The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    traata, - let Govwraor- H. C.
Baldridga leant what" condition
were. -
Tb governor attended tbe con
vention which was held at Kel
logg, a abort distance from Mal
lan. McGIlI said' he was told that
"complaint about the Mullan ait
nation" had reached Boiae and
might have come to the ears of
the governor.'
Community Clubs Hold
Joint Meeting at City of
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fflf illl TO
MARION, Dec. 19. An excep
tionally big attendance enjoyed a
splendid program at the Marlon
Community club meeting Tuesday
evening. The program was pre
sented by tne Benner family of
Salem who are very interesting en
tertainers, there being no dull
moments In the program. The club
was also addressed by C. A. Bear,
president of the Turner Commun
- lty club, who with a delegation of
about 25 members of the Turner
club, was present.
The matter of improvements In
the road between Marion and
Turner, which Is rutty and full of
water holes during the ; winter
, months, was discussed and it was
.decided that the.Turner and Marl
'on clubs would unite in an effort
to secure action by the county.
Some years ago a special tax
was voted in this district for Im
provements to this road and the
Marlon-Stayton road and It was
the impression of a large number
who were present at the tax meet
ing that these roads were to have
been paved and in fact about a
mile and a half of paving was
laid, but during the past few
years nothing more has been done
although almost a yearly appeal
hag been made to the county that
this paving be completed, but to
no avail.
This road is a main through
road serving considerable terri
tory and there is no question but
that this road should be completed
and to this end the south of the
county is beginning to unite.
(AP) An emergency appropria
tion of $1,290,000 to carry on
eradication of. the Mediterranean
fruit fly was passed by both
houses of congress today and sent
to the president for his approval.
The money would be available
until Julv 30. 1930. anil tho
retary of agriculture ia given the
aiscreuonary authority to make
no expenditures until a-nia "ade
quate to state cooperation" have
Deen appropriated.
One million dollars of the
emergency fund would go toward
actual control and eradication
work, while the remaining $290
000 would be used to reimbnme
the plant quarantine and control
anministratino for a like expend
iture for fruit fly activities.
Congress made available $4,
250.000 at the last session to nre-
vent the spread of the fruit pest,
but this fund has been depleted.
Virtually all of the work has been
carried on In Florida.
The emergency fund is eject
ed to permit the agriculture de
partment to continue Its cam
paign until congress acts on a
budget recommendation for an ad
ditional appripriation of $15,
381,000 for te next fiscal year.
The house appropriations commit
tee will hold hearings on a bill
embracing this item after the
Chirstmas recess.
COLER D'ALENE, Idaho. Dec.
19 ( AP)--Police saH Anthony
McGill, government witness In the
"rum rin conspiracy" trial prob
ably barely missed being shot to
death today, following testimony
damaging to Mullan city officials.
They reported that a myster
ious man entered a restaurant,
used by McGill, with his right
hand concealed in a paper bag,
and searched the place for the
federal witness. Guards had
been placed over witnesses after
McGill and M. D. Needham, for
mer Mullan police chief, declared
they had been threatened with
death for testimony against the
alleged liquor conspirators.
McGill had Just concluded tes
timony that Mullan city officials
had run the mining town "wide
open," collecting licenses from
rum sellers for use on civic pro
jects and told how Mullan police
officers warned him during the
republican state convention at
Kellogg two years ago to try to
"keep the boys from getting
drunk and keep them off the
CHICAGO, Dec. 19 ( AP)
Arrest of Fred Burke was promis
ed soon by Patrick Roche, chief
investigator for the state's at
torney. Early tonight, however,
the reputed desperado, bank rob
ber and killer, stll was at large.
Roche inferred that detectives
had the Chicago hiding place of
Burke under surveillance. The
investigator also announced he
had traced the "ownership of two
machine guns found in the Burke
bungalow at St. Joseph, Mich., af
ter Burke had kille da policeman
there last Saturday.
Bullets fired from one of these
guns have been identified tenta
tively as similar to bullets found
i nthe bodies of seven Moran
gangsters who were massacred
last February in a North Clark
street garage. .
Roche said gun No. 2347 was
purchased Nov. 12, 1924 by De
puty Sheriff Lisle Farmer of Ma
rton. 111., durirV disturbances
Department Store
Salem Linen
is x 40 65c
18 x 33 . .. 35C
Small Sizes 25c
Salem Linen Toweling
a Yd.48c 45c 37c 30c 25c 22c
Turk Towel Sets
In Holiday Boxes Wonderful Values
Large Bath
Towel with
2 Wash Cloths
to match
Bath Mat
Large Towel
r.d 2 Wash Cloths
to match
Best Quality
Fancy Turk
Towel with
2 Wash Cloths
to match
Beautiful sets at
$1.15 $1.00
Separate Fancy
Turkish Towels
75c 59c 39c
35c 25c & 15c
Lunch Sets
$1.45$1.75 $1.95
$2.50 $2.75 $3.00
$3.50 $4.00 $6.50
Ladies' 'Kerchiefs
In Holiday Boxes
Pretty Kerchiefa, a box
25c, 50c 75c
Fine Linen Kerchiefs
in box $1.00 a box
lis 7rin rw 211
feJi Jpk.t .. ..Jw m . .... SSI v . jfJ- v nrlM
A J I if"'-
i Hi I
newest winter styles, colors and
fabrics-Single and double br easted
models Overcoats with Raglan and
set -in -sleeves all sizes, regulars,
longs, shorts, slims and stouts.
MEN! Christmas will be with us in a few clays. Take
advantage of these marvelous values and dress up for the
holidays. NOW is your opportunity buy one of these
Suits and Overcoats TODAY pay for it NEXT YEAR on
Charge It!
Store Open Until 9 P. M.,
Until Christmas
V3fp 456 STATE STREET lm
244 & 246 N. Commercial St