The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1929, Page 12, Image 12

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WACONDA. Dee. 21 Mr. and
lira. George "Lemery entertained
at dinner Wednesday night In
honor of thir sons, Fred Lemery
and Dr. Wilson Lemery, who left
Thursday for New Orleans. Covers
were laid for the honor guests,
Fred Lemery, and Doctor Wilson
Lemery, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fel
ton and children, Duane and
Velle and for the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. George Lemery.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coffin
were hosts at dinner Sunday for
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ottoway and
family of Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. Perle Patterson
were Sunday guests at the home
of Mrs. Patterson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Russell of South
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Loron had as
their guests recently. Mr. end
- Mrs. Henry Rasmussen and small
daughter of Silverton.
Misi Gladys Brown has an
nounced the date of her school
program for Christmas as being
Saturday. December 21.
The Bible class held its regular
' meeting last Saturday afternoon
at the George Lemery home.
Gorge Brown has been elected
presidnt and Britt Aspinwall. secretary-treasurer.
These attending
the class were Mr. and Mrs. Britt
Aspinwall. Mr. and Mrs. George
Lemery, Mr and Mrs. M. Sahli and
Mr and-Mrs. George Brown.
Dogs have been killing sheep
In this community. As a result
two dogs have been killed.
A shooting match was held
Sunday at the Joe Warnier home
WACONDA, Dec. 21 Dr. Wil
son Lemery of Taccma, Wash.,
eon of Mr. and Mrs. George
Lemery of Waconda, left Thurs
day for an extended trip to New
Orleans . where ho will take a
course of study in eye, ear, nose
and throat diseases. He was ac
companied by his brother. Fred
Lemery, who is a graduate of
Salem high school and who at
tended O. A. C, at Corvallis last
year. Word has been received
that they are enjoying their
motor trip in spite of the heavy
rains. They waited three hours
once while workmen completed a
bridge that had been washed out.
After six weeks at St. Vincent's
hospital in Portland, Ray Jonea
has sufficiently recovered from a
major operation to return to his
Frank Felton aiyl George
Lemery made a trip to the coast
this week.
Among those reported to re
turn home for the holidays are.
Miss Francis Lemery, n student
r the Univc-sity of Wash., and
Mrs. R. J. Paquln of Seattle,
who will be guests at the home of
their parents, - Mr. and Mrs.
George Lemery, and Miss Con
stance Goffin. a Junior at Sacred
Heart academy In Salem. Miss
Coffin will Tisit her grandmother
Mrs. E. M. Massey In Portland
before returning to school.
Friends of Mrs. J. C. Savage
will be eorry to bear that she Is
not improving In health, but has
suffered a relapse.
HUBBARD, Dec. 21.-A group
fit Rebekahs gathered at the home
Jtt Urav Ellen Carl Wednesday to
Christmas cheer baskets. The
9 also made up-the Christmas
s lq. be sent to the Odd Fel
i,bome at- Portland. Those
"Veseat?were Mrs. Caroline Smol
nlsky .-Mrs. Edith Painter Mrs.
Winnie Brown, Mrs. Bertha Ains
worth, Miss Frances Weaver, Mrs.
Ada Ott. Mrs. Esther Moon. Mrs.
Nettie Sails, Ms. Ave Malone, Mrs.
Elisabeth Grimm, Mrs. Mae Pulley
sod Mrs. Wilma Leffler.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron King and
small son of Sacramento, Cat., ar
rived at the Thompson hotel Wed
nesday where they will be holiday
guests of Mrs. King's mother and
brother, Mrs. Lucy Thompson and
Frank Thompson.
; Mr. and Mrs. W. McMannis and
small daughter. Trees, left for
-Roseburg Friday morning. They
will remain at the-trome of Mrs.
McMannis' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
' V. Bounds, until Mr. McMannis is
fully recovered from a recent ill
ness.' The local depot is In charge
of J. Klycik during the absence of
McMannis who is agent
' Mrs. Mattle Crocker visited a
friend, Mrs. J. L. Stauffer, who is
III, at her home In Silverton Tues
day. i Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ainsworth
of Kerry, Ore., are guests at the
home of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Ainsworth. .The
Ainsworth families were Portland
Christmas shoppers Thursday.
. The senior girls. Miss Helen
Knight, Mis Agatha Voget, Miss
Hasel Ingalls, Miss Geraldine
Carlton, Miss Hazel Moore, Miss
Tava Morgan, and Miss Marion
Carlson, accompanied by Miss Ma
rie de Lespinasse and Miss Doro
thy Scholl and Mrs. Adeline
Fields, English teacher, all of the
Hubbard high school, motored to
Portland to see "Macbeth" which
'was presented at the auditorium.
: The senior class Is beginning -a
study of the classics In English. "
Thursday afternoon the second
grade . wss dismissed and Miss
Berryl Blooser, the teacher, went
to Salem to conult an eye spe-
- rial 1st.- Miss Blosser returned to
school with a bandaged left eye.
- GERVAIS, December; 21 A.
Plennard, who has been ill for
some time,7 went to Portland Sat
urday, where he Is receiving
' treatment ,i . ,; ;
; A. Patterson or Payette, Idaho.
.-HVisltlng the Al Kostenboarder
j Xalaily -and ' other -relatives . and
i friends here and at Woodbnrn...
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn and
small daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
- Peter. Stokx nd daughter Poro
- thy wera In" Portland '-jSundayv
i Chas. Leith and wife-of Gresh
am called . Monday to see his fa
ther, T. H. Leith. while in this
' community to attend the fnneral
f the . late Dr. J." L. . Shorey "of
Woodburn.' . rr " v '
Mrs. Leslie Colby Is assisting
at the postoffice during the holi
day rush.
Mrs. Joe Rents underwent a ton
sil operation Wednesday morn
ing. Dr. H. A. Dowd done the
work at his office.
Phyllis Isham of Lake Labish
is ill with pneumonia.
Howard Seeley, who is In the
U. S. Navy and stationed at Saa
Diego, is at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Seeley
on a short furlough.
F. B. Turner of Portland spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Sum
ner Stevens and daughters, lone
and Doris Turner.
Mrs. M. D. Henning was a Port
land visitor Tuesday.
The cpmmunity Christmas tree
was lighted Saturday night .and
will be every night through the
holiday season the juice being do
nated by the 'P. E. P. company.
The Christmas entertainment will
be given at the city hall Friday
evening and every child attend
ing will be given a treat. Dona
tions for the tree and treats have
now gone above SI 00.
MARION. December 21 Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Fennell and son
Delbert of Lebanon were among
the visitors at the community club
Tuesday evening.
Albert Mitsner Is home from
the logging camp on a visit over
the holldaysr-
Hubert Bane who received a
very bad injury to his right eye
by being struck in that member
with a flying chip last week is
getting along very nicely, and
while his eye is in very bad con
dition yet, it is believed that he
will recover full use of it.
Orvil Doerfler and J. A. Doer
fler t ran sr. ' :d business in Salem
Arrangements are fast nearing
completion for the community
Christmas tree to be held In the
W.O.W. hall Christmas eve. The
community tree is being sponsor
ed by the Marion community club.
Mr. A. F. J. Lafky. Lee Smith and
Hubert Daue are in charge of all
arrangements and a true Christ
mas evening with Christmas spirit
may be looked forward to.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Briggs vis
ited at the Lee Smith home Tues
day, leaving for Portland Wed
nesday morning.
Marlon Is becoming quite popu
lated with gas stations, it having
three now with a fourth one in
course of construction, also we
are to have another confectionery
store and light lunch counter. We
are progressing.
WOODBURN. Dec. 21 The
sisters of the St. Benedict's school
will present their pupils in a
Christmas program in the St
Luke's community hall 2:30 Sun
day afternoon. -.
The program" -will consist of
music, both vocal and instru
mental, and readings.
Mrs. S. A. Galbraith of Oak
land, California is visiting her
daughter and family, Mrs. Ger
trude Shorey.
Esther Tucker, Pauline Live-
say, Alvina Breithaupt, John Nel
son. Robert Wilson, and Earl
Parks were among a party of stu
dents from Willamette university
who motored to Woodburn Tues
day evening to attend the Wo
man's elub 'play at the high
The Howitzer company are
sponsoring a big dance in the
newly-remodeled, armory Christ
mas night, with music by the
Sunnyside Serenaders, an orches
tra from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Miller
are visiting at the home of Mr.
Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Miller of near here. Mr.
Miller has been in the east for
some time where he has gained
considerable success in the en
gineering field.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brune left
Wednesday tor an extended visit
with their son and daughter-life
law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burne
of Palo Alto. California.
The ability to setvenell
is more than 11k desire
am manifested bu the e
..I a
SHAW, December 21 Joe
Schmitz, who underwent a major
operation in a Salem hospital re
turned home, and Is nowjmprov
tng In health.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hortscb
motored -to ML Angel one day
this week.
A number of people of this vi
cinity ttended the bsketball game
at Aumaville Friday evening. -
Alb in a Schneider Is employed
in Salem.
Many people attended the tur
key shoot held at- Shaw Sunday.
Turkeys, geese and ducks were
the prizes offered. Afterwards a
lunch was served at the Lloyd
Keene farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherman and
children were the honored guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Chaav Fisher at
Stayton, Sunday.
Those who took part la the Sen
ior play. "A Prairie Rose" are:
John Prospal, AdefB Amort,
Yvonne Pickel, Mabel Sherman
and Bernard Lebold. This play,
was given at . Salem Saturday.
Some that did not get to see the
play at Aumsville went to Salem
to see It.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scofield of
Salem visited at the Larson home
one day this week.
The Waldo Hill club met at the
home of Mrs. Ivan Putman .Thurs
Edward Amort and Frank Mas
ser motored to Oregon City Sat
urday. The beacon light is now under
construction on the Frank Schnei
der place.
The Shaw public school is giv
ing a program Thursday evening.
The first half of the program will
consist of songs, recitations and
instrumental music. Afterwards
the pupiU are giving a play call
ed "Queen Christmas."
Ernest Roock of Shaw celebrat
ed his 42nd birthday Thursday.
Alfred Fieber, who attended the.
snaw nigh school enrolled at the
Aumsville high school Thursday.
Re Is a sophomore. '
O o
Central Howell
The school board has had the roof
of the old hall patched to allow
the children' to use it as a play
The school program which the
teachers are planning will be giv
en Monday evening. The Christ
mas treat for the children will be
given out at that time.
W. Desart, who has been very
111 is able to be up and around
There Is to be a meeting tonight
to assign the parts in play to be
given some time in January.
Mabel Wernesr is working at
Shipley's store In Salem during
the Christmas rush.
. Mrs. Fred Falk, whose home Is
at Halsey has been visiting this
I week with the John Lauder back
sad John Tweed families. Mrs.
Tweed and Mrs. Falk vent to
Portland Wednesday to bring
Aileen home with them for a day's
Mrs, Walter Haverson is spend
ing a few days at Corvallis visit
ing friends.
AMITY, Dec. 21. Lawrence
Massey and Raymond Wood, two
of the Amity high's first team
basketball men, attended the
Multnomah dub vs. Oregon Uni
versity game Saturday in Port
land. Charlie Tiffany of Montana
spent several days visiting at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Walter
Dickey. His son, Lewis Tiffany,
is making his home with his aunt
and is attending Llnfield college
In McMlnnville.
Miss Betty Lou Finn and Flor
ence Snodgrass spent Thursday
evening in McMlnnvalle.
Emmett Mitchell, who Is at
tending Oregon State college spent
Thursday evening visiting at the
high school.
The road leading to the Olinger
saw mill near Amity Is being
J. R. Snodgrass and the Misses
Helen and Clara Kama were Me
MinnriUe shoppers on Tuesday of
last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Miller spent
Sunday in Salem.
Donsey L. Miller of Portland
spent the weekend at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' L. M.
John Zaller and J. R. Snodgrass
were Salem business visitors on
Mrs. Kenneth Campbell spent
Monday in Salem where her moth
er is in the hospital.
Miss Beatrice Hawley and Dor
othy Kirkwood spent Thursday
visiting the high school. They are
attending the Oregon State college
at Corvallis.
The nut cracking crew that has
been working at the Osborne dry
er, finished with thier work on
Thursday, December 19.
TURNER, December II Wal
do Riches is home from Mon
mouth Normal for a two weeks
Ira Pearce who has made his
home In Turner for about 25
years, has gone to live at the
Masonic home at Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Tucker of
Salem visited at the parental Mc
Gay home Thursday.
Prof. J. R. Cox and wife gave
up their proposed trip to eastern
Oregon. They will spend the hol
idays with relatives at Oregon
City and at Jefferson and pos
sibly take a trip to Alsea. School
will open Dec. 30.
Miss Frankie Porter of Turner
and Jack Burks, recently from
1 One 11 ' l
rw m-m m ' m a m
Boston, Mass., wars married Mon
day. Mrs. D. B. Parks, teacher -of
the Junior high room, was detain
ed at home Tuesday on account of
the illness' of her small soa Ar
thur. Mrs. S. A. Riches was sub
stitute teacher for the day.
I Kingwood I
- o
KINGWOOD, Dee. 11. Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Compton arrived last
week from Springfield, Mo., and
are guests of their son and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. G. Compton.
They expect to stay some time in
Guests of T. P. MaDill, over the
week-end, were his two daughters,
Mrs. Erma Bruce of Gervais, and
Mrs. Beulab Fisher of Auburn.
Mrs. Fisher has taught the Auburn
school for several consecutive
A Davenport and Chair in new, beautiful
tapestries, velours or mohairs, all moderately
Occasional chairs in new and attractive cover
ings $11.35 to $45.00.
Comfortable Cogswell Chairs in many cover
ings $39.50.
For the Christmas dinner you will find just the
suite you have been wanting at prices that you
can afford.
See our selection - just the suite you want is
here. Bed - dresser - chiffonier, in decorated
green or decorated grey, only $69.00.
340 Court St.
terms and Mrs.) Bruce teaches near
Gervais. Both laaies uvea
during their girlhood.
E. W. Emmett Is home from
Portland where he spent several
weeks In the Veterans hospital.
While there ne was treated for
injuries received last summer in a
fall from a cherry tree. He is now
able to walk without cratches.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Smith now
have a radio in their home.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Finley were Mr. and Mrs. John
May and children, Lee, Dan and
Ruby, of the Keise neighborhood.
Mr. May Is employed on the A. F.
Beardsley fruit farm. The May
family came from Illinois last
summer and expect to make their
home in Oregon. Mr. May lived
here a rood many years ago. He
is a brother of Mrs. Finley.
Mrs. Theodore Bernard is suf
fering from a rery severe cold.
complicated by an attack of
asthma. - -
. Charles Ruge, city engineer ol
West Salem, is supervising the
construction of a stone culvert on
Cascade drive. '
North Santiam
o 1 o
Elton Bond Has returned from
Asotin. Wash., where he hss been
employed for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oglesbee
and son Gail of Albany were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E.
McClennan Sunday.
Sam Hinkle is reported quite ill
at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Higgins
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Browning.
t - -----