The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 08, 1929, Page 25, Image 25

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The 03EGQU STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, December g, 1929
Errnine Expensive but There
Are Other Furs in Im
' pressive Designs
Of course the fairy princess
wrap of white ermine an orig
inal by Lelong is illustrated Just
to show hpw bewitching tbe far
coat ran be as a gift. Not many
of as can hope to find such a
regal contributlon'ln the Christ
mas stocking! But we can dream
about it, imagine onrselves In
other 'latest models, and whj
knows if be' sees it, someone
else may be : so inspired by its
grandeur that he will walk right
oaf and order it duplicated in less
costly far.
Among the fashionable coat
furs he will find that for the
dressier models and more flexible
furs are used, and many are
slightly shaped and flared to con
form somewhat to the princess
lines featured in formal and af
ernoon gowns.
Galyak, which Is pressed eara-
enl, is used Tor both dress and
sports coats, the formal designs
being trimmed with luxurious
furs such as pointed fox, grey fox,
lynx or badger. Galyak comes in
natural, grey, black, beige, tan
and platinum tonest and is also
used for scarves, muffs, pocket
book-muffs and hats.
Another dressy coat far Is
moire broadtail, a pressed fur
which sinulates the wary design
of moire. In grey, black, beige
and browm ibese flexible skins of
Cl ' t i
hm IWrj
l - 7
the Sooth American Iamb are of
fered. ;
Lapin, the outstanding new. fur
of the season, is featured. for all
manner of coats evening wraps,
dress coatf, formal . tailleurs,
sports coats, and also for scarves,
muffs and hats. Somewhat like
beaver, only softer and more flex
ible, it is rarely combined with
other furs. Chle sports models of
this far, of grey. kid. galyak.and
goat akin come in finger-length,
three-Quarters or fair length
types perhaps the smartest be
ing the shorter coats, which are
designed for wear with wool
frocks in harmony. Raccoon, the
former sports favorite, this year
appears more frequently as trim
ming than it does In the usual
cumbersome coat
The Navy and Scarlet of the
Guards, which for years have had
a steady vogue with a certain
group of Eastern society sports
men, have been adopted by one
leading men's shop as the basis of
a smart ensemble. Included are:
Tbe Guards Robe, a tyne suitable
for use In the man's locker room;
In blue flannel trimmed with red.
The Regimental -tie, patterned
after the type worn by all officers
of the . British Guards from the
Prince of Wales himself on down
to the . youngest "leftenanL"
Guard's pajamas In blue broad
cloth with red trimming. English
officer's suspenders in Guards
colors. Slippers of fine blue calf,
lined with red. 'Imported ribbed
wool hose (light weight) - in
Guard's blue with smart red
For those who- do not care for
the contrast ef red with blae
there is the new vogue for differ
ent shades of blue. ; Ensembles tn
this group contain a charming as
sortment, in the Wedgwood Blue
that la preferred by London's
well dressed men.
Included are: A tine flannel
robe in two tones ot blue; two
pajamas, one ot plain bine In two
tones, the other a figured pattern;
two-French back shorts, one of
white Oxford cloth with thin blue
stripes; the other of blue with
white striping. Two pairs of Im
ported lisle socks, one in medium.
the other tn darker Wedgwood
bine. Soft blue kid mules In
harmony with the flannel robe.
Mis iivrr jubojgjio
The" newest things In this direc
tion are fruit forks to go with
-a cocktail set. These are of glass,
shaped like a pencil with a sharp
point, at the top of which is perch
' eda tiny chicken, dog, cat or bird.
And, these eome in gay colon to
i f ; .
1 m" A 1 V
Christmas Carols Suing
Suggestions Are Given
Shortly after dark on Christmas
Eve a. button will be pressed in
Washington which will light the
Presidential Tree situated In Sher
man Square. This will be a signal
for tbe lighting of all other manl
cipal outdoor trees throughout the
country. Similarly, It will be
signal for the general lighting' of
trees and premises of private
homes In every town' and city
where outdoor decorative lighting
is featured as a part of the Christ
mas festivities.
Aad so captivating Is the result
ot exterior lighting that It is hard
to believe it can he so easily ac
complished. Tiny lights and larger
lights with their Christmas-colored
bulbs come already strung,
ready tcgbe hang wherever fancy
directs. There are types that burn
steadily, other types that flash the
lights off and en and if one is
the least bit handy, marvelous star
and wreath and Fairy Land form
ations esq be fasblonel by twin
ning strings of lights about wire
or cardboard frames of different
The lighting sets are sturdy Tit
tle devices, too, and ean be pack
ed away and used again, year aft
er year. The bulbs are maae or
very low wattage, so. they con
sume an Insignificant amount of
electricity. Once you have placed
them where yon thing they will
be most effective, all that remains
to be done Is to connect them with
an electric outlet. If you have an
exterior outlet, go much the bet
ter but It costs very little to have
such an outlet Installed, in case
you are not so fortunate. Or you
may simply runyour connecting
wire through a . window i-and
block up the crack with paper or
cloth, if you won't leave even, a
slst of a tray with a modernistic
center, design, stemmed glass -some
with stubby stems and fine
ly modeled tops, others with frail
stems and stubby tops ndwine
1 A. - . . . . t -
decanters 10 nsicu.
leather straps with a han
dle between conveniently carry
one's robe to the football game,
new friends for this won
Ar(n chv . . . that com-.
bines comfort and style in
fucn unusual
raieTy.wiien .
tiny crack for the crisp winter air
to penerate!
A few imple suggestions which
give very colorful Christmas ef
fects are: - .
1. Substitute a red lamp for
the usual one la the entrace tlx-
tare. and pat a wreath around
t. Place eieetrle eandlea la
Christmas wreaths In - the win
. t. Run colored lights through
trees and shrubbery, oa your
grounds. , ; .
.4. Set Christmas, trees la tubs
in the yard and trim them with
strings of colored lights.
I. Run strings ot colored
lights along the veranda, or fest
oon strings ot them along the
eaves of the house.
f . Place colored lights in flow
er boxes.
7. Twine colored lights In
wreaths or garlands and hang
them in windows or festoon them
against the outside of the house.
8. Mount Illuminated, stars
over the door or on the root of
the house. "
9. Illuminate Christmas trees,
both those used indoors and
those in the yard, with strings ot
tiny electric lights.
10. - Place colored lights, one
red apd one green, in twin sock
ets and place in windows.
II. Hang Illuminated Christ
mas bells in entry windows.
12. And it the thermometer
stands ' at freezing try this for
the outdoor Christmas tree:
Sprinkle the tree with.water aad
when it freezes, twine colored
lights1 in and "out . ot ; branches.
Ton will have the msst grgens
Fairy tree for miles around-
and make, a very small and com
pact piece of baggage, "jfc These
straps when f oldsdT?nit In " a
man's pocket very esilryv-?
The wind may be tempered to
the shorn lamb, bat some of the
stock market speculators cannot
notice It. East-Oregonian, Pen
have something to
say about it
BUYING shoes solely on their chic
appearance, with no regard for foot
comfort, went out of fashion with the
Introduction of the Sclbj Arch Pre
server Shoe.
Jhis shoe brings to American women
not only the anthentic styles of the
moment as created by Pans and, New
York studios but almost unbelievable
foot comfort . . traceable to three
sources, concealed in the shoe . . . the
arch bridge, flat inner sole and meta
tarsal support.
The superb' chic of the new models, now,.
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
LONDON (AP) King Alfonso
ot Spain appears la the role of a
perfect lover in the new life story
of Queen Victoria of Spain just
published. Evelyn Graham, -the
author, Journyed to the royal pal
ace at Madrid and got much ot
his material from the Queen's own
She told how when she was vis
iting her future husband at San
Sebastian she showed a fondness
for tbe luscious oranges sent es
pecially from the South of Spain
tot the royal table. Later she left
for France and the King tele
graphed the Spanish embassy In
Paris to have someone -meet a
train, by which he was sending
some oranges for the Princes.
Aa official was despatched
with baskets large enough to hold
a generous consignment, but his
astonishment- was great- when he ,
saw lifted, from the strain a full-
slsed ora?v) tree' la a tub, Its
branches laden with golden fruit.
During tbe engagement tbe
Spanish King wrote his English
princess every day fa French,
sometimes, It Is revealed, twice a
King Alfonso, while still In his
teens, is said to have declared that
he would marry only a princess
who took his faney. "I want to
love my wife','' he said, and his
marriage is evidence that he ear
ned oat his resolution. -When
Princess Victoria became
the Queen of Spala she was faced
with the problem et the mantilla.
There are thirteen wys of wear
ing tne mntula and the Queen
had several lessons la arranging
the folds of lace. She learned the
are so well that one of the things
which has most endeared her to
the people. was the grace with
which she wore the national head-,
dress and her fondness for it.
Mirror as Gift
Reflects Gaiety
"Little mirror on the wall"
or big mirror, long, qr oval mir
ror each one, with all it might;
reflects back whatever beauty, and
Interest, and motion comes Its
way. A mirror is a sort of magic
picture, changing according to the
light and objects seen in it, at
different angles.
It also gives an Impression of
added spaciousness to a room, be
cause of the vistas ereated by its
A small mirror makes a gay
llKtle, good little gift for one who
unties Its red ribbons and white
wrappings. A larger one, des
tined to be placed on an Impor
tant wall-space, will be a Christ
mas present to the whole family,
in the joy it will bring.
MARSJlLtES (AP)-rCheap-ef
motof transportation, enabling
tourists to hurry to other coun
tries than France, has helped pull
down French hotel receipts says
the local Chamber of Commerce
which found redactions in Paris
hotel business as high as SS per
ost in
hXi& GSuuTi Q m
You Save When
We haven't looked In shini crystal to foretell , your
da yet we have foreaeea that yon want gifts that
charm at moderate prices! So oar stocks have beea as
sembled accordingly. Whether yoa want a so-called prac
tical gift, or one that thrills by Its beauty and rhsrm
yoa will find It at Ward's i
Big Volume Buying
Rock Bottom Prices
Soaad bufclneiM nrlaclalea and KlrhW fft4t hyvm in
'4 every nserehandlse field enable
easterners la oar nine snail order stores aad aearly SOO
retail stores the moaey-eavtag prices that come la the wake
of big volame baring! Yoa save at Ward's!
Use Ward's Lay-Away-Plan
While Everything is Spick and Spaa
Save Yourself the Strata and Stress
of Last-Minute Buying ,
It. Is easier to snake a deelsloa aad buy the right thing
whea yea are neither harried, aor worried, aor tired. That
" ws n wkj war
w-y. a mMtmu uowa payment
wanted. .
: -
Attractive Gift Boxet Free!
With every porehase you are given a decora
tive girt box la which; to park your gift dis
tinctively and attractively, t -
Lamps! for Beauty and Service
Lamps are as necessary to the
C well dressed woman 1 Your
gifts IF:- these yet you only
quaint color combinations . . .
that enhance a room's beauty
Boudoir Lampi
er of the
soft loveliness
Table L amps)
light the way to "homey" evenings! BadiaVe a cosy glow like the ffceer
of aa open fireplace! Ton will find the lamp yoa need here for your
own. particular color scheme. A fine variety of &M JA &09 CA
bases and smart shades.
Men's Pure Silk Hose 49c
A gift which awjr maa win receive with pleasure and wear with sat
isfaction is that of siRc hose. These are of a fine durable weave,
well-shaped feet, la a variety of colors and patterns. .
Gift Special for $1,00
Non-Breakable Fountain Pens
For Men and Women
"WARDRITE" pens have non-breakable barrels j 14-karat gold polata
and gold filled pocket clips. The large slse for men Is 0 8-4 laches long,
open. Ia GREEN RED BLUE MAHOGANY. The medium slse for
women In tbe same smart colors measures 5 8-8 laches, open. YOU PAY
Electric Toasters
TwaBee, taraover toasters. Nickel plated.
Red lumdles. Jk very fine toaater at aa ei
tranery low price. A gift amy Soosewtfe
wOl appreciate. - T-
5 -
f i . 7 Icrth Liberty
You Buy at Ward's
as to give the millions of
mmj'ixwmj ma tw wriiiy
boms your parcnaAee antU
modern home as smart accessories
friends will think you "Ritzie" if you
pay a moderate price at Ward's.
express style and charm by day or aight!
smart with bases fashioned of art uietnJ, and
of parchment or silk. Modernistic designs
meet a variety of needs ... to light a piano key
board . . . brighten a dark corner or an easy chair.
Silk or- parchment shades polychrome or metal
bases in antique gold Of 6 1Q QC
. 4UW to
truly feminine girt I Aad always a
giver. Ivory polychrome and glass
with harmonizing shades of 1 "JC
ItTuf to
Electric Irons
Yoa may 1m assured that y6ur gift
of the best of ita kind 1 yoa give
these 8-year guaranteed Irons.
Telepbone 1435
..I: .1 J
Wool Sweaters
of a Bright Gaiety
In Keeping with
the season
Sweaters la warm bright colors make
roost attractive and "Christmasy" gifts.
Knit' from fine; soft, wool yarns, often
with stripes or modernlstie patterns la
Ismtroas rayon. There are styles to
please everyone slipovers cardigans,
rouad or V-aeck styles. Sisea 86 to 42.
Others at 2.49.
the Practical Gift
Women's umbrellas are very fashionable with
their sixteen ribs aad novelty handles.
Htrong, ha itt root, silk and cottoa tops. In
black aad colors.
Little Umbrellas
for Children
Jutit as smart as Mother's! T-rib, with pretty
haadlee aad taffeta coTertng la various,
bright colors.
Beautiful and Useful!
This Cedar Chest
45 inches long;
19 inches deep
Snrh a chest ha a natural appeal to feminine taste! And
the beauty of fine furniture
Created for Ions; life. Back
Tennessee red cedar . . . front
nand-gralneu reproduction of
Metal Floor Glides National Lock and Key
Other Cedar Chests
to the
bases .
9 A QC
Silk Table Scarfs
A proper setting for a lovely lamp! Closely wovea
f lustrous rayoa and cotton yarns. Medium
heavy weight, with a soft sheen - - OQ
and rich colors
You never can have
as a gift for living
new shapes and unique
A Gift for Bedrooms
SOMETHING NEW A set of two pillow cases and
one sheet with dainty colored borders, fl AO
hemstitched-. Boxed y&JJO
ALL WOOL BLANKETS Colorful block plaids,
Uve, springy wool with sateen bound ends. To
harmonise with any color scheme. 7 1 f"
An Ideal gift . 9
Men's Bathrobes
Are Colorfully Smart
Of Beacon
Blanket Cloth
la one
one of
.Fashioned of Bea
con blaaket eloth :
and finely tailored. '
Spacious . pockets
reinforced seams.
Bright clear color
: combinstioas, bar-,
monlxing rayoa!
cord with tassle. i
- Sixes Si to 4 :
Other Bathrobes
$48 and $11.50
. . . the protection of cedar.
and bottom are of aromatic
is handsomely decorated in a p
French burl walnnt.
$12.95 to $23.45 K
Fancy Pillows
too many I Always welcome
rooms or bedrooms. In many
designs. 00 sQ
A 1 Jk
Saxsm, Ore. j
maictt any sw i. , .. -
Wine sets of German glass coa-