The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1929, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN. JSaiem. Oregon. Friday Honrigg, December 6, 1923
VcrnV Club Now Selling
Christmas Seals in
: Polk County
DALLAS. December R.-'-The
plans t or the sale of Christmas
seals Im Dallas are now complete
aeeavaing to Mrs. Charles N. BI1
yea. local, chairman for the Dal-
tt Woman dub who sponsor the
' eal each year.
Oxh members who will sell
seals In the business district De
- leianer t and 10, are Mrs. Eugene
Harter. Mrs. J. J. Wick. Mrs. W.
I. Femberton, Mrs. H. D. Peter-
am. Mrs. W. L. Soebren, Mrs.
Karl Hlbbard and Mrs. Jack Eak
ia. Ia charge of sales In the in
dustrial district are Mrs. . Earle
. Tfelgfcam and Mrs. XL W. Cruzon.-
December 11, 12 and 13, seals
win be sold by the school chil-
area. to whom prises are siren
for the largest sale In the differ
. : ear grades. The woman's club are
, giving three pictures to the grades
ia the primary school with the
largest sale. In the Junior .high
: school two pictures will be award
ed, oae giren by the Dallas Na
tional bank and the other by the
. Bayter bookstore.
la addition to the sale In Dal
las, Mrs. Bilyeu announces that
seals la will be sold In a number
of school districts by the follow
." lag chairman r Oakgrore, Mrs.
Frank Fawk; Oakpoint, Mrs. Joe
Rodger. Oakdale. ;; Mrs. ... Laura
Fisher, Pioneer, Mrs. Mark BlooV
gett, Perrydale, J. C. Ryan; Rick-
realL Mrs. Hersbel Wait; Brush
College, Mrs., Charles McCarter;
Spring Valler. Mrs. Frank Wind
sor; Willamette valley camp. Miss
Eugene 8omers, Alrlle, Mrs. Ruby
Byerly. Nearly all of these people
assisted with the sale last year.
SILVERTON,- December -E.
The Busy Bee society of Trinity
church took In the sum of $90.00
at Us annual sale and social held
Tuesday evening. This society is
composed of little girls from six
to, 14 years. Thp girls hold meet
ings Saturday afternoon and do
housework under the supervision
of their elders. This hand work Is
then sold and the girls give the
proceeds toward some, church ex
pense. Besides the auction' of
handwork, the girls sold suppers,
candy and managed a fishpond
Tuesday evening.
A short, program composed of
two songs by the junior choir, a
riolin solo by Viola Viglund and a
piano solo by Genlev Williams
preceeded the auction.
PEDEE, December 5. Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Siddall are rejoicing
over the arrival of a new girl at
their home. Mother and daughter
are doing fine' under the care of
Mrs. Walter Maifield. .
senior class of 1131 ia putting on
a four act play at the high school
auditorium at Aumsville on Fri
day, December" 13 at 8 o'clock.
The name of the play Is "A Prai
rie Rose" and the cast Is as fol
lows: Rose Wilder, Mathilda Hlgh
berger; Dr. Robert Raymond,
John Prospal; Archie Feather
head, "Rosa Clark; Silas Wilder,
Everett Kaiser; Eliza Jane 8 lo
cum, Tronne Pickell; Phillip Brt
ant, Harold Witeraft; Bill Brlggs,
Verne Chamberlin; Mose. Bern
ard Lebold; Ralph. Wilder. Eu
gene Richards; Dorothy Deane.
Adele Amort; Agnes Raymond.
Mabel Sherman.
Reset-red seats are now on sale
at the high schooL
Normal Instructor
Is Back From
National Meeting
MONMOUTH, Dec. 5. Miss Ed
na Mingus head of the depart
ment of English at the Oregon
Normal school, returned today
from Kansas City, Mo., where she
attended the -National Council of
English teachers which met at
that place daring the Thanksgiv
ing vacation. Miss Mingus appear
ed on the program with the topic.
"Tendencies, la Itoiilali Wta
lag., -'- - - . .
W. W. Hatfield, secretary of the
National council, and head of the
English department of the Chica
go Normal college invited Miss
Mingus to attend the meeting and
participate la the program. She
reports a very beneficial assembly
from the standpoint of English
educational problems.
Christmas cards with or with
out engraving or printing, at The
The handsome rimless,
glasses fitted here will al
leviate strain and improve
one's appearance. Good oc
ular service pays in greater
comfort and increased ef
ficiency. Let us advise you in the
care of your eyes.
It is our intention within the next few weeks to close out our
entire stock of merchandise and quit the furniture business, and
to do so, have made very very low prices on everything. You will
save many dollars on furniture, rugs and linoleums by coming to
us before you buy.
Big Bargains in Davenports
Bed Room Suites
Dining Room Suites
Dinette Tables
T a-
Springs, Beds
Child's Cribs
Baby Carriages
Doll Carts
Smoking Stands
Still have splendid assort
nrent of Rugs and at money
saving prices. Linoleums
nearly closed out, but if we
have what you want, the
price will be very low.
Fancy End Tables
Davenport Tables
Cogswell Chairs
Rocking Chairs
Straight Chairs
". . .
North High Street
Of High Grade
Gift Shirts
Stofftte Texas' att O a. nsa. Pflaca to Cpo Mqsq
There are six hundred shirts la this fine group, the
regular high, standard quality and workmanship of
Arrow, Emery, Argonaut and Earl and Wilson. Made
with collar attached, collar to match and neckband
style fa fine broadcloths, rayon, poplins, satin striped
madras, la fact every desirable material. The pat
tens are fresh, bright looking, plain and figured de
sigas ia every wanted color. Ia all Salem there la
no shirt event like this. This la the fines groopfas;
of shirts ever offered by this store at reduced prices.
Reg. S&BO, $4.00, f5.00, fd.OO valves at
1 3 for $7.50
Regular $2.00, $20, $3.00 values. Four hund
red In this splendid group. Collar attached, col
lar to match and neckband styles, all the latest
figured patterns -are embraced in this showing.
Materials are broadcloth, madras and percale.
Conveniently arranged on tables with sizes sep
arated to make selection quick and easy. SALE
3 for $4.50
A Companion Sale of Fine
Every shirt should have a tie to match it so we
offer a big assortment of regular $1.50, $2.00
fine quality imported and domestic silk ties to
go with the shirt sale. Beautiful colors, splendid
materials. On sale at
Only 20 Days
until Christmas
n rs
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