CIRCULATION Dsily !tritia tor JU month tadiDK NTember 80. It2fl . 6,830 Averttt daily met P'. M0 VfBibr Audit B of Cirenltio. WEATHER Cloudy and unsettled to day and Sunday; showers Snnday. Max. temperature, Friday 50; min. 40; river 15.8; rain .01; calm. 7 FOUMDEP 1651 SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 21, 1929 No. 231 PRESIDENT OF II SHOOTS 110 Pair Captured by Posse Aft er Being Wounded by William Granger Official Opens Fire on Rob .bers After Being Re lieved of $1623 GRACEMONT, Okla.. Dec. 20. (AP) William Granger, pres ident of the Gracemont bana nere, grabbed a pistol and emptied It at two robbers who had held him un in the bank this afternoon and were making away with money they had taken, wounding both of the men as they drove off in a motor car. A group of citizens later overtook the pair, forcing them to surrender. The two men, Oscar Logston of Tulsa, and Joseph Cherry, of Fort- Smith. Ark., were taken to the county Jail at Andarko. Logston'a condition was said to be critical. The men entered the bank Granger said, with a sawed oft shotgun and a sack, compelling him to put all the money, which the banker estimated was 11,623 In the sack. Granger Refuses to Open Door of Vault The men then asked him to open the vault, where most of the bank's money is kept, and thia Granger told them he could not do, that it was locked for the night. One of the men forced-him to go with him to the vault. Find ing it locked, the man and his companion bolted from the bank. Then Granger seized a revolver and opened fire. He ran after the robbers to the sidewalk, and, as they climbed into their car. shot Logston in the left thigh. As the car sped away, be continued to fire, and another bullet struck Losston in the left shoulder. Attracted by the shots, several merchants armed themselves, rushed from stores, leaped into a motor car and pursued the fleeing robbers. Logston and Cherry abandoned their automobile about a mile from town and fled through a iield. The small posse closed Ja. upon them and Logston and Cher, ry surrendered They were brought to Grace mont and then were taken to the county jail at Nadarko. The sack containing the money was recovered. OF- IS TOKEN BY DEATH BANDITS VICTIM CRASH DALLAS, Dec. 20 Elmer Hayes, 23, passed away at the Dallas hospital early tajs morn ing. Hayes, who was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hayes of Dal las, was Injured last Friday ev ening when lie was struck by a V car driven by John C. Ugtow, Dal las business man. Irvln Holman was operated np t en " the hospital this morning in ; an attempt to save his left leg I which was seriously injured. His right leg was amputated above I the knee and the left leg which was broken above the knee, has teen put In a plaster cast. Al though suffering intensly young liolman has stood the shock of the operation well and attending physicians hare hope of his ulti mate recovery. Arrangements for the Hayes funeral have not yet been announced. fTiwrrfw- Havy Boulder Causes Derail regOIl nenl Train; 0. S. C. TXlAtifc Hoopers Lose by Identical DlLCIb Score as on Previous Night Houlder Derails Train BEND, Ore., Dec. 20. (AP) Loosed by heavy rains in this dis trict, a boulder tumbled onto the Oregon trunk tracks three miles . 4&outh of Maupin and caused de- - ruuieui 01 irain o. 1U3 snort- fV ,y after 1 m- today. No passen- wgers were injured although both I ' men in the engine cab jumped. I Eugene Grappler Wins. EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 20. I (AP) George Wildeat Pete. 154, Eugene, defeated Henry Jones 150. Provo, Utah, two falls out of three in the main event of the wrestling card here tonight. Jcnes won the tint fall in IS minutes but Pete won the second in 20 minutes and the third in 18 minutes. Hoop Scores Identical SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 20. (AP) The Young Men's Institute basketball team of San Francisco duplicated the feat of the Olym pic club by defeating the Oreron State quintet, 13 to 24, tonight at Kesar stadium. The Oregon ' fltaters lost to the Olympic team , last nignt Dy an identical score. Law Grads Organise , PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 20. AF) Seventy-five alumni of the University of Oregon law school. meeting nere today, perfected permanent organization to bo known as the Law Alumni asso- t elation of the University of Ore What the Fire Uncovered County's Biggest L Rains of the monster moonshine plant uncovered on the K. C Baker farm near Stayton, rented by B. Schatz, when the still ex ploded Thnnday morning and set on Are the barn which concealed ft. In the upper picture are shown several of the 500 gallon Tata in which mash was kept, with a huge pile of barrel hoops and some of the oil drums found among the ruins of the barn. The crowd of spectators is in the background. Near the camera in the lower pic ture appears the huge still, with some of the burning vats on the right. Search Made For Owners Manufacturers of Liquor Fira Develops Leading to Discovery of Immense Rum Making Plant TT7HILE both state and county officials have several clues T T to work upon, no arrests have been made in connection with the discovery of an immense liquor still near Stayton F Broadening of the educational program at the Salem Indian school is contemplated for next year, with encouraging prospects that authorization will be forth coming, it is reported by Superin tendent O. H. Lipps upon his. re turn from Washington, D. C, where he conferred with officials of the Indian service. One step which is being given favorable consideration Is that of tying up the school's activities more closely with the Industrial and home improvement programs on the reservations located in the Pacific northwest. To that end short courses for selected adult Indians may be of fered and the school may also un dertake some type of extension worn on the reservations in co operation with directors of agri culture, home demonstration agents, field matrons and similar workers. Appropriations covering the cost of the short courses and for a new gymnasium costing $60,000 are in prospect, the superintend ent indicated. gon. Addresses were made by Ar nold Bennett Hall, president of the university, and Bert Brown Baker, vice-president. Bootleggers Pined $1000 PENDLETON, Ore.. Dec. 20. (AP) A. M. Service of Baker was fined $1000 in justice court here today on a charge of posses sion and transportation of liquor on September 19. A large sedan was confiscated by prohibition au thorities. Fires in November 08 Mnety-eight fires in Oreeon during November, outside of Port land, caused a loss estimated at $414,000, says the monthly state ment issued by Clare A. Lee. state insurance commissioner. This Is the heaviest loss of which the department has records for November. No Fatalities Occur No fatalities were reported in Oregon Industries for the week ending December It, according to a statement prepared by the state industrial accident commission There were (98 accidents report ed, mis is a decrease of 1. when compared with the figures for the previous week. Highway Open A cairn The state highway commission announced Friday that the John Day highway, which was closed recently because f snow. Is now open to traffic. ii en hi n Still i Of Still Disappear Soon After Thiirsnav wVipti th ahoH in which the liquor plant was housed, burned down, follow ing an explosion of the huge still. When county officials were summoned to the place Thursday they found the still In a state of ruins, although 10 mash vats, each containing S00 gallons of mash. were yet standing. The still was said to be the largest ever found in Marion county. The only person thought to have any connection with the operation of the still ia a Mrs. B. Schits, said to be the wife of one of the men operating the still. No other persons have been found as all had vanished following the explo sion. The woman Is being held. It is not believed that anyone was hurt by the explosion. "It anyone was hurt, it was because he was running too fast," is the opinion of a deputy sheriff who viewed the wrecked still. . men mark tit With "only two more shopping days before Christmas" remaining next week, today is expected to be the peak day for holiday shopping in Salem, of a Christmas rush sea son which has already broken all past records; Apparent cessation of rala for the time being will also have Its effect in swelling the crowds of shoppers downtown today. Such a result was already noticeable Fri day although the day was not ideal. Although buying has already been heavy, It is believed that there are many persons who have put off their Christmas shopping because of the bad weather. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the Christmas mailing has so far been lighter than last year. Today will probably also see some mailing records broken, as it is the last opportunity to get gifts on their way to points at any distance with assurance that they will be delivered before Christmas day. Merchants handling all classes of gift merchandise have reported that they are well pleased with the volume of business so far. the heavy purchasing belying any in timations that the public as a whole In "hard up" thia winter. Portland Firm Is Incorporated Here The Portland Smelting and Re fining Works, with headquarters In Portland and capital stock of $30,000, filed articles in the state eorpb ration department "Friday. The Incorporators are Aaroa Popick. Rosa Poplck and Abe Poplek. , Notices of dissolution were tiled by the Boneboro Orchard com pany of Hood River and Parsons and Brown, Inc., of Eugene. SHOPPING REACHES AlBIN charges FRAUD USED IN BUSINESS DEAL Former Salem Mayor Says Duncan Resorts to Mis representation Accusation Involves Princi pal of Grade School In This City Charges that Mrs. Minnie V. Duncan, principal of the Wash ington grade school in Salem, took . advantage of her acquain tance with the C. E. Albin family and the fact that she had been the teacher of some of the Albin children, in making misrepresen tations in connection with a busi ness deal, are contained in a com plaint in equity filed in circuit court here Friday. . Mr. Albin. former mayor of Sa lem, is suing to have reseinded'a contract under which he purchas ed the insurance business of J. A Duncan, husband of the local ed ucator, in McMinnville. for the return of money which he paid to the Duncans as first payment. He also asks for the return of an ab stract covering property he owned In Portland and which was to fig ure in the deal. Amount of Profit Said Overestimated It is allege in the complaint that the Duncans repre3ented that the insurance business was mak ing-a profit of $150 a month, whereas Mr. Albin after taking it over and. investigating its ac count found that amount of prof it had not been made in any of the preceding three months and that It Incurred a loss of $64.23 in October. Mr. Albin claims he paid $300 in casn ana mat montniy pay ments and the property in Port land were to take care of the balance of the purchase price. $1400. He took over the bus! ness November 20. T City's Machinery Stops Be fore Signs Put in Place For Automobiles Tuesday - Wednesday Thurs- day - Friday. And ' no signs yet. "stop Persons who harbor the belief that all that is necessary to elim mate an evil Is to pass a law, would have that faith rudely shaken should they journey along: Broadway, Hood street and Fair grounds road this morning un less some city employe happened to get there first and put up some stop" signs. After weeks of agitation on the part of the residents along those streets and particularly around Hood and Fifth for some regula tion to stop the frequent accidents incident to fast driving and heavy traffic, the city council passed an ordinance Monday night designat ing the aforementioned as through" streets. Up to late Friday night the signs Indicating as much had not been put in place. Mayor Livesley stated that he had signed the ord inance, but was of the opinion that it had not yet reached the city recorder. However, anticipat ing the mayors approval, the council had given the prop'ef in structions to the street depart ment Monday night. Auto Runs Wild As Driver Loses Consiousness Found to be suffering from a cerebral hemorrhage after his automobile had run wild on Cross street apparently after he became unconscious, Winwood Robins, a carpenter employed by the Oregon Packing company, was taken to the Salem general hospital early Friday night At midnight he had failed to regain consciousness. Police who answered a call from the vicinity of Cross and Winter streets found Robblns in the car. which had run over a lawn, grazed a . telephone pole and then crashed into a parked machine. - The address of the man, who ia about OS year old, was not learned, other than that be lives on Berry street. Special Clarion Is Published by Student Stall An sight-page Clarion, com memorating the anniversary of its first edition on December 4, 1104, was distributed at the high school yesterday and met with Immediate approval of pupils and faculty. The newspaper carries many remembrances .of the days of 20 and 25 years ago, and will be read as eagerly by many par ents as by the high school stu dents themselves. ME PISSES Hi -sunn Possible Reason -For Oregon Coach Situation Is Seen Some light on the Me. Swan situation at the Uni versity of Oregon Is famish ed by the following from the New York Times: "Among those mentioned ne candidates for .the .Co lumbia coaching berth is GapC John McEwan, former ly of West Point, who re cently resigned at the Uni versity of Oregon, the resig nation to take effect after Oregon's game with Florida, on Saturday. McEwan has been very successful at Ore gon as bead football coach and director of athletics and with only the Florida game remaining on its schedule, his 1929 team has won sev en games and lost only two. Oregon, defeated by Stan ford and St. Mary's has the distinction of being the only team to "cross St. Mary's goal line." M EM If L NOT FIGHT FOR HIS JOB Former Oregon Coach Avers President Interfered In Grid Affairs By ALAN GOULD Associated Press Sports Editor NEW YORK. Dec. 20. (AP) The victim of an ouster apparent ly effected under extraordinary circumstances. Captain John J. McEwan, one time ail-American center and head football coach at the University of Oregon for the past four years, today found his name involved in the rapidly growing list of gridiron shake- ups. McEwan Joins Enoch Bagshaw of the University of Washington In the general upheaval among the principal colleges of the Pa cific northwest but under differ ent circumstances. Bagshaw yield ed to pressure and resigned in the midst of an unsuccessful season, to be succeeded by Jimmy Phelan of Purdue. McEwan, with a con tract carrying him through 1930 has been relieved in spite of his willingness to continue after one of Oregon's best seasons, ending with a tie for the Pacific coast senferenoo-tHW- - - "My only trouble was that the president of the university and I could not agree on whom to sub stitute at critical moments," Cap tain McEwan told the Associated Press today in making it clear that he would not put up a fight as Bagshaw did, to fulfill the re mainder of his contract. Another curious sidelight of MeEwan's case was an apparent attempt to show that as a former Army player and coach, be at tempted under cover to supply West Point with motion pictures of the Stanford-Oregon game, de signed to aid the Cadets in their forthcoming engagement at Palo Alto. Oregon Football Coach Now Through; New Man Sought V i '" 1 "" ' 4 f 1 ' ' " ' '- ' " -' I I - ; ' " v - - - I - 2 . j r, - ' -A' : I jest" y M 1 II' I MLri ...'..;' . f Kk't'Ft-L 1 I -1 A Captain John J. McEwan, vhose costrict as football coach at the University of Oregon has been casreTled by official action ot university authorities. Announcement wan made jresicrdny that hla socowtor r-"l be sought, tnunediatelf. . NEW COACH TO T LIKEJUCHEB Every Effort to be Made to Change Status of Ore gon's Mentor - Graduate Manager to Scour Country in Attempt to Fill Vacancy v EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 20 (AP) The University of Oregon will start Immediately in quest of a football coach to replace Captain John J. McEwan, whose contract was terminated by action of the executive council at a special meeting Thursday night. Karl W. Onthank, executive secretary of the .institution announced today. If possible a coach will be ob tained on a professorial status, which simply means that he will work on the same basis as col lege professors, rather than under a contract basis, Onthank said. On the other hand, Oregon may be forced to employ a coach un der contract, if one they desire will not consent to work under any other terms. Salary to Be Adequate President Hall Declares The professorial basis does not mean that the coach would re ceive a salary of $4000 or $5,- 000 a year. President Hall, in a recent statement said. Dr. Hall declared he realized that good coaches were in great demand and that Oregon, In competition with other schools, would have to pay a handsome price to ob tain one. However, It is not ex pected that the new Webfoot mentar will receive more than Captain MeEwan's salary of $8,- 500 annually and it may be less. Jack Benefiel, graduate mana ger, has been delegated by the executive council to scour the Country for a new coach, Onthank said. Benefiel will start his quest Immediately. It is be lieved, however, on his way east to Interview prospective coaches that Benefiel will stop off at Des Moines, Iowa, where he will con fer with officials at Drake uni versity regarding a night game at Soldiers field. Chicago, on Oc tober 8, 1930, in whltfh Oregon and Drake will be participants. It is believed that three assis tant coaches at Oregon, Prink Callison, freshman coach; Billy Reinhart, varsity backfield, and tiene Shields, varsity line, will be considered along with other avail able mentors for MeEwan's Job, and it the search for outside coaches proves fruitless, It would not be surprising if one of the threa aasiatants ia elevated to the head coachshlp. s )no pejja eq vm eojpsjd SuiJda joj cuBid )vq) os 'eiqjssod jj 'i Xivnjqej ejojaq novoo eq) u8(8 o) epvui q Jiojje oy planned. ., tKk'UFt'i 1 Miss Walton To Make Trip -A Mlse Beatrice Walton, private se cretary to Governor Patterson, will leave here today for San Francisco on business. She will return to Salem late Monday. M S1Q0O MARK Christmas Campaign Reach es HalfWay Mark In 1929 Drive for Money THH SALVATION ARMY "GOOD WILL FUND" Previously reported 855.77 Paulns Bros. Pkg. Co. 2.50 M. and Mrs. J. H. Callaghan 10.00 A Friend B.OO A Friend , 1.00 Mrs. C. D. Burgess 5.00 Dr. W. B. Morse. . . 20.00 Salem Culinary Al liance, local 452 5.00 E. W. Kay 5.00 Mrs. C. Demarest . . B.OO Salem Woman's club 10.00 Dr. M. C. Findley . . .5.00 J. J. Elliott 5.00 Offering, community Christmas program at Y. M. C. A. ... 60.03 Street kettles, Dec 20 64.06 Total to date . . .$1,038.36 The bread winner had been sick in bed for many months. His meagre savings had dwind led. How to buy food for his wife and five children was the ques tion. As he tossed on his sick bed, this was the problem ever before him. But the Salvation Army heard about him and his little family, and Captain Williams im mediately got Into his flivver and weni oui xo see mem ana nau out Just what they needed. When he arrived he found that the sick man needed medicine. He found the family also need ed clothing and groceries, for there were five children, ages, 15, 11, 6, 3 and nine months. He Immediately obtained the medicine for the sick man. fixed up a supply of groceries from the store room at the Army hall and took them back in his automobile. After he had purchased the medi cine and provided food he brought the mother down to the Salvation Army clothes room and selected a number of garments for the children. The man is now able to be back at his job again but, owing to some debts Incurred while he was sick, they sre Just "getting by." Into this home will go one of the Army's generous Christmas boxes next Tuesday. What have you done towards supplying the money with which to do this' sort of work? The Army ts relying on TOU to do your part and do It quickly. JUST THREE GIVING DAYS UN TIL CHRISTMAS. Christmas Gilts Are Prepared by. Training School Seventy-three gifts, each bear ing the name of one of the 73 girls at the girls' training school. have been wrapped in holiday at tire by members of the Encinitis club and are already to be de livered to the girls next Monday evening, when the 'Encinitis group will go to the training school to give the gifts and to sing Christ mas carols. The gifts were don ated by the Encinitis and the Sa lem Zonta clubs. Scenic Pictures Are to be Shown Motion pictures of a mountain climbing party on the slopes of ML Hood, and other scenlo pic tures will be shown by Dr. David IB. Hill at the 8alem chamber ot commerce luncheon next Monday Among the views will be some of Sllrer Creek I Alio and the Sliver creek canyon. Dr. Hill took the pictures, and will 'give a descrip tive talk as they are shows. CRASH KILLS SEVEN CLARINDA, la., Dec 20 (AP) Seven persons, six ot them I members ot one family were kill ed near-here early tonight when the Tarklo branch passenger train of the Burlington railway struck a truck on U. S. Highway No. 71. JUST Vets Wi Session In This City Department Head Say Local Post's Work Outstanding: District Conference of American Legion Is ' Staged Here Unqualified praise of Capitel Post No. 9 of Salem for Its out standing community work. Its un excelled achievement as host to the 1129 department convention, and particularly the h o n r brought home to Oregon by its drum and bugle corps, was ex pressed by Sid S. George of Eu gene, department commander f the legion in Oregon, in an ad dress at the public meeting Prfday . night at the armory which : closed the district conference held here. Commander George declared that no legion post in the state had contributed so much to the esteeat in which the legion is held in this state, as the Salem post. Purposes of Legion Organization Cited Objectives of the World tar veterans' organization were out lined by the department com mander. In connection with rae policy of preparedness-which it advocates, he stressed the potat that it favors preparedness for de fense only, and i? opposed to Mil itarism. Mrs. Newton Chaney of Mfd ford, state president of the Legion Auxiliary, discussed the object ives of that organization, s-ti&-ing the aid which it provides fur disabled veterans in the hospit als. One difficulty, she said, is that many veterans fail to take advan tage " of the hospitalization to which they are entitled, because there Is no one left to care fev their families. The service organ izations should discover tne cases and volunteer to see the families are provided for. m that the veterans in need ot med ical aid may have h) before it is too late. Officials Deliver Speeches of Welcome Addresses of welcome were -livered by Mayor Livesley aad Secretary of State Hoss. Enter tainment included music by the Auxiliary quartet, the drum ceres and the Salem high school banoV posts in ine live c in the district hl ence with auxiUa afternoon, and !-.... . cers also held a meeting of tirw.- nwn f Counties represented were Mar lon, Polk, Yamhill, Washington and Tillamook. A number of de partment officers of both the Je gion and the auxiliary were pres ent. Large Crowd on Hand to View Program Friday Six hundred persons attended the community Christmas pro gram at the Y. M. C. A. gymna sium last night and the succeta of this first effort tor a Yuletide entertainment minus the usual pomp and commercialism was so marked that it Is probable it wUl become an annual event. Ten Sa lem churches, the Sacred Heart Academy and the Salvation Army cooperated in the program. Each of the numbers on the pro gram was given splendid applatme. Carol singing was led by Rev. W. Earl Cochran and the Christmas story was told by Rev. Norman X. Tully. The choirs and several of the soloists from the cooperating churches united to give the Christmas music, the real feature of the community Yuletide obser vance. A Christmas cheer collection of $60.03 was received and will be turned into the Salvation Army fund. MRS. POIN DEXTER DIES ORANGE, Calif., Dec. 20 (AP) Elizabeth Gale Poinaeiter, 63, wife of former United State Senator Miles Potndexter er Washington died here early to day. Willamette River Lacks 4 Feet of Flood Stage Here Alter reaching the 15.S foot level, 4.4 feet below flood stage, early Friday morning, the 1 Willamette river remained 'at that hefeftt , all daf, falling kei bear out predict kiu that the .flood mark would be reach ed. It ts expected to recede today. . Several families living ha Kelxer bottom were expect ing to be marooned Friday morning and bad their boats ready to row out. but t road was not covered. ; ;