesman sub scribers. FINEST TORIO READING LENSES $4.95 Eyeglass Insurance and thor ough examination included. THOMPSON-GLUTSCn OPTICAL CO. 110 N. Commercial Sc. Pre-Inventory SALE Discount on all "Electrical Appliances VIDBEQT & TODD Ferry and High S City t. 11 Sl