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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1929)
CUVCULATIOIf . Daily avtnc slrtrilwiioB far the bU a4ioc KotmUt IVINI 6,830 . amass laity atl pals 1,101 Vtata - ' ' Audit BorMa ( ClmlatteM. WEATHER Generally cloudy and -" settled today Mid Monday:. Probably occasional , rains.' Max. temperature Saturday 54; Mia. SS; Rive 154. Rain .02. FOUMDCD 1831 SBVENTY-NINTH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday Blorning, December 22, 1929 . No. 232 mu n. A 1 GENEHAL WHITE Hi PROMOTED TO HIGH OFFICE Rank of Major-General is Conferred on Salem Man Yesterday Local Guardsman to Be Put In Command of Entire 41st Division WASHINGTON, p. C. Dec. 21. (AP) Promotion of Brigadier CSeneral George A. White of Ore gon to the rank of major-general and assignment to command the 41 Ht division, was provided in re cent war department orders. It be came known today. General White's assignment and promo tion have been pending since last October, but no announcement was made until the preliminary procedures had been completed of ficially. The 41st division comprises na tional guard troops' In Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming. A group of northwest ern governors Joined with Gover nor I. L. Patterson of Oregon in recommending General White's selection for the post, and the promotion to Major General was recommended by the commanding general of the 9th corps area at Ban Francisco, Major-General .John L. Hlnes, former chief of staff of the army, and the Major General William G. Everson, na tional guard chief ia the war de partment. General White Is a World war veteran and a graduate of. the command and general staff school at Port Leavenworth and., the. army war college here. He Is one of the few men under 60 to re ceive the rank of major general Headquarters of the division are placed at Portland. The promotion of General White to be major general com manding the 41st division was confirmed at National Gnard headquarters here late yesterday. The promotion became effective some time ago, but not announce ment made until official an nouncement came from Washing ton. General White took tLe oath et office during the past week. said Major Elmer Wooten, act "In executive officer. Tha division comprises national guard troops In Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho, Montana and Wyonv Ing. While General White was In Portland to attend the tnnnal ball given by the Portland reserve of ficers. It was learned from off! cers at the Salem office that he will take up his new duties dur Ing the present month. His new command consists of four regi menta of Infantry, three of field artillery, one of engineers, an air service squadron of IS planes, tank company and other division headquarter troops now formed and located among the. five states of the division area. He will con' tinue, also, to command the Ore gon national gnard most of which 1s a part of the 41st division. The division was formed at the time of the World war and sent overseas among the first divisions In command of General Hunter Liggett. Lat-jr it was commanded by Major General Alexander, bow retired, and by Major General Paul Malone, now commanding the seventh corps area. The pres ent strength of the division is ap proximately COO officers and 7500 enlisted men. General White Is the first 'northwest resident to be appoint ed to division command. f MORE PLOTS NITPED MEXICO CITY, Dec. 21 (AP) Official announcement was made tonight of the dis covery of several plots against the government. United States Congress Adji iourns For Christmas WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. (AP) Congress adjourned for the holidays today, having filled the nation's Christmas stocking with a $160,000,000 income tax reduction and a $16,000,000 hos pitalisation bill as part of Us busy three weeks work since the reg ular session convened. . The approach of Santa Clans far outrivaled Interested in legis lative business and only brief ses sions were held in both the senate and house as the two weeks' re cess began. A few house . members still in the capital joined in passing a . senate bill to advance Commander Richard Byrd, now exploring at the South Pole, to the rank of General White Gets Promotion George A red White CHRISTMAS THEE FROGMMPin Salem Kiwanis Club to En tertain School Chil dren of City Arrangements for a Christmas tree program and treat for all the school children In Salem below the junior high grades, have been completed by the Klwtnis club. and the event, probably the most elaborate and Inclusive of its kind to be offered in Salem this Christ mas season, will be held at the iY. M. C. A. Monday .night, be ginning at 7 o dock snarp. Ralph Cooley, president of the Kiwanis club, estimated Sat urday night that 1500 children would attend, basing this on the indications given a group of Ki wanlans who carried the lnvita tlon to all the schools in the past few days. Anticipating that number of ju venile guests, the club has pro vided 1500 pounds of candy and nuts, seven cases of oranges, and a large stock of toys, all of which will be distributed by Santa Claus In person as the climax of the ev ening's program. The entertainment feature will be built around the showing of an "Our Gang" comedy entitled "When School Begins." After the showing of this motion picture, a contest will be staged in which each school will enter a group Im personating the members of "Our Gang." these groups to per form antics similar to those of the famous film folk. A valuable prize will be pre sented to the school which has the best impersonating cast. The program will be conducted in the gymnasium at the T. JUDGED TOHT Judging of the entries in the second annual outdoor Christmas illumination contest will start at 7:30 o'clock tonight All entrants have been advised by the contest committee of the Salem Advertis ing club, sponsors of the affair, to bare their displays in proper shape by that time and fully Illu minated. The Judges of the contest as an nounced yesterday will be Miss Katheryn Gnnnell, F. G. Delano and B. B. Flack. Miss Gunnell Is of the photographic firm of Gnn nell and Robb. Mr. Delano Is a real estate in the city. Mr. Flack is an ex-electrical engineer. The judging will be done in each of the four divisions of the ( Concluded oa Pas , Column 1.) Rear Admiral on the retired list of the navy. The senate adopted a resolution of condolence to the family of Representative Kaynor, of Mass achusetts, killed in an airplane crash here yesterday. Otherwise the hour's , meeting was devoted principally to an address by Sen ator Brookhart, republican, Iowa, on cooperative business accom plishments. Weary from the months of work during the extra session and the subsequent opening t this regular session, the - legislators hare called oft everything for the two weeks respite. Even the busy senate loony investigation com mittee plans a full holiday until i congress returns on January 6.' WEST RUMBLINGS OF DISCONTENT! COUNTY HEARD Shadow of Imminent Trou ble Falls Across Offices At Court House Judge McMahan Starts Ball Rolling Among Grangers Of This Section They are mixing the brew of doubt la 'the country spaces of Marlon county. The grange. which has had little to agitate It ilnce the last election and the session of the legislature with Its ensuing lawsuit over whether the legislators could vote themselves extra pay in the guise of expense money, is having its attention di rected to ways that are strange at the county conrt house. Judge McMahan.' veteran of many politi cal forays and himself a granger, is reported as having visited some of the granges, told tales out of school. It Is even intimated that the grange will appoint a "com mittee' to Investigate. This grange grand jury would hold high inquisition, though whether it would reach the height of a senatorial inquiry or a Joseph- Mannlx disbarment suit is In doubt. Nor is it settled that the grange will actually carry for ward an investigation. Perhaps it will, perhaps it will get the la bor union to join in an Inquiry. County politics will be rather quiescent in 1930. Smith Hole Commissioner Cp t or Reelection The only county official whose term expires Is J. E. Smith. evm mlssloner. The other officers hold over till January, 19 S3 ex cept the county judge whose term does not expire, until January. 1935. But that does not prevent the "inquiry" from having the ef fect of stirring political waters that hare long been stagnant Here are some of the "wrongs which the grangers may be Invit ed to try to set right, or at least w expose io puouc gate wnuwr "Bl or w? una oi me eniex compiainis laid before the grange has been iwb ui an attorney ew ui fisvv iu me settlement oi un Dr. Byrd estate when it is claimed that the work required Justified no such fee. The estate wai val ued at 112,000, and the fee waa based on the bar association per centage; but the law empowers the county judge to fix a "reason able" fee. Some of the heirs pro tested the fee claimed because most et the estate was in bonds, there were no debts and no real estate sales. The county Judge al lowed the fee over the protest. Business Declared Unusually Lengthy Another reported complaint Is that while the county court need to meet and transact its business in about ten days, allowing claims ana hearing reports, now the court sits the whole month and much of the time has nothing to do. The two commissioners are paid on a per diem basis of $5 per day. Then it is asserted - that the court pays its member lOe a mile for operating their private, cars In going about and viewing roads over the county, which is claimed to be excessive and higher than ( Concluded on Page t. Column X.) r F WASHINGTON, Dec 21. t API Hone that the federal farm board will renudiate agree - ments tor handling grain reported to have been reached at a recent conference between Alexander Lesrse. its chairman, and several graln operators, Including Julius H. Barnes, head ot President Hoo ver's business advisory council. was expressed today In a letter to Legge from Chairman Caraway of the senate lobby committee. "I truly hope the board will re pudiate your agreements and the place and time In which you saw fit to announce them.". Caraway write. "It must be so. If it wish es to retain the confidence of, not only the , farmers, but all those who earnestly sought by legisla tion some means ot relieving the distressed condition of agricul ture."" : . r - -' Replying to a letter from the farm board. Chairman Caraway offered him an opportunity to ap pear before the lobby committee to explain the conference. Legge had written Caraway an explana tion of the' farm board s policy In advancing money to cooperative farm, organisations,. If TTKS BOARD 6 Death Mourned By Entire State Isaac Lee Patterson FB VET HEEDED 1 Campaign for Money is Now Near Its Close; Goal Not Yet Sighted SJ V 1 ARMY THE SALVATION ARMY "GOOD WILL FUND" Previously Reported $1, 058.8a Addle M. Brant . . 1.00 No Name 29.81 A Friend 7.00 F. E. Mercer .... 2.00 1. H. Thorn .... &.00 Mickey Mouse Club Elsinore Theatre 18.05 Sweet Briar Club 6.00 Employes MacMarr and Market 69. . 8.00 Kettles, Dec. 21.. 62.60 Total to date, .f 1,190.77 To be 74 years old and alone In the world is bad enough, but when a perg0B ,jBO ,lckf de sp0ndent and penniless; that is mighty tOUgh. (Concluded on Pace I, Column L) COUPLE DEATH IS RESULT PORTLAND, Ore., Dec 21. (AP) Police tonight blamed an automobile for the serious wound Ing of Gay Westtall, 2$, formerly of Great Falls. Mont., and the su icide of Noel F. Womack, 28, who J two months ago bought himself I out of the army at Vancouver Bar- racks. Vancouver. Wash. Phvsl- I elans believed the young woman I would live, although her right lung was nunctured by a bullet I from the. ex-soldier's pistol. . The quarrel between Womack, whose home Is at McMlnnville, jTenn and Miss Westtall, poliee I declared, began last night when she refused to let him use her au I tomobile and was resumed when I he returned to her hotel early today after taking the car despite her protests, he threatened to kill her then, poliee said. Late today Womack went to the young woman's hotel, officers declared, and was told by Miss Westtall that she "never wanted to see him again." he took a note from his pocket she told police drew a gun and fired at her. Wo mack then turned the gun on him self. Miss Westtall said she met Wo- 1 mack soon after her arrival here I from Great Falls. She was on I ployed in a beauty parior nere, I Womack's note, addressed to "the I authorities," asked that his sui- I cide be kept from his parents. Looking Backward Looking Forward! - WTissr!?uv " fTTHE year of 1929 soon draws to a close. It has been a X busy, prosperous one for the people of Salem. ? In its annual edition of January 1,1930, The Oregon Statesman will tell the story of the year . . . industrial development, bunding construction, governmental ad vance, educational progress. - And in addition there will be depicted the outlook for 1930 as leaders of Salem and the state foresee it. You will want extra copies.? Make reservations Hew for extra copies as only a limited number will be printed. The price is ten cents. . 7 n puts SELF IN RAGE Announcement Is Issued Few Minutes After News of Elevation Heard ncoming State Chief Will Make Campaign to Succeed Self ASTORIA, Ore., Dee. 11(AP) Albln Walter Norblad, president of the Oregon state senate, who succeeds to the governorship with the death of Governor I. L. Patterson, announced tonight that he would leare for Portland at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and that he would go directly to the home of his aged and invalid mother, Mrs. Bessie Norblad, be fore whom he will take the oath of office. Governor Norblad said he would ask State Senator Gus Moser to administer the oath of office. He added that he would become a candidate for the governorship at the expiration of the term be is now entering. Haste in Getting Into Race Explained "I made this announcement," he said, "with due respect to the memory of Governor Patterson. my dear and valued friend, and with whom I have often discussed the matter. We had an under standing that I would not enter the field against him, but that as soon as his term expired I would become a candidate. In view of this discussion, I feel that I can properly make this announcement at this time." The new governor of Oregon is 48 years old. He -was born at Malmo, Sweden, and emigrated to this country with his parents while a little child. They settled at Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the family being in reduced cir cumstances, Norblad started out In the world for himself at the age of 12. Early Career Is Of Varied Nature He peddled newspapers, sold hot dogs at country fairs, played the clarinet in a circus band and did many odd jobs, returning at last to his home In Grand Rap- Ids, to enter business college. Later he worked as a furniture salesman. He entered a night school at Dixon, Illinois, and ob tained enough credits to enter the Chicago school of law. He worked his way through thlg school and nassed the bar examination in 1902. Norblad then started practice in Delta county, Michigan. In 1906, he was married at Escanaba, Michigan, to Miss Edna Cates. In 1908, during a trip west, he visit ed Astoria and was impressed with possibilities here. In 19D9. he brought his family to Astoria and has resided here since that time. He has served as city attorney. school director, attorney for the Port of Astoria, and five regular and two special session of the state senate. In addition he has served twice as president of the Astoria chamber of commerce and taken a 'prominent part In civic affairs. He is a' member of several Masonic orders, the Elks lodge. and Knights of Pythias and is a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Norblad have two children: Albln Walter, Jr., 21 who is a student at the Universi ty of Oregon, and Eleanor, IS, who Is- a student at Astoria high school. m ARMY PAY PROBED WASHINGTON, Dec." 21 (AP) An investigation by a Joint con gressional committee into the pay situation o fthe army was urged in a letter today to Chairman James of the house military com mittee by Secretary Hurley. T 1 End Comes Suddenly At 8:10 Saturday Evening From Pneumonia Attack Chief Executive Well - Known and Liked in State Birth Occurs in 1859 in Log Cabin, Ben ton County Isaac Lee Patterson was born September 17. 1859, In a little log cabin at Kings Valley In Benton eounty, Oregon, his birth occur ring In the same year in which Oregon attained statehood. His parents were early residents of this state and were married in Oregon. F. A. Patterson, his father, came from Belleville, 111., and his mother, who was Caro line Tatom, fro 91 Missouri. The family moved to farm in Polk connty when Isaac Lee. the eldestchlld, was about 6 years old. Until he was 19, the fu ture governor made his home there, except for a year when he attended Christian college at Monmouth, later the state nor mal school. All Ten Children Of Family Work There were ten children in the family, and the governor was fond of recalling that all worked. At the age of 19, Isaac, then six feet three Inches tall, decided that he was big enough to. make his way in the world, so be went to Salem and obtained a fob in the grocery store of McCully and Gil bert. He worked for his board alone for several months, and then as his serrlcea became more useful, $40 a month was given him in addition to his room and board. Within five years, young Patterson had saved $1000 and he then bought an Interest in the store. Early in life the future gover nor began to take an Interest in politics. In 1894 he was elected to the state senate from Marlon county, and was made chairman of the ways and means commit tee, one of the most Important and Influential positions in the state senate. He also was made chairman of the committee on (Concluded-on rag . Column I.) AS A. W. Norblad of Astoria, pre sident of the senate, will succeed as governor of Oregon in accor dance with the state constitution. Called by the Statesman over the long distance telephone Mr. Nor blad said: "I am shocked by news ot the death of the governor. It Is so sudden that I am unable to state my plans definitely. I plan to go to Portland Sunday and be sworn In by the bedside ot my mother. Mrs. Betty Norblad who has been a helpless Invalid for forty, years. I shall go to Salem probably on Monday. "Governor Patterson and 1 were members of the senate to gether in 1919. We were warm personal friends. I had expected to be a candidate for the gover norship when Mr. Patteraon Arms through. Now I shall probably be a candidate to succeed ' myself in 1980." Mr. . Norbald requested The Statesman to arrange for Miss Beatrice Walton, the governors secretary, to continue in her po sition. Governor Norblad was born In Sweden March 19. 1881; his first American residence was with bis parents at Grand Rapids, Michi gan. He worked at various jobs in Chicago, attending night school and studying law. He worked as a reporter to ob tain his law course, also studying medicine. He was admitted to the Michigan bar in 1904, moving back to Grand Rapids in 1905. That year he was appointed dis trict attorney In Michigan, an of fice which he held until 1908, when he came west to Astoria. He served a brief enlistment In the Spanish-American war, was the first president ot the Astoria chamber of commerce, an office to which he was subsequently re elected. He was instrumental in organising the Port of Astoria, and was its first attofney.-He was city attorney of Astoria for sey era! years. He Is married and has two chil dren., one son in the University of Oregon J he Is. past exalted ruler of the Elks, Mason, Shriner and Knight of Pythias. He belongs ,te the Presbyteria ehurch. SICKED GOVERNOR IS Salem People Mourn Death Of Patterson 0. P. C0SH0W, chief justice of state supreme court: "I very sin cerely regret the pausing of Gov ernor Patterson. I hate felt un der obligation to him alnce as suming the chief justiceship since he has been very considerate of my position and the responsi bility, it entails, ills death is a grer, loss to the state and diffi cult to appraise at this time." DR. CARLO. DONET. president Willamette university: "We have appreciated the governor as a friend and have regarded him as a loyal servant to the community and to the commonwealth." BROWN E. SISSON, president chamber of commerce: "Mr. Pat terson's death comes as a great shock to Oregon. The governor will be missed by the chamber of Salem, and by the citizens of Sa lem and of Oregon. He attended our meetings quite often and was an active and valued member." CARLE ABRAMS, secretary state board of control: "It has been my opinion that Governor Patterson has made in many re spects the most satisfactory gov ernor the state has ever had. He has been subjected to less criticism than any governor in memory but he has been fearless and at the same time has Instituted a num ber of reforms of great benefit to Oregon. I have come to admire him very much in personal asso ciation because of the fearless way he work and the keen method of arriving at vital points before him. In all the vexing questions I saw him handle, I never saw him riled nor in any way lose bis poise but rather, by diplomatic questioning and reasoning, he not only settled matters his way but won the opposition to his. way of thinking." T. A. LIVESLEY, mayor of Sa lem: "Governor Patterson's death Is a terrible shock. We have known him since we came to Salem 40 years ago and were long-time friends. We regarded him very highly. His death was a terrible blow to the state and an especial one to this county. He was a man beloved by all and proved him self a wonderful governor. No one can tell now what his loss will mean to the state." R. J. HENDRICKS, former edi tor of The Oregon Statesman: "Governor Patterson was mak ing a splendid governor. Without ostentation, he was efficiently di recting the business of the state in ways making for both good ser vice and economy. From the very first part of his term he showed a thorough grasp of the far flung business of the state government, and he quietly work ed tor Improvements in all Its va rious branches, and secured re sults constantly. He was as a young man true and faithful, and he grew with the years and with opportunity - and responsibility. His term as governor of Oregon, though cut short by over a year through his untimely taking off, will go down in the history ot the state as an outstanding one.' JOHN H. carkin, tax com missioner: "Due to a friendship dating back to when we were both in the legislature, and more Intimate association when I was speaker of the house and In tax work while he has been governor. his death comes as a great shock to me. He has served his state faithfully and well. Oregon will miss his conservative yet con structive leadership." SAM A. KOZER, state budget officer: "I am greatly shocked at the sudden passing of Governor Patterson and will miss him both (Concluded on Page , Column 4.) - - . . v Patterson Funeral Will Be Held Early This WeeU No plans for funeral services for Governor Isaac Lee Patterson were made last night thought it is expected the services will be held some time Tuesday. ' There was no Intimation from the home of whether a state funeral, such as characterised the final rites oa March C, 1919, for . Governor James Withy combe, would be held for Governor Patterson., r -, Governor Wlthycombe was laid to rest with military honors, an entire) eadet company from O. A. Patterson Has Relapse. Late Saturday Aft ernoon Illness of Little Over Week Kept Secret From Public Isaac Lee Patterson, gov ernor of Oregon, died sudden, ly at 8:10 o'clock Saturday night at his farm home in Eola, Polk county, seven . miles west from Salem. Death " t resulted from a weakened heart condition brought about by pneumonia. The sudden passing of the governor was a blow to the citizens of Oregon who had only two days ago learned that he was ill and that his sickness was caused by a slight cold from which he was expected soon to recover. Governor Patterson's illness, which did not come to the pablk attention, reached a suppesed , crisis Thursday night when the fever caused by pneumonia sub sided and he was thought to have taken a turn for the better. Heart Action Becomes Very Weak Friday Physicians were alarmed Fri day when his heart action ap peared very weak. His condition was grave Friday night Saturday morning, however. Drs. Morse and Power found the governor somewhat stronger and in brighter spirits. Nurses al lowed him to be propped In bed. At 4 0 clock Saturday after noon every indication pointed that the governor, although in a grave condition, was on the way to re covery. He talked clearly to him attendants and physicians were encouraged. About o'clock the governor's condition suddenly turned for the worse. His heart action, weak' since he became ill a weak ago, was markedly diminished and be slipped into a coma. He never recovered consciousness. Death came at 1:10 p. m. Governor In Cheerful Mood Early In Day V After the governor s death it was learned that he was extremely cheerful Saturday morning. He eat up la bed and talked with mesa berg ot his immediate family and his physicians. He smoked and discussed affairs ot state. Later in the day he suffered a relapse. His condition steadily became worse and at 8:15 p. m.. Or. Morse made the announcement that stunned the entire state. The governor contracted a cold while in Portland three - weeks ago. Subsequently he went 0 Hubbard Springs, Ore., where he attended a banquet in honr et Henry H. Ererding, prominent Oregon sportsman and does - friend of the governor. He bathes! In the mineral springs in an et- tort to break the cold, but ts no avail. He then went to his home at Eols, He was ordered to bed by his physician and remained there un til claimed by death. Atlantic Flyers OnWaSouthto Rio De Janeiro NATAL. Braxil, Dec. 21 AP) Major Tadeo Larre-Borges and Lieutenant Leon Challe.he Urn guayan-French aviation tease which flew from Seville to a joint near here, left at 11:20 a. m., to day in an Aero-Postal plane. They are expected to reach Rio Janelra tomorrow afternoon where they will be guests ot the Braetliae government. C. firing three volleys over lh , masoleum as the final tribute te the executive. The ; body laid In state for two hours prior to the Bervice ai me u , jneiuuujei church under bodyguard of cadets from; the college. - Honorary and active, pallbearers .were chosen largely from official ranks, -- A band, with the cadet company and color guard from the state college, led the march to the cemetery and the. general military staff of Ore gon marched in solid formation to. the ceremony. r- - T4