xf i v mm 1 jar" PACE TEN Tke OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 14, 1929 Approach of Yuletide Heralded in Busy Hum Among Church Folk I VESTED GHQlH WILL APPEAR Program to be Held at First . Method ist Church Sun day Evening The vested choir ot the First Methodist Episcopal church will appear In sacred concert at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening, December li. Prof. Forest W. Gaw is con ductor and Prof. T. S. Roberts, or ganist. Miss Rath Bedford. Miss Edith Findley and Miss Grace Henderson are accompanists. Following is the complete pro gram: Organ Prelude "March of the Marl- Dubois. Prof T. S. Rob erta. 'Processional Hyme No. Ill Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" Choir. "Arise, Shine" Elvey Choir. "Cantique de Noel" Adam Miss Helen Cochran. ; Scripture and Invocation by the pastor. . "Awake! Awake!" Buck Choir. i The Birthday of the King" Jieidlinger R. D. Barton. "The Plains of Bethlehem" Buck Choir. "Comfort Ye My People Handel Kvery Valley Shall be Exalt a" Handel Ronald Craven. Offertory "Vox Angelica" Heinrich Or- fma Solo, Prof. T. S. Roberts. Jesu Mambino" Yon Miss El eaaor Moore. "No Candle Was There" Leh bud Ch'oir. "Rejoice, Rejoice. Greatly" Handel Mrs. F. W. Gaw. -Christians Awake," "Adeste ndeBs" Buck Choir. Benediction. Alliance Tells Program Planned For Christmas The Sunday school and chorus choir ot the Christian and Mis sionary Alliance will give the an nual Christmas program next Fri day, night. December 20. The program will consist of recitations And songs by the children, inter spersed with carols sung by the congregations and Christmas an thems by (be choir. The annual Rainbow box open ing for the foreign missionary work will also be made, and an tottering will be taken to assist the needy of the city. Christmas Sunday, December 11, will be observed with special services both morning and even ing. In the morning the pastor will give an illustrated message on "Jesus, the light of the ,World' for young and old, using 19 candles for the illustration. In the evening the subject will be "The First Christmas Tragedy." Special Christmas music will be arranged for both services. The young people of the church re making up a number of bas kets to be taken to needy famil ies on Christmas eve. The young folk will also sing the old time carols as they make their visits through the city. International Musical Planned by Lee Leagaers It is said, "There are many flags in many lands." And Salem folk who attend the Jason Lee in ternational musical hour in the fireplace room at Jason Lee church Sunday evening will agree. The program Is sponsored by the Kpworth league. Announcement of the event says: "You'll think yourself listening In on Station WORLD; or, perhaps, transported by magie Into a clime where race and tongue fail to be harriers be tween last folks. For music and aong will abound and curios from the world around." Ford Memorial Aid Society Plans Silver Tea Meeting The Ladies' Aid of the Ford Memorial M. E. community church win hold the monthly silver tea at the home of Mrs. George W. Chapman on Third street Wed sesday afternoon, December 18 A called business meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held Just pro ceeding this gathering. The boy scouts will meet Tues day evening at 7 o'clock, prayer meeting and choir practice will be held Wedncjday evening and or chestra practice Is scheduled for Thursday evening. The Week's Sermonette Pure Religion By REV. D. J. HOWE (Pastor First Christian Church) Text: James 1:27. The one imperative need of an time and all people Is religion the right kind of religion. There are nu merous religions in the world and to each one of them should t applied the best test. "By their fruits ye shall know them." There la one outstanding religion which bears this test as no other; the Christian religion. The author of this religion is JeB.a Christ whose birthday will soon be celebrated all over the world. In Him and His teachings we find a solution of the world's problems. The charter for His new religion la the great com mission, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." In this gospel message are found all the teachings needed to make any life abound In good works and those who carry it to the ends of the earth are the incarnation of peace, love and good will. 'Wherever these heralds have gone true life has begun. Following this guiding star through the years would take ions the line of all progress for humanity. The fruits of Christianity are abundant; our schools, 4 all - benevolent Institutions, science and all its wonderful contribution are the ootgTOwth of tnia religion; but the richest fruitage 1 teea la the transformation of human heart out of which are continually flowing the streams of unselfish services to all who are La need.. O- M1NISTER v r- WW' Rev. I. J. Howe, pastor of the First Christian church, who today offers the week's sermon ette, "Pure Religion." An announcement given out by Pastor Earle V. Jennison, states that the Evangelistic Tabernacle, corner of 13 th and Ferry streets, is to hold a series of special serv ices beginning Saturday night These meetings are designated "Fellowship and Bible Services" and are to be conducted by Rev. Ferris A. Dodd. district evangelist for the Assemblies of Cod in the .northwest and whose territory In cludes also Washington, Idaho and Alaska. Sunday is to be a special day, it is stated, with an extra preach ing service at 10:30 a. m. besides those at 3 and 7:45 p. m. Tues day and Thursday nights are in cluded, but Wednesday and Fri day nights are announced for Sil verton in the Full Gospel hall there. This and other surround ing congregations are co-operating In this week's event of special interest. Evangelist Dodd is to speak in each of these services. Mrs. Clarke Lee Chosen Dorcas Society Prseident; Year's Committee Named Dorcas society of Christ Luth eral church, Eighteenth and State streets met in the church par lors Wednesday afternoon for its regular monthly meeting with the Mrs. L. C. Barrick, Mrs. Lelscke and Mrs. W. C. Miller as hostes ses. Reports of the various acti vities ot the society showed a very successful year. The following officers were elected for the year: Mrs. Clarke Lee. president; Mrs. Frank Sie- bens, vice president; Mrs. Alfred Propp, secretary; Mrs. L. C. Bar rick, treasurer. The following committees were appointed: visit ing committee, Mrs. M. Battalion. Mrs. H. F. Batterman, and Mrs. Adolph Bombeck; Mrs. Louise Abry and Mrs. Amos E. Minne man. program; Mrs. A. Oehler, Mrs. R. Meyer and Mrs. A. Nets, hostesses. Youngest Church Goers To Have Christmas Party The children of the cradle roll and beginners departments of the First Methodist church, together with their mothers, will have a Christmas party In the church parlors on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. F. Shanks and Mrs. R. D. Barton with their assistants will have charge of the program of games and Christmas music and stories. Missionary Circle to Meet With Mrs. Thomas Roen The regular meeting of the mis sionary circle of the Calvary Bap tist church wlH We held Friday af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Thomas Roen, 1517 Court street. Mrs. Sachtler will be the devotional leader and Mrs. H. S. Gile will have charge of the pro gram. ANNUAL. MEET SET The annual meeting and dinner of the Knight Memorial church Is set for 6:45 o'clock Wednesday evening, December 18. 1' l V : FELLOWSHIP WEEK nus Will GIVE I NOT The beautiful Christmas carol. "Why the Chimes Rang" by Ray mond MacDonald Alden, will be presented in pageant Sunday ev ening by the choir of the Knight Memorial church. The carol is given a musical set ting by Donald J. Allison, church organist? Donald Barnard will portray the part of the King; Johnnie Ritchie and James Thompson the parts of Pedro and his little brother. Mrs. Edna Bar nard will be the reader. Other parts will be taken by members of the choir. The musical num bers include a chorus by the choir, a women's three-part chorus and a mixed octet. The church choir Is also pre paring for the Christmas cantat, "Out of the East" to be given at a vesper's service to be held at 4 o'clock the afternoon of Sunday. December 22. Thirty voices will take part. Donald Allison, church organist, will furnish the accom paniment. Rev. H. C. Stover is directing. e&untoap iberbtai tn talent Cfjurcfjeg UNTTJLBXAV C.ttafe and Chemeketa street. Eev. Martin , T. ferny, minister. Churek school at 10 a.m. W. E. Feklmaa. 8a pi. Dev.ti.aal terriers at 11.00 .tn. Sub ject, "Sympathetic Magic and Selifum." Mrs. Martin Ferrer will sing "Tha 91st Psalm," by McDermid. Mrs. W. A. Den ton at the piano. FIRST GEBHAH BAPTIST North Cottage and D. streets. G. W. Hatch, psttor; phone 2927 J. Morning service, 11 o'clock; subject: "Spiritual Growth." Choir Anthem "God So LoTed th World." Evening serTice 7:30 o'clock; subject: "LiYing a Straight Life." Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Sam Schirman, Supt. Mid-week services: p.m., Wednesday; pastor, leader; place: church. CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAX 18th and State streets. Rev. Amos E. Minneman, pastor; phone 3726. German morning serTice, 9:45 o'clock; subject: "He Is Here of Whom the Prophets Spoke." English Services 11:00 a.m. Subject: "Thou Shalt Not Kill." Even ins service 8:00 o'clock; subject: "The First Great Revival in the Christian Church." Sunday school, 9:40 a.m.; Hui Martha Batterman, Supt. Young People' meeting: Luther League. Lec ture by the pastor: "The Ideal Luther League." 6 p.m". SUMMIT Orchsrd Height Koad. Meredith A. Groves, pastor: phone lC-tiCJ. Morning service, 9:43 o'clock; subject: "A Way side Conversation." Sunday school, 10:45 a.m.; Larkin Griee. Supt. FORD "MEMORIAL M. E. COMMXTNITT Garth avenue and Third streets, Mere dith A. Groves, pastor; phone 1566J. Morning- service. 11 o'clock; rubjeet: "A Wayside Conversation." Eveninr ser vice 7:30 o'clock; subject: Dr. John D. MeCormick of Kimball School of The ology will give an illustrated lecture oa the Holy Land. Special music includes a vocal solo by Miss Jewell Richardson. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. ; Mrs. J. L. Austin, Supt. Mid-week services 7:15 p.m. Wednesday Young People's meet infrs: Intermediate, and Senior Lesrue 8:30 p.m. MILL STREET METHODIST ' EPISCOPAL J 5th and Mill streets. Leslie B. Bailey, pastor. Morning service 11:00 o'clock: sablect: "A Message of Hope." Evening service 7:30 o'clock; subject: The Living UM. Sunday seboel 9:45 a.m.; Miss Esther Eriekson. Supt. Mid-week services: 7:50 p.m, Wednes day; Rev. Bailey end Mrs. Gentry, lead ers; plsce: at the church. Young Peo ple's meetings: Epworth League at 4:80 p.m. at the church. Miss Esther Eriek son, leader. . KNIGHT MEMORIAL South 19th and Ferry streets. H. C Stover, pastor; phone 1924J. Morning service, II clock; subject: "The Jews Contribution to Christianity . Uuet Brightest and Bert" (Cramner). Mrs. 6. C. Newgent and H. O. Stover. Even Ins; service. 7:30 o'clock: Christmas pa- eeant "Why tha Chimes Joang. Spe cial music: Chorus "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (Tamblya) Ladies Three Part Chorus "Wonderful Btory" (Wil son). Octett "Brightest and Best" Dykes). Sunday school 10 a.m.; C. O. Harris, Supt. CALVARY BAPTIST W. Earl Cochran. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. W. T. Jenks, SapU Preaching services 10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. B Y . P. U.'a 6:30 (Sr.. Inl and Janior) Miss Dorothy Pickens, leader of the senior grmsn. Topic What Have Young People to Givet" Mon day evening rerolar meeting: of tha Bar- aca Fhilathea class. Tuesday renins? at ui eanreh, 7:30, orchestra rehearsal. Wednesday evening, prayer meeting, Thursday evening, choir rehearsal. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner Stat and Chnrch streets. V, Taylor, pastor; phone 974. Morning service, 11:00 'clock; subject: "Tha Dynamic of - Divine Love." Organ Pre lude "Moraine Sons" raulkes. la them "Sweetly Breathe tha Lyra Above." Chopin-Shelley. Solo, "Tha Messenger of Peace." Scott. Mrs. F. W. Gaw. Sacred Ohrietmaa' Concert by the Tested Choir at 7:30 p.m. Sunday school 9:45 ajn Ben E. RiekH. Supt. Mid week services: 7:80 p.m. Thursday; Psa. 103, tha pastor, leader. Young people a meetings: University chapter 6:80 la church parlors. First Church chaptoi "There's Song in the' Air" Leader. Es ther Cook. Junior High Chapter in Annas led by Harry Mother. Janior church in Annex at 11:00. Cburea Auraery in charge of Mrs. Serena Acton and Mrs. Barbara Bennett. COURT STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Court and 17th streets: B. F. Bhoema ker. minister, 845 South Winter, Phone 2589J. Bible school. 9:45 a.m. Mrs, Frank Marshall. Supt. Morning worship 11 a.m. Subject question, "Why Ob serve Tithing and Not the Jewish Sab bath t" Special music by the choir. Christian Endeavor and Junior, 6:30 Soar service and sermon. 7:30. Speeis! ' mnsie by the choir. Midweek meeting, Wednesday 7:30. Aid society meeting j Wednesday p.m. JASON XEE MEMORIAL North Winter ana Jefferson at Fair- rrounda Road. Church school at 9:45, H. B. Carpenter, Supt. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Them "wood for Good.' Special mnsie by choir. ' 'O Holy Night.' by Bernlee Rickman. Jr. Boya meeting at S:S0. Chnrch Forum, Yoang People a. High School, Intermediate Leagues meet at 6:90. Program at 7:80, number by different departments of the ehurch. Pa geant "Tha Prince f the Hons f Da vid." with earol singing. Fiaane Com. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Churli St. Bt. Chemeketa aad Cester, A DowatowB ChmTch. 11 A. M. BLESSED ARE THE UN-OFFENDED. Anthem, "A Pilgrim's Jowaey," Arr. Wilson. 0 Holy Night, Adams, solo, Leom Jennison. 7:30 THE GRIP THAT HOLDS.- "From Orient Land, Thomas ' Chnrch Chorus. Mrs. Gordon McGllchrist will sing "I Am a Pilgrim." Johnson, "Hills of Home," Logan, Alvln Schirman and Mrs. C. M. Byrd, "Just For Today," Abbott, William McGllchrist, director ot Mnsie. Extra rehearsal tor Choir and Chorus, Monday eve ning, at 7:00 o'clock. HEY. P. W. ERIKSEN, Pastor. Yuletide Event On December 20 Features Song Among the Christmas entertain ments planned for Salem, none Is pledged to hold more truly to the genuine Christmas spirit than that being planned? by the T. M. C. A. and a group of churches for Friday night, December 20. This program will be devoted almost exclusively to Christmas music. The observance at the Y. M. C. A. will include as a special fea ture group singing. Several ehurch choirs are expected to participate and soloists from the churches will be included in the program Other musical numbers will in clude duets and quartets. A Christmas story will not be omit ted. Details of the program have not yet been completed, but when fully worked out are expected to show one of the finest programs of the many to be offered In the city. PASTOR MOVES Rev. B. F. Shoemaker, pastor of the Court street Christian chnrch, and family have moved from the residence on 18 th street to 346 South Winter street. meeting Tuesday evening 7:30. Boy Scants and parents' supper Monday 6:30. Mid-week devotions, study and choir prac tice Thursday 7:30. HIGHLAND TK1TJTD8 Highland and Chnrch street. Edgar P. 8imi, pastor. Morning service 11 o'clock; Rev. Bernard E. Mott, of Port land Bible Institute. Lvenina; service 7:80 o'clock; subject: "Message on The Revelation." Sunday school 10 a.m.: Earl M. Beckett, Supt. Mid-week ser vices 7:30 p.m. Thursday; Tha pastor, leader; place: "The Church. Jr. C. E. at 5:80 p.m. Sr. O. E. at 8:30 p.m. FIRST FBESBTTXSIAH Winter and Chemeketa streets Norms n K. Tully, D. D.. pastor: phono 1810W. Morning service, 11 o clock; subject: The Art of Uivinr. 1 Cor. 8:7. Spe cial music: Solo, "I Come to Thee" (Caro Roma) Miss Josephine Albert. Or gan numbers, "Pilgrims' Chorus" (Wag ner), fanfare (Dubois). Eveninr service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "Magnan imity." Special music: "Anthem, "In Heavenly Love Abiding" (Brown). Sun day school 9:30 a.m.; L. M. Ramage, 8upt. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m.. Thurs day; Dr. Tully, leader. Young People's meetings 6:30 o'clock. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Full Gospel church, affiliated with the Assemblies of God. 13th and Ferry streets. Earle V. Jennison. pattor. Phone 2050M. Conducted by Evangel- st Ferris A. Dodd. a series of special Fellowship meetings will begin Satur day night, continuing over Sunday and next week. Sunday ia to bo a apecial day with an extra service for preaching at 10:3U a.m. Sunday afternoon at 3:00 and evening at 7:45. Tuesday and Thursday nights, preaching. Sunday school, afternoon 1 :45. W. B. Finney, oupt. Children a church. 6:30 cm. Miss Lorene Pryor in charge. Wednesday af ternoon, J: 30, prsyer meeting. Next Saturday night. Young People's service, 7 :45. Mrs. Howard Olsen, president. FIRST CHRISTIAN High and Center streets. D. 3. Howe. pastor; phone 1933J. Morning service 11 o clock; subject: Christian Steward ship." The Every Member Canvass will be made during the afternoon by 40 men. Evening service 7:30 o clock. The Pil grim Players of California will present the wonderful Biblicsl Drama "8t. Clandia." No admission, but a silver offering will be taken. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Joel R. Benton. Supt. Mid week services 7:30 cm. Wednesday. Tonng People's meetings: 8:30 p.m. Christian Lndeavor meetings. Installa tion of officers in Young People's socie ty. Christmas carols Sunday evening, December 22. Miss Florence Howe, di rector. Miss Lois Plummer, organist. AMERICAN LUTHERAN Church street between Chemeketa and Center. Rer. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. hone 2921. 11 a.m. "Blessed are the n-offended." and at 7:30 tha pastor will speak on the topic: "Tha Grip That Holds." Tha choir will slag "A Pil grim' a Journey," Arr. by Wilson. At tha evening song service, ins cbarcn chorus will sine: "From Orient Land, Thomas. Mrs. C. 11, Byrd, "Just For Todsy." Abbott. Alvln Schirman. "Hills f Home," Logan. Mrs. Gordon McUiK ehrist, "I Am a Pilgrim," Johnson. Leon Jennison. "O Holy Nirht." Sixty minute musical In evening. The ehoir and chorus will have an extra rehearsal Monday at 7 p.m. at tha church. Sun day school at 9:45. Max Gehlhar. Supt. Luther Leagues at 6:30. Miss Helen Dunning, leader of senior group devo tionala. Topic: "Christ s Second I'om In." Irnat. "Tha Old Rnra-ed Cross." Misa Lougene Breitxke and Miss - Helen Dunning. Accordion solo by Fred Rein id. FIRST EVANGELICAL Liberty and Center streets. A. P. Lay ton. pastor: phono 991 J. Morning ser vice, 11 o'clock; subject: "Waiting For the Harvest. Special mnsie by the choir. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; sub ject: "Will Our Work Stand the Test." Tha orchestra will furnish the mnsie for the evening service. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.: U. L. Thornton. Supt. Mid-week cervices 7:30 p.m. Thursday; G. X. Thompson, leader; place: at tha ehurch, Youaa? People's Meetinrs: Sunday even ing at 6:30. Topie, "What Have Young People to Give. ' Leader, Lawrence Mavea. Our Evangelistie services will begin December 29. Dr. Lawrence will of Kansas will be the Evangelist. REFORMED Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W, G. Linksemper, pastor; phone 668 W. Ger man service 10 o'clock; subject: "Art Thou Ho That Should Comet" An Ad vent sermon. English service 11 o'clock: subject: "The Ministry of John, the Bsp tist." Special music: Anthem by the ehoir. "Hark! the Herald Angels Stnjr." by F. J. Robertson. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; T. E. Kruse, Supt. Oa Sunday evening at 7:30, Rev. J. M. u. Darms, D. D., president of Mission House Col lege, Sheboygan, Wis., will speak at this church. FBEB METHODIST Corner Market and North Winter streets. W. M. Coffee, pastor; paone 2396. Moraine; service 11 o'clock; sub ject: "Tha Blood." Bv. A. O. Archer f MedfoH, Oretoa, proachlnc; Dpeeial maiia bj tha quartet and coBfrerational singinc. Sveninr service 8 ' clock; sub ject: r Apostasy' Special music: Boot service led br Mrs. Edna Hanson. Son day :S0 p.m. Bev. Archer will five tha story ai hia life. This la deeply Interestiac. All ara Invited. Sunday school 9:45 ajs.; Herbert Hanson. Supt. Mid-weak services T:I0 , each day; Revival servieea, A C. Archer, avaa- Selist. Tomnr People's taeetir: :0 anday availing U& by Issery Goode. LESLIE LEAGUERS TO PRESENT PHY ' "Dust of the Road" Is to re presented by the Francis Asbury league Sunday evening, Decem ber IS, at Leslie Memorial church. This play, which was written by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, was chosen by the committee on Re ligious drama of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America for its publica tion "Religious Drama 1924". The program will begin at 7:30 o'clock. There will be special music. The story takes place in the farm home of Peter Steele, about one o'clock Christmas morn ing. Bitterness and selfishness are the controlling characteristics in the lives of Peter and Prudence Steele. From out of the shadows comes the voice of one who has known the blackness of night in his heart. The characters are: Peter Steele, Norris Kemp; Prudence Steele, his wife, Fran ces Decker; An old man, Pru dence's uncle, Clyde French; and a tramp, Ormal Trick. CHRISTIAN AJTO MISSIONARY ALLIANCE TABERNACLE S55 Ferry street. (Down town). Lou ise Pinnell, pastor. Phone 2286R. Sun day school at 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Myra White, Supt. Classes for all ages. Morn ing sermon at 11 o'clock. Subt. "Walk ing ia tha Spirit." Tha Communion will be observed. Y. P. 8. at 6:30 in charge of the president. Miss Elvina Oraw. Ev ening Evangelistic service at 7:30. Sub ject of sermon "Serving Against the Spirit." The mnsie will bo furnished by tha chorus choir and in the morning, Misa LaVern Olson will sing. Prsyer service on Tuesday night. Y. P. S. Cot tage meeting on Thursday night. Pro phecy class will not meet this week as tha Christmas program to be given by the ehoir and the Sunday school will be on Friday evening at 7 :30. At the close an offering will be received for the needy of Salem; GLAD TIDINGS MISSION 353 Court St., C. 8. Johnson, pastor; residence: 1520 Court street. Services 3 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school 2 p.m. Week-day services: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. We are now in a new location over Western Auto Sup ply' a store. Good music, earnest testi monies, spirit-filled messages at every service. CHURCH OF THE NAZABENE On block south of Center on 19th street. L. D. Smith, pastor; phone 2940. Morning service, 11:00 o'clock: sub- ect: The Christian a Race. Miss Lou Ella Mayes, will sing a solo and Mr. Frsnk Litwiller will also sing a solo. Ev ening aervice, 7:30 o'clock: Rev. Loura Meyers, will preach. Mr. and Mre. Clyde Hoffer, will sing a duet. Sunday school 9:45 s.m.; Mr. F. M. Litwiller, Supt. Mid-week services 7:80 p.m. Wednesday; w. u. Hardy, leader; place: lHureb. Young People's meetings: Sunday even ing 6:30, Miss Thea Sampson, president. The Junior' c will meet with Mrs. Smith the supervisor at 6:80 in the evening. IMMANTJBL BAPTIST Haxel and Academy streets. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 7:30. Friday evening. Young People a meeting. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial and Washington streets. Chsrles C. Haworth, pastor; phone 1697M. Morning service 11:00 o clock; subject "The Desire ot All na tions." Special Music: Anthem: "O Cross of Love, Lead On," by the ehoir. Evening service 7:30 o clock; subject; Christ In tha Old Testament." Sun day school 10:00 a.m.; Marguerite P. Elliott, Supt. Mid-week service: 7:bu p.a, Thursday: tha pastor, leader; place: ehurch. Young people's meetings: 6:80 p.m. Sunday. Topic: "What Have Toung People to Give I" Leader, Ra chel Pemberton. CASTLE UNITED BRETHREN North 17th and Nebraska streets. L. W. Biddle, psstor; phono 2622J. Morn ing service 11 o'clock; subject: "Making Shipwrecks of Life." Evening service 7:80 o clock: "lis weii-unureoea ci ty." Sunday school 10 a.m.: Wa are climbing Mt. Hood. Join us. Mid-week services: 7:30 p.m. Tbursdsy; pastor, loader. Toung People's meetings: Senior C. E. 6:80 p.m. Sunday. Mrs. J. 0 Hill, leader. Topie "What Toung People Have to Give." Woman's Aid meeting on Wednesday. LESLIE MEMORIAL (Methodist Episcopal) At South Commercial and Myers streets. 8. Darlow Johnson, pastor. 848 E. Myers steet. Phone 22764. At the morning service at 11 o'clock, the pss tor will speak on "God's Greatest Gift." Tha ehoir will sing the anthem, "Lead Kindly Light," (Wilson). At the ev ening service at 7:30 o'clock, Francis Astury league will present the Christ mas play, "Dust of the Road." Miss Roth Haselton will sing, "There's A Evangelist Ferris A. Dodd In a Special "Fellowship" Services Set. 7:45 P. M., Sunday 10:80 A. M., 8 P. M. end 7:45. Notice in this Issue es to coming week. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Cor. 13th and Ferry Sta. First Methodist Church FRED C. TAYLOR, Minister. CHRISTMAS CONCERT BY VESTED CHOIR SUNDAY EVENING A program of anthems and solos by the chorus and special artists beginning at 7:30 o'clock Morning Sermon by the Pastor on THE DYNAMIC OF DIVINE LOVE" Anthem "Sweetly Breathe the Lyres Above." Chopan Solo, "The Messenger of Peace," Scott Mrs. F. W. Gaw II ;l - - ---asa M Japanese Minister Comes To Work With People Here Rev. S. Niwa Finds Salem People and Weather To His Liking Someone sent word that this page wasn't onto Its business un less there was forthcoming a bit of a tark with the new Japanese minister. So the girl who oper ates the department typewriter, hurried herself out to 1055 Hunt street, there to meet Rev. S. Niwa, who has just come here to con duct the Japanese mission work in the Lake Labish settlement. The initial "S" stands for Seiichi, the first four letters being an ap proximate equivalent to the Eng lish "see". Niwa is simple ; the first two letters are simply the English "knee." And Mr. Niwa, himself, small, trimly dressed and most polite, speaks very careful English, though a little less clear and dis tinct than does his wife. Mrs. Niwa came to this country when about two years old and has lived here since. The minister, who ap pears scarcely older than a col lege student, says his English is Japanese English. He studied English for eight years in Japan before he sailed for this country 10 years ago. Seiichi Niwa was born In a rural district in Japan, but was brought up in Tokyo, where he attended school and later Aoyama college, a Methodist in stitution at Tokoyo. Coming to this country, he spent his first year studying at the Southern Methodist university In Dallas, Texas. Then he went In turn to Bakersfield and .Riveride, Calif., and two years ago to Frorin, in Sacramento county, where he was in charge of a Japanese mission. He was married in California five years ago, and has a three-year-old son, Carl, and a two- i year-old boy, Francis. He Is a member of the Methodist min istry, belonging to the California conference. The Japanese mis sion here is under the California conference, but directly the Sa lem council of church women is sponsoring the interdenomination al work which he will de among his people here. Twenty-five women's organizations in Salem compose the church council. Rev. Niwa expressed himself as par ticularly delighted with the eager ness with which these groups work toward helping the Japa nese. One of the early things to greet Rev. Niwa on his arrival in Sa lem was the Oregon downpour; but with the rain he seems really pleased. Anyway, he said, he really liked the Oregon climate. Speaking of climate differences song in the Air," (Speaks), and Robert Huston will plsy a violin aolo, "Ber ceuse," (Godard)). Sunday school st 9:45, E. D. Roseman, Supt. Epworth leagues meet at 6:30 o'clock. Mid-week service Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock. FIRST BAPTIST Marion and Liberty streets. Robert L. Payne, pastor; phone 1920. Morning aer vice 11 o'clock; rubjeet: "The Wonder ful River of Life.-" Specisl musio by church ehoir, and male euartet. Ser monette for children. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; Fifth sermon in series from sermon on the Mountain. Specisl music: Chorus ehoir, orchestra, male quartet. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; Fred Broer, Supt. Mid-week services 7:30 p.m., Wednesdsy. Three Baptist young people's groups meeting at 6:30. THE UPPER BOOK MISSION 87 Court street. H. Hansen, pastor. Sunday services 11 a.m. 8 and 7:45 p.m. The World'e Youngest Evangelistie Party, hero all day Sunday and every night next week. Jack Tan Gunde is only nine years old and his sister Violet only eleven. These children have preach ed to as many as sixteen thousand peo ple at one time, their message hae made thonsands to marvel. These meetings are undenominational in spirit and are not new issue or new light, aa tnia mission does 'not tolerate any such teaching or doctrine, and is not a split out of any other assembly, but is a new work. FIRST SPIRITUALIST Fraternal temple on Center street be tween Liberty and High. Service this Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The regular pastor. Rev. Luella M. Ia Valley will bo the speaker. Topic, "The Law of Spiritual Attraction." Messages. A circle will bo held Sunday evening from 6 to T o'clock. series of CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH High an4 Perry Sta. In the Heart of the City. Time: S. S. 9:46 a. m. B. T.'s C:S0 p. m. Preaching services 10:60 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. A. M. "PREPARING FOR ADVENT Anthem: "Oh, Worship the Lord," Kleserling Incidental solo by Mrs. McAllister P. M. "GLORIA IN EJXCELSIS" Anthem: "Softly Through the Silent Night" Harris. Incidental solo by Mrs. Chas. Davis Anthem: "Hark! Hark! My Soul," Shelley Incidental solos by Messrs McAllister - and Mlddleton Gospel Bong by Choir "All Hall, Immannel" WELCOME TO ALL SERVICES & -iv ?.v v - f s I 1 Rev. S. Niwa between Oregon and California led the mission leader Into "peo ple differences" and he freely ad mitted that he found the people here much more friendly in their attitude to the Japanese. In fact. be observes that racial prejudices are weak in this state; and as for the people of Salem with whom he has already come In contact, he is glad they are so kind. Biddle Present at Church Session Held in Portland; Local Institute Is Planned Rev. L. W. Biddle, member of the Oregon Conference United Brethren Council of Administra tion, attended a meeting of that group In Portland Tuesday and Wednesday. He also was pres ent Tuesd.17 night at the Y. M. C. A. there at a meeting of the con ference board of Christian educa tion, of which he is general di rector. Mrs. Biddle, director of chil dren's work, J'ohn Gilhousen. Wil lamette student, as director of young people's work, and Rev. S. E. Long, pastor of the Hopewell U. B. church, director of adult work, were also In attendance at the meeting. Plans were complet ed to hold the district institute next January. One of these will be held In Salem. Originators of Low Prices Midget Meet Your Friends They like yourself, have learned that shopping here fs most satisfactory and economical. When good meat can be sold for less, the Midget win sell it. For? OatUFdoy V7o OSCo? FANCY WHOLE MILK VEAL Milk Fed Veal Roast 23 Mb. Do not confuse with Small Tender T-Bone Steaks 25e nib. OTJX PRICES ARE THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FOB THE KTKD OF MEATS YOU WOULD BE SATISFIED WITH Prime Beef Roasts flOe Mb. 'Nut Sweet" Sliced AO Pork Little Links 25c nib. Useless to pay more Home Rendered Pure Lard nsc nib. BEST OLEOMARGARINE 2 lbs. 25c 2 lb. limit with purchase Toang Pig Pork Roasts a?e nib. dot of consideration to our employes, we close Satur days t 7:00 P. It Harry IL Lery, Mgr. BROTHERHOODS LAY PUNS FUTURE Phiiathean and Albright Groups of Evangelical Church Hold Meet The Phiiathean and Albright Brotherhood classes of the Evan gelical chnrch enjoyed a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington Wednesday. A short business session was read by each class. The Philatheans elected the fal lowing officers: president. Mrs. A. P. Lay ton; vice president. Mrs. Lucy St. Clair; secretary, Mrs. J. A. Remington: treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Rex. ' A fellowship plan for visiting the sick and shutlns was adopted and a committee of three appoint ed. Assisting the hostess, Mrs. Remington, in serving were Mrs. A. P. Layton, Mrs. J. L. TJlrich and Mrs. O. N. Thompson. The Albright brotherhood laid plans for the organization of a church brotherhood. A commit tee was appointed to draft con stitution and by laws. Present were Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Layton, Mr. and Mrs. George Siefarth, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Thompson, Mr. Rex. Rev. G. R. Stover, G. Wells, Mrs. A. Burgess. Mrs. Lucy St? Clair, Mrs. S. D. Cooley, Mrj. Miles. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ulricb. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington. Castle United Brethren Community Night Success The Castle United Brethren church community night for the month, held last night at the church, attracted a good, crowd, both for the supper and ifor the program of music and reading giv en by the Joseph Benner familv. The W. M. S. of which Mrs. L. W. Biddle is president, and the sen ior Christian Endeavor society of which Miss Marie Waldorf Is pre sident, sponsored the communiiy night event. Divide Offerings Palem churches are dividing the $58.15 received in offerings at the Union Thanksgiving services equally between the Salvation Army and the Associated Chari ties. Market 851 State St. Milk Fed Veal Chops 32 the Skim Milk kind Prime Beef Sirloin Steak 22cEfo. Good Boiling BeeT use nib. Bacoi ...30c lb. Freshly Ground Beef 2e Illb. risky to pay less Sugar Cored Bacon Squares E73 lllb. . Dainty. Lean Loin Chops aSGfflb. A