The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' PAGE TWO
Death of Patterson Causes
Sudden Change in Polit-;
I cal Situation -
(Continued from Page 1.)
field, has been generally conceded
to be a candidate for the repub
lican: nomination in May. Asked
Monday if he would run, the sen
ator replied that "the family and
the- friends of the late governor
are weighed down with" grief and
all citizens of Oregon are bowing
their heads In sorrowful respect.
Under these circumstances I do
not care to make a public state
ment." Denial that he was a candidate
for the -nomination was made by
Tom Kay, state treasurer, in re
sponse to a printed story Monday
afternoon in the Capital Journal
In which the headline read: "Tom
Kay to be a Candidate for Gor
ernor." Mr. Kay declared that a
"great many ; people had urged
him to take up the race but as yet
X hare not had time to thinir
about it." Kay said that within
the next few days he was going
to ' tire the matter considerable
thought. He added that he had
heard a great deal of encourage
ment for a race even before the
death jot the gorernor But that he
never seriously considered oppos
ing his long-standing friend.
-Wait a few days," said Mr. Kay
In making final statement.
Bennett Not Tet
Quite Ready to Talk
Senator J. E. Bennett of Mult
nomah ,county, already generally
understood to be a candidate, de
clared to The Statesman repre
sentative that "I am rather re
luctant to discuss my candidacy
at such an early date but since
you ask me, I will say that my
. record as a representative and
also as a etata senator will be my
, Bennett declared . that "other
issues will be freely discussed as
they are brought out. He said
further: "It is my hope that this
election may prore a turning
point in Oregon politics and that
people will cast their rote for or
a rain s t a candidate on his past
record of performances, rather
than on promises. In this cam
paign as In my previous ones I
shall rely for my support upon
the men and women of Oregon
who beliere in the things" for
winch I have fought and further
beliere that we need .more busi
ness men In public office."
Kezer Jfot la Race
He Announces
" Some discussion was current
about Salem Monday concerning
-Sam Koier, long-time secretary
of state and now budget officer.
Kozer told The Statesman Mon
day night that any discussion of
his candidacy was entirely foreign
to him tad that he had no plans
made for entering the race.
state highway commission hare
been talked about as candidates
but neither of them conld be
reached Monday night. Judge,
Robert W. Sawyer of Bend, and
for two years president of the
state editorial association, is
close to party leaders and Is gen
erally considered good material
for a campaign. Four weeks ago
the Judge declared to friends that
he would in no wise -be a candi
date to race against Mr. Patter
son but whether the new turn of
erents would cause him to' revise
his views Is problematical. There
seems no secret that C. W. "Pop
Gates of Medford, may be an en
trant in the fray, but as yet he
has made no committal on his
(Continued from Pag 1.)
They" lived there for three years.
Walter was born there. They had
always talked about coming west
but nothing was done about it un
til Mr. Norblad had a case which
brought him west.
When he returned to the east
he t told Mrs. Norblad that he
thought he had found a wonder-
' f ul place In the west and that
some day" they would come.
Mrs. Norblad laughed and said,
"I told him we had always talked
about coming. If he had found
the place, we would set a date
and on that date we would go.
June IS was the date set and we
ma go. Ana lor zq. years the
Norblads hare lived in Astoria
wnere nr, Norblad has built up
ais practice ana established him
self In the state.
"I .really feel quite at home In
Balem." eaid Mrs. Norblad. "for X
hare been here off and on since
1919 when Mr. Norblad Hirst en
tered the legislature. I like tt
here and hare always enjoyed my-
seir nere rery mucn.
But she expressed her position
In Salem now as being unreel
"We dont seem to belong here,"
he said looking about the office.
"The v whole thing has been so
sudden that neither Mr. Norblad
nor myself can .think clearly
.abour It. The Pattersons and Mr.
'Iforblad and myself have been
imnr Mnnnll tritsnam fa m ra
Mr. Norblad and Gorernor Patter-
- eon were In the legislature togeth
1 er. They fear risited us in As-
' toria. . .. . . ' .
"Xlfm Mi n ....... V.
the late gorernor was' at all serf
lonsly 11L The oily Intimation
that we had that he was IS was a
little note In the Oregonian which
spoke of his haying a cold and
being confined to his home."
Then came , the telegram. ; Al
was stretched out on the daven
port, smoking everything was
peaceful, and then suddenly the
dreadful news." We Just can't
think; yet There 1 our house tt
be cared tor in Astoria. Mr. Nor
Mad has not even seen his law
partner since " the telegram came.
Wo must find a house here. But
wo wUl do nothing until after
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Gorernor A. W. Norblad, Mrs. Norblad and their two children, AXbln Walter, Jr and Eleanor
jLyle. Pictsn taken Jvmt after Goreraer Noirblad took tbe oath of cfrkse tm Portliutd. Upper laeert.
Mm, MorMad (Qell Jk Robb photo) ; lower laser t, Ommor Norblad (Brown Btwdle pboto).
Christmas. By that time we can
think more clearly.
Mrs. Norblad Indicated that she
and Eleanor would not come to
Salem nntll the end of the first
school semester In the middle of
January. Just here Miss Walton
catne in and Mrs. Norblad an
nounced that she and Miss Wal
ton were neighbors In Astoria
when Miss Walton taught there.
And Miss Walton added. "Tea.
I taught Walter. He had the
most toothsome smile and was
the most modest child."
Speaking of modesty, . Walter
must come by his honestly tor
Mrs. Norblad truly is modest. In
discussing a house, which had
been suggested as a possibility tor
solrlng their lirlng quarters, she
asked If there was an oil burner
and said she would not know
what to do without one then
hastily she added, "but don't
make a point of It when you ask
about the house tor someone
might think 1 am fussy. This
same modesty came to light when
her picture came in for discus
sion. It had been in the Port
land papers, and was to appear In
both Salem papers; sh owas de
spairing that IX should hare to be
so, and then said, "The first Joys
of being a public person-"
It. would seem from meeting
and talking, with Mrs. Norblad
that, not unlike her predecessor,
she is a rery real, rery human,
rery Interesting and - Interested
"first lady of the state."
'National World
Peace-Week to
Be Noted Here
, Salem churches will obserre na
tional world peace week from Jan
uary & to IS, lt.waa roted at the
bi-monthly ministerial association
meeting held yesterday morning
at the Y. M. C A-The city will be
divided into tire districts, as tor
the annual Thanksgiving services.
for the peace observance, and serv
ices held sereral nights la each
of the ehnrehee. Her. Harry E.
Gardner,' pester f -the -Jasoa Lee
Methodist ehurcbv Is chairman of
the committee in eharge of ar
ran e men r of the services.
-. Miss Mary Ftndley gare talk
on the world peace and its pro
gress " at a meeting r yesterday
morning and Ber. W D. Smith of
the Nesareur church ' led the de
votional RerV fred C Taylor is
president fcnd Rer. L W. Biddle,
secretary, of the association,
(AFJ District Attorney Buroa
Fttts said tonight he would ap
point Urea disinterested physi
cians to 'examine- Alexander T.
Paatagea, convicted of an assault
on Eunice Pringle, young dancer.
EUGENE, OrsL. Dec 2Sw (API
Edward F. Bailey, state senator
from Lane county, Is .. being
groomed! as democratic candidate
for gorernor, his friends an-4
nounced here -today.
Beatrice Walton to Carry
On Despite Sudden Blow
Taking Friend and Ch
Standing at a window from
which the late Gorernor Patter
son had many times stood and
looking out orer the tops of the
same great trees of the state
house grounds orer which ho had
looked. Miss Beatrice Walton, pri.
rate secretary to the late gorer
nor spon-e orer the telephone to
some friend calling to offer con
solation Monday afternoon follow
ing the funeral service for the late
Gorernor L I Patterson. She
spoke in a low roice misty with
unshed tears, rery contrary to her
nsual crisp, efficient tone, and
this is what she was saying, "I
shall do as he would hare done -tear
a sheet from the book and
try to forget!"
In all the routine of continuing
the great state's business, the
cruel, but perhaps necessary haste
which seemed to leave little room
tor the expression of any feeling
except that of excitement and bus
tle,, there was one who perhaps
more than any other save Mrs.
Patterson, who really knew the
man for whom the state was sup
posed to grieve, and whoso heart
waa truly aching with a loss so
sudden that it eren staggered the
cold machinery of routine.
From the window she turned
and sat down at her accustomed
desk, facing me. Her eyes were
heavy with tears that had been
shed, and with those that would
still come quickly If sternest self
control had not been nsed; and
they circled with loss of -sleep.
Miss Walton, thinking the gorer
nor to be tn nowise a serious con
dition had left Saturday for San
Francisco on business. She re
ceived the wire telling of the gor
ernors sudden death, Saturday
night on the train, but not until
it was too late for her to make
connections with a train return
ing te Portland. She had to go on
to 8aa Francisco and there she
turned hack and immediately re
traced her steps arriring at the
state hoase during the impres
sive funeral service conducted in
the noose of representatires.
Her first words as she faced me
were I am terribly distressed that
pened. I had no idea that such a
X was not hero, when this hap-
tning had the renxotest possibility
of happening.' .,;A"
And then she continued in a
to ice that did not stay perfectly
steady all of the time Ha was
the finest man and the most con
siderate man tor whom I hare
erer worked. I nerer saw him
lose his point In aU the three
years la whieh I had boon asso
ciated with him. He was nerer
TisfMr disturbed."
Continuing more ' slowly she
said, "Ho was always kindly and
considerate or the comfort and
pleasure ot those who worked
with him, or" those who came .to
him tor help or advice or requests.
It made no difference how small
Courtsey Portland Oregonian
the matter. It has been A. raluable
three years for me. He taught me
much. He was judicially minded
to a remarkable degree; both
sides of a Question would be
viewed impartially, a decision
would be made as fairly as he
knew how to make it and then he
would dismiss the matter from
his mind."
Gorernor Patterson's unfinish
ed term of office will go down In
history as one of the outstanding
ly smooth and efficient terms in
Oregon state history. Miss Walton
says tnis js true not because the
term was uneventful or free from
disturbing influences far from
it but because of the marvelous
ability ot the man at the helm to
iron out difficulties, quietly and
Justly. , -
But with all this sadness in her
heart. Miss Walton turned to the
problems of the new gorernor and
his wife left almost In bewilder
ment with the sudden responsibil
ities and displayed some of the
poise which, she perhaps had ab
sorbed from the man so recently
her superior. Speaking with Mrs.
Norblad tn the governor's office,
she said, "The problems win all
ravel out If yon take things slow
ly and giro them a bit ot time,"
and continued that with Mr. Nor
blad's Una haekgronnd of legal
training and his serious and thor
ough training in. the legislature
there would be erery reason to
make his tenure of office a suc
cess. And she concluded by Quiet
ly pledging her erery effort to
ward that end.
Diphtheria Case
Imported Here
; From Ashland
Another ease of diphtheria, and
the fifth to MMlT m f h miiiiIt
since just before Thanksgiving,
was reportea yesterday to the
county health officer. The fifth
patient Is a woman, who arrived
hero late last week from Afttd
She was ill when she came, but
the sickness was n$t diagnosed as
diphtheria until a-physician was
called ia.The county health offi
cer notified the Jackson county
health officer and asked him to
notify the husband.
: All contacts which the woman
made hero ham been given toxlm
antitoxin treatment by the health
officer and it is hollered no fur
ther cases will result from this
ALBANY. N. TV Dec tt. '
(AP) Three men were killed
and another- badly .burned In an
explosion aad tire late today at
the plant ot the Eedmond. and
Bramley Oil Company. Inc., In
Rensselaer; Jnst across the Hud
son from here ;
Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 24, 1929
National Guard Units Bring
Touch of Uiiitary Dig
nity to Rites
. (Continued from Page L).
Honorary pall bearers were:
Gorernor A. W. Norblad Thomas
B. Kay, state treasurer; Hal E.
Hoss, secretary ot state; O. P. Co
show, chief Justice; Justices John
L. Rand, Henry L. Bean, Harry H.
Belt, George M. Brown. Thos. A.
McBride, George Rossman; Act
ing Justice J. W. Hamilton; Ma
jor General George A. White; H.
B. Van Duzer, chairman state
highway commission: Sam Koser,
director of budget; Dr. R. E. Lee
Stelner, superintendent state hos
pital; I. H. Van Winkle, attorney
general; Henry L. Meyers, super
itaendent state penitentiary; Dr.
A. B. Hall, president University
ot Oregon; Dr. W." J. Kerr, presi
dent Oregon State Agricultural
college; C. L. Starr, president
tftta hoard of hiffhar dnr.&tiAn
C. A. Howard, superintendent of
public instruction; W. Dv Mo
Nary, superintendent eastern Ore
gon hospital; Senator Isaac C.
Active pall bearers were named
by Lieut. Col. Llbby from among
the captains of the Oregon Na
tional guard.. They were:
Capt. Francis W. Malson, Co.
H, ,182nd Inf.; Capt Glenn A.
Webster, Bat C. 218 F..A.; Capt
Oswald M. Day, Co. F., ISSnd
Inf.; Alva L. Merrill, Hdr. Co.,
112nd Inf.; Capt Joseph M.
Wackrow, State staff; Capt Pat
rick W. Kelly. Hdr. Co., 82nd
Brig.; Cept Karl F. GIos, Hdr.
Co. 112nd Inf.; Capt Wm. H.
Lehman, Co. E, l2nd Inf. All
are from Portland.
In front of the mausoleum the
troops were massed in company
fronts. A benediction was pro
nounced by Rer. Mr. Taylor.
Three rollers were fired by a
squad ot guardsmen. Off in the
distance two buglers sounded taps
while troops stood at "present
arms" and the throng with heads
The band struck up "Nearer
My God to Thee." The casket
was lowered from the hearse and,
as it was bourne into the mauso
leum, a gentle Oregon mist began
falling in quiet requiem.
NEW YORK. Dec. 22. fAP)
E. C. Sams, nreaident of the I.
C. Penney company, which oper
ates a nationwide chain of 1400
retail drygoods and apparel
stores, announced today that ne
gotiations for a merger with
Sears, Roebuck and company,
hare been definitely terminated.
Mr. Sams said that no basis for
a merger had been found during
a study of its economic advantag
es by the executives ot both com
panies. The possibility ot the J. C.
enney company's strained person
nel handling the lines dereloped
by the Penney company in Its
1400 drygoods and apparel stores,
was the occasion ot the study"
said the statement, but since no
basis for a merger was found, ne
gotiations have been definitely
Reports that the two concerns
were contemplating a merger
were first heard a few weeks ago
and it then became known that
the possible advantages of such a
consolidation were to be sur
reyed. Mr. Bams said that this study,
deemed adrisabe because of the
possibility of uniting the wide va
riety of lines dereloped by Sears,
Roebuck with the drygoods and
apparel liner handled by the Pen
ney retail stores had been termi
nated and that a nentiT it.
dsion had been reached.
Hill Asks Local
Folk to Support
Park Near Here
Advice to "get busy" en the
program to obtain a national
park in the Silver Creek Falls
area, was Included in the talk
Siren by Dr. David B. Hill at the
Salem chamber of commerce
luncheon Monday In connection
with the showing of motion pic
tures of area. Including ten water
falls of considerable sise and some
smaller ones. He also showed pic
tures of the Chemeketans' Mt
Hood climb.
The chamber of commerce
members stood silently with, bow
ed heads tor a minute at the open
ing of the program, out ot re
spect to the memory of Gorernor
- A YiUphon
AU-TaUdag -Newspaper
lit The
!. Headlines '
With - -.
Grant Wither
and Marion Nixon
: Yitaphoae Acts .
Today "Isr the Head-
lines" Grant Withers ana -
sh ri. xrtvAsk
Wednesday 'The Three
Live Ghosts." '
Today "The Thirteenth
Chair" and Fanchon and
Marco In "Idea in Green."
Christmas "Sweetie"
with Nancy Carroll.
Saturday "Half Way to
Heavin," with Fanchon and
Marco. , -
Today "The Road to Ru-
Wednesday 'His Last
Thursday "River Pirate"
Frailer players.
Fridiv "River Pirate"
Frazier players.
Today "The Long, Long
Trail" with Hoot Gibson.
Wednesday "Our Modern .
Maidens" Manhattan play-
ers In "A Ruined Honey-
Thursday 'K)ur Modern
Maidens" Manhatten play-
ers, "A Ruined Honey-
Friday "Kid Gloves"
with Conrad Nagel.
Erery tragedy has to have a
bit ot humor about it whether it
be real life or the stage. In real
life it is very likely to go by un
noticed unless an Irishman be
present, but on the screen or the
stage the bit ot comedy is ne
cessary to keep up the high tone
of tenseness which would become
too wearysome to be amusing if
it were not reliered. In "The
Thirteenth Chair" now showing
at the Fox Elsinoro. Bertram
Johns is the man who introduces
the relief laugh, in between the
searchings for murders and the
hesitant revelations of the medi
um. -
Hoot Gibson at the Hollywood
is known as the "Ramblin' Kid"
in the "Long, Long Trail" and he
has a hobby for pretending to be
drunk and shooting up the town
in which he happens to find him
self. He hates women with the
ordinary degree ot hate with
which most "women haters" real
ly hate Just enough to make
them tall in lore with terrific
force and he did. But there is
some rery beastly trickery, gal
lant riding and straight shooting
before he knows that ho has at
least won in lore.
Robert McGowan has been di
recting the famous "Our Gang,"
the kid jcomedies which every
body likes tt see, tor eight years
without a vacation. This year he
gave himself a Christmas pres
ent and se and his famifr set an
for Honolulu the first of Decem
ber wnere they will remain for
some time "Just playing." James
Home wiil direct the lively folk
during Mr. McGowan's racation.
At present the "gang" is Mary
Ann Jackson, Wheeter, Farina,
Jaelcle Cooper, Norman Chaney
and Pete, the pup.
The Road to Ruin." Is nlavin?
to packed houses at the Grand
"In the Headlines' Is the
how" ot news if you ever won
der "how the paper get that"
well, see the picture and it will
help you to understand. It is
now showing at the CapitoL
Frank Bligh and Archie Holt
are being hosts to members of
the Statesman staff with the pic
ture -in me Headlines" while it
is being shown this week.
Patterson Now
Entombed With
2 Ex-Governors
.GoTernor Isaac Leo Patterson
was entombed in the Mt Crest
Abbey mausoleum at City View
cemetery, there to keep company
with the memories of two other
Oregon governors, Ex-Governor
William Paine Lord and James
Withycombe, the Utter of whom
died quite suddenly on March t,
llt. while he was still in office.
Lord and Withycombe are en
tombed In the old corridor ot the
Hollywood Healre
Home ot 25c Talkies
IBs First Talking
' Comiirf; '
. Wednesday - Thursday.
UoatUwu Perfermj
Christmas Day
S to 11 F. IX.
nd Ifaahaitan Plajers
VsUWs'i I
mausoleum, but the final resting
place of Gorernor Patterson la la
the new corridor, completed ony
last month. -
. Ex-Supreme Court Judge Henry
L. Benson Is another state offi
cial whose ' remains are in the
miflinlinm. And strangely enough
Governor Patterson's old partner
in businesr-A. . Gilbert, was
entombed in Mt Crest Abbey. One
of the old mercantile establish
ments in Salem was operated by
A. N. Gilbert-hd L L. Patterson.
CAMERON. Tex.. Dec. 23
(AP) Ruining amuck with an
automatic rifle Anton Huebner,
Cameron farmer, killed two men
and wounded a third today before
he was slain by an armed citizen
who rushed to the scene.
Apparently seeking revenge for
a previous difference with a
Salesman for a motor company.
Huebner appeared at the door of
the motor company at the lunch
hour and started shbotlng. Hu
bert Hefler. automobile dealer,
and Constable Charles Sens were
killed and Sheriff Blaylock
wounded before the rifle was si
lenced. For twenty minutes Huebner
mled the downtown street after
killing the two men, shooting at
everyone in sight Three times
he emptied and reloaded his rifle.
and lives of scores of workers on
their way to luncheon were en
dangered by the promiscuous tir
ing. Two years ago Huebner was
hit over the head with a heavy
stick in a fight with a salesman
for the motor company. His skull
was fractured. The difference
was finally adjusted in the courts.
Police believe that brooding over
the affair led Huebner to seek re
venge. Carols Will Be
Sung Tonight at
Large Gathering
Girl Reserves, Campfire Girls
and Girl Scouts will unite this ev
ening In singing carols on the
west lawn of the court bouse
grounds, near the community
Christmas tree. Following the
public caroling there, the girls
will go to the Deaconess hospital,
the state blind school and to one
of the hotels. Mrs. W. J. Minkle
wits. leader ot Camp Fire Girls in
the city, will lead the caroling.
The Girl Reserves have been
trained this year by Mrs., George
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gallaher,
Girl Reserve director, asked yes
terday that all- Girl Reserves,
high school, junior high and
grade, gather on the" west steps ot
the court house promptly at T
9 'clock. ; v-vr
Capitol Invites
Statesman Folk
To View Picture
Ewry employe of the Oregon
Statesman and his wife or sweet
heart will be guests of Frank
Blight, owner ot the Capitol the
atre today at a pro-Christmas
showing of "In the Headlines, a
newspaper picture which starts Its
run today at that theatre. Archie
Holt, Capitol manager, made this
announcement Monday night as a
preliminary to the opening of the
In the play thrilling scenes
from the dally life of those who
write and produce a newspaper
are given and woven In the plot
is clerer acting on the part ot
Grant Withers and Marian Nix
on who take the leads In the pro
SEATTLE, Dec 23. (AP)
The powerful University ot Wash
ington basketball team easily de
feated the Sun Life quintet ot Ta
coma here tonight In a practice
game, so to 17.
LAREDO. Tex.. Deo. 12. I API
Without preliminary notice.
owweeu Mexican citizens,
south of the Rio Rramt Me
diants of Laredo, was
today. -
Contlnaows to U
BIO Whoopee on the rcampus Co
ed beauUes and rah-rah hoys.
- .'A joyous medley of youth-lovo-laughter.
Nancy Carroll sings. Tho
Boop - Boopa Doop" girt Helen
. Kane, warbles. Jack ' Oakio wise
Hck A,01 dance, fun smash
- Hit tltfi.t Will WASBF WtM
- w w wm mm mm wm W SSjO
TfAstft rtmsm mji - '
The 13th Chair
2 1f CtetoSS'.f
- net r saeniid--Fnn
Favcrs Whoopee
' V nesemlicssllow
Incoming Executive Making
Plans to Continue Work
Of Mr. Patterson
Governor and Mrs. A. W. Nor
blad arrived 4n Salem yesterday
noon to attend the funeral of Mr.
Norblad's predecessor in otiice.
L L. Patterson. They arovo
from Astoria, their home, coming
by the Patterson home at Eola
wher Jhey paid their respect to
the former governor s widow.
They arrived at the state house
at one o'clock. The governor was
immediately -greeted by newspa
permen and old acquaintances.
Following the funeral Governor
Nor Nad conferred with Miss Bea
trice Walton, secretary of the
governor, who reached home on
the afternoon train following a
hurried trip to California. He
gavo attention to pressing busi
ness at the executive office and
then left with Mrs. Norblad to re
turn to Astoria to spend Christ
mas at the family home there.
The governor will return to Salem
following Christmas, though he
did not know Just .which day it
would be.
Administration Along
Same lines Planned
Governor worDiaa naa no par
ticular statement to make on ar
riring in Salem. "The whole mat
ter of my succession to the gover
norship has come about so sud
denly that I hare scarcely had
time to organize any plans," he
said. I did not erer know the
gorernor was ill, so was quits
stunned when" word, came of his
death. X think the gorernor was
making a successful administra
tor ot state- affairs on sane and
conservative lines. I hope to con
tinue In the same program. While
I am a younger man and may
have a viewpoint slightly differ
ent from Mr. Patterson's I hops
my administration may be simi
larly sound and sane.
'I plan no change in political
appointments. I want to take np
the work and carry on the affairs
ot state with as little break as
Arrangement ot Private
Affairs Considered
The governor mentioned the
problem of handling his private
business affairs. He has a sub
stantial law practice in Astoria
and arrangement must be made
for carrying It forward. These
problems make it uncertain just
how early he may be able to re
turn to take up the regular rou
tine ot the governorship.
Mrs. Norblad is naturally inter
ested in a home in Salem. First
she said they would hare to make
some plans about their Astoria
home, so It would be taken care
ot during their absence from As
toria. J We very much prefer
a home ot our own rather than an
apartment," said the governor's
wle;r "But the change has come
so abruptly that wo haven't had
time to plan anything about a
home yet"
Former Salem J
Boy Critically 1
M, San Diego
Floyd Hoogerhydet former Sa
lem boy, is critically ill in the
Marine hospital at San Diego, ac
cording; to .word received here
from his mother, Mrs. C. Hooger.
hyde, who was tilled to his bed
side last week. She was accom
panied by her daughter Annabel,
They arrived Thursday and found
Floyd practically at the point of
death, but he rallied a little when
they came. He has been serving
with the Marines in China for two
and one-half years.
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