The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 30, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salegj, Oregon, Satarday Morning, November SO, 1929
Church News wv. Si of the Week
Formal Dedication of New
Church of God Building
Early in April
If tentative .plans materialize,
probably the first Sunday In
April will see formal dedication
of the new Church of God edifice,
now under construction at the cor-
uer of Hood and North Cottage
streets. The old bonding on
' North Church between Hood and
Gaines has been inadequate to
handle the church work for sev
eral years, but not until about a
month ago did construction on the
new building begin, when ReT. O.
W. Hatch, pastor, James Davis, L.
B. Hafterson and Lyle Knox were
named a building committee to
proceed with the work.
The new structure, 36 feet wide
and 60 feet long, has been de
signed not only with a Tiew to
convenience and attractiveness,
but also with an eye to future
growth of the church. The main
auditorium will accommodate 120
nersons. with four classrooms, two
in the balcony and two below the
balcony at the rear of the audi
torium, readily converted into a
parf of the main assembly hall
when so needed. This will give a
seating capacity of about 300. In
addition to these four classrooms,
12 others are provided for in the
x I 1 I --
epeciiicaiions, including ibui u
the basement and four, two' on a
side and one above the other. At
r!ght and left of the pulpit. Only
five of the basement classrooms
will be finished at present.
Adding to the attractiveness of
the interior will be the arched
pulpit. The choir loft will be on a
slightly lower level than the pul
pit. A baptistry will be added at
the back of the pulpit at a later
time. Besides classrooms, in the
basement will be found a kitchen,
rest rooms and a furnace room. A
hit air heating plant will be
Much of the construction work
Is being handled by the members
of the congregation through do
nations, with but one contract
let, that to G. M Douglas for the
first exterior work. L. L. Jensen,
local architect, designed the
church building.
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Of Methodist Group
To be Held Thursday
The Bi-Monthly Church Night
program will be held in the First
Methodist church on next Thurs
day evening. The organized adult
Bible classes of the church school
will prepare and serve a potluck
dinner at :30 o'clock. Tables
will be spread and new members
and visitors will be Introduced.
Rer. Fred C. Taylor, the pastor,
will conduct a devotional worship
half-hour at 7:30 o'clock. The
bible study will be the 72 nd
Psalm, "David's Prayer for' Sol
omon." At the close of the
church service the Joint class
committee with O. W. Emmons as
chairman will present a program
otf general chnreh work for dis
cussion. Entertainment will
close the church Bight program.
Picture to he Shown
At Church Sunday Night
Declared Splendid One
"Women Who Dare." the mov
ing picture to be used In connec
tion with a sermon on the Talents
Sunday evening at the First Con
gregational church, is a splendid
story of a daughter of wealth
who ' defied her father because
she wanted to be useful.. Not con
tent to be merely a spender, the
heroine (played by Helene Chad
Wick), became a nurse and set to
work in a hospital In. the slums
of New York. Under a pseudonym
the daughter writes newspaper
articles exposing the foul slums
out of which her father's wealth
is made. The parts are splendidly
played by all in the cast.
Visions andMountainTops
-(Pastor, Ford Memorial (immunity Church, West Salem)
Text Isaiah 6:8. Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then said. I, Here am I, send me.
Youth is pre-eminently the time for visions. Then the fu
ture is rosy. With great expectations we look for the new and
thereat. Visions are mountain-top experiences. They lift ns
above the material and immediate and help us to see life as tt I
over years of time and perhaps Into the eternities.- Visions moti
vate a life with high ideals, change a drab existence into a rosy
one, give hard tasks a definite meaning, and, makTextraordlnary
people out of ordinary ones. Without vision the-people perish.
The visionless soul is the dead soul. As far as he is concerned
the people about him are perishing. - .-i
The careless and thoughtless do not receive visions of any
ort much 'ess religious visions. This experience came to
Isaiah because he was a thoughtful seeker for God through the
religious service of his day. His vision came in the temple serv
ice. Most vital religious experiences come directly or indirectly
through purposeful attendance of the church services.. Isaiah
went to church seeking God and' there he found Him.
Possibly no one else saw what Isaiah did that day. But for
him the presence, majesty, glory, power, and holiness of God
iwere more real than anything else In the temple. Snch experi
ences come to different people in different ways Paul's call
cam through a light and a TOice, Moses came through a burn
ing bush. To. many people In many.ways God may reveal him
self bnt when he does H Is the most real experience in that
person's life. Isaiah never got over this vision. For nearly 40
years be was the leading religions voice of a great people. To
"daythe world Is still being influenced by that vision.
The revelation of God brought ttf Isaiah a sense C and re
pentance for his own sin and that of his people. -The lack of
the sens of God. in people's lives dull their sense of sinand
makes sinning easy, Isaiah's agony for his sin brought deansinj
for him. The call to service had been soanding- all the while,
but he had not heard It because ot sin. - A sense of God and a
sense of cleansing from sin always follows with a glad offering
of onrselres In his serrlce. .
II I 1 MA Stf !-- r Mill tt.Mia I r i
-Minto feertnree; n Saltm Cfiiirriies UfflMU MUM
Corner Capitol and Marion afreets. W.
O. Lienkaemper, pastor; Pho-na 608-W.
Uermaa aerv tea 10 clock; tabject: 'Tha
Christian Homo ia Modern World."
EngKah act ie 11 o'clock; subject; 'The
Heavenly Home." Sunday aebool 10 a. m.
F. E. Kroae, top.
Affiliated with the Assemblies of God.
Corner 13ta and Ferry treats. Earle T.
Jennraea, pastor. Phono 2050-Is". After
noon aorvieo at o'clock. Preaching and
communion aerrieo. ' Erening aerviee 7:5
o'clock. Gospel aoaga and sermon. Sun
day school, 1:45 afternoon. W. B. Finney,
asp. Children' charcb 6:30 p. m. Mi si
Iorcno Pryor lending. Midweek meetings:
Tuesday night 7:45. Topical Biblo study;
Wednesday afternoon at 2: JO, prayer
meeting; Thursday niffct, fellow-hip and
praise. Evangelist A. J. Kdwarda of 1m
Angeles ia to preach; Satarday night.
Young People's service. And nil welcome
to every meeting.
Cor. 8taU and Church streets. P. C.
Taylor, pastor.. Phono 974. Morning aerr
ieo 11 o'clock; subject: "Singing in the
Shadows." Special music: Anthem. "The
Lord is My Shepherd." MacFarren; nolo
by R. D. Barton. Evening service 7:80
o'clock; subject: "Isaiah, tha Man of
Consecration.' Special matte: Anthem.
"O Praise the Lord. O Jerusalem," by
Clark, -and aolo. "I Come to Thee," by
Caro Bone, Mrs. Charles Swan. Sunday
school 9:45 s. nt.; Ben E. Rickli, tapt.
Midweek services 7:30 p. Thursday.
Psa. 73 "David's Prayer for Solomon."
Epworth Leagueo; University chapter at
6:80 p. m. First henren. chapter. Drama
tisation From Cover to Cover." Junior
high chapter. "What Did." Mart
an Johnston. Kursery in charge of Mrs.
r. u. uimer ana Mr. H. D. MrMillin.
Junior church in Annex 11; Miss Suther
land, lender. 1
K. 17th and Nebraska streets. L. W.
Biddle, pastor. Phone 2623. Morning serv
ice 10:45 e'elock. Subject: "The Nico
tine Distillery." Combined Sunday school
and chnreh service. Special music by
children' a division at Sunday school. Eve
ning service 7:30 o'clock; subject :
"Status nnd , Prospects ef the City
Chnreh." Sunday acheol 10 a. m.; Help
your class win the contest. Midweek serv
ices: 7:30 p. m.. Thursday; the pastor,
leader. Topic: "The Holy Spirit in the
r.y vnurco. loung people a s p,stor- PhoBe m.j
:o0 p. ra. Leader, Miss Catheryafu e'elock- subject "
wa.uo.cj. ,Vf. nil; AO VWIBIMUli;
a Missionary Religion V Woman's Aid
society meets Wednesday.
19th and Ferry streets. H-. C. Stover,
psstor. Phone 1929. Morning service, 11
o'clock; subject: "The Christian and
Hit Friends." Special music: "jJy Task"
(Ashford). Evening service 7:30 o'clock:
subject: "The Spirit ef Christ." Special
music: Anthem "Coma I nto Me. (Wil
ton). Sunday school ,10 a. m.; C. C.
Harris, tupt Young people's meetings:
6:45 Sunday evening, f
253 Court street. Psstor: C. S. John
son; res., laZO N. Front. Services 3 tnd
7:30 p. m. Sunday school 2 p.m. Week
day services: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat:
nrday evenings.
Msrion and Liberty streets. Robert L.
Payne, pastor. Phone 1920. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock; snbject: "Atonement."
Evening service, 7:30 o'clock: subject:
Third sermon in series from Sermon on
the Mt'Special mui,ic: Chorus choir and
orchestra. Sunday ichool 11 a. as.; Fred
Eroer, supt. Midweek service 7:80 p. m.
Wednesday. Three groups young people
meeting at 6:80 Sunday evening. Teach
trsttudy el ait 7:80 p. m. Tuesday. The
ordinance of baptism will be administered
at the evening service.
-Xorth lota and "A" itreeti. Block
north of Old People's home;; H. W.
wross. pastor. Engliah aerviee S:4S
e'elock; German aerviee st 11 with Holy
eessmanioa preparatory service at 10:45.
Sunday school 9 a. m.
Center and Liberty streets. Charles E.
Ward, pastor. Meraing service 11 o'clock;
subject; Sermon by Dr. Fred Gray ef
Seattle. Evening aerviee 7:80 e'elock;
tnbieet: "The Parable ef tha Talents,"
illustrated by tha moving picture: "Wom
en Who Dare." Sunday school t:45 h. m.
P. B. Keer. sept. Midweek service 7:30
p. m Wednesday; A study . ef the
Pea lms.
North Cottage and D streets. 0. W.
Batseh. psstor. G. Sehnnke, ass t min
ister. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sam
Schirman, supt. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Sermon topic: "A Prayer for
Spiritual Awakening." The Lord's Sup
per following' the morning service. 8ervice
at 7:80 p. m. will be in the hands at
tha Toang People. Dan Schirman, pres.
Regular midweek prayer service at 8:00
p. m., Wednesday.
Kow located in the Bbdgers bnilding,
High and Perry streets. 8undsy school
st 8:43 a. m. All classea graded. Preach
ing services 10:50 s. m. snd 7:30 p. m.
Preaching services 10:50 a. . and 7:30
p. m. A. M., "Oar Task." Gospel song
by ehoir. P. M "A forgotten Vow."
Special mnsie by choir. Sunday will be
the closing meeting of the school of
missions. The hand ef fellowship will be
extended at the morning service. W. Earl
Cochran, pastor.
North Winter and Jefferson streets.
Harry E. Gardner, pastor. 800 Jefferson.
Missionary 8 u a d a y throughout tha
church. Church school at 9:45 by de
partments. Missionary thought developed
and tha offering given to missions. Wor-
--- i i
Wp' at 11 a. m. Missionary ia character I
ana on sea on t-e address I Job a
Mott, ia which aa gars hit impressions
ef the world's attitude toward Christina-
ity and Ohrist. It be ins- White Cm San-
day a special offering for the MarahfieM I
ovauMi wiu no ta-en. ni p. m serv l
tee will be held at the girl's school.
oaar folk are invited. At 6:30. Chnreh I
fomm, Tenng People. High School axj I
Intermediate Lean will ho i-
fvenmg praise service begias at 7:90
witawtperial marie provisions of interest
Orchard Heights Bond. Meredith . A.
Grave, paster. Morning service 11:00
t'elock; mbject: "Partaker." Th com--nnloa
service wHI be held with the help
of Mow. Warren. Tha poster. Rev. M. A.
Proves, preaching. Sunday school 10:40
a. mu; Larkia Grice, tapt.
(West Salem)
. Corner Gerth end Third streets. Mere-
dith A.- Groves, pastor. Phone 1546-M.
Morning service, 11 e'elock. A men's gee-
pet sensn i rem etue ennrca preaching. I
vecai aaei ay Mr. nnd Mrs. E. V. Kese-1
man. Eveninr service 7 :30 o'clock ana. I
ject: A musical program and a pageant.
"The Challenge ef the Cross" will be
riven at this hoar. Special musio will
include numbers by both the junior and
senior choirs nnd ether numbers local and
eotaide talent Sunday school 9:45 a. m.;
Mrs. J. L. Aostia, supt Midweek services
I :l p. m, Wednesday; the pastor, lead
er; piaeo
Epworth ' loarua room. Tonne I
people's meetings; Intermediate and Seal-
er leasnes at 6:80 p. m.
Seventeenth and Court streets. B. F.
Shoemaker, pester. S44 X. 18th. Phone I
1576-J. Meraing service. 11 o'clock; Law- I
renee Bartlett preaching. Evening aerv-I
tea 7:bu o clock; a varied program of I
snort talks and muiie. Sunday acbeol
9:45 a. an.; Mrs. Frank Marshall, tapt
Midweek service 7:30 p. m.. Wednesday
and choir rehearsal. Christian Endeavor
at Junior meetings Sunday 6:30 p.
Church and " Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Geo. H. Swift, rector. Holy commnnioar
7:30 a. at. Holy Eucharist and sermon 11
a. m.: Church school 9:45 a. ra. Services
Wednesday 7:30 p. m., with confirmation
instruction. Tuesday, children's class at
3:45 p. m.
Liberty, and Center streets. A. P. Lay-
Morninr service I
After ThanltsriT-
inc. What!'
Evening service 7:10
. 1 al.A rren.. A . .211 1 1
oi uie eventnr service. The orchestra Willi
fomish the mnsie nnd number ef the I
youns people will sinr special Miectiona. congregation will be held Thurs- First practice for the Christ
frrJl4!? day night at 7:30 o'clock. mas concert which the church is
Thnrsdav: g. n. Thomnson. annt Mid. I
week services 7:80 p Thursday; O.
N. Thompson, leader: alsee. at ahnreb.
Toanf people's meeting Sunday eveBinr
o:30. Topic: "Why It Chnstiaaity a
Missionary Belirionl" Barilla Phelps,
North Winter and Chemeketa streets.
Norma K. Tully, D. D pastor.- Mera
ing aerviee, 11 e'elock; subject: "Jesns
Teaches Us to Give." Matt. 5:42. Special
mnsie: Anthem, "Lord ef Love" (Hall);
Solo. "Bat the Lord It Mindful ef His
Own" (Mendelssohn), Mist Thelma Da
vis. Organ numbers : "Maestoso" (Mc
Dowell) ; "Jubilate Dee" (Lorat). Eve
ning service, 7:80 o'clock; aabjeet:
"Harnessing the Caveman," I Cor. tt37.
A 15-miaate prelnde ef organ mnsie.
Prat Churchill wUl nlnv: "Te a, Wild
Boaa" MeDowain; "ii Taiiirti" w I
tiagar): "ia Moonlight ' (Kinder). ,jaTi December S. at 2: SO o'clock Taylor, pastor, will lead the de
HAVnmJ)B,rJ.da? !d.M at the home of Miss Bertha Van Totional period. Mrs. E. B. Gilbert
L M. Bmsfe, sup Midweek MrV- Cleare. 140 North 17th. will have charge of the lesson
icet 7:80 p. .; Thursday; Dr. Tally,' I
loader. Christisa Endeavor societies meet 1
as e:v p. m. i
Leslie 14XM0BIAL I
, I
(Methodist Episcopal)
Bonth Commercial and Ml era atreeta. 1
MoraeATeTTie'cleikf b: "If;
As Mush." Special mnsie: "Delight Thy-1
self la the Lord" (Wilson), by the ebeir. I
Evening service, 7:30 e'elock; tnbieet: I
My Messenger." Sunday school :45 I
E. d. Ro semen, supt. Midweek I
services 7:30 p. t, Thursday. Leslie I
( Taang people). Francis Asbury (High
school) nnd Intermediate (Junior high)
leagaet meet at 6:30 e'elock.
Market and N. Winter streets. W. X.
Coffee, pastor. Phono 3296-W. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Evening aerviee 8:00
o'clock. Song service at 7:80 led by Ed
na Haatea. Sunday school S:4t a. m.;
Herbert Hansen, tupt. Midweek serv ices
place, shnreh. Young' people 'a meetings:
:30 Sunday evening. Opening ef thank I .. h lh .hntr -, .... I open to the public Saturday 0V
oforane boxea. Martha. Coolev in eharse. I mn81c DT lne CnOir UO t Sermon I r
rraternal Temple oa Ceater street, be -
tween Liberty and High. Services at 7
p. as. In the absence of tha regular.
tor. William A. DelselL vice president
the state spiritualist association, win be
tna apeaser.. xepie: ine ait ei Bor
row." Mesaaget. A circle will be held
Sunday evening from 4 to 7 o'clock.
Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Ret
M. Ferrer, . minister. Church school at
10 a. m. W. Ev Fetdmaa tupt. Subject
of aermoa: "Tha Will to Do." Mrs. M,
Perrey will ting. "Consider and Hear
Me," by Pfluger Mrs. W. A. Dentoa at
the piano.
Thirteenth and Center streets. P. 3.
Sebnart, pastor. 774 North Winter street.
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning
worship at 11 e'elock. German. Evening
worship at 7:80 o'clock. English.
Highland and Church atreeta. Edgar P.
Sims, pastor. .Morning- aerviee. 11 o'clock;
subject: "Purpose of the Sespel Mess
age. Special music by students home
front Portland Sible School. Evening terv-
Ice 7:30, e'elock; subject: "Pes!ti and
Power ef Satan." Special maaio
Men's Chorus. Sunday school 10 a. m.;
Karl M. Beck alt, tupt. Midweek service:
7:30 p. m.; Thnrtdsy. Tfa pastor, leader.
riaee, the church. Jr. V. . at 5:80 p.
Sr. O. E. at :S0 p. m.
. limtnn TiTfiirii i
Chmroh street between Chemeketa aa
Center streets. Bev. P. W. Erik sen, pat-
.JreZLl:. J T .V "lir
etonnrv Hr." Th choir win at., u..
anthem -at the morning service aaa the
large eaerea eaeraa will pat oa a song
aerviee at the evening service. William
service at use evening aerviee. wiuiam
McGilenri. director of music B-nda,
teheel at :45. Max Gehlhar. tups. The
senior and intermediate Lather leagues
meet at 6:30.
t Four-Fold Gospel Church)
WPv I afUA ayrja 1 Ba UIUUI Wm
tnr Phoaa 228S-R. fnd afhl il
655 Perry street. Louise PianeQ, pat-
!n45o-JSlJEtJ'SZrS fi,Mitr
ail ages. Morning sermon at 11 a clock.
Subject: "The Gifta of the spirit." Solo
by Miss Eivina Oraw. t. p. a. at :3o
"J . " Ti TBn, -
gtlittia servkt at 7:30. Happy song aerv -
ice ia charge of the young people. Sub
o0d- 8ub -
ject of sermon : "The Power ef Choice."
Prayer- and Fello tbie meeting Tuesday
night' T. P. eettage -teeting Thurs
day night at the home of Irene Wallace.
Class ia' Prophecy.: Friday aignt from
T:45 8:45. Junior T. P. S. Saturday
alternoo at a e eloek.
.. "Aacleat. and Madera ,XacMaaey,
alias Blestnerism snd Hypaetisas. De
nounced." Church at earner ef Liberty
and Chemeketa ; services at n, a. w. aad
a p. at.: aerviee repeated ta the evening,
ESS ir-r.l-tt
classes for pupils np te the g
years at :. and ii e'eieek. a. reading
TJ.e p"h,K,8 if i0?4?to,t
aayalSsd heTidarr! " :? fT"
- ' . f I
e-?81???? ? .v3? lfMSU!a9.S.
, sS, Td. tout pisST Phe Md$
.Maraiag sarvies u e'tiotk; , suijtet:
"The General Assembly in Heaven." The
ra t Supper win be served at thin serv-
lea. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; sub-
jeet: "A Veiee from Eternity." MUs
Lea Ella Hum of Tnrtlan4 will at.. .
sole. The Hof ejr Evaagelistie Singers will
stag, craaaay seaool :a a. aa r, 3i.
Litwiller, sic. Free Bus for gnnday
school. Midweek nerviest 7:10 n. m.
Wednesday ; pastor. Wader; place, church.
xonng people a meeunca: Sunday 4:30
Mist Then Sampson, president. Mrs.
C. M. Litwiller, leader. Missionary serv
ice. Mrs. Smith will Meet the children
for a missionary study ot S:SO. Toang
peoplo'a prayer meeting Friday evening
following choir practice which Beets at
7:30 Friday might
W1 ana Castor atroata. D. J. Hna
puter. Phone lt3S J. Meraing service 11
e'elock. 8bieet: "The Mission of Jews.
Evening service 7:SO o'clock; subject:
"Christianity, the Solution ef the World's
Problems." Choir rehearsal Tmhrsday at
7:80 p. m. Sunday aeKool t:45 a. m. ;
Beaten, tupt Midweek services
p. uessewsj, prayer anu oioio
sway, innsuaa caoeavor a:su p.
The several societies will meet in
spectivo rooms. Miss Lois Plammer, or- i
gnnist. Miss Florence Howe, director ef
iui ic
Fifteenth and Mill streets. Leslie B.
Bailey, pastor. Morning service 11:00
o'clock: subject: "Healing Waters."
Evening service 7:30 o'clock: snbject:
""The Constant Christ'." Sunday school
-11:45 a. m.; Mist Esther Erickton, supt.
I Midweek services 7:50 p. m Wednes-
darl Mov. ailev and Mrs. Gentry. lead-
era; ptaee, nt the church. Epworth league I
at 6:30 p. m. Prof. Loekenour will speak
aa Korea. After the church service! be
will shew pictures ef China.
Missionary Society
To Meet Wednesday
Plan Junior Session
The Women's Foreign Mission
ary society of the Jason Lee Me
morial church will meet Wednes-
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the home of Mrs Arthur Lewis,
1897 Center street. Mrs. Follon
will "have charge of the devotions I
nnd Mrs. D. O. Lear will lead the
iMIA. rllnr-naninn I
iaiu-awa muuun, uuv j
and choir practice of the church I
A. meeting of all Juniors Inter- I
ested In the King's Heralds win
be held Friday after school at the I
home of Mrs. M. Devore, 1940
North Chnreh street. Miss Eva
Beatty will have charge of the
meeting. I
Castle United Brethren
oct sir rati ? nn
'-r -
To Meet Next Tuesday
. i
The Women's Missionary so-
Hetw f rajitu TTnited Brethren
a. , einis n
cnurcn, mn ana XMeorasKa. win i
hnM Ita TWwemher meetinar Thurs-
Mrs. L. W. Biddle will conduct
.v. KlBna MMinn. with Mrs. J.
, ..... javaHaa. i
J.1I15 AAA tuaiiia wa, iiv uwvvtvitai I
which will include a nlcture in-
farnretntlnn 'The Arrival of that
i i . i 4 i
the Manger. sang by Ruth AUce
Grant, accompanied by Mrs. Bid-1
ji. Tka nrnmm ontltlAii "The
... - 1-- v.
-niiuie xdgauiiB; wiu ve
la charge of Mrs. O. A. Chase.
Any woman of the community
who is interested Is welcome to 1
attend this meeting.
Dr. McCormick to Talk
At Turner Methodist
Church Sunday Evening
I TURNER. Not. 21 Special
1 . 1 -w TV W.
I fr.rrhlr.h- rlenn nt thai Klmhall
1 QntAni r tv,oio- ,
1 Cormlck Will lecture on
PioctiT,o' ni iiAhAva aiMoo
Uken in the Holy find. Miss
Eleanor Moore ot Salem will sing
a solo.
The Methodist brotherhood is
planning to organize a nnit at
Turner- at a meeting to be held
Wednesday, December 4. Sever
al out ot town speakers are sched
uled to appear and the Ladies Aid
will serve supper.
Sunday School Officers
TO Meet Monday Night
Sunday school teachers and of-
ficers of the Calvary Baptist
ihnrrri will moot at the chnreh
r -,, ,f ... .
?IondT 10 0 clock
for a conference session. Other
meetings scheduled by the various
groups of the church for the week
lw tiiis 4 Via TX7u1j1 TTTi 4 a f,,tl,J
session to be held Tuesday night
at 7:30 o clock at the home of
Miss Zelda Harlan, 22S Superior,
Choir rehearsal will be held
Thursday evening. The choir is
I preparing to present a Christ-
nnas cantata, "King of Kings."
i n wey
tT 10671031 IfOniCTI
si a a w
Planmnv Annuel Rnrnnr
Thi wrr.rr.on 7r
hvtHAn rhnroh win .r,M tfioiv- on.
nnaT hnraar and rfnn Wr1new
1 - waea wwm v- w
dlr TlsMmW 1 Thrn will slut
D .1b-c- served at the church
,,. . .
Promptly at noon. Tickets for
the dinner at 6:30 o'clock are 60
lcenis, ana-snouia oe securea-ai
l ,,,- . .
1 ww . v. v v
Aid society. Or call Mrs. W. A.
Schultx. 1S17J or Mrs. E. E.
Ling :8:w..
Chaneed-Location Fails
T&Hdt Church Interest
Although tha Calvary Baptist
church met in new quarters -for
the first time last Sunday, more
2Q0.oweT f atten-
daiice l BerTlces- The new
church home has a seating caps-
etty. of 400 persoqa. its full use
ot rooms of tha wings la employ-
hv9 A KTvf IAA abIVhB-l a K tl C We ah
belli Installed this week; a large
'f" ?nd"or Ue8?, wer
liaised In short order recentl v.
: .i.. o a ..u. l.ti.0. ii,. tures and movinr nlctarea mt the
jUg- I uv3 Miiuutljvj w vaiiUBj ova w a-vwsp ctk .aava ; -
of I Methodist church here. Dr. Mc yu" .OB"ir" r".f
West Salem Congregation
-Plans Special Services r
For Meetings Sunday
Two services that are different
will be held Sunday at the 'Ford
Memorial chnreh in West Salem,
reports the pastor. Rev. Meredith
A ffAWAa Ta 4ra aMAwnlflaT eh
- - . w 7. , "
P team irom toe lBSiie aemw-
lal chnreh will conduct the serT-
ices, and Sunday evening s pro
gram and music will be given as
Piano solo. Variations of Rock
of Ages, by Miss Ruth Reese. .
Hymn, "All Hail The Power Of
Jesus Name," congregation.
Chorus, "Stand Up For Jesus,
by the choir.
Vocal solo, "How Beautiful Up
on the Mountains," Harkness, by
Miss Ruth Bedford.
Vocal ttio by Junior Sebern,
Winston and Jack Gosser.
Chorus, "Jesus Is Mine," by
Chorus, "God Is Love," by the
Junior CUOlr.
Vocal solo, by Mrs. Guy New-
Vocal duet. "Silent Voice." by
Miss Alice Creasy and Miss Hope
Vocal solo, "He Knows the
Way," by R. A. Raymond.
Pageant, "The Challenge of the
Cross," .Miss Hope Raymond,
The Ladies' Aid of the church
will hold a bazaar and rummage
sale Friday and Saturday, Decem-
ber and 7. Supper will be
served at o'clock Friday eve-
ning, for which tickets are now
on Bale. A business meeting for
nrenaration for the event will be
helrl Wednesdav afternoon at the
uun . . "
Third street.
planning will be held at me
chnreh Wednesday evening, begin
ning at 8 : 1 Jen' clock.
Sodet V Plant Receotion
y ar . ne- I . J 41 La
m o new memucTS ana uut
Shower For Old People
Tit a Wnmnn'a Hnm MlsRinnnrv
iBoclety ot the First Methodist
eaurcn wui meer. on w eaneaaay
anernoon in am caurcn panora.
This win DO a reception to we
anV ma.lwnKaT.ra WhA huTm KmboB VI ftfL.
r. " "
ceivea mis iau. ine Key. f v-
I program, xnrs. b. i. uarnes ana
la committee Of the ladies will
larva te at
the close of the
- w w -
One of the features Of the after-
I wttt ha "Wllto BhAa,'
for the Methodist Old People's
Home, when gift or sheets, pn
I low eaaes. towels, dresser scarfs
1 j .i .1.11 i.i -111
1 auiu uuiw suuiw uiaiuu,
be presented by those present.
Young People's Meeting.
To bast Through Sunday;
Rev. Fred Grey to Preach
The state young people's insti
tute will continue its sessions ot-
weekend with a meeting
I M 11 1 II Z a 1 f.U ML PURL 1'UUKl
tional Church. This SOSSlOB Will
111 fo.tnra inemae some scenic moving pie-
Life lnTn6 closing session of the Insti-
I. a . m . a aea .
mte win Do neio at z:su bunaay
afternoon with Rer. Fred Grey of
Seattle in charge.
Two Church Groups Plan
Meetings During Week
. The ctrurch school board of
First Methodist church will meet
on Monday evening for its month
ly business session. Superinten
dent Ben E. Rickli will nreside,
ladies ot the Yomarco Bible
class of the church will meet on
Ti' tl"1
-"""'"',. "
OirAiTAAAeliAle ASA I 0 Xa V am, w lit
aet as assistant hostess, Mrs. W
M. Pennington, the president of
the class will preside at the bus
iness session.
I m "MM ff 'm
Free WlethodtSt Women
Will Meet Tuesday
The Woman's Missionary so
ciety of the Free Methodist
church will hold the regular
monthly business meeting at the
home of Lillian Iorns, 980 N.
18th street Tnesdav afternoon at
S o'clock. Mrs. iorns will con
nduct the devotionals. The presi-
dent. MaTT F. COtf ee -Will have B
parliamentary drill. Lela Bar.ham
will hold the mission Study Class,
OS t& third Chapter OX PTOm
Jerusalem to Jerusalem."
IfOClfnOl 1, 1L K. BlOlC
, i
I fief Tn AIf ' IV 0ittt0dnV
I 0mmmwm m w mw
The women of the T. K. K.
Bible class will meet with Mrs.
J. D. McCormick, 1131 Marlon, on
Tuesday) afternoon, . Mrs. C. R.
Monk will assist Mrs. McCormick.
Mrs. . Paul H. Acton is president
of this group which is sponsoring
the nursery which., is being con
ducted in the church every Sun-
day morning during the morning
worship, serrlce, ; , .
. Ti-stees to Meet
A meeting of the board of trus-
tees of the First Congregational
aVtmaVl V en a ft Ail aWfl 11 Al jf vi
day evening, beginning at 7:30
o'clock. U. member, ara urged
to be present.
Sclem District
Young Leaguers
Gathering Today
Intermediate Epworth
Leaguers from all sections
of the Salem district will
meet at the First Methodist
church here today turf to
morrow for a rally .auxl dis
cussion of jroauta; people's
Rectetiwiloai wtU take
place at 10 o'clock oa Satforw
day months g, avatd dlaaasiom
groups will be held for the
Leaguers and sponsors dur
ing the day.
A supper will be served
for the group in the evening
nd a party and general
good time will follow. Miss
Percle Miles, the district
president , .of Intermediate
League, Is ia charge of the
plans.. Delegates from a
number ot neighboring
towns are expected.
Many Christmas
Events Planned
By Leslie Group
Christmas is to be observed at
Leslie Memorial church on the
Sunday evenings throughout the
month of December. On- the first
Sunday, the pastor will speak on
"My Messenger.' On the second
Sunday evening he has chosen for
his subject, "The Christmas Vil
lain." "Dust ot the Road," a Christ
mas play, by Kenneth Sawyer
Goodman, is to be presented by
Francis Asbury league on Decem
ber 15. This play appears in "Re
ligious Dramas 1924," and was
selected for this publication by
the committee on religious drama
of the Federal Council ot Church
es of Christ In America.
On December 22, "The Gift." a
Christmas pageant, Is to be given.
This is the second annual presen
tation of this pageant.
On the last Sunday of the
month the choir, under the direc
tion of J. William Belcher of
Portland, will present the can
tata, "Holy Night." by Ashford.
WOODBURN, November 19.
Woodburn opened the doors of Its
homes and hospitably welcomed attended by state officials,
as dinner guests the many stu- Paul V. Maris, head of the ex
dents who were home from college tension serrlce of the Oregon
and the relatives and friends who
visited this city to partake of the
"piece de resistance" ot the holi
day season.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stoller en
tertained their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nob
litt. and Mr. Hill at dinner.
Mrs. Alice Rofinot and daugh
ter EdlthNand daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C.
Coon of Portland were together
Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Otjen en
tertained with an old-fashioned
Thanksgiving dinner at the home
of Mrs. Nancy Carpenter. Music
and skits eonposed the entertain
ment before and after dinner.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Otjen ,Mrs,
Nancy Car-
penter, Mrs. Anna Peters, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Banman and children,
Edward, Stephen and Clyde, and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Engle and son
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Guiss had,
in addition to their sons Jack and
RusEell and Warner-of the Uni-
versity of Oregon, Miss Benita
Stroud, county health nurse for
Marion connty.
Mr. and Mrs. George Keyes en-
tertained Mrs. J. W. Dowhay and
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Club and
daughter Vera of Portland, Mrs.
Keyes' sister. Mrs. Culp and
Vera will remain as week-end
A family reunion was held at
the Eugene Courtney borne on
Thanksgiving.-. Those who enjoy
ed the affair were Mr. and Mrs
Ben Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Courtney, Mrs. Anna Courtney
and Mrs. Josephine Benham and
son Jimmy, all of Lafayette.-4
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sonniksen
and son Charles and Eddie Walk
er were dinner guests ot Mr. and
Mrs. Bojd Christie at the home
of Mrs. Christie's mother. Mrs,
Virginia Walker.
Miss Agnes Jure attended a
Thanksgiving dinner at the home
of her sister, Mrs. O. Dversdal in
Portland. Covers were laid for Mr.
and Mrs. S. Undseth and two sons,
Miss Agnes Juve. Elmer Juve and
the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
O. Dversdal.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yergen
were host and hostess to thirty-
five at a big family dinner at
their home west of Woodburn on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor
and daughters .Betty Jane and
Lois, had Thanksgiving dinner
with Mr. Proctor's mother la
Portland, -Mrs. Frank Proctor,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hodge and
daughter -Opal left Thursday for
Langley, Washington, on Whitby
Island, to "partake of Thanksglv
ing dinner, with Mr. and Mrs. G.
R. Beane.- Enroute they stopped
to Tisit Mrs. Hodge's sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lin
coln, In Taeoma, and returned to
Woodburn Sunday.
.Miss Helen Washburn will visit
in Seattle and Taeoma over the
holidays and will eat Thanksglv
ing turkey with her parents Mr,
ana Mrs. w. t. wasnonrn.
Preston Rohner was the guest
of his brother and slsler-in-llw,
Mr. and Mrs. L. T R. Rohner - In
The lalles Thanksgiving, and vis
ited relatives and friends La Port
land the rest of the holidays.
Misses Pearl and Basel Emery
attended a . family , reunion . at
, Thanksgiving dinner at the Dome
of their mother, Mrs. Bessie Em
ery of Vancouver, Washington.
Gilbert Oddie was at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Oddie of Gervais, Thanksgiv
ing and witnessed the football
game between Gervais high and
Brownsville high in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray O. Wolf were
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mrs. Wolf's mother, Mrs. Kirk
wood ot Portland.
Wednesday evening Miss Vir
ginia Mason attended "Her Night
Off," starring May Robson. at the
Dufwla la Portland, and had din
ner al ber uncle s. Mr. and Mrs.
D. P. Mason ot Albany.
John Mochel was home from
O.S.C. over the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Grallap
were dinner guests ot Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Grallap of Salem, Mr.
Grallap's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burnett
were at the home of Mr. Burnett's
parents in Eagle Creek, Oregon,
Thanksgiving and Mr. -Burnett
visited after Thanksgiving the
project work of the boys under
his direction in the Smith-Hughes
department at Woodburn high
Dinner guests Thanksgiving at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Koch
were Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Zuber
and daughter Delia and son Ern
est of Sublimity. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Stirber and family of Silverton.
Bill Koch of Toledo, Clement Van
derwiele of St Paul. Ben Wilk
ens of Portland and Frank Pran
ner of Hlllsboro.
Mrs. A. P. Zuber surprised her
husband recently with a party.
Games and dancing provided en
tertainment for the guests dur
ing the evening. Those present
were Miss Verna Ott, Elner Han
son, Melvln Forcier, Edwin Zu
ber. Joe Wolf, Edwin Kirsch, Mr.
and Mrs. Tony Michaels, Mn and
Mrs. N. Kramer, Delia and Helen
Zuber, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aick
er, Martin Zuber, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Sumln and the M. Koch
Poultrymen from all parts of
Oregon and the Northwest will
hold a banquet here Friday night.
December 6, in honor of J. H.
Hanson of Corvallis.
A pen of white leghorns owned
by Mr. Hanson recently won the
national egg laying contest at
I Storrs, Conn. Besides prominent
poultrymen, the banquet will be
I state college wUl preside as toast-
master. There will be addresses
by Governor Patterson and poul
trymen. Hanson, as a result of winning
the Storrs contest, has established
a world record. Seven of his 10
hens in the pen produced In ex
cess of 300 eggs during the eon-
test year,
Roberts 4-H Clubs
Do Good Work
4-H club work Is being carried on
very efficiently by the teachers.
Mrs. Minnie Beckett and Mrs. Hel-
en Larson. The classes meet
each Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
Beckett teaches the second year
sewing. In her class are Sawako
Usui, Fumeko Nakamura, Doro-
thy Salchenberg, Chiyona Mitema,
and Tsulko Usui. Mrs. Larson is
teaching the first year handwork.
Ia her class are Rose Ann Good-
rich, Clara Hansen, Frances
Blankenshlp, Michiko Usui and
Masye Nakamura.
Mrs. Roy Rice, 4-H club leader
last year, presented the follow
ing club members of her classes
with pins at the community club
meeting: Dorothy Salchenberg,
Janice Higgins, June Edwards,
Suwakl Usui, .Dorothy Rice, Wes-
1 ley Goodrich, Marion Shorey,
Floyd Bowman, Matthias Crous-
er, Roy Rice
A Voice From Eternity
Miss Lou Ella Mayes, of Portland and
The Hoff er Evangelistic Singers Will Sing
Church of the Nazarene
One block south of Center on 19th
Sunday evening 7:30
655 Perry Street (Right down towm)
11 AH. ,
7:80 p. M.
-Special Mnsie
i ' s
l '4
Parent Teacher Assn. Spon
sors Program for School
VALSETZ, Nov. X The P.
T. A. gar a "Doll Show" tt the
community hall Tuesday night.
Mra. A. Crater. Mrs. J. V. Br
reman and Miss E. Phieffer wero
the commlttM in cluirge. Mn.
Harrj McHale was the pianist. '
The program was aa follows:
Piano solo . "Wedding ot the
Painted DolL
Dolls Music Children.
Minuet "Minuet" Mary Ray
mond. Allen Bloyd.
Gypsy ''Gypsy Iweetheart"
Catherine Hahn.
Riding Girl "Horses" Bettie
Mama DoU "Rockabye Baby"
Marjorie Lefever.
Russian Doll "Volga Boat
man" Bernlce Johnson.
Sailors "Sailing- Bradley
Gates, Frank Lefever.
Red Cross Nurse "Rose of No
Man's Land," sung by Lola Wig
gins, Anna rvanoff.
Scotch Doll "Highland Lad-die"--Virginia
Dutch Doll "Wherje is My Lit
tle Dog Gone?" Guila Lewis.
Quaker Girl "Quaker Song"
Virginia Brown.
Prisoner -- "Prisoner's Song,"
Sung by Lola Wiggins, Leyerri
Marquis. "
'Flapper "Breakaway" Er&irl
Song "Alice Blue Gown," by
Dorothy Wiggins.
Red Ridinj Hood "Narclsuss
Marjorie Thomas.
Clown "Laugh Clown Laugh"
Wayne Barnett.
Chinese "Chong" enng by
Mrs. Paul Wiggins. June Marquis.
Fairy "Fairy Song" Jane
Wrae Wiggins.
School Days "School Days"
Francis Nelze, Bob Bartrom.
Indian Girl "Indian Love
Song" June Roberts.
Negro "Picking Cotton" .
Donald Mixer.
America "America," sung by
Mrs. Paul Wiggins, Doris Weber.
Tableau "Dance of the Paper
Dolls" entire cast.
There was a fair crowd which
enjoyed the entire program. Thir
ty dollars were cleared.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Will
McDonald entertained with two
tables of bridge.
Curtis Grout, who is attending
school in Portland, is spending his
Thanksgiving holiday with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. A!
On account of 111 healtl'" "?
Hedlnnd had to quit worl ; j s ,
lumber piler. He and hisii-rsr
moved back to Portland Tuesday.4
RICKEY. November 21 The
following very Interesting pro
gram was given Wednesday after
noon by the school children- under
the direction of the teachers, Mrs.
Marie Kelly and Miss Edna Fery.
Reading, "Thanksgiving Day"
Nellie Flood
Song . Primary pupils
Reading 'The Parade of the
Drum-Sticks Clyde Randall
Exercise "The Runaway Pujnp-.
klna" . .-25r"M- mmTT'i $
Reading The 1
. Turkey i-l.-: ;irrt 1 :
Song.. EX..S I.osJ. CI: '.
Piano Solo Beverly McMIllin
Play "Come Back, Mr. Turkey"
Mrs. Welby. .Dorothy Fltzpatrlck
Harry Welby Gordon Randall
Mary Welby Patricia Fitxpatrick
Myrtle Welby Elolse Raymond
Aunt Louiee. Marie Blanchard
Uncle Henry Earl Crabb
Grocery Boy ....Walter Crabb
Roo!gen Balld-ag -' v High taA Ferry Sts.
Graded 8. 8. at 0:45 o'clock. W. T. Jenks,
Supt; Pratcbing 10:50 a. m. and 7:50 p. na.
Scfaool of Missloas 0:50 p. m. Four classes.
A.M. "0URTASt, J
Special music by choir at both services. ,
Remember the new location. Over Dan Burns.
Entrance on Ferry street. . Easy to find.
, W. Earl Cochnux, Pastor