The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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V i
Edwin Shattuck Denies Any
Influence Used With
(AP) Whatever the reeon for his
employment to work against
high sugar tariff. Edwin P. Shat
tuck. of New York a personal
friend of President floorer testi
fied today before the senate lobby
committee that he had never dis
cussed the sagar leries with the
Called because of testimony that
he waa retained by sugar Interests
,.ArtIiIly because of his close rela-
wm nuftr, me attorney
aaid It was not fair fni tfc
of the chief executive to be
oanaiea about" la the lobby
H. C. Lakin, president of the
Cuba Company, dealing In Cuban
sugar prod act Ion and opposing an
Increased tariff ah
employed Shattuck. He had been
cwmioes uoseiy by the lobby
committee for several days, ea-
pecially in relation to ShaUuck's
aauucx: testified today
that, although he had not talked
with the president about sugar,
he had conferred several times
cwncerningue matter with T7alt
er Xewton, a secretary to Hoover.
m rip. to (HM Djr
Krnator Talked
A plan to send senators to Cu
ba also was disclosed tnrfav w
committee. It came to light In a
iBiier uiaays Moon Jones, of the
united States Surar association,
wrote to Georre B. Franrl i9v
partner of Shattuck. The letter
: '.'I surres thaf nn .t-t
I ia!c3 sending senators to Cu
. M Until I submit today's develop
ments on that situation."
Questioned ahnnt th
Shattuck explained that Mrs.
Jones had suggested that if some
ji me senators "could be induced
i so to cuoa and see the situa
tion there, it would be advisable
to do 80."
He added that it "was a Tery
...Uijuiu;: ana no aid not
jhjjt 't "ot very far." He said
1 ud not know what senators
j9re" to ko to Cuba.
Solicitation of
Contribution Denied
t Shattuck denied that he had at
tempted to solicit any contribu
tions In Cuba. Senator Walsh,
democrat, Montana, then pro
duced at le.'er from Junior Ow
en., secretary of the American
Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages,
to Charles V. Rainwater of At
lanta, which' said: I
, "Mr. Francis, who is associated
with, a law firm with Mr. Shat
tuck. was in to see me last Thurs
day morning. He informed me
eoafHentially that Mr. Shattuck
kit fceen in Cuba and has been
suctessfnlly. raising money to car
ry on the campaign."
"I never solicited one cent In
Cuba or any other place, Sir!"
Shattuck exclaimed.
"How did Mr. Francis come to
make that statement," Walsh in
quired. "I don't know." Shattuck re
plied. l obbying Activities
Denied by Witness
The witness also was question
ed at length concerning his em
ployment by Lakin and he insisted
It was mostly legal work and not
Tomorrow tfle commltlu
to question W. L. Patriken, of
GIFTS ... Diamond
Rings ... Pearls .
Novelty Bracelets ...
Bar-Pins' . . . Tea Sets
. . . Wrist Watches . . .
Lavallieres ... Ear
rings .
All at Special Prices
daring this
it s. t
i State aLIiberty
(Right) Miss LoretU TurnbnE, srrentsjCB-ytar-old
winner of the racing title when she beat all of ti
women and moat of the men as she piloted her "Sua
Mat Kid" through the Bay. (Left) Competitors off
Dearer, president of the Great
Western Sugar cmpany, ana Mrs.
Jones and Owens. It will then ad
journ over the Christmas holi
Most of the testimony today
dealt with Shattuck's relations
with President Hoover and he
maintained throughout the hear
ing that he "made no claim other
than I hope I liave his friendship.
Questioned abont a number of
statements already placed in the
record that he had been In con
ference with President Hoover on
the sliding scale sugar tariff pro
posal, Shattuck replied:
"It is incorrect, sir. It Is incor
rect. But I don't want to have it
misunderstood. I have discussed
with Mr. Newton questions per
taining to the sliding scale and
he has discussed them, I always
understood, with the interested
sugar people, not only the Cubans
but the beets and others, and' I
have been asked by Mr. Newton
to discuss It with him, but not
with Mr. Hoover."
The children of Englewood
school are collecting their annual
Christmas cheer donations, which
will be turned over to help the
poor. Donations include fruit, gro
ceries, vegetables, toys and cloth
ing. The school will give Its annual
Christmas, program Friday after
noon at 2:15 o'clock. The num
bers follow:
Play: "A Strike in Santa Claus
Land." Characters Mr. Santa
Claus, Don Lutz; Mrs, Santa
Claus. Alice Barham; Dr. Curem
Quickly. Morrell Crary; Fairy
Young-Heart. Joyce Kelly; little
girl, Betty Byrd; Santa Claus
helpers. Forest Seamster, Norma
gene Howo, Bernice Bangs, Bar
bara Collier. Marilyn Zeller, Mur
iel Smith, Francis McReynolds,
Harry Mason, Francis Gustafson
and Donald Koch.
Reading by Virginia Hubbs:
song by 1A and 2B grades; carols
by fourth, fifth and sixth grades;
reading. "Why BeJJs Ring" by sec
ond grade; orchestra, IB grade;
play, "The First Christmas Tree"
by 5B grade; violin solo by May
belle Lillburn.
HE Knew What
She Wanted" a
gift of fewelry
Jewelry that flashes
forth flaming: fire
from its facets, that
caresses the eye with
its thrilling artistry.
Most especially, Jewel
ry from Hartman
"Oa th Corner"
te nappy start at eat el the outboard raeei eo the
Alamitoe Bay course, Long Beach. Calif, which
featured the mid-wiater National Speedboat Races.
me tun
The second event of Christmas
season wilt be presented at the
Jason Lee church at 7:39 o'clock
this evening, when "The Price of
Peace" program will be given. The
program has educational. as welw
as Christmas features. Carol sing
ing will play a prominent part in
the entertainment.
Billv Mudd will read "How Big
la Alexander?" which won for him!
first prize In a contest last sum
mer; Miss Marcla Fuestman will
also give a reading; special peace
musle will be furnished by the
mixed quartet and Miss - Mary
Flndley will depict the strides be
ing made toward the recognition
of Christ as the Price of Peace In
Several numbers will be given
also by the youngsters from the
younger church group. A large
crowd enjoyed the opening Christ
mas program given by the church
You save more than eight ounces out of every
gallon of the new blue Gasco, because your motor
bums fuel by the poundand Gasco weighs more
A high-compression fuel
cnrSOri Cslssy
last Sunday evening. The third
program will be a sacred concert,
to be given Sunday erenins at 7:
30 o'clock.
Carol sin gins; for the shut-ins,
aged and sick will be observed
again this year' with enthusiasm
by the young folk of the church.
Jason Lee church la located on
North Winter and Jefferson at
Fairgrounds road.
DALLAS, December 19. The
Presbyterian church will hold a
vesper service at 4 'O'clock Sun
day afternoon, December 22, at
which time the choir under direc
tion of Mrs. G. P. Macgregor will
give a sacred Christmas concert.
This vesper service hour has been
adopted In order that members
of other churches may attend this
service. A silver offering for the
benefit of the choir fund will be
oralis to
AVE Sfll
j)ERHAPS you drive a car that
isn't high-compression-a lot
of fififi nnpQ flfpn'f Of
youVe always liked the idea of using
a premium priced anti-knbek gasoline
because it made your car run smooth
en But you may have felt (and quite
rightlyoo,) that you couldn't afford to
pay three cents more per gallon for
this little improvement in running.
Now you can have the smoother
running at practically no extra cost!
Buy blue Gasco Motor Fuel. You'll
pay three cents more per gallon. But
your motor doesn't measure its fuel in
Crrta. laifsy tlsra
8 WLffiJT
Attendance at University's
Extension Course Is
Enrollment In the extension
classes of the University of Ore
gon conducted here, must show a
decided Increase for the winter
term, which 'begins January , If
the courses are continued
in Salem, according to word from
W. O. Beattie, director of the Sa
lem extension classes.
The registration was so low for
the term ending this week that
there seems little Justification in
continuing the classes unless
more Interest Is evidenced, ac
cording to Beattie. While the di
vision does not plan to make any
money on the course. It does feel
that fees should approximate the
running expenses, and this was
not nearly done tn the past term.
The tentative, schedule for the
winter term, contingent upon suf
ficiently large enrollment, in
cludes: A two-hour coarse In Interna
tional Economic Policies conduct
ed by Prof. Victor Morris of the
TJ. of O., which will meet Monday
nights at 7:15 o'clock; Education
as n State Function, a two hour
course given by Dean F. M. Erick
son of Willamette, each Tuesday
night at 7: IB o'clock; Public
Speaking, a two hour course .to be
given Wednesday nights at 7:15
o'clock, by Prof. Collier of the U.
of O.
Health Education, n two hour
course on organization and ad
ministration of health education,
given by George W. Hug, super
intendent of Salem schools, each
Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock;
Applied Design three, two-hour
course given by Proi. Victoria
Avakian of the U. of O. art de
partment on Thursday nights at
7:15 o'clock. Main Tendencies in
Monday evening, December 23,
the Sunday school of the church
will have their annual Christmas
tree and program, which this year
will be a four act pageant assisted
by the choir.
ifyouexfiect to sua Gasco regularly, thin the car
bureto'rmixlKrg.Gasco can burn a larger firobor-
Hon of air than gasoline can. Thus you'll save still
more fuel-as much as 20 to 25 in some cases!
T O R F u b
Contemporary Lfteratnra, also
two-koora, et which Prof. Radolt
Ernest, of Ue TJ. of O. English
department, is the Instructor.
A fee of IT per term la at
tacked to enrollment In the cours
es, with the exception of the pot
tery coarse, for which there Is an
additional $3 fee. Further in
formation concerning any course
may be secured from the office of
Georg W. Hug at the high school
building or by writing Mr. Beattie
at the University of Oregon, Eu
Miss Margaret Mc Alpine, one of
the Marion county child health
demonstration nurses, was tho
envy of all the employes (not
even, the men excepted) of the
demonstration yesterday. And all
because she brought for Inspection
of her fellow workers a footstool
which the pupils of the Falrriew
school made and presented to her
for Christmas. Miss MeAlplne vis
its that school regularly to see
that none of the boys or girls are
developing contagious diseases,
and to help keep them healthy.
In neat novel bottle
and Ctirtstmas CQ
Box Special ...071
Comb and Brush
in Box
Tyler's Drug Store
157 S. Commercial St. .
gallons. It burns it by the pound, as any
automotive engineer will tell you. And
Gasco, containing precious benzol,
gives you an extra pound of fuel in
every two gallons you buy!
Benzol is a wonderful motor fuel
in itself. It stops high -compression
knocks, smooths theoperation of any
motor, makes any motor run more
economically. With benzol is blended
high-test "dry" gas to give Gasco
quicker starting, to prevent oU dilution
to add "flash" and speed. Here, at last
is a de luxe fuel that every car, low-o?
high-compreion, can prolitably use.
c w
Physical examination of about
3.040 school children In Salem
was completed yesterday morning,
reports Dr. Edward Lee Russell,
school physleian who directed the
work and who himself held many
of the examinations. The physical
inspections started shortly after
school got under way. Nearly ev
ery high school student, junior
high school students and pupils In
the first and fifth grades of each
of the nine grade schools werratt
examined. - . '
The final inspection was held
yesterday morning at Lincoln
school. This Is the first time thor
ough physical examinations hare
The .footstool was - designed by
the students, with help of the
teacher, Mrs. Grace Sehon, and
was made almost entirely by- the
A wooden box was painted, the
top padded and the whole care
fully covered with tapestry. It
presents a job worthy the labors
of much older persons. Door stops
were cleverly utilised for the legs
of the stool.
Your wire win .95
appreciate one ....4
to $3.00
BaasssMiiiMM-. " ' '
is the high-test "dry' gasoline in Gasco that )
gives you quick starting, fast pick-up, and pro-
tection from crankcase dilution
, r
been giren to students in the local
schools. Ahd Saiem schools ir
probably the first public soo,!
In the state to give tae pupru phv
slcal Inspections.
Students In parochial schools u
Salem will be examined bigiuninr
after the holidays, as win
work start In the rest of the run.
ty. The Sllverton school children
hare already had tbeir phv?,, di
examinations, Dr. Russell also
conducting these.
a I Only 4 Shopping Days 3
4 Unto Otrtstmae
( Shipley's i
w 44
. ""'J i
v.'. nv;- " 111
,Tet to herself
pest ana
she loves
epins, combinations.
aii : o 7emiS3S"daiy7 lv
J If you do not care to
maxe your personal se
lections, choose by
I number on our gar-i
ments in the windows.
Open Sat Till I: SO