pagz Timing T7 o Tl Tl The CGOU STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, 7ednesday ilondngy December 11. v - n tore ooay us m store ii WILL OPEN TODAY One of Salem's most attractive suburban ggrocerfes will open this moraine when tne Marr Grocery "at 17 and Market street will make ' Its formal bow to Salem. The store building has been en tirely made over, both Inside and out. The materials used were furnished by the Spaulding Log ging company and are of excellent quality. The store presents an attractive appearance and Is so arranged as to present the stock to the best advantage and to give the best of service to customers. John G. Marr, the propietor is an experienced grocer and has de-1 voted much time and expense to i preparing the new store to serve the people of Salem. Up to date : equipment, attractive stock and the best of accomodations in thei way of efficient clerks and deliv ery service are promised. The Marr Grocery will feature Preferred Stock canned goods and Hillman Butternut and Snowflake bread, manufactured by Salem's own Cherry City Bakery. Food, including the meats from Midget Market will be kept In perfect condition by the Electro Kold refrigeration system install-1 ed by Hamilton 'Furniture com pany. Wiring and electric work was done by the Eoff Electric Co. That Mr. Marr Is a real busi ness man is demonstrated by the JaetUiat lie has protected his business against both fire " and theft, the policies being with the Northwestern Mutual Fire and Northwest Casualty Insurance companies. The kiddies are not forrottan in this store either because school supplies will be a part of the We Congratulate The Marr Grocery on its Opening and on its selection of brands for its customers which are supplied by us. General Grocery Co. Phone 1550 Liberty & Trade Sts. Best Wishes for Success to Marr Grocery Mdget Market Originators of Low Prices 351 State St We S ell Preferred Stock Canned Goods A complete line of fancy and staple Groceries If you do not find what you want listed here CallUt We Have It! MARR GROCERY stock. Also, each 7oaoster wbo visits the store today, accompan ied by a parent will receive a tree bag of candy. French railways win relieve the monotony of travel by Installing regular radio service on the prin cipal Paris-Havre expresses. CHICKEN POX APPEARS SILVERTON, December 10 A number of cases of chicken pox have been reported at SUverton recently among the school child ren. A number of the children were sent home from school who showed indications of having chicken pox. it was reported, All of the children who are affected hare the disease in a light form. it is said. The Kansas state board of health estimates vthat mere than! 75 per cent of all Kansas children between five and 14 have physi cal defects of some nature. 0 FREE DELIVERY PHONE Best (Sane Sugar 10-ib. cloth bag Hamburger Government Inspected 'Pound Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 22c Fels Japtba Soap bars Crystal Hliite 5 bars Bluing, Ammonia bottles J Toilet Panar 5 Rolls CANNED MILK Carnation, Borden's, Oregon 3 large cans . . 25c DDAAMO st special prices and a nice dost pan free with each broom. 15c Men's Canvas Gloves 2 pair 21C Gillette Safety Razor Blades, 50 package. 39c 35c Boilte Castoria 29c Corn, Peas, String Beans and Tomatoes, or Large cans, 2 for ; LtOC Hominy, large cans. 2 for 27c Saner Kraut, large cans. 2 fW 27c (good Creamery Sutter 2 OSc Fresh Eggs Medium Size Per Dozen Eloyal (M Coffee 75c box of fancy chocolate candy FREE with each can Lemon, Manilla Flauoring oz. bottle Buy a bottle and get one bottle FREE. Linton's Tea 1 pound can Seeded, Seedless Elaisins 2 for ISc Large packages 20c Hershey 6000a Mo Calumet Oak. Pdr. Snider's Catsup 19c 8ardines,inoil,floans2e CamnSjell's Sours Any Kind GrounBolHeGon Marshmallous Pound (Ming Oil None Better Quart Snowdrift, 1 lb. can 24o Shortening-2Jbs. 35c Peanut Butter - Pound 19c Mince Meat Pound 18c 60c Los Cabin Syrup 49c Wamut Meats 0 Vt lb. LoZ New Bates 9Q 2 pounds sCqJC Fresh Frets and Vegetables Be sure you see our complete assort ment of the finest fruits and vegetables and priced very low Fresh fats Our up-to-date Eleetro-Kold meat case insures you of strictly fresh meats dairy. We win carry a complete stock of Chops, Steaks, Roasts and Smoked Meats. Children accompanied by Adults will be given free candy, Wednesday and Thursday. Whether you buy anything or not, come and get accraimted withus and look overjaur ' complete stock and note the' extremely low : prices that prevail on all merchandise. We gladly extend credit to reliable families only. Our Delivery Service 'will please you. "1 JOHN G. MAim, Proprietor. We Congratulate Ths, , " V r Marr. Grocery ; On the Opening of Their Fine New Store. As All Good Merchants, Mr. Marr Has Covered This Building and Stock with Insurance. Naturally he found our service best for his needs Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Northwest Casualty Co. Seattle, Wa. MARION CURRY, Manager 208 Masonic Bldg. TeL 2SS2 BUILDING MATERIALS For Remodeling The Marr Grocery Furnished by Chas. K. Spaulding Co. 15 I Salem, Ore. Building Material of All Kind THE MARR GROCERY Will Handle HILLMAN' S SNOWFLAKE BUTTER-NUT BREAD Made by The Cherry City Baking Co. Salem, Ore. Wiring and Electrical Fixtures for Marr's New Grocery Store by ISSHiill 347 Court - TeL 488 Counter in their Store. r The Electro-Kold was chosen for its reliability and service. More commercial jobs have been in stalled in Salem than all other makes of refrigeration combined during the past two years. Say The Marr Grocery Have installed the 4 - 17 th and Market Tel. 1054 S49 Court CI.