The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Ortgon, Friday Morning, December 20, 1929
Ad Club Issues Request to
All Christmas Deco
rators in City
.A general invitation for all
home-owners wao are planning
outdoor Christmas decoration
and who are not. entered in the
contest feature to list their names
with the committee in charge was
issued yesterday by the Salem Ad
vertising club, sponsors of the
lighting contest.
Many persons have been dis
covered this year who are dee
orating their homes, but who do
not care to compete for the prizes
either for personal reasons or
modesty. It is the desire of the
club that all decorated homes in
the city should be ilsted in order
that the moat effective route may
be selected for the public to view
the brilliant lighting displays.
These non-competitive entries
should be mailed to post office
box 160. Salem, Ore.
Among those who have notified
the club that they were decorat
ing their homes but desired to
withdraw from the prize compe
tition Is Mrs. R. P. Boise. 619
Court street, whose display tied
with that of Mrs. Dan J. Fry. Sr.,
last year for the city-wide sweep
stakes award.
Judging of the displays In the
contest will be done Sunday night
and it is requested that all lights
be in place by that time and that
they be kept up during the entire
holiday season.
Among the new entries for the
contest received yesterday were:
Elizabeth L. Scott, 1860 South
High street.
Ralph Purvine, 655 University
Bt rcct.
Mrs. L. A. Scheelar, 275 Hood
Mary T. Schoettle, 626 North
Winter street.
Mrs. Herbert Optlind, 909 Mar
ket street.
Mrs. II. J. Bean, 917 Court
Arthur L. Mason. 942 North
Summer street.
Karl R. Adams, service station,
High and Chemeketa street.
Mrs. Thomas M. Bare, 185
North Fourteenth street.
Tinkham Gilbert, 750 South
High street.
AMITY. Dec. 19 - The Amity
Commercial club has placed ja
large Christmas tree in tbo cen
ter of Main street. The tree is
decorated with blue, red and
green elctrlc lights.
Small trees may be seen on the
curbs and a real Chrstmas Bpirit
is displayed in all of the various
business houses.
Nevada residents have contri
buted 1,000 books to start a pri
son library.
'"The special charm of Chrtat
mai Is the assurance ft brings,
that we live in the memory of our
The best sort of Christmas, we of
fer to" you " - -In
an old fashioned dinner made
easy and new. .
Christmas Salad Tiny Sandwiches
Roast Turkey Pecan Dressing
Giblet Gravy
Hashed Potato Puff
String Beans with Pimento
Cranberry Ice
Homemade Dinner Rolls
Currant Jelly
Sweet Pickles Filled Celery Sticks
Stuffed Olives
English Plum Pudding
Hard Sauce
Mints Salted Nuts Candled Frutts
Color scbemo Red- and green.
Table service Gleaming sliver
the snowiest of linens, eold
plates for cold thine. Warm nlatea
for the main course. Tall red can
dles, a great bowl of fruit within
a wreath of lolly for the center-
First course Fish or fruit
cocktails, soups or canapes may
start the meal, we choose
Christmas Salad
Place a thick slice of tomato on
a crispy bed of finely shredded
lettuce. On the tomato place
fresh or canned lobster or crab
and atop that one or two small
artichoke hearts. Sprinkle the let
tuce with egg yolk which has been
i put through a sieve. Served chilled
with Russian dressing (mayon
naise to which has been added a
bit of catsup and Worcestershire
sauce.) Nut bread or pimento
cheese sandwiches tiny ones-
are a delicious accompaniment.
I4AIN COURSE! Doesn't hare
to be turkey. Of course not! Ham,
roast pork, mock duck, fowl of
any sort may be used.
We have the bird all ready the
iay before all but the stuffing,
This may be done the night be
fore, but we prefer to do it along
with the finishing touches
Christmas morning. Brush the
fowl whatever species of bird
you choose with butter, and
dust with salt, pepper and flour,
turkey baked breast down insures
Juicy white mean. The baking?
500 degrees for about Vt hour un
covered, then 350 degrees tor 20
minutes to the pound uncovered
if in an insulated oven, covered
otherwise. This method of slow
cooking gives a gpJLden brown un
broken skin and a nice Juicy ten
The Dressing
There are many types of stuff
ings bread crumbs, bread cubes.
fresh bread,- dried bread soft
When I was a little girl just
prying into cooking I learned by
grandmother's method of making
dressing which I much prefer
for practically all occasions.
She saved bread, cornbread.
rolls, drying it as It accumulated
When ready to use, she put it all
in a great bowl, poured hot water
over it, and when well softened,
squeezed the bread out as dry as
possible. In the meantime chopped
onions were browning slowly In
bacon drippings and these were
added along with aa egg or two,
sage, pepper, a bit of salt (be
careful. The bread has salt In It
you know.) Sometimes bits of
celery were added, sometimes rai
sins, or pecans or oysters. Then
Into a sklllett the whole thing
went, to brown slowly, stirred oc
casionally. When cold, it was
ready to use for staffing. This
prevents the soggy Indigestible
dressing which Is so conmmom.
Dont pack the dressing in, as this
makes for sogglness. If there's any
left after stuffing the turkey.
shape in balls and bake to serve
in gravy later.
Giblet Gravy
The giblets we cook the day be
fore. Chopped, they are all ready
for the gravy. Save the water In
which they were cooked, for the
gravy. To make the gravy, allow
two tablespoons flour and 1 cup
cold water for each two table
spoons of fat. Add flour to fat.
brown. Add slowly stirring con
stantly the cold water. Season
with salt and pepper, add giblets.
The other method Is to add the
water to the fat, make a paste of
flour and add slowly to the liquid.
Cook well, so that it doesn't taste
like paste. Hake plenty of it.
Just the usual way, lot s i a
cream and butter and whipping
but don t please spoil 'em with
a cover. If they must wait, place
them m a pan of hot water, cov
er with a tea towel so that the
steam will be absorbed. Then puff
'em up pretty on a platter gar
nished with parsley and pimento
stars, gently Insinuate a lump of
butter atop, and finish It off with
a dash of paprika.
And do cook the, string beans
long enough!
Cranberry Ice
(This fs Just a different dress
for an old standby. Of course.
cranberry Jelly or great crimson
checked berries In a clear pool
of sauce Is always in good taste!)
Boil on Quart cranberries in 2
cups water until tender. Put thru
a sieve. Add 2 cups of sugar and
Juice of 2 lemons. Freeze to
mush, stirring frequently it in
the tray of your elecrie xefriger-
ator. Allow at least 3 or 4 hours
serve in sherbet glasses as an
accompaniment tor the main
Home Made Dinner Rolls
(Perhaps you'll prefer to buy
the rolls, but there's absolutely
no peer to home made rolls. Make
'em the day before and heat them
through just before serving the
meal. This is an easy three-hour
2 cups sweet milk, scalded and
cooled to lukewarm. Add
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons butter or fat
1 cake compressed yeast dissolved
in milk.
Add 3 cups sifted bread flour,
Beat until smooth.'
Cover and let rise 1 hour in
warm place. Add 1 teaspoon salt
Why They Prefer
Hillman 's Butier-Nut
Snow flake Bread. . .
The judges in our recent let
ter writing contest, faculty;
members of the Salem Public
Schools, have announced the
following winners:
First Prize of $20 f
Is awarded to Victor Koop, 1187 S. Commer
cial St.
Second Prize of $15
To Charles Sherman 835 D St.
Third Prize of $10
To Nancy N. Smith, Beaver, Oregon.
Fourth Prize of $5
To Esther Calllson, C2S N. 15th St.
Four Prizes of $2.50 each
Were awarded to: Clara Syverson, Indepen
dence, Oregon; Georgia Harrington. 305 S.
- 25th St.; Lucille England, 2 358 State St.,
and Rose Gibson, 740 Stewart St.
Ten Prizes of $2.00 each
Were awarded to Robert Lucas, Aumsville,
Oregon; Gordon Potter, Liberty, Oregon;
Harold Shepherd, Gates, Oregon; Percy
Meier, 567 N. Front St.; Eleanor Sherman,
835 D St.; Catherine Scheurer, Aurora, Ore
gon; Edith Davis, 3003 Center St Blaine
Vogt. Box 254, Salem; Nadine Orcutt, 1040
N. Church St.; Rolland Martin, Lyons, Ore
gon. 1
20 Prizes of $1.00 each
Were awarded to: Esther Rledesel, Salem,
Oregon; Nedry Burris, Salem, Oregon: Mar
garet Relts, 490 N. 21st St; Ruby Harvey,
. 10 4 S Highland Ave.; Frank Chamberlain,
841 South St.; Lucille Wood. Route 2. Sil
verton, Oregon; Bertha Converse, 190 Trade
St.; Irene deVries, Prat urn, Oregon; Hazel
Leek, Route 3, Box 188, Salem, Oregon;
Frances LaVelle 1245 N. 21st St; Eunice
Jordon, Stayton, Oregon Janet Robertson,
781 N. Winter St; Thelma DuRette, Ger
vais, Oregon: Gladys Raetx. Route f. Box
150AAA, Salem, Oregon;. Doris NIccolson, '
Aumsville, Oregon; Maxlne Fawk, RIckreall,
Oregon; Irene Fletcher, Silverton, Oregon;
'Harrison Porter, ; Brownsville, Oregon;
Stephen Stone, 373 Leslie St; Doriene Chap
man, 13 Skinner St, West Salem.
V Judges
Miss Merle McKeWey Mis Sarilla Phelps
Miss Ada Ross
Cherry City Baking Co.
- A Salem. Orerjca '
and S cups floor or enough to
make a soft dough.
Knead well. Plaee In greased
bowl. Cover ant let rise la vara
plaee about 1 hours.
snap into rous. l rue -
boars. Bake II to IS minutes at
4 SI degrees (hot oven). Brash
tops with butter upon removing
from oven.
These, with the jelly, and pan-
ley and pimento garnished aid in
carrying out a red and green col
or scheme, besides adding a dash
of tomorrow to the menu.
Filled Celery Sticks
Are made by coloring cream
sance plain or wflh cheese. An
gratia dishes either in casserole
or ladlTidttat riBskJni uUJjit
JfetoTer cauliflower, cabbage, po
tatoes fad the like. Changing the
appearance does adj allurement
eh yon know how even a few
pounds off and the' dress for
snaky hips brings baek the fading
lovelight and still you're the
same girl!
Leftover cranberry sauce may
be converted Into cranberry Jelly,
molded and served from time to
time. If turned Into sterilised
glasses, and paraflned It will nat
urally "keep" longer. It may also
bcnsed. in a molded cranberry
cheese with catsup and paprika, crtery kat gtlad reelot dependent
and using It to stuff stalks of eel
(And Oh do leave room for
the pudding!)
Plum pudding any species ot
spicy steamed puddings brimful
of fruit garnished with a sprig
ot holly and served piping hot
with a hot pudding sauce and a
bit ot hard sauce atop, is most
appropriate end delicious. Pie-
mince or pumpkin is next in favor.
Of course with mints, salted
nuts, candled fruit and home
made candles to nibble en. while
the men smoke their Christmas
cigars! '
Soon it'll all be over the har
ried, beetle, happiness of Christ
mas and down we go to the depths
ot despair as we begin to total the
statements ot the butcher, the
baker, the candlestlckmakerl Oh
Oh. cold turkey for all ot us
leftovers from the feast!
But a bit of Imagination and
fresh green parsley can change
the most formidable array of left
overs into food for the gods and
husbands! beside appeasing the
wrath of the Christmas-scarred
budget So why worry?
Leftover fruit plus gelatine
and molded in fancy little molds
makes the most delightful of
fruit salads which incidentally
may do double duty as a salad
dessert course. Bits of vegetables
may betreated In the same way;
chilled and served oncriap lettuce
leaves, gelatin base salads make
any meal more than "Just another
dinner." We like to serve tiny
largely from your own imagina
tion. Celery the "remains" after re
moving the favored heart may
be cooked and served in a cheese
sauce made into a souffle, or chill
ed and served In vegetable sal
ads'. Tiring of fruit cake it may be
steamed by placing a square or
several slices of it in a coffee can
or mold with a close fitting lid,
steamed and served as pudding
with hard sauce (whleh Incident
ally, may be fluffed up by the ad
dition of a Uny bit of boiling wat
er or unbeaten egg white and
whipped.) Plum puddings of
course may always be freshened.
After such an orgy of heavy de
serts I should urge their disap
pearance for a few days. Pack
puddings and frlut cake with an
apple or two and they will keep
Good gracious what have you
done with the turkey bones? I'll
feel terribly disappointed If yon
have tossed them out for no
foolln' yo .can make the most
delicious turkey soup! (Not
cotch by ancestry my dears, but
most surely by Instinct!) Here it
Turkey Noodle Soup
Bones from left over chicken or
turkey. ,
19 eups eold water
1 onion
1 cup celery
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 cups noodles
Chop celery and onions, place
all ingredients In kettle, except
the noodles. Simmer slowly for
sandwiches with salads sorta I two or tarM n0urs. Strain and
dresses un the course yon know.
Leftover turkey or chicken?
Shapely brown croquettes, the
most toothsome of little -Squab
pies." Sandwiches two or three
deckers toasted usually; cream
ed fowl with bits of vegetables or
a can of peas and pimento, strips
by way of extenders and served In
a ring of rice, noodles, spaghetti
or leftover mashed potatoes.
Brunswick stew adding the left
over chicken lima beans, corn,
okra and often tomatoes Is a
delectable dish. Just why, we ask
yon should the family face tarkey
hash three meals a day when
again bring to the boiling point
Add the noodles, cook for about
15 or 20 minutes or until the
noodles are cooked. Serve with a
sprlngle ot grated cheese and
Again to yon all a
SILVERTON, Dec 19 O. Lar
son was able to return, to his
work of clearing the brush along
Paradise. Alley this week after an
enforced lay-off of several days.
Mr. arsoa contracted a setere
ease of noison oak while cuttinsr
there's so many aeugntiui ways 101 the brush alonr thia road
camouflage tne "remains - 01 ia
Christmas scenery?
Meats offer oven more possibil
ities; green yegetables may be
fr)nnM hv hea tin through in
ranidly boiling water. Others
take on a new dress with white
11ED 111 CALIF.
- SILVERTON. Dec. 19 Coming
as a complete surprise to friends
and relatives was the wedding of
Milton Knauf, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Knauf of the Silverton
Hills, to Miss Helen Fischer, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Fischer of Mines, North Da
kota. They were married at Treka,
California on December 11, and
returned to the borne ot . Mr.
Knant's parents here Monday ev
ening. They will make their
Only 4 Shopping Day
- -UntS. Christmas
At last the rain is
here why not give
something that is
exceedingly useful.
3.95 5:95
t0 12.48
ws cIter to
WbejSuy Women
Open Sat, TO VM
home In the Silverton Hills tor a
tijae. Later they will go to the
Mrs. Knauf came to Silverton
about a year ago.
SILVERTON, Dee. 1 Wesley
Geer, who has been employed in
a sawmill near Grande Ronde re
turned to his home at Silverton
the first of this week suffering
from a severe attack of bronchi
tis. Oeer Is the son of Mr. and
Thelma Olaen, the small daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen.
iras taken ill with paeunronla
Sunday and has been under the
care of a special nurse since.
Mr. and Mrs. Olsen are proprf-'
etors ot the Olsen Pharmacy at
S1.50 Tinker Toy
$3.50 Box Camera
Pictures zvfcx'
$1.00 Ben Hur Perfume 7Q-
in neat gift box J
$1.00 Beads, assorted colors Q j
choker style Ue7C
$1.00 Meloglo powder and 50c AQr
compact in box . 5OC
$1.25 to $1.00 Compacts 7Qr
Loose or- cake powder i C
Box Candy C1 Cft
2Vfc lb. Brown & Haley.- eJleJV
in gift boxes.. 50c to $2.50
$1.00 Aeroplanes
26 inch
$3.50 Ferry Boat, Runs on floor,
automatically OC
reversing ...
Banjo .
Steel dump
Baby Dolls
Ma-ma variety
Tree Ornaments for Sale
With every $1.00 purchase Saturday we are giving
one-half pound of Christmas Candy Free!
ItHoffEsett DDi?tuig Sttoi?G
Phone 474
In "The Market"
We earnestly solicit
personal delivery of the
dairyman cream
Advantages over shipping
to more distant points.
You save delivery charge.
Tested and paid on delivery.
Patrons granted special price on
butter,, jJieese and skim milk
powder." v
We Pay Portland
Butterfat Price 1
Maricp CffcomciTy Co
Operating more than 16 years, at
260 South Commercial St.
Bay your meats at McDowell's where a
dollar does Its duty. Our new refrl-
ieratloa counters afford better service
" and assures yoa better care ot ear
quality meats.
. . . '"
Sugar Cared Ba- Hams our owm
eon. Oar ewe ..v OO '
I ST.... 25c - ae
I Pare Lard oar v
forte te roast.
, 20c i-15?
" Beef V-jj- Slriola OCi"
Roasts, Jb KC Steak. LV
I ; 171 Sooth Commercial t
p MIL Cod
476 North Church Street .
Many people are taking advantage of the service and low prices at this store. We do not
Ihave to be right down town to give you the best there is in groceries, and the lowest
V possible price. Our prices are as low as you will find anywhere. Come in, see our
store or Phone 3434, and we will deliver right to your door, with no extra charge. "Spe
cial attention is given phone orders."
Affiliated Buyers
Best, Highest Quality
Big Stick Candy
FREE with each
Gold Bar
Finest quality pack
Fresh and Crisp
lb. Box
Size Can
Dx Tins
l-lb. Pkfir. B. J. B. Rice
Free with each 2-Ib. can
To-day for
Ginger Ale
Canada Dry
Sparkling and
Bottle ..... 20c
1 Doz. Bottles $2.29
Brpken Mixed...:. lb 15c
Plain Mixed lb 15c
French Mixed --lb 29c
Chocolates lb 20c
Fancy No. 1 walnuts lb 25c
Large Brazils 2 lbs. 35c
Oregon Filberts lb 25c
Fancy Mixed Nuts 25c
Requires No Soaking
8 oz. package
Ripe Olives
' Grogan's
la Tall
The leader since 1898
Phone 3434
Del Maiz
A new breed of Corn, toot
just another brand ''i
c ...... 18 c
2 for 35c
A pure Salad and
Cooking Oil
Qt. Can .. . 43C,
- Large Bottle
Bott 20c
Geltfct (fl
'Cake cjgy
with each t! .
t rootage oi owansaown
pkg. -J -32c
U Raisins I'
,'1 Thompson Seedless I
. i mission MDeci&i . n
' h: :. 4-Ib. Bap .. .
22r - ; v27c ,
Grape Juice
Unsweetened -Pt.
Crystal White
No. 2 Can
476 No. Church St.
Phone 3434
r- -