PACEfiEC Th 02EG0N STATESMAN, Saiga, Oregon, Sunday Morning, December IS, 1929 : a Corriedy to be Remembered, at Grand Tuesday A. T 'RIO NTH' TD BACKGROUND IS PIRATES ALL BUT JO LLY ONES AT THAT! TO BE REALISTIC vWaDDin warf DRAMA LEAGUE 3 : IRK IS GDDD 8t SEE HERE Comedy Riot to Be Given ; At Grand Theatre on 1 Tuesday Night Stalking shades of Captain Kid paraded tb state of the Eoserson room of the Unitarian church Fri day night and create situations, which even In practice, made the emotion of the observer run Hie xauntlet of bursting laughter, far and renulne admiration. These folk In full ecutume were roio cthrr than the cast for the Salem Drama league play wap- pla' Wharf," and they were doing ipasterful work. The action Vas fast, the lines fairly burst from each speaker as though be were uttering them for the first time. and uttering tbem In the stress of real circumstances and under genuine emotion. It was truly difficult to realize that the work being done vu limply the practice work of a group of amateur folk. The real ism which they hare developed. the keen appreciation shown for the comedy which they are inter preting, and the complete lack of 'evident technic" seem to pledge an excellent production of the play when it If presented to Sa lvia folk Tuesday night at the Crund theatre. The comedjrto Hot., Just to peek at rjme'or tr.e cltararters ia Xp feel an almost Irrepre&siMe chortle. The make-up and the charac ters fit so perfectly that it is to wonder how these same folk look so natural in the modernized 20th Century conception of clothes. And speaking of make-up where did they get it Most vf it came out of the attics and clothes bags of the interested and sym pathetic folk of Salem. The stom acher worn by the crystal gazer, "Meg." Is an heirloom of some Interested "friend" it was an old-fashioned cushion top but you would sever guess it were you tj see It on Meg. The hook which takes the place of the good arm of the "Captain'' has had more than one leg of pork suspended from Its curved steel. Lace cur tains have been made over to good vail and a pair of portlers were dyer and tfjw serve for the most Impressive "cloak" which covera the broad shoulders of "The Uuke." And the remarkable part t of it is none of these things look a like their history reads'. Between the workshop commit tee and Mrs. William Blumenberg . all the material used was cut. dy ed, painted and otherwise arrang ed into objects of real art, and Characterful effect. , Certainly the folk who see the tumedy "Wappin' Wharf" will have something to chortle over and enjoy for many a day afterward. SOUND STUDIED Exact Distance Effects Are .; Being Used in Talking Pictures Now "Sound perspective," or the portrayal of distance in terms of sound, is the new art of the screen which U be!njt give as much sci entific attention in talking pic tures as light and camera effects. Making ot "talkies" aboard Ship, on railroad trains, and other 'atural locations away from the i tudio sound stages has brought ! bout the necessity of extreme at--Mition to the relation of sound to distance, and many effects as .criking'as the odd light effects f the camera are being worked 'ut In the microphone. For instance, in "The Ship from Shanghai." which Charles . -fa bin recently directed, such things as sound of a mutiny beard through the walls of a ship's cab in, the tracing of the approach of a steamer by the variation in vol ame of the blasts of its whistle, .and other odd effects were Work ed out. ; In the new night club drama in which Blanche Sweet and Tom Moore are co-featured, the ap proach of a . group ot policemen to raid a night 'club was registered by the approach ot foot-steps, heard Ionder and louder as they approached the camera. These effect cannot be simply 10c - 25c GRAND THEATRE TODAY -MONDAY The Hindu Psychic Marvel To Amaze and Mystify Yon OX THE BIG DOUBLE BILL Ken Maynard 3 1 THE ROYAL . RIDER COMEDY i ! c , ' -V . jaer. srA. K'-rlwJ Her la the cat for the play "Wappln Wharf which will be pretested at the Grand theatre Tues day evrnlng. At the extreme left la The Doke, Oliver Huston In real life; next to him is Mrs. Glen Nile In the character of Old Darlin, one of the funniest comedy parts for which one could ask; third in line la the back row i the Captain, none other than J. Lyman Steed; and standing by him with his beer mug raised high Is Patch Eye, John Barr; the dapper young pirate at the end la Clifford Guode, known as Red Joe and he Is addressing Betsy, Eleanor Henderson, as the feminine lead. Mis Mar- garet Burroughs is the silver voiced JE SKY? Charming Colleen Moore In an atttude of listening to the wheed ling tones of the "fiddle" of James HaU. recorded by the actual thing be-; ing done. The microphones cover a certain "field," in which a sound is in focus, just as the fo cus of a lens does. In other words, within a circle of some twenty feet, loudness or softness ot a sound cannot be registered in the microphone "as is," hence a means of regulation must be used. "Perspective" in sound is so regulating these variations that they "match" what is seen in the eye. "In everyday life," explains Douglas Shearer, sound engineer, "we are accustomed to see and hear moving objects at the same time and the mind can instantly 'gauge the relation ot sound and sight. We know, for Instance, how much noise an approaching auto should make at every stage of its approach. If this noise were sud denly to vary, our subconscious minds would tell us something is wrong. Hence in regulating sound variations, who bave to work to a close formula of the relation of distance to sound7JMid also the time it takes sound to travel a distance, for It travels much slow er than sight. "This same trick of hearing tells ns where a sound comes from, for we hear it with two ears, and the loudness in one over the other permits us to place it, just as, seeing from two eyes, we can see in three dimensions', or stereoscoplcally." In "Anna Christie." Greta Gar bo's first talking picture, water front whistles at varying distances perspective, or exact relation fcs are heard on the screen, in exact to volume. This sound was sci entifically calculated to a minute degree. SCREEN Mary Astor and . la '. V ROMANCE OF THE . UNDERWORLD NEWS .'II .w. - 'ars aw. .mam -Tmm -0, w.y.... m. 4 st seercM Meg. 4 - v " r v N.-' Stage Plays Numerous at Local House The Grand will again be a busy house for stage plays this week. The Salem Drama league will pre sent "Wappln Wharf" Tuesday evening. This Is a comedy of more than usual possibilities and from the rehearsals it Is evident that the best is being gotten from it. Mrs. Otto Paulus Is directing the play and the characters are to be interpreted by Oliver Huston, John Barr, Lyman Steed, Clifford Goode, Ethel Niles, Eleanor Hen derson, Margaret Burroughs, and F. D. Thielsen. . The Frazier players will again be heard at the Grand Thursday and Friday in a comedy the name of which seems to offer many possibilities it is "Stella, be Careful!" On the screen today and Mon day there wiHbe Ken Maynard ia the "Royal Rider" and a thrill ing underworld picture, "Romance of the Underworld." Wednesday Sally O'Neill will again be seen in Salem, this'tlme in "Hardboiled" one of the pic tures which pnt her a .way up on the ladder of success and gives the observer more than a glimpse of the life which Is so interesting ana litue understood btflhe world at large.. " "Mother Machree" la to he the feature for Thursday and Friday. In connection with the Frailer v V.: a , , t - It ZfT iir : . :v l- My ' r-1 i tjs- -v--- 1 4rfv"' 1 X ) i 1 ., ' wwr.. : K -p. -r 1 I J? Now Phying William rex tfk Vr3 A The Call Board By OiJVE M. DOAK FOX EL8INORE South High between State and Ferry Today "Thunder." Lon Chaney. Fanchon and Marco in "Baby Sonjta" Idea. Monday "Thunder." Lon Chaney. Fanchon and Marco in "Baby Songs" Idea. Tuesday "Rio R i t a." with 13ebe Daniels. Saturday "The Thir- teenth Chair" with Conrad Nagef; Fanchon and Marco. THE HOLLYWOOD North Capitol Street In North Salem. Today "Smiling Irish Eyes," with Colleen Moore. Thursday "Companion- ate Marriage" and Manbat- tan Players. Friday "Midnight Dad .dies" Mack Sennett's first all-talklrg picture. GRAXD North High street, between Court and State. Today "The. Royal Rid- er" with Ken Maynard; "Romance of the Under- world." Tuesday "Whappln Wharf", by Salem Drama League. Wednesday "Hardboiled" with Sally O'Neil. Thursday - Mother Mach- ree" and Frazier Players. Friday "Mother Machree" and Frazier Players. CAPITOL Between osee.hs EVTeAthWSiH State Street Between High and Church Today "4 Devils" with Janet Gaynor. Thursday "Eternal Love" with John Barrymore. players In "Stella, be Careful," Belle Bennett has the title role. The story deals with bid Erin and' America and depicts the mother love as it adjusts itself from the old to the new country customs. The Saturday feature will he Tom Mix in "The Last ot the Du anes" a dramatic story by Zane Gray, concerning the border days when the Texas rangers and the dauntless men who pnt law in the saddle, held the only authority feared by outlaws who roamed the lone star state, the stamping grounds of the last of the Duanea. A Marvelous, Spectacular Cir cus Pageant in Dialog. Added MA.CK mCAAHTJ AH Talking Ceased - Bebe Daniels, Star of Zieg- f eld's Musical Comedy Of Filmdom Hats off and coin to the box window. "Rio IMa," Ziegfeld's way-better-than-them-all show is due shortly. Next Tuesday to be exact: and at the Fox Elslnore. Rio Rita," Radio picture's fabu lous operetta, has been widely ac claimed by critics as a triumph for Its leading woman none other than Bebe Daniels herself. The picture will be here through Fri day. Although a musical comedy, Rio Rita" carries through a co herent story. Its music and Bebe's contribution to this is ad vanced as a revealation its new stage sets; its new costumes and wealth ot color and beauty con stitutes a whole which is said to be the first talkie to really show screen power. But if "Rio Rita" Is the bis splash of the week, and maybe of the season, there are plenty who will delight to read that Lon Cha ney's latest film. "Thunder" is playing at the Elsinoro today and Monday. "Thunder" Is the realis tic tale of the life ot daring rail road men. Of course, It's a sound production. As Chaney does .with all his pictures, in making, "Thun der" he litfrally becsm. one' bf9 the railroad men himself. He has said he likes the role better than any in his career. Chaney desert ed the roles of film monstrosity to play an intensely human rolo in this picture. Fanchon and Marco's "Baby Songs" Idea is on the stage at the Elsinore today. The whole F. and M. chorus comes upon the stage dressed In the most unusual cos tumes; but that's not all the In teresting costumes. In the first act, all manner of dolls and ani mals are shown. The publicity manager sends out this challenge: "'If you want to see what dogs and cats and monkeys will be wearing this winter, see them strutting their stuff In "Baby Songs." End of the week will see the Metro-Goldwyn-Maver all-talking picture "The Thirteenth Chair," with Conrad Nagel and Leila Uy ams in the romantic leads. The play begins Saturday and is on the screen through Christmas ere. Tuesday, December 24. "Tho Thirteenth Chair" introduces fans to a new order in mystery drama. A celebrated stage play, the pic ture version is said to be a more vibrant story, thanks to the un canny effects and deft handling ot the details. Saxon Family Of Early Days Traced in Book The Statesman Publishing com pany of this city has published in book form, the geneological his tory of "The Old Saxon Family," of Wryta of Bayeux, Normandy, members of which family accom panied William Duke of Norman dy, as soldiers, in 106$ to Eng land at the time of the conquest, with some of the descendants in America of. Sir John Wright of Klevedon Hall, County Essex, England, and of Sir Thomas Wright of Klivestone Hall, Coun ty Norfolk, England, with the Wright Coat of Arms In colors. with brief geneo!ogies of the j Turner, Beisber, Riley, Lingo, and 1 Blakeley families, compiled by George William Wright, L. L. B. of Albany, Oregon. These books can be purchased by addressing George W. Wright, attorney-at-Jlaw, Albany, Oregon. Twenty-six states are repre sented in the student body of the University of Tulsa. Hollywood Theatre of 25c Home Talkies Today, Monday, Tuesday Continuous Performance to day to 11 p. m. - As Lively as An Irish Jig, As Sweet as an Irish Ballad See and Hear Colleen Sing, Talk and Dance with JAMES HALL A fmST NATIONAL Smiling) W PICTURE John Barrymore Picture to Be Truthful Representa tion, Report One of the new trends In mo tion pictures is in evidence in the play which will be seen at Bllgh's Capitol theatre beginning Thurs day with John Barrymore In the lead. This trend Is a little more "truth" in presenting the back ground of pictures. Instead of building a flimsy background which one can sec through with out half an effort, many ot the picture backgrounds are being ac tually filmed in the location with which tho picture deals. Right now there i one of the most in teresting trips being made in or der to get pictures which will form the background for. the "Trader Horn" a picture soon to be released. In the picture ''Eternal Love" Ernst Lubltsch is the director. The theme deals with a fiery love story among tho Swiss, and Lub ltsch knows theso people and the Alps where much of the retting Is laid. The adaptation was made by a man who nlso knows the locale of tho story. Mans Kraly. Tho xtory ia the screen version of Chrlstoph lleor's "Dor Kocnig dor Bernina." Althouch the picture was not made In tho Alps of -Switzerland It was made jp tho Alps 'of America, the Cnftiidlan Rockies, and therefore the -background bears the stamp of real ism and truth. To add to the realism of the play, Lubltsch brought Walter Reimann from Germany to design the costumnes of the players. It seems highly probable that one may expect some genuine artistry and satisfying interest in "Eternal Love." The other play which will be at .the Capitol this week beginning Sunday is one of foreign Betting. ali?o. It has to do with the circus life of a French hippodrome, and it affords Janet Gaynor her first vocal screen debut. Again in this picture the direc tor is a European Murnau Is the man. and It Is said that he does an artistic piece of work with this human drama. HOIirWOOD FILM There Is to be a bit of Ireland at the Hollywood beginning today when Colleen Moore and James Hale appear in "Smiling Irish Eyes" and sing and play and laugh and shed some tears in a truly Irish fashion. To see and meet "Aloysius" the charming pig which is the bosom friend ot Colleen is worth the price of the show. There is some very enter taining musical numbers in this play, also. It Is a romantic tale and really needs no more excuse than just that for being as popu lar aa It has been. Beginning with Wednesday there is the picture which has caused so much comment and on the topic which has caused far more comment the question of companionate marriage. That Is the name of the play "Companion ate Marriage." It deals in a most interesting and an intelligent manner with a question which has caused no end of argument and tells its story in a convincing fash ion. The play was made from the IBB DIRECTION FOX THEATRES Ml 11 CT Continuous 2 to 11 Daily ' ? TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY f 4Jpl? Sf sdeatlflo eqnlpmcnt and management snake It poi- S i lV V slWe for natrons to enjoy the beat entrtaljinBtlir modern Si ? Kmm. TT West Coast Theatre - "Tf-. g . 1 lJ I IV it I r im - v. , lA ;W It? be Daniels certainly looks claims in the beautiful picture book of the same name written by Judge Bn Lindsey. The bill beginning with Friday is a comedy Mack Sennett's "Midnight Daddies" and It is built for one thins to make people laugh. It is the story ot one ot the famous butter and egg men who get themselves all mixed up by trying to be smart on Broad FOX ELSINORE ' DIRECTION FOX THEATRES Continuous 2 to 11 Daily bBANET SOUND EFFECTS I ff 1 OX THE BTtng , FANCHON & HAnCO'G IBalby Somc Mea SUNKIST BEAUTIES "IT'S A WHALE OF A SHOW" y "X iff - I the Spanish ancestors which he "Rio Rita. way. Of course the Majihaticn i !h.v. ers will be bard in btock Wrd;..,. day and Thursday. Onions weighing four pounds each and measuring 19 inch- ia circumferenco were crown on the ranch of E. McJim-cy near Sutur City, Colo. TODAY MONDAY pHVLys WATCH FOB THE DdTE OUH SCREEX WILL TAUT Abo XaOdnc Acta and Paths Bond News i 1 is srOlvir iV r, 2