The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    . Salem Churchoo Cooperating tor Christmas Program for Public at Y. SI. & A. Gymnasium Tonigh
tHI!y Tmr iitritaflo tvr tte
nonth ending November SO, 129
ATerftg daily set paM .109
Audit Burets f Cireilntiama.
Fair today and probably
Saturday bat with some
cloudiness. Max. tempera
tare Thursday 54; Mia. 37;
Rata .SO; River 14.4.
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 20, 1929
Job Ended
At Oregon
Executive Council on
Record as Oppos
ing Return
Prompt Termination of
Contract Is Rec- .
Eugene, Dec. 19 CAP) The
executive council, governing body
of this university, tonight adopt
ed recommendations of the ath
letic committee that the contract
of Captain John J, McEwan, head
football coach, be terminated im
mediately. The council also decided to op
en negotiations with McEwan for
a salary settlement. McEwan's
contract does not expire until the
close of the 1930 football season.
Tom Stoddard, student body
president, said the move, which
was not unexpected, was made in
the 'interest of athletic policy."
The Oregon coach, who is now in
New York, will be advised of the
council's action by Jack W. Bene
fiel. Oregon graduate manager.
Resignation Said Made
Only to Newspapers
Captain McEwan, who took ov
er the football reins here in 1926,
recently announced his resigna
tion to newspapers here. Univer
sity authorities said he had tend
ered no official resignation, how
ever. The resignation was to
have taken effect with the ex
piration of the coach's contract.
Bepefiel announced he would
Immediately start looking for a
new coach.
The field will be thoroughly
canvassed in the hope of getting
the best man available." he said.
Although Dr. Arnold, B.eane4.t
Hall, president of the university.
had a vote in each of the commit
tees which took action on the Mc
Ewan matter today, he did not
participate in the ballotting. He
appeared before the athletic com
mittee, however, and requested
that the committee. In whatever
recommendation it should make,
make its decision in the best in
terests of the university.
Members of the university
council expressed the opinion that
bad McEwan continued as Oregon
coach after he resigned, serious
difficulties might have developed
In the midst of the 1930 season.
McEwan's success during his
four years at Oregon was declared
by council members to have been
little short of phenomenal. He
took over an under-dog Webfoot
team in 1926 and this season led
his eleven to a tie for the Pacific
coast conference, they stated.
The coach came to Oregon from
Vest Point, where he coached the
Army for three years. He is the
last of the West Point trio to
leave the local institution. Harry
Ellinger. line coach, left Oregon
at the end of the first year, and
Eugene Vidal, backfield coach,
resigned in the middle of the
19 28 season.
McEwan's difficulties with the
university administration were
said to date back several weeks,
when he approached President
Hall on the subject of a new con
tract. Auxiliary Plans
To Sing Before
Radio for KGW
The American Legion auxiliary
quartet, of Salem, will sing over
station KGW, Portland, Sunday
morning, December 29, on the
Americanism program scheduled
lor that day. The Salem group
will be on the air from 9:30
until 10 o'clock.
Members of the quartet are
Mrs. Mildred Wyatt, Mrs. Bernice
Bowe, Mrs. Mildred Robertson and
Mrs. Grace Zosel. Miss Lucille
Cummings is accompanist and
Lena Belle Tartar is director.
Secrecy Shrouds Inquiry
Into Web foots' Welcome
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 19.
(AP) After spending 30 min
utes examining three Andrew
Jackson high school officials, the
puval county board of public in
struction today adjourned its ex
ecutive session without making
Any statement regarding an inves
tigation as to who authorized 27
girl students to act as escort for
members of the University of Ore
jton football team here two weeks
F. C. Browning, chairman of
the board, who conducted the
hearing, said some members had
sot been present and he desired
to discuss the matter with the en
tire membership before issuing a
statement. The public and news
papermen were barred from the
" ;Tht girls, accompanied by sev-
Methodists Vote
To Support Plan
For New Building
The membership of the
First Methodist church vot
ed last night to request the
quarterly conference to meet
early in January to take def
inite official action upon
plans for the Sunday school
temple which the church has
had under consideration for
some time. Dr. B. L. Kteeves,
president of the board of
trustees, presided over the
One of the first things to
which the quarterly confer
ence will be aked to give
final consideration is loca
tion of the temple; that is,
whether it shall be built fac
ing State street or facing
Court street. The temple,
which ta to be used for relig
ious educational work will
be built on the lots adjoin
ing the present church site.
nni Italian
Ml tM
Christmas Program Expect
ed to Attract Big Crowd
At Y. M. C. A. Here
Hundreds are expected to wit
ness Salem's first community
Christmas program to be given in
tne large gym
nasium of the
Y. M. C. A. this
evening, begin
ning at 8:00
o'clock. Ten Sa
lem churches,
the Sacred
Heart Academy,
the Salvation
Army and the
Y. M. C. A. are
co-operating in
the entertain
ment, which is
an attemnt in
Bev. Ccchrtn get away from
the commercialization of Christ
mas. Rev. Norman K. Tully will
give the Christmas message and
Rev. W. Earl Cochran will lead
the carol singing. Rev. F. C.
Taylor will preside over the meeting-
The complete program is an
nounced as follows:
Christmas carols, mass singing
led by Rev. 'W. Earl Cochran of
the Calvary Baptist church.
Prayer, Rev. L. W. Biddle of
the United Brethren.
Anthem, "More Love to Thee
O Christ," choir of the American
Lutheran church.
Accordian solo, by Robert
Brown, South Salem Friends.
Carol singing. led by Rev.
Christmas message by Dr. Tully
of First Presbyterian church.
Duet, "Christmas Chimes" by
Ashford, Ben la h Talmadge, sopra
no; Myra Gleason, alto, of Knight
m-(Ash u-hu-ltqEmbY. . .o
"Oh Holy Night," by Adams,
Sacred Heart Academy string
(Concluded on Page 3, Column 5.)
siEsin on
He didn't know. where his wife
and children were" so he couldn't
send them money. That was the
gist of the statement made by Rus
sell D. Stillman, former Salem re
frigerator salesman, who appeared
before Judge Small in justice
court Thursday afternoon for a
hearing in a non-support case
filed against him by his wife.
Stillman was arrested and
brought to Salem this week when
the warrant was sworn out
against him. He was arraigned
and sent to the county jail with
bail at $2,000.
In justice court yesterday Still
man declared that he had no
knowledge as to the whereabouts
of his wife and children but said
that he had been attempting to
find them. He submitted a letter
to prove the fact, the letter be
ing an answer to an inquiry re
garding the finding of the woman.
An attorney was secured for
Stillman after his hearing and It
may be possible that he will raise
bail for his release today.-
eral chaperones, acted as escorts
for the Oregon team from the ter
minal station to a down town ho
tel when the westerners stopped
over here while enroute to Miami
for the recent intersectional grid
iron classic with the University
of Florida Alligators. Browning
said school officials had given no
authority to permit the girls to
go to the station and remain away
from classes that day. Members of
the junior chamber of commerce
declared it was their idea, how
ever, and mothers of many of the
girls had not objected to the
After questioning F. X. Wet
zel, principal of the school. Mrs.
Ray Dickson, his secretary, and
Miss Lucy Hoyt, dean of girls.
COsocluded on Pag X. Column L).
Public Invited to Large Ses
sion in Saiem Armory
At 7:30 Tonight
Representatives From Five
Counties to Gather for
Annual Meeting
Discussion of the benefits to
which World war veterans are
entitled, and responsibility which
devolves upon them in taking ad
vantage of these benefits, will be
a central theme at the district
conference of the American Le
gion here today.
The principal meeting of the
day will be at the armory at
7:30 p.m., a session to which the
general public is invited. Com
mander S. S. George of the le
gion in Oregon, and other le
gion officers as well as state and
city officials will speak. Enter
tainment, refreshments and a
dance are on the program.
Joint Session With.
Auxiliary Scheduled
Commanders, adjutants and
delegates from legion posts in the
five counties included in this dis
trict, will hold a joint meeting
with Auxiliary offcers and dele
gates In the afternoon.
In connection with the legion
district conference there will be
an auxiliary conference of Dis
trict No. 1, beginning at two
o'clock in the veterans room of
the armory. It is expected that
the regular routine business of re
ports from the various units, and
plans and discussions of the
year's work will be the order of
the day. A brief musical program
will be given under the direction
of Lena Belle Tartar. The aux
iliary quartette will make np
part of this program.
Many State Officers
WiU Be on Hand
In -the evening the auxiliary
will join the legion for a Joint
meeting at 7:30 o'clock la. the
State officials who are expected
to be" present are Mrs. Mary
Chaney, of Medford, president;
Mrs. Otto Heider, Sheridan, vice
president; Mrs. Mabel Mclntnrff,
Astoria, secretary-treasurer; Miss
Marie Walker, St. Helens, district
committeewoman ; Mrs. .Georgia
Weber,- Portland, hospital chair
man; and Miss Elsie Graham,
Portland, child welfare depart
ment chairman. Mrs. F. M. Wat
ers is president of the local unit.
The level of the Willamette
river at Salem rose to 14.4 feet
above normal at 6 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon, an advance of 7.2
feet in 35 hours. At that time it
was 5.6 feet below flood stage,
which is expected to be reached
sometime today.
However, in view of the fact
that the river level at Eugene' and
Intervening points had been drop
ping for several hours, it was be
lieved that no serious flooding
would occur here. In response to
a warning sent out by the gov
ernment forecaster at Portland,
owners of livestock pastured on
the lowlands along the river were
being warned Thursday of ihe
possibility of a flood.
Water overflowing from ditches
along Turner road flooded the
area around the buildings at the
municipal airport Thursday cov
ering the newly laid floor of the
hangar to a depth of three inch
es, but this water was receding
Thursday night. The airport it
self was sufficiently dry to permit
the landing of planes, although
there Is little activity there now.
Reports were , current here
Thursday that motor stages from
the south had been held up by
floods on the highway this side of
Eugene, but this was not corrob
orated at the stage terminal. The
stages ran through water in some
places, but the schedule was main
tained. Two stages slid off the
highway into the water-filled
ditch south of Eugene Wednes
day night, but no injuries re
sulted. Memory Is Lost
For Two Weeks
By Salem Man
Loss of memory for two weeks
was suffered by John Stimpson,
local accountant, who was injured
when an automobile In which lie
was .riding collided with a train
near Roseburg November 28, It
was learned following his return
to his home here.' Concussion of
the brain was the cause of his
temporary loss of memory. ' He
also suffered a broken leg. - .
Two other men who were In the
car with him, Ralph Bell and Bart
Coster of Roseburg, were killed
la the crash, . ,- i -
Attends Meet
A- v
Recognition of Willamette
As Standard Law School
Will be Sought
Dean Roy Hewitt of the Wil
lamette university law school
leaves Salem this week to attend
the convention of the American
Bar association at New Orleans.
At the convention Dean Hewitt
will make reports preparatory to
filing a petition for recognition
of the Willamette law school as a
standard law school.
The Willamette law depart
ment has met the major require
ments for recognition, according
to the dean. The school gives a
standard law course; it has the
requisite number of full-time pro
fessors; and the law library is
substantially over the minimum
requirement of 7500 volumes.
After the petition for recogni
tion has been filed and accepted,
it will be necessary for officials
of the association to make inspec
tion of the school. It will prob
ably be two "years before full rec
ognition can be obtained, in the
opinion of Dean Hewitt.
19.-(AP) Four mountain farm
ers late today were acquitted of
the murder of a man who ap
peared as a defense witness at
their trial and testified he was
the Connie Franklin they had been
Indicted for slaying.
Herman Greenway, Bill Young
er, Joe White and Hubert Hester,
who for a month have been held
In separate jails in adjoining
counties returned to their homes
in the St. James mountain com
munity tonight after a Jury de
cided they were not guilty of the
mutilation and murder of Connie
Franklin last spring.
Hester and Greenway, however,
were put under $2,500 bond charges-of
attacking Franklin's for
mer sweetheart.
Oil. ting
ins win
r in Vicinity of Eugene; Port-
-DrlcTS land Buckaroos Win Contest
River Going Down
EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 19. (AP)
The flood swollen Willamette
river returned to Its banks today
and some traffic flowed over the
highways north and south of Eu
gene, cut off for several hours
today by two or three feet of wat
er over the pavements.
Clear skies aided the river in
getting down from a 14 foot flood
stage during the night to a 13 foot
mark this afternoon. Surface wat
er cleared from the city streets
arid county roads early In the
morning but the Willamette con
tinued to rage a foot above the
flood mark.
Turkeys Tame Again
" GRANTS PASS. Ore., Dec: 19.
(AP) After all the trouble the
state game commission has taken
to stock Oregon with wild tur
keys, several of the birds, yearn
ing for the comforts of civiliza
tion, have taken up their abode
with the domesticated fowls of a
Grants Pass ranch yard.
Veteran Retires
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec 19.
(AP) Robert Warrack superin
tendent of the 17th lighthouse
district, comprising Oregon and
Washington, today announced his
retirement effective January 1.
Warrack has been in the govern
ment service since 1886.
- Buckaroos Win
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19.
(AP) Forgetting the jinx which
has hovered over home ice' Binee
the start of the current Pacific
coast ice hockey season, the Port
land Buckaroos dented the Seat
tle net three times at the coliseum
here tonight, meanwhile holding
the visiting Eskimos scoreless.
Bloodshed Occurs as After
math of Election by
Mexican People
General Carlos Bouquet is
Buried Few Miles South
Of U. S. Border
NOGALES. Ariz.. Dec. 1.
(AP) The sharp crackle of fed
eral firing squad - rifles, which
yesterday snuffed out the life of
a Mexican revolutionary leader,
reached the border in echo today
as official announcement .was
made here of the execution of
General Carlos Bouquet, inter
cepted while en route to confer
with Mexican revolutionary exiles
in the United States.
Jose A. Valenzuela, Mexican
consul here, announced Bouquet's
fate 24 hours after the executed
general's body had been Interred
in a hillside grave, eight mires
from Nogales, Sonora, on the road
to Cananea. General Juan Rico,
federal troop commander In No
gales, Sonora, who signed Bou
quet's death warrant, and directed
the firing squad, confirmed the
revolutionary leader's death. Five
of Bouquet's companions, captur
ed with him are Imprisoned.
Graphic Account
Given by Witnesses
Eye-witnesses today told of the
grim drama that took place back
of the arid Sonora hills. General
Bouquet, educated in France, once
owner of vast ranches in Mexico,
stood quietly before the death
squad of 12 federal riflemen. He
waved aside the proffered blind
fold and lighted a last cigarette.
The emoke was unfinished. The
cigarette still was glowing be
tween "the condemned general's
lips when his one-time friend and
fellow campaigner, General Rico,
gave the" world to fire. His head
turned away as he uttered the
smothered command. Bouquet fell
beside his already prepared grave
as the firing squad wheeled and
marched away.
BHef rotift iWartlal
Precedes Execution
Previous to the execution, Gen
eral Bouquet had been tried by
court martial, presided over by
General Rico, and sentenced to die
as a traitor. He heard the sen
tence calmly, and walked steadily
to the place of execution imme
diately afterward.
Consul Valenzuela said that
Bouquet, who was a supporter of
Jose Vasconcelos, defeated presi
dential candidate in the recent
Mexican national election, had
come north to confer with Vas
concelos and other political exiles
In the United States.
Vasconcelos, defeated by Pascu
al Ortiz Bubio for the presidency,
Issued a statement from Tuscon,
where he is staying tonight, en
route to Los Angeles, in which he
termed Bouquet's execution "out
right murder." He expressed belief
that it was the result of personal
revenge on the part of General
Rico, who was aligned against
Bouquet in the Manzo-Escobar
revolution last spring.
CHICAGO, Dec. 19. (AP)
Six prisoners escaped today from
Cook county's new "escape proof"
Wninm0tf0 Pi'flpr PnmAlv Get-
Back to Normal Level
Club Makes Claim
LA GRANDE, Ore., Dec. 19.
(AP) The La Grande Horse
shoe club claims to hare the only
steam heated courts in Oregon.
The club has completed installing
two regulation courts in a vacant
business building here and expect
to play throughout the winter
with prospects of engaging Pen
dleton in intercity matche's.
Old Pioneer rsses
EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 19.
(AP) Mrs. Sarah J. Handsaker,
pioneer of 1854 and dowager
queen of the Sunset trail pageant
here last summer, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Lou
ella Brlstow, here today. Mrs.
Handsaker was 92.
Mrs. Handsaker, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cannon,
came across the plains from Iowa
and settled in the Umpqua valley.
She later married Samuel Hand
saker and they came to Lane
county in 1871.
Accident Is Fatal
OWYHEE, Ore., Dec. 18.
(AP) A four ton rock skip,
swinging' wildly in the narrow
soon to be filled by a gigantic
dam, last night battered into a
rock car, killing one man and
hurling another into the canyon
where he was so badly injured
that he died this morning.
The dead are:
W. C. Linsley, 21 of Owyhee,
'who was killed instantly, and B.
It. West, 25, of Baker, Mont., who
died- in Ontario, Ore.
The men were believed to have
been riding the car when the
heavy skip struck it and turned it
Pen Officials
George (Hard-Boiled) Sulli
van, above, Is acting warden at
Auburn while Jennings is re
covering from gassing during
the recent riot. Sullivan be
lieves in "treating 'em rough"
and his new system is being de
scribed as "the reign of terror"
by inmates. Head Keeper
(jeorge Durnford, below, who
had m reputation similar to
that of Sullivan, was marked
for death and was the first vic
tim of the convicts when they
made their ruxb.
FALLS CITY. Dec. 13. (Spe
cial) Mrs. Ellis Breeden, 27,
took her own life by drinking car
bolic acid here today. Her hus
band, coming home about 1
o'clock la the afternoon, found
her lying on the floor, desperately
ill, with the bottle which had con
tained the poison lying nearby.
She was rushed to Dallas for first
aid treatment, but died on the
Friends of Mrs. Breeden said
she had been subject to fits of
despondency, and that within the
last few days she had made re
marks to them which they had
not understood at the time, but
now recognized as "goodbye"
messages. She had purchased the
poison at a local drug store this
Mrs. Breeden was a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A .Bowman of
Falls City, and had lived here
practically all her life. She is
survived by her widower and two
children, Nellie, aged 8, and Ellen
May, aged 2. She also leaves two
brothers and seven Bisters.
Funeral arrangements had not
been made up to late this after
noon. Because Frank Lomker, Me
hama, has a wife and three young
children dependant upon him for
support. Judge Brazier Small
showed the man leniency when he
sentenced him in justice court late
yesterday afternoon for posses
sion of a still. Lomker was giv
en a fine of $100 and a 60 day
term in the county jail.
In giving the sentence the judge
declared that under the statute
Lomker could get a penitentiary
sentence of fonr years inasmuch
as he was armed with a loaded
weapon and had previously been
convicted in the justice court
Lomker's previous conviction
was that of unlawful possession
of deer meat out of season. His
arrest on the violation for which
he was sentenced yesterday oc
curred this week when he was
nabbed by county officers who
caught him operating his still. .
Immense Still Is
Discovered When
Explosion Occurs
Liquor Manufacturing Plant Declared Largest
Ever Uncovered in Marion County; Barn
Burns Revealing Ten Huge Vats
STAYTON, Dec. 19. (Special) The largest moonshine
still ever uncovered in Marion county came to the atten
tion of county officers and the public in general, with a loud
"boom" which was heard by many Stayton residents about
10 o'clock this morning;.
The liquor manufacturing plant, located in a barn on the .,.
E. C. Baker place, which was rented by B. Schatz, exploded
about 10 o'clock, and subsequently the barn burned to the
ground. . ,
Good Will Fund Not Yet Up
To $900; More Money
Needed Here
Previously reported $784.51
C T. Witter 5.0O
liOiiis Bechtcl 2.00
W. T. Rigdon Son SM.OO
Strvet Kettles, Dec.
19 81).2rt
Several weeks ago, when Cap
tain Williams of the Salvation
Army opened his morning mail he
found a letter from a 14-year-old
girl, who lived in a remote corner
of Marlon county.
The letter told a story of trag
edy with which all Army officers
are familiar. The little girl was
in deep trouble.
She dreaded the humiliation of
It all and she wanted to leave
home until it was all over. Could
the Salvation Army help her? She
didn't have any money, but would
work and pay her expenses, Just
as soon as she was able. In clos
ing she asked that they please re
ply by return mail for she was
most anxious.
Toor little unmarried mother-to-be.
Captain and Mrs. Williams
were deeply concerned about her,
so they immediately drove out to
her home, some 20 miles from Sa
lem. When the girl came Into the
room and saw the Salvation Army
uniforms, tears came into her eyes
and all she could say was: "Oh,
I'm so glad you are here. You
did get my letter. And you can'
help me?"
Mrs. Williams went over and
put her arms around the little
girl and said: "Of course we can
help you. That's why we're here.
We want you to come with us. We
are going to take you to Portland,
where you will be protected and
well taken care of."
This broken heme of poverty
and tragedy. Is listed with the
Salvation Army as one to receive
a generous Christmas basket and
good things for the ether children
at home. ,
Just a brief 'Picture From Life's
Other Side.'
YOUR CHECK mailed to The
Statesman or the Salvation Army
will help to brighten such pictures
Mail Carriers
Make Business
District Often
Mail carriers are making the
business district every hour from
6:30 o'clock in the morning until
6:30 o'clock at night in an ef
fort to keep the congestion at the
postoffice a I a minimum. Hourly
pick-up of down town mall will
be continued through Monday.
Three deliveries a day are being
made into the residental district
now, although up to yesterday the
incoming mail was not very
heavy, officials report.
Nineteen extra persons were
punching the time clock yester- as a trading center. The dinner
day and three extra cars were do- meeting was held at the Holly
lng service. wood cafe.
Plan Backed To Select
Outstanding Salem Man
Suggestion that the Salem Ad
vertising club sponsor a plan for
choosing each year Salem's out-1
standing citizen from point of
public service was made In a com
munication from C. E. Wilson,
manager of the Salem chamber. of
commerce, which was presented
at the luncheon meeting of the
Ad club at the Marion hotel yes
terday. Mr. Wilson suggested that the
Ad club undertake to make the
selection and that the club then
Join with tht chamber In accord
ing special recognition to the serv
ice performed by this citizen, -It
is believed that under this plan
the unsung work of public-spirited
individuals would be brought
Amone tne nenrnDors ana
Stayton residents who went to
investigate the explosion was
Henry Smith, city marshal.
It looked like nothing but an
old and dilapidated barn burning,
at first, but as more of the build
ing was. consumed by the flanifR,
the outlines of the monster still
came into view.
There were ten vats of 500 gal
lon capacity each, all full of mash.
The still Itself was of 500 gallon
capacity, with two oil burners be-
neath it.
Schats Escapes Soon
After Blaze Starts
Schatz, who had moved into the
place about October 1, coming
here from Shaw, made a getaway
as soon as the fire started, but he
marshal took his wife and five
children into custody.
It was said that Schatz was had
been under suspicion for some
The still was only a few yards
from the Salem mill stream and
water was pumped frem this into
the barn. , The mash was run into
a huge cesspool iu the adjacent
field. The equipment was no
elaborate as to indicate that the
moonshiner had plenty of finan
cial backing.
The operators made their m
barrels. Dozens of drums of oil
were found.
A large loaded truck had been
seen to pull out from the place
Wednesday night, which probably
accounted for the fact that no fin
ished liquor was found on the
Ground Is Coveied o
With Boiling Water
It was thought that a new
batch was started ju3t before the
explosion occurred. The ground
was obvered with the boiling li
quid. Walter Barber and Webb Haw
kins from the sheriff's office came
out to Investigate and to demol
ish the vats. The still was brought
to Stayton. It and the burners
weigh many thousands of pounds.
(Concluded on Page 2, Column .)
Unless downtown Salem gets a
sudden "move on." Hollywood will
be the first section of the city to
install a modern street lighting
system, it was indicated at Thurs
day night's meeting of Hollywood
business men, the second get-together
of a group which is plan
ning to organize a chamber of
commerce in the near future.
A proposal was outlined at
this meeting which. If carried le
completion, will mean that orna
mental lighting standards similar
to those recently- installed in
many large cities, will appear
along North Capitol street In the
Hollywood business district. Lara
Bergsvik, attorney whose home is
in Hollywood, introduced the sub
ject. A. M. Church presided at this
meeting. It was decided that fi
nal organization of the chamber
of commerce wpuld be deferred
until after the holidays, and Janu
ary 9 was selected as the date for
the organization meeting.
One of the activities proposed
is that of encouraging the estab
lishment in 1 the community of
businesses which are now lacking,
so as to increase Its attractiveness
to light and figurative bouquets
accorded them in life.
It was proposed by Mr. Wileoa
that the club nominate 10 nte
whose names would then be bal
loted on by a chosen list of 1996
prominent citizens, the winner be
ing named the city's outstaaing
citizen of the year.
At the suggestion of Sheldon v.
Sackett, president of the club, the
matter was referred to the execu
tive committee of the club to study
and make a recommendation
along with ether, points in the
general program of the year.
a R. Smith, chairman of the
Christmas illumination content
committee, reported that plans for
the contest were progressing
.niceljr. ,.,n