The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon,
Seven Subordinate Groups
Have Joint Installation
Fine Program
stallation of the seven laubordin
ate granges of Benton county was
held at Mary's River grange Sat
urday evening.
Miss Bertha J. Beck, secretary
of the slate srange acted as In
stalling officer. The work was put
on in a very impressive and credit
able manner. Hope grange cf Al
sea was inducted into the charts.
Program Varied
Each grange rurninea one
number for the program, which
consisted of vocal and instrument
al music, readings, a drill and a
stunt. All were well given and.
thoroughly enjoyed by the large
assembly of patrons who packed
the hall. The last two furnishing
the vein of humor for the evening.
Mary's River grange" put on a
"Hayseed Drill." with the women
dressed in sunbonnets and calico
or gingham dresses, and ca'rrying
garden rakes and the men in
overalls with straw hats and large
red bandanas around necks and
In pockets, carrying hoes, did
fancy marching and showed pro
ficiency in the use of the garden
tools, mixed with a little gossip,
misunderstanding, and finally love
making. The team showed a thor
ough preparation and portrayal of
the characters represented.
Kings Valley Good
The Kings Valley grange put
on a stunt that was a scream from
start to finish. Three Kings Val
ley ladies. Mrs. Woods. Mrs. Cos
grove and Mrs. Allen, were called
to the floor by the lecturer. Mrs.
Bump, and then Brother Ed Blake
of Mountain View grange. Brother
Jones of Willamette grange, and
Brother Pratt of Mary's River
grange were called upon to as
sist with the stunt.
When the men came on the
floor, they were told it was to be
a dressmaking contest, and each
man was to niakeaa dress for the
lady who stood opposite him. The
lecturer furnished the newspapers
and pins and they were sJren five
minutes to complete the task.
Brother Bottger of Summit
grange. Brother Kent of Crowfoot
grange, and Brother Bullirant of
Willamette grange acted as
.Judges. The points the contest was
to be Judged on were artistic,
fashionable, suitable to the wear
ers' figure and workmanship. A
I Practical
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pen and
Pencil Sets
Desk Sets
Book Ends
Brief Cases
BiH Folds
Loddag Diaries
(Fire Years)
Loose Leaf Binders ii
'4 Book ii
Bridge FftTors
Christmas Greeting !
fcff Cards
f Cbrfatman Wran-
pings and Seals
X aw uw - - -"Tl TT
You can get all of
these at p
Book 4
A. A. Gueffroy :
16S N. Commercial
Dallas Discovers
Meanest Elan in
Cemetery Vandal
DALLAS, Dec. 21. Trus
tees of the Odd Fellows rem
etery believe that they hare
found the "meanest man."
Thursday Bight some one In
vaded the cemetery and cut
to the ground a member of
large holly bushes that had
been planted by the trustees.
This vandalism of trees and
flowers has become a com
mon practice and some def
inite action should be taken
to apprehend and punish the
offenders. I "
If is understood that the
trustees will offer a reward
of $25 for information lead
ing to the identity of the
persons destroying the holly
era fgiure and workmanship. A
Jones Wins Prize
After five minutes of hilarious
delight for the spectators, and
perspiration and hard work for
the-contestants, time was called
and the Judges decision taken,
which gave to Mr. Jones the beau
tiful, large, red and white striped
all-day sucker.
By special request from Mary's
River grange, Wilson Bump of
King's Valley put on his contor
tionist act in which he is so pro
ficient. Amidst the surprise and
wonder of the audience he lit
erally tied himself up into knots
and then dexterously untied him
self. His acts brought round after
round of applause.
The evening's entertainment
Buster Brown sale includes every line, every style in the smartest styles of the season, for men,
women and children. You'll find it pleasant and convenient to shop here during these sale days. A
semi-annual sale at Buster Brown means a clearance of the season's footwear at genuine clearance
Women's Dress Pumps, French
real stylish models.
Women's Arch Support, ideal arch, welt
rubber heels; built for service-fit-comfort.
Ideal for every day serviceable wear. The popu
lar college models. Regularly sold $7.85 and
Pupils of Public School Will
Present Elaborate Exer
cises on Monday
BROOKS. December 21. The
Brooks public school children will
give a Christmas program at the
Brooks School house on . Monday
ereningAler the direction of
Principal Wayne Harding and his
assistants, Miss Leta Wallace and
Miss Doris Wood.
Children taking- part rs: Add la
Colyer. CnrtU ' Coff indaffer, Millie
Tschlda, Genevieve Ch&stain. Gilford
Wright. Frank Tschlda. Gladys Ep
ley. Dorothy Nelson, Clayton Catton.
Milton Soheuerman. Osborn Allison,
Minnie Ogura, Arllne Rasmusaen.
CJarita Fuller, Darrell Allison, Chester
Nelson, Duane Kears, Delphine Loom
is. Richard Potts. 1je Tuohlda, Clif
ford Bishop. Neva Ramp, Marie Bosch.
Dorothy Nelson, Edna LaFlemma,
Millie Tschlda. I.Iford Wrig-ht, Quint-re
Snyder. Evelyn Molsan, Clarita
Fuller, Patty Wilson, Milton Scheuer
man, Alan Stratton, Stanley Nelson,
Joe Tschida, gvelyn LaFlemme. Del-
ended with a bountiful harvest
feast, served la the halls atftkad
jolning rooms.
The members from this grange
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ern
est Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Cosgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Will
jams, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward Tol
s on, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bump,
Bruce Miller and Mrs. Rose Sulli
van, C. W. Sloan and Wilson
Values to
E&lr SIPlSCgllM,
Christmas Slippers for men, women and children, special duringthfc sale
Children's, Boy's, Blisses' shoes, pumps, oxfords at greatly reduced p,
Pumps, Slippers and Hosiery make practical, sensible gifts
Silverton Churches Will x
Have Great Variety of
Christmas Festivities
ton. churches are planning a num
ber of interesting events for the
holiday season.
At the Methodist church no
services will be held on Christmas
day. The regular Christmas-sermon
will be given on the morning
of December 22. At fire o'clock
the Vesper services will be held
and. then In the evening the
Christmas tree" program will be
given. This consists of a play
lwrltten by Miss Rosella Richard-
V . . ml i . t. .
on oi miveriuu. it is caweu
"The Christmas Star." The char-
phine Ioomls, John Colyer. Vivian lia
vett. Lois Lavett. Gladys Epley, Fran
cis Colyer, Irene Sturgis, Clara TJrn
emoto, Gladys Otto, LaVerne Catton,
Francis Colyer, Emmaline Sears,
Beulah Otto and Irene Sturgia,
La vine Harris. Pearl LaFlemme,
Arleta Wood, Everette Mendenhall,
Harry Loomis, Lewis Fuller, Blllie
Cofflndaffer, Leonard Chastaln. Ely
nor Fuller. John Tschida, Raymond
Potts, Minnie Cutsinger and Elmer
Cutsing-er. Glenn Coffindaffer, Edwin
Miles, Claude Miles. Daisy Potts, Su
sie Ogura, Mae Wilson, Kreta Fae
Ashbaugh. Arlene Rasmussen, Frank
Tschida. Hattie Aspinwall. Mary Chas
taln. Vernon Freedle, George Lowery,
Robert Bailey, "Masco Tamyasu, Glen
Morlcka, Freddie Lavett and Theodore
Lowery, Charles Hess, Arthur Susee,
James Mendenhall.
Laverne Catton, Bobby Ramp, Irene
Ashbaugh, Clifford Bishop, Emmaline
Sears, Tommy Ogura.
The Brooks school district and the
P. T. A. association made donations
enabling Santa Claus to have candy
and oranges for all the children, which
will be handed to the children follow
ing the program.
a O
i and Cuban heels, I
$7.85. Special
acters will not be risible as they
will be stationed behind a curtain
but It is "100 per 'cent talking."
The characters take the parts of
various Christmas tree ornaments
from the candles to the packages
placed beneath the tree. Miss
Kathleen Booth will act as solo
ist. Monday evening the com
munity orchestra will give a con
cert at the Methodist church and
at this time the well-known Dr.
P. O. Riley of Hubbard, wiU
speak. The usual Christmas Sun
day school party of the Methodist
children, has been postponed and
will be given In January. The
reason for the postponement is
the great number of children who
have- been confined because of ei
ther chickenpox or whooping
cough. The carol singing for
-shut-ins will be done by the Ep
worth league Sunday evening,
following the program. .
The Christian church Christ
mas tree program will also be
given Sunday evening ' and will
consist of two parts, one a play
ette and the other more in the
form of a cantata. Some special
musical numbers are being pre
pared and the entire program
bids fair to be exceptionally good.
Mrs. T. E. Preston has charge of
all arrangements.
At Trinity church there will be
services on Christmas day. The
Norwegian services will be held
at nine o'clock and the regular
Full Fashioned
r n
English services at eleven. On
the evening of Christmas day at
7:20 the Christmas tree program
will be given. Both the senior
and the, Junior choir, under the
direction of the Rev. R. L. Foss,
will assist on the program. Thurs
day afternoon the Sunday school
will hold Its annual Christmas
party and Friday evening follow
ing Christmas, the Junior League
members will have their party.
Immanuel church will also hold
services on Christmas day with
Norwegian services at ten and
English sermon at eleven. The
Christmas tree program, consist
ing of recitations and songs by
the Sunday school, will be given
Thursday evening and on Friday
evening a cantata will be -given
by. the choir. Miss Henrietta
Finseth is directing the choir and
Jonas Byberg presides at the pipe
organ with Mrs. Arthur Dahl at
the piano.
At the Evangelical Free Luth
eran church the Sunday school
will give a program on the eve
ning of Christmas day. The
Ebenezer church. Rev. Borrevik's
charge, will hold services on
Christmas day and also have a
program planned for one evening
of the week.
The Congregational church has
a Sunday school program pre
pared which it will present Mon
day night. This is also in the na
ture of a play, "The Twelve
Gifts," and Mrs. D. Fletcher, Mrs.
Essie Cox and Mrs. W. E. Fuller
has charge of its directing. Miss
Gladys Fletcher will act as
When you order the Statesman
it is delivered to you by the. little
merchant in your neighborhood.
Moccasin Toe
young men.
stylish, durable.
Imported English Brogues, the season's best num
bers. Regular $13.50. Now
Oxfords for men in brown and
weight for good looks,
are the famous Straight
Several numbers in black and brown Oxfords for
men. All grouped and special at
in the Popular
WACONDA, Dec. 21 An at
tractive decorated Christmas tree
with other holiday novelties
greeted members of the Waeonda
Community club when they were
the home of Mrs. A. W. Nusom,
Sr. An all-day meeting was en
joyed, a pot-luck dinner being
served at noon. The group was
occupied with finishing numer
ous Christmas articles and pack
ing the box which has been sent
to the Childrens Home at Cor
vailis. One new member, Mrs.
Van O. Kelly, was Initiated.
During the business meeting it
was decided to make a cash dona
tion to the Christmas cheer fund.
A quilt was donated for the bed
of two deserving little boys in
Salem. The many articles of food
and clothing brought by each
member were delivered, to the
Shrubs, Rose Bushes, Flower
ing trees. For Christmas
"Give Gifts That Grow"
240 N. Liberty (near Court)
Phone 8513
Brogue Oxfords for the, Jr
Dark brown, serviceable; -
8 for men
Shades, Special
I family of this community.
Club members present were
Mesdames Henry Stafford, Frank
Felton, George Lemery, T. R.
Nusom, Perl Patterson, Fern
Runcorn, R. Patterson. Robert
Cole, A. L. Lamb, I. A. Loron, In
Collins, C. C. Russell, Hubbard.
Allyn Nusom, Van O. Kelly and
Miss Skelton.
At the next club meeting there
will be an election of officers.
Mrs. I. A. Loron and Mrs. F. J.
hostesses at the Loron home
January 8.
on all
Ferry and High"
rif 1 fli nm,j
r - i
Open Evenings
until :
Bra! kUi
cjO.i to J.
i - .